Book 5

More Than Just an Old Folks’ Game: Bridge

Contents at a Glance

  1. Chapter 1: Going to Bridge Boot Camp
    1. Starting a Game with the Right Stuff
    2. Ranking the Cards
    3. Knowing Your Directions
    4. Playing the Game in Four Acts
    5. Understanding Notrump and Trump Play
  2. Chapter 2: Counting and Taking Sure Tricks
    1. Counting Sure Tricks after the Dummy Comes Down
    2. Taking Sure Tricks
  3. Chapter 3: Using Winning Trick Techniques at Notrump Play
    1. Establishing Tricks with Lower Honor Cards
    2. Taking Tricks with Small Cards
  4. Chapter 4: Introducing Trump Suits
    1. Understanding the Basics of Trump Suits
    2. Eliminating Your Opponents’ Trump Cards
    3. Noticing How Trump Suits Can Be Divided
    4. Counting Losers and Extra Winners
  5. Chapter 5: Starting with Bidding Basics
    1. Understanding the Importance of Bidding
    2. Surveying the Stages of Bidding
    3. Looking At the Structure and the Rank of a Bid
    4. Settling Who Plays the Hand
    5. Valuing the Strength of Your Hand
  6. Chapter 6: Wrapping Up with Scorekeeping
    1. Understanding How Bidding and Scoring Are Intertwined
    2. Keeping Track of the Score in Four-Deal Chicago
    3. Not Making the Contract: Handling Penalties