
Note: Page numbers followed by b, f, and t refer to text boxes, figures and tables, respectively.

A1C test, 288

Abandonment, fear of, 316

Abdominal and back exercises, 108–111

Abdominal strength self-test, 123

Acarbose (medication), 300t

Acceptance (stage of grief), 317

Accepting and asking for help, 147–149, 308, 314–316

Accolate (medication), 246t

Accommodations in the home, 28–29, 283

ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitors, 267t, 299, 303

Acetabutol (medication), 267t

Acetaminophen (medication), 218, 276–277

Acetylcysteine (medication), 246t

“Achilles stretch” exercise, 115–116

Actifed (medication), 63

Action plans

basics of, 23b

creating and carrying out, 21–23

for depression, 54–55

for exercise, 94, 100

for healthy eating, 195

in PART strategy, 155

for weight management, 206, 208, 214

worksheet, 26

Activities of daily living (ADLs), 308–310

Actos (medication), 301t

Acute vs. chronic disease, 2–3, 3t

Adalat (medication), 266t

Adalimumab (medication), 279

Adult day care centers, 309

Adult protective services, 316

Advair (medication), 244t

Advanced directives, 318, 320–324

Adverse reactions to medication, 221, 223, 279, 302

Advertising of medications, 217–218, 222, 227, 231

Aerobic activity. See Exercise, aerobic

AeroBid (medication), 245t

Affirmations, positive, 85

Affordability issues

in-home and residential care, 308, 310–314

legal assistance expenses, 309

medication, 224, 228

in treatment decision making, 155, 233

Agents (durable power of attorney), 321–322, 325–326. See also Durable power of attorney


Area Agencies on Aging, 20, 29, 311, 314, 324

exercise and, 95, 117

osteoporosis and, 281

urinary incontinence and, 64

Air pollution, 239

Air sacs (lungs), 238

Albuterol (medication), 244t, 251b


carbohydrates and calories, 191–192

depression and, 53

diabetes and, 304

heart disease and, 264

osteoporosis and, 283

sleep problems and, 48

as a stressor, 61

symptoms exacerbated by, 228b

Alcoholics Anonymous, 53

Aleve (medication), 276–277

Allergens and lung disease, 239–240

Allergies to medications, 221

Allopurinol (medication), 279

Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors (medication), 300t

Alternative medications, 224

Alternatives, consideration of, 20. See also Decision making

Alupent (medication), 244t

Alveoli (lungs), 238

Alzheimer’s disease, 62, 252, 323

American Diabetes Association, 167, 186

American Heart Association, 166

Aminophylline (medication), 244t

Amiodarone (medication), 267t

Amlodipine (medication), 266t

Anger, 56–57, 317

Angina, 218, 256, 267, 268t

Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), 267t, 299, 303

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, 267t, 299, 303

Ankle strength and flexibility, 116–117, 120, 123, 131

Antiarryhthmic medications, 267t

Antibiotic medications, 246

Anticholinergic medications, 244t

Anticoagulant medications, 266t

Antidepressant medications, 52–53, 55, 222, 275, 281

Antihistamine medications, 63

Anti-inflammatory medications, 245–246t, 246

Anxiety and pain, 40

Apologies, 147

Appetite issues, 52, 197–198, 214. See also Healthy eating; Weight management

Appointments with health care providers

asking questions at, 154–155

delays in scheduling, 157–158

preparation for, 153–154

time in the waiting room, 159

time spent with doctor, 153, 159

Aquacize (exercise), 132–134

Arava (medication), 278

ARBs (angiotensin receptor blockers), 267t, 299, 303

Area Agencies on Aging, 20, 29, 311, 314, 324

Aristocort (medication), 246t

Aristotle, 56

Arm cranks (exercise equipment), 135–136

Arm exercises and shortness of breath, 131, 134, 136, 137

Arm flexibility self-test, 122

Arrhythmias, 257, 265, 267t

Arthritis, 273–281

differing responses to, 6–7

loss of function from, 5

management of, 280–281

overview, 273–274

prognosis for people with, 275–276

symptoms, 274–275

treatment of, 276–280

Arthritis Foundation, 28, 57, 133

Artificial joints, 277, 280

Artificial sweeteners, 192

Asking for and accepting help, 147–149, 308, 314–316

Asking questions (PART strategy), 154–155

Aspirin (medication)

for arthritis, 276–277

as blood thinner, 223, 266t

diabetes and, 299, 304

for heart attack or stroke, 259

Assisted living, 309

Assistive devices. See Canes, walking sticks and walkers

Asthma. See also Lung disease

exercise and, 132, 134, 251b

mechanical ventilation and, 323

medications and, 243, 244–246t, 246–249, 267

overview, 236–237

self-management of, 8, 241–243, 242–243b

strategies for breathing better, 249–250

triggers of, 236, 238–241

visualization and, 79

Atenolol (medication), 267t

Atherosclerosis, 255, 256, 257, 263, 265

Atorvastatin (medication), 266t

Atrovent (medication), 244t

Attention refocusing. See Distraction

Attorneys, 309–310. See also Power of attorney

Autoimmune diseases, 274, 278, 287

Avandia (medication), 301t

Azathioprine (medication), 278

Azmacort (medication), 245t

Azulfidine (medication), 278

Back and abdominal exercises, 108–111

“Back kick” exercise, 113

“Back lift” exercise, 109

Bad moods, 50–51. See also Depression

Bad vs. good fats, 178–179, 178b, 185


alcohol and, 228

aquacize and, 134

exercises for, 113, 114, 115–116, 117–121

falling and, 93, 95, 96, 283

narcotics and, 43

self-test, 124

stroke and, 134, 259b, 260, 269

Balloon angioplasty, 265

Bargaining (stage of grief), 317

“Base of support” exercise, 119


assistance with, 308, 310–311, 312–313

dry skin and itchiness and, 63

for pain relief, 42, 280

for relaxation, 71

Bathroom issues. See Urine and urination

Bathroom modifications, 283

Beclomethasone (medication), 245t

Beds and sleep problems, 47

“Beginning balance” exercise, 118

Ben Gay, 63

Benadryl (medication), 63

Benuryl (medication), 279

Benzocaine (medication), 63

Beta-2 agonists (medication), 244t

Beta-blockers (medication), 127, 240, 267t

Beta-carotene, 172

Bextra (medication), 278

Bicycling, stationary, 134–135, 135t, 269

Biguanides (medication), 300t

Bisphosphonates (medication), 282

Bladder control issues, 64–65, 166

Blame, 13, 57, 142–143, 146

Blood glucose. See also Diabetes

in digestion process, 192, 285–286

eating regularly and, 173

effects of illness upon, 297–298

management through diet, 192–194

monitoring and control, 289–293, 294–295t, 302

monitoring of, 288, 289–290, 291b, 296, 297

target levels, 290

Blood pressure, 261–262, 303

Blood sugar. See Blood glucose

Blood tests, 262

Blood-thinning medications, 266

Board-and-care homes, 312

Body. See also Mind-based management techniques; Mind/body interactions

body language, 149, 151

healing ability of, 218

Body mass index (BMI), 202–203

Body scans (relaxation), 73


bone spurs, 276

exercise and, 130, 132

healthy eating for, 183, 194–195

osteoarthritis and, 273–274, 276

osteoporosis and, 92, 201, 281–282, 283b, 284

Bowel issues, 7t, 166, 313

Brain damage, 260

Brain imbalances, 52

Bread, 171, 176–177, 177b, 181t, 188, 293

Breakfast, 173b, 177b, 296

Breathing. See also Lung disease; Shortness of breath

anger management and, 57

breathing exercises, 106, 249, 251

chronic conditions affecting, 8–9t

deep breathing, 44–45, 57, 72

during exercise, 269

exercises to improve, 104–105, 106–107, 108, 109, 113

meditation and, 81–82

Brethine (medication), 244t

Bricanyl (medication), 244t

Bronchioles (lungs), 236, 237f

Bronchitis, chronic, 237

Bronchodilator medications, 236, 244t

Bronchospasms, 236

Bumetanide (medication), 268t

Bumex (medication), 268t

Bursitis, 274

Burst medications (asthma), 243b, 246t

Byetta (medication), 301t

Bypass surgery, 265

CAD (coronary artery disease), 255, 256, 257, 263, 265

Caffeine, 48, 61, 65, 183, 240

Calan (medication), 266t

Calcium, 172, 183, 195, 281–282

Calcium channel blockers (medication), 266t

Calf muscles, 101, 115–116, 131

Calling 911 emergency services, 158–159, 243, 259, 260, 268t, 295, 298

Calories. See also Weight management

addition of, for weight gain, 214

eating right number of, 173–175, 176

from fats, 178, 179, 185

nutrition facts label and, 184–185


eating and, 172, 173, 177, 183

self-management of, 8, 12

sex and, 167

treatments for, 219–220, 278

visualization and, 79

Canes, walking sticks and walkers

for arthritis, 281

bedtime preparations, 47

exercise and, 130, 282

fear of falling and, 23, 95

lung disease and, 252

occupational therapy and, 309

osteoporosis and, 283b

travel and, 16

Capoten (medication), 267t

Captopril (medication), 267t

Carbohydrates, 176–177, 177b, 185, 187–193, 293

Cardiac catheterization, 263

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), 321

Cardizem (medication), 266t

Cartilage, 5, 273, 276–277

Carvedilol (medication), 267t

Case managers, 316

Celebrex (medication), 277–278

Celecoxib (medication), 277–278

CellCept (medication), 278

Cells, disease-related damage to, 4

Centering prayers, 81

Cereals, 188

Certified nursing assistants (CNAs), 310

Cetirizine (medication), 63


assistance in daily living as, 309, 315

changeable/unchangeable stressors, 60–61

of expectations, 57

success or failure in, 24

of thought patterns, 56–57

for weight gain/loss, 203–208


to prevent diabetes complications, 302–304

for stationary bicycling, 135

for taking medications, 226

Cheese, 180t, 187b, 214

Chemotherapy, 8, 12, 79, 219–220

Chest pain (angina), 218, 256, 267t, 268t

Chlorpheniramine maleate (medication), 63

Chlorpropamide (medication), 300t

Chlorthalidone (medication), 268t

Chlor-Trimeton (medication), 63


coronary artery disease and, 256

exercise and, 209, 263, 296

healthy eating and, 177, 178–179, 185, 194, 263–264

medications for lowering, 262, 266t, 299

target levels of, 303

Chronic bronchitis, 237. See also Lung disease

Chronic illness. See also specific illnesses

as an opportunity, 14

causes of, 4–5

common self-management problems, 7t

defined, 2–3, 3t

differing responses to same disease, 6–7, 10

medications for, 218

multiple conditions and drug efficacy, 221

self-management problems, 7t

self-management skills, 8t, 12

similar symptoms of different diseases, 5–6

understanding the disease, 10–11

Chronic inflammatory arthritis, 281–284, 282–284. See also Arthritis

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), 235. See also Lung disease

Claritin (medication), 63

Claudication (leg pain), 258, 270

Clorpheniramine maleate (medication), 63

Clothing, 47, 63, 258, 277, 304. See also Shoes

CNAs (certified nursing assistants), 310

Codeine (medication), 53

Cognitive techniques. See Mind-based management techniques

Colchicine (medication), 279

Colcrys (medication), 279

Cold, sensitivity to, 133, 236, 239, 251

Combivent (medication), 244t

Communication about chronic conditions, 141–160

asking for, accepting, and providing help, 147–149

body language and communication styles, 151–152

expressing feelings and “I” messages, 142–146

with health care providers, 152–156

information requests, 150–151

listening, 149

minimizing conflict, 146–147

overview, 141–142

working with the health care system, 157–159

Community resources. See Resources

Compromise, 147

Concentration issues, 52

Conflict, minimization of, 146–147

Constipation, 177

Continuous positive air pressure (CPAP), 252b

Control over one’s life, 51, 80

Controlled cough (breathing), 46, 250

Convalescent hospitals, 312–313

Conversational styles, 152

Cooking healthy meals. See Food; Healthy eating

Cooling down (exercise), 115, 129, 130, 137, 251

Cooling of warm joints, 280

Cooling off (anger), 57

Copayments, 224

COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), 235. See also Lung disease

Cordarone (medication), 267t

Coreg (medication), 267t

Corgard (medication), 267t

Coronary angiography, 263

Coronary angioplasty, 265

Coronary artery bypass surgery, 265

Coronary artery disease (CAD), 255, 256, 257, 263, 265

Corticosteroids, 236, 245–246t, 248, 277, 278

Cortisol, 278

Costs. See Affordability issues

Coughing, 46, 237, 250

Coumadin (medication), 266t

Counseling, psychotherapeutic, 52, 53, 167–168, 315–316, 319

Cozaar (medication), 267t

CPAP (continuous positive air pressure), 252b

CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), 321

Crackers and snacks, 189, 199, 214

Cramping during exercise, 131–132

Cromolyn sodium (medication), 236, 245t, 251b

“Curl-up” exercise, 111

Cyclophosphamide (medication), 278

Cyclosporine (medication), 278

Cytotoxic medications, 278

Cytoxan (medication), 278

Daily recommended servings, 180–181t, 185. See also Healthy eating; Portion sizes for food

Dairy products, 172, 175, 180t, 183, 187, 195

Dancing, 136

Dawn effect (blood glucose), 292

Day care for adults, 309

Day-to-day living assistance, 307–311

Death, planning for, 317–319

Decadron (medication), 246t

Decision making

about asking for help, 315

about medical treatment, 155, 156–157, 231–234, 279–280, 320–324

strategies for, 18–19

about weight management, 203–206

Deconditioned muscles, 38, 39–40, 43, 251, 280

Deep breathing, 44–45, 57, 72

Defibrillators, 265

Deltazone (medication), 278

Dementia, 62, 226–227

Denial (stage of grief), 317


arthritis and, 275, 281

causes and symptoms of, 5, 38, 51–52

clinical vs. “normal,” 50–51

sexual intimacy and, 162

stage of grief, 317

treatments for, 53–55

visualization and, 80

Desserts, 191

Dexamethasone (medication), 246t

DiaBeta (medication), 300t

Diabetes, 285–306

blood glucose monitoring and control, 289–293, 294–295t, 302

complications, 288, 302–304

diagnosis and symptoms, 288, 288b

exercise and, 296–297

healthy eating for, 185, 192–194, 293, 293f, 296

heart disease and, 264

hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia, 173, 294–295t

illness and, 297–298

medications, 298–302, 300–301t

overview, 5, 285–289

prevention of, 288–289

self-management, importance of, 304–305

sex and, 167

symptoms, 288t, 294–295t

Type 1 vs. Type 2, 287t

visualization and, 79

Diabinese (medication), 300t

Diagnoses. See also specific medical conditions

chronic vs. acute, 2–3

emotional reactions to, 12, 14, 17

symptom descriptions and, 153–155

Diaphragmatic breathing, 44–45


for asthma, 242

for diabetes, 291b

exercise diaries, 100, 135, 206

food diaries, 195, 206, 207t

pain diaries, 41b

of symptoms, 36, 39

for weight management, 209, 213, 259–260

Diastolic pressure, 261

Diclofenac (medication), 277

Diet. See Healthy eating; Nutrition; Weight management

Diet pills, 48

Dietary fiber, 176–177, 177b, 185, 194

Dietary supplements, 171–172, 233

Dietitians, registered, 176, 212, 296

Diets, fad, 210

Digestive system, 286f

Digoxin (medication), 268t

Dilacor (medication), 266t

Diltiazem (medication), 266t

Diphenhydramine (medication), 63

Disability benefits, 314

Disability from chronic illness, 5

Discharge from hospital, 309, 313

Discomfort. See Pain and physical discomfort

Discussion groups on the Internet, 32–33

Disease-modifying drugs, 278


eating out of boredom and, 195

from pain, 42, 277

prayer as, 80

sleep problems and, 49

techniques for, 82–83

Diuretics and fluid retention, 48, 196, 258, 260, 268t

Do not resuscitate (DNR) orders, 321, 324

Doctors. See Health care providers

Dopidogrel (medication), 266t

Dosage of medication, 222, 227, 247. See also Medications

Double-voiding of bladder, 65

Drinking. See Alcohol; Water and fluids, drinking of

Drugs. See Medications; Recreational drugs

Dry powder inhalers (DPIs), 248–249

Durable power of attorney (DPA), 25, 309, 318, 320–326

DXA scans, 281–282

Dyazide (medication), 268t

Eating. See Healthy eating

Echocardiograms, 262

Eggs, 187

Elder law, 309–310

Electrocardiograms (EKGs), 262

Electronic medical records, 158

Emergency bracelets and cards, 292

Emergency medical services, 158–159, 243, 259, 260, 268t, 295, 298

Emotions. See also Fear

anger, 56–57, 317

about death, 318–319

depression and, 51–52

diabetes and, 297

emotional stressors, 58–59

expression of, 142–147

frustration, 12, 51, 144

as hormonal/chemical trigger, 69

about needing help, 314–316

pain and, 40

skills for dealing with, 12

stress and breathing problems, 240

Emphysema, 194, 238. See also Lung disease

Enalopril (medication), 267t

Enbrel (medication), 279

End-of-life issues. See Planning for the future

Endorphins, 40, 162

Endurance, 44, 93, 138. See also Exercise, aerobic

Energy, lack of. See Fatigue

Enjoying life, 13

Environmental factors for chronic conditions, 3, 59

Epinephrine, 44

Erectile problems, 165, 167

Esidrix (medication), 268t

Estimated average glucose (eAG), 288, 289

Estrogen and osteoporosis, 281–282

Etanercept (medication), 279

Everyday living assistance, 307–311

Exenatide (medication), 301t

Exercise, aerobic, 125–139

endurance self-tests, 138

exertion levels and heart rate, 126–128, 128t, 130, 135

guidelines for, 128–129

modifications to, 136–137

setting goals and planning for, 21–23, 125–126

stationary bicycling and exercise equipment, 134–136

swimming and aquacize, 132–134

walking, 22, 130–132, 252, 282

warming up and cooling down, 129, 130

Exercise, generally, 91–102

as anger defuser, 57

arthritis and, 276, 280, 282–284

chronic conditions helped with, 8–9t

community-based classes, 98–99

depression and, 55

diabetes and, 296–297

fatigue and, 39

as “good stress,” 59

guidelines for, 97–98

heart disease and, 263, 265, 269–270

importance of, 92

lung disease and, 131, 132, 134, 135, 136, 137, 240, 250–253

overcoming barriers to, 94–96

as pain reliever, 41–42

problems during, 100–102, 101t

as self-management component, 6b

setting goals and planning for, 92–94, 96–97, 99–100

sex and, 166

sleep and, 49

stroke and, 269–270

tips for, 104

for weight loss, 208–209

Exercise equipment, 135–136

Exercise for flexibility, strength, and balance, 103–124

ankle and foot exercises, 116–117

back and abdominal exercises, 108–111

balance exercises, 117–122

hand and wrist exercises, 105

hip and leg exercises, 112–116

modifications to, 103–104, 134

muscle weakness problems, 93

neck exercises, 104–105

self-tests, 121–124

shoulder exercises, 106–108

tips for, 102–103

whole body stretches, 121

Exertion levels and heart rate, 126–128, 128t, 130, 135

Expectations, management of, 57, 164, 218–220

Expectorants (medication), 246t

Expressing feelings, 142–144. See also Emotions

Faith, 80–81

Falling, 16–17, 23, 95, 96, 283

Family and friends. See also Sex and intimacy; Support

accepting help from, 315

communication with, 141–142

misunderstanding of pain, 41

as a resource, 28–29

talking about death with, 318–319, 324–325

Fantasy, sexual, 164, 165


arthritis and, 274, 280–281

chronic conditions causing, 7t

as depression symptom, 52

exercise and, 95

food preparation and, 197

heart failure and, 258

management of, 8–9t

overview, 38–39

sex and, 167

Fats and oils in food, 177–179, 185, 191, 214


of falling, 16–17, 23, 95, 96

of sexual activity, 162–163

Febuxostat (medication), 279

Feeding tubes, 323

Feelings, expression of, 142–147. See also Emotions

Felodipine (medication), 266t

Fiber, dietary, 176–177, 177b, 185, 194

Fibromyalgia, 275

Financial issues, 308, 313–314, 318. See also Affordability issues

FIT (Frequency, Intensity and Time) approach, 128–129

Flecainide (medication), 267t

Flexibility, 92–93, 107, 122–123, 129, 283. See also Stretching

Flovent (medication), 245t

Fluid retention and diuretics, 48, 196, 258, 260, 268t

Fluids. See Water and fluids, drinking of

Flunisolide (medication), 245t

Fluticasone propionate (medication), 245t

Food. See also Healthy eating; Nutrition

arthritis and allergies to, 281

emotions and, 195

flavor of, 196

interaction with medication, 223

preparation of, 178b

Foot and ankle exercises, 116–117

Foot issues, 297, 303–304

Foradil (medication), 244t

Forgetting to take medications, 225–226

Formoterol (medication), 244t

Fortimet (medication), 300t

Frequency of taking medication, 222–223

Friends. See Family and friends

Fruits, 190–191

Frustration, 12, 51, 144

Funeral planning, 318

Furosemide (medication), 268t

Future. See Planning for the future

Gas, intestinal, 197

Gastric reflux, 7t, 9t, 47, 240

Gender. See Men; Women

Generic medications, 224, 228

Getting help, 147–148, 149, 308, 314–316

Getting information, 150–151

Glinides (medication), 300t

Glipizide (medication), 300t

Glucophage (medication), 300t

Glucosamine (dietary supplement), 277

Glucose. See Blood glucose

Glucotrol (medication), 300t

Glumetza (medication), 300t

Glyburide (medication), 300t

Glyset (medication), 300t


action plans for achieving, 21–23, 54–55

rewards for achieving, 24–25, 100

setting, 19–20

for weight loss, 209, 210

Gold sodium thiomalate (medication), 278

“Good morning” exercise, 106

“Good stress,” 59

Good vs. bad fats, 178–179, 178b, 185

Gout, 274, 279, 281

Government regulations, 172, 233, 324

Grains, 171–172, 175f, 176–177, 181t, 188–189, 293

Gratitude, practice of, 86–87, 149

Grief, 316–317

Guaifenesin (medication), 246t

Guided imagery, 75, 76, 77

Gum disease and diabetes, 302

“Gut test” (decision making), 18–19

Habits, 173, 226–227. See also Lifestyle

Hamstring self-test, 122

“Hamstring stretch” exercise, 115

Harming one’s self, 52

HCTZ (medication), 268t

HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, 209, 266

“Heads up” exercise, 104–105

Health care providers

communication with, 10–11, 150–151, 152–155, 157–159, 220–225, 233

contacting by phone/email, 158–159

giving feedback to, 156

talking about death with, 325–326

time spent with, 153, 159

when to call, 158–159, 221, 223, 243, 260, 294–295t, 298

Health insurance, 224, 313–314

Healthy eating, 169–200. See also Nutrition; Weight management

appetite issues, 52, 197–198, 214

challenges to, 196–199

for diabetes, 185, 192–194, 293, 293f, 296

gout and, 281

heart disease and, 260, 263–264

for high blood pressure, 170, 182, 194

importance of, 169–170

for lung disease, 194

nutrition facts labeling, 184–185

nutritional guidelines, 175–181

for osteoporosis, 194–195

portion management, 174–175, 210, 293, 296

principles of, 170–174

serving sizes, 180–181t, 184b, 186–192b

sleep problems and, 48

spacing of meals, 173, 193, 198, 214

speed of eating and, 206, 209, 211–212

thoughts and feelings and, 195

vitamins and minerals, 182–183, 219

Healthy thinking. See Positive thinking

Heart, 256f

Heart attacks, 166, 256–257

Heart disease

advance directives regarding, 323–324

diabetes and, 302

diagnosis of, 262–263

exercise and, 265, 269

healthy eating for, 194

overview, 4

prevention and treatment, 263–265

types of, 256–260

visualization and, 78–79

Heart failure, 258–260

Heart rate, 127–128, 128t, 269

Heart valve replacement, 265

Heartbeat, irregular, 257

Heat and pain relief, 42, 274, 277; 17:284

Heel pain, 115, 131

Heel spurs, 276

“Heel walk” exercise, 120

Help, accepting and asking for, 147–148, 149, 308, 314–316

Helping others, 55, 149

Hemoglobin A1C, 288

Hemorrhagic stroke, 260

Herbal medicine, 220

HHS (Department of Health and Human Services), 97

High blood pressure

exercise and, 137, 269, 296

healthy eating for, 170, 182, 194

medications for, 266–268t

overview, 261–262

prevention of, 263–264

self-management skills for, 9t

treatments for, 10, 156

weight management and, 202–203

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, 209, 266

Hip and leg exercises, 112–116

Hippocrates, 42

Hiring in-home help, 310–311, 319–320

HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, 266t

Holding chambers (inhalers), 247–248

Home, accommodations in, 28–29, 283

Home sharing, 311

Home-based assistance, 310–311, 319–320


cortisol, 278

diabetes and, 218, 299–301, 301t

emotions, stress and, 44, 69, 80

endorphins, 40, 162

estrogen, 281–282

heart failure and, 262

incontinence and, 64

injectable, 301t

sex and, 162

thyroid hormone replacement, 219

Hospice care, 43, 319–320

Hospital discharge planning, 309, 313

Huffing (breathing), 45

Humira (medication), 279

Humor, 144

Hunger, 195. See also Healthy eating

Hyaluronan (medication), 277

Hydrochlorothiazide (medication), 268t

Hydrochlorothiazide + triamterene (medication), 268t

Hydrogenated oils, 179, 185, 191

Hydroxychloroquine (medication), 278

Hygroton (medication), 268t

Hyperglycemia, 294–295t

Hypertension. See High blood pressure

ypoglycemia, 173, 294–295t

“I” messages, 57, 144–146, 325

Ibuprofen (medication), 276–278

Ice and pain, 280

Ice and pain relief, 42

Ignoring problems, 61, 74, 85, 297

Ignoring symptoms, 11, 82, 165, 260


guided imagery, 75, 76–77b

medications and, 219

mind/body connection and, 74–75

for pain management, 42

sex and, 165

visualization, 75, 78–80

Immune system, 79, 87–88, 278

Imuran (medication), 278

Inactivity, 38, 40

Incontinence, 64–65, 166

Independent living centers, 308–309

Inderal (medication), 267t

Indigestion, 197

Infection, 79, 240, 302


arthritis and, 273–274, 275, 276–277, 279

in chronic bronchitis, 237

chronic inflammatory arthritis, 277–280, 282–284

ice and heat treatments, 42

Infliximab (medication), 279

Influenza vaccines, 237

Information, asking for, 150–151. See also Resources for self-management

Ingredients in food, 185

Inhaled corticosteroids, 236, 245t

Inhalers (asthma), 241, 247–249

In-home help, 310–311, 319–320

Injectable hormones, 301t

Injuries, visualization and, 78

Insulin, 218, 286–287, 299–301, 301t. See also Blood glucose; Diabetes

Insulin resistance, 287

Insurance, medical, 224, 313–314

Intal (medication), 245t, 251b

Intensity of exercise, 126, 128–129, 128t

Interaction among medications, 220–221, 223, 227, 301–302

Internet. See also “Other Resources” sections at the end of each chapter

discussion groups on, 55

finding in-home care via, 311

finding resources via, 31–33

instructional videos on, 247

MyPlate (Web site), 175, 185b

PictureRx (Web site), 226

Quackwatch (Web site), 234

recipes available on, 196

unreliability of, 176, 233

Intimacy. See Sex and intimacy

Iodinated glycerol (medication), 246t

Ipratropium bromide (medication), 244t

Irregular heartbeat, 257

Irreversible conditions, 237, 239, 250, 278, 299, 322

Irritants and triggers of asthma, 236, 238–241

Ischemia and exercise, 265

Ischemic stroke, 260

Isoptin SR (medication), 266t

Isordil (medication), 268t

Isosorbide dinitrate (medication), 268t

Itching, 62–64

Joint damage. See Arthritis

Joint replacement, 277, 280

Journals. See Diaries

Kegel exercises, 65

Ketones, 287t, 292, 297, 298

Kidneys and kidney disease

calcium and, 183

causes of kidney disease, 5

diabetes and, 240, 299, 302–303

in digestion process, 286

heart failure and, 258

high blood pressure and, 261, 267t

itching and, 62

sodium and, 182

Kindness, practicing acts of, 87

Kitchen redesign, 28–29

“Knee strengthener” exercise, 113

“Knee to chest stretch” exercise, 108

Knees, 113–114, 131, 137, 282

Kübler-Ross, Elizabeth, 316–317

Labeling of medications, 224, 227, 228

Lanoxin (medication), 268t

Lasix (medication), 268t

LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, 256, 266t, 303

Leflunomide (medication), 278

Leg and hip exercises, 112–116

Leg pain, 258, 270

Leukotriene inhibitors (medication), 246t

Library resources, 30–31

Librium (medication), 53

Licensed vocational nurses (LVNs), 310

Lidocaine (medication), 63

Life care facilities, 311

Life sustaining treatment, 322


as cause of chronic disease, 3

changes in, 24

heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and, 263–264

lifestyle tracking diary, 207t

out-of-home care and, 311

positive treatment results and, 232

weight maintenance and, 212–213, 215

Lifting of heavy objects, 283

Lipitor (medication), 266t

Lisinipril (medication), 267t

Listening (communication), 149, 151–152

Liver disease, 5

Living wills, 320

Logging. See Diaries

Loratidine (medication), 63

Losartan (medication), 267t

Losing weight. See also Weight management

benefits of, 65, 252, 281, 282, 296

strategies for, 209–213

Loss of control, 51

Lovastatin (medication), 266t

“Low back rock and roll” exercise, 110

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, 256, 266t, 303. See also Cholesterol

Low-impact aerobics, 136–137. See also Exercise, aerobic

Lung disease, 235–253. See also Asthma; Shortness of breath

advance directives regarding, 323

chronic bronchitis, 237

emphysema, 238

exercise and, 131, 132, 134, 135, 136, 137, 250–253

healthy eating for, 194

irritants and triggers, 238–241

medications, 243, 244–246t, 246–249

monitoring of, 241–242

overview, 4

strategies for breathing better, 249–250

visualization and, 79

Lungs, 236f

LVNs (licensed vocational nurses), 310

Manipulative behavior, 146

“Marble pickup” exercise, 117

Massage and pain relief, 42

Maxair (medication), 244t

MDIs (metered-dose inhalers), 247–248

Meals, spacing of, 173, 193, 198, 214. See also Healthy eating

Meat and meat substitutes, 186–188

Medicaid, 314

Medical history, 221–222

Medical information, evaluating sources of, 232

Medical insurance, 224, 313–314

Medical personnel. See Health care providers

Medical records, 158

Medical treatment decisions, 155, 156–157, 231–234, 320–324

MedicAlert necklaces and bracelets, 292, 304

Medicare, 313–314

Medications, 217–229. See also Over-the-counter (OTC) remedies; specific medication names

for arthritis, 277–280

as cause of fatigue, 39

as cause of pain/discomfort, 40

communication with medical professionals about, 221–224

for depression, 52–53

for diabetes, 298–302, 300–301t

diet pills, 48

disease-modifying drugs, 278

diuretics (water pills), 48, 268t

heart medications, 264, 266–268t

interactions among, 220–221, 223, 227, 301–302

for itching, 63

labeling on, 224, 227

for lung disease, 243, 244–246t, 246–249

monitoring of, 154, 223–224, 248

for pain, 42–43

positive thinking about, 218–220

prescriptions refills, 226, 248

problems with taking, 225–227

purposes of, 218, 222

self-medication, 227–229

sex and, 165, 167

side effects, 221, 223, 279, 302

sleeping pills, 48

toxicity of, 279

as triggers of breathing problems, 240

“Medigap” insurance, 313

Meditation, 80–82

Medrol (medication), 246t

Memory issues, 62, 226–227


alcohol consumption, 228b, 264

communication styles, 152

healthy weight ranges, 202–203

nutrition for, 172, 173, 180–181t

sexual issues, 167, 302

Mental health problems, 5, 162, 321. See also Dementia; Depression; Psychotherapy

Metaprel (medication), 244t

Metaproterenol (medication), 244t

Metered-dose inhalers (MDIs), 247–248

Metformin (medication), 300t

Methotrexate (medication), 278

Methylprednisolone (medication), 246t

Methylxanthines (medication), 244t

Metoprolol (medication), 267t

Mevacor (medication), 266t

Micronase (medication), 300t

Miglitol (medication), 300t

Mind-based management techniques, 69–88

designated worry time, 85–86

distraction, 82–84

imagery and visualization, 74–80

maintaining a healthy perspective, 86–88

overview, 69–70

positive self-talk, 84–85

prayer and meditation, 80–82

relaxation, 70–74

Mind/body interactions

degree of disability and, 10

medication and, 218–220

sex and intimacy, 162, 164, 165

stress and symptoms of chronic conditions, 40–43

Mindful eating, 209

Mindfulness meditation, 81–82

Minerals and vitamins, 182–183, 219, 283

Ministroke, 260

Misunderstanding of pain, 41

Moisturizing the skin, 62–63

Monitoring of medications, 223–224, 248. See also Medications

Montelukast (medication), 246t

Moodiness, 50–51

Moods and food, 195

Motion, range of, 104, 132, 282

Motrin (medication), 276–278

Mucus, 44, 237, 250

Muscles. See also Exercise for flexibility, strength, and balance

deconditioned, 38, 39–40, 43, 251, 280

protein and, 179–181

weight loss and, 209

Mycophenolate (medication), 278

Myochrysine (medication), 278 (Web site), 226 (Web site), 175f, 185

Nadolol (medication), 267t

Naproxen (medication), 276–277

Narcotic medications, 42–43, 53

Natural remedies, 233

Nature therapy, 72

Nebulizers, 249

Neck and arthritis, 280

Neck exercises, 104–105

Negative self-talk, 42, 55, 84–85

Neoral (medication), 278

Nerve damage from diabetes, 302

Nifedipine (medication), 266t

911 emergencies, 158–159, 243, 259, 260, 268t, 295, 298

Nitrate medications, 268t

Nitro-Bid (medication), 268t

Nitro-Dur (medication), 268t

Nitroglycerin (medication), 259, 268t

Nitrostat (medication), 268t

Nonprescription medications. See Over-the-counter (OTC) remedies

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), 276–278

Norvasc (medication), 266t

Nuclear heart scans, 263

Nursing homes, 312–313


chronic conditions affected by, 8–9t

dietary supplements, 171–172, 233

fatigue and, 38

guidelines for, 175–181

medical treatments and, 232–233

nutrition facts label, 184–185b

vitamins and minerals, 182–183, 219, 283

Occupational therapy, 309

Oils and fats in food, 177–179, 185, 191, 214

Omega-3 fatty acids, 178

“One-legged stand” exercise, 121

Options for achieving goals, 20

Organ meats, 186

Organidin (medication), 246t

Orinase (medication), 300t

Osteoarthritis, 273, 276–277, 282. See also Arthritis; Bones

Osteopenia, 282

Osteoporosis, 194–195, 281–282, 283b, 284. See also Bones

Overeating, 52, 173–175, 196

Overexertion and pain, 40

Overprotectiveness, 41

Over-the-counter (OTC) remedies

drug interactions and, 220–221, 223, 227, 301–302

for itching, 63

for pain, 42

self-medication and, 227–228

Oxygen therapy, 249

Pacemakers, 265

Pain and physical discomfort

from arthritis, 274, 276–277

causes of, 39–40

chronic conditions causing, 7t

claudication (leg pain), 258, 270

eating and, 197

exercise and, 95, 100, 130, 137, 270

management of, 8–9t, 40–43

narcotic painkillers, 53

pain diaries, 41b

power of mind over, 70, 78–79, 80, 82

sex and, 167

as symptom of heart issues, 259, 268t

Pain diaries, 41

“Pain gates,” 40

Palliative care, 43, 319

Palpitations of the heart, 257

Pancreas, 286

Paralysis, partial, 134, 166. See also Stroke

Paraphrasing and effective communication, 150

PART (Prepare, Ask, Repeat, Take Action) strategy, 153–155

Partners. See Family and friends

“Pat and reach” exercise, 107

Peak flow monitoring (asthma), 241–242

Pedometers, 138

Pelvic floor muscles, 65

“Pelvic tilt” exercise, 109, 111

Periodontal disease and diabetes, 302

Peripheral vascular disease (PVD), 257–258, 270

Perspective, change of, 86–88

PFTs (pulmonary function tests), 238

Pharmaceutical companies, 225

Pharmacists, 222–225

Phlegm, 44, 46. See also Shortness of breath

Physical discomfort. See Pain and physical discomfort

Physical stressors, 58

Physical therapy, 28, 269

Physicians. See Health care providers

Phytochemicals in food, 172, 177

Pioglitazone (medication), 301t

Pirbuterol (medication), 244t

Placebo effect, 218–219

Planning for the future. See also Action plans

advance directives for health care, 320–321

anxiety and, 51

day-to-day living assistance, 307–311

durable power of attorney, 318, 320–326

emotional aspects of needing help, 314–316

fear of death, 317–319

grieving process, 316–317

making one’s wishes known, 324–327

out-of-home care, 311–313

palliative and hospice care, 43, 319–320

paying for care, 313–314

Plant-based protein sources, 187, 188

Plaquenil (medication), 278

Plateaus in weight loss, 211

Plavix (medication), 266t

Pleasure, planning for, 54

Plendil (medication), 266t

Pneumonia vaccines, 237

Points of view, 147

Portion sizes for food, 174–175. See also Daily recommended servings; Healthy eating

Positions to ease shortness of breath, 46i

Positive affirmations, 85

Positive thinking. See also Thoughts

depression and, 55

medications and, 218–220

pain and, 42

techniques for, 84–85

weight loss and, 210, 211


exercises for, 104–105, 106–107, 108, 109, 113

lung disease and, 250

osteoporosis and, 283

Potassium (mineral), 182–183

Potassium iodide (medication), 246t

“Power knees” exercise, 114

Power of attorney, 309, 318, 320–326

Pramlintide (medication), 301t

Pramoxine (medication), 63

Prandin (medication), 300t

Pravachol (medication), 266t

Pravastatin (medication), 266t

Prayer, 80–81

Precose (medication), 300t

Prednisone (medication), 246t, 278

Preexisting conditions, 313

Prepare, Ask, Repeat, Take Action (PART) strategy, 153–155

Prescription labels, 224

Prescriptions. See Medications

Prevention, medication as used for, 218, 245t, 246, 298–299

Prevention of Type 2 diabetes, 288–289

Primary physicians, 152, 158

Prinivil (medication), 267t

Probenecid (medication), 279

Problem solving

getting help for daily living, 307–310

midcourse corrections to action plans, 23

steps of, 16–17, 17b

for stress reduction, 61

Procardia (medication), 266t

Processed foods, 171, 172, 182

Propranolol (medication), 127, 240, 267t

Protein, 179–181, 185–188

Proventil (medication), 15:255b, 244t

Psoriasis, 63, 79, 274, 277

Psychotherapy, 52, 53, 167–168, 315–316, 319

Pulmonary function tests (PFTs), 238

Pulse (heart rate), 127–128

Pursed-lip breathing, 45

PVD (peripheral vascular disease), 257–258, 270

Quackwatch (Web site), 234

Quieting reflex, 72–73

QVAR (medication), 245t

Range of motion, 104, 132, 282

Raynaud’s phenomenon, 133

“Ready-go” exercise, 114

Recreational drugs, 228b, 229

Recumbent stationary bicycles, 269. See also Stationary bicycling

Refilling prescriptions, 226, 248

Registered dietitians (RDs), 176, 212, 296

Registered nurses, 310

Rehabilitation, physical, 261, 313

Relapses, 24, 53


chronic conditions helped by, 8–9t

eating and, 198, 212

pain management and, 42, 277

prayer and, 80

relaxation response, 74, 80

techniques for, 70–74

weight loss and, 212

Religious faith, 80–81

Remedy foods for diabetes, 293, 294t

Remedy foods for hypoglycemia, 294t

Remembering to take medications, 226–227

Remicade (medication), 279

Repaglinide (medication), 300t

Repeating (PART strategy), 155

Resbid (medication), 244t

Residential homes, 312

Resources for self-management, 27–33. See also Internet; “Other Resources” sections at the end of each chapter

in the community, 6b, 17, 20, 98–99

on the Internet, 31–33

libraries, books and magazines, 30–31

organizations and referral services, 29–30

overview, 27–29

Respect for others, 143

Restaurant food, 198–199

Restorators (exercise equipment), 135, 252–253

Restoril (medication), 53

Resuscitation, artificial, 321, 324

Retinopathy, 302

Retirement communities, 308–309, 315

Reverse mortgages, 314

Rewards for achieving goals, 24–25, 100

Rheumatic diseases, 274–275, 277. See also Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis, 178, 278–279, 281

Rheumatrex (medication), 278

Riomet (medication), 300t


of alcohol use, 228b

of being overweight, 203

of cancer, 172, 177

of diabetes, 289, 296, 299, 303–304

of falling, 95, 96

of heart attack and stroke, 93, 95, 264, 266t

of heart disease, 170, 178–179, 194, 262, 263–264, 266–267t

of high blood pressure, 261

of medications, 220–221, 227

of osteoporosis, 281–282

of treatments, 156, 233

Rituxan (medication), 278

Rituximab (medication), 278

Rofecoxib (medication), 278

“Roll-out” exercise, 111

Rosiglitazone (medication), 301t

Safe deposit boxes, 318, 326

Salmeterol (medication), 244t

Saturated fats, 179, 185

Saying no, 148

Scientific journals, 232

Scratching, 64

Second opinions, 155–156

Second-line drugs, 278

Secretions and shortness of breath, 44, 46

Sectral (medication), 267t

Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs), 282

Self-blame, 13

Self-image issues, 52, 162

Self-management, 1–14, 15–26

action plans, 21–23, 26

of asthma, 237, 241–242, 242–243b

of common symptoms, 7t

deciding to undertake, 15

of depression, 53–55

of diabetes, 289–302, 304–305

healthy eating, 199

importance of, 6, 10

keeping records of medications, 154, 221–222

living with uncertainty, 17

of lung disease, 241–242

making changes, 24b

making decisions, 18–19

management skills overview, 6b, 8–9t, 12

positive management, 1–2

problem solving, 16–17, 23

rewarding yourself, 24–25

of stress, 60–62

taking action, 19–20

tips for using tools of, 37b

Self-massage, 42

Self-medication, 227–228

Self-talk, 42, 55, 84–85, 210

Self-tests for strength, flexibility, and balance, 121–123

Selye, Hans, 58

Sensitivity to cold, 133

Sensuality, 161–162, 164

Serevent (medication), 243, 244t

SERMS (selective estrogen receptor modulators), 282

Serving sizes (food), 174–175, 180–171t, 184b, 186–192b, 210

Setbacks, 24, 101

Sex and intimacy, 161–168

benefits of, 161–162

depression and, 52

misconceptions about, 163

obstacles to, 166–168

overcoming fear of, 162–163

overcoming symptoms during, 164–166

sexual positions, 166

Shock (emotional), 317

Shoes, 116, 131, 133, 137, 283b, 304

Shortness of breath. See also Asthma; Lung disease

arm exercises and, 131, 134, 136, 137

asthma and, 237, 242–243b

causes of, 249

chronic bronchitis and, 237

chronic conditions causing, 7t

diabetes and, 297

while eating, 197

emphysema and, 238

exercise and, 100, 101t, 126, 251, 269

fluid retention and, 260

as heart attack/stroke symptom, 259b

as heart disease symptom, 256–257

as heart failure symptom, 258

medications as cause of, 240

medications to relieve, 243, 244t

overview, 43–44

oxygen therapy, 249

self-management tools, 44–46

smoking and, 239

swimming and, 132

Shoulder exercises, 106–108

Shoulder flexibility self-test, 122

Side effects of medication, 221, 223, 279, 302

Simvastatin (medication), 266t

Singulair (medication), 246t

Skilled nursing, 309, 312–313

Skin itching, 62–64

Sleep apnea, 49–50, 252b


arthritis and, 280–281

as depression symptom, 52

medications for, 48

pain and, 40

professional help for, 50

sleep apnea, 49–50, 252b

sunshine and, 49

tips for managing, 46–50

Slo-Bid (medication), 244t

Slophyllin (medication), 244t

Small vessel heart disease, 256

Smartphones as self-management tool, 226


heart disease and, 263

lung disease and, 237, 238, 239

osteoporosis and, 283

shortness of breath and, 44

sleep and, 48

as a stressor, 61

Snacks and crackers, 189, 199, 214

Snoring, 49–50

Social networking Web sites, 32

Social Security, 314

Social workers, 309

Socializing and depression, 55

Socks, 47, 258, 277, 304

Sodium, 182, 194, 260

Somophyllin (medication), 244t

Spacer devices for inhalers, 247–248

Spiriva (medication), 244t

Spirometry tests, 238

Spouses. See Family and friends; Sex and intimacy; Support

Statins (medication), 266t, 299

Stationary bicycling, 134–135, 135t, 269

Steam as irritant, 46, 239

Stents, 265

Steroid creams, 63

Steroids, anabolic, 246. See also Corticosteroids

Stiffness, 274, 280, 283


abdominal muscle exercises, 108–109, 111

digestive system, 286f

eating and fullness of, 81, 174, 197, 210

gastric reflux, 7t, 9t, 47, 240

medications and, 223, 246t, 266, 277–278

Stop!” distraction technique, 83

Straight leg raises, 112

Strength, physical, 93, 103–104, 123. See also Exercise for flexibility, strength, and balance

Strengths, personal, 87


breathing problems and, 240

as cause of pain, 40

diabetes and, 297

heart disease and, 264

itching and, 63

management of, 60–62

overview, 58–59

writing and relief of, 87–88

Stress tests, 262–263

“The stretcher” exercise, 121

Stretching. See also Flexibility

aerobics and, 137

stretching exercises, 105, 106, 108, 115, 121


exercise and, 134, 269–270

healthy eating for, 194

overview, 4, 260–261

sex and, 166

Sugar, blood. See Blood glucose

Sugar in food, 176, 185b

Sulfasalazine (medication), 278

Sulfonylureas (medication), 300t

Sulindac (medication), 277

Sunshine and sleep problems, 49

Supplemental Security Income (SSI), 312, 314

Supplements, nutritional, 171–172, 233

Support. See also Family and friends

asking for help, 314–316

for diabetes patients, 297

for exercising, 101–102

support groups, 57

for weight gain/loss, 204, 212

Surgery, 265, 277, 280

Sweet treats, 191

Swimming (exercise), 132, 251, 269

“Swing and sway” exercise, 118–119

Symlin (medication), 301t

Symptoms, 35–67. See also specific types of symptoms (e.g. pain)

communicating about, 154

of diabetes, 288t, 294–295t

differing symptoms to same disease, 6–7

of heart attacks, 256–257

medication for, 218

monitoring of, 11, 36, 241

sexual activity and, 164

side effects of medications, 221, 223, 279, 302

similar symptoms of different diseases, 5–6

of stress, 59

of stroke, 260

vicious cycle of, 4f

Synovium (joint membrane), 276

Systemic corticosteroid medications, 246t

Systolic pressure, 261

Tai chi, 98, 118

Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS), 212

Taking action. See Action plans

“Talk test” (exercise intensity), 126

Tambocor (medication), 267t

Tenormin (medication), 267t

Tension, 73, 78, 80

Terbutaline (medication), 244t

Termination of life-sustaining treatment, 322

TheoDur (medication), 244t

Theolair-SR (medication), 244t

Theophylline (medication), 244t

Therapy, psychological, 52, 53, 167–168, 315–316, 319

Thiazolidinedione medications, 301t

Thoughts. See also Positive thinking

anger and changing of, 51

eating and, 195

as hormonal/chemical trigger, 69–70

negative/positive self-talk, 42, 55, 84–85

“Thumb walk” exercise, 105

TIA (transient ischemic attack), 260

Time exercising and endurance, 142

Time with doctors, 153

Tiotropium (medication), 244t

“Tiptoes” exercise, 116

TNF (tumor necrosis factor), 278–279

“Toe walk” exercise, 120

Toes and toenails, 116–117, 131, 303–304

Toilet issues. See Bowel issues; Urine and urination

Tolazamide (medication), 300t

Tolbutamide (medication), 300t

Tolinase (medication), 300t

Toprol XL (medication), 267t

TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), 212

“Towel grabber” exercise, 116

Toxicity of medications, 279

Tracking. See Diaries

Tranquilizers and depression, 53

Trans fats, 179, 185

Transient ischemic attack (TIA), 260

Travel, 16, 227, 301

Treatment decisions, 155, 156–157, 231–234, 320–324

Triamcinolone (medication), 245t, 246t

Triamterene + hydrochlorothiazide (medication), 268t

Triggers of asthma, 236, 238–241

Triglycerides, 209, 256, 262, 266t, 296

Triprolidine (medication), 63

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF), 278–279

“200 Plan” for weight change, 206, 208, 214

Tylenol (medication), 218, 276–277

Type 1 vs. Type 2 diabetes, 287t. See also Diabetes

U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), 175, 186

U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 97

Uloric (medication), 279

Uncertainty, living with, 17

Understanding and communication, 141, 146b

Unlabeled medications, 228

Unsaturated fats, 178, 191

Uric acid, 274, 279

Urine and urination

assistance with, 313

bladder control issues, 64–65, 166

diabetes and, 286, 288b, 292, 294–295t, 297, 298, 302

diuretics and, 48, 268t

heart failure and, 258, 268t

urine tests, 279, 292

Vaginal lubrication, 167

Valdecoxib (medication), 278

Valium (medication), 53

Valve (heart) replacement, 265

Vanceril (medication), 245t

Ventilators, 323. See also Lung disease

Ventolin (medication), 15:255b, 244t

Verapamil (medication), 266t

Vicious cycle of symptoms, 4f

Vicks Vap-O-Rub, 63

Vicodin (medication), 53

Victim, playing role of, 27, 144

Vioxx (medication), 278

Vision problems and diabetes, 302

Visualization, 42, 75, 78–80, 165

Vitamin D, 283

Vitamins and minerals, 182–183, 219, 283. See also Nutrition

Voltaren (medication), 277

Vomiting and diabetes, 297

Waist circumference, 202–203

Waiting for medical appointments, 159

Walkers and walking sticks. See Canes, walking sticks and walkers

Walking for exercise, 22, 130–132, 252, 282

“Wand” exercise, 107

Warfarin (medication), 266t

Warming up (exercise), 22, 129, 130, 137, 166, 251

Water and fluids, drinking of, 44, 48, 65, 183, 228, 246t, 250, 294t, 298

Water exercise programs, 132–134. See also Swimming (exercise)

“Water pills.” See Diuretics and fluid retention

Web sites. See also “Other Resources” sections at the end of each chapter, 175f, 185

PictureRx, 226

Quackwatch, 234

Weight management, 201–215. See also Exercise; Healthy eating

action plans for, 206, 208, 210

arthritis and, 281

body mass index classifications, 203t

diabetes and, 194

diet pills, 48

food diary, 207t

heart disease and, 258–260, 264

importance of, 201–202

osteoporosis and, 283

shortness of breath and, 43

target weight ranges, 202–203

weight gain strategies, 213–215

weight gain/loss decision making, 203–206

weight loss strategies, 209–213, 296

Weight training (exercise), 103–104, 136

Weight Watchers, 212

Whole grains, 171–172, 175f, 176–177, 181t, 188–189, 293

Wills, 318


alcohol consumption, 228b, 264

bladder control issues, 64

communication style, 152

diabetes and, 287t

healthy weight ranges, 202–203

heart disease/heart attack symptoms, 257, 259b

nutrition for, 180–181t, 183

osteoporosis, 281

sexual issues, 167, 302

Worrying, 49, 85–86, 154

Wrist and hand exercises, 105

Writing and stress relief, 87–88

Yogurt, 187–188

“You” messages, 144–146

Zarfirlukast (medication), 246t

Zestril (medication), 267t

Zocor (medication), 266t

Zyloprim (medication), 279

Zyrtec (medication), 63