List of Plates

3.1 Thomas Morley, A Plaine and Easie Introduction to Practicall Musick (London, 1597), p. 2

3.2 The Whole Psalmes in Four Partes (London, 1563), frontispiece of tenor partbook

3.3 John Playford, A Breefe Introduction to the Skill of Musick (London 1694), p. 11

3.4 Thomas Morley, A Plaine and Easie Introduction to Practicall Musick (London, 1597), p. 8

4.1 John Donne], Poems by J. D. (London, 1633), manuscript index

5.1 Frederick Henrik von Hove, ‘An Emblem of the Athenian Society’ (London, 1692)

6.1 Abel Boyer, The Compleat French Master for Ladies and Gentlemen (London, 1729), Dialogue X (excerpt)

6.2 Bernard Calbris, The Rational Guide to the French Tongue (London, 1797), p. 68

7.1 John Parkinson, Paradisi in Sole: Paradisus Terrestris (London, 1629), ‘Tulips’, p. 59

7.2 Otto Brunfels, Herbarum vivae eicones (Strasbourg, 1532), ‘Walwurz’, p. 75

7.3 Dydymus Mountain [Thomas Hill], The Gardeners Laqyrinth (London, 1608), frontispiece to the ‘Second Part’

7.4 Gervase Markham, The English Husbandman (London, 1635), p. 141.

7.5 ‘William Lawson, A New Orchard and Garden (London, 1648), ‘The perfect forme of a Fruit-tree’, p. 47.