accounting see bookkeeping
Acts of Parliament
Act of Uniformity (1662) 19
Act for the Dissolution of the Chantries (1547) 47
Printing Act (1695) 80
Addison, Joseph 5
advertisements 85, 101-2, 169-74, 177, 185 see also books, advertisements for
Alcuin 44
Ambrose, Isaac 32
apprenticeship 9
Apsley, John 6
Archer, Isaac 32
arithmetic see mathematics
Atkins, Polly 5
Austen, Jane 117
Bach, Johann Sebastian 54
Ball, Thomas 173
Banks, Sir John 179
Barley, William 51
Baxter, Richard 33
Bedford, Bedfordshire 5
Bengal 152
Blaque, Joseph 12
Blaque family 12
blood 140
Boccaccio 45
body, the 45, 50, 54, 71, 137-9, 142-3, 146, 149 see also blood and sweat
Boethius 45
Bombay 155
bookkeeping 175-6, 179-81, 184
manuals 13-14, 18, 169-70, 174-85
advertisements for 7, 12-13, 105
bookmarks 33
dedications 12, 56, 64, 104, 119, 121, 124
formats and sizes 6, 119-27, 158-9 see also chapbooks; dialogues; dictionaries; grammars; question and answer
illustrations 20, 37, 44, 74, 118-36
engravings 17, 37-8, 64, 66, 85, 128
woodcuts 17, 50, 119-20, 128-32
indexes 10, 15, 65-72, 119, 121
manuscript additions 3, 11, 15, 19, 24, 32-3, 57-61, 65-72
book trade 6
book binders 6
book sellers, stationers and printers 6, 13, 37, 48, 73, 119, 127-8, 131, 182-3
Boston, MA 172, 176, 180, 183,
Boyer, Abel 100, 103, 105-8, 116
Le Breton, Philip 101
Brunfels, Otto 131
Bull, John 45
Bunyan, John 34
Burlington, NJ 183
Butler, Charles 52
Butler, Samuel 94
Byfield, Nicholas 33
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire 32, 47, 101
Cartwright, William 73
Castiglione, Baldassare 61
catechisms and catechizing 6, 19, 25-33 see also dialogues and question and answer
Catherine of Braganza, Queen consort of Charles II 141
Cely, George 56
Chambaud, Lewis 101, 103, 108-11, 115
Chamberlain, Robert 14
chapbooks 6
Charlemagne 44
Chaucer, Geoffrey 45
Cheneau, Francis 100, 105, 107-8, 116
Cheshunt, Hertfordshire 101
Child, Sir Joshua 170
children 19-20, 24, 26, 28, 35, 40-1, 46, 48, 50-1, 56 n. 50, 59 n. 65
clubs 8, 17 see also subscription book club
Cochlaeus, Johann 55
Colchester, Essex 28
Coles, William 125
College of Louvain 47
Colson, Nathaniel 12
commonplace compilation 20, 32-3, 35, 54 n. 42, 67-70
Condy, Jeremy 183
continental manuals 61
influence of English manuals on 52
translations into English 13, 50, 120
Conyers, George 6
Cooper, Anthony Ashley, third Earl of Shaftesbury 23-5
Copernicus and Copemicanism 17, 81-2, 88-94
courtship see love
Coventry, Ann Countess of 4
Creighton, Robert 58
culinary manuals 1, 4, 8-10, 13-14, 182
Cupid 140
dancing 40, 47, 56-7, 101 n. 15, 173-4
Darwin, Erasmus 101
Day, John 50
Descartes, Rene 81, 83, 85, 89, 94-6, 97 n. 82
dialogues 44, 72-3, 104-5, 107, 110, 115-16, 159, 167 see also catechisms and catechizing and question and answer
dictionaries 74, 100-1, 105, 107, 115, 123, 153, 155, 158, 162, 167
Doddridge, Philip 20, 22, 24, 36
Dodoens, Rembert 124
Dorchester, Dorset 31
East India Company 153, 155-7, 159, 167, 179
Edinburgh 155
Elizabeth I 124
Ellwood, Thomas 37
embroidery see needlework
emotions 23
Erasmus, Desiderius 47
etiquette 157 see also conduct literature
Evelyn, John 12
Fauchon, James 104
Fayrfax, Robert 45
Fisher, George 182
Fontaine, Nicolas 38
de Fontanelle, Bernard le Bouyer 93-5
Fowler, Edward 27
Fyfield, Essex 28
Gaffurius, Franchino 55
Gale, Theophilius 30
gardening manuals 4, 17, 118-36
gender 17, 87-8, 100, 104, 116-17, 121-2
German 51
geography 13, 15 see also surveying
geometry see mathematics
Gerardot, J. B. A. 115
Gilchrist, Walter 155
Glarean, Heinrich 55
gluttony 144
Goddard, General 155
Gordon, William 175, 177, 181, 184
grammars 17-18, 46-7, 103, 99-117, 152-68
Grant, Samuel 176
Grate, Henri 115
Greenwood, James 166
guilds 9, 44 see also apprentices, apprenticeship
Hackett, John 58
Hadley, George 156-9, 163, 165, 167
Hamond, J. 37
Hampton Court 141
Harley, Sir Robert 150
Hartlib, SamuelS, 126
Harvard College 31
Harvey, Gideon 148
Hatton, Elizabeth 172
Hawkins, Sir John 48, 52 n. 37
Hayes, Richard 179
Henrietta Maria, Queen consort of Charles I 119
herbals 4, 11, 118-22, 124-5, 127, 131
Herbert, George 66
Herrick, Robert 77
Hevelius, Johannes 93
Hill, Thomas 132
history of trades 8 see also Hartlib, Samuel and Royal Society
Hoar, Leonard 31
Hobbes, Thomas 31
Hoby, Sir Thomas 61
Hoole, Charles 35
Hope, Sir William 13
horticultural manuals see gardening manuals
Howard, Edward 96
Howel, Lawrence 37
Hughes, William 123
Hunter, Joseph 14
Hunter, William 183
Huygens, Christian 93
Hyde, Edward, first Earl of Clarendon 12
improvement 8
Ireland 173
Jenner, Thomas 31
Jessey, Henry 28
jest-books 74
Jonson, Ben 77
journals see newspapers
Keach, Benjamin 27
Kepler, Johannes 93
Kidder, Edward 13
Knox, Vicesimus 99
de Lainé, Pierre 101
Langdale, Josiah 30
languages and language learning
Bengali 152
French 17, 99-117, 161, 165, 173-4
Latin 46, 50-1, 101, 103, 105, 117, 161-5, 167
Sanskrit 152
see also grammars
Lawson, William 119, 121-2, 128, 132-6
learning to read 20, 27-9, 36, 41, 46 see also literacy
Lily, William 46
Listenius, Nicolas 55
literacy 2, 5-6, 17 see also learning to read
local officials, manuals for 13, 174
London 44-5, 47, 51, 82, 87, 141-2, 148-9, 156, 172-3
Lawrence Street 102
Little Britain 6
Ludgate Hill 6
Poland Street 101
Royal Exchange 83
Whitehall 142
Lucas, Richard 35
Mace, Thomas 52
Madras 171
marginalia see books, manuscript additions
mathematics 6, 24, 45, 55, 83-4, 173
see also scientific instruments
Mauclerc, James 85
Mauger, Claude 101, 103, 105 medical texts 4, 14, 137-51, 174 see also herbals
Melbourne, William Lamb 100
memorization 20-1, 29-31, 44, 46, 58, 105, 108-10, 115 see also parrots
merchant advice manuals 1, 4, 18 see also bookkeeping manuals
Michelangelo, Buonarroti 54
Miège, Guy 107
Milton, John 73
mirrors see looking glasses
Du Mitand, Huguenin 113
More, Henry 23
Moseley, Humphrey 73
musical instruments 40-2, 46-7, 52, 56, 173
musical theory
fasola method 51
Guidonian hand 42
natural philosophy 79-98, 17 6, 184
Naude, Gabriel 12
newspapers 8, 12, 17, 79-98, 171-4 see also advertisements and books, advertisements for
New York, NY 183
nonconformity and dissenters 16, 19-39, 82
North, Roger 175
Northampton, Northamptonshire 19-20, 30
Nottingham, Nottinghamshire 26, 29
numeracy 6
Ornithoparcus 50
Overton, Henry 13
Oxford, Oxfordshire 33, 45, 47, 137, 141-2, 150
Parkinson, James 14
Parkinson, John 119-22, 126, 128-9, 131-2
Paston, Edward 48
Patrick, Simon 35
patronage 9, 12 see also books, dedications
penmanship texts see handwriting
Pepys, Samuel 6, 12, 14-16, 58, 141
periodicals see newspapers
Petrucci 57
Petty, William 8
Peyton, V.J. 108
Phillips, Edward 72
pictures 21
plagiarism 163
poetry 16, 29, 44, 63-78, 139, 158 see also posies
politeness 17, 79-99, 102, 110, 174
Portugal 180
Power, Leonel 48
prayer and prayers 15, 35, 107
Prescott, Henry 15
Prideaux, Humphrey 37
printers see book trade, book sellers, stationers and printers
pronunciation 102, 104, 109, 111-15, 156
Pythagorus 45
question and answer 26-33, 54-5, 80-2, 84-5, 89-97 see also catechisms and catechizing and dialogues
Rabelais, François 46
Rabisha, William 10
note taking while 32
taking pleasure in 25, 34-5, 82, 97
see also books, manuscript
additions; commonplace
compilation; learning to read
Rede, Thomas 56
Reformation of Manners 87
Renynger, James 56
de Repas, Denis 150
Riccioli, Battisti 93
Richardson, John 152, 154, 159-61
Riverius, Lazarus 12
Roberts, Francis 31
rote learning see memorization
Royal Navy 155
Royal Society 81, 94, 126, 162, 166, 184
Ryland, Elizabeth 20
Ryland, John Collett 19-20, 36
Salisbury, Wiltshire 141
scientific revolution 2 see also natural philosophy
schools 40-1, 45, 101-2, 117, 183
academy at Northampton 20
Blue Coat School, Nottingham 29
charity schools 29
confectionery school 13
Eton 101
Fort William College, Calcutta 159, 167
Free School, Northampton 30
George Heriot’s Hospital 155
grammar schools 29, 41, 46-7, 101
mathematics school 83
Merchant Taylors’ School, London 47
song schools 41, 44, 47, 50, 56
Westminster 101
Scot, Reynolde 127
Seller, John 89
Fast Sermon 25
Settle, Elkanah 94
Shakespeare, William 42, 44, 47, 52, 54, 56
Shelley, George 13
Shirley, James 73
Sidney, Sir Philip 2
Simpson, Christopher 52
singing 26, 35, 41, 44, 46-7, 50-2, 55
Sloane, Hans 85
Smith, William 26
soap 172
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 29
Socrates 23
Spain 180
spiritual works 4 see also Bible; catechisms and catechising; prayer and prayers; psalms; sermons
Spofforth, West Riding of Yorkshire 29
Sprat, Thomas 100
Stackhouse, Thomas 37
stationers see book trade, book sellers, stationers and printers
Stephens, Hushcraft 9
Strode, William 33
subscription book club 14
Surat 171
surveying 9, 13, 84 see also Leyboum, William
sweat 140
Swift, Jonathan 82
Talbot, James 29
tea 173
Teackle, Thomas 4
Telemachus 107
Thompson, Wardhaugh 177
Tigrini, Orazio 55
Turner, William 120
Tycho Brahe 89
Tye, Christopher 45
universities 44-5 see also Cambridge, College of Louvain; Harvard College, Oxford
verbs 103-4, 107, 112-15, 162-5
Victoria, Queen 100
Villiers, Barbara, Countess of Castlemaine 141-2
Vincent, Thomas 20
Vives, Juan Luis 47
Walker, Anthony 28
Walker, Elizabeth 28
Waller, Edmund 73
Wanstead, Essex 31
Warwickshire 5
washerwomen 87
Wastel, Simon 30
Waylet, Mr 12
Wesley, Samuel, the elder 81
Wesley, Samuel, the younger 36
Wharton, Goodwin 30
Wharton, Lord Philip 30
Wharton, Thomas 30
White, John 31
Whittington, Robert 46
Williamsburg, VA 183
Wood, Anthony 56
Wood, Timothy 19
woodcuts see illustrations
Worcester, MA 183
Worcester, Worcestershire 26
Zarlino, Gioseffo 55