Adobe buildings: 85
Agriculture and crops: see livestock, wheat Ajax (steamer): 130
Alexandria (MO): 206, 234, 236, 238
Alkali: 23, 28–29, 68, 106, 137, 140, 165
Allred, Isaac: 208
American Falls (of Snake R.): 86, 118
Andrews, John and Mary: 184–85
Antelope: 23, 31, 60–62, 74, 109, 166, 264, 268; meat of, 63, 135
Ash Hollow (NE): 105
Baker, Benjamin: 205
Baker, Charles West: 204–05, 207
Baker, Elizabeth Ann: 273
Baker, Henry Walter and Eliza Ann: 204, 212–13, 244, 257, 270
Baker, Jean Rio: portrait, fronds.; buys wagons, oxen, provisions, 205; children, 204–05; diary of, 203–81; death, 207; re-marries, 207; son dies at sea, 216
Baker, John Edye: 204, 207, 214
Baker, William George: 204, 278, 281
Balm of Gilead trees: 176; see also cottonwood
Barnett, James Henry: 196–97, 199
Barrel Creek (ID): 120–21
Bateman, Thomas and Joseph: 208, 217, 261
Bear River (UT/ID): 36, 44, 83, 115, 138
Bear River Mts. (ID/UT): 36
Beaver Dam Creek (ID): 118
Bemhisel, John Milton: 208, 268
Berries and nuts: 41–42; see also chokecherries, currants, strawberries Bigelow, Lucia: 128
Binford, Thomas: 129
Birch Creek (OR): 122
Birds: black, 79; whippoorwill, 258
Black Hills (WY): 26, 73, 108, 136, 165
Blacks Fork River (WY): 34
Blacksmithing: 108
Blaine, Kate: 162
Boats: on Columbia R., 94
Boiling springs: see hot springs
Booth, William: 208, 217, 220–21
Boss, Willis and Dorothy: 208
Bowers, Joe: 55
Bowman, Joshua and Emetine: 190
Boxelder Creek (WY): 44
Brewster, Sue: 19, 23, 34, 38, 41
Bridger, Jim: squaw wives, 35
Bridges: 21, 83, 115, 117, 134, 138, 251, 255–57, 274
Brouillet, Fr. J.B.A.: 93n
Brown, James: 190
Brown, Capt. John: 208, 259, 271
Brown, John and Elizabeth: 190, 199
Buckingham, Harriet Talcott: portrait, frontis.; children, 17; death, 16; diary of, 15–52; with Lockhart party, 151; marries S.A. Clarke, 16; sick, 35
Buffalo (Bison): 66, 69, 166, 262; hunting of, 63, 65; meat of, 109, 191, 262–63; smoked meat, 65, 135
Buffalo Creek (NE): 63
Bush, Asahel: 181
Bush-Zieber Archives (Salem, OR): 179
Butter Creek (OR): 125
Cache Creek (ID): 118
California: emigrants in, 163; overland parties to, 282; road to, 82
Campbell, Elizabeth: grave of, 78
Carter, William Davis: 52n
Cascade Mts. (OR/WA): 95–96, 145
Cassia Creek (ID): 86
Castle Rocks (NE): 22–23
Cattle: 65, 99; die, 32, 47, 76, 110, 118, 137, 140, 175; drovers, 19; feed for, passim; lame, 29–30; milk cows, 140, 165, 172, 258; stampede, 171–72, 195, 263; stray off, 23, 27, 135; traded, 35
Cayuse Indians: 144
Cedar Bluffs (NE): 66
Cedar trees and wood: 67
Chandler, Rev. George C.: 146n
Chariton River (IA/MO): 250
Charlottes Creek (ID): 121
Chenoweth, Francis A.: 51
Cheyenne Indians: 23, 106, 136, 269
Chickens: 19, 47; see also sagehens
Childbirth: 213, 222, 265–66, 273
Chimney Rock (NE): 23–24, 69, 107, 136, 194, 264
Chokecherries: 25
Clark Fork (of Yellowstone R.): 86
Clarke, Samuel A.: 16; biography, 17; wife, 151
Clift, Margaret: 203–04n
Clifton, Ezekiel: grave, 64
Cobble Hills (NE): 68
Cold Spring (ID): 138
Columbia (steamship): 52
Concordia (river steamer): 205, 228
Congregational Church: 130–31
Cooke, Charles P.: 19n, 34, 37
Cooke, Edwin N. and Eliza: 19, 23, 26, 39, 48, 156–57
Cooke, Israel: 34
Cooking: see stoves
Coolidge, Ai and Sarah: 111
Coos Bay (OR): 129
Cordon, Alfred and Emma: 209
Com: for feed, 63
Corvallis (OR): Library, 56
Cottonwood Creek (WY): 108
Cottonwood trees: 26–27, 39, 62, 71; see also Balm of Gilead
Council Bluffs (IA): 18, 151, 206
Court House Rock (NE): 69
Cranston, Ephraim and Rosanna: 99, 115
Cranston, Susan Amelia: death, children, 98; journal of, 97–126; marries
Cranston, 97
Cranston, Warren: 22
Crooked Run (WY): 111
Crow Indians: 72
Dalles: see The Dalles
Davenport, Dr. Benjamin: 111
Deaths on trails: 122, 131–32, 143, 175, 247, 261, 263, 266
Deer Creek (WY): 109
Denny, John: and family, 87
Derrick, Zacharias and Mary: 209, 212, 214, 222, 243, 270, 273
Deschutes River (OR): 50, 94, 126
Devil’s Gate (WY): 29, 77–78, 111, 136, 167, 199, 200
Diaries and journals: sources of, 56, 99, 127–28, 161, 181, 203, 282n
Dick: Nez Perce half-breed, 140–41
Diseases: 122, 132; see also cholera, scarlet fever
Doctors: 39
Dogs: 155, 171–72, 174, 195, 264
Drury, Clifford M.: 93
Dryer, Thomas J.: 52
Ducks: 280
Duckweed Creek (NE): 66
Dunn, Crandall: 209
Dyer, Sarah A.: 17
Echo Creek (UT): 37
“Elephant, seeing the”: 72
Elkhorn River (NE): 59, 190, 259
Emigrants: 9–10, 100; hardships, advantages, 172–73; returning parties, 31, 80, 86
Feed for livestock: see com, grass
Felker, Helen Stratton: 128, 130
Fellows, Edwin B.: 131
Ferries: 185, 191; on Columbia R., 126; fees, 82, 110, 114; on Green R., 33, 81, 114; on Mary’s R., 82, 110, 114; on Missouri R., 57, 259; on Platte R., 110; on Snake R., 120
Financier (steamboat): 234
Fireflies: 249
Fish: in trail streams, 36–38, 82, 114, 260, 268; see also salmon
Flathead Indians: 81
Flowers: 22, 24–25, 30–32, 38, 61, 67, 70, 74–75, 136, 201, 248, 254
Fontenelles Fork (WY): 114, 132
Food: Indians supply, 144; see also potatoes, provisions
Fort Hall (ID): 48, 85, 139, 170
Fort Kearney (new, NE, on Platte R.): 63, 103, 262
Fort Laramie (WY): 24–25, 72, 108, 132–33, 135, 165, 195, 197
Fort Loring (ID): 85
Foster, Philip: 96
Fuel for fires: weeds used, 100; see also buffalo chips, sagebrush, wood
Fur trade: 85
Game, wild: see buffalo, deer, grouse, pheasant, prairie chicken, sagehens
Genealogical Forum (Portland, OR): 99
George W. Bourne (sailing ship): 204–05, 212
Gibson, Elder William: 209, 214, 219
Gold: lumps of, 38, 40; rush for slackens, 10; washers for, 144
Goose Creek (ID/UT): 118
Grande Ronde River and Valley (OR): 49, 92, 123, 177
Grass: passim; buffalo grass, 65; in plenty, 47, 87, 177; scarcity on trails, 23, 31, 63, 172
Graves: on trails, 61–65, 68, 76, 78, 80, 100–17, 132, 264
Green River (WY): 33–34, 81, 114, 131, 137, 271
Grouse: 93
Guidebooks: 177–78
Hadley, Amelia: children, 55; death, 56; journal of, 53–96; marries S.B. Hadley, 53; sick, 54, 90–92
Hadley, Melville: 53; recovery, 89–92; shot by Indian, 89
Hagloch, Jennifer: 181
Hail storms: 22, 24, 60–62, 71, 101, 104
Hammond, Charles: 196
Hawaiians: 95
Hawk, Margaret: grave, 68
Hawkes, Joshua and Hanna: 209, 254, 264
Hayes, Melvina F.: 55
Hill, William Grandison: 55–56
Horse Creek: 108
Horses: passim; Appaloosa, 49; die, 81; emigrant use, 54, 69, 99, 190; of Indians, 49; Indians steal, 47–48, 139, 143, 175; of Mexicans, 84; stockman Hadley, 55
Horseshoe Creek (WY): 109
Hot springs: 44, 88, 91, 120, 122, 142
Howard, “Brother” and wife: of St. Louis, 231–32
Illinois: 53, 134, 161, 179–80
Illnesses: see cholera, diseases, mountain fever, scarlet fever
Independence Rock (WY): 28–29, 77, 111, 137, 167, 199
Indians: 86, 170–71, 174–75; eat crickets, 84; expect gifts, 20; fear of, 89, 175; friendly, 101, 132; furnish food, 124; graves, 21, 33, 43, 51, 59, 75, 166, 259; horses of, see horses; kill emigrants, 45; removal of, 18; salmon fishing, 50, 92; shoot emigrants, 89, 119, 143; skulls of, 18; steal livestock, 45, 60, 87–88, 143, 260, 269; see also squaw wives; tribal names
Injuries: 174, 249–50, 264; broken bones, 268; gunshot, 54; see also deaths
Iowa: 133, 183–89, 204, 206, 244–58
Jackrabbits: see rabbits John Day River (OR): 94, 125, 145
Johnson, Rev. Neill: 145
July Fourth: recognized, 36, 84, 138, 166, 195
Kanesville (IA): 57, 140, 189, 206, 255, 258
Kaysville (UT): 208
Keeler: emigrant, 32–33
Kellogg, A.: grave, 61
Kempton (or Kemton), Sister: 210, 261
Kinney, Rev. Robert Crouch: 133n, 145
Knight, Plutarch Stewart: 131
Laramie Peak (WY): 25, 108, 136
Laramie River (WY): 108
Laurel Hill (OR): 147
Lebanon (Marion Co., OR): 98
Lewis River (ID): see Snake R.
Lime: kilns, 108
Linfield College: 146
Linn City (OR): 200
Liquor and temperance: 56
Livestock: 18, 43; see also cattle, mules, oxen, sheep
Lizards: 263
Lockhart, Esther M. (Mrs. Freeman): 129, 133; her journey account, 149–59
Lockhart, Freeman Goodwin: 133, 139
Lockley, Fred: 55
Locusts: 75
Log buildings: 57
Lone Cedar Tree (NE): 135
Los Gatos (CA): 207
Loup Fork River (NE): 59–60
McAlexander, Andrew and Violinder: 101 McCabbe, Miss J. M.: 164 Mail: carriers, 33, 72, 84, 86, 102, 133
Maine: 53
Margetts, Thomas and Alice: 210, 215, 249, 253, 268, 271
Marsh, Susan Amelia: 97
Maryland: 180
Merrick, Maria Susanna: 211
Methodists: 51, 55–56, 146n, 162–63
Mexicans: 84
Midwives: 161
Military: at forts, 72; trail guards, 87
Mills: saw, 72
Mining: see coal, gold
Minor, John: 197
Mississippi River: 237
Missouri: 230–36
Missouri River: 206; crossing of, 18, 57, 99
Moccasins: 71
Monmouth (OR): history of college at, 142
Mormons: in Baker party, 208–11; as diarists, 34, 39, 157, 203, 205; emigrant numbers, 9; at Green R., 138; in Salt Lake Valley, 40; Winter Quarters, 58; see also polygamy
Morse, Rev. William B.: 161–63
Mosquitoes: 38, 251, 253, 256, 259
Muddy Fork River (WY): 35–36, 273
Mushrooms: 61
Mustard, wild: 30
Nauvoo (IL): 281
Nettle Creek (WY): 82
New Orleans (LA): 204–05, 223–27
Newsom, David and Mary: 177
Nishnabotna River (IA): 256
Noland, Joshua: 185
Noland Creek (ID): 44
Norton, John and Doriatha: 210; daughter’s leg broken, 268
Oatmeal: 212
Oats: wild, 37
Ogden (UT): 207, 280–81; fort, 43
Ohio: 19n, 53, 97–98, 128, 133, 150
Olney, Cyrus and Sarah: 133, 135, 156
Oregon: land claims, 10; newspapers of, 180–81; overland parties to, 15, 53, 96, 127, 161, 179
Oregon City (OR): 95, 148, 199
Oregon Historical Society: 16, 161
Oregon State Library: 128; Archives, 163
Oregonian: newspaper, 52
Organization of emigrant parties: 100
Outfit for journeys: 18
Overlanders: speed to OR, 54
Owyhee River (OR): 91
Oxen: 99, 103; abandoned, 115; death of, 69, 167, 262, 265, 268, 272–73, 275; price of, 239, 262, 265; for sale, 114
Pacific Spring (WY): 32, 80, 113, 137, 168
Palmer, Luna: 190–92, 194, 196–98
Patton, Thomas McFadden: 19, 21, 23, 34
Pawnee Indians: 61, 70, 134, 260
Pennsylvania: 179–80
Peoria (IL): newspaper, 161, 165; mentioned, 179
Perkins, John N. and Deressa: 176, 194, 196
Pheasants: 176
Platte River (NE/WY): 21–28, 59–70, 102–05, 136, 154–55, 167, 198, 259, 265–66; valley of, 102; North, 71–77, 105–11; South Fork, 105
Plum Creek (NE): 103
Plum Creek (WY): 260
Polygamy: 44
Port Gamble (WA): 162
Port Townsend (WA): 162
Portland (OR): 51, 54, 56, 96, 148
Potatoes: 124
Potawatami Indians: 58
Powder River (OR): 48, 92, 122–23, 143
Powell, John A. and Savilla: and OR family, 142n
Prairie chickens: 93
Prairie Creek (NE): 61
Prairie schooners: see wagons
Presbyterian Church: 145
Prices: of provisions, 170; in OR, 147–48
Prospect Hill (WY): 77
Provisions for the trail: Indians furnish, 124; scarcity of, 270–72; see also potatoes, prices
Quicksand: 154
Rabbits and jackrabbits: 135, 261
Rain: passim’, 21, 60–61, 99, 102, 246, 265
Rattlesnake Creek (NE): 66
Raw Hide Creek (WY): 24
Recreation: on trails, 59, 153, 192
Red Buttes (WY): 167
Rexford, Rev. John: 139–40
Richards, John and Agnes: 210–11
Richings, Nancy: 203
Richmond, Rev. W.: 51
Rivers and creeks: crossing of, 21, 36, 47, 50, 59–60, 82, 137, 253–54; see also bridges, ferries, river names
Roads: to CA, 116; dusty, 170; in MO, 240–42; muddy, 95–96, 190, 246; rocky, 25, 48, 113, 123; rough, 87–88; sandy, 57, 65, 67, 112; in UT mountains, 275–76
Robins, Alexander and Ann: 211, 259, 261, 264, 268, 270, 272
Rock Avenue (WY):76, 198
Roseburg (OR): 54
Sacramento (CA): 164
Sagebrush: 25, 30, 74–75, 110, 137, 167
Sagehens: 74
St. Joseph (MO): 97
St. Louis (MO): 205; city, churches described, 230–34
Salmon: 47, 50, 88, 92–93, 139, 142–43, 174
Salmon Fall Creek (ID): 119
Salmon Trout River (WY): 82
Salt Creek (KS): 100
Salt Lake City: 39, 157, 207, 277–81; Valley of, 40
San Francisco (CA): 207
San Pedro (UT): 40
Sand flies: 69
Sanders, John Simpson: 146
Sandy River: Big, 81, 113, 137, 270; Little, 33, 80, 113; in OR, 96; in WY, 157
Sawmills: 72
Scarlet fever: 132
Scorpions: 64
Scotts Bluff (NE): 24, 70, 107, 136
Seattle (WA): 163
Sengstacken, Agnes Ruth: 129, 149
Sharkey, Robert and Emma: 211, 265
Sheep: 267
Shinn, W. T.: 79
Shoshone Indians: 47, 266, 269
Sioux Indians: 24–25, 67, 70, 135, 195, 265
Siskiyou County (CA): 55
Siverton (OR): 98
Skunk Creek (NE): 192
Slavery: in MO, 243; in New Orleans, 223, 227
Slew springs (WY): 110
Slough, Jacob: 184–85, 190–91, 193
Smith, Hiram and Mary: 19, 31–32, 39, 134, 151, 156–57; Hannah, 16; Mary sick, 33
Snake Indians: 81–82, 138–39, 141, 169, 272
Snake (or Lewis) River (ID/OR): 47, 85–92, 118–20, 139, 142; crossing of, 74
Snakes: 32, 263; see also rattlesnakes
Snow: 185
Soda Springs (ID): 83–84, 116, 138
Spring Creek (NE): 24, 70, 195
Springs: frequency, 173–74; see also hot springs
Steamboat Springs (ID): 84, 116, 139
Steamboats: 50, 52, 204, 206, 228–30, 234
Stearns, Mr.: 1851 train captain, 196, 198–99
Stratton, Milton A.: 130
Strawberries: 82–83
Strawberry Creek (WY): 80
Sturgeon Creek (ID): 91
Sublette’s Cutoff: 81
Sulphur Lake (UT): 279
Sulphur Springs (OR): 91, 122, 125
Sunday observance: 55, 62, 156–57, 183, 191, 193, 196, 262, 267, 271
Surveying: 97
Sweetwater River (WY): 28–31, 77–80, 111–13, 136–37, 167, 199, 267–68;
Strawberry branch, 113
Tar springs (WY): 36
Tetah Lake (NE): 63
Thomas, Gideaon: 183
Thomas Fork (Bear R.): 83, 115, 138
Thorn, William: 211; wife, 221
Threshing: x, 161–62
Thunder, lightning: 21, 60, 62, 248–49, 251, 255, 261
Timber: in OR, 95, 144, 177; on plains, 59; in Sierra (CA), 202–03, 293; in WY, 25, 271
Tout, John: 271
Trading posts: 108
Tualatin: road to, 51
Umatilla River (OR): 92, 124, 144
Umpqua Valley: 54
Utah: overland parties in, 204
Ute Indians: 42–43
Vincent, R.: 196
Wagons: abandoned, 27, 73, 85, 167, 265, 276; drivers, 19, 184, 270; numbers of, 18, 58, 99, 132, 255, 259–62; price of, 148; repairs on, 65, 196, 241, 249, 251, 275; upset, 122, 135; wheels locked, 38, 49, 96; see also carriages
Waldo Hills (OR): 98
Wallace, George B. and Hanna: 211, 267, 277
Warm Spring (ID): 91
Water: passim; alum treatment, 59, 63; poor quality, 59; scarcity on trails, 76, 101, 108
Waterman, John O.: 52n
Watt, George D. and Elizabeth: 211
Weather: cold, 79–82, 113, 137, 145, 187; flood, 155; see also hail, rain, snow, thunder, winds
Weeping Water Creek (NE): 100
Well Springs (OR): 126
Whidby Island (WA): 162
Whitaker, George and Sarah: 211, 263
Whitaker, Isaac and Betsy: 211
Willamette River (OR): 200; transport on, 148
Willamette Univ.: Law School, 129
Williams, Elijah: 128, 133, 139, 141, 156
Williams, Joseph: 134, 138, 143
Williams, Lucia Loraine: portrait, frontis.; birth, marriage, 128; children, 128–29; letter of, 127–48; son John dies, 131–32, 149, 158
Willow Creek: in OR, 93, 125; in WY, 28, 31, 80
Wind River Mts. (WY): 30, 112, 176
Winds: 135, 165–66, 269; see also weather
Wolves and coyotes: 60, 76, 80, 252, 269
Women: a cook in CA, 282–83; packer returns, 80; ratio to men emigrants, 9–10; white, 81; see also squaw wives
Wood, Elizabeth: children, 162–63; death, 164; journal of, 161–78; marries Rev. Morse, 162
Wood: lack of, 24, 61, 65, 101, 103, 184, 236, 246; pitch pine, 71; see also cedar, fuel, greasewood, sagebrush
Wood River (NE): 261
Woodward, Luther L. and Elizabeth: 146n
Zieber, Eugenia: portrait, frontis.; children, 181; death, 181; family of, 179; journal of, 179–201; marriage to Bush, 181
Zieber, John S. and Eliza S.: 179–80