3D maze, 107
3D photos, 68–69. See also Level Best 3D Camera Slide Bar Hack; Photo Stand-ups; Photo-Etched Metal Parts
3-in-1 Sound Maze game card, 46, 227
555 timer oscillator circuit, 31
1960s maker toys, 79
1980s Musical Toys
4049 CMOS hex inverter chip34
Bee Gees Rhythm Machine, 32–33
Body Rap, 33
Hit Six drum set, 33
Magical Musical Thing34
Major Morgan, 32
Star Maker Guitar, 33
4049 CMOS hex inverter chip34
Abbott, Edwin, 59
angled cuts127
Ayala, Carl, 3
baking powder, using for diving sub, 53–54
Balloon-Powered Rocket Cars, 51–52
Bare Conductive, Electric Paint conductive pen, 38
Barlow, Gordon, 3
baseball game card, 46
Bee Gees Rhythm Machine, 32–33
Berliner Gramophone Kit disc cutter, 64
Bernardi, Herschel, 62
Body Rap, 33
bonus material, tools, materials, and sources, 214–216
booby trap. See Talking Booby Trap
Bowden cable, 3
Breadboard ’Bots, 31
broken toys, using parts from, 18
B’sun’s Whistle Phone Hacker, 51
Bug Boys comic, 148
Buxton, Sam, 195
Caig, Circuitwriter conductive pen, 38
Camberis, Pauline, 4
Candy Land, 3
Cap’n Crunch cereal, 51
cardboard template, creating129
Cartesian Diver, 55
Cast a Trinket
mold, 192
cat projector. See Magic Cat Projector
Cereal Box Sound Racers, 66–67
cereal science
Balloon-Powered Rocket Cars, 51–52
B’sun’s Whistle Phone Hacker, 51
Frosted Flakes Diving Tony, 50–51
giveaways, 50
Mighty Mini-Magnifiers, 52
character voice toys, 63
Charlie the Tuna, 62
Chatty Cathy talking doll, 61
chicken sticks, recipe for, 211
Chutes and Ladders, 3
circles, cutting127
circuit, wiring, 31
circuit boards, etching, 197
Circuit Scribe conductive pen, 38
Circuitwriter conductive pen, 38
color puzzle maze, 107
Colorful Comic Kaleidoscope, 76–77
Compact Vacuum Forming Machine95
compass tool, 214
conductive pen reviews, 38
conic sections, cutting, 128
corn kernel character, 29
Creepy Crawlers, 84
Cross-grid Strategy Game, 47, 225
Custom Cookie Cutters, 171–174
Custom TiddlyShrinks
cutting out, 153
making image, 152
playing, 153
shrinking, 153
tools and materials, 152
Custom-shaped Metal Casting Mold
materials and tools, 142
cuttlefish shell, using for metal casting, 194
Desktop Foundry
materials and tools, 185
mold holder, 190
Dexterity Ski Run game card, 45
dice. See Easy Electronics LED Challenge; Electronic Die Challenge
Display Stands
layout, 116
dolls. See talking dolls
Double- and Triple-Cut 3D Shapes
cutting side view, 135
drawing, 134
Draper, John, 51
draw saw, 214
Dremel rotary tool, 215
for Steampunk Safety Goggles, 9
using with Tiki Mask, 98
drill bits, plastic, 214
drilling thin metals, 140
Easy Electronics LED Challenge, 217–219
Edible Optics, 158159. See also optics
Edison, Thomas, 60
elastomer. See Sugru
Electric Mold Master, 85
Electric Paint conductive pen, 38
The Electronic Connection
conductive ink pens, 38
project overview, 42
trying out, 44
Electronic Die Challenge
ball cage23
heavy gauge solid core wire23
panel for LEDs23
rolling die24
electronic robots, making poseable, 31
Electroninks, Circuit Scribe conductive pen, 38
enamel trinkets. See Faux Enamel Trinkets
EPS (expanded polystyrene) foam, 120–121. See also foam
etching tips and tricks, 203
Evel Kneivel Stunt Cycle, 3
E-Z-Make Oven
drilling holes, 140
making cover141
materials and tools, 138
Farmer Says See ‘N Say talking toy, 63
Fascination, 106
Faux Enamel Trinkets
materials and tools, 150
metal shape, 150
Field, Simon Quellen, 185
Field’s metal
melting, 184
using with Cast a Trinket, 193
Five-Minute Foam Factory
base, 122
bending and inserting rod, 122–123
materials and tools, 120
powering up, 125
flip-flops, using for Footstep Sand Stampers, 11
floor vacuum former. See Kitchen Floor Vacuum Former
flywheel, kinetic energy of, 52–53
foam, forming for Tiki Mask, 97. See also EPS (expanded polystyrene) foam
foam factory. See Five-Minute Foam Factory
Foam Plate Flier, 131
Footstep Sand Stampers
project overview, 11
gas law, 50
kinetic energy of flywheel, 52–53
sodium bicarbonate and potassium bitartrate, 53–54
foundry. See Desktop Foundry
Frosted Flakes Diving Tony, 50–51
The Funny Company, 62
Gakken, 64
game cards for The Electronic Connection
Cross-grid Strategy Game, 47, 225
Dexterity Ski Run, 45
“game-in-a-hat” toy, 20
gamoys, 3
gas law, formula for, 50
gelatin, using in Edible Optics, 158
Glass, Marvin
career, 3
early life, 2
lifestyle, 4
logo on Mystery Date, 7
Mouse Trap, 4
toy studio, 2
Glowing Tiki Lamps, 103
glue bottle, 215
“Gnome Math Required” Holiday Hats
cutting and sewing, 181
marking pattern, 181
materials and tools, 180
project overview, 180
Gobble-Degoop, 87
Goldberg, Rube, 3
Goldfarb, Eddy
Yakity-Yak Talking Teeth, 2
Graphite-Filled Conductive Wire Glue, 38
grill. See Hack a Yakitori Grill
Guitar Amp Bulletin Board, 154157
H. Fishlove and Company, 2
Hack a Yakitori Grill
assembling and painting, 208–209
cooking on, 210
materials and tools, 205
sheet metal, 206
Hack in a Hat, 20
hacked ’bot. See Noninvasive Hacked ’Bot
Halloween Skull Slices, 133
hand tools. See tools
Hands Down, 3
Body Rap, 33
Hokey Pokey Cotton Candy Maker, 8788
high score maze, 107
Hit Six drum set, 33
hobby knife, 215
Hog Holler, 65
Hokey Pokey Cotton Candy Maker, 8788
holiday hats. See “Gnome Math Required” Holiday Hats
Hummingbird Feeder Hack
making, 15
project overview, 14
ICs (integrated circuits), 31
Ideal Toys
Crazy Clock Game, 5
Fish Bait Game, 5
Mouse Trap, 4
Tiger Island, 6
Identical Snowflakes, 132
incandescent light bulb, 137
Incredible Edibles, 87
Industrial Arts Supply Company, 146
injection molding process, 89
iPod hack, 20
Japanese saw, 214
Jell-O mold, 104
Jet-Drive Whistle Loco, 51
Johnny Toymaker, 85
Jet-Drive Whistle Loco, 51
Rice Krispies, 53
Electric Mold Master, 85
Motorized Home Workshop88
making for Musical Thing, 36–37
template, 223
kill switch, adding for Noninvasive Hacked ’Bot, 18
Kitchen Floor Vacuum Former. See also vacuum forming
frame, 93
project overview, 92
Knetzger, Jack, 29
Kripak, Leo, 3
lamps, 103
LEDs wired to switches, using for Electronic Die Challenge, 21–22
Lehman, Greg, 210
Level Best 3D Camera Slide Bar Hack, 74–75. See also 3D photos
Levy, Richard C., 2
Life Size Mouse Trap, 4
Lite Brite, 3
Lotus battery, replacing, 114
Mad Monster Candy Snatch Game
assembling, 167
face label, 237
head and base, 164
materials and tools, 162
playing, 167
Techno Teams, 168
materials and tools, 175
Magic Dance Hat, 20
Magic Moving “Ouija Be Mine” Card, 233
assembling, 170
materials and tools, 169
Magical Musical Thing34
Major Morgan, 32
Makey Bot Music game card, 47, 227. See also Musical Thing
Marble Maze Games
fabrication, 106
hacking, 107
making form, 105
materials and tools, 105
vacuum form, 105
Marx Toys, Perils of Pauline, 6
mascots, 90
mask. See Tiki Mask
Mason, James, 84
Cartesian Diver, 55
Cereal Box Sound Racers, 66
Colorful Comic Kaleidoscope, 76
Custom TiddlyShrinks, 152
Custom-shaped Metal Casting Mold, 142
Desktop Foundry, 185
Easy Easel, 110
Edible Optics, 158
Electronic Die Challenge23
E-Z-Make Oven, 138
Faux Enamel Trinkets, 150
Five-Minute Foam Factory, 120
Glowing Tiki Lamps, 103
“Gnome Math Required” Holiday Hats, 180
Hack a Yakitori Grill, 205
Kitchen Floor Vacuum Former, 93
Level Best 3D Camera Slide Bar Hack, 74
Magic Cat Projector, 175
Magic Moving “Ouija Be Mine” Card, 169
Marble Maze Games, 105
Monster Candy Snatch Game, 162
Musical Thing, 35
Strip Heater, 108
Talking Booby Trap, 25
Tiki Jell-O mold, 104
Victorian Toy and Flatland Rockets, 58
Bee Gees Rhythm Machine, 32–33
The Electronic Connection, 42
Magical Musical Thing34
make-and-play toys, 80
Mickey Mouse Chatter Chum, 62
Star Maker Guitar, 33
Talking Shrinkin’ Violette, 62
Teach & Learn Computer, 63
Thingmaker Goop, 146
maze games. See Marble Maze Games
mechanical sound players, 60–64
membrane keypad, making for Musical Thing, 36–37
metal casting
using cuttlefish shell for, 194
metal parts. See Photo-Etched Metal Parts
Meyer, Burt, 3
MG Chemicals
Nickel Conductive Pen, 38
Silver Conductive Pen, 38
MGA (Marvin Glass and Associates), 2
Mickey Mouse Chatter Chum, 62
Micro-Mark Pro-Etch kit, 197
Mighty Mini-Magnifiers, 52
Milton Bradley, Mystery Date, 7
model train, 195
Monster Candy Snatch Game
assembling, 167
face label, 237
head and base, 164
materials and tools, 162
playing, 167
Techno Teams, 168
Mork from Ork, 62
Mr. Machine, 3
multiplayer maze, 107
Musical Thing. See also Makey Bot Music game card
materials, 35
playing with39
testing and tuning, 36
tools, 35
Musical Toys. See 1980s Musical Toys
Nabisco’s Rice and Wheat Honeys cereal, 52
Nasta, Hit Six drum set, 33
Newton’s laws of motion, 52
Niblet character, 29
Nickel Conductive Pen, 38
Ninja Chicken Sticks, recipe for, 211
Noninvasive Hacked ’Bot
battery power, 19
kill switch, 18
materials, 18
as moving target game, 19
sensor, 18
optics, science of, 52. See also Edible Optics
“Ouija Be Mine” card. See Magic Moving “Ouija Be Mine” Card
oven. See E-Z-Make Oven
use in electronic circuit, 42
using with conductive ink games43
Perils of Pauline, 6
Personalized Talking Doll. See also talking dolls
cloth tag, 30
making, 30
project overview, 29
phonograph invention, 60
Photo Stand-ups, 130. See also 3D photos
photocell, making ’Bot version of, 31
Photo-Etched Metal Parts
cleaning, trimming, assembling, 201–202
image, 199
stripping, 200
transferring to metal, 199
“pig race,” 65
pillow doll. See talking dolls
Plastic Cookie Cutters, 173–174
plastic drill bits, 214
plastic parts, injection molding process, 89
plastics for Tiki Mask, 99
plate flier. See Foam Plate Flier
Playskool, Major Morgan, 32
potassium bitartrate, symbol for, 53
potato, using for diving sub, 54, 56–57
power-robbing circuit hack, 18–19
Pro-Etch kit, 197
programs, for playing ReCon, 18
protoboard, using, 31
pull-string product line. See talking dolls
QR codes
Cartesian Diver, 55
Colorful Comic Kaleidoscope, 77
Desktop Foundry, 184
Flatland rocket, 59
“game-in-a-hat” toy, 20
Hog Holler, 65
Mad Monster Candy Snatch Game, 168
mechanical sound players, 64
music toys34
Niblet the Talking Doll, 30
Nichols Therm-O-Vac, 216
Ouija Be Mine card, 170
Photo-Etched Metal Parts, 202
Quaker Oats
Balloon Racers, 52
“Bo’sun Whistles,” 51
Quisp Gyro-Cycle premiums, 53
Radio Shack, Graphite-Filled Conductive Wire Glue, 38
Recipe for Ninja Chicken Sticks, 211
ReCon robot, 18
as moving target game, 19
restoring, 19
recording module, reusing, 29
Remco, Fascination, 106
Robot Commando, 3
robots. See Breadboard ’Bots; electronic robots; Noninvasive Hacked ’Bot
RTV (room temperature vulcanizing), 154157
sandpaper for Steampunk Safety Goggles, 9
saw for Steampunk Safety Goggles, 9
Schaper, Stomper, 2
Schiffman, Jacob, 168
scribe and solvent glue bottle, 215
sculpting tools, 215
See ‘N Say pull-string product line, 63
Silver Conductive Pen, 38
ski run game card, 45
skull slices, 133
Smart Lab Toys, ReCon robot, 18
snowflakes, 132
sodium bicarbonate, symbol for, 53
solvent glue bottle, 215
sound maze game card, 46
Spinello, John, 3
sports car, making part for, 114–115
SPST switch, adding for Hack in a Hat, 20
Star Maker Guitar, 33
Steampunk Safety Goggles
designing, 9
hand tools, 9
project overview8
variations, 9
stereo photography, 68
Stith, Douglas, 151
Stomper, 2
straight cuts, 126
Strange Change Time Machine, 85–87
styrene sheet, working with, 215
as flexible joint, 31
uses of, 13
using with Breadboard ’Bots, 31
using with Desktop Foundry, 185
using with Footstep Sand Stampers, 11–13
using with Hummingbird Feeder Hack, 15
Super-Cheap Electronic Die Challenge. See Electronic Die Challenge
surface gauge, 214
surfaces of revolution, cutting, 128
Talking Booby Trap
battery and circuit, 26
design, 26
finishing, 27
materials, 25
modifying circuit, 27
Play switch, 27
preparing clothespin, 26
recording module, 29
soldering wire, 27
speaker sound, 26
tools, 25
talking dolls, 30, 60. See also Personalized Talking Doll
Chatty Cathy, 61
Mickey Mouse Chatter Chum, 62
Talking Shrinkin’ Violette, 62
Talking Shrinkin’ Violette talking doll, 62
Talking Woody doll, 63
Teach & Learn Computer, 63
templates, creating from cardboard129
TiddlyShrinks. See Custom TiddlyShrinks
Tiger Island, 6
tiki ice sculpture, 104
Tiki Jell-O mold, 104
tiki lamps, 103
Tiki Mask
drill, 98
mold design, 98
plastics and sources, 99
Time Bomb, 3
TLC tone arm, 63
The Tonight Show, 65
Colorful Comic Kaleidoscope, 76
Custom TiddlyShrinks, 152
Custom-shaped Metal Casting Mold, 142
Desktop Foundry, 185
Diving Spudmarine, 56
Easy Easel, 110
Edible Optics, 158
E-Z-Make Oven, 138
Faux Enamel Trinkets, 150
Five-Minute Foam Factory, 120
“Gnome Math Required” Holiday Hats, 180
Hack a Yakitori Grill, 205
Level Best 3D Camera Slide Bar Hack, 74
Magic Cat Projector, 175
Magic Moving “Ouija Be Mine” Card, 169
Marble Maze Games, 105
Monster Candy Snatch Game, 162
Musical Thing, 35
Steampunk Safety Goggles, 9
Strip Heater, 108
Talking Booby Trap, 25
Victorian Toy and Flatland Rockets, 58
Topper Toys, Johnny Toymaker, 85
Toy and Flatland Rockets, 58–59
toy maker mascots, 90
toy prototypes, making, 18
Toy Story Talking Woody doll, 63
train model, 195
trinkets. See Cast a Trinket; Faux Enamel Trinkets
vacuum forming, 216. See also Kitchen Floor Vacuum Former
process, 92
Victorian Toy and Flatland Rockets
materials and tools, 58
paper version, 58
diagram, 68
early version of, 69
Expo-Sure light-metering system, 71
Film Cutter72
Personal Stereo Camera, 70
Stereo-Matic 500 projector72
viewing anaglyph images, 73
pigs, 65
water, incompressibility of, 50
Wheaties, 52
whistle. See B’sun’s Whistle Phone Hacker; Jet-Drive Whistle Loco
Whoops, 3
Williams, Robin, 62
wiring circuits, 31
Woodland Scenics website, 121
Wozniak, Steve, 51
Yakitori Grill. See Hack a Yakitori Grill
Yakity-Yak Talking Teeth, 2