accountability, 176; chain, 131
Acoustic Rapid COTS Insertion Program, 99
active conflicts, internationalized, 33
Adolff, Jurgen, 122
Afghanistan, 17, 26; drone warfare, 19; US involvement in, 3, 58; war in, 25, 112; war in cost, 113, 138
Africa: African Union, 35, 64, 66, 69; military spending, 15
Airbus, 103
airplanes, World War I development, 98
Al Jazeera, 70
Al Qaida, 25-6, 64, 66, 161, 166
Al Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), 69
Al Yamanah arms deal, 51
Al-Shabaab, 35, 64, 66; ex-Libyan armaments, 70
Aleppo, ISIS Humvees, 63
Algeria, 16
Amnesty International, 79; Saudi Arabia report 2014, 49
Anbar province, Iraq, 62
anti-satellite weapons, China investment in, 22
Anthrax, 61
‘anti-access denial’, 21
Archduke Ferdinand, assassination of, 20
Arizona, 75; military weapons ban repeal, 74
Armore Holdings, 143
arms business: controls diversions, 4; corruption high risk, 118; cost estimate, 132; dealers, 38; economic rationalizations, 40; export licences, 68; global spending, 11; job creation subsidies, 84, 92; long supply lines, 6; political analysis undermined, 155; political clout, 1; rationalization myths, 2; regime self-protection use, 3; subsidized exports, 95; taxpayer costs, 1; threats inflation, 170; US embargo on Somalia, 64; trade complexity, 124; see also defense
Arms Deal: South Africa social cost of, 133; jobs promise unfulfilled, 110
Arms Trade Treaty UN 2013, 4, 78; weaknesses of, 58, 79-81
Armscor, offset failure, 108, 109
Asia Pacific, arms race, 21
assymetric forces, China investment in, 22
Astore, William, 164
Austal corporation, 23
Australia, 15
Austria-Hungary, 20
Axe, David, 42
BAE Systems, 5, 42, 85, 122, 143; bribery allegations, 119; plea bargaining, 121; Saudi corruption investigation, stopped, 123; Saudi sales, 50
‘baroque arsenal’, military R&D outcome, 97
Belgrade, Chinese embassy bombed, 21
Berners-Lee, Tim, 104
Bilmes, Linda, 113
bin Laden, Osama, 25
Binney, William, 142
Bistrong, Richard, 143
Black Hawk helicopters, 44
Blackwater, 131
Blair, Tony, 123
Boeing Corporation, 46; jet refuelling tankers, 130
Boko Haram, 138; Libyan arms, 70; Nigeria, 35
‘bomber gap’, 163
Boston Globe, 125
botulinium, 61
Bout, Viktor, 72
Brazil, Igarape Institute, 74
bribes, European defense industry, 87
British Virgin Isles, 120
Burkina Faso, 4; Ouagadougou, 72; weapons in, 71
Bush, George W., 139, 147, 165-6; Administration manipulations, 167; Iraq invasion decision, 148
buying countries, offset size, 45
Campaign Against the Arms Trade (CAAT), 126
Cartwright, James, 127
Ceasefire, campaign group, 79
Center for American Progress, 139
Centre for Strategic and International Studies, 27
CERN, 104
Chad, 67; fake end-user certificates, 64, 66
Cheney, Dick, 129
children, deaths of, 36
China, 15, 48, 155; ammunition from, 54; arms race, 22; defense budget increase, 15, 17; defense manufacturing, 85; military spending regional impact, 21
CIA (USA Central Intelligence Agency), 19, 59, 162; Afghan mujahidin training, 25; Iraq defectors rubbished, 167
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), 125-6
civil wars, South Sudan, 3, 55
Clark, Wesley, 52
climate change effects of, 37-8
Clinton, Bill, 146
Cold War, 12, 52, 163; conflict frequency, 159; end of, 158; violence of, 160
Commercial Control List, 43
Commission on Wartime Contracting, 129
Commodity Credit Corporation, 59
Compaoré, Blaise, 72
Concern Worldwide, 159
Conflict Armament Research, 63
conflicts: global decline, 158; zones of outside intervention, 32
Congressional Research Service, 85
Control Risks company, 46
Cordesman, Anthony, 68
corruption, 3, 6, 23, 26, 28, 38, 46-7, 52, 87, 124, 132; African military related, 115; ‘institutional’, 129, 131; multi-sided, 5; national security cloak, 122-3; offsets, 111; pervasive, 119; revolving doors two-way, 126; Saudi, 51; South Africa, 133; subcontracting ease, 128; Third World monopoly of myth, 117; -weapons buying link, 118
COTS (commercial and off-the-shelf technology), 99
Council of Deputies, Libya, 69
counter-trade, problematic, 105
Cramer, Jane, 163
cyber-warfare capabilities, China investment in, 22
Czech Republic, 119
Darfur, 68; Arab supremacists, 64, 66
DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Agency), USA, 103-4
Dawn of Libya, 69
Déby, Idriss, 69
Debevoise & Plimpton, 121
decision-makers, small numbers of, 124
defense: budget transparency problems, 139; budgets secret spending, 136; ‘burden’, 88; companies, see below; industry, see below; jobs myths, 90; low labor intensity manufacture, 94; offsets, see below; spending, see below
Defense Communications, 104
defense companies: cost overruns, 22; deregulation supporters, 44; long lines of supply, 128; public funds dependent, 4; threats PR, 165
defense industry: narratives, 2; triumphalist advertising, 84
defense spending: -economic growth correlation, 88-90; regional, 16; skills externality, 113; vicious circles, 20
Democratic Republic of Congo: military interventions, 32; Uganda involvement, 137
Dempsey, Martin, 156
Department of Defense, counterterrorism role, 33
Department of Justice USA, 142
Department of Commerce USA, Munitions List, 43
‘derivative classification’, 139-40
Dhahran airbase, 51
displaced people, 55
diversion, weapons, 72
Donbass basin, 52
drone warfare, 19
drug trade, displacement of, 29
Druyun, Darlene, 130
‘dual-use’ items, 60
duct tape, 96
E.Coli, 61
EADS, 102
economic growth, military spending negative effect, 91
Egypt, Rwanada arms sales, 76
elites: people protected, 26; self-enrichment, 28
Ellsberg, Daniel, 144
end-use certificates: fake, 66; manipulation of, 70
Eritrea, 36
Ethiopia, 36, 66; Hausien raid, 159; -Sudan cross border attacks, 158
Europe: defense companies, 4, 84; defense industry offsets, 87
European Aeronautics and Defense Association, 84
European Union, 106; manufacturing turnover, 85; Saudi arms voluntary embargo, 50. 53
ex-public servants, -professional connections use, 126
export controls unenforced, 58
F-35 fighter jet program, case of, 19, 40; Congressional caucus, 42-3; contradictions of, 41; job claims, 42
F/A-18 Hornet jet fighters, Finland purchase, 107
famines, 160
fears, politicians use of, 161
Federal Assault Weapons Ban, 74
Federation of American Scientists, 147; Project on Government Secrecy, 140
feedback, 124
Ferguson, Niall, The Pity of War, 169
Ferrostaal, 109; compliance investigation, 121-2
Finland, offset contracts, 107
Finmeccania, India helicopters deal, 47
Food and Drug Administration, USA, 129
food and drink sector size, UK, 84
Football World Cup, 2010, 110
foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 143
France, 20, 53, 60, 65, 67; Mali intervention, 69; Mistral submarines attempted sale, 115; Rwanda arms sales, 76-8
Freedom House, 26
Freedom of Information Act, USA, 125, 145
Friends Committee on National Legislation, 138
‘friends’, buying of, 48
Gaddafi, Muammar, 64, 67; weapons arsenal, 68; weapons export, 65; weapons stockpile spread, 66, 69; see also Libya
General National Council, Libya, 69
Gerdec, Albania explosion, 6, 26
German Submarine Consortium, 122
Germany, 53, 65, 67, 108, 142; World War I lead up, 20
global military spending, 38
global public health, 29
Gonzalez, Henry B., 59
Government Accountability Project, USA, 142
Greece, 122
Gripen and Hawk jets, alleged bribery, 119-20
Gulf War, first, 167
guns and butter, offsets promise, 108
Habyarimana, Juvenal, 76; plane shot down, 77
Hague, William, 156
House of Saud, human rights record, 28
Halliburton, 129
Headquarters Marketing, BAE tool, 120
Hillhouse, R.J., 131
Hlongwane, Fana, 120
Honduras, 29
Human Rights Watch, Saudi Arabia reports, 49
Human Security Report, 158
Hungary, 119
Hussein, Saddam, 4, 58, 61, 161, 164-5; US arms buying, 59; USA threat claims, 166
Hutus, moderate killed, 77
Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol, 104
ICBMS: USSR overestimated, 163; USSR reality, 164
Igarape Institute, 74
India: arms imports, 60; defense imports scale, 48; VVIP protection helicopters purchase, 47
Indonesia, China military fear, 21
information, overclassification, 149
Information Security Oversight Office, 139
innovation, Cold War period, 96; myth, 2, 5, 103
Interahamwe, 75
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, 44
International Crisis Group, 138
International Food Policy Research Institute, 159
Internet, 96; development, 104-5; military claim for, 103
investigative agencies, political pressure on, 124
Iran, 50; -Contra affair, 59; -Iraq war, 58-60, 159; nuclear weapons production, 164; obsolescent military equipment, 28; sanctions military impact, 27
Iraq, 59, 131; arms imports, 60; destabilized, 63; ISIS weapons seizing, 4, 62; US invasion of, 21, 26, 28, 61, 139, 165; US invasion decision, 148; USA wars cost, 113, 138; USA wars in, 3, 25, 58, 112, 147
ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), 61, 161; Iraq, 26; Iraqi weapons grabbing, 4, 62, 170; military vehicles, 63
Islamic extremist groups, Pakistan intelligence aid, 25
Islamic Legion, Gaddafi notion of, 68
Israel, 15
Italian Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, FBI raided, 59
James, Christian Michel, 48
Japan, 15; China military fear, 21; military policy reversal, 15
job creation, myth, 2
Jones, Seth, 34
journalists, 151
judicial processes, public access to, 151
Kalashnikovs, 1960-s, 57
Kaldor, Mary, 97
Kaufman, Chaim, 166
Kellogg, Brown & Root (KBR), 129
Kim, Stephen, 143
Kiriakou, James, 143
Kissinger, Henry, 82
Kleinrock, Leonard, 103
Kolko, Gabriel, Century of War, 168
Kosovo war, 21
Kurdistan, 62
large weapons systems, state role, 124
Leibowitz, Shamai, 143
Lessig, Lawrence, 129
Liberia, 4, 30, 65, 67; arms embargo avoided, 72; arms forces US rebuilding, 29
Libicki, Martin, 34
Libya, 4, 64; arms to Boko Haram, 70; post-Gaddafi deterioration, 69; UN arms embargo abandoned, 65; weapons export, 67; weapons imports, 68; see also, Libya
Licklider, J.C.R., 103
littoral combat ship, deficiencies, 23-4
lobbying: defense, 45; F-35, 41; Lockheed budget, 41-2
Lockheed Martin, 23, 31, 40, lobbying budget, 41-2; lobby tax breaks, 127
M-80, Swiss ammunition, 71
Machar, Riek, 55
Malaya, 35
Malaysia: China military fear, 21; DCNS scandal, 24; Malaya, 35
Manhattan Project, 96; spending on, 97
Manning, Chelsea (Bradley), 142-3
Massaquoi, Moses, 30
McArthur Baths, Port Elizabeth, 109
McKeon, Howard P, ‘Buck’, 43
McNerney, Jim, 46
Melandor, Erik, 159
Mexico, 29: drug cartels, 73; drug trade, 4, 74; gun death rates, 75
military employees, high wages, 113-14; spending on, 92
military assets, Ukraine loss, 52
military scandals, publicized, 130
military scientific research, Cold War period, 105
military spending: global, 1; 9/11 aftermath, 13; poorest countries, 15; 2015, 14; world spending, 12
Ministry of Defence, UK, 84
‘missile gap’, 163
Mistral submarines, 115
MIT (Massachussetts Institute of Technology), 103
Mitterand, Jean-Christophe, 76
Modise, Joe, 120
Mombasa, 54
Moss, John, 145
Mosul, capture of, 62
Moynihan, Daniel, 146
munitions, 45; Munitions List, 44
Murphy, Gary, 120
Musa Rafsanjani, Auwal, 138
MV Faina, 54
N’djamena, second-hand arms bazaar, 65, 67
Namibia, 35
National Geospatial-Intelligence Program, USA, 19
National Intelligence Council, USA, 29
National Intelligence Estimate, USA, 147
National Intelligence Program, USA, 19
National Reconnaissance Office, USA, 19
National Science Foundation, USA, 104
National Security Decision Directive, 59
national security: arms companies as allies, 124; democracy impact, 150; Putin rationalizations, 169
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 12, 15, 115; Libya air campaign, 68
Navantia, 24
Nerguizan, Aram, 68
New York University, Brennan Center for Justice, 142-3, 145
Nicaragua, 59
Nigeria, 6; national budget, 138; off-budget expenditure, 137
Nigerian Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre, 138
9/11, 161, 163, 165; Commission, 149
North Korea, 12; ballistic missiles, 164
Northern Ireland, peace talks, 34
Northrop Grumman, 42; tax breaks demand, 127
Norway, 142
NSA (National Security Authority), USA, 19; whistleblowers, 142
Obama, Barack, administration of, 24, 30, 43, 168; ‘pivot to Asia’, 22; Presiential Policy Directive 19, 142; whistleblower crackdown, 143
off-budget expenditures, military, 6, 12, 27, 137
Office of Special Plans, USA, 167
Offiziere, 42
‘offset’ contracts, 46, 128; arms trade size, 45; complex and bureaucratic,107; ‘credits’ ‘multipliers’, 109-10; European defense industry, 87; guns and butter promise, 108; hidden catches, 111; problematic, 105; purchase price increase, 106; secrecy, 112; WTO exemption, 106
Open Society Justice Initiative, 149
‘Operation United Assistance’, failure of, 30
Orsi, Giuseppe, 47
OuadiDoum, Libyan army base, 65; army base overrun, 67
Oxfam, 79
Pacific, US military dominance, 21
‘packet switching’, 103
Pakistan: ammunition in Syria, 71; drone warfare, 19; Intelligence Service, 25
Pentagon: 2015 budget, 43; spending, 85
Pentagon Papers, 144
Perimekar company, 24
Perry, William J., ‘Memo’, 99
Philippines, China military fear, 21
Pinker, Steven, 157
Pinochet, Augusto, 119
Polyakov, Leonid, 52
poor democracy, military spending link, 26-7
Port Elizabeth, swimming pools, 110
Portugal, 122
possible-probable threat confused, 164
poverty and hunger, global, 36
President’s Daily Brief (PDB), corporate input, 131-2
Prince Badar, 51
Project for the American Century, 166
Public Interest Declassification Board, 144
Putin, Vladimir, 169
R&D, 97; defense funding fall, 102; military decrease, 100
RAND Corporation, 34
Reagan, Ronald, 59; re-equipment era, 17
Red Diamond Trading, BAE created company, 119-21
repressive regimes, military spending, 38
retired generals, Pentagon return, 125
‘revolving doors’ public-private-public, 125-7
Rhodesia, 35
Risen, James, 143
risks, real human, 36
Roche, James, 130
Roeber, Joe, 118
Roughead, Gary, 127
Rumsfeld, Donald, 167
Russia, 15, 20, 48, 65, 67-8, 155; mi-17 transport helicopters, 54; military spending increase, 15; proposed Mistral submarines purchase, 115
Rwanda: early 90s arms buying spree, 76; genocide, 4; genocide machete narrative, 75; genocide organized, 77-8
Saab, Sweden, 110
Salah al-Din, Iraq province, 62
Sandler, Todd, 162
Saudi Arabia, 15, 119; arms buying history, 3, 16, 48; human rights violations, 49; military spending size, 27; regime protection, 28; vast increase of arms spending, 16
Schneier, Bruce, 164
scientific development, defense role curtailed, 99
Scorpene submarines, 24
SEC, USA, 143
secrecy: arms trade, 6; corruption creating, 135; culture of, 139, 141, 144; cynical use of, 147; debate curtailing, 148; global defense sector default, 136
secrets: keeping of costs, 140; ‘organizational assets’, 146; USA clearances, 141
security classification, playing safe, 145
‘security dilemma’, 19
‘security votes’, 137; opaque, 138
Shaariibuu, Altantuya, 24
Shays, Christopher, 129
Sierra Leone: Revolutionary United Front, 65, 67; Special Court for, 72
Singapore, 142
skilled workers, defense sector absorbed, 113
Sköns, Elizabeth, 107
Salah al-Din, Iraq province, 62
small and light weapons, 57; Rwanda genocide real, 75
Smith & Wesson, 143
Somalia, 4, 35-6, 69, 160; arms embargo eased, 66; pirates of, 54; Transitional Federal Government, 64, 66
South Africa, 6, 35, 119-20, 122; Arms Deal 1999, 5, 107-8, 110, 132; arms export licences, 68; Rwanda arms sales, 76
South East Asia, regional umbrella, 21
South Korea, 15; China military fear, 21
South Sudan, 160; arms-purchasing, 3; Civil War, 169; ‘ghost soldiers’, 54; oil revenues squandered, 55; SPLA, see below
Spagnolini, Bruno, 47
SPLA, army expansion, 53; Mi-17 transport helicopters bought, 54
Star Wars program, 147; spending on, 97
starvation, conflict-related, 160
Sterling, Jeffrey, 143
Stiglitz, Joseph, 113
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) 12, 15, 60-1, 65, 67; Military Expenditure Database, 27
Sudan, 36, 68; -Ethiopia cross-border attacks, 158; peace agreement, 53
Sweden, 110
Switzerland, 4; hand grenades in Syria, 71
Syria, 4, 63, 159-60; ISIS in, 170; Libyan weapons in, 70; outsider goals, 33; Swiss hand grenades in, 71; US military involvement, 139
T-55 tanks, 54
Taiwan, US support for, 21
TCP/IP, 103
Teicher, Howard, 59
terrorism: as tactic, 168; exaggerated threat, 156; groups life-cycles, 34; military solution to, 34; transnational, 162; US citizen fear of, 161; ‘war’ against, 33
Texas, 75; military weapons ban repeal, 74
Thrall, Trevor, 163
threats, ‘inflation’, 163-5; perception, 160; overstated, 156
Tian, Nan, 89
Timber Wind Project, 147
transparency, 176
Transparency International, 51; Government Defense Anti-Corruption Index 136-7; UK’s Government Defence Anti-Corruption Index, 141
Tshwane Principles, Global Principles on National Security and the Right to Information, 150, 173
turf wars, 146
Tutsis, size of deaths, 77
Typhoon multi-role jet fighters, 51
Uganda, 6, 55, 76; DRC military campaign, 137
UK (United Kingdom), 20, 65, 67, 100, 108; arms exports subsidized, 96; arms industry relative size, 84; Department for Innovation and Skills, 102; military R&D decrease, 101-2; revolving doors, 126; Saudi close relation, 50-1; secrecy keeping, 141; Serious Fraud Office, 119-20, 123
Ukraine, 4, 169; arms theft scale, 72; military assets sold, 3; Russian invasion, 115; soldiers equipment lack, 53; tanks to Southern Sudan hijacked, 54; weapons stolen, 52
United Industrial Corporation, 143
UN (United Nations), 36; arms embargo violations, 73; Liberia arms embargo, 72; Libya arms embargo abandoned, 67; Mission for Ebola Emergency Response, 30; peacekeeping role, 33; peacekeeping USA minimal contribution, 31; Program of Action 2001, 70; Secretariat, 80; Security Council, 38, 85; Security Council Report 2014, 62; South Sudan peacekeepers, 55
United Technologies, 42
University of British Columbia, 73
University of Massachusetts, Political Economy Res, 92
University of San Diego, Trans-Border Institute, 74
Uppsala Conflict Data Program, 159
USA (United States of America), 84; Afghanistan war, 25; Afghan Mujahedin ‘blowback’, 4, 169; arms control regime, 43; arms trade policies, 44; Budget Control Act, 139; Congress, 125, 156; contractors fraud and waste, 129; counterterrorism funding, 33; defense-federal budget relation, 17; defense industry lobbyists, 87; defense spending job creation, 92-5; Department of Homeland Security, 162; Department of Justice, 119, 121; Environmental Protection Agency, 140; Espionage Act, World War I vintage, 142-3; gun lobbyists, 74; guns in Mexico, 74; Iraq and Afghanistan wars, 112; Iraq arms embargo, 60; Iraq arms supplied, 62; ISIS airstrikes, 63; Joint Chiefs of Staff, 127; Kickback Act, 1986, 128; military dominance, 22; military interventions, 3; military personnel non-domestic spending, 95; military R&D decrease, 102; military spending, 15; National Export Strategy Report, 118; National Security Council, 59; national sovereignty corporate influence, 132; Navy, 99; Overseas Contingency Operations, 19, 138; Pentagon-State Department spending ratio, 30; ‘Plan Colombia, 29’; Public Interest Declassification Board, 141; revolving doors, 125; Saudi close relation, 50; scale of government purchases, 5; secret-keeping costs, 140; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, 60; Somalia arms embargo eased, 66; South Sudan support, 55; Syria action, 139; USAID, 34; wars cost, 113; ‘war on drugs’, 28; ‘war on terrorism’, 35; weapons exports size, 85; Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act, 142
USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), 60, 65, 67; military capacity overstated, 18; US threat overestimates, 163
Van Evera, Stephen, 164
Vietnam, 15; China military fear, 21
‘war on terror’, 155, 167; counter-productive, 34; USA government spending on, 161
Warsaw Pact, 12
Washington Post, 161
weapons: diversion of, 70; longevity of, 81 systems complexity narrative, 5
Welthungerlife, 159
Wheeler, Winslow, 41
whistleblowers, 142, 151; Obama crackdown, 143; treatment of, 141
Wiebe, J. Kirk, 142
World Bank, 137
World War I: battlefield munitions, 57; death toll, 157; lead-up to, 20
World War II, death toll, 158
World Wide Web, 104
WTO (World Trade Organization), 45; Agreement on Government Procurement, 123; offsets rules, 106
Wurzel, Thomas, 143
Xerox, 104
Yemen, 4, 160; Saudi bombing of, 50
Zintan, 69
Zuma, Jacob, changes against, 133