Burn the Midnight Oil 119
Chronicles from the Citadel of Exile 55
Crumblings 95
The Day Hassan II Died 141
Death 65
Dish of the Day 135
Dreams Come to Die on the Page 109
The Earth Opens and Welcomes You 132
The Elegant Sufi 120
The Eye of the Talisman 25
False Expectations 136
Far from Baghdad 127
Fingerprints 137
Four Years 75
Freedom 76
Glory to Our Torturers 31
Hunger Strike 69
I’m a Child of this Century 111
In Vain I Migrate 115
I’ve Just Returned from the Sea 118
Letter to My Friends Overseas 81
Life 123
The Manuscript 117
My Mother’s Language 112
One Hand Isn’t Enough to Write 113
The Poem-Tree 122
The Policeman’s Speech 72
Prison Cell 64
The Stroll 67
There’s a Cannibal Who Reads Me 110
To My Son Yacine 78
Two Hours on a Train 116
Urgent Life 37
The Wolves 114
The Word-Gulag 121