
Page numbers in italics indicate drawings; page numbers in bold indicate charts.


abbreviations, common, 13

Abelmoschus esculentus. See okra

Alium spp. See chives, leeks, onion, garlic

Allium cepa. See shallots

animal pests, 153, 163–67

aphids, 131, 131, 136–37, 143, 145, 147, 147, 292

Apium graveolens. See celery

armyworm, 158, 158

artichoke (Cynara scolymus), 171–73, 416

asparagus (Asparagus officinalis), 174–83, 416

crowns, planting, 176, 176–77

perennial companions, 182–83

spears, harvesting, 179–180

white, 181

asparagus beetle, 178, 178

aster yellows, 147, 243


Bacillus subtilis, 142, 146, 406

Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), 132, 152, 155

Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) var. kurstaki, 157–58

bacterial wilt, 377

beans, 31, 58, 184–96, 416. See also trellis

asparagus beans (Vigna unguiculata var. sesquipedalis), 187

chickpeas or garbanzo (Cicer arietinum), 187

cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata ssp. unguiculata), 187–88

dry beans, harvesting, 123

fava (Vicia faba), 188

harvesting, 192–94

inoculant, 190–1, 410

lima (Phaseolus lunatus), 186

soybeans (Glycine max), 154, 188

types of, 185–86, 185–86


block planting, 203

no-dig method, 83–84, 84

planting bed, 22, 22

preparing, 70, 78–79

raised, 17, 23, 72, 72, 81–82, 81–84

sunken, 85, 85

wide rows, 17, 22, 22

beetles, 132, 143, 155

asparagus, 178, 178

striped cucumber, 131, 152, 152, 377

fl ea, 134, 154, 154, 205

lady, 136, 143

Mexican bean beetle, 153–54, 153

potato, 358, 358

beets (Beta vulgaris), 21, 58, 61, 197–209, 416

beneficial insects, 130, 136–39

biodynamic gardening, 17

birds, 140–142

bottom rot, 293

Braconid wasp, 139

Brassica oleracea. See broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collards, kale, kohlrabi

hardening off, 214

pests, 226

spacing, 212

succession planting, 215

Brassica rapa. See Chinese cabbage and turnips broccoli (Brassica oleracea), 15, 21, 24, 26, 58, 210–30, 417

buttoning, 227, 227

cutting side shoots, 222, 222

harvesting, 123, 220–22

supporting, 117

Brussel sprouts (Brassica oleracea), 21, 26, 61, 417

growing, 224–25

supporting, 117

bug zapper, 140


cabbage (Brassica oleracea), 21, 24, 26, 58, 210–30, 417

Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa), 218

growing secrets, 217

harvesting, 123, 216–19

types of, 216–18, 218

seed, 28

cabbage maggots, 160–161

in turnips, 209, 209

caliche, 85

Capsicum annuum. See peppers

carrots (Daucus carota), 14, 58, 231–43, 417

controlling rabbits, 243

growing in trenches, 234–35, 234–35

harvesting, 123, 238–40

insect pests, 241–42

planting carrot seeds, 236–37

types of, 231–32, 232

caterpillars, 134, 136, 139, 145, 152, 155. See also squash vine borer

caulifl ower (Brassica oleracea), 26, 58, 210–30, 417

blanching, 221, 221

buttoning, 227

harvesting, 123, 220–21

celery (Apium graveolens), 244–47, 417

blanching, 246, 246–47

chives (Allium spp.), 314–15

Citrullus lanatus. See watermelons club root, 161

cold frame, 25, 42, 42

cold tolerant. See crops

collards (Brassica oleracea), 222, 229, 417

companion planting, 17, 138–39, 182–83

compost, 87–98

adding, 8, 70, 78–79

aerating, 97, 97

bagged, 88

bin, 16, 89, 89, 94, 94

compost tea, 119–21, 120

hot and cold, 91, 93

ingredients, 90, 90, 95

making, 87

pile, 89, 89–93

trench, 92, 92


fertilizing plants in, 122

for starting seeds, 34, 34

growing in, 20–21, 21

growing tomatoes in, 389–90

soil for, 86

Cooperative Extension Service, 12, 27, 76, 170, 420

corn (Zea mays), 247–57, 417

cross-pollination, 251–52

earworms, borers, armyworms, 140, 256

germinating, 250–51

harvesting, 123, 255

nodal roots, 254, 254

tassels, 252, 252

three kinds to grow, 248–49

watering, 253

crop rotation, 17, 62–63, 409


cool-season/cold tolerant, 26–27, 68, 125

cover crops, 68, 70, 408–9

(See also mulch, green manures)

easiest to grow, 14

heavy feeders, 62–63

light feeders, 62–63

cucumbers (Cucumis sativus), 14, 15, 257–69, 417

cross-pollination, 258–60, 260

harvesting, 123, 265–67

monoecious, gynoecious, parthenocarpic, 258–60, 264

pickling vs. slicing, 257, 257–58

trellis for, 47, 265, 265

watering, 101

cucumber beetle, striped, 131, 152, 152, 377

Cucumis melo. See melons

Cucurbita spp. See pumpkins, squash

cutworms, 157

collar, 53, 130, 132, 157–58, 157

Cynara scolymus. See artichoke


damping-off, 40, 156–57

Daucus carota. See carrots

deer, deterring, 163–66


prevention, 128–33

resistance, 11

double-cropping, 236–237, 237

drainage, 75

drip irrigation, 104–5

dwarf tomatoes, 21

dwarf varieties, 21


earthworms, 65–66, 66, 80

edible fl owers, 284

eggplant (Solanum melongena), 21, 58–59, 61, 154, 269–74, 418

staking, 273, 273


fast-to-mature vegetables, 61, 125

fencing, 19, 166, 166–67

fertilizer, 119–22

boost, 119

compost tea, 119–20, 120

for seedlings, 38

how often to feed, 119

how to fertilize, 121–22

fish emulsion, 172

floating row covers. See row covers

foliage disease, 150

French intensive gardening, 17

frost date, 26

frost protection. See row covers

full sun, 20

fungicides, 142, 146



maintenance, 118

two-season, 125

garlic (Allium spp.), 14, 314–16, 326–31, 418

harvesting, 331

types of, 327, 327

germinating seeds, 28–30

germination test, 29, 29


controlling, 115

removing, 78

green manure. See mulch

greenhouse, 25


hardening off seedlings, 53–54

harvesting, 122–25

best time of day for, 123

tools, 124–25

when to harvest, 122–23

heat-loving plants, 26

heirloom plants, 11, 23, 30

hills, 87

hoes, types of, 112

horticultural oil, 144–45

hybrid, 11, 30


insecticidal soap. See pesticides

intensive gardening, 17, 411

interplanting, 61, 61

Ipomoea batatas. See sweet potatoes

irrigation. See watering


journal, 8


kale (Brassica oleracea), 14, 222, 229, 418

kaolin clay, 133, 152, 154, 158

kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea), 222–23, 223, 230, 418


leafhopper, 147, 147

leafminer, 131, 131

leafy crops

harvesting greens, 123

mesclun, 278–80, 291

mustards (Brassica spp.), 281, 283

salad greens, 15, 21

spicy greens, 281

Swiss chard, 14, 21, 286


damaged, 147–50

holes in, 151–55

leeks (Allium spp.), 26, 61, 314–15, 323–25, 324, 418


dwarf white clover, 63

hairy vetch, 63

legume family (See beans)

lettuce, 14, 15, 21, 26, 58–59, 61, 275–93, 418

bolting, 291

harvesting, 123, 288–90

leaf lettuce, 14

planting, 282

shading, 289, 289

types of, 275–76, 275–76

light for seedlings, 24–25, 25, 41


manure, 70, 120

melons (Cucumis melo), 58, 87, 294–310, 418

A-frame trellis, 302, 302

cantaloupes, 294–95, 308

dwarf or bush-type muskmelons, 21

harvesting, 123, 304–10

muskmelons, 294–95

storage, 307

types of, 296–97, 297

mesclun. See leafy crops

microherd, soil, 65–66

mulch, 8, 105–109

adding, 70, 79

green manures, 63, 68–69

how much to use, 108

living mulch, 63, 68–69

options, 107

plastic mulch, 55, 105–6, 106


neem, 142–43, 147–49, 154, 161

newspaper pots, 300, 300


okra (Abelmoschus esculentus), 26, 58, 310–314, 418

blossom and pods, 311, 311

onions (Allium spp.), 26, 61, 314–32, 418

harvesting, 123

sets, 319–20

types of, 318–19, 318–19

open-pollinated (OP) vegetables, 11

organic gardening, 128–46, 411

organic matter, 70–72, 78


parasitic nematodes, 66, 152, 157, 160, 209, 241, 412

parsleyworm, 242, 242

parsnips (Pastinaca sativa), 197–209, 418

germinating seeds, 202

peas (Pisum sativum), 21, 27, 58, 333–39, 418

harvesting, 122, 337

seed, 28

trellis for, 46–47, 46–47, 336, 336

types of, 333–34

peat pots, 34

peppers (Capsicum annuum), 14, 15, 21, 26, 58–59, 61, 340–50, 418

growing tips, 344–46

harvesting, 123, 346–48

staking, 345, 345

supporting, 117

types of, 342


horticultural oil, 144–45

insecticidal soap sprays, 143–46, 147–49, 154, 161

organic and homemade, 128, 142–146


animal, 153, 163–67

daily inspection for, 131

handpicking, 133

organic pest control, 136–46

prevention, 128–146

symptoms and solutions, 146–162

pH, 76, 413

Pisum sativum. See peas

plastic mulch. See mulch

plastic tunnel, 60, 60, 285, 285

poison ivy, killing, 80

potatoes (Solanum tuberosum), 123, 351–61, 419

beetles, 358, 358

harvesting, 123, 359–61

tubers, 352, 352–54, 354

potting soil, 32–33

powdery mildew, 162

pumpkins (Cucurbita spp.), 15, 87, 361–378, 419

growing tips, 366–71

harvesting seeds, 365

storing seed, 28

types of, 364–65

pyrethrin, 142–43, 149, 152


radishes (Raphanus sativus), 14, 21, 58, 61, 197, 197–209, 237, 419

watering, 101

rain gauge, 100, 100–101

raised beds, 17, 23, 72, 72, 81–84, 81, 82

Raphanus sativus. See radishes

rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum), 182–83

root crops, 15, 197, 197–209

rotenone, 142–43, 152, 154

row covers, 55, 130, 132, 134–36, 135, 149, 152, 154, 159, 349, 349

row spacing, 17

rust, 150

rutabagas (Brassica napus), 197–209, 419


schedule for planting, 12, 27–28, 56–58

seed tape, making, 45, 45

seeder, handheld, 44, 44

seedlings, 23

feeding, 38

hardening off, 53–54

repotting, 39, 39

rotting, 40–41

temperature for, 36

thinning, 36–37, 49

transplanting, 35

watering, 37–38, 38, 40


evaluating, 28–30

germinating, 28–30

germination test, 29, 29

seed packets instructions, 26

seed-starting mix, 24, 31–33

sowing, 27, 35, 43–45

spacing out, 44–45

starting indoors, 23, 25, 25

supplies for starting seeds, 32

watering, 33

shade, 20

shallots (Allium cepa), 321, 321

sidedressing, 122, 217, 217, 414

site selection, 18, 19–20

size of garden, 14–19, 15

slow-growing vegetables, 61

slugs, 140, 151, 292

and snails, 151, 151, 158

small garden, 15–17

snap peas, 14

soaker hoses, 104

soap sprays, 143–46


clay, 67

drainage, 75

for containers, 86

loamy, 67

microherd, 65–66

mistakes to avoid, 74

mix for starting seed, 24, 31–33

moisture, 77, 77

potting soil, 31–32

preparing garden soil, 43–44, 78–79, 78–79, 80

sandy, 67, 107

testing, 76

thermometer, 77

soil-improvement system, 17

Solanum melongena. See eggplant

Solanum tuberosum. See potatoes

sowing, 27, 35, 43–45

spider mites, 136–37, 145, 148, 148, 149

spinach, 14, 21, 58–59, 61, 275–93, 419

bolting, 291

growing, 283

harvesting, 290

types of, 277, 277, 286–87

spinosad, 132, 142, 149, 152, 154

split growing season, 57

squash (Cucurbita spp.), 58, 87, 158–59, 419

bug, 148–49, 148, 377

growing tips, 367–71

harvesting, 373–76

seed, 28

types of, 362, 362–63

squash vine borer, 158, 158–59, 377

staggered planting, 16


peas, 336

peppers, 345

transplants, 48

succession gardening, 17

succession planting, 59–60


powder, 150

spray, 142, 146

summer, 14

summer squash, harvesting, 123

sun protection, 20

supplies for starting seeds, 32

sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas), 58, 378–83, 419

harvesting, 381–83

slips, 379, 379

Swiss chard (Beta bulgaris). See leafy crops


tarnished plant bug, 148, 148

temperature, 24

for planting, 58, 58

for seedlings, 36

thinning seedlings, 36–37, 49

thrips, 149, 149

tiller, 80

tilth, 65

tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum), 14, 15, 26, 58, 61, 383–407, 419

cages, 116, 116, 393, 393, 398–401, 399, 400

determinate, indeterminate, 387–88

growing in containers, 389–90

harvesting, 123, 402–3

planting strategies, 390–94

problem-solving, 403–7

pruning suckers, 397, 397–98

staking, 117

supporting, 395–400, 396

types of, 383–86, 384


seedlings, 27, 35, 35

special care, 53

transplants, 23–24, 26, 28

blocking, 51, 51

hardening off, 53–54

protecting from cold, 55, 55

staking, 48

warnings not to buy, 52

where to find, 50–51

trellis, 48

A-frame trellis for melons, 302, 302

A-frame trellis for peas, 336, 336

freestanding teepee, 47, 47

helping beans to climb, 192, 192

string trellis, 46–47, 46

turnips (Brassica rapa), 197–209, 419


warm-season crops, 58

water access, 18, 20


drip irrigation, 104–5, 104

in the garden, 100–105, 102

principles, 103

seedlings, 37–38, 38, 40

seeds, 33, 48–49

soaker hose, 104

watermelons (Citrullus lanatus), 294–310, 419

dwarf, 21

harvesting, 304–10

storage, 307


tools, 112, 112

weeds, 8

in compost, 115

managing, 109–16

mulching and smothering, 110, 110

prevention, 109–11, 116

removing, 78, 111–12

types of, 113–14, 114

well-drained soil, 18, 20

what to grow, 10

whiteflies, 161

wilt disease, 159

windbreak, 19

winter squash, 15

harvesting, 123

winter, preparing for, 126

wireworms, 241–42


Zea mays. See corn

zones, planting, 59–60, 170

zucchini, 14, 15

zucchini, harvesting, 123