Abell, S., 236
Achieve, Inc., 29
Active learning, 95–97
Adams, R. S., 40, 304–305, 306, 311
Adaptive design, 320–321
Adding It Up, 102
Adoption, innovation, 166–168
Concern-Based Adoption Model (CBAM), 168–171
Agency, 63
children’s, 132–133
Agents, informal learning environments, 348–350
Agogino, A., 40, 107, 321, 322–323
Akins, L., 102
Alexiou, K., 321
Alfeld, C., 219
Alibali, M. W., 183, 193, 202,
Almqvist, B., 353
Al Shammari, B. S., 173
Amabile, T. M., 317, 318–319, 324
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 4–7, 97
American Association of Engineering Societies, 404
American Psychological Association, 316, 323
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 404
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), 172, 262, 292
Analysis, 74–75
Anderman, L. H., 101
Andrews, J., 66
Animals unit, Science through LEGO, 149
Annual Yearly Progress (AYP), 13
Anxiety, math, 284–285
Artifacts, engineering at home, 350–355
Asimov, I., 400
Askar, P., 173
Assessing Women and Men in Engineering, 336
Assessment, engineering, 331–332
attitudes, 334–335
behaviors, skills, or practices, 335
current state of, 421
future work for, 423
grounded in knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors (KAB) framework, 332–335
knowledge, 333–334
in populations beyond students, 337–338
for research and program evaluation, 335–337
of student learning, 253
as a systematic process, 332
Assessment instruments, 303–304
adapting existing, 337
creativity, 325–326
development process, 305–306, 307
discussion, 309–311
locating existing, 336
pilot test, 307–309
theoretical framework, 304–306
Atlas of Science Literacy, Volume 1 and 2, 6, 7
Atman, C. J., 40, 303–306, 311, 335
Atwood, A. K., 335–336
Australia, 66
Authentic engineering practice, 123–127
Baer, J., 325
Bagiati, A., 355
Bailey, E. C., 337
Bailey, R., 306
Bairaktarova, D., 355
Barker, D., 236
Bartlett, K., 369
Bauer, S., 295
Beacher, R., 173
Bell, P., 145
Bell, R. L., 92
Benchmarks for Science Literacy, 6, 7, 11, 67
Benner, A. D., 215
Bergen, B., 354
Bessemer, S. P., 319
Best, S., 261
BEST Robotics, 388, 389, 390, 392
Birman, B. F., 237
Blicblau, A. S., 321
Blyth, D. A., 101
Boston Globe, 407
Botball Educational Robotics, 387, 389, 390
Bottomley, L., 277
Brainstorming, 79
Brandeis University, 393
Bronowski, J., 400
Brophy, S., 355
Brown, K., 289–290
Brusic, S. A., 294
Bullard, L. G., 335
Bush, G. W., 13
Butler, J., 295
Canada, 66
Cardella, M. E., 40, 246, 371, 419
on assessment, 303–305, 307, 331, 337
on DET, 165
on engineering at home, 345, 349, 351
on standards, 9
Career and technical education (CTE), 185
Careers, engineering, 25–26, 64, 99
factors affecting choice of, 385–388
as helping careers, 121–122
role models, 122
everyone can engineer and, 131
what inspires people to pursue, 400–401
workforce needs and, 402
Changing the Conversation, 234
Chicago Council on Global Affairs, 226
Cicchelli, T., 173
Civil Engineering and Architecture, 295
Clark, R., 66
Clinical interviews, 152–153
Coaching, 91
Cognition, 304–305
Collaboration, 74, 80, 125–126, 403–404
College of New Jersey, The (TCNJ), 281, 283–285, 290, 295
Common Core State Standards, 15–16, 37
Communication skills, 80–81, 334
Comparison of science, mathematics, and technology standards, 9–11
Concern-Based Adoption Model (CBAM), 168–171
Concord Evaluation, 406
Concrete activities, 77–78
Confidence, 80
Connolly, K. G., 150
Consensual assessment techniques, 325
development, assessment instrument, 305–306, 307
integration versus context integration, 39–40
Convergent thinking, 326
Conversation analysis, 192
Conversation and gesture analysis, 192
Coon, C, 294
Coordination, 191
Coping, skillful, 190
Core engineering concepts and skills at the elementary level, 70–72 Coyle, H. P., 145
Creative Engineering Design Assessment, 327
Creative Product Analysis, 319
Creative Product Inventory, 319
Creativity, 315. See also Design, engineering assessments, 325–326, 334
deep reasoning and, 322–323
education and, 323–325
in engineering, 320–323
engineering education to foster diversity-driven, 107–108
engineering thinking and, 105–107
legislation and fostering of, 324
multilevel model of, 321–322
overview of, 316–320
research opportunities, 326–327
role of person in, 317–318
role of press in, 320
role of process in, 318
role of product in, 318–320
role of the problem in, 320
Creativity Assessment Packet, 325
Critical thinking, 104–105
Csikszentmihalyi, M., 350
Cuevas, P., 128
Culture and engineering curricula, 32
Cunningham, C. M., 49, 92, 94, 99, 146, 164–165, 239, 244, 278, 283, 304
on assessing student understanding, 305, 337
on engaging students, 117, 135, 376
on Engineering is Elementary (EiE), 61, 62, 68, 70, 238, 373
on middle school students, 99
on teacher development, 165, 172, 215, 216, 239, 244, 245
Curriculum, engineering, 35–36, 117–119. See also Technology
challenges in implementing, 30–31
collaboration in, 80
in diverse real-world contexts, 76
engineering as a career and, 25–26
engineering design process in, 40–41, 43, 64–68
expanded to national level, 29–30
importance in core curriculum, 23–27
inclusive curriculum design principles, 119–127
making math and science relevant, 24–25
in Massachusetts state standards, 14–15
as the missing core discipline, 21–23
national calls for integration of, 36–38
in national standards, 7–8
place in total curriculum, 248–249
Project Lead the Way, 193
promoting problem solving and project-based learning, 23–24
purposeful application of science and mathematical skills and concepts to, 78
Science through LEGO, 146–150
three-dimensional world and, 27
transformational moment in, 27–29
vocabulary, 78
Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics, 4
Curriculum models, 50–51, 52 (table)
Custer, R. L., 185, 259, 269, 270, 272
Daniels, H., 49
Darling-Hammond, L., 280
Daugherty, J. L., 185, 215, 259, 268, 269, 270, 272
Davidson, M., 98
Deaktor, R., 128
Deep reasoning, 322–323
Deismone, L., 237
Design-based learning and science literacy, 97
Design, engineering, 40–41, 43, 303–304. See also Creativity
assessment (See Assessment instruments)
authentic challenges, 123–127
-based instruction, 96–97 (See also Science through LEGO)
collaboration in, 74
communication skills and, 80–81
designed world and, 70–72
different levels of, 320–321
effective teaching modeling, 279
failure as part of, 74–75, 124–125
flexible and iterative process in, 79
history of elementary, 64–68
interdisciplinary nature of, 74
modeling and making explicit the practices of, 127–129
open-ended challenges, 123–124
parameters for working with teachers and students, 75–83
people engineering in, 73
persistence, analysis, and productive use of failure in, 74–75
process, 74
qualitative and quantitative measures in, 125
reverse, 75
tasks offering opportunities to foster critical thinking, 104–105
tasks offering opportunities to motivate student learning of science and mathematics, 103–104
tasks offering opportunities to promote creative thinking, 105–107
Design, Engineering, and Technology Survey (DET), 335
Design and Drive, 373
Design and Problem Solving in Technology, 294
Design Challenges, 373
Designed world, the, 70–72
Design Process Knowledge Task, 337
Design Squad, 94, 240, 243, 352, 399, 405, 421
birth of, 407–410
evaluation of, 412–413
extending the impact beyond television, 410–412
lessons learned from, 413–414
Dethlefs, T. M., 386
DeVore, P., 289
De Vries, M., 65
Diefes-Dux, H. A., 79, 82, 233, 241, 243, 246, 337
Diffusion of Innovations, 166–168
Dingman, S., 236
DiscoverE, 402
Discussions, whole-class, 153–155
Divergent thinking, 325
Diversity-driven creativity, 107–108
Dolan, R. J., 279
Dooley, L. M., 173
Doppelt, Y., 304
Dow, G. T., 326
Draw-an-Engineer Test (DAET), 94, 337
Draw-a-Scientist Test, 337
Duderstadt, J. J., 106
Duncan, D., 246
Dym, C., 40, 107, 321, 322–323
Ecological contexts, 191
Ecological shifts, 191
Edelbach, R., 295
Edelin, K. C., 101
Education Week, 400
Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 2002, 13, 53
Elementary Engineering Education (EEE) professional development, 165
Elementary school engineering education, 61–62, 78, 79, 144, 164. See also Engineering is Elementary (EiE); Science through LEGO
in Australia, 66
in Canada, 66
Concern-Based Adoption Model (CBAM) and, 168–179
core concepts and skills, 69–75
design parameters for working with teachers and students, 75–83
in England, 65–66
history of, 64–68
lessons learned from design and implementation of “Engineering is Elementary” program, 68–69
in New Zealand, 67
preparing teachers for, 164–166, 280–286
reasons for including, 62–64
recommendations, 83
teacher professional development for, 237–254
in the United States, 67–68
Embodied cognition framework, 189
Emergent creativity, 319–320
Engagement, student, 63
children’s agency as engineers and, 132–133
hands-on learning and, 126–127
and learning environments in which all students’ ideas and contributions have value, 131–132
assessing attitudes toward, 334–335
behaviors, skills, or practices assessment, 335
creativity in, 320–323
fear of, 239–246
knowledge assessment, 333–334
literacy, 8–9
public awareness of, 402–407
thinking, 243–245, 251–253, 355–356
Engineering and Technology, 294
Engineering at home, 345–348, 356–357
agents, 348–350
artifacts, 350–355
media and, 350–352, 401–402, 408–410
play and, 352–355
Engineering by Design (EbD), 277
influence of engineering principles on study of technology and, 291–292
Engineering careers, 25–26, 64, 99
factors affecting choice of, 385–388
as helping careers, 121–122
place of engineering in the world and, 120–121
role models, 122
students viewing everyone as engineers and, 131
what inspires people to pursue, 400–401
workforce needs and, 402
Engineering curriculum, 35–36, 117–119. See also Technology
challenges in implementing, 30–31
collaboration in, 80
current state of, 420–421
in diverse real-world contexts, 76
engineering as a career and, 25–26
engineering design process in, 40–41, 43, 64–68
expanded to national level, 29–30
importance in core curriculum, 23–27
inclusive curriculum design principles, 119–127
making math and science relevant, 24–25
in Massachusetts state standards, 14–15
as the missing core discipline, 21–23
national calls for integration of, 36–38
in national standards, 7–8
place in total curriculum, 248–249
promoting problem solving and project-based learning, 23–24
purposeful application of science and mathe matical skills and concepts to, 78
Science through Lego, 146–150
three-dimensional world and, 27
transformational moment in, 27–29
vocabulary, 78
authentic challenges, 123–127
-based instruction, 96–97 (See also Science through LEGO)
collaboration in, 74
communication skills and, 80–81
designed world and, 70–72
failure as part of, 74–75, 124–125
flexible and iterative process in, 79
history of elementary, 64–68
interdisciplinary nature of, 74
modeling and making explicit the practices of, 127–129
open-ended challenges, 123–124
parameters for working with teachers and students, 75–83
people engineering in, 73
persistence, analysis, and productive use of failure in, 74–75
process, 74
qualitative and quantitative measures in, 125
reverse, 75
tasks offering opportunities to foster critical thinking, 104–105
tasks offering opportunities to motivate student learning of science and mathematics, 103–104
tasks offering opportunities to promote creative thinking, 105–107
Engineering Design: An Introduction, 295
Engineering education, elementary school, 61–62, 78, 79, 144, 164. See also Engineering is Elementary (EiE); Science through LEGO
in Australia, 66
in Canada, 66
Concern-Based Adoption Model (CBAM) and, 168–179
core concepts and skills, 69–75
design parameters for working with teachers and students, 75–83
in England, 65–66
history of, 64–68
lessons learned from design and implementation of “Engineering is Elementary” program, 68–69
in New Zealand, 67
preparing teachers for, 164–166, 280–286
reasons for including, 62–64
recommendations, 83
teacher professional development for, 237–254
in the United States, 67–68
Engineering education, high school, 211–212
analysis of enacted curriculum, 220–224
analysis of intended curriculum for, 217–220
considering academic connections in pre-college engineering contexts, 212–214
current findings on, 214–215
implications, 224–228
review of teacher beliefs research on, 215–217
teacher pre-service education, 286–295
Engineering education, informal, 345–348, 356–357. See also Museums, engineering learning in
agents, 348–350
artifacts, 350–355
media and, 350–352
in the middle grades, 93–99
play and, 352–355
Engineering education, middle grades, 89–90, 108–109
cognitive state of middle school students’ engineering design knowledge and skills and, 97–99
formal programs, 90–93
to foster diversity-driven creativity, 107–108
informal programs, 93–99
as motivational tool for science and mathematics education, 100–107
motivation state of middle school students for engineering careers and, 99
reasons for, 95–99
Engineering Education Beliefs and
Expectations-Teacher version (EEBEI-T), 335–336, 337
Engineering Habits of Mind, 107
Engineering Identity Development Scale (EIDS), 335
Engineering in K-12 Education: Understanding the Status and Improving the Prospects, 35, 42–43, 67, 184–185, 234
core engineering concepts and skills at the elementary level, 70–72
Engineering is Elementary (EiE), 14, 44–46, 118–119, 135–136, 277, 303–304
inclusive curriculum design principles, 119–127
learning in real-world context and, 119–122
lessons learned from design and implementation of, 68–69
presenting design challenges that are authentic to engineering practice, 123–127
reflection on, 82
scaffolding student work in, 127–131
teacher professional development, 238–254
Engineer Your Life (EYL), 242, 399, 404–407, 414, 421
England, 65–66
Epistemological orientations, modal-specific, 190–191
Eris, O., 40, 107, 321, 322–323
Eubanks, D. L., 323
Evangelou, D., 355
Explanatoids, 371–372
Exploratorium (San Francisco), 373–374
Exploratory creativity, 319
Extraordinary Women Engineers (EWE), 403
Facilities, 32
Failure, productive use of, 74–75, 124–125
Fales, J. F., 294
Familiarity with materials, tasks, or terminology, 129–131
Fantz, T. D., 292
Fasse, B. B., 98, 99, 146, 304
Fear of engineering, 239–246
Felder, R. M., 335
Feldlaufer, H., 101
Finelli, C. J., 335
FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition in Science and Technology), 386
robotics competitions, 388–393
Fishman, B. J., 261
Fletcher, L., 294
in activities and lessons, 130–131
in design process, 79
Flow-motivated learners, 350
Focal Points for Kindergarten Through Grade 8 Mathematics: A Quest for Coherence, 4
For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST), 277–278
Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas, 16, 40, 68, 164, 422
core engineering concepts and skills at the elementary level, 70–72
Frauenfelder, M., 373
Free-choice activities, 368
Frey, D., 40, 107, 321, 322–323
Fullan, M., 172
Funding, 31–32
Gainsburg, J., 184
Games and engineering at home, 354–355
Ganesh, Tirupalavanam G., 89, 94, 99
Gardner, H., 318
Gardner, M., 400
Garet, M. S., 237
Gateway to Technology, 50
Generative design, 323
Gentry, M., 246
George, A. A., 174
George Mason University, 400
Gesture analysis, 192
GetSTEM, 51
Gilbert, S. J., 321
collaboration by, 125, 403–404
role models for, 122
Glancy, Aran W., 35, 36, 47, 216
Goals, engineering, 74
Good, R., 51
Goodman Research Group, 392
Grasso, D., 105
Grigorenko, E. L., 145
Gross, N., 166
Guidebooks, teacher, 82–83
Guiding questions, 82
Guilford, J. P., 315, 316, 323, 325, 327
Guskey, T., 262
Guzdial, M., 204
Hall, R., 188
Handley, B., 294
Hands-on learning, 126–127
Hargreaves, A., 172
Harms, H., 294
Hart, J., 128
Harvard University, 23
Hayes, J. R., 318
Heidegger, M., 190
Helping careers, 121
Hennessy, S., 98
High school engineering education, 211–212
analysis of enacted curriculum, 220–224
analysis of intended curriculum for, 217–220
considering academic connections in pre-college engineering contexts, 212–214
current findings on, 214–215
implications, 224–228
review of teacher beliefs research on, 215–217
teacher pre-service education, 286–295
High school teacher professional development
content, 269–270
context, 267–268
gaps in practice, 270–271
introduction and background, 260
literature review, 261–262
pre-service education, 286–295
process, 268–269
recommendations, 271–272
results, 263–267
status of, 267
status of research and practice, 262
Hill, A. M., 66
Hilpert, J. C., 304
Hmelo, C. E., 103
Holden, K., 295
Holton, D. L., 103
Home, engineering at, 345–348, 356–357
agents, 348–350
artifacts, 350–355
media and, 350–352
play and, 352–355
Hope, W. C., 173
How People Learn, 385
Hsu, M.-C, 165, 246, 303, 307, 310, 337
Hyde, A., 49
Inclusive curriculum design principles, 119–127
Industrial Arts, 23
dissatisfaction with traditional programs in, 288–290
Industrial Arts Curriculum Project (IACP), 288–289
Informal education, 345–348, 356–357. See also Museums, engineering learning in
agents, 348–350
artifacts, 350–355
current state of, 421
future work for, 422–423
media and, 350–352, 401–402, 408–410
in the middle grades, 93–99
play and, 352–355
Ingenuity in Action, 373
Innovation, 25–26
adoption, 166–168
collaboration and, 80
Concern-Based Adoption Model (CBAM), 168–179
configurations, 171
defined, 166
diffusion of, 166–168
robotics competitions and, 394–395
Inquiry science learning, 64, 126–127, 384–385
INSPIRE (Institute for P-12 Engineering Research and Learning), xi, 234–236, 239–240, 336
Instructional materials, Science through LEGO, 148–150
Instruments, assessment, 303–304
adapting existing, 337
Creative Engineering Design Assessment, 327
creativity, 325–326
Design a Model House, 144, 149
Design a Musical Instrument, 144, 148–149, 153–154, 159–160
Design an Animal Model, 144, 149
Design a People Mover, 144, 150
Design, Engineering, and Technology Survey (DET), 335, 337
development process, 305–306, 307
discussion, 309–311
Draw an Engineer Test (DAET), 94, 243, 337
Draw a Scientist Test, 337
Engineering Education Beliefs and Expectations Instrument (EEBEI), 214, 216, 225–227, 335–336, 337, 421
Engineering Identity Development Scale (EIDS), 335
Kirton Innovator-Adapter (KAI) inventory, 326
locating existing, 336
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), 326
Parent Engineering Awareness Survey, 338
pilot test, 307–309
Playground Task, 335
Revised Stages of Concerns (SoC) questionnaire, 174–178
STEM Hope instrument, 334
Students’ Awareness and Percpetions of Learning Engineering (STAPLE) instrument, 335
Teaching Engineering Self-Efficacy Scale, 335
theoretical framework, 304–306
Intercontextuality, 203
Interdisciplinary nature of engineering, 74
International Technology and Engineering
Education Association (ITEEA), 7, 29, 67, 287, 291
International Technology Education Association, 7–8
Interpretation, 305
Interviews, clinical, 152–153
Invention by Design: How Engineers Get from Thought to Thing, 295
Investment Theory of Creativity, 316–317
Isaksen, S. G., 326
Iterative use of engineering design process, 79
Jacobs, M., 371
Jeffers, A. T., 94
Johnson, J. H., 321
Jones, A., 65
Jones, T., 399
Journals, student, 155–156
KAB framework, 332–335
Kamen, D., 386
Kamii, C., 386
Katsioloudis, P. T., 292
Kendall, A., 143
Kennedy, D., 295
Kettering, C., 324
Khatena-Torrance Creative Perception Inventory, 325
Kim, K. Y., 349
King’s College, 400
Kirton, M., 326
deep reasoning and, 322–323
situated perspectives of, 187–188, 189
Knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors (KAB) framework, 332–335
Kolodner, J. L., 98, 99, 103, 146, 304
Krathwohl, D. R., 324
Kuetemeyer, V. F., 294
Kwon, H. S., 186
Lachapelle, C. P., 99, 146, 164, 165, 278, 283
on assessing student understanding, 305
on engaging students, 117, 135
on Engineering is Elementary (EiE), 46, 61, 62, 63, 69, 70, 72, 74, 78, 373
on teacher development, 238, 239, 244
Lannin, J., 236
Lauer, K. J., 326
Lave, J., 368
Lawless, K. A., 237
Lawrence Hall of Science, 373
Learning. See also Creativity, Curriculum, Engineering curriculum, Engineering education, elementary school, Engineering education, high school, Engineering education, middle grades, Informal education, Information education, Museums
activities and lessons that are flexible to needs and abilities of students, 130–131
cognition and, 304–305
collaborative, 74, 80, 125–126, 403–404
design-based, 96–97
environments in which all students’ ideas and contributions have avlue, 131–132
evidence of student, 150–156
and innovation skills, 80
inquiry-based, 64, 126–127, 384–385
KAB framework and, 332–335
in real-world context, 76, 119–122
teacher-student interactions and, 101–102
as trajectory of participation in modal engagements, 189
Learning Science in Informal Environments, 346
Leatham, K. R., 48
Lee, C. D., 129
Lee, H. N., 186
Lee, H.-S., 152
Lee, J., 163
Lee, O., 128
Lee, Y.-J., 131
Lehrer, R., 145, 146, 152, 153
Leifer, L., 40, 107, 321, 322–323
Lewis, B. A., 386
Lidwell, W., 295
Linde, N., 399
Lindgren-Streicher, A., 99, 244
Locally invariant relations, 189
Lordan, M., 326
Loughry, M. L., 335
Low-cost, readily available materials, 133–134
Lubart, T. I., 316–317
Mac Iver, D., 101
Maker Faires, 373–374
Maley, D., 289
Mann, E., 336
Mann-Whitney test, 309
Manouchehri, A., 101
Marshall, D., 294
Martinelli, D., 105
Martinez, A., 173
Maryland Plan, 289
Maryland School Performance Assessment Program, 387
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 409
Massachusetts Science and Technology Engineering Curriculum Framework, 14
Massachusetts state standards, 14–15, 28–29
concrete activities with, 77–78
developing challenges that require low-cost, readily available, 133–134
previous familiarity with, 129–131
properties of, 149
and resources, STEM education, 51–53, 52 (table)
Science through LEGO, 148–150
Math and Science Teacher Partnership (MSTP), 53
anxiety, 284–285
engineering as motivational tool for education in, 100–107
engineering design tasks offering opportunities to motivate student learning of, 103–104
engineering requiring application of, 102–103
literacy, 9
Math Trailblazers, 50–51
MathWings, 387
Matteson, D., 295
Mayer, R. E., 326
McAlister, B., 271
McClelland, J., 50
McCombs, B. L., 89
McCormick, R., 98
McEwen, F., 400
McNemar test, 309
Media and engineering at home, 350–352, 401–402. See also Design Squad
Mehalik, M. M., 304
Merrill Advanced Studies Center, 384
Messick, S., 338
Metcalf, T., 173
Meyer, J. P., 272
Middle grades engineering education, 89–90, 108–109
cognitive state of middle school students’ engineering design knowledge and skills and, 97–99
formal programs, 90–93
to foster diversity-driven creativity, 107–108
informal programs, 93–99
as motivational tool for science and mathematics education, 100–107
motivation state of middle school students for engineering careers and, 99
reasons for, 95–99
Middleton, H., 66
Middleton, J. A., 101
Midgley, C., 101
Miller, R. B., 387
Millersville University (MU), 282–283
Mintzes, J. J., 337
Missing core discipline, engineering as the, 21–23
Mistry, R. S., 215
Modal engagements (MEs), 188–189
bridge building case study, 201–202
epistemological orientations and, 190–191
lecture results, 194–201
as locally invariant relations, 189
modality transition behaviors, 191
Modal engagements analysis (MEA), 191–192, 193–194
discussion and conclusion, 202–204
reflective thinking and, 202
results, 194–201
Modality transition behaviors, 191
Modeling, 334
and making explicit the practices of engineering, 127–129
Model of a Theoretical Base for Industrial Arts Education, 289
engineering, 74
Moore, T. J., 35–38, 43, 46, 47, 50, 103, 217
Mosborg, S., 40
Motivation goal theory, 101
Mumford, M. D., 323
Murphy, P., 98
Murphy, S. T., 323
Museum of Science (Boston), 373
assessing engineering learning outcomes and processes within, 377–378
background and context, 364–372
discussion on learning in, 374–378
engineering learning in, 363–364, 378–379
examples of engineering experiences in, 372–374
exploring engineering learning in, 372
learning in science, 370–372
museum experience and, 368–370
providing broader view of engineering, 376
Musikul, K., 236
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), 326
Nam, Y., 46
Nasir, N. S., 129
Nathan, M. J., 50, 92, 183, 335–336
on high school pre-engineering curricula, 211, 214, 216–220, 222
on integration of STEM concepts, 183, 185–186, 193, 202–204,
National Academies, 31, 37, 102, 225–226
National Academy of Engineering (NAE), 8, 12, 26, 67, 99, 186, 402–403, 404, 406
Changing the Conversation, 234
Engineering in K-12 Education: Understanding the Status and Improving the Prospects, 35, 42–43, 67, 70–72, 184–185, 234
on engineering skills and jobs, 106
on teachers’ views, 215
National Academy of Sciences, 7
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 14, 15, 30, 37, 287
National Association of Manufacturers, 385
National Center for Education Statistics, 260
National Center for Engineering and Technology Education (NCETE), 262–263
National Center for Technological Literacy (NCTL), 14, 29
National Committee on Science Education Standards and Assessment, 385
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), 292
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), 4, 41, 217, 219
National Defense Education Act of 1958, 324
National Engineers Week Foundation, 402, 404
National Governors Association, 30, 226, 227
National Research Council (NRC), 6–7, 29, 31, 63, 100, 186
Adding It Up, 102
on creativity, 107
Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas, A, 16, 40, 68, 164
How People Learn, 385
on informal science learning, 370
“Learning Science in Informal Environments,” 346
on middle school curricula, 90
Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future, 12–13, 185
Taking Science to School, 102
National Science Board, 107
National Science Education Standards (NSES), 7, 11, 16, 67, 412
core engineering concepts and skills at the elementary level, 70–72
National Science Foundation (NSF), 3, 11, 29, 53, 263, 271, 385, 402
on museum-based learning, 379
on scientific creativity, 327
technology education funding, 290
National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), 6
National Staff Development Council, 262
Nation’s Report Card, The, 15
New York Hall of Science, 373–374
New Zealand, 67
Next Generation Science Standards, xi, 37, 68, 80, 89, 422, 424
adoption by states, 30, 304, 419
assessment and, 334
core engineering concepts and skills at the elementary level, 70–72
design-based learning and, 97
development of, 4–6
engineering as core idea in, 16, 31
teacher professional development and, 237
Nichols, J. E., 387
Noble, T., 189
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, 13, 53, 90, 100
North Carolina State University (NC State), 282, 285–286, 295
Novelty, 319
Obama, B., 100
O’Brien, S., 277, 280, 283–284, 295
Observation, 305
Ohland, M. W., 335
“On the Moon,” 411
Open-ended design challenges, 123–124
Optimism, 80
Optimization, 334
Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI), 372
Original design, 320–321
Out-of-school time (OST), 345–346. See also Engineering at home. See also information education
Palincsar, A., 204
Pang, J., 51
Paper-and-pencil tests, Science through LEGO, 150–152
Parebt Engineering Awareness Survey, 338
Park, K. S., 186
Park, M. S., 46
Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 107, 393–395
Patrick, H., 101
Paulsen, C., 406
Pearson, D., 219
Perceptions about engineering, 402–407
Perkins Career and Technical Education Act, 185
Persistence, 74–75
Personal trait and creativity, 317–318
Phelps, L. A., 92, 185–186, 335–336
on high-school pre-engineering curricula, 211, 214, 216–217, 219, 220, 223
Piaget, J., 353
Play and engineering at home, 352–355
Playful Invention and Exploration (PIE) Network, 374, 375
Plucker, J. A., 325
Pope, J. E., 89
Porter, A. C., 237
Portsmore, M., 38, 50, 72, 260, 278
on elementary school science instruction, 143, 146, 148
on engineering education in middle grades, 97–98, 100
Positive reinforcement of core concepts, 81–82
Pre-college engineering education, 211–212
analysis of enacted curriculum, 220–224
analysis of intended curriculum for, 217–220
considering academic connections in pre-college engineering contexts, 212–214
current findings on, 214–215
current state of, 419–421
implications, 224–228
national interest in, 419
review of teacher beliefs research on, 215–217
teacher pre-service education, 286–295
Pre-engineering thinking, 355–356
Prepare and Inspire: K-12 Education in Science Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) for America’s Future, 36–37
Pre-service teacher education, 277–280, 295–296
College of New Jersey, The (TCNJ), 281, 283–285
current review of, 292–295
dissatisfaction with traditional industrial arts programs and, 288–291
elementary education, 280–286
influence of engineering principles on study of technology and, 291–292
North Carolina State University (NC State), 282, 285–286
possible future research, 296
secondary education, 286–295
Press role in creativity, 320
Prevost, A. C., 92, 185–187, 203, 335–337, 421
on high school pre-engineering curricula, 211, 214, 216–220, 222–223
Pridham, J., 400
Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (NCTM), 291
Principles of Engineering, 294
Print and engineering at home, 350–351
Problem-based learning (PBL), 95–96
Problem-solving skills, 23–24, 39, 63, 80
creative thinking and, 105–107
engineering design process and, 245–246
engineering thinking, 243–245
Process of creativity, 318
Products of creativity, 318–320
Professional development. See Teacher professional development (TPD)
Professional vision, 196
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), 37
Project-based learning, 23–24, 63, 64
modal-specific epistemological orientations and, 190
Project Lead the Way (PLTW), 28, 50, 92, 277
analysis of curriculum of, 220–224
curriculum, 217–220
implications, 224–228
influence of engineering principles on study of technology and, 291
integration, 187
integration method, 192–194
situated perspectives and scientific practice, 188
Properties of materials unit, Science through LEGO, 149
Public perception of engineering, 402–407
Public policy, 226–227
Purdue Creativity Test, 325
Purdue University, 234. See also INSPIRE (Institute for P-12 Engineering Research and Learning)
Purzer, S., 3, 9, 165, 246, 311, 419
on assessment, 304, 306, 307, 335–337
Qualitative and quantitative measures in design, 125
Racial and ethnic minorities, 107–108, 388
Ramaley, J. A., 3–4
Real-world contexts of learning, 76, 119–122
Reasoning, deep, 322–323
Reeves, R. P., 240
Reflection, 82
Reflective thinking, 202
Remote Associates Test, 326
Requirements, engineering, 74
creativity, 326–327
pre-college engineering education, 227–228
and program evaluation, assessment for, 335–337
teacher professional development, 236–237
Resnik, L., 350
Responsibility for learning, 63
Reuman, D., 101
Reverse engineering, 75
Rich, P. J., 48
Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future, 12–13, 37, 185
Robinson-Kurpius, S., 215, 337
Robolab, 28
Robotics competitions
factors affecting STEM career choices and, 385–388
inquiry-based learning and, 384–385
interest in science and mathematics and, 384
major, 388–392
overview of, 383–384
research findings, 392–393
21st-century skills and, 393–395
Roehrig, G. H., 35, 38, 46, 50
Rogers, C., 143, 146, 148, 150
Rogers, M. P., 236
Role models, 122
Rosebery, A. S., 129
Roth, W.-M., 103, 104, 131, 145, 146
Royal Holloway College, 400
Rutherford, W. L., 174
Ryan, A. M., 101
Ryan, B., 166
Sadler, P. M., 145
Safferman, A. G., 94
Safferman, S. I., 94
Sagan, C., 400
Saleem, J., 40
Scaffolding student work, 127–131
Scales for Rating the Behavioral Characteristics of Superior Students, 325
Schauble, L., 145, 146, 152, 153, 369
Schmitt, M., 288
Schmucker, D. G., 335
Schnittka, C. G., 43, 46, 89, 91, 92, 102
Schunn, C. D., 304
Schwartz, M., 145
Science. See also Mathematics
education to STEM education, shift from, 3–4
engineering as motivational tools for education in, 100–107
engineering design tasks offering opportunities to motivate student learning of, 103–104
engineering requiring application of, 102–103
Science for All Americans, 4, 6
Science Museum of Minnesota, 373, 422–423
Science through LEGO, 28, 144, 159–160
animals unit, 149
clinical interviews, 152–153
curriculum, 146–150
evidence of student learning, 150–156
instructional format, 146–148
instructional materials, 148–150
paper-and-pencil tests, 150–152
properties of materials unit, 149
simple machines unit, 150
sound unit, 148–149
student journals, 155–156
teacher perceptions, 156–159
theoretical and empirical basis, 145–146
whole-class discussions, 153–155
Scientific Creativity: Its Recognition and Development, 327
Scientific literacy, 8
Scope, Sequence, and Coordination of Secondary School Science, 6
Secondary education. See High school engineering education
Shaffer, D. W., 368
Simmons, R. G., 101
Simple machines unit, Science through LEGO, 150
Singer, J. L., 354
Situated perspectives, 187–188, 189
Skillful coping, 190
Social Cognitive Theory, 352
Social constructivism, 91, 95–96
Social groups and museums, 368–369
Society, Ethics, and Technology, 295
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), 90
Soloway, E., 204
Sound unit, Science through LEGO, 148–149
Sparks, D., 262
Spillane, J. P., 178
Sputnik, 100
St. Catherine’s University, 282, 295
comparing science, mathematics, and technology, 9–11
Design Squad and, 412
development of national science education, 4–7, 290–291
Massachusetts state, 14–15, 28–29
national calls for integration of engineering in K-12 and connection to, 36–38
Next Generation Science, xi, 4–6, 16, 30, 31, 37, 68, 70–72, 80, 89, 97, 237, 304, 334, 419, 422, 424
rise of technology and engineering in state, 11–14
STEM literacy and, 8–9
technology and engineering in national, 7–8
Standards for K-12 Engineering Education, 40
Standards for Technological Literacy (STL), 7, 67–68, 287, 291, 296, 412
core engineering concepts and skills at the elementary level, 70–72
STAR Legacy Cycle, 203
Steiner, J. M., 321
STEM education integration, 35–36, 38–42, 184. See also Project Lead the Way (PLTW)
adoption of new standards for, 17
benefits, challenges, and potential solutions in integration of, 48–53
classroom activity results, 194–201
content integration versus context integration, 39–40
content knowledge and, 49–50, 52 (table)
current state of, 420–421
curriculum models, 50–51, 52 (table)
defining integrated, 38–39
framework for integrating, 42–48
issues of, 186–187
literature review, 184–185
materials and resources, 51–53, 52 (table)
method, 192–194
modal engagements and, 188–194
quality curricular models, 50–51
shift from science education to, 3–4
situated perspectives and scientific practice in, 187–188
theoretical framework, 188–192
translations among the STEM disciplines, 46–48
what we know about, 419–421
what we need to know about, 421–423
where we are headed with, 423–424
STEM Hope instrument, 334
STEM Integration in K-12 Education: Status, Prospects, and an Agenda for Research, 204
STEM literacy, 8–9
Sternberg, R. J., 145, 316–317
Stone, J. R., 219
Strobel, J., 15, 36, 163, 164, 165, 237, 304, 419
on assessment, 331, 333–335, 337
Student-centered pedagogies, 43
Student engagement, 63
Student journals, 155–156
Students’ Awareness and Perceptions of Learning Engineering (STAPLE) instrument, 335
Success Through Failure: The Paradox of Design, 295
SUNY Buffalo, 289
Svarovsky, G. N., 91, 336, 363, 367, 368, 371, 372, 376
Swenofsky, N., 294
Systems thinking, 72
Taking Science to School, 102
Tal, R. T., 261
Tarde, G., 166
Task-mastery-focused goals, 101
Taylor, A., 319
Taylor, I. A., 319–320
Teacher education, pre-service, 277–280, 295–296
College of New Jersey, The (TCNJ), 281, 283–285
current review of, 292–295
dissatisfaction with traditional industrial arts programs and, 288–291
elementary education, 280–286
influence of engineering principles on study of technology and, 291–292
North Carolina State University (NC State), 282, 285–286
possible future research, 296
secondary education, 286–295
Teacher professional development (TPD), 29–30, 165–166, 224–226, 233–234, 260. See also Teachers
assessing student learning in, 253
augmenting science and mathematics learning, 249–251
Concern-Based Adoption Model (CBAM) and, 168–179
elementary, 237–254
first-year implementation, 246–249
high school, 260–267
INSPIRE program, 234–236
literature review, 261–262
recommendations for practitioners, 253–254
research and initiatives, 236–237
results, 263–267
second-year implementation, 249, 253
stages, 239–253
status of research and practice, 262–263
Teachers beliefs about students and student learning, 248
beliefs research, 215–217
coaching by, 91
comfort teaching with open-endedness, 247–248
Concern-Based Adoption Model (CBAM) and, 168–179
design parameters for working with students and, 75–83
elementary school, 70
engineer thinking and, 243–245, 251–253
guidebooks, 82–83
interactions with students, 101–102
overcoming fear of engineering, 239–246
perceptions of Science through LEGO, 156–159
support in learning engineering practices and successfully implementing engineering curricula and activities, 82
work relationships, 247
Teaching Engineering Self-Efficacy Scale, 335
Teamwork. See Collaboration
Technical creativity, 319
Technically Speaking: Why All Americans Need to Know More About Technology, 12
Technological literacy, 8, 62–63, 65, 164
as basic literacy, 23
Technology. See also Engineering, K-12
in the designed world, 72
history intertwined with history of people and societies, 73
influence of engineering principles on study of, 291–292
influences on and effects of development of, 73
in Massachusetts state standards, 14–15
in national standards, 7–8
Technology: An Intellectual Discipline, 289
Technology Education Learning by Design, 294
Technology: Engineering and Design, 294
Technology and Engineering Literacy Framework for the 2014 National Assessment of Educational Progress, 15
Tech Tally, 336
engineering at home and, 351–352, 401–402, 408–410
extending the impact beyond, 410–412
Testing to failure, 75
Tests, paper-and-pencil, 150–152
Texas Assessment of Academic Skills, 387
Textbooks, 32
Theory of distributed cognition, 145
Thinking, engineering, 243–245, 251–253
pre-, 355–356
Thompson, G., 326
Three-dimensional world, navigating in, 27
3M STEM Education Fellowship Program, 50
Tierney, C., 189
To Engineer is Human: The Role of Failure in Successful Design, 295
Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking, 316, 325
Toys and engineering at home, 353–354
Tracy, D., 354
Tran, N. A., 50, 92, 217, 219, 220, 223, 335–336
Transformational creativity, 319
Translations among the STEM disciplines, 46–48
Turns, J., 40
2010 Science and Engineering Indicators, 107
University of Colorado Boulder, 405–406
University of Michigan, 387
University of Minnesota, 50
University of St. Thomas, 282, 295
University West Virginia, 289
U.S. Department of Education, 385
Usluel, Y., 173
Utah State University, 294
Van der Sandt, S., 277, 283–284
Variant design, 320–321
Vision, professional, 196
Walkington, C. A., 145, 183, 202, 336
Wang, C.-Y., 236
Warren, B., 129
Washington University, 23
Weisberg, R. W., 318
Welty, K., 217
Wendell, K. B., 63, 78, 80, 93, 143, 150, 152, 153, 186, 188
Wenger, E., 368
Wentzel, K. R., 101
Wertz, R. E. H., 304
WGBH, 399, 401–402, 404, 408, 411
Whole-class discussions, 153–155
Wigfield, A., 101
Wilcox, F. M., 400
Williams, C., 204
Wilson, G. V., 326
Winn, W., 145
Winona State University, 4
Winston, M., 295
Woehr, D. J., 335
Woodward, C. M., 23
“World in Motion, A,” 90
World of Construction, The, 289
World of Manufacturing, The, 289
Wright, G. A., 48
Wright, T., 189
Yen, C. F., 337
Yoon, K. S., 237
Yun, J., 348
Zamenopoulos, T., 321
Zemelman, S., 49
Zhang, S., 349