Chapter 23


This chapter is primarily designed for use by the clinician and some others concerned with directing human behavior. It will be of particular use to psychiatrists, physicians, clinical psychologists, personnel officers, counselors in schools, marriage counselors, court judges, probation and parole officers, institutional directors, social workers, clergymen, teachers, and parents. By means of the tables included in this chapter, it should be possible to compare the sexual history of the individual who comes for help, with averages for other persons of the same age group, educational level, and religious or rural-urban background. Many persons should be interested in comparing their histories with the group patterns.

It is often important to know how far an individual’s sexual behavior departs from the pattern of the group in which he has been raised or in which he may now live. Personality conflicts more often depend upon the individual’s departure from the pattern of the social group to which he belongs, less often upon his failure to conform to the publicly pretended social code or to the formulated laws. Many clinicians feel that any re-direction of behavior should be limited to fitting the individual into the pattern of the particular group to which he belongs, rather than trying to place him in a pattern which the upper social level considers socially or morally desirable. An increasing number of clinicians have come to realize that attempts to re-direct behavior into patterns which are foreign to the background of the individual may introduce even more conflicts.

Many persons who are disturbed over items in their sexual histories may be put at ease when they learn what the patterns of the rest of the population are, and when they realize that their own behavior has not departed fundamentally from the behavior of most persons in their social group.

It may well be questioned how far an individual is responsible for his behavior when he conforms to the pattern of his social level, even though he may thereby be involved in a transgression of the law. Court officers and other law enforcement officials, administrators of penal, mental, and other institutions, and social workers might well distinguish between departures from the law and departures from the pattern which is common in a whole social group. The clinician who is interested in modifying the pattern of a particular individual should realize that this must ultimately involve a transformation of the pattern of the whole group from which the individual comes.


Terms in these tables have been used with the same meanings that have been applied to them throughout the present volume. Specifically, the following definitions have been used:

1. White males. These tables are based entirely upon white males. The data for Negro males are not included.

2. Marital status. There are three sets of tables (Tables 152, 153, 154) covering single males, married males, and previously married males. Persons who have lived openly as man and wife for a full year in a common law relationship are treated as married persons.

3. Age. Summaries are given for each age group, beginning with a period which extends from adolescence through 15, and continuing with groups that extend beyond that by 5-year periods.

4. Educational level. This represents the amount of schooling which the subject ultimately attains before leaving school. There are three classifications: 0–8 are the males who never have more than grade school education; 9–12 are the males who go into high school but not beyond; 13+ are the males who at least start to college. For those individuals who are still in grade school or high school, the ratings must not be taken to represent the grades in which they are currently located. For a male who is still in grade school or in high school, the clinician may sometimes predict, on the basis of his home background, the amount of his future schooling. All males who are still in college may be considered of college level and located in the tables along with the males who have completed college.

5. Urban. Persons who have lived in cities or towns for the major portion of the period between 12 and 18 years of age.

6. Rural. Persons who have lived on operating farms for an appreciable portion of the time between ages 12 and 18.

7. Protest., active. Persons regularly attendant or actively involved in organizational work in a Protestant church, during the age period presented on the tables.

8. Protest., inactive. Persons with Protestant church background, but not regular attendants or active participants in church activities, during the period shown.

9. Cath., devout. Persons who are members and frequent attendants in the Catholic church, and/or who regularly attend confession.

10. Cath., inactive. Persons with Catholic backgrounds but not regular attendants and not regularly going to confession during the age period shown in the tables.

11. Jewish, Orthod. Persons who are regular attendants at the synagogue and/or more or less strict in their observance of the Orthodox customs.

12. Jewish, inactive. Persons with Jewish backgrounds but not regular attendants at the synagogue or strict in their observance of the Orthodox customs.

13. Source of outlet.

Total. The total number of orgasms (given as averages per week) which result from any and all types of sexual activity, added together

Mast. Masturbation. Orgasms experienced from deliberate self-stimulation by any technique, whether manual, frictional, or other.

Emiss. Nocturnal emissions. Orgasms experienced during sleep, whether with or without accompanying dreams.

Pet. Petting to climax. Orgasms experienced as a result of heterosexual contacts which do not include the actual union of genitalia.

Interc. Intercourse. Orgasms resulting from heterosexual coitus. For single males this represents the total of all pre-marital intercourse, irrespective of whether it is had with companions or with prostitutes, or with both. For married males this represents only that portion of the heterosexual intercourse which is had with the wife. In post-marital histories this is again the total of all heterosexual intercourse, whether with companions or with prostitutes or with both.

Extra. Extra-marital intercourse. The total number of orgasms secured by the married male from coitus with females other than his wife, whether the partners are companions or prostitutes.

Prost. Intercourse with prostitutes. The record of orgasms derived from heterosexual intercourse with prostitutes, in the single, extra-marital, or post-marital histories.

Homo. Homosexual outlet. Orgasms resulting from physical contacts with other males, irrespective of the techniques employed, and irrespective of whether the relation is had with companions or with male prostitutes.

Anim. Animal contacts. Orgasms resulting from sexual contacts with animals other than human, and irrespective of techniques employed.

14. Cases. Showing the size of the population on which the data in the tables are based. It is to be recalled (Chapter 3) that a sample of 50 has proven adequate for establishing incidence data, that samples of 100 or 200 are fairly adequate for means and medians, and that samples of 300 or more are quite adequate for determining means and medians. The larger the sample, the more adequate the data on the range of variation. The clinician may make some allowance for error in data which are shown here when they are based on samples which are smaller than those prescribed above; but such smaller samples may still be taken as indicative of results that may be obtained from larger samples.

15. Incid. %. Showing the percentage of that particular group (the incidence) which has any experience with that particular outlet. This provides a figure for calculating the size of the active population.

16. Freq. per week. Data showing the average frequencies per week from each particular source of outlet, for each segment of the population. These data are all based on “active populations,” as the term has been used throughout the present volume. They are averages for those persons who derive any of their outlet from that particular source, and they are not averaged with data from those who do not draw an outlet from that source.

17. Range. The ranges given under Freq. per week represent the maximum frequencies which have been recorded for the individuals available in the present study, except that the one most extreme individual in each population has not been included. An individual whose rates of outlet average higher than the rates shown in this column, represents a more extreme case than the present investigators have found in a population of the size used here. How far these most extreme individuals depart from the average for the particular population may be seen by comparing the size of the range with the size of the means and the medians.

18. Mean. The means shown under Freq. per week represent the average number of orgasms from each particular source in the particular population. They represent one sort of average which should be taken into account in judging the particular individual, but they should be compared with the averages shown as medians in the next column.

19. Median. The medians shown under Freq. per week represent the average number of orgasms derived by the average individual (the individual who stands mid-way) in the particular population. In many instances this is the most important sort of average for comparisons. The figures for the median become meaningless, however, when they become too small, in which case the data for the means will have to be relied upon.

20. % of total outlet. These data show the proportion of the total sexual outlet which is derived from each source, in each active population. These do not total 100% for the whole population, because each calculation is based only on those individuals whose histories include the particular outlet (see Chapter 3),

21. Range. The range under % of total outlet shows the maximum percentage which any individual in the available sample has derived from a particular source, except that the one most extreme individual is not included in the calculations.

22. Mean. The means under % of total outlet show the proportion of the total number of orgasms which, on an average, is derived from the particular source. This is one kind of average, but it should be compared with the averages shown as medians in the next column.

23. Median. The medians under % of total outlet show the percentages of the total number of orgasms which are derived from each particular source by the average individual in the active population (the individual who stands mid-way in the whole population).


1. After the sexual history of an individual is secured by the clinician, the extent to which the history agrees or disagrees with averages for the particular social group to which he belongs, and the question of whether he falls within or outside of the range of variation now known within that group, may be determined by the use of these clinical tables. Data which the clinician needs for such comparisons should include average frequencies of orgasms experienced by the individual (averaged per week) from each of the possible sources (masturbation, nocturnal emissions, heterosexual petting, total heterosexual intercourse, heterosexual intercourse with prostitutes, marital intercourse, homosexual outlets, and animal contacts), during each of the 5-year periods of the history. The total sexual outlet for the individual in each of the 5-year periods may then be determined by an addition of the above outlets. It is then possible to compute the percentages of the total outlet which the individual has derived from each of these sources, during each of these 5-year periods.

2. The group to which a particular individual belongs may be determined as follows:

  1. Locate the individual in Table 152, 153, or 154, depending on whether he is single, married, or previously married.
  2. Under one of these Tables, pick the age group to which the individual now belongs.
  3. Under each of the ages, locate the section which covers groups whose maximum amount of schooling corresponds with that of the subject.
  4. Under the particular educational levels, locate the individual as urban or rural, and belonging to one or another of the religious groups shown. If the proper rural-urban or religious group is not shown, the history of the particular individual will have to be compared with the data for that educational level taken as a whole.
  5. For further information, examine the data given under each of the age groups which the individual has previously passed through.

3. It is then possible to consider the extent to which the individual’s pattern agrees with or departs from the pattern shown for his group in the tables. Remember that in any group there is always considerable individual variation, and that no individual may be expected to conform to averages for the group (see Figures 136 to 160). The extent to which the clinician allows a departure from any average will depend upon his interpretation of the significance of a strict conformance to the group pattern, and his acceptance of some latitude of individual variation. In any event, the judgment of the individual’s behavior will have been based upon an understanding of the patterns of sexual behavior which lie in the background from which the individual comes.

4. A generalized statement concerning the nature of the sexual pattern in each of these social groups is given on the right-hand page and directly opposite the corresponding data in the tables. If statistical calculations on the individual’s sexual history are not available, or do not seem sufficiently important to secure, his history can at least be compared with the generalized statements given on the right-hand pages throughout this chapter.


1. Adol.-15. Educ. level 0–8. Whole group. Most boys (91%) immediately active upon onset of adolescence, mean weekly rates 3.3 but often 7 or more. Regular masturbation for 85%, but ½ of total outlet from intercourse for ½ of group. This level accepts intercourse as the great desideratum, often begins it in pre-adolescence. Nocturnal emissions in only ¼ of boys. Homosexual in ¼, accounting for 1/10 of their outlet. Other outlets less frequent.

2. Adol.-15. Educ. level 0–8. Urban. Essentially as described above (Group 1). City-bred boys are somewhat more often involved than rural boys in every type of sexual activity except animal contacts. Masturbation ¾ of outlet for 87% of boys; intercourse important, providing ½ of outlet for ½ of boys. Homosexual in 28%, accounting for 8% of their outlet. All other sources more minor.

3. Adol.-15. Educ. level 0–8. Rural. Essentially as described under Group 1. In most sexual activities, farm boys are less often involved than city boys (Group 2). Masturbation in 81%, intercourse in 39%, homosexual in 18%. Masturbation accounts for 84% of total outlet of those who masturbate at all, intercourse for 48%, homosexual for 13%. Animal contacts to orgasm in 9%, attempts in as many more.

4. Adol.-15. Educ. level 0–8. Protest., active. Somewhat more restrained boys of lower level (Group 1). Fewer individuals involved in any type of activity; only a few of these upset by conflict between religious backgrounds and lower level’s acceptance of sex. Boys who do engage in any activity, may have as high frequencies as the rest of the community. Masturbation, intercourse, and the homosexual are the most common, in that order.

5. Adol.-15. Educ. level 0–8. Protest., inactive. A sexually active group of lower level boys (Group 1). Acceptant of most types of sexual activity. Masturbation in 88%, intercourse in 52%, prostitutes in 10%, the homosexual in 23%. Frequencies highest in masturbation and intercourse. Quite aware that their companions and older boys are similarly involved, and not impressed by persons who interfere with such nearly universal activity.

6. Adol.-15. Educ. level 0–8. Cath., inactive. Of Catholic background, but sexual activities little affected by religious teaching. Closely duplicating the group pattern (Group 1), and pattern of inactive Protestant boys (Group 5). Accept masturbation (86% of boys), intercourse (45%), and homosexual relations (30%). Few conflicts. Predominantly heterosexual in psychic response, overt activity, and public pretense; but a full third have some homosexual relations.

7. Adol.-15. Educ. level 9–12. Whole group. Most active of all educational levels, nearly every boy sexually active immediately at adolescence, with high frequencies—3.5 per week, often 10 or more. Nearly all (90%) masturbate; nearly half (43%) have intercourse before 15, many before adolescence; a third (32%) ejaculate in homosexual before 15. Nocturnal emissions (40%) higher than among boys of grade school level; petting more often than in grade school or even college levels.

8. Adol.-15. Educ. level 9–12. Urban. Often very energetic and socially active. Sexually more involved than farm boys (Group 9), especially those city boys who become adolescent by 12. Mean total frequencies 3.7 per week (often to 10 or more). Chief outlets masturbation (among 90%), intercourse (44%), nocturnal emissions (42%), and homosexual (38%). Early becoming proficient at socio-sexual contacts, relatively uninhibited except in a few of the religiously devout.

9. Adol.-15. Educ. level 9–12. Rural. Less active than city-bred boys (Group 8), more active than farm boys of grade school level (Group 3). Most (89%) masturbate, a third (38%) have coitus, another third (35%) nocturnal emissions. In contrast to city boys, only one in five (20%) has homosexual, but one in ten (10%) completes animal intercourse, as many more may attempt it. For those actively involved, 92% of outlet from masturbation, 32% from intercourse.

10. Adol.-15. Educ. level 9–12. Protest., active. Slightly less active, but actually very close to other young adolescent boys of high school level (Group 7). Masturbation in 87% of histories, intercourse in one-third, these the chief sources of outlet. Nevertheless, petting and homosexual in one in seven histories. An occasional individual may be in conflict with religious backgrounds, but more affected by group pattern than by religion.

11. Adol.-15. Educ. level 9–12. Protest., inactive. Data almost exactly as described for urban group of high school level (Group 8). Incidences highest in masturbation (90%), intercourse (48%), nocturnal emissions (40%), and the homosexual (34%). Chief outlets from masturbation (78% of total for masturbating males) and intercourse (36% of total for males who have any coitus). Group accepts sex with little conflict.

12. Adol.-15. Educ. level 9–12. Cath., inactive. Most active of younger adolescent boys, 98% having some outlet by 15. This a reflection of community acceptance of sex, and of minimum attention to religious teaching. Incidences highest in masturbation (95%), homosexual (47%), intercourse (38%). Chief outlets masturbation (81%), intercourse (22%). Intercourse considered highly desirable. Homosexual often condemned, but nearly one-half (47%) draw 12.5% of their outlet from it.

13. Adol.-15. Educ. level 13+. Whole group. Boys who ultimately go to college become active early, depend chiefly on masturbation and nocturnal emissions. Masturbation often accepted, occasionally causes worry, not as often as among older generations. Pre-adolescent play chiefly exhibitionistic, with little carry-over. Much inhibited socio-sexually, from adolescence and on. Much less affected than lower level boys by sexual activities of older companions, but soon acquire community judgment that intercourse is wrong. More often pet to climax. 21% have homosexual contacts (infrequently); this not often causing conflicts at this age.

14. Adol.-15. Educ. level 13+. Urban. More or less precisely matches description given above (Group 13) for whole college level at this age; but animal intercourse rare in this city-bred group.

15. Adol.-15. Educ. level 13+. Rural. Closely matches whole college level of this age (Group 13). But animal intercourse with orgasm occurs among more than a quarter (28%), attempts with animals may occur in nearly as many more, so about half of these boys may be involved, with frequencies that average once in ten weeks. Conflicts rarely develop out of this, unless some city-bred clinician or other adult becomes disturbed in dealing with the boy.

16. Adol.-15. Educ. level 13+. Protest., active. Closely similar to whole group of boys of college level (Group 13), with only a slightly more inhibited pattern. Differing chiefly in being still less often involved in intercourse (7%) and still more often irj the homosexual (24%). Some individuals in the group, however, in conflict over what sexual activity they do have.

17. Adol.-15. Educ. level 13+. Protest., inactive. Sexual pattern a close duplicate of that described for whole group of young boys of college level (Group 13). Only a bit more active in each type of sexual activity. Not so often in conflict over their sexual activity, but boys of college level rarely come to consider pre-marital socio-sexual contacts as right.

18. Adol.-15. Educ. level 13+. Cath., devout. A slightly more restrained version of pattern typical of all college level at this age (Group 13). This identity emphasizes that it is group pattern rather than immediate religious background that is most significant (Chapter 10). Religious teaching, however, may introduce conflicts which are not infrequently observed among boys in this group. Emissions supply 20% of outlet for ¾ of boys.

19. Adol.-15. Educ. level 13+. Cath., inactive. Not particularly different from pattern followed by all younger boys of college level (Group 13). Differing chiefly from devout Catholics in having 3 times as many (16%) involved in intercourse. Still as restrained as rest of college level, irrespective of lack of religious background (Chapter 10).

20. Adol.-15. Educ. level 13+. Jewish, Orthodox. Most restrained of all younger adolescents of college level, mean outlet only 2.1. Slower in getting started, depending more often on involuntary emissions; only 72% start masturbation, against which there are strong taboos. Petting more often than any other college level group, but intercourse in only 11% of cases. Compared with rest of college level, one-half as many (10%) with homosexual. The pattern lays groundwork for personality conflicts which are frequent in next age group of these males.

21. Adol.-15. Educ. level 13+. Jewish, inactive. Closer to average for all college level boys (Group 13), in some respects less restrained than Orthodox Jewish boys, but taboos on heterosexual petting (10%) and intercourse (7%) apparently more severe. Sometimes involved in conflicts over sexual codes, even though not actively connected with church.

22. Age 16–20. Educ. level 0–8. Whole group. Most boys sexually most active at this age, mean frequencies 3.3 per week, often 10, or more. Masturbation still in 84%, becoming strongly taboo at this level, constituting only 34% of outlet. Intercourse expected, freely accepted (Chapter 10), in 85%, contributing 60% of outlet; males often promiscuous, often with venereal disease, often in conflict with society because of sexual activity. Petting in 21%, a very minor outlet. Homosexual in a quarter (26%), but publicly condemned and infrequent. Nocturnal emissions in half (56%), very minor outlet. Individuals who were adolescent by 12 most active of all single males (Chapter 9); but mentally and physically poorer individuals often with low rates. Little psychic eroticism. Often strong taboos against nudity, oral eroticism, and some petting techniques.

23. Age 16–20. Educ. level 0–8. Urban. Typical of whole grade school level (Group 22). More active than corresponding rural males (Group 24), more often involved in intercourse and homosexual, less often with animals. A third of outlet from solitary sources, two-thirds from socio-sexual contacts.

24. Age 16–20. Educ. level 0–8. Rural. Typical of whole grade school level (Group 22), not quite so active. Not so many (81%) with intercourse, only 21% with homosexual. Masturbation and intercourse account for most of outlet, equally important. Animal intercourse still in 7%, of minor significance at this age.

25. Age 16–20. Educ. level 0–8. Protest., active. Somewhat less active than average of grade school level (Group 22), much more active than any college group. Intercourse still accepted in 70%, accounting for 53% of outlet. Masturbation in 81% but taboo, accounting for only 43% of outlet. Homosexual in nearly a quarter (23%), accounting for 28% of their outlet. Other activities minor.

26. Age 16–20. Educ. level 0–8. Protest., inactive. Very close to average for whole lower level (Group 22), in most outlets somewhat more active. Intercourse now in 90% for whom it provides nearly two-thirds (61%) of outlet. Masturbation still in 86%, but taboo and provides only a third of outlet. All else very minor. Rarely any conflict over behavior.

27. Age 16–20. Educ. level 0–8. Cath., inactive. A rather active group of lower level boys, averaging 3.5 per week, often 7 or more. Intercourse in 81%, accounting for 60% of outlet. Masturbation in 85%, accounting for only 37% of outlet. All other activities minor. Homosexual in 35%, but accounting for less than 5% of orgasms even for those males. Quite acceptant of this pattern, not often with conflicts.

28. Age 16–20. Educ. level 9–12. Whole group. This age at high school and grade school levels (Group 22) more active than any other single males (especially if adolescent by 12). Masturbation in 89% but more or less taboo, accounting for 39% of outlet. Intercourse in three-quarters (76%), accounting for 56% of outlet. Often highly promiscuous, not infrequently acquiring venereal disease. Nocturnal emissions, petting, prostitutes, homosexual in many histories, but minor as sources of outlet. 4 1% experiment with homosexual, often severely condemning it but clearly aroused by it. Otherwise little conflict over their pattern. Especially acceptant of heterosexual activity, although this may bring difficulty with police. More erotic psychically than grade school level; more or less accept nudity and oral eroticism; involved in petting as often as college males.

29. Age 6–20. Educ. level 9–12. Urban. Fits description given above for high school level in late teens (Group 28). More often (46%) experiments with homosexual; but intercourse the accepted source, accounting for 56% of outlet. Often highly promiscuous, often (in 41%) with prostitutes.

30. Age 16–20. Educ. level 9–12. Rural. Not significantly different from whole high school level (Group 28). Differs from corresponding urban groups in being involved in intercourse in more cases (87%), less often in homosexual (26%). Animal intercourse in 10%, this a rather material outlet (25%) for males involved.

31. Age 16–20. Educ. level 9–12. Protest., active. Pattern typical of whole high school level (Group 28). Showing little effect of church connections, unless an occasional individual is disturbed by conflicts between religious teaching and group pattern which he actually follows. Intercourse in somewhat fewer histories (67%), homosexual in fewer (31%).

32. Age 16–20. Educ. level 9–12. Protest., inactive. Pattern typical of whole high school level (Group 28). The group pattern predominates. Not materially different from active Protestant group, except more (80%) involved in intercourse; 44% with prostitutes; 37% with homosexual experience. Intercourse chief source (57%) of outlet, masturbation next (37%).

33. Age 16–20. Educ. level 9–12. Cath., inactive. Most unrestrained and sexually most active of all high school level (Group 28), with almost double the outlet of active Protestants. Mean rate totals 4.4, higher than in any other single males except individuals who become adolescent at early ages. Incidences and rates high in masturbation, petting, intercourse with prostitutes, and homosexual (59%). Incidences and rates lower for nocturnal emissions and (strangely enough) for intercourse (68%). Few sexual conflicts, though often social difficulties from sexual activity.

34. Age 16–20. Educ. level 13+. Whole group. Highly restrained (Chapter 10), largely avoiding socio-sexual contacts on moral grounds (often rationalized as “sensible” or “decent”). Even those who pet to climax (46%), have intercourse (42%), or homosexual (16%), derive less than 7% of total outlet from such sources, over 90% from solitary sources (masturbation, nocturnal emissions). Few partners in socio-sexual contacts. Much psychic eroticism that does not lead to intercourse. Many individuals appear to accept such a regime, but many actually tense in socio-sexual situations. Some much disturbed over few contacts they do have. Masturbation, petting, oral eroticism, nudity more often accepted. Most American-trained clinicians come from this group, and may therefore need to make special effort to recognize inhibitions and conflicts inherent in such asocial patterns.

35. Age 16–20. Educ. level 13+. Urban. Typical of whole college level (Group 34).

36. Age 6–20. Educ. level 13+. Rural. Close to pattern for whole college level (Group 34), a bit less active. Incidences, frequencies, and percents of total outlet a bit lower in petting, total intercourse, intercourse with prostitutes. Animal intercourse in 16%, attempts in still others; but provides only 4% of outlet.

37. Age 16–20. Educ. level 13+. Protest., active. Pattern close to that for whole college level (Group 34), but still lower incidences, frequencies, and percents of total outlet. Intercourse in only 27%, lower than in any other group of this age, as against 80% to 91% incidence figures in other educational levels at this same age.

38. Age 16–20. Educ. level 13+. Protest., inactive. Typical of whole college level (Group 34). Because they are not active in church, many of this group consider themselves emancipated sexually, and a few more (45%) do have intercourse, but even they derive only 6% of outlet therefrom. Actually about as restrained as actively religious groups; and clinician should realize these males are equally capable of being disturbed over the few socio-sexual contacts they do have.

39. Age 16–20. Educ. level 13+. Cath., devout. Close to pattern for whole college level (Group 34), showing remarkably little effect of devoutly religious background. Slightly lower incidences in most outlets, this raising importance but not actual frequencies of nocturnal emissions. Group pattern (Chapter 10) more important than immediate religious influences (Chapter 13).

40. Age 16–20. Educ. level 13+. Cath., inactive. Close to pattern for whole college level (Group 34), not nearly as distinct as religiously inactive groups are at lower educational levels. Hardly differs from devout Catholic group except in lower percent of outlet from masturbation and emissions, higher incidence (59%) of intercourse, and higher rates and percent of outlet from that source.

41. Age 16–20. Educ. level 13+. Jewish, Orthodox. Most restrained and sexually least active among all groups of college level (Group 34). Total outlet only 2.0 per week. Incidences lower in masturbation (78%), intercourse (39%), homosexual (12%). Total outlet largely from masturbation (73%) and nocturnal emissions (24%). Relation of sexual restraint and neuroses should be given especial attention by clinician handling individual cases in this group.

42. Age 16–20. Educ. level 13+. Jewish, inactive. Very similar to pattern of whole college level (Group 34). Much restraint still to be recognized here. Remarkably close to Orthodox pattern (Group 41), even though present group not actively connected with synagogue. A few more (46%) have intercourse, but percent of total outlet from intercourse (3%) actually lower than in Orthodox group (15%); much of intercourse commercially secured from prostitutes.

43. Age 21–25. Educ. level 0–8. Whole group. Lower level males are usually married by this age. If single, total outlets still average 3.3 per week. Most males ignore the law and have intercourse (86%), some (61%) with prostitutes, 62% still masturbate, 60% have emissions, 22% have homosexual. ¾ of outlet from intercourse (including 16% from prostitutes), highly promiscuous. Only ¼ of outlet from masturbation. All other outlets minor. Personality disturbances over sex rare, more often products of inadequate personalities rather than of sex. Inhibited only in regard to nudity, oral eroticism, and other petting techniques.

44. Age 21–25. Educ. level 0–8. Urban. More active than average of whole lower level (Group 43). Intercourse accepted by 91%, 66% having some with prostitutes, nearly 80% of outlet from intercourse. Masturbation once every two weeks for 63%, homosexual nearly as often for 29%. Group accepts sex, may be promiscuous, is often infected with venereal disease.

45. Age 21–25. Educ. level 0–8. Rural. Rather less active than city males (Group 44), having notably fewer socio-sexual contacts; intercourse, petting, prostitutes, and homosexual all lower. Intercourse supplies 68% of outlet for 80% of farm-bred males, masturbation supplies 45% for 64%, homosexual supplies 25% of outlet for 17%. At this age, animal intercourse minor for Eastern rural males, often a distinct part of Western rural histories.

46. Age 21–25. Educ. level 0–8. Protest., inactive. Typical of lower level group, as described above (Group 43).

47. Age 21–25. Educ. level 0–8. Cath., inactive. Not differing from whole lower level group (Group 43), except in an apparently higher incidence (40%) of homosexual contacts. At this age, inactive Protestants and inactive Catholics are so far away from their churches that religion does not have enough direct effect to differentiate two groups.

48. Age 21–25. Educ. level 9–12. Whole group. Active, with mean total outlet of 3.0, but this lower than in younger males (mean of 3.3). Many involved in wide variety of activities. Most important is intercourse (for 74% this averages 58% of outlet), masturbation (for 76%, averages 35% of outlet), and homosexual (for 38%, averages 29% of outlet). Homosexual attractive to group, but many evidence conflict by condemning it and punishing the homosexual partner. This and next age group includes the street-walking, tavern-frequenting, exhibitionistic city homosexual group. Masturbation often shunned, not really accepted. All other outlets minor. Many accept nudity, oral eroticism, and petting; others as inhibited as grade school level (Group 43) on these points.

49. Age 21–25. Educ. level 9–12. Urban. Adequately covered by description of whole high school level (Group 48). A larger number (43%) has some homosexual experience, drawing ⅓ of their outlet from that source.

50. Age 21–25. Educ. level 9–12. Protest., inactive. Almost exactly as described for whole high school level at this age (Group 48).

51. Age 21–25. Educ. level 13+. Whole group. Many college level males are still unmarried at this age. They often disclaim moral restraints, but are most inhibited of all social levels. Highly erotic, often involved in social relations and petting with females, and highly aroused but still avoiding coitus. Some upset when they do have intercourse or (particularly) the homosexual. Hardly more than ½ attempt intercourse, and they derive only 15% of outlet from it. 87% still depend on masturbation for ⅔ of outlet, rarely upset over that. 87% derive 14% of outlet from emissions. Other outlets minor. About 69% of outlet from solitary sources. In contrast to grade school group, this college group freely accepts nudity and elaborate petting techniques. Oral techniques in experience of 35%, more often in next age period.

52. Age 21–25. Educ. level 13+. Urban. Almost exactly as described for whole college level of this age (Group 51).

53. Age 21–25. Educ. level 13+. Rural. Very close to their urban equivalents (Group 52), therefore closely matching the description given for whole college level at this age (Group 51). A little less often in socio-sexual contacts—petting in 44%, intercourse in 47%, homosexual in 9%. 86% of group derives ¾ of outlet from masturbation. Animal intercourse remains in histories of 4%, who derive 12.5% of their outlet therefrom.

54. Age 21–25. Educ. level 13+. Protest., active. Definitely restrained version of college group (Group 51). Even more likely to present cases of conflict over sexual activities they do have. Masturbation in 84%, provides 69% of outlet. Depend on emissions (average 24% of outlet for 90% of males) more often than non-religious males. Petting in only 48%, intercourse in 32%, prostitutes in 7%, homosexual in 6%—all minor sources of outlet.

55. Age 21–25. Educ. level 13+. Protest., inactive. Definitely less restrained than corresponding group of active Protestants (Group 54). More (90%) accept masturbation; emissions are less important. Petting (51%), intercourse (59%), with prostitutes (19%), and homosexual (11%) are decidedly more frequent, and all had with less disturbance than in religious group.

56. Age 21–25. Educ. level 13+. Cath., devout. College level pattern (Group 51), more restrained than average, but less restrained than active Protestants. Sometimes in serious conflict over sex (although often claiming to be examples of sublimation). Mean total outlet (1.9), petting (53%) same as in non-devout, but intercourse in only half as many (38%).

57. Age 21–25. Educ. level 13+. Cath., inactive. One of less restrained college groups. Incidence of coitus half again as high (75%) as in whole college group; prostitutes in 27%. Nevertheless, the restraint of whole college group (Group 51) is still evident, and masturbation provides largest portion of outlet for 82%. Homosexual provides nearly ½ of outlet for 15% of males.

58. Age 21–25. Educ. level 13+. Jewish, inactive. Highest total outlet (3.1) among college groups (Group 51). definitely less restrained than average college male in socio-sexual activities. Masturbation still provides 54% of outlet for 86%, petting in 69% of histories. Intercourse in 67%, provides 22% of outlet therefrom. Prostitutes in 24%, but very minor outlet; homosexual in a few.

59. Age 26–30. Whole group. Shows some effect of aging, mean total outlet averaging only 2.7. Males of grade and high school levels who are unmarried by this age begin to be a select group. Some are prevented from marrying by untoward circumstances, some are actively and promiscuously heterosexual and disinclined to settle down to a single partner in marriage, and ¼ to nearly ½ have homosexual histories, a fair number of which are now so pronounced as to interfere with marriage. Clinician might well determine reason for delay in marriage in each case. College level males more often unmarried because of custom of group or because of demands of an extended education, less often because of sexual situations. Patterns now well fixed, not liable to re-direction.

60. Age 26–30. Educ. level 0–8. Whole group. Least inhibited of social levels. Nearly all actively involved in intercourse (88%), prostitutes increasingly important (in 72%) because easier to secure. 74% of outlet from intercourse, practically unaffected by moral arguments. Masturbation quite taboo, but still in 60% for whom it supplies 25% of outlet. Homosexual in 28%, for many of whom it constitutes a material source and sometimes the sole source of outlet.

61. Age 26–30. Educ. level 0–8. Urban. The city-bred portion of this lower educational level is almost exactly as described for whole group above (Group 60), except that even a larger number (35%) has homosexual which, however, is not an important outlet. Quite unrestrained, often carefree and promiscuous.

62. Age 26–30. Educ. level 0–8. Protest., inactive. Pattern close to that of whole lower level at this age (Group 60). Quite unrestrained, with 93% having intercourse. Apparently fewer males (19%) involved in homosexual.

63. Age 26–30. Educ. level 9–12. Whole group. Single males of this level quite unrestrained in late twenties. Masturbation 79%, emissions 70%; petting in 26%, intercourse in 72% of whom 43% have some with prostitutes. Incidence of homosexual apparently higher (46%) than in any other segment of entire male population, because many heterosexual males have left the group for marriage. Some of most active homosexual cases here, sometimes upset, over-react to social pressures, this and previous age group including street-walking, tavern-frequenting, exhibitionistic city groups.

64. Age 26–30. Educ. level 9–12. Urban. Typical of whole high school level (Group 63). Heterosexual slightly lower, homosexual rather higher. Intercourse in ⅔ of cases accounting for 43% of outlet, half as many cases with some prostitute contacts. Masturbation in 81% accounting for 41% of their outlet. Homosexual in more than half, accounting for more than ⅓ of their outlet.

65. Age 26–30. Educ. level 9–12. Protest., inactive. Pattern very close to that described for whole high school level (Group 63).

66. Age 26–30. Educ level 13+. Whole group. Even in late twenties males of college level are remarkably restrained. Restrained individuals increase with advancing age because more social individuals have already married. Many highly erotic, nearly half (45%) involved in heterosexual petting, most with fantasies during masturbation and in nocturnal dreams, but hardly more than half (56%) yet attempting overt intercourse, and then not often, and with few partners. Much disturbed by blockage of sexual response, and those not having intercourse may need special consideration from clinician. Masturbation accepted, providing 56% of outlet. Petting of social value, but provides very minor outlet. Homosexual (17%) is much lower than in high school group, but sometimes serious disturbance over it. Nudity accepted, oral erotic techniques now in 57%. Prostitutes largely avoided, providing less than 1% of outlet. No particular VD problem.

67. Age 26–30. Educ. level 13+. Urban. Pattern for this city-bred group almost exactly as described for whole college level at this age (Group 66).

68. Age 26–30. Educ. level 13+. Rural. A somewhat less active portion of college level (Group 66), differing from corresponding urban population (Group 67) in having lower incidences in most of outlets. 79% derive ¾ of total outlet from masturbation, 45% derive a little more than ⅓ from intercourse. Other outlets more minor. Animal intercourse now very rare in rural histories from Eastern part of U. S., not uncommon in histories of this and older ages from Western areas.

69. Age 26–30. Educ. level 13+. Protest., active. Most restrained segment of college level in late twenties (Group 66). Mean total outlet only ¾ as high as average for whole college group. Incidences lower on every outlet except nocturnal emissions, 82% deriving 63% of outlet from masturbation, 95% with emissions giving 31% of outlet. Coitus in only ⅓ of group. Homosexual in 10%, which is lowest among all groups at this age. Clinician may expect sexual conflicts here.

70. Age 26–30. Educ. level 13+. Protest., inactive. Not materially different from average for whole college level of this age (Group 66).

71. Age 26–30. Educ. level 13+. Jewish, inactive. Socio-sexually most active of all college groups (Group 66). Many Jewish males are slow in starting sexual activity and inhibited during their earlier years (Groups 21, 42); but those who are unmarried in late twenties become distinctly freer. Clinician will do well to examine possibility of maladjustment due to change of pattern. 84% now have intercourse, which accounts for 57% of outlet. Only ⅓ of these have any intercourse with prostitutes. Masturbation still accounts for ⅓ of outlet for 80%. Homosexual incidence low.

72. Age 31–35. Whole group. Males who are unmarried by this age often have special problems in socio-sexual adjustment. Only ⅔ are having intercourse, deriving ⅔ of total outlet therefrom, ⅔ of these depend in part on prostitutes—a further indication of difficulty in making socio-sexual advances. This is particularly true at lower educational levels. Masturbation still in ¾ of histories, accounting for ⅓ of outlet of those males. Homosexual in nearly ⅓ of histories, accounting for ½ of their outlet, many individuals primarily or exclusively homosexual by this age. Rates of outlet lowered by advancing age. A fair number of individuals derive their total outlet now from a single source.

73. Age 31–35. Educ. level 0–8. Whole group. Similar to whole age group described above (Group 72). More intercourse, especially with prostitutes. 84% draw 70% of outlet from intercourse, but 66% get ⅓ of outlet from intercourse with prostitutes. Petting nearly absent. Many lower level males have increasing difficulty in finding sexual partners as they grow older. Some persons physically handicapped, mentally dull, and physically unattractive, and a satisfactory adjustment with prostitutes is about all that can be hoped for. Masturbation in 70% but not really accepted by group. Often with strong taboos against nudity and variety of techniques. ⅓ of group with some homosexual history, many exclusively homosexual, this not leading to conflict as often as in upper social levels.

74. Age 31–35. Educ level 13+. Whole group. As described for whole age group above (Group 72), except for a somewhat higher dependence on masturbation and emissions, and a lower utilization of intercourse. Contacts with prostitutes rare. These males still in conflict over moral aspects of socio-sexual contacts. ⅓ have never yet had intercourse, and little possibility of most of them ever developing facility in securing such contacts. Only a portion is homosexual.

75. Age 31–35. Educ. level 13+. Urban. Almost exactly as described for whole college-bred portion of this age group (Group 74).

76. Age 31–35. Educ. level 13+. Protest., inactive. Almost exactly as described for whole college-bred portion of this age group (Group 74).

77. Age 36–40. Whole group. Frequencies of total outlet have been declining since late teens, now average 2.1. Males unmarried by this age include some who are heterosexually very active but unwilling to settle down with a single partner; some who are timid or otherwise handicapped for making socio-sexual contacts, and some who are primarily or exclusively homosexual. Group rather too old to modify patterns, and clinician’s function primarily one of helping individual accept whatever pattern he now has. Occasionally marriage at this or later age is successful, usually not.

78. Age 41–45. Whole group. A continuation of all trends described for previous age group (Group 77). Remarks made there apply in even greater force to this older group.


79. Age 6–20. Whole group. Males married at this age have maximum sexual performance of any group in total population. Mean total outlet 4.7, frequencies for many individuals going to 10, 14, or even 20 per week, with no ill effects. 95% of outlet from marital intercourse, more in high school level; not enough males of college level married at this age to warrant generalizations, but some proportion of grade school males marrying before twenty.

80. Age 16–20. Educ. level 0–8. Whole group. 95% of total outlet of group derived from marital intercourse, but nearly ½ of lower level males have extramarital intercourse which accounts for 13% of their outlet. Frequencies of all other outlets low, although a fair number involved in masturbation, emissions, and the homosexual, even while living with wives. Group often irresponsible, many quickly deserting wives, some not self-supporting, becoming drifters, sometimes involved in petty underworld activities. Many promiscuous in extramarital relations, VD rates rather high.

81. Age 16–20. Educ. level 0–8. Urban. Almost precisely as described for the whole lower educational level (Group 80).

82. Age 16–20. Educ. level 0–8. Protest., inactive. Almost precisely as described for the whole lower educational level (Group 80).

83. Age 16–20. Educ. level 9–12. Whole group. Remarkably close to grade school group of same age (Group 80). 96% of total outlet of whole group from marital intercourse, 38% get 10% from extra-marital intercourse, 9% get 4% from homosexual. More acceptant of extra-marital intercourse at this age than later. All other outlets very minor. Group probably more reliable, more balanced than corresponding grade school group. Considerable diversity in mental ability and educational background, similar diversity in regard to religious restraint and sexual inhibition. Devoutly religious persons often traditional in respect to sexual mores, but group as a whole nowhere near as restrained as college level.

84. Age 16–20. Educ. level 9–12. Urban. Almost precisely as described for whole high school level (Group 83). 43% having extra-marital intercourse, which accounts for 16% of total outlet, and some marital discord may grow out of this. Extra-marital relations for this group are reduced in later age periods.

85. Age 16–20. Educ. level 9–12. Protest., inactive. Not materially different from whole high school level as described above (Group 83). Not closely enough connected with church backgrounds to have behavior materially affected, unless in regard to extra-marital intercourse which accounts for only 4% of total outlet of 40% of males.

86. Age 21–25. Whole group. A very high proportion of males at this age are now married except in college level. Mean total outlet only 3.9, which is definitely below mean for males who are married in late teens. Extra-marital intercourse in ¼ accounting for 5% of outlet, homosexual in 8%, masturbation in 48%, but most masturbation among males of college level. Marital intercourse accounting for 95% of total outlet. All other outlets minor except for extra-marital intercourse in certain groups.

87. Age 21–25. Educ. level 0–8. Whole group. Mean total outlet 4.0. Most from marital intercourse, frequencies commonly 7 and in many cases 14 and 20 per week. Intercourse with minimum of pre-coital petting, entire relation usually completed in 2 to 5 minutes. Males give little consideration to female orgasm, but females in actuality more often reaching orgasm and sexual relation satisfactory for them more often than in college level. Marital discord rarely originating from unsatisfactory sexual relations, but often resulting from extra-marital intercourse which involves ⅓ of group and supplies 12% of their outlet. Drinking, non-support, physical cruelty to wife are most common sources of marital difficulty. Masturbation, emissions, and homosexual in limited number of histories and supplying only minor portion of outlet.

88. Age 21–25. Educ. level 0–8. Urban. Much as described for whole grade school level (Group 87). City-bred males are, however, somewhat more active sexually, with mean total outlet 4.4. 41% with extra-marital intercourse, 14% with homosexual. Often considerable irresponsibility in marriage.

89. Age 21–25. Educ. level 0–8. Rural. General pattern as described above for whole grade school level (Group 87), but definitely less active. Not a product of restraint as much as of less developed social interest and facility, even with wife. Mean rate of marital intercourse 3.0, and rates of 7 and more much less frequent. Marital intercourse supplying 97% of outlet. Extra-marital intercourse in only ¼, supplying 13% of their outlet. Masturbation, emissions, and homosexual in fewer instances than in city group.

90. Age 21–25. Educ. level 0–8. Protest., inactive. Closely matching description given for whole grade school level (Group 87). Less active than urban group (Group 88), with fewer persons involved in extra-marital intercourse or homosexual. Religious backgrounds too remote to have much direct influence.

91. Age 21–25. Educ. level 9–12. Whole group. Most active group of males of this age, with mean total outlet 4.2, with high frequencies of marital intercourse in individual cases, and with highest incidences of extra-marital intercourse and homosexual experience after marriage. 95% of outlet from marital intercourse, all other outlets minor, but masturbation, emissions, extra-marital intercourse, experience with prostitutes, and homosexual in a considerable portion of all histories.

92. Age 21–25. Educ. level 9–12. Urban. A rather active group, with general pattern as described above for whole high school level (Group 91), nearly ½ with extra-marital intercourse, which accounts for 10% of their outlet. One in six with homosexual activity, averaging one in two months. Masturbation and emissions with about same frequency as homosexual but with higher incidences.

93. Age 21–25. Educ. level 9–12. Protest., inactive. Almost exactly as described for whole high school level (Group 91). Total outlet a bit lower, a mean of 3.8, but individual outlets only slightly less than described for Group 91.

94. Age 21–25. Educ. level 13+. Whole group. This is the most active age period for college males, but among both single and married males this is much the most restrained of all social levels. Only 92% of total outlet from marital intercourse, and in successive age periods the proportion steadily drops. ⅔ of males still draw outlets from masturbation and nocturnal emissions. Only 1 in 7 has extra-marital intercourse, 3% with homosexual. Even in marriage, years of premarital restraint continue to affect sexual adjustment. Lack of facility in approaching even the wife for sexual relations. An occasional male with occasional impotence because of such inhibitions, and many avoid frequencies of intercourse higher than 3 or 4 per week on moral, ethical, or other grounds. Group does accept nudity, variety of techniques in pre-coital play, including some oral erotic play, and these may aid in development of satisfactory sexual relations. Females of group more restrained than males, poorly responsive or completely unresponsive in a fair proportion of cases; this difference between male and female the chief sexual factor in marital discord. Since group assumes marital obligations with considerable sense of responsibility, and since higher level of education provides esthetic and other cultural interests, marriages on a whole more stable here than in any other group.

95. Age 21–25. Educ. level 13+. Urban. Almost precisely as described for whole college level above (Group 94).

96. Age 21–25. Educ. level 13+. Protest., active. Pattern much as described for whole college level (Group 94); but somewhat more restrained. Mean frequency of marital intercourse down to 2.8, often because of doubts as to propriety of more frequent sexual relations even with wife. Ail other socio-sexual contacts, both heterosexual and homosexual, very minor. Masturbation, however, in 60% for whom it provides 5% of outlet.

97. Age 21–25. Educ. level 13+. Protest., inactive. Essentially as described for whole college level (Group 94). Group little affected by religious background, but restraint derived from mores of social level.

98. Age 26–30. Whole group. While still in prime of life by various criteria, group has aged sexually; mean total outlet no higher than that of average younger adolescent boy (3.3 per week)—a drop of about 1.5 per week from rate of married teen-age males. Marital intercourse supplies 95% of total outlet and all other outlets minor; but considerable differences at different social levels, and description for each group should be consulted.

99. Age 26–30. Educ. level 0–8. Whole group. Grade school and high school segments of this age a bit more active socio-sexually than college segment (Group 106). Mean total outlet 3.5 per week. 96% of total outlet from marital intercourse, mean average frequencies 3.0, but rates of 7, 14, and more not infrequent. Extra-marital intercourse in more than ⅓ but frequency reduced, ½ of these contacts with prostitutes. Number of companions may be high. Masturbation in ⅕ but rates low; all other outlets definitely minor. Group uninhibited in simple intercourse, often inhibited on nudity, pre-coital petting, oral eroticism, etc.

100. Age 26–30. Educ. level 0–8. Urban. Almost exactly as described for total grade school level of this age (Group 99).

101. Age 26–30. Educ. level 0–8. Rural. Almost exactly as described for total grade school group of this age (Group 99). Not particularly distinct from urban males (Group 100), although this rural group at earlier age levels is a bit less active sexually. Extra-marital intercourse not so frequent.

102. Age 26–30. Educ. level 0–8. Protest., inactive. Almost precisely as described for whole grade school level of this age (Group 99).

103. Age 26–30. Educ. level 9–12. Whole group. Most active of all social levels in this age period. Mean total outlet 3.6 per week, but frequencies of marital intercourse of 7, 10, or more in 10%. Relative lack of restraint in group further shown by nearly ½ having extra-marital intercourse in this period, half of these with prostitutes. Nevertheless, marital intercourse accounts for 95% of total outlet, all other outlets definitely minor except extra-marital intercourse. Over ⅓ still with masturbation. Group closer to college level in its acceptance of nudity, precoital petting, and mouth-genital eroticism, but closer to grade school level in its acceptance of frequent marital intercourse and of extra-marital intercourse.

104. Age 26–30. Educ. level 9–12. Urban. Almost precisely as described for whole high school level at this age (Group 103). All differences minor.

105. Age 26–30. Educ. level 9–12. Protest., inactive. Group almost exactly as described for whole high school level (Group 103). 95% of total outlet coming from marital intercourse, over ½ having extra-marital intercourse, 2 1% of group having some intercourse with prostitutes, but outlets from this and all other sources minor.

106. Age 26–30. Educ. level 13+. Whole group. Sexually less active than males of other educational levels at this age, mean total outlet 3.2. Only 9 1% of outlet from marital intercourse, with mean frequency of 2.6. Long period of pre-marital restraint reflected in restraint on marital intercourse in this group. See younger age group of same college level (Group 94). ⅔ of males masturbating, drawing 5% of outlet from that source. Extra-marital intercourse in ¼, but exceedingly infrequent and usually with only 1 or 2 partners. Very few married males in this group with homosexual experience at this age.

107. Age 26–30. Educ. level 13+. Urban. A bit more active than corresponding rural group of this level (Group 108). Mean total outlet of 3.4. Otherwise almost exactly as described for whole college level at this age (Group 106).

108. Age 26–30. Educ. level 13+. Rural. Slightly less active than average for whole college level of this age (Group 106), consequently a bit more distinct from urban population (Group 107). Draws more of its outlet (95%) from marital intercourse and less from masturbation and extra-marital intercourse, thus approaching lower educational levels more than urban college segment.

109. Age 26–30. Educ. level 13+. Protest., inactive. Slightly more active than any other segment of college level at this age (Group 106), as far as available data go. A mean total outlet of 3.5, with only 89% of that outlet from marital intercourse. Somewhat higher incidence (71%) and higher frequency of masturbation, and 26% with experience in extra-marital intercourse.

110. Age 31–35. Whole group. Males in “prime of life,” but with mean total outlet averaging only 2.7 per week, which is nearly 20% below mean for boys who have just turned adolescent. 95% of outlet drawn from marital intercourse. 29% of males with extra-marital intercourse which accounts for 8% of total outlet. All other outlets minor except masturbation in college level.

111. Age 31–35. Educ. level 0–8. Whole group. Grade school level of married males at this age definitely slowing up sexually, mean total outlet only 2.6, high frequencies of marital intercourse no longer common. This a product of poorer physical condition of many males at this level, and not of sexual maladjustment. 96% of total outlet from marital intercourse, figure increasing for group in later age periods. Extra-marital intercourse still in ⅓, accounting for 11% of their outlet, ½ of these having contacts with prostitutes. Masturbation taboo, definitely rare; less than ½ with nocturnal emissions and that outlet minor. Homosexual fairly common at younger ages in this group, now reduced to low incidence and scant frequencies.

112. Age 31–35. Educ. level 0–8. Urban. A bit more active than average for whole grade school level at this age (Group 111), with a slightly higher percentage having extra-marital intercourse. Otherwise as described for whole group (Group 111).

113. Age 31–35. Educ. level 0–8. Rural. Very close to pattern described for whole grade school level (Group 111), with somewhat lower incidences in masturbation, nocturnal emissions, extra-marital intercourse, and contacts with prostitutes. Marital intercourse much the most important aspect of sex life of this group, constituting 97% of total outlet.

114. Age 31–35. Educ. level 0–8. Protest., inactive. Very closely matches urban section of whole grade school level, as described above (Group 112).

115. Age 31–35. Educ. level 9–12. Whole group. Definitely more active than either grade school or college level at this age, with mean total outlet 3.4. 90% of total outlet from marital intercourse, ⅓ of males with some masturbation, ⅓ with extra-marital intercourse ½ of these with prostitutes), and ½ with some nocturnal emissions; but all of these other outlets very minor. Wives at this level fairly responsive and sexual adjustments with them fairly good; but extramarital intercourse may cause some difficulty.

116. Age 31–35. Educ. level 9–12. Urban. Almost exactly as described for whole high school level (Group 115).

117. Age 31–35. Educ. level 9–12. Protest., inactive. Very closely matching description given for whole high school level (Group 115).

118. Age 31–35. Educ. level 13+. Whole group. College males still reflect restraint of pre-marital years, even at this age in marriage. Mean total outlet only 2.7 per week, only 91% of that from marital intercourse. For ⅔ of males, masturbation supplies 5% of outlet and ¼ draw 8% from extra-marital intercourse. This extra-marital intercourse, very little of which is had with prostitutes, gradually becoming more common, in incidence and in frequency, as these college level males grow older. Correspondingly, percentage of outlet from marital intercourse gradually decreasing. On both of these items group is quite opposite to lower level groups. Sexual problems concern unresponsiveness of wives and, increasingly with advancing age, problems arise from extra-marital intercourse.

119. Age 31–35. Educ. level 13+. Urban. Slightly more active group of married males of college level (Group 118), with ⅓ drawing 8% of their outlet from extra-marital intercourse and ⅔ drawing 5% from masturbation. All other outlets except marital intercourse minor.

120. Age 31–35. Educ. level 13+. Protest., active. Most restrained segment of college group of married males (Group 118) on which data are available. Total outlet only 2.3 per week, marital intercourse averaging less than 2 per week, never more than 5.5 in most extreme case. Group definitely restrained and allowing significance of sex in marriage to become gradually less. Both marital and extra-marital intercourse less frequent than in remainder of college group at this age (Group 118). Many individuals in group not well satisfied with this sexual arrangement, although they are not always conscious of that.

121. Age 31–35. Educ. level 13+. Protest., inactive. Pattern typical of married males of college level (Group 118). Group definitely less inhibited than actively religious males of same level (Group 120). Mean total outlet 3.1, only 88% from marital intercourse, remainder supplied by masturbation (for 71% it provides 7% of outlet) and extra-marital intercourse (10% of total outlet for 35% of males). Developing an increasing dependence upon masturbation and extramarital intercourse as substitute for sexual relations with wives who are unresponsive or inhibited in accepting such variety of techniques as average male at this level would like. In spite of their expressed desires, however, these males themselves are inhibited.

122. Age 36–40. Whole group. Married males at this age on a steady decline sexually. Mean total outlet 2.5, 95% of total from marital intercourse; masturbation in ⅓ but mostly at college level and quite taboo at lower levels. Nocturnal emissions in more than ½, but very minor and chiefly in high school and college levels. Extra-marital intercourse in nearly ⅓ at this age as abundant or more abundant in college level than in lower level.

123. Age 36–40. Educ. level 0–8. Whole group. Married males of grade school level with mean total outlet 2.3. Males of this level often begin to show physical effects of aging, with mean frequencies of marital intercourse down to 2.0 and frequencies above 7 now rare. With advancing age, an increasing proportion of outlet (97%) from marital intercourse (in contrast to decreasing proportion among males of college level). Extra-marital intercourse in not more than ¼, accounting for 17% of their outlet. All other outlets infrequent and of minor significance.

124. Age 36–40. Educ. level 0–8. Urban. Pattern much as described for whole grade school level of this age (Group 123), but city males more often have extramarital intercourse (in 33%) and more often go to prostitutes (in 16%).

125. Age 36–40. Educ. level 0–8. Rural. Closely fitting description given for whole grade school level (Group 123). Incidence of extra-marital intercourse (19%) not as high as in city group; otherwise closer to city group than was true among rural populations at earlier ages.

126. Age 36–40. Educ. level 0–8. Protest., inactive. Closely fitting description given for whole grade school level at this age (Group 123).

127. Age 36–40. Educ. level 9–12. Whole group. Even this high school group begins to show effects of aging; now not more active than any other social level. 95% of total sexual outlet from marital intercourse. ¼ masturbate, ¼ have extramarital intercourse, more than ½ having some with prostitutes. All outlets except marital intercourse infrequent and a minor part of total outlet.

128. Age 36–40. Educ. level 13+. Whole group. Married males of this college level usually in fair condition physically and sexually capable enough. Not materially different from college level in preceding 5-year period (Group 118). Whole group shows effect of pre-marital restraint which is characteristic of this level. 90% of total outlet from marital intercourse. 59% masturbate, usually with low frequencies; 30% have extra-marital intercourse, usually not with prostitutes; other outlets of minor significance. Problems of sexual adjustment in marriage not as frequent as at an earlier age because male rates have dropped, and female has lost some of previous inhibitions and is now near prime of her responsiveness. Occasionally this erotic development of female comes too late to correct a maladjustment that developed earlier in the marriage; and male’s extra-marital intercourse may become a source of difficulty.

129. Age 36–40. Educ. level 13+. Urban. Very well described by paragraph above for whole college level (Group 128).

130. Age 36–40. Educ. level 13+. Protest., active. Most restrained segment of college level, as far as data are available. General pattern that of whole level (Group 128), but mean total outlet down to 2.0 per week. Mean frequency of marital intercourse 1.6, in no individual more than 4 per week, supplying only 90% of total sexual outlet. More than ½ of males masturbate but infrequently, ¾ have emissions but infrequently. Extra-marital intercourse in only 16%, supplying only 2% of outlet, but even then a likely source of conflict. Marked contrast to inactive Protestants of same level (Group 131). Clinician may well examine possibility that maladjusted individual from this group is in sexual conflict, even when he asserts otherwise.

131. Age 36–40. Educ. level 13+. Protest., inactive. Most active segment of college level at this age. General pattern quite like that described for whole college level (Group 128), but mean total outlet 2.9 per week, marital intercourse 2.1 per week, with maximum frequencies still up to 12 per week. 88% of outlet from marital intercourse. 41% with extra-marital intercourse, which supplies 10% of outlet, prostitutes in only ¼ of these cases. Masturbation in nearly ¾ but not frequent.

132. Age 41–45. Whole group. Sexual activity continues to drop, mean total outlet averaging only 2.0 by this age. 95% of total outlet from marital intercourse, mean frequency 1.6, but some individuals still averaging 7, 10, or more per week. Masturbation still in ⅓, chiefly, however, at college level; frequencies low. Nocturnal emissions in ½ but of no great significance. Extra-marital intercourse in ¼, other outlets very minor.

133. Age 41–45. Educ. level 0–8. Whole group. Males of this level in early forties so affected by age that their rates for first time are now lower than rates of college level. Early aging probably a product of poor nutrition, hard work, or original physical or mental incapacity. Marital intercourse supplies 97% of outlet, but mean frequencies down to 1.7, and for ½ of population not more often than 1, 2 per week. Very few individuals with frequencies to 7 per week. Extramarital intercourse in only 21%, all other outlets very minor. Problems of sexual adjustment less significant because of lowered interest of these males in sexual activity, and particularly because of decrease in frequency of extra-marital intercourse.

134. Age 41–45. Educ. level 0–8. Rural. Married males of rural group drawing 97% of total outlet from marital intercourse, mean frequency 2.1 per week, median 1.3. Extra-marital intercourse in only 12%, all other outlets very minor.

135. Age 41–45. Educ. level 0–8. Protest., inactive. Pattern well covered by description for whole grade school level at this age (Group 133).

136. Age 41–45. Educ. level 13+. Whole group. Married males of college level usually in good condition physically at this age, although mean total outlet has continued to drop since late teens, now down to 2.0. Marital intercourse 91% of total outlet, extra-marital intercourse in ¼ of group accounting for 15% of their outlet. Masturbation still in more than ½, nocturnal emissions in ¾, but these and other outlets of minor significance. Group offers no special sexual problems other than those which are the product of general restraint characteristic of college group throughout their histories.

137. Age 41–45. Educ. level 13+. Urban. Pattern almost exactly as described in whole college level (Group 136).

138. Age 41–45. Educ. level 13+. Protest., inactive. Very close to pattern described for whole college level (Group 136). Marital intercourse accounting for only 87% of total outlet. Somewhat higher incidence (31%) of extra-marital intercourse, accounting for 23% of outlet. Masturbation in 60%, accounting for 6% of their outlet. Other sexual activities less significant.

139. Age 46–50. Whole group. General level of sexual activity continues to decline with age. In these late forties, mean total outlet is 1.8 per week, about 96% of that from marital intercourse. ¼ of males with extra-marital intercourse which provides 19% of their outlet, masturbation in ⅓, other outlets minor. First cases of permanent impotence from age, although healthy males may not expect impotence for another 10 or 20 years, if ever. Some impotence now appearing is product of inhibition or loss of interest in sexual activity. Some problems of marital adjustment now develop because of waning interest in sexual activity, although not generally so for another 10 years for most males.

140. Age 46–50. Educ. level 0–8. Whole group. Males of grade school level derive higher proportion of total outlet from marital intercourse, with incidence of extra-marital intercourse (19%) definitely lower than in corresponding college level (Group 141). Aging problems more acute in this lower level at this age, than in college level (see Group 139).

141. Age 46–50. Educ level 13+. Whole group. General pattern as described for all married males of this age (Group 139). Aging problems less acute than with lower social levels. Intercourse accounting for only 93% of outlet, extramarital intercourse increasing, with incidence now 27%. Masturbation increasing, now in 57%, accounting for 7% of outlet. Emissions still in 68%, accounting for only 3% of outlet.

142. Age 46–50. Educ. level 13+. Urban. Very close to pattern described for whole college level at this age (Group 141).

143. Age 51–55. Whole group. Steady decline in sexual activity continues, as it has since late teens. Mean total outlet now 1.6, 2% of total population no longer experiences orgasm. Maximum frequencies for any male 7 per week, although median frequencies are only 1 per week. Nearly all total outlet still from marital intercourse, more true of lower levels, less true of upper levels. Masturbation practically out for lower educational level, on increase for upper level. Extramarital intercourse steadily increasing for upper level. Among males of college level, marital intercourse may not account for more than 62% of total outlet at this age. Decline of sexual interest between spouses only occasionally causing serious trouble at this age. Impotence slightly more frequent but still in not more than 9% of population.

144. Age 51–55. Educ. level 0–8. Whole group. Some differences from whole group described above (Group 143). Mean total outlet (1.4) lower. Percentage derived from marital intercourse steadily increasing, now totals 97%. Only 20% having extra-marital intercourse, from which they derive 23% of outlet. Masturbation exceedingly scant at this lower level, other outlets not important. 4% of group inactive, no longer experiencing orgasm.

145. Age 56–60. Whole group. The aging process leads to a mean frequency of only 1.1 per week for this group. The most extreme male experiences orgasm only 4.5 per week. Nearly all outlet of lower educational level derived from marital intercourse, not ⅔ of it so derived by college level. Extra-marital intercourse infrequent at lower level, more frequent at upper level. Masturbation and nocturnal emissions account for very little of lower level’s outlet, may account for as much as 22% of outlet of college level at this age. Impotence now in 18%.


146. Age 21–25. Whole group. Males who have been previously married but who no longer live with wives, have patterns closer to those of married males than to those of single males. 96% of whole population continues heterosexual coitus, ½ having some with prostitutes, but most frequently with other females. Masturbation in less than ½, but accounting for 18% of their outlet. Nocturnal emissions in nearly ⅔. Homosexual activities much more frequent than among married males, less frequent than among some groups of single males, now in 27% accounting for 5% of outlet. Often present personality problems which not infrequently involve sexual maladjustments. Many come from lower educational levels where there is considerable irresponsibility, incapacity, unwillingness or ineffectiveness in securing and holding jobs, failure to support wives, cruelty, and problems arising from drinking. While married, were promiscuous in extramarital relations and had a fair amount of homosexual activity, and these sometimes caused divorce. This, however, a personality problem rather than a sexual problem in origin.

147. Age 21–25. Educ. level 0–8. Whole group. Pattern well described in paragraph above (Group 146). Apparently somewhat lower incidence of masturbation and of homosexual. Few inhibitions on socio-sexual contacts in this group, but more inhibitions against masturbation, nudity, petting techniques, and oral eroticism. Promiscuous, and VD often high.

148. Age 21–25. Educ. level 0–8. Protest., inactive. Pattern covered by descriptions in two paragraphs above (Groups 146, 147).

149. Age 21–25. Educ. level 9–12. Whole group. Most active males of this age group, with mean total outlet 4.2. 9 1% have intercourse which accounts for 94% of their outlet. ½ of these have some intercourse with prostitutes, which accounts for less than 1% of outlet. 56% masturbate, so deriving 11% of their outlet, 39% have homosexual relations which account for 13% of their outlet. In heterosexual promiscuity and high incidence of homosexual, this group a close duplicate of single males of same educational level and age (Group 48). Marriage a passing episode to many of these individuals; many present basic personality problems. Others more balanced. Clinicians will do well to make a sharp distinction between persons with these diverse backgrounds.

150. Age 26–30. Whole group. Males who have been previously married but are no longer living with wives, have patterns closer to those of married males than to those of single males. 95% have intercourse which provides 94% of total outlet, nearly 60% have some of that intercourse with prostitutes; and considerable promiscuity for grade school and high school males of this group. Masturbation in 44%, accounting for 13% of their outlet, but more of this in upper educational levels, less in lower educational levels. Homosexual in 18%, accounting for 7% of outlet. Compare younger age level of previously married males (Group 146). A larger number of these males have made a real attempt at marital adjustment and have encountered more serious difficulties, which in many cases have involved sexual problems.

151. Age 26–30. Educ. level 0–8. Whole group. Remarks made in paragraph above (Group 150) applicable to grade school level of this age group. Masturbation less frequently a source of outlet (in 35% of males), prostitutes providing a larger portion of intercourse (for 63% of males); homosexual of minor significance but in 14% of histories. Few inhibitions on socio-sexual contacts in this group, but more against masturbation, nudity, petting techniques, and oral eroticism.

152. Age 26–30. Educ. level 0–8. Urban. A somewhat more active segment of grade school level (Group 151). Mean total outlet 3.2 with frequencies of 10, 14, or more not uncommon, 97% with intercourse which provides 95% of total outlet, 69% with some intercourse with prostitutes, 19% with homosexual outlet. Group heterosexually almost as active as married males and homosexually more so.

153. Age 26–30. Educ. level 0–8. Protest., inactive. Almost exactly as described above (Group 152).

154. Age 31–35. Whole group. Males who have been previously married very little less active than married males of same age, with mean total outlet 2.0. Intercourse in 91%, accounting for 95% of their total outlet. 61% have some intercourse with prostitutes, 11% have homosexual relations, 39% have masturbation which accounts for only 15% of outlet. 5% apparently without sexual outlet, these the individuals most likely to be disturbed and most often involved in basic personality difficulties. Any individual among previously married males who is having outlets much less frequently than those given here, needs especial consideration.

155. Age 31–35. Educ. level 0–8. Whole group. Pattern very close to that described for whole group above (Group 154). Mean total outlet 1.8, 94% deriving 96% of outlet from intercourse, over ⅔ of these having some intercourse with prostitutes, masturbation in only ⅓ of histories, 5% apparently without any sexual outlet.

156. Age 31–35. Educ. level 0–8. Urban. A less restrained segment of grade school group (Groups 154, 155). Only 1% without any sexual outlet. 97% with some intercourse accounting for 96% of outlet, about ¾ of these with some of intercourse with prostitutes. Masturbation very minor source of outlet.

157. Age 31–35. Educ. level 0–8. Protest., inactive. Record very close to description given for whole grade school level (Group 155).

158. Age 36–40. Whole group. Aging effect on males who have been previously married somewhat sharper than on married males. Mean total outlet down to 1.7, but nearly all males (98%) with active histories. 92% of group deriving 96% of outlet from intercourse, nearly ⅔ of these having some with prostitutes, 6% with homosexual, masturbation in 42% accounting for 17% of total outlet.

159. Age 36–40. Educ. level 0–8. Whole group. Available data do not show this grpup significantly different from description given above (Group 158), except that 70% have intercourse with prostitutes, which accounts for 30% of outlet.

160. Age 36–40. Educ. level 0–8. Protest., inactive. The relatively scant data available on this group do not show it significantly different from description given above (Group 159).

161. Age 41–45. Whole group. Aging effects continue to mount; apparently 6% of group without sexual outlet. Only 86% have intercourse, which accounts for 96% of their outlet, 60% have some of this with prostitutes, but this probably more true of lower educational level which is chief source of present sample. Only ⅓ masturbate. Homosexual in 5%.

162. Age 41–45. Educ. level 0–8. Whole group. Scant data available on this group do not show it significantly different from description given above (Group 161).

163. Age 46–50. Whole group. A continued decline in sexual activity evident in this group. Mean total outlet 1.4, with 6% of males apparently inactive. Only 82% in limited sample with any intercourse, which contributes 96% of their outlet. 52% with some intercourse with prostitutes, which contributes ½ of their total outlet—this a measure of their social maladjustments. Nearly ½ of group masturbates, so deriving ⅓ of their outlet. Homosexual too minor to record on this small sample.