Abbey-style beers 15
Africa 108
alcohol by volume (ABV) 14, 20
alcohol by weight (ABW) 20
ales versus lager 18
Arioli, Agostino 100
Arnold de Soissons, St 96
Ash, Michael 78
Baker, Patrick 148
Barton, Sara 32
Bavaria 22, 23, 39, 82, 98, 126
Beaven, Edward Sloper 58
Belgium 23, 64, 80, 82, 84, 96, 126, 142 see also Lambic beers
Benner, Mike 124
Berka, Vaclav 138
bitter 70
bottle conditioning 46
‘bottle-os’ 130
‘bottom-fermenting’ yeasts 18, 36
Boyle, Robert 20
Brettanomyces (Brett) 50, 60, 86
Brewers of Europe 124
brewing process 48
brewpubs 46
British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) 124
Brito, Carlos 118
Bruce, David 126
Burtonizing 62
Busch, Adolphus 104
Calagione, Sam 86
Campbell, Joy 130
CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale) 24, 42, 94, 120, 129, 134, 152
cans 24
Cantillon, Paul 84
carbonation, over- or under- 140
carboys 46
Carlsberg 36
Carneiro, Marcelo 110
Carter, Jimmy 42
cask ale 28, 52 see also real ale casks 14, 24
Catherine the Great 72
Celis, Pierre 82
cellaring 14
Champion Beer of Britain 134, 148
chilli beers 88
China 108
Clerk, Jean de 146
cloudy beer 52
coffee beers 88
cold fermentation 28
Cole, Melissa 142
Cooper, Thomas 110
corporate brewing 118
Crombecq, Peter 80
cuisine à la bière 116
Daniels, Ray 138
degrees Balling 20
Dickie, Martin 128
Dorber, Mark 142
double (dubbel) 68
ester 46
Estonia 100
Fentie, Henok 64
fermentation 50
festivals 150
flavour profiles 14
food and beer 142
force carbonating 14
Framboise 84
France 112
Gambrinus 96
gluten-free beers 88
Grant, Bert 120
Great American Beer Festival 134, 145, 148, 150
Great Britain 94
Great British Beer Festival 150
Greece 100
Green, Derek 88
green hop beers 88
Guinness 32, 40, 62, 72, 108, 112
Hamilton, Andy 122
Hammurabi Code 30
Hansen, Emil Christian 18, 36, 60
Hanssen, Bert 24
Hardman, Michael 152
Harwood, Ralph 72
health benefits 34
Heineken, Alfred Henry 100
Hieronymus, Stan 146
Hildegard von Bingen 32
Hindy, Steve 145
Hollyoak, David 122
imperial stout 134
Independent Family Brewers of Britain 124
India 108
Industrial Revolution 29, 36, 40
IPA (India Pale Ale) 29, 36, 40, 62, 70, 86
session IPA 69
Ireland 112 see also Guinness
Irish moss 52
isomerization 48
jacking process 74
Jackson, Michael 80, 102, 145, 146
Jacobsen, Jacob Christian 106
Jean, Duke 96
judging beer 148
Katechis, Dale 24
Keeling, John 74
keeping quality 47
Kemp, Martin 130
Kiuchi Gihei 108
Kölsch 92
Kriek 84
Latvia 100
Leeuwenhoek, Antonie van 60
‘light struck’ beer 140
Line, Dave 122
Lithuania 100
Ludwig, Crown Prince 150
lupulin 47
McGovern, Dr Patrick E. 30
Macoun, W. T. 56
malt extract 116
Martin, Tim 126
Märzen (Märzenbier) 69, 76, 98
maturation 52
Maytag, Fritz 104
Mendes, Juliano 110
Menichelli, Chris 130
microbreweries 93
milk stout 64
Mitchell, Lex 108
Mosher, Randy 136
mouthfeel 15
Musso, Teo 100
Neve, Dr Ray 56
Ninkasi 16
nitro stout 134
Nunny, Paul 140
Olivier, Menno 74
one-vessel brewing 117
Ooms, Edmond 22
original gravity 15
origins of beer 30
Orwell, George 94
packaging 24
Papazian, Charlie 124
pasteurization 52
pastry beer 64
Portugal 100
Potter, Tom 145
Prohibition 42
pumpkin beers 88
quality, conditions affecting 140
real ale 93 see also cask ale
Redsell, Tony 56
retailers 130
Rodenbach, Eugène 84
Roosevelt, Franklin D. 42
Roy, Jean-Pierre van 64
Saccharomyces carlsbergensis 50
Saccharomyces cerevisiae 18, 50, 60
Saccharomyces eubayanus 18
Saccharomyces pastorianus 18, 50
Salmon, Ernest 56
Scandinavia 106
Schneider, Georg I 98
Scott, Reginald 54
Sedlmayr, Gabriel 76
Seidl, Conrad 152
serving beer 138
session IPA 69
Siebel, Dr John Ewald 50
silica gel 52
single-strain yeasts 47
Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA) 124
South America 110
South Korea 108
Spain 100
speciality brewing 64
steins 117
strong beers 74
Taiwan 108
tasting beer 136
Théodore, Father 23
‘top-fermenting’ yeasts 18
trade organizations 124
triple (tripel) 69
unfined beer 135
Vietnam 108
in brewing 62
safer than beer? 34
Watt, James 128
weiss 82
Whitbread, Samuel 40
Williams, Bruce 88
women and beer 32
writing about beer 146
single strain 47
‘top-fermenting’ 18
Yorkshire squares 47
Younger, Don 130