Table of Contents
Title page
Copyright page
1 Introduction: The Question Concerning Technology and Romanticism
I Romanticism against the Machine
2 Romanticism
3 Romanticism against the Machine?
II Romanticism with the Machine
4 Romanticism with the Machine (1): From Frankenstein’s Monster to Hippie Computing
5 Romanticism with the Machine (2): Cyberromanticism, Uncanny Robots, Romantic Cyborgs, and Spooky Science
III Beyond Romanticism? Beyond the Machine?
6 Criticisms of Romanticism and of the End-of-the-Machine Vision
7 Beyond Romanticism and beyond Modernity: Toward the (Real) End of the Machine?
List of Illustrations
Figure 2.1 Romantic-Gothic science: Aldini’s galvanism experiments. Source: Giovanni Aldini,
Essai theórique et expeŕimental sur le galvanisme, avec une seŕie d’expeŕiences faites en preśence des Commissaires de l’Institut national de France, et en divers amphithéâtres anatomiques de Londres
plate 4 (Paris: De l’Imprimerie de Fournier fils, 1804). (Image courtesy Wellcome Library, London, no. L0029560. Licensed under CC BY 4.0.
Figure 4.1 Joseph Wright of Derby,
An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump: A Philosopher Is Demonstrating the Formation of a Vacuum by Withdrawing Air from a Flask Containing a White Cockatoo
, ca. 1780 (mezzotint). (Image courtesy: Wellcome Library, London, no. 575780i, Licensed under CC BY 4.0.)
Figure 5.1 Sergey Galyonkin,
Orlovsky and Oculus Rift
(photograph), 2013. Kyiv: Sergey Galyonkin. (Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
Figure 6.1 Friedrich John,
Franceschini, Marco Antonio: Narcissus
, 1830 (copperplate). Salzburg: Universitätsbibliothek Salzburg, Graphiksammlung, G 822 II.
Table of Contents