
3D printing 14, 29, 80

Allgemeene Bank of the Netherlands (ABN) 31

abundance, society of 10, 41, 82, 88

abuse 72, 73, 74, 75

academia 15, 24, 32, 36, 43, 80

accountability: collective 53, 64; corporate 89; individual 53

advantage: competitive 24, 36

Agenda 20, 12

Airbnb 48, 78

Airbus 68

Airforce One 32, 57

Alexandria 88

alloys 9, 41, 42, 57, 84

Anderson, Ray 92

Antarctica 36

antique dealers 31

Apple 50

Aristotle 68

armed forces 19, 34, 49

artisanal approach 11, 19

ARUP 31, 85

asbestos 48, 53

asset management 6

atoms 38

authorship 75

Autolib 73

away-grading 32, 80

B52 57

backcasting 19

backpack 46

Bailey bridges 33

banknotes 33

Barcelona 33

batteries 35, 90

Bayer 71

bearings 56

behaviour 21, 36, 90; herd 6; user 73

belongings 26, 59, 63, 72, 90

benefits; business 83; environmental 30; incremental 77; for society 25, 65, 89; social 23

bicycles 35, 73, 83; e-bikes 83


bioeconomy 5, 6; Knowledge Centre 8

Biosphere 5

bituminous mix 44

black swans 89

Blue Horizon 30

Borders; cultural 88; national 24

Boreal 83

Bosch, Robert 13

Buildings As Material Banks (BaMB) 45, 85

buildings 6, 14, 26. 31, 45, 56; high-rise 43, 85; transformation of 21, 35

business benefits 83; contacts 23; models 4, 13, 61, 66, 78, 85; opportunities 41, 57; schools 22; techno-commercial 24

Business to Business (B2B) 69

butterfly diagram 5

buy back 33, 45, 51

Canada 88

cannibalising 82

capabilities 3, 18

capital: cultural 12, 16, 59, 63; gains 67; human 14, 72; intensive 59; manufactured 33, 46; natural 6, 12, 57

carbon; Capture 84; chemistry 84; credits 53, 59; footprint 35; for Utilization 84;

caring 2, 11, 22, 30, 36, 59, 72; attitude 7, 9, 50, 71; lack of 73

Carlowitz, Hans Carl von 11

carpenters 36

cascading 46, 13, 68

Caterpillar 19, 52

cement 14, 61, 90; asbestos 54

certainty 77; limits to 64, 78

chains: distribution 56; supply 7

challenges 77, 87; engineering 35; innovation 24; policy 35

change; authority to 60; structural 5, 87; wealth of nations 63

Charlie Brown 88

China 24, 43, 73, 85, 89

chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) 87

circular; industrial activities 70; menagerie 89; society 1, 9, 16, 26, 38

circular economy: context 1; history 1 mature industrial 1623, 62, 80; of necessity 11, 82; realm 4; roots 1

circularity 1, 5, 9, 75, 92; in nature 16, 45, 75

cities 14, 73, 77

citizens 22, 82; fashion-conscious 91

Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) 59, 89

cleaner production 5

climate change 60, 89, 91; health impacts 89; International Panel on 89

clothing 3, 33; second hand 91

Club of Rome 25, 81, 88

clusters of economic activities 61

Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) 35

CO2 89; anthropogenic 87; compensation 22, 60, 89; emissions 30, 35, 57, 84; pellets 43

coldzymes 35

collect-and-dispose option 40

collection 5; costs 42; non-destructive 30, 38, 4244; unmixed 38, 45

command-and-control legislation 21

Commission of the European Communities 15, 37, 86

commodities 64

common utilisation 72

Commons 23, 745, 91: Tragedy of the 57; urban 74

competition 1, 32, 41; between systems 62; international 84

competitiveness 21, 51, 59

components 2, 11, 1823, 315; critical 28; innovative 27, 80; low-maintenance 83; outdated 35; standardised 23, 31, 68

concrete 5; aggregate 85

Conference of Parties (COP) 19, 22, 28

conflict minerals 29, 42

constructions  24, 45: monolithic43

consumables 72

conversion 6, 313

Cookson Group 69, 84

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 49

costs; compliance 29, 42, 71; transaction 33, 78; of repairs 60, 80; of risk 67, 72; of spare parts 29, 33, 47, 50, 80

countries; industrialised 10, 21, 60, 67, 82, 87, 92; less developed 7, 53; with saturated markets 34

Cradle-to-Grave 85

craftsmen 2, 7, 15, 26, 47

culture 2, 7, 72, 9; heritage 22, 91; innovation 3

Czech Republic 19

Dame Ellen see Ellen MacArthur Foundation

dash-cams 83

de-alloy 43, 84

de-bond 38, 43, 84

decentralisation: intelligent 14, 29, 62, 77, 90

decision takers 26, 28, 40, 67

de-coat 39, 43, 84, 98

de-construct 39, 43, 85

decoupling; indicators 605; wealth creation from resource consumption 14

default option 7, 28, 62, 66, 88; of a sustainable society 19, 21, 92

de-laminate 39, 43, 84

demand side 67

de-polymerise 39, 84

design 31, 35, 72, 823; eco 51; for environment 78; industrial 51, 55; molecules 57; redesign 30; for reuse 44; system 77

desirability of access 67

desire: individuals’ 28

de-vulcanise 39

diesel engines 28, 356, 52, 83; -gate 51

digitalisation of the economy 50, 56, 75; of technology 68

disassembly 37; ease of 45; value preserving 72

diseconomy of risk 77

dismantle 1, 23, 3841, 56, 66, 72, 84

disposability 67

diversity of activities 22, 28, 33; bio- 1, 57, 75; material 56,

Dow Chemical 69

drink containers 38

drivers 2, 3, 80

DuPont de Nemours 15, 69, 75

Eastpak 33

easy to repair 48

eBay 33

eco-industrial park 4, 13

economics 7, 203, 807; as if people mattered 14; manufacturing 29

economy 76, 825; analogue 73; barter 91; circular 3; circular industrial 16; intelligent decentralised 90; linear industrial 71; performance 66; of scale 77; rental 67; service 789; sharing 74; sustainable 92; zero-carbon 83

education 6, 14, 33, 59, 62, 86, 91

eDumper 90

efficiency 46, 63, 66, 92; energy 51; engineering 76; material 65; resource 45, 63

Eiffage 68

electric motors 9, 35, 70, 83, 90

elements chemical, 9, 38

Elizabeth Line 5

Ellen MacArthur Foundation xii, 5, 31

Empire State Building 31

end-of-pipe sectors 4; technologies 10; waste 10, 13, 19, 85; recycling 56; resource recovery 44

end-of service-life objects 7, 11, 22, 32, 36, 40, 53; materials 22, 53; waste costs 44, 56

energy 2931; bio- 6; consumption 35, 58; embodied 23, 43; efficiency 51, 71; intensive activities 9, 14; recovery 43, 90; self-sufficiency 90

engines 326, 512; combustion 9, 64, 823; jet 69, 82; marine diesel 28, 83; performance during flight 82; steam 75; truck 19

engineering challenge 302, 82; efficiency 76

environment; benefits 30, 64; hazards 3845; impairment liability 29; losses into 69; objectives 85; protection 5; work 15; zones 32

era of ‘D’ 11, 16, 1922, 3847, 5664, 804

era of ‘R’ 11, 16, 1837, 40, 5364, 804

European Remanufacturing Network (ERN) 34, 36

EU: Circular Economy Package 63, 88; Charter of Fundamental Rights 89; Joint Research Centre 8; Lisbon strategy 60; Member States 24, 50, 60; Waste Directive 24; eco-design directive 51

European: Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform 32; Commission 8, 15, 37, 60, 64, 88; Convention on Human Rights 89; Environment Agency 5.

events 34, 58, 91; catastrophic 75, 77

exchange value 16

exponential growth 77

Extended Producer: Liability (EPL) 7, 11, 23, 517, 64; Responsibility (EPR) 40, 55

externality, negative 40

factor 4, 6, 91; cost 58; external 21; of production 14, 5760; Ten 82, 85; Time 7, 21, 66, 75, 91

factory 14, 15, 70, 75, 77; cement 90; gate 6, 47; share 57; workers 58

Falcon 9, 14

farming: fish 5, 84; urban 14, 29; organic 62, 90; precision 71

fashion 14, 21, 30, 49, 68, 81, 91

Fastnet rock 88

Fauchard, Pierre 34

Federer, Roger 88

ferries 83

figureheads 88, 92

Finland 19

fire brigades 13

fleet 14, 26, 66; managers 2, 19, 22, 28, 324, 4951, 57, 66, 724, 82; solution services 72

flexibility in use 68

Flixborough 75

Flixbus 48, 78

Florida 59

flows: fast-moving 63; income 68; managing 6, 21, 87; manufacturing 80; processes 16; production 29; resource 13, 21; used material 18

fractions: clean material 23, 41, 63, 84; pure material 44; separate material 41, 84; waste 43

framework conditions 60; appropriate 84

France 19

franchises: regional 68

fuel cells 83, 90

function 11, 49, 68, 80; catalytic 69; guarantees 28, 51, 669, 77; lighthouse 88; over fashion x; pull 85

gambling industry 54

garments 2, 334, 49, 69, 91

gate 83; commissioning 49; diesel 51; factory 6, 47; posts 91; slide 69

GDP 40, 60

German 82; 85; Democratic Republic 13; law 91; manufacturer 52; railways 15, 30, 33; unification 13

Gilead 71

global economy 18; warming 19, 22, 92

goods 269; as a service 28, 4951; autonomous 50, 75; consumer 49, 523; investment 49, 51, 60; mass-produced 22, 29; service-life extension of 28; smart 51, 56, 61, 75; stock of 22, 28

goods: broken 28, 33, 45, 91; catalytic 35, 69; long-life 68; mobile 28, 49; multifunctional 68; new 34, 52; new relationship with 72; rental 73; returning 54; re-using 26; used 30, 34, 38, 46; unwanted 36; use-life of 51; zero-life 49

Gotthard rail tunnel 5

government liability 22, 87, 89

GPS 71, 83

greening of industry 4

growth 13, 21, 40, 65, 81

happiness 12, 90

hardware 50, 71, 77, 83; IT 34, 83

Harvard Business School 70

hazard 77, 80, 88; environmental  38

Health Safety Environment (HSE) 15

historic airplanes 92

holistic: approaches 87; nature 24; policy 44, 59; solutions 90, strategy 77; understanding 33

Horizon 2020 24, 85

human capital 12

husbandry 2, 92

hydrogen 834, 90

ICE1 30

identity: cultural 87; material 36, 45; of pro-user 75; personal 91 50

IKEA 33, 36

import duties 29, 42, 71

improvements : material 34; permanent 15

incentives 28, 40, 49, 559, 64

increase in value over time 32, 67

indicators: absolute economic 604

indigenous people 16

individuals 2, 7, 228, 33, 409, 56, 637, 71, 88, 91

Industrial: ecology 4, 37; metabolism 5; symbioses 4, 5, 13

industry 4.0 90

influencers  49, 51

information to repair 51, 88

innovation 6685

Input/Output models 63

Insurance 57; companies 68; contracts 60; premiums 13

intellectual property rights 45, 75

intelligent decentralisation 14, 29, 62, 77, 90

Interface 92

Internet of Things (IoT) 50, 735, 84

investments 13, 44: upfront42, 80

invisible liability loop 11, 20, 5365

ISO 85; shipping containers 69

IT server farms 71

Italy 82

Jaguar E-type conversion 83

Japan 4, 58, 70

jet engine 69, 82

job creation potential 89

jobs 19, 25, 32, 5865; local 28

Jobs for Tomorrow 15

John Deere 50, 75

junctions 6

Kalundborg 4, 13

knowledge 23; generate 8; spreading the 15, 2446

Kyoto Protocol 89

la pente vers la mer xv, 92

labour 5, 914, 53; child  29, 42; cost 57, 60, 80; input per weight 601; intensive 14, 23, 30, 34, 42, 72; local 58; of love 7; productive 24; qualified 42; skilled input 14, 30, 71; taxation  58, 63

land 8; fill 21, 23, 40; mark 31; owner 11; plots 33, 56

law 40, 56; German versus Roman 91; of reverse compound interests 29; of thermodynamics 29

Life-Cycle Analysis (LCA) 85; of cars and trucks 65

leased equipment 69; metal 69, 78; textiles 22, 68

legal gateposts 91

legislation  24, 38, 50, 69, 88; command-and-control 21: conflicting 45; top-down 91; waste 40


level playing field 545

lever 52; key 88; for change 87, 91

Liability 9, 10, 16, 21, 47, 50, 736; environmental impairment 13, 29; Extended Producer 7, 11, 23, 517; government 22, 879; loop 20, 534; producer 11, 48, 51, 60, 78; retained 41, 67; somebody else’s 10; third party 60

libraries 2, 7, 69

life 3: average 31; cycle costs 7; insurance companies 68; long 18, 47, 57, 60, 68, 72, 83, 90; multiple 23, 31; product- 37, 50, 58, 65, 76; -sciences 61; Second 36; use 51; zero 10, 49

lighthouses 34, 49, 88

Limits to Growth 81

Lisbon 60

logging companies 16

longing for the sea xiii, 21, 8892

loops  515, 29, 75; efficient return logistics 66; local  17, 70; of objects 26; of molecules 38; regional 17, 70; speed 29; invisible liability 53; water 4

lubrication oils 35, 69

luthiers sans frontières 7

Macklowe Properties 31

maintaining: existing wealth 28, 33; forest capital 11; ownership of objects 67; purity of molecules 38, 42; quality and quantity of stocks 11, 16, 21; value 2, 10, 22, 25, 38; utility of objects 25

maintenance 2; contracts 69; costs 68; intensive; low 72, 823, 90; minimal 33; motorcycle 11; preventive 4, 72, 77; service contracts 28

maintenance-free 83; pumps 69; car distributors 83

managers 4; estate 49; facility 36; fleet 2, 19, 33, 51, 66, 82; of last resort 56; resource 23, 56; used resource 44; “waste” 40, 55

Manhattan 31

MANKIND xv, 2, 3, 9

market 402; commodity 41; control 83; exchange 91; failures 38; functioning 40, 46; labour 38; local 90; needs 13, 45; saturated 10, 21; second-hand 33; value 23

material 3846; complexity 9; diversity 42; efficiency 35, fractions 41; banks 45; identity36; value 44

Material Economics 10, 40, 57, 64

materials 56; basic 14, 61; bio- 5; biodegradable 14; de-link 23; embodied 415: fugitive 23; innovative 21, 81; mixed 43; natural 38; secondary 40, 64; recovered 7; smart 69; standardised 45; used 18, 38, 53, 85; wasted 3; without positive value 57

mature circular industrial economy 1623, 62, 80

megatrends 89

mercury agreement 69

metals 9, 43, 56; leasing 69

Michelin 69, 72

micro-: bakeries 14, 29; breweries 14, 90; chips  35; motors 35, 83; plastics 1, 38

milk powder 53

Millau 68

Miller, Henry 52

mini-mills 42

mining 40; companies 69; industry 11, 17; urban 45; waste 5, 30, 42

MIPS (Material Input Per unit of Service) 85

Mobike 73

molecules 1, 2, 1823, 38; as a service 69, 78; de-bonding 84; recovering 11, 39, 80; renting 17; spent 42; used 70

moral obligation 1

motivation 1, 878, 91; concerted human 75; economic 50; personal 7, 21, 26

multifunctional 18

municipalities 10, 40, 53, 56

museums 7, 11

nanotechnologies 612

NASA 34, 71

nation states 10, 56, 85

natural capitalism 86

nature 1, 2, 9, 1116, 38, 75

necessity 13, 11, 16, 77, 824

needs: clients 68; priority 91; environmental, economic and social 9, market 13, 45

NEST project 31

Nestlé 53

Netherlands 19, 31, 89

New: Economy 87, 90; relationship with goods 72; York City 31


non-destruction: collection 30, 38, 42, 72; degree of 52

Norway 835

Novartis 71

Oberhuber, Sabine 45

objectives 6, 10, 21, 60; contradicting 47, 62, environmental 85

objects 26, 55; caring for 72; disposable 40, dual-use 50; durable 66; fail-safe and fool-proof 72; free float 745; maintaining the utility of 82; rental 68, 71; single-use 30, 66; used 702

obligations : contractual 44, 55, 69

obsolete 21, 33; technically or fashion-wise 21

oceans 1, 9, 57, 75; plastics in 9, 23, 38, 56

OECD 29, 55

oldtimer cars 32, 58

One Wall Street 31

operation and maintenance (O&M) 50, 678, minimising costs 82

opportunities 3, 13, 1620, 26, 4050, 62, 668, 849; business 57, 735

original equipment manufacturers (OEM) 19, 56, 67

overconsumption 90

overhaul 57

ownership fork 44; retained 67; to user-ship 67

Oxford 73

ozone layer 87

packaging 30, 69, 72

Packard, Vance 52

Paris 19, 34, 73, 89

Patagonia 34, 52

people 31, 42; need for highly qualified 83; Republic of China 85, 89

Papanek, Victor 82

pay: per mile 69, 72; per page 70; per use 73

Performance Economy 66

Personal Computer 83

plastics 9, 43, 57

Plasto 84

point of end-of-service-life 20; sale 17, 18; sale or service 20; user service 51

Poland 19

policy: approach 45, 63; challenges 35; European 55; framework 51, 55; instruments 53; options 62; public procurement 60, 63; role of 53, 64; taxation 58, 60

policymaker 29, 32, 45, 53; role of 62, 85

Polyethylene 85

Potočnik, Janez 88

power by the hour 69, 82; power stations 32, 49; nuclear 44, 85; coal-fired 4; waste from 5

Prince Harry 83

principle; circular industrial economy 201, 92; commonality 68; eco-design 51; free float 73; inertia  2930; linear industrial economy 50, 84; no sharing without caring 75; Polluter Pays (PPP) 55, 64; reversed compound 64

Private Finance Initiative (PFI) 68

product: design 38, 45; durability and life extension 37; life factor 37; liability periods 60, 78; obsolescence 22; use 27, 48; value 23

Product-Life Institute i

production: cleaner 5; costs 4, 21; efficiency 4; factors 14, 579; flows 29; globalised 10, 47, 62; line 15; of basic materials 14; process 4, 76; regional 90; scrap 19; sustainable 15; unit costs 77; volumes 21, 43, 51; waste 13

productivity 28, 92; labour 59; resource 17, 25, 59; of prevention 77

products:longer-lasting 82; easily repairable 82; single-use 30, 66

Product-Service Systems 78

professions: new ‘R’ 15, 27, 32

profitability 30, 36, 38, 415, 71

profit maximisation 7, 306, 40, 44, 5052, 6671, 82

propulsive rocket landing 14

pro-sumer 75

pro-user 745

public: authorities 75; ground 745; libraries 2, 45, 69; procurement 24, 32, 51, 603, 71, 83; toilets 69; transport 51, 69, 72; swimming pools 69

publicity 30, 4752

punitive fines 54

purity: highest 3, 6, 17, 3846, 84; as-new 11, 80

qualitative judgement 30, 72

quality 345, 39; as good as new 11; better than new 19; new definition 76; inspection 41; of life 5; long-term 7; loss of 64; monitoring 18; O&M 50; and quantity of stocks 13, 21

quest for: holistic solutions 87, 90; permanent improvement 15

railways 15, 19, 22, 30, 334, 57

rates: recycling 57, 63; retained value 57

Rau, Thomas 31

recovery of molecules and atoms 7, 19, 416; 56, 63, 80

redundancy 13, 77

regenerative agriculture 5

regional franchises 68

regions: industrially less developed 1, 16, 69, 91; mining 69; reindustrialisation of 14, 63; urban 21

remanufacturer 36, 70, 82

renting 66; molecules 17, 69; objects 68, 71

repair 41, 4750, 72; cafés 3, 7, 50, 91; ‘on-wing’ 83; services 82; spare-less 82; technicians 51; knowledge of 47, right to 50

replacement sales 51

reporting tools 63

resale 33

research 4, 6, 24, 3546, 57, 845; & development 24, 42; economic 30; financial 35, 82; Global Challenge 31

resilience 77; of cities 77; national 89; lack of 13; of society 78

resource 17, 84; assets 38; boycotts 89; consumption 31, 61, 69, 82; efficiency 4, 21, 29, 63, 76; energy 5, 13, 23, 28, 59; extraction 40; flows 13, 21; imports 21; investment 13, 30; losses 4, 9, 13, 77; manager 38, 45, 56; policy 11; preservation 63; productivity 17, 59; scarcity xii; security 45, 64, 68, 78, 81, 89; stock losses 64; supply 24; utilisation 83, 90; value 40

resourceful 91

resources: embodied 30, 61, 67; natural 14, 9, 90; renewable 59, 63; used 62; virgin 11, 29, 35, 42, 84; with a qualitative edge 14

responsibility 44, 55, 74; attribution of 73; collective producer 89; Corporate Social 49; delegated 55; producer 64; shared 724

retaining value in the material system 15, 46, 65

Return On Investment (ROI) 35, 82

reuse 16, 917, 506, 59, 613, 80, 84, 902; of atoms and molecules 10, 4046; of goods and components 9, 1829, 313; or recycle 41

re-value components 54

reversible building design 31

right to destroy 45, 91; dispose 50; remarket 50; repair or upgrade 50, 84; reuse 22

Rio de Janeiro 12

risk 19, 648; of breakdown 77; management 13, 68, 756: reputational 77

road: construction 23; not taken 23; surfaces 44

robots 15; industrial 90

Rockefeller Foundation 77

rockets: reusable 30, 71

Rocky Mountain Institute 31

role of: governments 62; policy 53, 58, 85; labour 14; policymakers 62, 85

Rolls-Royce x, 34, 69, 82

Royal Society London 15, 65

Safe-Chem 69

Saint Exupéry 21, 59, 8892

sales price 47, 52, 56

satellites 57

scarcity 1, 9, 11, 16, 30

Schweizerhalle 13

science 3, 4, 11, 24, 348, 43, 61, 808

scientific : evidence 91¸ disciplines 8, 24

scientists 69, 87

Scotland 88, 92

sectors: economic 61; end-of-pipe 4; industrial 24, 35

self-help groups 28, 91

selling: customer satisfaction 19; for reuse 33; goods as a service 13, 18, 55, 6982; objects 69; ores 69; performance 51, 61, 6782; performance instead of goods 67, 91; performance instead of materials 17; quality monitoring instead of replacement products 18

service 18, 30, 47, 51, 69, 72; activities 9, 18, 70, 83; communication 67; companies 19, 28; decentralised 62; economy 18, 64, 65, 79; maintenance 28; operational 83; for owners 19; precision farming 71; repair 28, 34, 82; strategies 68; unit of 85

service-life; abortion 60; end of 20, 23; extension 20

sharing: economy 735; non-monetary 3; performance economy 73; schemes 2; society 3, 75, 91; without caring 66, 725

shipping 86; coastal 83; containers 69

shopping: addicts 92; centres 30, 48

silo 59; education 33; liabilities 21; organised in 24

skills 3, 302, 4950, 67; acquired 16; manual 35

small; and local 29; and medium sized enterprises (SME) 19, 59; is beautiful 14; loops 29; scale processes 7, 42

Smith, Adam 6

social 12; benefits 23; capital i; challenges 77; cohesion 65; factors 4; innovation 3; learning 36; media 54; needs 9; opportunities 24; responsibility 49; schemes 50; shaming 75; sustainability 36, 45, 77; viability 26, 66, 72

society 12, 38, 901; benefits for 25, 65, 89; circular 13, 9, 167, 26; costs borne by 10, 72; of abundance 10, 91; resilience of 78; sharing 75, 91; sustainable 16, 19, 92; throwaway 15, 65

software 502, 83

solution 11, 6678, 82; design 31; holistic 87, 90; industrial 55; of last resort 10, 40, 42; patentable 24, 84; practical 87, 91; policy 55; political 19; preventive 44; reuse 14; sustainable 24; systems 18, 24, 90; technology 22, 34, 85; with highest value preservation 44

solvents 35, 69

sorting 84; into clean fractions 414; processes 41; technologies 57, 84

sources 5; of innovative ideas 15; virgin 84

space 9, 32, 40, 57; parking 73; shuttle 34, 71; Space X 14, 30, 71; transport contracts 71

Spain 19, 85

spare parts 29, 33, 47, 50, 802

specifications; procurement 85; technical 52

speed 36, 51; as vital advantage 34; of resource flows 21; of the loops 29; up transformation 59, 603

stability: engine block 34; political 22

standard exchange 28

standardisation 86; component 36, 45; of materials 42

stand-by mode 77

start-up companies 30, 66

state-of-the art 35

statistics 13

steam engines 9, 75

steel 14, 50, 84; blades 4; drums 82; economic value of 43; industry 69; mills 34; recycling rates 57

stewardship 445; 713; obligation 91; value 21

stock management 1114, 1623, 80; of assets 1; of atoms and molecules 38; manufactured 4; of physical objects 26; of resources 6

Stockholm 12

structure 43; load bearing 23, 31

Stuttgart 13, 25, 37

subsidies 60

substituting manpower for energy 15, 37, 86

sufficiency 11, 66, 71, 91

Superfund 55

supply 19, 24; chain 4, 7, 17, 21, 51; cores 34; labour 34; of cheap spare parts 33; side 67

surplus equipment

sustainability 4, 9, 113, 77; awards 15; management 76; of products 61; rating 62; of remanufacturing 36; science 24

sustainable 902; because 29, 41; business models 4, 13, 25, 66, 71; consumption 15; economy 1315; forestry 11; future 83; production 8; society 1621, 78; taxation 59; use 15

Sustainable Development 12, 24, 65, 82; Goals (SDG) 58, 90

Sweden 19, 57

Switzerland 36, 46, 58, 90

Syndrome: bigger-better-faster-safer-greener 49; not invented here 43; pars pro toto 32

systems innovation 71

take-back 53: options 28, 42; logistics 47

tax: carbon 29, 42, 71; depreciation 49, 51, 60; evasion 55; income 5960; on labour 9, 14, 58; payer 68; resources 59, 63; sustainable 59

taxis 72

technology 37, 19, 39, 423, 805; diffusion bonding 82; -driven 87, 90; end-of-pipe 10; jumps in 53, 80; long-life 57, 60, 90; management 76; nano- 61; of times gone by 30, 33; process 34, 42; recycling 40; separating 38; single-atom 44; solutions 22, 34; sorting 41, 57; upgrading 9, 189, 30, 35, 512, 63

Technosphere 5

Texas 59

thermodynamics: second law of 29

throughput 13

tilling at night 71

timber 11

Time 668, 757, 82, 91

timelessness 75

Titanic 38

Tobacco 48, 53, 56

Tokyo 43

Tongji University 24

tools 49, 51, 56, 63, 91

Toyota 15, 58

toys 49, 52, 56

trade wars 89

training 14, 68; institutions 24; hands-on vocational 32; opportunities 89

transformation 21, 29, 36, 59

trust 31, 723

typewriters 32

tyres 34, 38, 434, 723, 84; by the mile 69; incinerating used 43

U.S.: administration 85, 92; Air Force 82; EPA 25; National Academy of Sciences 87; Navy 334

UBER 48, 78

UK 69, 75, 82; 8, 33: Government Chief Scientific Advisors 17

Ulm 72

Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) 55

Ultimate Liable Owner (ULO) 10, 537

UN 19; Conference 12; International Resource Panel 88, SDGs 90; UNESCO World Heritage 11; UNIDO 69

uncertainty 767, 91

upgrading 11, 14, 30; technological 18, 345, 52, 63, 83; fashion 35; to better than new 19

use 10, 178, 27; cascading 13, 68; inefficiency 90; more intensive 71; optimisation 23, 28; over time 31; shared 69; value 12, 16, 23, 26, 29, 44, 60

user: behaviour 36, 73; liability 72; pro- 74

USM 33

Vacuum Insulation Panels (VIP) 90

value: central economic 16, 60; fork 22; maintain highest 20; negative 44; per weight 74, 61; preserved 415; real 31; retained 46; use value

Value Added Tax (VAT) 59, 60

vehicle 32, 75, 90; restorers 32; vintage 32

Vetrum 41

violin makers 7

volatility; price 41, 80, 84

Volkswagen 19

warranty life-long 33

Wärtsilä 83

washing machines 35

waste 27; construction 21; dumps 57, 89; end-of-pipe 10, 21, 85; household 41, 84; management 7; owners 56; prevention 7; minimization 25

wealth 14, 61; changing wealth of nations 15; maintaining 28; national 13, 63; of opportunities 16, 85; real 67; societal 64; without resource consumption 79

weapon manufacturers 53

wellbeing 82

Wijkman, Anders 19, 63, 88

windmills 44

workers 33, 48, 54, 58; manual 63; ‘silver’ 30, 89; shop floor 15; skilled 28, 42

workshops 7, 26, 90; mobile 34, 72

World: Bank Group 15, 63; Business Council of Sustainable Development (WBCSD) 82; capital formation 93; IT 83; real 60; society 90; War Two 33

Xerox Corp. 19, 68, 70

Yecla de Yeltes dam 85

Zen 11

zero 61, 63:carbon 83; emission 83; -life objects 10, 49; value 32; waste 56, 62, 70, 77, 85, 92

Zippo 33