Found 24 books

[eng] Coming Out of Egypt Angela Joseph

[en] Voices of Negritude in Modernist Print Columbia University Press

Noland, Carrie

[en] Eric Walrond Columbia University Press

[en] Calypso Jews Columbia University Press

Phillips Casteel, Sarah

[en] The Routledge Companion to Latino/a Literature Routledge

Bost, Suzanne & Aparicio, Frances R.

[en] Neither Out Far Nor In Deep Perigon Publishing

Williams, Leah T.

[en] Abandoned Havana Restless Books

Lazo, Orlando Luis Pardo

[en] Paradise Destroyed University of Nebraska Press

Church, Christopher M.

[en] Selected Non-Fictions Penguin Books

Borges, Jorge Luis & Weinberger, Eliot