Found 18 books

[pt] Faça Como Steve Jobs McGraw-Hill Education

Gallo, Carmine

[hu] Apple élmény Akadémiai Kiadó

[hu] Apple élmény Akadémiai Kiadó

Gallo, Carmine

[pt] A Experiência Apple LEYA BRASIL

Gallo, Carmine

[pt] Faça Como Steve Jobs Lua De Papel

Gallo, Carmine

[pt] A Experiência Apple LEYA BRASIL

Gallo, Carmine

[pt] Faça Como Steve Jobs Lua De Papel

Gallo, Carmine

[tr] Ted Gibi Konuş St. Martin's Press

Gallo, Carmine

[en] Talk Like Ted MacMillan Audio

Gallo, Carmine

[en] The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs McGraw-Hill Education

Gallo, Carmine

[en] Five Stars St. Martin's Press

Gallo, Carmine

[en] The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs McGraw-Hill Education

Gallo, Carmine

[en] The Apple Experience McGraw-Hill

Gallo, Carmine