[fr] Okinawa Food Mango Editions
[en] The Supper Club Struik Lifestyle
[en] Curry & Kimchi Storey Publishing, LLC
[en] Cooking With Soy Yoshiko Takaeuchi
[en] Girl Germs Ged Maybury
[en] Uncharted Worlds Invoke Books
[en] The Indian Cookery Book The Big Nest
[en] The Indian Cookery Book Big Nest
[en] Extraterrestrials MIT Press
[en] Hard Jack III John David Hanna
[fr] [Recettes 01] • Les Fonds Et Les Sauces Crespinette2 - Giga
[en] Our Favorite Grilling Recipes Cookbook Gooseberry Patch
[en] Our Favorite Freezer-Friendly Recipes Cookbook Gooseberry Patch