Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The superannuation scheme: removing the mystique
Coming to terms with self-assessment
Reading the fine print: what you need to do
Taking that first step: making a contribution
At a glance: the tax benefits you can gain
At a glance: limitations of putting money into super
The two phases of superannuation
Superannuation Complaints Tribunal
Professional service providers
Australian Taxation Office publications
Chapter 2: Long-term commitment: how much you need to accumulate
It’s not your money until you retire
How much should you put into super each year?
Young adults and superannuation
At a glance: super and low-income earners
Let the good times roll: income in retirement
Australian Taxation Office publications
Chapter 3: Setting up a self managed super fund: the good, the bad and the ugly
At a glance: benefits of running your own fund
At a glance: what you can’t do in an SMSF
Getting started: the steps you need to complete
Australian business number (ABN)
Binding death benefit nomination forms
Australian Taxation Office publications
Chapter 4: Running a self managed super fund: the rules you have to follow
At a glance: common mistakes with SMSFs
At a glance: what your auditor is checking
Loans and financial assistance to members
Acquiring assets from related parties
At a glance: what defines an in-house asset
Documentary evidence and valuations
Australian Taxation Office publications
Australian Taxation Office interpretative decisions
Chapter 5: Building the nest egg: making a super contribution
At a glance: what are concessional contributions?
At a glance: who is not eligible for an employer super guarantee contribution
Personal pre-tax contributions (non-concessional contributions)
Federal government concessions
Superannuation co-contribution scheme
At a glance: super co-contribution eligibility test
Spouse contribution tax offset
At a glance: spouse contribution tax offset eligibility test
Rollovers from other complying superannuation funds
Partnerships and superannuation
Australian Taxation Office publications
Australian Taxation Office interpretative decisions
Chapter 6: Sharing your wealth: taxing your accumulated benefits
How the Australian tax system works
At a glance: how complying super funds are taxed
Non-concessional contributions
Dividend franking credits and the 45-day rule
Self managed super funds tax return
Australian Taxation Office publications
Australian Taxation Office interpretative decisions
Chapter 7: Building wealth: accumulating retirement benefits
At a glance: eligible investment assets
At a glance: what your SMSF can’t do
At a glance: benefits of investing in shares
At a glance: limitations of investing in shares
At a glance: benefits of investing in fixed interest securities
At a glance: limitations of investing in fixed interest securities
At a glance: benefits of investing in real estate
At a glance: limitations of investing in real estate
At a glance: benefits of investing in managed funds
At a glance: limitations of investing in managed funds
At a glance: benefits of investing in collectables
At a glance: limitations of investing in collectables
Australian Taxation Office interpretative decisions
Chapter 8: Accessing your super fund benefits: enjoying the spoils
At a glance: conditions of release
At a glance: SMSFs and starting a pension
Receiving a superannuation pension
Buying a superannuation pension
Preservation age to 59 years of age
Receiving a super pension from an SMSF
Australian Taxation Office publications
Chapter 9: Death and taxes: superannuation death benefits
Binding death benefit nomination
Superannuation death benefit pensions
At a glance: how superannuation death benefit pensions are taxed
Superannuation lump sum death benefits
At a glance: how superannuation lump sum death benefits are taxed
Australian Taxation Office publications
Appendix A: Key tax and superannuation rates