Aakash tablet computer, 216
achondroplasia, 78
Acumen Fund, 211
aerospace design, 9, 46, 177–8, 179–80
Agbogbloshie dump, Ghana, 162
air travel, 70–71, 130, 132, 177–80, 188, 191
amateur inventors, 33, 44, 182
Amelio, Gil, 88
American Underwood typewriter, 132
Anderson, Colin, 131
anonymous design, 9, 15–16, 25–6, 29–30, 119, 130, 223
Ant Farm (architecture group), 117
anti-nuclear symbol, 134
Aol., 143
Apple, 13, 15, 22, 38, 44, 50, 80, 83, 88–9, 98–107, 126–9, 135, 183–5, 189, 198;
see also computers
Apple iPad, 50, 89, 101, 105, 193
Apple iPhone, 44, 83, 89, 98, 101, 103, 104
Apple iPod, 80, 89, 101, 104, 165, 184, 189, 212
applied design, 222
architecture, 25–6, 94, 98, 110, 112–3, 116, 157–8, 196, 210, 225
Architecture for humanity (AfH), 23, 198, 203, 205, 210, 217
‘Architecture Without Architects’ (1964 exhibition), 25
Archizoom, 117
Arntz, Gerd, 149
Art and Industry (Read), 114
art nouveau, 111
‘Art of Production, The’ (Artforum magazine), 121
Artek, 168
Artforum (magazine), 121
Arts and Crafts Movement, 37, 92, 111–12
Aspen design conferences, 98, 183, 212
Assyria, 129
Atkinson, Bill, 183
‘Atmosphere Rooms’, 113
Atomium, Brussels, 181
auteur design
Avery, Henry, 29
B-Set dinner service, 195
‘Baby’ see Manchester Small-Scale Experimental Machine
Bacardi Building, Bermuda, 196
Baghramian, Nairy, 119
Barney, Matthew, 66
Barr, Alfred, 113
Barthes, Roland, 20, 41, 76, 141
Basquiat, Jean-Michel, 118
battery technology, 184
Baudrillard, Jean, 20, 41, 141
Bauhaus school, 19, 38, 94, 111–14, 117, 149
Bayer, Johann, 147
BBC, 159
Beauclerk, Diana, 35
‘Beauty of Life, The’ (Morris), 45
Behrens, Peter, 38
Bell Labs, 8
Bergé, Pierre, 82
Bertelli, Patrizio, 82
Bertie County, North Carolina, 202, 204–6
Bertie Early College High School, 202, 204–6
Bethlehem Steel, 121
Bir Kasturi, Poonam, 170–72, 198, 218–19, 222
bird flu, 61
Black Mountain College, 114
black power movement, 129
Bletchley Park, Buckinghamshire, 181
Blunk, James Blain (J.B.), 169–70
BMW, 135
Boetti, Alghiero, 117
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 148
book design, 31, 42, 49, 122–3, 149, 159–60, 188
Booth, Charles, 145–7, 154, 208
Bouroullec, Ronan and Erwan, 196
Bourriaud, Nicholas, 119
Brahms, Johannes, 93
Bramante, Donato, 57
brand design, 81–3, 89, 105–7, 126–44, 195
Brandt, Marianne, 112
Braun, 38, 79–80, 94–8, 106–7, 108, 125, 180
Braungart, Michael, 42
Breeding Tables, 197
Brin, Sergey, 48
British Airways, 142
Brody, Neville, 118
Brownjohn, Robert, 116
Büchel, Christoph, 119
Buckminster Fuller, Richard (‘Bucky’), 21–3, 39, 114, 168–70, 210
Buckminster Fuller Challenge, 170
Burj Khalifa, Dubai, 57
Burne-Jones, Edward, 37
Busby, Matt, 137
C programming language, 198
Cage, John, 114
Caborn-Waterfield, Michael, 128
pocket, 188
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, 134
Carlson & Co, 121
Ford Mustang, 194
Lamborghini Miura, 77
Carson, Rachel, 169
Casino (film), 50
Cassandre, A. M. (Adolphe Jean-Marie Mouron), 83
Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia, 34–5, 90
Cattelan, Maurizio, 119
CCTV Building, Beijing, 196
cell phones see mobile phones
Center for Advanced Visual Studies, 39
ceramics, 34–5, 43, 91, 112, 195
Barcelona, 121
Costes, 40
Cow bench, 124
Crate, 169
Egg, 59
Lassù, 117
Lockheed Lounge, 120
Louis Ghost chair, 40
Red/Blue, 169
Redesign, 117
Wassily, 117
Chamberlain, John, 117
Chambers, Robert, 208
Change by Design (Brown), 163
Charles de Gaulle Airport, Paris, 132
Charlotte, Queen of England, 34, 90
Chen, Johnny, 61
Chicago Athenaeum Museum, 46
China, 13–14, 17, 62, 89, 165–7, 212–13
cholera map, 147
Christov-Bakargiev, Carolyn, 119
Circle service for seniors, 209–10
Cohen, Harold, 157
Colt, Samuel, 137
Commercial and Political Atlas, The (Playfair), 147
Commissioner’s Plan 1811, 153
communication design, 9, 13, 29–30, 48–9, 50, 56, 126–44, 147–62
computers, 21, 78, 156, 180–85, 212–16
Aakash tablet, 216
Apple I (1976), 98
Apple iMac, 184
Apple Lisa, 183
Apple Macintosh, 99–100, 122, 127, 184
Apple Power Mac G4 Cube (2000), 101, 104
C programming language, 198
graphic interface, 157, 182–3, 197–8
IBM 701, 181
IBM 5100, 182
keyboard, 182
mouse, 182
One Laptop Per Child project, 212–17
Princeton research project, 181
Processing programming language, 158, 198
Sperry bombsight, 156
trash can, 183
‘Confusion’ (New Order), 118
Constructivism, 19, 38, 111–13, 116
Contrasts (Pugin), 36
Cook, Tim, 104
Cooper, Muriel, 20–21, 39, 118, 145, 156–8, 213
Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum, 43, 212
Copenhagen cycling superhighway, 165
corporate identity design, 13, 30, 126–9, 135–44
Corum, Nathaniel, 23, 41, 210, 217
Cottam, Hilary, 23, 41–2, 208, 210–11, 222
Cradle to Cradle, 42
Cranby, John, 30
Cremaster 3 (artist’s film), 66
Crewe, Emma, 35
Crusades, the, 134
Csuri, Charles, 157
Cuisinart food processor, 98
Cunningham, Merce, 114
customization, 44, 190–97, 223
‘Cybernetic Serendipity’ (1968), 156
Dadaism, 38
Daily Dump waste management programme, Bangalore, 170–71, 175, 198, 218, 220
Darwin, Charles, 16, 33, 44, 177–8, 188
data visualization, 52, 145–60
Datawind, 216
de Kooning, Elaine, 114
de Kooning, Willem, 114
Deepwater Horizon oil spill, 30, 56
Defoe, Daniel, 32
Des-in, 169
Descent of Man, The (Darwin), 188
‘Descriptive Map of East End Poverty’ (Booth), 146, 208
art, 17, 19–20, 34–6, 38, 50–51, 108–125
bad, 22, 46–51, 56–60, 71–4, 75–87, 86–7, 185–6
challenges for, 9, 23–8, 41, 222–4
commercialization of, 9, 20–3, 37, 79–80, 109, 115, 118–20, 123–5
communication, 9, 13, 29–30, 48–9, 50, 56, 126–44, 147–62
corporate identity, 13, 30, 48–9, 56, 126–9, 135–44
counterculture and, 20, 98, 127, 129
definition of, 8–9, 16–17, 19, 38, 63, 223–4
environmentally responsible, 21, 42, 58–9, 86, 161–75, 201, 203, 214, 218–20, 222
‘firsts’, 55
humanitarian, 23, 41, 86, 202–20
information, 9, 71, 80, 130, 132, 145–60
intuitive, 9, 15–16, 25–6, 29–30, 119, 130, 223
role in power and empowerment, 7–8, 11–5, 17–8, 29–30, 66, 135, 207
social design, 23–5, 41–2, 145–50, 154, 202–20
supernormal, 54
typography, 51–2, 55, 77, 81, 85, 97, 127, 136, 193
Design as Art (Munari), 116
Design Council, 208
Design Like You Give A Damn (Stohr and Sinclair), 211
Design for the Real World (Papanek), 169, 218
Design and Truth (Grudin), 56, 57
designare, 15
Designers’ Accord, 170
Designing Interactions (Moggridge), 183
Designing for People (Dreyfuss), 15–16
‘Designs for Fragile Personalities in Anxious Times’ (Dunne & Raby), 123
Deutsche Werkbund, 111
‘Diagram, the’ see London Underground Map
digital imagery, 21, 39, 116, 155–7
digital production technologies, 10, 41–2, 44, 50, 52–3, 121–2, 141, 157–8, 198
digital technology, 41, 50, 52–3, 121–2, 141, 198
digitization, 42, 44, 50, 52–3, 55, 121–2, 154, 177, 188, 192
disease, see medicine
disability, 78
Documenta exhibition (2012), 119
Don’t Make a Wave committee, 161
‘doodles’ (Google), 48–9, 56, 86
Dorset Orthopaedic, 65
Down House, Kent, 33
Dreyfuss, Henry, 15–16, 168, 179
driving see road transport
Duchamp, Marcel, 121
dynamic pricing systems, 165
Eames, Charles, 43, 115, 125, 195
Earhart, Amelia, 113
Early Socratic Dialogues (Plato), 56
Écoles des Arts et Métiers, 36
Ecology of Commerce (Hawken), 173
economic development, 23–4, 211, 217
Economist (magazine), 89, 154, 174, 199
education, 23, 38, 171, 202–7, 212–6
Eichler, Joseph, 98
Eisenstein, Sergei, 113
elections (United States), 72–4
El Lissitzky, 149
electricity, introduction of, 190–91
Eliot, George, 36
Elrod, Claude, 47
Emergency Plan for Aids Relief (US), 216
entertainment media, 49, 52, 68–70, 89, 116, 140, 176–7, 187, 192
environmentally responsible design, 21, 42, 58–9, 86, 161–75, 214, 218–20, 222
Esslinger, Hartmut, 99
Fairbanks, Douglas, 32
Federal Design Improvement Program, 137
FedEx, 139
Fehlbaum, Rolf, 31
Fiat symbol, 135
‘First Things First’ (manifesto), 207
Flaxman, John, 35
Fynn, Errol, 32
fonts see typefaces
footballs see soccer balls
Ford, Henry, 194
Ford Model T car, 76, 165, 194
Ford Motor Company, 194
Ford Mustang car, 194
Fordist management system, 194, 196
Franco Noero art gallery, 120
Franklin, Benjamin, 33, 36, 44
Fresh Kills, Staten Island, 162
Frey, Albert, 40
Frings, Torsten, 69
From Russia With Love (film), 116
Frutiger, Adrian, 132
Fry, Art, 55
Fukasawa, Naoto, 54
Function of Form, The (Moussavi), 196
furniture, 31, 37, 85, 91–3, 117–20, 195, 200, 203
fuseproject design group, 213, 217–18
G-Wiz car, 143
Gagosian art gallery, 120
Gagosian, Larry, 120
Galileo (Galileo Galilei), 147
Galliano, John, 82
Gander, Ryan, 119
Gandini, Marcello, 77
Gaskell, Elizabeth, 36
gay rights symbol, 134
geodesic dome, 21
Gillick, Liam, 119
Gladwell, Malcolm, 103
Gleick, James, 181
Goethe, 91
Gold, Ralph and David, 128
Goldfinger (film), 116
Gonzalez-Foerster, Dominique, 119
Good Design Awards (1950), 46
‘Good Design’ exhibitions, 45, 50
Good group, 170
Google, 48–50, 56, 86, 141–2, 166, 190
government 12, 23, 36, 46, 72–4, 89–90, 159
government initiatives, 36, 46
‘Graphic Design: Now in Production’ (exhibition), 122
graphic interfaces, 99, 183, 198
Graphics, Image Processing & Workstations Panel (National Science Foundation), 157
Grcic, Konstantin, 53
Great Exhibition (1851), 36–7, 111
Great Pacific Garbage Patch, 163
Guardian (newspaper), 159
Guggenheim Museum, New York, 117
Guixé, Martí, 123
Gwangju Design Biennale (2011), 25, 119
Haacke, Hans, 20
Hackwood, William, 34
Hadid, Zaha, 200
Hamilton, Richard, 20, 108, 117, 125
Hammons, David, 76
Hannibal, 148
hashtag (#) see octothorp
Heller, Steven, 138
Hello World computer program, 8, 198, 223
Helvetica (film), 154
Helvetica and the New York City Subway System (Shaw), 81
Henderson, Sam, 172
Hendrix, Dan, 174
Henry VIII, King, 90
Hermès, 136
Hermès, Thierry, 136
Hindlip Hall, Worcestershire, 33
Holden, William, 40
Höller, Carsten, 119
Holtom, Gerald, 134
Jean Bertin, 143
Princess Margaret, 143
human genome, 155
humanitarian design, 21, 41, 206, 211–20
‘Humans vs Chimps’, data visualization, 158
Hustwit, Hary, 154
Huyghe, Pierre, 119
hydrogen bomb project, 181
I swear I use no art at all (Grootens), 159–60
IBM, 20, 38, 99–100, 115, 127–8, 138, 181–2
IBM 701 computer, 181 iBM 5100 computer, 182
IDEO design group, 24, 42, 80, 163, 172, 217–18
Illinois Institute of Technology, 114
i-MiEV car, 143
INDEX: Design to improve life award, 170
India, 170–71, 210–12, 216, 218, 220
Indian institute of Technology, 216, 218
Industrial Design (Loewy), 41
Industrial Revolution, 18, 90, 92, 106, 110, 168, 174, 193
industrialization, 17–18, 33–8, 90, 174
Information, The (Gleick), 181
information design, 7, 9, 81, 130–4, 145–60, 150–4
Instagram application, 193
Instapaper application, 193
Institute of Contemporary Art, London, 156, 207
Intel, 154
‘intelligent designer’, 16
international trade 17, 61–2, 137, 142, 194
International Space Station, 222–3
Internet, the, 141, 155, 190, 192
‘Mobility Internet’, 166
intuitive design see anonymous design
Itten, Johannes, 112
Ive, Jonathan, 38, 97–8, 100–101, 104, 106
Janoff, Rob, 127
Jeanneret, Charles-Édouard see Le Corbusier
Jeanneret, Pierre, 43, 93, 210–11
Jefferson, Thomas, 33
Jingdezhen, 17
Jobs, Steve, 80, 83, 88–9, 98–104, 106, 126–7, 139, 182–3, 198
Johnson, Charles, 29
Johnson, Philip, 113
Johnston, Edward, 80
jolie laide quality, 53
‘Jolly Roger’ see skull and crossbones symbol
Judd, Donald, 48, 56, 109, 121, 124
Jugendstijl, 111
Kahn, Louis, 210
Kalashnikov, Mikhail, 46
Kandinsky, Wassily, 112
Kansas, University of, 211
Kedar, Ruth, 48
Kelley, David, 24
Kellogg company, 136
Kellogg, Will Keith, 136
Kennedy, John F., 39
Kepes, György, 38–9, 49, 114, 116, 125, 155–7, 161
Kermit the Frog, 162
Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society (Williams), 118
Khe Sanh battle (1967), 47
Kidd, William ‘Captain’, 29
Kindle e-reader (Amazon), 165
Kinect games system (Microsoft), 187
Klee, Paul, 112
Kraftwerk, 188
Kram, Reed, 197
Kruk, Vinca, 123
Kutamba AIDS orphans school, 203–4, 210
La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, Fransçois, Duke de, 36
Lambert, J. H., 147
Lamborghini Miura car, 77
Landesmuseum, Hanover, 113
Lane, Allen, 75
Lang, Helmut, 82
Language of Vision (Kepes), 156
Lanier, Jaron, 191
Large Hadron Collider, 10, 84, 223
Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, 10, 155
Lausanne, École Polytechnique Fédérale de, 159
Laws of Simplicity, The (Maeda), 189
Le Corbusier, Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, 43, 59, 77, 93, 120, 176, 210–11
Learning from Las Vegas (Venturi, Brown & Izenour), 20, 118
Learning Landscape education project, 204
Leckey, Mark, 119
Lehanneur, Mathieu, 124, 221–2
Leopold, Aldo, 169
LePore, Theresa, 72
LeWitt, Sol, 121
Libertíny, Tomáš Gabzdil, 197, 199
Light Space Modulator, 38, 155
Lives of the Artists (Vasari), 17
Local Motors, Arizona, 199
Loewy, Raymond, 39–41, 94, 114–15, 126, 168
London Eye, 154
London Gallery, 113
London Underground, 80, 150–52
London Underground Map, 150–54
Longo, Robert, 118
Lovell, Sophie, 97
Lunar Society, 34
Lyon’s Corner House, 84
Macaulay, Mary, 145
McDonald, Richard, 139
McDonough, William, 42
‘Machine Art’ (1934), 113
Mcknight Kauffer, Edward, 80
Macneil, Ron, 21
MacRobertson, 136
Madox Brown, Ford, 37
Maeda, John, 21, 156, 158, 189
Maharam, 195
Man with the Golden Arm, The (film), 49
Manchester Small-Scale Experimental Machine (‘Baby’), 156, 181
Manchester, University of, 156, 181
Manzini, Ezio, 170
Martha and the Vandellas, 194
Martin, Tony, 40
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 20–21, 39, 66, 157, 212
Meindertsma, Christien, 125
Meissen porcelain, 34
Memphis design group, 117
Mendini, Alessandro, 116–17, 125
Metahaven, 123
Meyer, Hannes, 112
Michelangelo, 57
Michelin, Édouard and André, 139
microchip technology, 6, 154–5
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 43, 59, 112, 114, 121, 176, 178, 196
Mike Smith studio, 121
Milan Furniture Fair, 85
Miller, Matthew, 202–7, 210, 222
Minard, Charles Joseph, 148, 154
mingei design movement, 54
Minor, Halsey, 120
Minority Report (film), 186
Mr Beck’s Underground Map (Garland), 152
Mitchell, William J., 166
mobile phones, 6–7, 82–3, 184, 187–8
MobileMe data sharing system, 104
Modarelli, James, 137
Modernism, 19, 50, 59, 115–7, 120, 168, 176, 178, 193, 223
Moggridge, Bill, 183
Moholy-Nagy, László, 38–9, 80, 94, 112–14, 116, 125, 155–6
Molna, Vera, 157
‘Monsieur Bibendum’ see Michelin Man
Monticello, Charlottesville, 33
Moore, Gordon E., 154
Morris & Co, 37
Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Co (Morris & Co), 37
Morris, William, 37, 45–6, 111
Morrison, Jasper, 54
Motherwell, Robert, 114
Moussavi, Farshid, 53, 196, 200
Munari, Bruno, 20, 108, 116, 125
Muppets, The (television series), 162
Museum of Modern Art, New York, 25, 45–6, 50, 113, 134
My Private Sky porcelain, 197
NASA (National Aeronautics & Space Administration), 137
Nash, Paul, 80
National identity 13, 20, 24, 67
National Institute of Design (Ahmedabad), 218
National Science Foundation (NSF), 157
Negroponte, Nicholas, 21, 156, 212–16
Nelson, George, 85
Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin, 196
Neurath, Otto, 148–50, 154, 208, 210
New Bauhaus school, 114
New York subway, 52, 81, 153–4, 158
New York Times, The (newspaper), 88, 159
New York World’s Fair, 115
New Yorker (magazine), 21, 103
Newman, Barnett, 121
Newson, Marc, 120
1984 (Orwell), 184
No More Rules: Graphic Design and Postmodernism (Poynor), 122
North and South (Gaskell), 36
North Face, 52
Novalis, 91
‘Nowhere to Run’ (Martha and the Vandellas), 194
Nussbaum, Bruce, 217
Nymphenburg (porcelain maker), 197
Objectified (film), 106
Occupy movement, 89, 129, 143–4
octothorp (octothorpe), 133–4, 144
O’Galop see Rossillon, Marius
Ogiwamba, 138
Olinsky, Frank, 140
olive branch symbol, 129
‘On Computable Numbers’ (Turing), 181
One Laptop per Child (OLPC), 212–17
open source design, 43, 198, 201
Open Structures design group, 201
Origin of Species, The (Darwin), 177
Olympic Games, London 2012 logo, 51, 142
Orwell, George, 184
Osborne, Adam, 182
Our Private Lives (Neurath), 149
Owen, Nicholas (‘Little John’), 32–3, 44
Oxford English Dictionary, 16, 22, 223
P&O-Orient Lines, 131
packaging 57–8, 86–7, 164, 221
Page, Larry, 48
Papert, Seymour, 212
Paris Métro map, 153
Participle (social design group), 23–5, 41–2, 208–10, 220, 222
Paul v, Pope, 57
Payne, Alexander, 119
Peel, Robert, 36
Pemberton, John, 136
‘Penguin Composition Rules’, 31
Perriand, Charlotte, 43, 77, 120
personal monitoring devices, 187
Phillips auction house, 119–20
Pick, Frank, 80
Pickhan, 121
Pig 05049 (Meindertsma), 124
Pilloton, Emily, 41, 202–7, 210, 222
Pistoletto, Michelangelo, 117
Playboy (magazine), 99
Playfair, William, 147
Plug-In City, 196
‘Pocket Calculator’ (kraftwerk), 188
political symbols, 129, 134, 143–4
Polke, sigmar, 20
Poole, HMS, 30
Post-it Notes, 50–51, 54–5, 86
postmodernism, 20, 40, 117–8, 122
poverty, 23–4, 145–6, 202, 211–20
Powers of Ten (film), 115
Poynor, Rick, 122
Preminger, Otto, 49
Priestley, Joseph, 34
Princeton, University of, 181
Principles of Scientific Management, The (Taylor), 194
Processing programming language, 158, 198
product design, 52, 94–107, 157, 200
Prouvé, Jean, 120
Pugin, A. N. W., 36
Qin Shihuangdi, 11–12, 13–15, 18, 24, 32, 44, 193, 223
Queen’s Ware dinner service, 34–5, 90, 92
rainbow flag, 127
raised fist symbol, 129, 144, 147
Rams, Dieter, 38, 79–80, 94–8, 100, 106, 108, 125, 180
Rand, Paul, 83, 100, 115, 127, 138–9
rapid prototyping process, 199
Raum der Gegenwart (Room of Today), 113
Rauschenberg, Robert, 114
Ray, Man, 80
record players, SK4 (‘Snow White’s Coffin’), 95–6
recycling, 87, 164, 170–71, 174
Red Cross, 50
Reich, Lilly, 43
Reidemeister, Marie, 149, 208, 210
Reinventing the Automobile (Mitchell), 166
Relational Aesthetics movement, 119
Repeat fabric (Maharam), 195
Richard I, King, 134
Richmond station, 151
Richter, Gerhard, 76
Rietveld, Thomas Gerrit, 168–9
Ritter, Nate, 134
road transport, 25, 130–32, 164–7
Roberts, Bartholomew ‘Black Bart’, 29–32, 130
Robertson, Macpherson, 136
Robinson, Frank, 136
Rossillon, Marius, 139
Rothenberg, David, 188
Rubinstein, Jon, 102
Rudofsky, Bernard, 25
Ruscha, Ed, 20
Saint Laurent, Yves, 82–3, 117
St Matthew Island, Alaska, 173
Salle, David, 118
Samsung, 13
San Diego county, California, 133–4
Sand County Almanac, A (Leopold), 169
Santa Maria novella, 135
SARs (severe acute respiratory syndrome), 61–2, 86
SAS Royal Hotel, Copenhagen, 179
Sayers, Dorothy L., 31
Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam, 132
Schlemmer, Oskar, 112
Schnabel, Julian, 118
Scott, Ridley, 184
Seagram Building, New York, 196
Senegal, 212
sensor technology, 187
Serra, Richard, 121
Shaw, Paul, 81
Shell, 39
Sherman, Cindy, 118
Silent Spring (Carson), 169
Silicon Valley, 98
Simonson, Mark, 52
Sinclair, Clive, 182
skull and crossbones symbol, 29–30, 130
Slimane, Hedi, 83
Sloan Digital Sky Survey, 155
Smith, Zadie, 191
Tango España, 69
social design, 23–5, 41–2, 145–50, 154, 202–220
software 7, 9, 52, 83, 155, 183, 197, 214
speculative design, 123
Spencerian script, 136
Sperry bombsight computer, 156
sports, 64–5, 67–70, 136–7, 142
Spielberg, Steven, 186
Spore (video game), 192 standardization 13, 91–2, 193–5, 199, 223
Starbucks, 84
Starling, Simon, 119
Starry Messenger, The (Galileo), 147
Steffen, Alex, 211
Stölzl, Gunta, 112
Strauss, Johann, 93
Strite, Charles, 84
Stubbs, George, 35
Studio 804, 211
Studio H (design course), 41, 202, 204–7, 220
‘Sullivan’s Law’, 176–8, 187, 189
Summers, Annice, 128
Sumptuary Laws, 90
Superstudio, 117
surrealism, 116
sustainability, 21, 23, 42, 58–9, 86, 161–75, 201, 203, 214, 218–20, 222
Sutherland, Graham, 80
Taliesin West, Arizona, 169
‘Tall Buildings Artistically Considered’ (Sullivan), 176
Tawaraya (conversation pit), 117
Taylor, Frederick Winslow, 193–4
Teach, Edward (‘Blackbeard’), 29–30, 32, 44, 130
techn, 109
Templetown, Lady Elizabeth, 35, 91
‘Ten Principles of Good Design’ (Rams), 180
Tesler, Larry, 183
Thatcher, Margaret, 142
Th!nk, the, 143
Thonet, Michael, 91–3, 95, 105–7, 177
3D printing, 10, 44, 53, 199–201
Tillmans, Wolfgang, 118
Tiravanija, Rirkrit, 119
Tomlinson, Raymond, 133
Toys ’R’ Us, 143
transport design, 24, 80–1, 150–4, 164–6, 174
transistor technology, 6, 154, 189, 199
Trash Vortex, 163
Treitel-Gratz Co, 121
Trockel, Rosemarie, 76
Truffaut, Fransçois, 122
Tschichold, Jan, 31, 38, 40, 44, 149
Tugendhat, Villa, Brno, 196
TWA airline, 180
Twitter, 58, 133–4, 141, 144, 191–2
2001: A Space Odyssey (film), 179
Twombly, Cy, 51
Adobe Myriad, 127
Akzidenz grotesk, 97
Futura, 193
Garamond, 127
Standard Medium, 81
Typographica (magazine), 130
Ulm Hochschule für Gestaltung, 94–5
Umeda, Masanori, 118
Unfold design group, 201
Unimark design group, 81
United Airlines, 179
‘Un-Named Design’ (2011 exhibition), 25–6, 119
UPS, 83
Urbani, Carlo, 61
urban cycle-hire systems, 166
US presidential elections, 13, 15, 72–4
user interface design (UI), 70–4, 82–3, 107, 182–7, 193
Vapors project, 157
Velden, Daniel van der, 123
Verostko, Roman, 157
Verrocchio, Andrea del, 110
Vertov, Dziga, 113
Victoria & Albert Museum, 37
Vienna Secession, 111
Vignelli, Massimo, 153–4, 158–9
Virgin Atlantic, 142
Visual Language Workshop (VLW), 20–21
‘Visualization in Scientific Computing’ (graphics Panel), 157
volunteering, 23, 203–5, 211, 217–18
von Neumann, John, 181
wabi-sabi, 53
Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, 122
Warhol, Andy, 117
Warner Amex, 140
Water Aid, 217
Water for People (charity), 217
water purification units, 86
Watson Jnr, Thomas J., 20, 115, 119
Watt, James, 34
Watts, Bob, 65
Wayne, Ron, 127
Webb, Beatrice, 145
Wedgwood, Josiah, 18–19, 24, 34–5, 80, 90–91, 105–7, 110, 174, 193, 199
‘Weekender, The’, interactive subway map, 158
Weisshaar, Clemens, 197
Whetstone of Witte, The (Recorde), 129
Whieldon, Thomas, 34
Windsor Super Market, 205
Wissig, Benno, 132
Wood, William, 34
World Cup soccer tournament, 67–70, 85
World Design Science Decade, 21
World Economic Forum, 167, 212
World Health Organization, 61
World’s Fairs, 36
Wozniak, Steve ‘Woz’, 98–9, 126–7, 182
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 169
Wright, Joseph, 35
Xianyang, 13
XO-3 computer, 216
Yanagi, Soetsu, 54
Yanagi, Sori, 54
see also Qin Shihuangdi
You Are Not a Gadget (Lanier), 191