Clinton E. Arnold
The Disciples Wait and Pray (1:12–14)
Peter Addresses a Group of 120 (1:15–26)
Peter Stands Up and Preaches the Gospel (2:14–36)
A Great Response to the Message (2:37–41)
The Early Christian Experience and Practice (2:42–47)
Peter and John Heal a Lame Beggar (3:1–10)
Peter Speaks at the Temple (3:11–25)
Peter and John Are Arrested (4:1–22)
The Believers Gather and Pray for Confidence to Proclaim the Gospel (4:23–31)
The Community Experience of the Early Believers (4:32–37)
Signs, Wonders, and the Growth of the Church (5:12–16)
The Apostles Are Arrested and Then Set Free By an Angel (5:17–26)
The Apostles Appear Before the Sanhedrin (5:27–42)
The Neglect of the Greek-Speaking Widows (6:1–7)
Stephen Speaks to the Sanhedrin (7:1–53)
Stephen Is Martyred (7:54–8:1a)
The Church Faces Persecution (8:1b–3)
Philip’s Ministry in Samaria (8:4–8)
Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch (8:26–40)
The Lord Appears to Saul on the Road to Damascus (9:1–9)
Ananias Meets With Saul (9:10–19a)
Saul Immediately Proclaims Jesus in Damascus (9:19b–25)
Saul Goes to Jerusalem (9:26–31)
Peter Heals Aeneas and Dorcas (9:32–43)
The Conversion of Cornelius (10:1–48)
Peter Reports to Jerusalem (11:1–18)
The Establishment of the Church in Antioch (11:19–30)
Herod Agrippa I Persecutes the Church (12:1–25)
Saul and Barnabas Are Commissioned (13:1–3)
The Mission to the Island of Cyprus (13:4–12)
The Mission to Antioch of Pisidia (13:13–52)
The Evangelization of Iconium (14:1–7)
The Evangelization of Lystra (14:8–21a)
Revisiting and Strengthening the New Galatian Churches (14:21b–23)
Returning to Antioch, Syria (14:24–28)
The Jerusalem Council (15:1–29)
The Church at Antioch Receives the News (15:30–33)
Paul Returns to South Galatia (15:36–40)
Revisiting the Galatian Churches (Acts 16:1–5)
Paul’s Vision of a Man in Macedonia (Acts 16:6–10)
The Evangelization of Philippi (Acts 16:11–40)
Reaching Thessalonica (Acts 17:1–9)
Paul Addresses the Areopagus (17:22–34)
Paul’s Initial Ministry In Ephesus (18:18–23)
The Ministry of Apollos in Ephesus (18:24–28)
Paul and the Disciples of John the Baptist in Ephesus (19:1–7)
Preaching in the Synagogue and the Hall of Tyrannus (19:8–10)
God Does Extraordinary Miracles Through Paul (19:11–12)
A Failed Exorcism and the Public Renunciation of Magic (19:13–20)
Opposition From the Cult of the Ephesian Artemis (19:23–41)
Paul Travels to Macedonia and Greece (20:1–6)
Eutychus Falls and Is Healed (20:7–16)
Paul Speaks to the Ephesian Elders (20:17–38)
The Journey From Asia Minor to Jerusalem (21:1–16)
Paul Meets With the Jerusalem Church (21:17–26)
Jews From Ephesus Provoke Hostility Against Paul (21:27–40)
Paul’s Address to the Crowd in Jerusalem (22:1–21)
The Crowd Reacts Violently (22:22–29)
Paul Appears Before the Sanhedrin (23:1–11)
A Plot to Kill Paul Is Discovered (23:12–22)
Paul Is Sent to Caesarea (23:23–35)
Paul’s Trial Before the Roman Procurator Felix (24:1–21)
Paul’s Caesarean Imprisonment (24:22–27)
Paul Stands Trial Before Festus (25:1–12)
Paul Appears Before Agrippa (25:13–27)
Paul’s Explains His Conversion to Agrippa (26:1–23)
The Response of Agrippa and Festus (26:24–32)
The Voyage to Rome and Shipwreck (27:1–44)
Paul Spends the Winter in Malta (28:1–10)