This is an index to all the pictures used in the original print version of Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary—Volume 2: John, Acts. Not all the pictures listed here will appear in this e-book volume; the page numbers of those that do appear are hyperlinked directly to the corresponding picture.
Acco (see Ptolemais)
Acrocorinth, 396
Acropolis, Athens, 385
agora, 4, 386
Agrippa I, 325
Agrippa II, 461
Akeldama, 229
Alexander the Great, 65, 261
Alexandrian Troas (see Troas)
of burnt sacrifice (Jerusalem), 164
of Domitian (Ephesus), 350
of Zeus Agoraios (Athens), 392
amulets, 337
Ananias Chapel, 292
anchor, 473
Andriace, 469
Antioch, Pisidia, 342, 343, 344
Antioch, Syria, 291
Antipatris, 449
Antonia, Fortress of
pavement from, 172
apartment building (see insula)
Aphrodite, 361
Apollo, 373
aqueduct, 310
Ara Pacis (Rome), 142
Ecce Homo, 170
of Constantine (Rome), 483
of Titus (Rome), 486
Areopagus, 390
Assos, 422
ark of the covenant, 31
Artemis of Ephesus, 415
Artemisium (see temple, Artemis)
Athens, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 390, 392
Attalia, 353
basket, 66
bema (at Corinth), 400
Berea, 382
Bethany, 107
Bethlehem, 80
Bethesda, Pool of, 54, 55
Bethsaida, 20
boat, Egyptian merchant vessel, 470
bread, 49
buckles, belt, 430
bullae, 67
“Burnt House,” 260
Caiaphas, ossuary of, 116
Caesar (see emperor)
Caesarea Maritima, 304, 309, 310, 313, 450, 452, 459, 474
Caligula, 306
Cana, 24
Capernaum, synagogue at, 27, 71
catacomb, fresco in, 111
Cauda, 473
cenacle, 227
Cenchrea, 402
Cephas (Large Rock), 18
chariot, 287
at Paphos, Cyprus, 336
of the Nativity (Bethlehem), 80
of St. Peter in Montorio, 483
Cilician Gates, 298
city plans
Antioch, Syria, 318
Athens, 387
Caesarea, 452
Corinth, 397
Damascus, 291
Ephesus, 405
Philippi, 371
Thessalonica, 379
Rome, 484
Claudius, 322
cloud, 226
denarius, 65, 173
half shekels, 32
“Judea,” 42
minted under Bar-Kochba, 122
minted under Felix, 448
minted under Festus, 457
Samaritan, 283
shekels (Tyrian), 32
with image of Agrippa I, 325
with image of Agrippa II, 461
with image of Alexander the Great, 65
with image of a chariot, 287
Colonnade, Solomon’s, (see Solomon’s Colonnade)
Corinth, 395
bema, 400
city plan, 397
Corinthian canal, 396
Lechaeon Road, 396
temple of Apollo, 396
Corinthian Canal, 396
Cos, 427
Crete, 472
cross, 127, 174
crown of thorns, 169
crucifixion, place of, 175
dagger, 437
Straight Street, 293
darkness and light, 465
Dead Sea scroll, of Isaiah, 287
denarius, 65, 173
Derbe, 365
dice, 178, 230
Dome of the Rock (see Jerusalem)
donkey, 123
doorway of a sheepfold, 100
Ecce Homo Arch, 170
Caligula, 306
Claudius, 322
Nero, 458
Tiberius, 173
agora, 4
city plan, 405
harbor, 407
temple of Artemis, 417
theater, 417
town council building, 4
Epicurus, 389
Fair Havens, Crete, 472
Felix, Antonius, 448
Festus, Porcius, 457
Field of Blood, 229
fig tree, 22
fish, from the Sea of Galilee 193
forum, at Sebaste, 279
Galatia (see Antioch, Pisidia; Lystra; Derbe)
Galilee, Sea of, 2–3, 64, 192
Gallio inscription, 399
Garden Tomb, 182
Golden (Beautiful gate), 241, 242
of Cleopatra (Tarsus), 298, 321
Gaza, 285
Gethsemane, Garden of, 151
Giza, 269
Aphrodite, 361
Apollo, 373
Artemis, 415
Castor and Pollux, 480
Hermes, 349
Zeus, 349
Golgotha, 175
grapevine (see vine)
Haran, 267
at Andriace, 469
at Athens, 383
at Cenchrea, 402
at Ephesus, 407
at Fair Havens, Crete, 472
at Neapolis, 369
at St. Paul’s Bay, Malta, 478
at Thessalonica, 380
Hermes, 349
Herodian era, 239
Herodian era “Burnt House,” 260
model of a Jerusalem, 228
idol (see gods and goddesses)
Asiarch, 418
bilingual (Greek & Hebrew), 177
bullae, 67
Gallio, 398
Guild of Silversmiths, 416
Lystra, 365
Politarchai, 380
Pontius Pilate, 165
Rosetta Stone, 270
temple warning, 29, 435
Sergius Paulus, 338
Synagogue of the Hebrews (Corinth), 398
Theodotus, 264
insula, 488
Jacob’s well, 43
jail (see prisons)
jars, 26, 120
artistic reconstruction of, 223
modern (at night), 315
Cardo in, 135
Dome of the Rock, 224, 315, 431, 438
model of a home in, 228
Palm Sunday processional in, 123
(see also temple, Jerusalem)
Jordan River, 15
Judea, wilderness, 8
Kidron Valley, 156, 274
lamb, 17
lamps, oil, 61
Lazarus, raising of (fresco), 111
Lazarus’s tomb (see tomb)
lithostratos, 172
lots, 178, 230
Lycia, 219
Lystra, 348
Magdala, 187
magical amulets, 337
magical papyrus, 411
Malta, 478
manuscript (see papyrus)
marketplace (see agora)
Mars Hill (see Areopagus)
Miletus, 423
miqveh, 239
mosaic, 177
Moses, Seat of, 69
Mount of Olives, 151
Mount Sinai, 271
myrrh, 181
Nazareth, 21
Neapolis, 369
Nero, 458
olive tree, 151
Omphalos Stone, 373
ossuary, 116
Ostia, 488
Palace of Herod (Caesarea), 450
palm branches, 122
Paphos, Cyprus, 336
letter, 362
magical, 411
(fragment of Acts), 220
Parthenon, 384
Passover scene, 164
Perga, Pamphylia, 340
Petra, 296
city plan, 371
jail, 376
river near, 372
rock niches, 374
temple ruins, 374
Piraeus, 383
Pisidian Antioch (see Antioch, Pisidia)
Pontius Pilate, inscription, 165
pottery, 134
prison, at Philippi, 376
Ptolemais, 429
purple dye, 372
pyramids, 269
Qumran (see Dead Sea scroll)
rock outcropping, 18
Hazbani, 79
Jordan (see Jordan River)
Rhodes, 428
Ara Pacis, 142
Arch of Constantine, 486
Arch of Titus, 486
Church of St. Peter, 483
city plan, 484
insula, 488
roof of a home, 307
Rosetta Stone, 270
royal stoa (see Solomon’s Colonnade)
Salamis, 335
Salim, 40
Samothrace, 369
sandals, 16
scroll, Torah, 257
Sea of Galilee (see Galilee, Sea of)
seals, 67
Sebaste, 279
Seat of Moses (see Moses, Seat of)
Shechem, 283
sheep, 98, 193, 425
sheepfold, 100
Sheep Gate, 54
shekels, 32
shellfish, 372
shepherd, 98, 193, 425
Siloam, Pool of, 93
Sinai, Mount (see Mount Sinai)
Solomon’s Colonnade, 104, 243, 254
spear, 180
of Alexander the Great, 261
of Apollo, 373
of Caligula, 306
of Claudius, 322
of Epicurus, 389
of Nero, 458
of Zeno, 388
stormy seas, 474
Straight Street (Damascus), 293
sword, 158, 377
at Antioch, Pisidia, 344
at Capernaum, 27, 71
capital from (Caesarea), 303
column from (Corinth), 398
inscription about, 264
lintel from (Corinth), 398
mosaic from (Tiberias), 177
Syracuse, 480
ark of the covenant, 31
model of, 10, 272
table, 134
Tel El-Hesi, 288
niches of Apollo and Silvanus, 374
of Athena (Troas), 422
of Athena Nike (Athens), 384
of Apollo (Corinth), 396
of Apollo (Cyprus), 335
of Apollo (Delphi), 373
of Artemis (Ephesus), 417
of Caesar Augustus (Antioch, Pisidia), 345
of Caesar Augustus (Caesarea), 309
of Castor and Pollux (Rome), 480
of Hephaestus (Athens), 384
temple, Jerusalem, 29
artistic reconstruction, 240
court of priests (model of), 164
cutaway reconstruction, 31
fortress of Antonia (see Antonia Fortress)
golden vine on (model), 144
model of, 30
side elevation drawing, 31
Solomon’s Colonnade, 104, 243, 254
top view drawing, 31
warning inscription, 29, 435
(see also Dome of the Rock)
Temple Mount
northwest corner, 438
Ritmeyer’s classic drawing, 29
at Ephesus, 417
at Myra, Lycia, 469
at Sebaste, 279
at Syracuse, 480
thorns, tree with, 169
throne, 331
Tiberius, 173
Garden, 182
of Absalom, 274
of Jesus (artistic reconstruction), 184–185
of Lazarus, 109
of Queen Helen of Adiabene, 186
rolling stone, 186
Troas, 420
unclean animals, 308
upper room, 227
utensils, eating, 134
vine, 144
vineyard, 143
wheat, 50, 125
kernels of, 125
whitewashed walls, 443
wilderness, Judean, 8
wolf, 426
yoke, 357
Zeno, 388
Zeus, 349
zodiac, 415