

Analysis of inferiority

bridge replacement, 7475

gas emissions, 7577

municipal engineer, 75

Pareto optimality criteria, 73


California bearing ratio (CBR), 21

Canadian network, 167170

Civil infrastructure management

costs minimization, 210

deterioration curves, 205

dynamic effect, decisions on time, 189191

environmental impact minimization, 210211

incorporation, elements, 202

infrastructure management, 195198

intervention’s criteria, basic/improved, 204

intervention effectiveness, 207208

operational windows and cost, 208

optimization type

heuristic method, 199

linear programming (dynamic binary) approach, 199

objective and constraints, 200201

Solver Risk Platform, 202

performance modelling, 191195

travel time reduction strategy, 202203

Conditional probabilities, 9597

Conflicting objectives

maintenance and rehabilitation, 6970

maximizing lifetime income, 69


definition, 3

identification, 34

Construction material company

constraints determination, 65

departure tableau, 66

objective determination, 6465

problem formulation, 65


Decision model

construction, mathematical formulation, 58

nature of problem identification, 5

Decision variable/control variable, 3

Dominance analysis, 7477


Equation-based approach, 5355


definition, 107

explanatory power standardized beta coefficients, 116117

mathematical representation, 107108

pavement deterioration

Excel’s add-in solver set-up, 112

Excel set-up, 111

factors and response identification, 109

IRI, 108110

sample data deterioration, 110111

structural number, 109

thicker pavements, 108109

Thornthwaite Moisture Index, 109

road safety

sample data, 113114

STATA® linear regression, 113, 115


Gradient search

definition, 32

explicit forms, 35

graphical representation, 34

Lagrangian, 33

optimal step size, 32

Pythagoras, 32

Graphical approach

advancement of objective function, 49, 52

feasible space, 4850

identifying objective and constraints, 48

moving the objective, 49, 51

Gravitational approach

multinomial logit, 140

travel demand estimation

attraction constrained, 133134

doubly constrained, 135136

production constrained gravitation, 132133

scaling constant, 131132


Heine–Borel definition, 24

Heuristic method

evolutionary algorithm, 200

genetic algorithm, 200


Infeasible problem, municipal engineer case

departure tableau modified, 61


for basic variables, 62

and normalization, 6263

linear programming problem

formulation, 6061

pivot operation, non-basic, 6263

problem formulation modification, 61

ratios, 6163

simplex pivot, 6263

Inferiority analysis

bridge replacement, 7475

gas emissions, 7577

municipal engineer, 75

Pareto optimality criteria, 73

Infrastructure management

joining deterioration and improvement

decision-making system, 196

network-wide, 196

objective (constraint), 197198

total enumeration, 197

optimization algorithm, 197199

International roughness index (IRI), 108111, 120, 123

IRI, see International roughness index


Kurtosis measure, 86


Lagrange method, metal sheet cutting

constraints, 3031

initial set for metal sheet, 29

objective, 3031

solving system of equations, 3132

square metal abstraction, 2930

steps, 2829

Land use transport models

elements, 129130

gravitational approach, 131136

land development, 140144

location modelling, 140144

multinomial logit, 144

policies/planning decisions, 130

population and build space development, 129

problem-solving skill development, 146

random utility approach, 136140

TRANUS mechanisms, 144146

trip distribution and modal split, 136140

Lexicographic sorting and analysis, 77, 80

Linear programming (dynamic binary) approach, 199

Linear regression

definition, 98

sample data deterioration, 9899

STATA®, 113, 115

Location modelling

basic employment, 141

Lowry’s model, 142144


Marginal probabilities, 9697

Mathematical analysis

first-order conditions, 28

gradient search

definition, 32

Excel spreadsheet, 3435

explicit forms, 35

graphical representation, 34

Lagrangian, 33

optimal step size, 32

Pythagoras, 32

Lagrange method, metal sheet cutting

abstraction of square metal, 2930

constraints, 3031

initial set for metal sheet, 29

objective, 3031

solving system of equations, 3132

steps, 2829

objective function, warranting optimality, 2728


compactness, 24

complements, 20

convexity., 2425

empty sets, 20

intersection, 20

open balls, open sets, closed sets, 2224

plotting objects., 2527

sets and spaces, 21

unions, 20

upper and lower bounds, 2122

Mathematical formulation construction

pipe capacity, least-square difference, 7

tank capacity, maximum deficit, 78

water consumption, 56

Maximization, 3

Minimization, 3



definition, 3

identification, 34

OPENBUGS model, 230232

Optimization and decision making

analysis of inferiority

bridge replacement, 7475

gas emissions, 7577

municipal engineer, 75

Pareto optimality criteria, 73

global objective, weights alternation

floor production example, 71

solution, 7273

graphical approach

feasible space, 4850

identifying objective and constraints, 48

moving the objective, 49, 51

objective function advancement, 49, 52

multiple objectives and trade-off analysis, 6870

ranges, satisfaction and lexicographic analysis

utility approach, 8082

work commutation, 7780

simplex method

alternate optima, 5859

auxiliary variable, 6668

equation-based approach, 5355

examples, 6066

tableau approach, 5558

unbounded and infeasible, 59

Origin–destination (OD) pairs, travel time, 153

Overarching problem, 58


Pareto optimality criteria, 73

Pavement deterioration estimation

Excel’s add-in solver set-up, 112

Excel set-up, 111

identification of factors and response, 109

international roughness index (IRI), 108110

sample data deterioration, 110111

structural number, 109

thicker pavements, 108109

Thornthwaite Moisture Index, 109

Pedestrians’ tunnel network

solver set-up, 183184

at underground tunnels., 182183

Performance modelling

deterioration modelling

linear regression, 192

transition probability matrix, 192

deterministic method, 191

improvement modelling

deterioration curve, 194

generic treatments, 195

intervention effectiveness, 193194

inverted Markov chain, 194

probabilistic method, 191

Positive self-selection process, 9


Bridge Condition Index (BCI), 119

incremental, 120

making predictions, 118


conditional probabilities, 9597

definition, 95

marginal probabilities, 9697


Random utility approach

location decisions, 136

Logit, 138139

multinomial logit, 139140, 147

STATA®, 137138

Road safety estimation, 112115


Sample monitor tool, 234

Satisfaction criterion, 7778

Satisfaction rule, 80

Shortest path problem

applications, 159


constraint set-up., 162163

limiting values, constraints, 163164

objective set-up, variable, 163164

optimal values, decision variables, 165166

OR costs, 160, 162

problem definition, 162163

solver, 165

expanded flight network, 157158

mathematical algorithm, 155

one-scale flight network, 156157

optimization algorithms, 154

Simplex method

alternate optima, 5859

auxiliary variable

definition, 66

end of simplex pivot, 6768

identities, 6768

largest conflicting constraint, 67

normalization of pivot row, 67

pivot operation, 68

system of equations, 67

construction materials company, 6466

equation-based approach

all-slack basis, 54

basis, 53

basis and ratios, 54

improving the objective, 5455

initial point, 53

variable replacement, 54

municipal engineer in trouble (infeasible), 6063

setting up the problem, 51, 53

tableau approach

departure tableau, 5556

end of simplex pivot, 57

identities for basic variables, 5657

normalization, 56

preparing for the tableau, 5556

simplex pivot, 57

unbounded and infeasible, 59

Skewness, 86


contractor allocation, 175

definition, left-hand side, 165

set-up, 112

for underground tunnels, 183184

STATA® linear regression, 113, 115


average for sample, 85

average variation, 85

kurtosis, 86

normality test plot, 8687

sample histogram, 86

sanitary pipes

boxplots, 9192, 94

Excel steps, 9095

manhole data, 8990

skewness, 86



boxplot, 8788

sample data deterioration, 87

variance and standard deviation, 8788

Surface transportation demand

explanation of trips’ purpose/nature, 10, 12

flow of commuting trips, 910

freight trips

intermediate producers, 9, 11

other regions, intermediate producers, 9, 12

land use location set-up, 910

objective, 11


Tableau method, 5558

Thornthwaite Moisture Index, 109

Transport and municipal engineering

coordination, public works

civil infrastructure maintenance and rehabilitation, 176

maintenance and rehabilitation interventions, 178179

space/time coordination, 177

time and space openings, 178

facility location, 151154

handmade node structure, 152

network flows

Pedestrians’ tunnel network, 182184

vehicle flow, 180181

OD pairs, travel time, 153154

public works allocation

to contractors, 172174

infrastructure construction, 168

solver, 175176

shortest path problem, 154159

trans-shipment problem, 166168

Trans-shipment algorithm

Canadian network

airports and roads, 167168

constraints, 168169

solution, 168, 170

generic constraint, 166

TRANUS mechanisms, 144146


Unbounded and infeasible problem, 59


arbitrage, 221

in coefficients

convergence removal, 234

density function, 230

estimation of coefficients, 237

final decision tree, 232233

model specification, 235236

OPENBUGS model, 230232

probability distribution, 229

sample data deterioration, 229230

variability and uncertainty, 234

conditional probabilities, 226

desirability, 222225

experiment decision tree, 227

final decision tree, 228

marginal probabilities, 228

probability theory, 221

in response

comparison tool, 237

IRI expression, 241

mean vs. ESALs, 239240

predicted IRI vs. ESALs, 238, 241

sample data deterioration, 238239

sample data road safety, 242243

Utility approach, 1, 8082


Value approach, desirability

cost, mitigation strategies, 223

decision tree, 225226

expected profit and value

rail line, 223224

road repair, 223224

historical profit and probability, 222

road and rail, combined values, 224225