Chapter 10
In This Chapter
Preparation postures for warming up
Bringing your body back into balance with compensation postures
The art and science of sequencing in yoga, called vinyasa-krama (pronounced veen-yah-sah-krah-mah), is often referred to as flow. Paying attention to proper sequencing can help you achieve the best possible flow of postures and derive maximum benefit from your yoga session.
Although sequencing has many approaches, you can’t go wrong when you bear in mind the following four basic categories:
Chapters 2 through 9 of Book II outline a variety of main postures. This chapter explains common warm-up, compensation, and rest postures that you’re likely to perform in your yoga sessions.
Any physical exercise requires adequate warm-up, and yoga is no exception. Warm-up exercises increase circulation to the parts of your body you’re about to use and make you more aware of those areas of your physical self. What’s different about the yoga warm-up (called preparation postures) is that you do it slowly and deliberately, with conscious breathing and awareness.
You typically perform warm-up postures dynamically, which means you move in and out of them. In general, the safest yoga warm-ups are simple forward bends and easy sequences that fold and unfold the body. Figure 10-1 shows some recommended warm-up exercises. You may select from the various reclining, sitting, and standing positions in this chapter. Normally, two or three postures make for an adequate warm-up.
Photographs by Adam Latham
Figure 10-1: Warm-ups usually include gentle bending and extending.
Warm-up or preparation postures are also used throughout a given routine to precede and enhance the effect of the main postures. For example, you do the leg lift just before a seated forward bend to stretch the hamstrings; you do the bridge posture just before a shoulder stand.
Most yoga practitioners enjoy reclining (supine) exercises because the postures are intrinsically relaxing. When you pair them with warm-ups, the combination effectively allows you to warm up specific muscles or muscle groups while keeping the other muscles at rest.
The following warm-up exercises require you to start with the corpse posture, described in Book VII, Chapter 2. These exercises help revive you even when you start your yoga session dead tired.
Many of the muscles that go to the neck start between your shoulder blades. Raising the arms brings circulation to frequent sites of tension (see Figure 10-1a).
If you want to double your pleasure, the double breath enhances tension release in your body and prepares your muscles for the main postures.
After you raise your arms overhead on the inhalation, leave them on the floor above your head and fully exhale.
Your arms remain where they are for another inhalation while you deeply stretch your entire body from the tips of your toes to your fingertips.
Use this exercise for either warm-up or compensation. The knee-to-chest posture, shown in Figure 10-1c, is also a classic in lower back programs.
As you exhale, bring your right knee into your chest and hold your shin just below your knee.
If you have knee problems, hold the back of your thigh instead of your shin.
If you can do so comfortably, straighten your left leg on the floor.
If you have back problems, though, keep your left knee bent.
This exercise, shown in Figure 10-1c, uses both legs simultaneously and prepares the lower back and gently stretches the hamstrings.
You can injure the hamstrings quite easily, especially if you overwork them, so you want to prepare them properly for exercise. Refer to Figure 10-2 for a visual.
As you exhale, bring your right leg up as straight as possible (see Figure 10-2b); as you inhale, return your right leg to the floor.
Keep your head and your hips on the floor.
Photographs by Adam Latham
Figure 10-2: Unlock your hamstrings, and you open the door to many yoga postures.
You can use this exercise, shown in Figure 10-3, for warm-up, compensation, and as a main posture.
Photographs by Adam Latham
Figure 10-3: The dynamic bridge.
This posture is another good candidate for both warm-up and compensation.
Photograph by Adam Latham
Figure 10-4: Bridge variation with arm raise.
The dynamic head-to-knee posture is a nice warm-up before a slightly more physical routine. Because it is a little more vigorous, don’t perform this sequence if you’re having neck problems.
As you exhale, draw your right knee toward your chest, lift your head off the floor, and then grasp your right knee with your hands.
Keep your hips on the floor. Bring your head as close to your knee as possible, but don’t force it. Figure 10-5 shows you what this position looks like.
Photograph by Adam Latham
Figure 10-5: The dynamic head-to-knee.
The standing postures are probably the most versatile of all the groups. Use them for warm-up/preparation, for compensation, or as main postures. As a warm-up, use standing postures when you also plan to perform the next part of your routine from a standing position.
You can perform this versatile warm-up (see Figure 10-1e) almost anywhere you want to enjoy a complete break from sitting.
Sequences like the head-turner combine breath and movement in parts of the upper body to stretch, strengthen, and heal your entire wingspan. This breath and movement sequence for the upper back and neck is great for minor stiff necks.
Photograph by Adam Latham
Figure 10-6: The head-turner.
Shoulder rolls crop up in many types of exercise routines. When you do them in yoga, you move slowly and with awareness, coordinating with the breath.
Photograph by Adam Latham
Figure 10-7: Move slowly in the shoulder rolls, coordinating breath and movement.
As with many other warm-ups, you can also use this exercise for compensation.
As you exhale, bend forward; when you feel a pull in the back of your legs, bend your legs and arms slightly (see Figure 10-8b).
This position is called Forgiving Limbs, covered in Book I, Chapter 3.
Photographs by Adam Latham
Figure 10-8: Feel free to soften your knees in the dynamic standing forward bend.
You can do an entire routine from a seated position, including forward bends, back bends, side bends, and twists. This section shows you how to prepare for main postures from a seated position. ( Note: Most of the postures here utilize the easy posture, sukhasana. Check out that discussion in Book II, Chapter 2.)
The seated fold is a simple way to warm up your back for forward bends or to compensate after seated twists.
As you exhale, slide your hands out along the floor and bend forward at the hips.
If possible, bring your head down to the floor; otherwise, just come as close as you comfortably can.
This series prepares you for advanced sitting postures and forward bends.
Sit on the floor, with your legs stretched out in front of you.
Press your hands on the floor behind you for support.
Photographs by Adam Latham
Figure 10-9: Rock the baby.
The main postures are the standard asanas you find featured in the classical yoga texts and modern manuals. These asanas are the stars of your routine, requiring you to work a little harder. Chapters 2 through 9 of Book II describe many of the main postures recommended for beginners. Interspersed among the main postures of a routine are compensation postures. These postures allow your body to come back into balance after each main posture and prevent discomfort and injury.
Figure 10-10 shows you some examples of compensation poses. Whichever asanas you select, remember to match them with your specific goals.
Photographs by Adam Latham
Figure 10-10: Compen'sation postures.
Don’t follow a strenuous posture with another strenuous posture in the opposite direction. Some yoga instructors teach the fish posture as compensating for the shoulder stand. However, this combination can cause problems, especially for beginners, so opt for the less strenuous cobra posture instead.
Following are some great compensation postures.
The dynamic cat is a nice compensation posture for twists, but you can also use it as a warm-up.
Place your knees at hip width, with your hands below your shoulders (see Figure 10-11a).
Straighten but don’t lock your elbows.
As you inhale, slowly return to the starting position in Step 1.
Again, look straight ahead.
Photographs by Adam Latham
Figure 10-11: Dynamic cat.
You can find many variations of knees-to-chest (including the regular version later in this chapter), but this variation is especially good after back bends.
Hold your legs just below your knees, with one hand on each leg (see Figure 10-12a).
If you have any knee problems, be sure to hold the backs of your thighs.
Photographs by Adam Latham
Figure 10-12: Dynamic knees-to-chest.
This exercise is useful for compensation or warm-up. Vajra (pronounced vahj-rah) means both “diamond/adamantine” and “thunderbolt.”
As you exhale, sit on your heels again, fold your chest to your thighs, and bring your arms behind your back (see Figure 10-13b).
Get into a nice flow: Inhale when you open, exhale when you fold.
Photographs by Adam Latham
Figure 10-13: The thunderbolt posture.
The two best indicators of your need to rest are your breath and your energy level. Monitor yours throughout the session: If your breath is loud and uneven, rest. If you feel a little tired after a posture, rest. No formula can prescribe how long you need to rest. Simply rest as needed until you’re ready for the next posture. Don’t cheat yourself out of well-deserved rest periods between the postures and at the end of a session.
Figure 10-14 shows you some recommended rest postures; read on for descriptions of each of these postures.
Photographs by Adam Latham
Figure 10-14: You can rest in many different positions.
If your back is uncomfortable, place a pillow or blanket roll under your knees. If your neck or throat is tense, place a folded blanket or small pillow under your head.
Place your knees about hip width, with your hands just below your shoulders.
Keep your elbows straight but not locked.