Page numbers in italic type refer to illustrations and captions; page numbers in bold refer to charts and maps.


Aegir 17

Aeglos (“snow point” or “icicle”) 17

Aeneas 17–18

Aesir 18

Aglarond 18–19

Ainur (Holy Ones) 19 Music of 262

Akallabêth 19–20, 20, 144

Alberich the Nibelung 523

Alcuin of York 21

Alfheim 22

Alfirin 21

Ali Baba 21–2

Alighieri, Dante 13

Allfather (Ilúvatar) 200

Ancalagon the Black 22–3, 23

Anduin 390–1

Andúril 23–4

Andvari 24

Angband 24–5, 26–7, 78

Angels 25

Angmar 25–9, 269, 426–30

Annatar 29

Ar-Pharazôn 31–3, 32

Aragorn II 28, 29, 133

Arawn the Huntsman 30

Arda 30, 83, 440, 441

Arien 30–1

Armageddon 31

Artemis 33

Arthur 34

Arwen Evenstar 34, 218

Asgard 35

Asmodeus 35

Asteria 35

Athelas 35–7, 36

Athens 37

Atlantis 38–9, 40

Aulë the Smith 40–1, 41, 43, 411

Avallónë 41

Avalon 41–2

Avari 42

Azanulbizar 415, 468–9


Bag End 45

Baggins 45–7

Bilbo 63–4

Frodo 150–2, 151

Balchoth 47, 48–9

Balor of the Evil Eye 47–50

Balrog of Moria 51, 52–3

Balrogs of Angband 50–2

Barad-dûr 330

Bard the Bowman 53

Barrow-downs 53–4

Barrow-wights 54–5, 54–5, 151

Bats 44, 55

Battle of Azanulbizar 415, 468–9

Battle of Dagorlad 454, 455

Battle of Hornburg 458, 459

Battle of Pelennor Fields 296, 306–7, 462–3, 465

Battle of the Black Gate 466, 467

Battle of the Five Armies 362–3, 456, 457

Battle of the Somme 356, 357

Battle Plain (Dagorlad) 91–2, 356

battles 56, 56, 167, 414, 453–69 (see also wars)

Belegaer 57

Belegost 104, 106–7

Beleriand 57

Beorn 57–8, 59

Beowulf 58–60, 60

Beren 61–2, 193, 230

berserkers 62

Bifröst 63

Bilbo Baggins 63–4

Black Gate 64, 466, 467

Black Númenóreans 65–6, 65

Black Riders 66, 68–9

Black Sails 67

Black Tower 204–5

Boromir 70

Brambles of Mordor 263

“The Brave Little Tailor” 70–1

Bridge of Nargothrond 270

Brísingamen 71–2

Brocéliande 72–3

Brownies 73

Brynhild (Brunhild) 73–4

burglars 74–5

Byzantine Empire 75


Camlann 77

Carcharoth 77–8, 78

Carthage 78–9

Castor and Polydeuces 79–80

Catalaunian Fields 80–1

“Cauldron of Story” (Tolkien) 13

Caves of Glory (Aglarond) 18–19

Celebrimbor 76, 81, 449

Celtic mythology 82

Cerberus 83

Ceres 83

Charlemagne 84

charts 437–51, 438

Cheddar Gorge 85

Christianity 314–15, 409

Clotho 85

Cooper, James Fenimore (1789–1851) 85

Corsairs 390–1

Corsairs of Umbar 86–7, 88

Cracks of Doom 88

Crows 89


Dagda 91

Dagor Dagorath 91

Dagorlad 91–2, 356, 454, 455

Dark Elves 92

“Dark Man” (Dullahan) 102–3

Déagol 92–3

Delphi 94–6

Demeter 93

Demons 96

Destruction of Mordor 256–7

Diana 96

Dietrich von Bern 93–4

Dioscuri 96

Divine Comedy (Dante) 13

Doriath 97

Downfall of Númenóreans 144

Dragons 98–100, 98–9, 349–52, 350–1

Draugluin, Father of Werewolves 100, 101

Draupnir 102

Drúadan Forest 420–1

Drúedain 102

Dullahan (“Dark Man”) 102–3

Dúnedain 103–4

Dunharrow 284

Dunlending 184

Durin the Deathless (Durin I) 2, 90, 104–5, 445

Dvergatal (Dwarf’s Roll) 105–8, 109

Dwarf Kingdom 106–7

dwarfs 110

Dwarf’s Roll (Dvergatal) 105–8

Dwarrowdelf (Khazaddûm) 212, 213

Dwarves 104, 108, 110–11, 415, 445, 468–9, 503

Seven Fathers of 335–7


Eagles of Manwë 112, 113

Eärendil the Mariner 114–17, 114–15, 400

Easterlings 116, 117–18

Edain 118–20

Egypt 121

Eir the Merciful 121

Elanor 120, 121

Eldamar 122, 372–3

Eldar (Elda) 122

Elendil the Tall 122–3

Elessar 123

Elrond Half-elven 123

Elros 124

Elves 76, 124–6, 125, 126, 157, 178–9, 274, 291, 447

Elwë 127

Elwing the White 127

English mythology 128

Ents 128–9, 130–1, 204–5, 460, 461

Éomer 133

Eönwë, the Herald of Valar 128–9

Éothéod 132 Éowyn 132–4

Eru the One 134, 432

Esgaroth 350–1

Estë the Gentle 135

Eurydice 135

evil eye 135–6

Eye of Sauron 136


Fáfnir 139–40

“On Fairy-Stories” (Tolkien) 13, 290

The Fall of Arthur 140–1

Fall of Gondolin 142–3

Fallohide 140

Falls of Rauros 153

Faramir 141–4

Fastitocalon 141, 144

Fëanor 144–5, 138

Fenrir 145

Field of Celebrant 145–6

Fifth Battle 167

Finnish language and

literature 146–7

Finwë 147

Five Armies 362–3, 456, 457

Flies of Mordor 148

Flying Dutchman 148

Four-Farthing Stone 149

Freya/Freja 149

Freyr 149

Frigg 150

Froda 150

Frodo Baggins 150–2, 151

Furies 152


Galadhrim 157

Galadriel 154, 155

Gamgee 155–6

Gandalf the Grey 156–9

Gandalf the White 158, 159–60

Gandalf the Wizard 412

Garm 160


of Elves 447

of Men 446

German mythology 471, 488–502

Geser Khagan 161–3

ghost witch 163

Gigantomachy 163

Gil-galad 163–4

Gimli 164–5

Gjallarhorn 165

Glaurung the Father of Dragons 165–6, 167, 270

Gloomweaver, see Shelob; Ungoliant

Gnomes 166–8

Goblins 168–9, 170–1

Goldberry 169, 280

Golden Hall 369

Gollum 169–73, 172, 443, 544 (see also Sméagol)

Gondolin 142–3, 408

Gondor 173–4, 194, 324

Goths 174–5

Gram (“Wrath”) 175

Great Battle 175–6

Great River 153

Greco-Roman mythology 176–7

Greek mythology 12, 451

Grendel 177–8

Grey Elves 178–9

Gungnir (“Swaying One”) 180

Gurthang (“Iron Death”) 179–80

Gwaith-i-Mírdain 180

Gyges’ Ring 180–1


Hades 183

Half-elven/Half-elf (Peredhil/Peredhel) 299–300

The Harad 183

Haradrim 182

Harfoot 183–4

Heimdall 184–5

Hell-hawks 266–7

Helm Hammerhand 187

Helm’s Dike 185–6

Hengist and Horsa 186

Heorot (Herot) the mead hall 186–8

Hephaestus the Smith 188

Heracles 188

Hercules 188

Hermes 189

Hlidskjalf 189

The Hobbit Companion (Day) 11

Hobbiton 189–90

Hobbits 190–1, 190

breeds of 444

Migration of 250, 251

Stoor 358–9

Holy Grail 191–2

Holy Ones (Ainur ) 19

Holy Roman Empire 192, 322–3, 451

Homer 12

Horn of Gondor 194

Hornburg 458, 459

Horsa and Hengist 186

horse princes 196

Horsemen of the Apocalypse 194

Horses 194–7

Huorns 204–5, 378, 428–9

Húrin the Steadfast 197

Hygieia 197


Icicle (Aeglos) 17

Iliad (Homer) 12

Illuin 224–5

Ilmarë (“Starlight”) 199

Ilmarin 199

Ilmarinen the Smith 199–200

Ilúvatar (“Allfather”) 200

Imladris 200

Ingwë 200–1

Irish mythology 201

Iron Death (Gurthang) 179–80

Iron Home (Angmar) 25–9

Iron Prison (Angband) 24–5, 26–7

Isengard 204–5, 460, 461

Isildur 198

Istari 202–3


Janibas the Necromancer 203

Jehovah (Yahweh) 203, 433

Jekyll and Hyde 203–6

Jordanes 206

Jörmungandr 206–7, 207

Jötnar (Jötuun) 208

Jötunheim 208

Journey of the Elves 124, 125

Judeo-Christian mythology 208–9

Jupiter 209


Kalevala 211

Kali 211

Kelvar 440

Khand 406

Khazad-dûm (“Dwarrowdelf”) 212, 213

Khuzdul 212–14

Kine of Araw 215

Kraken 214

Kullervo the Hapless 215–16

Kurkar, King of Hor 216


Lake Men 220

Lake-Town 219

Langobards 219

Last Alliance of Elves and Men 219–21

Laurelin 402

Legolas 221–2, 222

Lindon 222–3

Loki 223

Long Lake 220

Longshanks 226

The Lord of the Rings (Tolkien) 12, 524–31

Lords of the Elves 291

Lórien 226–8

Lothlórien 228

Lucifer 228–31

Lúthien (“Maiden of Twilight”) 230, 231, 227, 234

lycanthropy 232


Macbeth 235–6

magical rings 310, 317–18

Magician-smiths 162

Maiar (Maia) 236, 450, 451

Maiden of Twilight (Lúthien) 230, 231, 234

Manwë 112

March of the Ents on Isengard 460, 461

Master of Esgaroth 220

Master of Non-Being 236

mead hall 186–8

Mearas 196

Meduseld 237, 238

Melian 234, 238, 240–1

Melkor 238–9

Men 284, 446

Men of the West (Dúnedain) 103–4

Menegroth 239, 244–5

Mercia 239–42

Mercury 242

Meriadoc (“Merry”) Brandybuck 243, 243

Merlin 246, 247

Michael, Archangel 247

Middle-earth 248–9

dark forces of 442

entering 10

Midgard 249

Migration of the Hobbits 250, 251

Minas Tirith 250–3, 252, 464

Mirkwood 6, 253–4

Misty Mountains 254–5

Mordor 255, 256–7, 263

Mordred 258

Morgoth Bauglir 227, 259, 260, 339, 382, 393

Temple of 366

Moria 260

Mortal Lands 439

Le Morte d’Arthur (Malory) 261

Mount Doom 544

Mûmakil (Mûmak) 261

Music of the Ainur 262


Nan Elmoth 240–1

Nargothrond 265, 270

Narsil (“Red and White Flame”) 265

Nauglamír 265

Nazgûl 195, 265–8

necromancy 268, 269

Neptune 271

Nessa the Swift 271

Nibelungenlied 271–2, 471, 488–502

Nidhogg 264, 273

Nienna the Weeper 273

Njord 273–5

Noldor 275

Noldor Elves 274

Norse mythology 275–6, 450, 471, 472–87

Norsemen 276

Northmen of Rhovanion 220, 276–9

Númenor 38–9, 277, 279–81

Númenóreans 65–6, 65, 144, 277

nymphs 280, 281


Oathbreakers 283–5

Odin 285–8

Odyssey (Homer) 12

Oliphaunt 182, 288–9

Olvar 441

Olwë 289

Olwyn 289–90

Olympus 290

“On Fairy Stories” 290

One, The 134

One Ring 290

Orc 95, 282, 286–7, 290–3, 292, 395, 415

Ormal 224–5

Oromë 291, 293–4, 339

Orpheus 294–5

Orthanc 204–5

Ossë 295

Oxford 295


Paradise Lost (Milton) 297

Paths of the Dead 297–8

Pelennor Fields 296, 298–9, 306–7, 462–3, 465

Peredhil (Peredhel) (“Half-elven”) (“Half-elf”) 299

Peregrin (“Pippin”) Took 243, 299–300

Persephone 301

Pipeweed 300, 301–2

Plains of Rohan 336

Plato (428/427–348/347 BC) 302

Polydeuces (Pollux) 79–80

Poseidon 302–3

Pot of Soup 13

Princess and Goblin, The (MacDonald) 303

Prometheus 303–4

Proserpine 304

Pterosaurs 304–5

Puck 305

Puck of Pook’s Hill (Kipling) 305


Queen of the Stars 404–6, 405

Quendi (“Speakers”) 308

Quenya 308

Quetzalcoatlus 308–9

Quickbeam 309


Radagast the Brown 311

Ragnarök 311–14

Rainbow Bridge (Bifröst) 63

Rauros 153

Ravenhill 312–13

Ravens 312–13

Red and White Flame (Narsil) 265

Red Book of Hergest 314

Red Book of Westmarch 314

Red Maw (Carcharoth) 77–8

religion, Christianity 314–15, 409

“The Rhinegold” 506–9

Rhûn 316

Riders of Rohan 316

Riders of the Mark (March) 316

Ring Lords 162

Ring of Doom 317

The Ring of Nibelung 471, 504–23, 523

Rings of Power 317–18, 448, 449

Ringwraiths 318

Rivendell 319

Roäc 312–13

Rohan 316, 319, 336

Rohirrim 296, 319–21, 320

Roland 321–2

Roman Empire 192, 322–3, 451

Rumpelstiltskin 323

Running River 220


Sampo 325

Samwise Gamgee 325–6

Sarehole 326

Saruman the White 202, 326–8

Satan 333

Sauron the Ring Lord 329–32, 330

Scatha the Worm 333–5

scorpion 282

Seven Fathers of the Dwarves 335–7

Shadowfax 336, 337

Shakespeare, William 337–8

Shelob the Great Spider 338–41, 339, 393

shield-walls 361, 362–3

The Shire 341

Shire 251

Shires 341–3, 342

Sidhe 343–4

Siege of Minas Tirith 464

Sigurd 344

The Silmarillion (Tolkien) 11

Silmarils 193, 344–5

Silvan Elves 157

Silver-fist (Celebrimbor) 81

Sindar 346–7

Sindarin 347–8

Sleeping Beauty 348

Smaug the Dragon 349–52, 350–1

Sméagol 352–5, 353, 443 (see also Gollum)

Sméagol–Gollum (see also Gollum; Sméagol),

history of 443

Snow Point (Aeglos) 17

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 355–6

Solomon’s Ring 356–7

Somme 356, 357

The Song of the Nibelungs 271–2

Sote the Outlaw 357–8

Speakers (Quendi) 308

Spiders 338–41, 339, 358, 393

Star-spray 127

Starlight (Ilmarë) 199

Steward of Gondor 324

Stoor 358–9

strongholds 359–60

“Super-Orc” 395

Sutton Hoo 360–1

svinfylking 361, 362–3

Swaying One (Gungnir) 180


Taniquetil 365

Telchar 365

Teleri 366

Telperion 402

Temple of Morgoth 366

Thangail 367, 368

Théoden 368–70, 369

Theodoric I (c.AD 390–451) 370

Theseus 371

Thingol 234, 240–1, 371

Thor 23, 207, 273, 335

Thorin 364

Thorin Oakenshield 374

Three-Farthing Stone 374

Thrush 375

Thuringwethil 374

Tilion 374–6

Tír na nÓg 201, 380

Tirion 372–3

Titanomachy 376

tobacco 376

A Tolkien Bestiary (Day) 11

Tolkien’s Ring (Day) 11

Tollkühn 377

Tom Bombadil 190

tree people 157

Treebeard 376, 377–9

Trees of the Light 402

Trees of the Valar 402

Trolls 379–80, 381

Tuatha Dé Danann 380–3

Tulkas the Strong 382, 383–4, 386–7

Tuor 408

Túrin Turambar 217, 270, 384–5, 384

“The Twilight of the Gods” 518–22

Two Lamps 224–5


Uinen of the Calms 389

Ulmo 389, 408

Ulmo, Lord of Waters 388

Umbar 86–7, 390–1, 392

Undying Lands 438

Ungoliant the Great Spider 210, 338–41, 339, 393, 394

Urd (Wyrd) the Weaver 396

Uruk-hai 395, 396–7

Uruks 395, 396–7

Utumno 386–7, 396, 397, 398–9


Vairë the Weaver 401

Vala 83

Valar (Vala) 401, 402, 450, 451

Valaraukar 402

Valinor 402

“The Valkyrie” 509–17

Vampires 403

Vána 403

Vandals 403–4

Vanyar 404

Varda, Queen of the Stars 404–6, 405

Variags of Khand 406

Venus 406–9

Vikings 407, 409

Vingilótë 400

Virgin Mary 409

Visigoths 370

Völsung, King 407

Völsunga Saga 409–50, 471, 472–87

Voronwë 408

Vulcan 410


Wagner’s Ring 471, 504–23, 523

Wainriders 119, 413

Wales 413

War of Dwarves and Orcs 415

Wargs 414–17, 416

Warrior-king 162

wars 414 (see also battles)

Watch-towers 372–3

Watcher-in-the-Water 214

Wayland’s Smithy 417–18

Wayland the Smith 417

Welsh 418–19

Werewolves 232–3, 418, 419–22

Westernesse 422

White Horse of Berkshire 422–3

White Ladies 423

White Ship disaster 423–6

Wild Hunt 426

Wildermen 420–1

William Shakespeare 337–8

Willows 428–9

Winged Beasts of the Nazgûl 424, 426, 430

Witch-king of Angmar 269, 426–30

Wizards 430–1

Wolves (Canis lupis) 431

Woses 420–1, 431

Wrath (Gram) 175

Wyrd (Urd) the Weaver 396


Yahweh (Jehovah) 203, 433

Yavanna Kementári 41, 43, 83, 402, 433


Zeus 434

Zirakzigil 434, 435



Gollum Falling into Mount Doom