
2D pictures, 25

3D chess set, 97–98

3D models, 25, 26–28

3D movies, 30

3D objects, 7, 128

3D panoramas, 25

3D printers (3DPs)

converting to scientific tools, 106

design files, 99–101

feedstock, 7, 125–130, 157

metal printers, 39

open-source, 82–83, 91

recycling waste, 125–130

replicating consumer goods, 146–148

RepRap, 87–95, 127, 146, 156

for scientific tools, 104–106

self-built, 89

solar-powered, 135–136

stage printers, 82

for toys, 97–99

using with mills, 82–83

3D reconstructions, 25

3D scientific platforms, 106–108

3D software, 25–27, 74–76

3DPs. See 3D printers

ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene), 127, 129, 130

ad blockers, 18–20

Adafruit, 80

AdBlock+, 18, 19

additive manufacturing (AM), 87

AliceVision, 7, 25–26, 27, 15

AM (additive manufacturing), 87

Amazon, 156

animation, 32

API (application programming interface), 134

Appropedia site, 6

Arduino GPS page, 59

Arduino microcontroller, 26, 77–80, 104

artwork. See also images

computer graphics, 30

Concept Art, 29

Creative Commons and, 29

digital art, 6, 22, 31

free clip art, 30

free photo references, 6

learning/improving skills, 29

making, 29–34

online community for, 29

sharing, 29–34

uses for, 6

in video games, 29–30, 23

Audacity, 6, 35, 43

audio mixer, 6

audiobooks, 6, 42, 43

Aurosaurus project, 116

automated sewing, 69

automobiles, 133–134

Avengers movies, 11

avoided reproduction valuation, 141, 142, 144–146

Aweigh, 60

BAMONA project, 115

Bessen, James, 154

big stuff, free, 133–139

biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), 121

BIPV (building-integrated PV) systems, 136

black box, 84

blanket cloak, 3, 4

Blender, 7, 30, 50–51

blocks, 130

blogs, 12

boards, electronic, 82–85

BOD (biochemical oxygen demand), 121


audiobooks, 6, 42, 43

children’s, 6, 45

cookbooks, 6, 15

Creative Commons and, 45, 46

Doctorow books, 45–46

e-books, 43–45, 46

free, 6, 45

making, 42–43

reading, 43–45

scanning, 41–42

sharing, 6, 43–45

bots. See recyclebots

Bowyer, Adrian, 87

The Bridge, 155

B-roll, 52

building-integrated PV (BIPV) systems, 136

buildings, 136–137

bulk extrusions, 130

BurdaStyle, 66–67

CAD (computer-aided design), 7, 90


creating 3D models with, 25–26

DigiCamControl, 24

Elphel cameras, 25

lens cover/hood, 129

Meshroom, 7, 25–27

motion-activated, 114

movie cameras, 49, 50

multicamera system, 25

OpenMV Cam, 26

open-source, 25, 49

settings, 24

cars, 133–134

CC0. See Creative Commons

CDs, free music, 6

CERN Open Hardware License, 25

CG (computer graphics), 30

CGI (computer-generated imagery), 26

chargers, USB, 17, 18

chemical oxygen demand (COD), 106, 121


books, 6, 45

citizen science and, 113

theory of nice and, 9–11

toys, 72, 97–99

TuxPaint, 30–31

citizen science, 113–119

citizen scientist, 113–123, 115–118

civic science. See citizen science

cleaning solutions, 17

clip art, 30

cloak, blanket, 3, 4

clothes design, 7

clothes making, 69–70

clothing, 3, 4, 7, 65–70

cloud, 155

CNC (computer numerical control) design, 72, 99–101

CNC furniture process, 73–76

CNC mills, 87, 95–97

CNC tools, 12

COD (chemical oxygen demand), 106, 121

code defined, 8

collaboration, 11

compound bow balancer, 146

computer graphics (CG), 30

computer numerical control. See CNC

computer vision (CV), 28

computer-aided design (CAD), 7, 90

computer-generated imagery (CGI), 26

computers, 7, 155

Concept Art, 29

consumer goods, 146–148

cookbooks, 6, 15

cooking, 15–16

COOLR (Cooperative Open Online Landslide Repository) platform, 117–118

cooperation, 9–10, 12, 151–155

Cooperative Open Online Landslide Repository (COOLR) platform, 117–118

copyrights, 41–42

Cosmoquest, 116

COVID-19 pandemic, 11, 70, 154

Creative Commons (CC0)

artwork, 29

books, 45, 46

considerations, 1

hardware, 141

music, 35

photos, 6, 7, 22

video, 52–53

Creative Commons licenses, 21, 22, 52–53, 141

crowdsourced science. See citizen science

crowdsourcing, 68, 115, 119, 134

CSociety, 30

CV (computer vision), 28


collecting, 157

GIS, 7, 60–63

scientific, 113–123

data analytics, 156

dead-lift jack, 146–147

Debian, 8

“decade of greed,” 11

dedicated open-source mills, 83–84

Deviantart, 29, 30

DigiCamControl, 24

digital art, 7, 22, 31. See also artwork

digital at-home manufacturing. See manufacturing

digital fabrication, 69, 72, 156, 157

digital photos. See photos

digital repositories, 143

diseases, 115, 116

distributions (distros), 8

DIY (do-it-yourself) culture, 11

DIY projects, 17

DLT1 tablet, 7

Doctorow books, 45–46

Doctorow, Cory, 12, 45–46

documentation, 2, 66, 81, 154

do-it-yourself. See DIY

downloaded substitution valuation, 141–144

dress design. See clothing

drones, 57–58

Dutch Blender Foundation, 7

e-books, 43–45, 46

Ecology, Open Source, 138–139

educational aides, 2

electricity, 20, 134–136

electronics design, 81

electronics projects, 77–86

electronics repositories, 80

Elphel cameras/software, 25

Elsevier, 46

embedded systems, 155

engineers, 2, 11, 134

engraving/engravers, 93–95

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 120, 125

environmental/health issues, 120–122

EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), 120, 125

equipment. See also hardware

medical, 154

OSSP library and, 144

research, 145

scientific, 103–112

e-waste, 8

extruders, 127, 130

EyeWire, 116

fablabs, 68, 71, 156

fabric fasteners, 2–3

face masks, 11, 70, 155

face shields, 11

Facebook, 22

fasteners, fabric, 2–3

FBReader, 43

feedback, 1–2

feedstock, 7, 125–130, 157

FFF (fused filament fabrication), 96, 125

Firefly, 11

Flickr, 23


cookbooks, 6, 15

growing your own, 121–122, 136

recipe sharing, 15–16, 15

footwear, 68–69

FOSH (free and open-source hardware), 12, 141, 145–146

FOSS (free and open-source software), 8–9, 32

Fossil Atmospheres Project, 115

free and open-source hardware (FOSH), 12, 141, 145–146

free and open-source software (FOSS), 8–9, 32

Free Kids Books, 6, 45

Free Music Archive, 6, 35

free stuff

benefits of, 1

considerations, 1

electricity, 134–136

free big stuff, 133–139

sharing your own work, 1

software ecosystem, 8

Freebooks, 6, 45

FreeCAD, 93

FreeSewing, 10, 66, 67

FreeSVG, 30

Fritzing, 81

Fukushima disaster, 118–119

Funkwhale, 35

fused filament fabrication (FFF), 96, 125

games, 25, 26, 29–30

gardening, 6, 121–122, 136

Geographic Information System (GIS), 7, 60–63

Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS), 60–62

Getty Images, 22

GigabotX, 127, 129, 130

GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program), 24, 34

GIS (Geographic Information System), 7, 60–63

Global Village Construction Set, 138

G’MIC plugin, 24

GNU General Public License, 25

GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP), 24, 34

GNU/Linux, 7

Golden Rule, 151–154

Good Samaritan laws, 154

Google Images, 22

Google Plus, 23

Google Scholar, 155, 156

Google Street View, 25

government, 84, 115, 118–120

government regulations, 120

government scientists, 118–119

GPS devices, 55

GPS technology, 59–60

graphics, computer, 30

GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) GIS, 60–62

hacker ethic, 9


communities, 12

IKEAhackers, 72

security and, 84, 85

white-knight, 9

hackerspaces, 11–12

hardware. See also equipment

hardware (continued)

cameras, 25

cars, 133–134

for clothes making, 69–70

Creative Commons and, 141

designs, 141, 155–156

drones, 58

electronics, 80–85

FOSH, 12, 141, 145–146

GPS, 59

scientific equipment, 103–112

security and, 84–85

hardware hacks, 84

HardwareX, 155

headphones, 35

health/environmental issues, 120–122

Helpful Engineering group, 11

historical projects, 115

Hobbit communities, 9

hot presses, 130

housing. See buildings

IKEAhackers, 72

images, 22, 25, 117. See also artwork; photos

Ink Stitch, 69

Inkscape, 32

innovation, 4, 154

Instagram, 23, 17, 18

intellectual property (IP), 155

International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), 135


ad blockers, 18–20

censorship on, 46

collaboration and, 134, 155

crowdsourcing, 68, 115, 119, 134

Internet Archive, 52

Internet of Things (IoT), 104, 155

Invasive Mosquito Project, 116

IoT (Internet of Things), 104, 155

IP (intellectual property), 155

IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency), 135

Jack the Vulture3, 31


getting via work sharing, 2

manufacturing, 156

Kdenlive video editor, 50

KiCad, 81

Kingston Hot Press, 130

kit cars, 134

knitted clothing, 69–70

Krita painting program, 6, 31

Kube OpenLathe, 130

landfills, 157

landslide events, 117

laser cutter, 87, 93–95, 99

LaserDUO, 94–95

Lasersaur, 94

LaTeX, 42–43

lathes, 130

“Law of Love,” 151–152

Let’s Make Music, 35

Level Up, 29

Libre Office, 6, 42

LibriVox, 6, 43

life hacks, 6, 16–18, 16–17

LifeTrac tractor, 138

lifting jack, 146–147

LinkedIn, 23

Linux Mint, 8, 9, 42

Linux systems, 8–9

LiveJournal, 23

LiVES video editor, 51

Local Motors, 133–134

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, 116

MacGyver, 11

machine vision open-source software, 25–28

MakeItLoud whistle, 147–148

maker movement, 11

MakerMaps, 12, 71

makers, 11–12, 45, 154

Makers (book), 12, 45

makerspaces, 10–12, 71, 156

manufacturing, 87–102

applications, 97–101

CNC mills, 87, 95–97

laser cutter, 87, 93–95, 99

open-source mills, 95–97

printers. See 3D printers

scientific tools, 104–109

mapping four-point probe, 106, 107

maps, 55–64

MapsOpenSource, 55

Maskin, Eric, 154

masks, 11, 70, 155

Maslow Create, 97

MathMap, 34

Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, 10

medical community, 11

MeetUp, 23

Meshroom, 7, 25–27

microcontrollers, 26, 77–80, 104

microhouses, 136–137

million dollars of value, 141–149


3DP+, 82–83

CNC mills, 87, 95–97

open-source, 83–84, 95–97

PCB, 83, 108, 156

models, 4, 25, 26–28

molds, 127–128, 130

MonkeyJam, 32

Moon Mappers, 117

Morevna Project, 32

Morning Chores, 72

mosquito-transmitted diseases, 116

Mostly Printed CNC (MPCNC), 96–97

movie cameras, 49, 50

movies. See video

MPCNC (Mostly Printed CNC), 96–97

music, 7, 35–40

musical instruments, 36–39

Musk, Elon, 12, 134

myspace, 23

NASA, 116–118, 120

NASA projects, 116–118, 120


NASA videos, 52

National Institutes of Health (NIH), 109

National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL), 136

NECi (Nitrate Elimination Company), 120–122

Newton, Isaac, 154

nice, theory of, 9–11

NIH (National Institutes of Health), 109

NIH 3D Print Exchange, 109

Nitrate Elimination Company (NECi), 120–122

Nowak, Martin, 9

NREL (National Renewable Energy Lab), 136

nuclear power industry, 118–119

OBI (Open Building Institute), 133, 136–137, 138

online photo-sharing sites, 6

Open Building Institute (OBI), 133, 136–137, 138

Open Game Art, 29–30

Open Images Project, 52

open source

considerations, 84–85

FOSS movement, 8–9

future of, 151–158

introduction to, 1–13

philosophy, 1–13

Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV), 28

Open Source Ecology (OSE), 130, 133, 138–139

Open Source Lab, 104–105

Open Source Wood initiative, 73–74

Open Theremin project, 39–40

OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library), 28

OpenDesk, 72–73

OpenEVSE, 134

OpenMV project, 26

OpenSCAD, 90, 93, 143

OpenShot video editor, 50

open-source everything, 157

open-source hardware. See hardware

open-source innovation, 4

open-source projects. See projects

open-source science, 103–109

open-source security, 84–85

open-source software. See software

OpenStreetMap, 55–56

OpenXC platform, 134


OSE (Open Source Ecology), 130, 133, 138–139

overtourism, 24

painting programs, 6–7

panoramas, 3D, 25

Papagayo, 32

PCB (printed circuit board), 81–84

PCB design, 81

PCB making, 82–85

PCB mills, 83, 108, 156

peer production, 8

peer reviews, 1–2

pelletizer, 128, 130

Pepper & Carrot project, 31–32

personal protective equipment (PPE), 11

Pexels photo-sharing site, 6, 21

photo uploads, 6

photogrammetry software, 7, 25–28

photometric systems, 120–122

photo-related software, 24


analyzing wildlife photos, 114–115

combining to make 3D object, 7

of plants/flowers, 6

public domain, 21, 22–23

sharing, 6, 21–23

stock, 22

taking, 21–23

using for artwork inspiration, 6–7

using in advertising, 7

using on clothing, 7

value of, 22

photo-sharing sites, 6–7

photovoltaic. See PV

pictures. See artwork; images; photos

Pinterest, 23

pipette stand, 7

Pixabay photo sharing site, 21

plant identification, 6

plastic recycling, 126–130

pollution, 120–122

powercube, 138

PPE (personal protective equipment), 11

Precious Plastic, 130

printed circuit board. See PCB

printers. See 3D printers

Privacy Badger, 18, 19

Project Gutenberg, 45

Project Soothe, 113–114

projects. See also specific projects

alternate uses for, 3–4

becoming a platform, 2

clothing, 70

CV, 28

DIY, 17

documentation, 2, 66, 81, 154

drones, 57–58

electronics, 77–86

feedback on, 17

finding, 17

historical, 115

NASA, 116–118, 120

sharing, 17

woodworking, 71–76

public domain

books, 42, 43–44

photos, 21, 22–23

pump, syringe, 142, 143–146

PV devices/systems, 134–136

PV (photovoltaic) technology, 135–136

PVWatts, 136

QGIS project, 62–63

quartz crystal microbalance, 106

Rally Fighter (car), 133–134

recipes, sharing, 15–16

recyclebots, 7, 125–132

recycling, 125–132, 157

Reddit, 17, 23

religions, 151–152

RenderChan, 32

RepRap 3D printer, 87–95, 127, 146, 156

RepRap project, 87–89

RepRapable recyclebot, 127

Revoy, David, 31–32, 33

risks, 118–119

rotator/mixer/shaker device, 106, 108

SAM (Solar Advisory Model), 136

sample holder, 106, 108

scanning books, 41–42

Schwarz, Christopher, 71

science, 103–109, 118

scientific data, 113–123

scientific equipment, 103–112

scientific platforms, 106–108

scientists, 103–106, 108, 113–123

Scribus, 6, 42

security, 68, 69, 84–85

Seeed Studio, 80, 82

selfies, 21

selfishness, 10

self-REPlicating RAPid prototypers. See RepRap entries

sewing, 11, 66–70


artwork, 29–34

benefits of, 1–13

books, 6, 43–45

free big stuff, 133–139

future of, 151–158

life hacks, 16–18

making new friends, 2

music, 6, 35–40

open-source cars, 133–134

open-source electronics, 80–81

peer reviews, 1–2

photos, 6–7, 21–23

projects. See projects

recipes, 15–16

scientific data, 113–123

scientific equipment, 103–112

sharing aggressively, 1–9

video, 6–7, 52–53

waste recycling, 125–132

work, 1–9

sheets/sheeting, 125, 128, 129


Arduino, 80

face, 11

shoes, 68–69

shredders, 127, 130

Sintel (film), 30

ski waxing rack project, 89–91, 92

skills, 2

Slack team, 11

smartphones, 155

Smith, Josh, 3, 4

Smithsonian Institution, 115

social media, 22–23


future of sharing, 151–158

importance of cooperation, 151–155

software, 155–156

3D reconstruction, 25–27, 74–76

for automated sewing, 69

camera, 25

ecosystem, 8

for electronics design, 81

FOSS, 8–9, 32

machine vision, 25–28

music-related, 36

open-source, 155–156

open-source vs. closed-source, 84–85

photogrammetry, 25–28

photo-related, 24

software ecosystem, 8

Solar Advisory Model (SAM), 136

solar energy, 134–136, 157

solar photovoltaic (PV) technology, 135–136

solar-powered houses, 136–137

solar-powered USB charger, 17, 18

songs, sharing, 9

stage printers, 82

Stallman, Richard, 155

STL (stereolithography) file, 7

stock photography, 22

stress relief, 113–114

subreddit, 17

Sulston, John, 146

sun stones, 60

sunlight, 134–136

supercomputers, 155

survival of the fittest theory, 10

SweetHome 3D software, 74–76

Synfig Studio, 32

syringe pump, 142, 143–146

Target Asteroids!, 117

team sports, 10

telescope images, 117

Tesla, 134

textile fastener, 2–3

theory of nice, 9–11

Thingiverse, 89

Thor’s hammer project, 92–93

To Catch the Sun, 135

Tomasello, Michael, 10

tourism, 24

toys, 72, 97–99

Trapani, Gina, 16

Tribe of Noise, 35

T-shirts, 6

Tumblr, 23

TuxPaint, 30–31

Twitter, 22

uBlock Origin, 18–20

Ultimaker, 7

U.S. government. See government

USB charger, solar-powered, 17, 18

value, million dollars of, 141–149

vehicles. See cars

ventilators, 11

video, 49–53

3D movies, 30

Creative Commons and, 52–53

editing, 50–51

NASA, 52

sharing, 6, 52–53

video cameras, 49, 50

video games, 25, 29–30

Vimeo, 53

VK service, 23

Waste for Life, 130

waste recycling, 125–132

Waterpod project, 3, 4


blocking ads on, 18–20

photo-sharing, 21–23

social media, 22–23

this book, 46

welding system, 105

white-knight hackers, 8

WikiMedia Commons, 6

Wikipedia, 6

Windows systems, 8

woodworking, 71–76

work, sharing, 1–9

YAG laser, 94–95, 89

YouMagine, 7

YouTube, 7, 19, 22, 52–53

Zellars, Ryan, 96, 97

Zooniverse, 114–115