- 10-pound weight loss badge, 122
- 100-pound weight loss badge, 122
- 10,000 steps, 102
- accelerometers, 17
- account, Fitbit
- adjusting settings, 54–55
- challenging friends, 81–83
- accepting, 83
- inviting friends to, 82–83
- checking logged in devices, 268–271
- with Fitbit app, 269–270
- through website, 270–271
- cheering friends, 77–80
- with Fitbit app, 78
- receiving, 79–80
- through website, 78–79
- customizing profile, 53–54
- Dashboard
- configuring online, 52–53
- customizing, 51–52
- deleting, 279–280
- deleting Fitbit data, 277–279
- with Fitbit app, 277–278
- through website, 278–279
- erasing Fitbit data, 279
- family accounts, 84–88
- accepting invitations, 86
- adding family guardian, 85
- creating, 84–85
- creating child account, 86–88
- inviting others to, 86
- features, 51
- Fitbit app, 43–44
- friend requests
- receiving, 77
- sending, 72–77
- groups, 89–93
- creating, 90–91
- joining existing groups, 89
- posting messages to, 91–93
- responding to posts from, 91
- viewing posts from, 89
- layout, 50
- locating lost Fitbit devices, 276–277
- messaging friends, 80–81
- with Fitbit app, 80
- replying, 81
- through website, 80–81
- viewing, 81
- passwords
- changing account, 266–268
- creating strong, 268
- posting messages to friends, 83–84
- privacy settings
- blocking Fitbit users, 274–275
- customizing, 271–272
- removing Fitbit users, 274–275
- scammers, 273
- removing device from, 49
- signing up for, 44–47
- taunting friends, 77–80
- with Fitbit app, 78
- receiving, 79–80
- through website, 78–79
- username, 70–71
- adding to account, 70–71
- setting as display name, 71
- Account page (Fitbit app), 51
- accuracy
- Aria 2 Scale, 174
- of heart rate metric, 154–155
- factors affecting, 154
- improving, 154–155
- active minutes metric
- defined, 110
- metabolic equivalents and, 110–112
- monitoring today’s, 113–114
- overview, 21–22
- suggested amount, 21
- viewing history of, 114–115
- Active Minutes screen (Fitbit app), 115
- activities log
- deleting exercises, 210–211
- with Fitbit app, 211
- through website, 211
- editing exercises, 210
- logging exercises, 208–210
- with Fitbit app, 208–209
- through website, 209–210
- overview, 206
- viewing exercise history, 207–208
- with Fitbit app, 207–208
- through website, 208
- activity goals
- counting steps, 100–104
- monitoring today’s, 100–101
- viewing history, 102–104
- earning active minutes, 110–115
- metabolic equivalents, 110–112
- monitoring today’s active minutes, 113–114
- viewing history, 114–115
- earning activity badges, 122–123
- viewing on website, 123
- viewing with Fitbit app, 122–123
- hourly reminders, 104–110
- checking hourly steps, 105–106
- monitoring today’s hourly activity, 107–108
- setting up, 106–107
- viewing history, 108
- viewing stationary time, 108–110
- measuring distance, 115–119
- monitoring today’s distance, 118
- setting stride length, 116–117
- viewing active minutes history, 119
- overview, 97–98
- setting, 98–99
- tracking floors climbed, 119–121
- monitoring today’s floors climbed, 120–121
- viewing floors climbed history, 121
- adaptation, getting fit with, 11
- adults, recommendations for
- minutes of activity per week, 113
- sleep time, 130
- aerobic workouts, exercise auto-recognition for, 191
- aerobic zone. See cardio zone
- age, calculating cardio fitness score with, 189
- alarms, silent
- deactivating, 148
- deleting, 148
- dismissing, 147–148
- overview, 145–146
- setting on watches, 146–147
- setting on wristband trackers, 146
- snoozing, 147–148
- Alexa app, enabling Fitbit skill, 292
- algorithm, step-counting, 17–18
- altimeters, 20
- Amazon Alexa
- connecting Fitbit and, 292–293
- with watch trackers, 30
- anaerobic zone. See peak zone
- Android devices
- installing Fitbit app on, 43
- removing Fitbit devices from accounts on, 49
- Apple iPads. See iPads
- Apple iPhones. See iPhones
- Apple Mac computers. See Mac computers
- apps
- Amazon Alexa, 292–293
- arranging, 66–67
- exporting Fitbit data, 289–292
- installing, 66
- MyFitnessPal, 286–287
- Strava, 281–284
- uninstalling, 67
- Weather app, 294–295
- Weight Watchers, 284–286
- Window 10 Cortana, 293–294
- Aria 2 Scale
- configuring user settings, 169–170
- implanted medical devices and, 165
- inviting Fitbit friends to use, 170
- setting up, 166–168
- setting weight unit, 168–169
- weighing with, 174–176
- accuracy with, 174
- reassigning weigh-ins to other users, 175–176
- arm-swing, heart rate and, 22
- asleep sleep state, 126
- audio
- connecting to Wi-Fi, 295–296
- controlling, 298–299
- uploading playlists to, 296–298
- auto-recognition feature, configuring
- with Fitbit app, 191–192
- through website, 192–193
- awake sleep stage, 127
- awake sleep state, 126
- badges. See also specific badges
- earning, 122
- viewing on website, 123
- viewing with Fitbit app, 122–123
- barcodes, scanning food with, 224–226
- basal metabolic rate (BMR), 24
- battery power
- checking current, 256–257
- heart rate tracking and, 155
- overview, 38
- screen on during exercises, 199
- for trackers, 42
- troubleshooting, 256–259
- charging issues, 258–259
- short battery life, 257–258
- beats per minute (BPM)
- defined, 22
- factors affecting, 154
- as health indicator, 153
- bedtimes, consistent, 236
- bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), 165
- blocking Fitbit users
- with Fitbit app, 274–275
- through website, 275
- blood pressure, fat burn zone and, 157
- Bluetooth
- Bluetooth locator apps, 277
- Fitbit wireless sync dongle, 48
- headphones, 299
- setting up device with, 48
- speakers, 299
- troubleshooting, 256
- BMI (body mass index), 165–166
- BMR (basal metabolic rate), 24
- body composition metrics
- Aria 2 Scale, 166–170
- configuring user settings, 169–170
- inviting Fitbit friends to use, 170
- setting up, 166–168
- setting weight unit, 168–169
- weighing with, 174–176
- body fat percentage, 164–165, 171–173
- body mass index, 165–166
- lean mass, 166
- overview, 163
- tracking, 176–178
- with Fitbit app, 176–177
- through website, 178
- weight, 164, 170–173
- Weight log, 178–182
- deleting weigh-ins, 181–182
- editing manual weigh-ins, 180–181
- logging weigh-ins, 179–180
- body fat percentage
- as body composition measurement, 164–165
- setting goals for, 171–173
- body mass index (BMI), 165–166
- BPM. See beats per minute (BPM)
- breastfeeding, water intake while, 242
- buttons on Fitbit, 61–62
- calendar alerts, 63–64
- calories metric
- calorie deficit
- defined, 218
- tracking daily, 228–229
- calories burned, 23–24
- food log, 220–227
- accessing food log, 221
- deleting log, 227
- editing log, 226
- with Fitbit app, 221–223
- general discussion of, 24
- scanning food, 224–226
- through website, 223–224
- MyFitnessPal app and, 286
- voice cues and, 196
- cameras, scanning food with barcodes, 224–226
- cardio fitness score
- checking, 189–190
- general discussion of, 159
- improving, 190
- overview, 188–189
- VO2 max, 189
- cardio zone, 158–159
- cardiovascular stress test, 156
- challenges, 81–83
- accepting, 83
- inviting friends to, 82–83
- Challenges screen (Fitbit app), 51
- charging
- overview, 42–43
- troubleshooting, 258–259
- cheat sheet, for this book, 3
- cheering, 77–80
- with Fitbit app, 78
- receiving, 79–80
- through website, 78–79
- children
- creating accounts for, 86–88
- recommended minutes of activity per week, 113
- trackers for, 31, 37
- cholesterol, fat burn zone and, 157
- clickprints, 7
- clip-on activity trackers
- overview, 28–29
- wristband trackers versus, 30
- coffee, water intake and, 241
- comma separated values (CSV) files, 290
- Community page (Fitbit app), 51
- connecting Fitbit device, 47–49
- contacts, sending friend requests to, 72–73
- Cortana, 293–294
- cost of trackers, 37
- CSV (comma separated values) files, 290
- cues
- current heart rate metric, 151–152
- cycling, outdoor, 191
- daily activity goals
- motivation with, 11
- setting, 98–99, 186
- Dashboard
- configuring online, 52–53
- customizing, 51–52
- sharing with friends, 83–84
- Dashboard screen (Fitbit app), 51
- data
- accelerometers and, 17
- deleting from Fitbit, 277–279
- with Fitbit app, 277–278
- through website, 278–279
- exporting, 289–292
- activities as TCX files, 290
- all activities, 290–292
- overview, 289
- insights from, 10, 142
- quantitative assessment from, 8
- storing on self-trackers, 8
- deep sleep stage, defined, 127
- deleting
- account, 279–280
- data, 277–279
- with Fitbit app, 277–278
- through website, 278–279
- devices
- checking logged in devices, 268–271
- with Fitbit app, 269–270
- through website, 270–271
- choosing
- comparing features, 39–40
- required features, 37–38
- locating lost, 276–277
- locking for security, 275–276
- removing from accounts, 49
- restarting, 250–251
- types of, 27–31
- clip-on activity trackers, 28–29
- watch activity trackers, 30–31
- wristband activity trackers, 29–30
- Dick’s Sporting Goods app, 288
- diet
- daily food log for calories, 24
- recommended foods, 13
- regimens, 213
- digital exhaust, 7
- disabling, notifications, 64
- distance metric
- Fitbit Ionic, 19
- Fitbit Versa, 19
- general discussion of, 19–20
- monitoring today’s distance, 118
- overview, 115–116
- setting stride length, 116–117
- trackers measuring real-time, 38
- viewing active minutes history, 119
- voice cues and, 196
- Distance screen (Fitbit app), 119
- easy intensity activity
- activities included as, 112
- defined, 111
- electrocardiograms (EKGs), 154
- elliptical machine, exercise auto-recognition for, 191
- email, sending friend requests by
- with Fitbit app, 75–76
- through website, 76
- Endomondo app, 288
- erasing. See deleting
- exercise, defined, 186
- Exercise app
- configuring exercise settings, 198–199
- exercise shortcut mode, 193–195
- overview, 193
- setting up, 193–195
- tracking exercises with, 202–204
- tracking non-cardio workouts, 38
- exercise auto-recognition feature, configuring
- with Fitbit app, 191–192
- through website, 192–193
- exercise modes, configuring settings
- with Exercise app, 198–199
- with Fitbit app, 197–198
- exercise shortcut mode (Exercise app)
- overview, 193
- setting up
- with Fitbit app, 193–194
- through website, 194–195
- exercising
- configuring auto-recognition for, 191–193
- with Fitbit app, 191–192
- through website, 192–193
- cues, 195–197
- drinking water while, 241
- exercise shortcuts, 193–195
- with Fitbit app, 193–194
- through website, 194–195
- as healthy habit, 233–235
- interval workouts, 199–201
- with Fitbit app, 200–201
- through website, 201
- mode settings, 197–199
- with Exercise app, 198–199
- with Fitbit app, 197–198
- overview, 202
- planning sessions, 188
- positioning tracker during, 59
- SmartTrack and, 34
- tracking sessions, 202–206
- on Fitbit devices, 202–204
- hikes, 204–206
- MyFitnessPal app and, 286
- runs, 204–206
- walks, 204–206
- exporting Fitbit data, 289–292
- activities, as TCX files, 290
- all Fitbit activities, 290–292
- overview, 289
- external motivation, sharing goals as, 12
- Facebook, sending friend requests to
- with Fitbit app, 74
- through website, 75
- factory reset, 251–252
- family accounts
- accepting invitations, 86
- adding family guardian, 85
- creating, 84–85
- creating child account, 86–88
- inviting others to, 86
- family guardian, adding, 85
- fat burn zone, 157–158
- firmware
- troubleshooting, 253
- updating, 251
- Fitabase app, 288
- Fitbit
- accounts, 44–47
- checking logged in devices, 268–271
- customizing profile, 53–54
- deleting, 279–280
- deleting Fitbit data, 277–279
- locating lost Fitbit devices, 276–277
- passwords, 266–268
- privacy settings, 271–275
- removing device from, 49
- buttons on, 61–62
- charging, 42–43, 258–259
- choosing devices, 27–40
- comparing features, 39–40
- required features, 37–38
- types of, 27–31
- connecting, 47–49, 252–253
- goals with, 56–59
- adjusting, 58–59
- setting initial, 56–58
- navigating interface, 60–61
- notifications on, 62–64
- customizing, 63–64
- disabling, 64
- troubleshooting, 255–256
- setting wrist placement, 59–60
- socializing on
- challenging friends, 81–83
- cheering friends, 77–80
- family accounts, 84–88
- groups, 89–93
- messaging friends, 80–81
- posting messages to friends, 83–84
- receiving friend requests, 77
- sending friend requests, 72–84
- taunting friends, 77–80
- syncing, 64–65, 254–255
- trackers, overview of, 31–37
- Ace, 31–32
- Aria 2, 32–33
- Charge 3, 33–34
- Flex 2, 34
- Inspire, 34
- Inspire HR, 34–35
- Ionic, 35–36
- Versa, 36
- Zip, 36–37
- using apps on, 65–67
- arranging, 66–67
- installing, 66
- uninstalling, 67
- wireless networking, 260–261
- Fitbit Ace
- automatically waking screen, 60
- charging, 42
- overview, 31–32
- Fitbit Alta
- automatically waking screen, 60
- charging, 42
- sleep graphs, 127
- Fitbit Alta HR
- automatically waking screen, 60
- charging, 42
- positioning tracker, 59
- Fitbit app
- adjusting settings, 54–55
- Aria 2 Scale, setting up, 166–168
- cheering friends, 78–80
- configuring, 252–253
- Dashboard, 51–53
- configuring online, 52–53
- customizing, 51–52
- features, 51
- layout, 50
- messaging friends with, 80
- overview, 43–44
- setting stride length, 117
- syncing, troubleshooting, 254–255
- taunting friends, 77–80
- updating software, 251
- viewing badges on, 122–123
- Fitbit Aria 2 Scale
- charging, 42
- configuring user settings, 169–170
- inviting Fitbit friends to use, 170
- overview, 32–33
- setting up, 166–168
- setting weight unit, 168–169
- weighing with, 174–176
- accuracy with, 174
- reassigning weigh-ins to other users, 175–176
- Fitbit Charge 3
- automatically waking screen, 60
- charging, 42
- disabling notifications directly on, 64
- exercise shortcuts and, 193
- GPS, troubleshooting, 262
- overview, 33–34
- positioning tracker, 59
- using button on, 61
- Fitbit Connect
- on Apple Mac, 43–44
- on Windows PC, 43–44
- Fitbit Flex, original wristband, 29
- Fitbit Flex 2
- charging, 42
- detaching from wristband, 29
- monitoring steps on, 100
- overview, 34
- sleep graphs, 127
- Fitbit Inspire
- automatically waking screen, 60
- charging, 42
- disabling notifications directly on, 64
- overview, 34
- using button on, 61
- Fitbit Inspire HR
- automatically waking screen, 60
- charging, 42
- disabling notifications directly on, 64
- exercise shortcuts and, 193
- overview, 34–35
- positioning tracker, 59
- using button on, 61
- Fitbit Ionic
- automatically waking screen, 60
- charging, 42
- disabling notifications directly on, 64
- exercise shortcuts and, 193
- GPS on, 19, 263
- listening to audio on, 295–299
- connecting to Wi-Fi, 295–296
- controlling, 298–299
- uploading playlists to, 296–298
- logging water intake, 243
- overview, 35–36
- positioning tracker, 59
- using buttons on, 62
- Fitbit Pay
- overview, 275
- security settings with, 276
- Fitbit Surge, 30
- Fitbit Tracker, 28
- Fitbit Versa
- automatically waking screen, 60
- charging, 42
- disabling notifications directly on, 64
- exercise shortcuts and, 193
- GPS on, 19, 262
- listening to audio on, 295–299
- connecting to Wi-Fi, 295–296
- controlling, 298–299
- uploading playlists to, 296–298
- Lite Edition, 36
- logging water intake, 243
- overview, 36
- positioning tracker, 59
- using buttons on, 62
- Fitbit wireless sync dongle, 48
- Fitbit Zip
- charging, 42
- overview, 36–37
- Fitline app, 288
- fitness goals
- activities log, 206–211
- deleting exercises, 210–211
- editing exercises, 210
- logging exercises, 208–210
- viewing exercise history, 207–208
- cardio fitness score, 188–190
- checking, 189–190
- improving, 190
- VO2 max, 189
- setting, 185–188
- daily goals, 186
- exercise goals, 186–187
- tracking exercise, 190–201
- configuring exercise auto-recognition, 191–193
- cues, 195–197
- exercise shortcuts, 193–195
- interval workouts, 199–201
- mode settings, 197–199
- FitPoints, 284–286
- FitTap app, 288
- Fitwatchr app, 288
- floors climbed metric
- defined, 119–120
- METs and, 119
- monitoring today’s, 120–121
- overview, 20–21
- viewing history, 121
- Floors Climbed screen (Fitbit app), 121
- food
- logging, 220–227
- accessing food log, 221
- deleting log, 227
- editing log, 226
- with Fitbit app, 221–223
- scanning food, 224–226
- through website, 223–224
- MyFitnessPal app and, 286
- plans
- overview, 217–218
- setting up, 218–220
- tracking, 227–230
- reducing stress with, 245
- with water abundance, 241
- food database
- overview, 215–216
- specifying
- with Fitbit app, 216–217
- through website, 217
- food plans
- intensity of, 218
- overview, 217–218
- setting up
- with Fitbit app, 218–219
- through website, 219–220
- tracking, 227–230
- daily calorie deficit, 228–229
- overall weight loss, 229–230
- friends
- blocking, 274–275
- with Fitbit app, 274–275
- through website, 275
- challenging, 81–83
- accepting, 83
- inviting friends to, 82–83
- cheering, 77–80
- with Fitbit app, 78
- receiving, 79–80
- through website, 78–79
- family accounts, 84–88
- accepting invitation, 86
- adding family guardian, 85
- creating, 84–85
- creating child account, 86–88
- inviting others to, 86
- groups, 89–93
- creating, 90–91
- joining existing groups, 89
- posting messages to, 91–93
- responding to posts from, 91
- viewing posts from, 89
- messaging, 80–81
- with Fitbit app, 80
- replying, 81
- through website, 80–81
- viewing, 81
- posting messages to, 83–84
- receiving friend requests, 77
- removing, 274–275
- with Fitbit app, 274–275
- through website, 275
- sending friend requests, 72–84
- to contacts, 72–73
- by email, 75–76
- to Facebook friends, 74–75
- by using Fitbit usernames, 76–77
- taunting, 77–80
- with Fitbit app, 78
- receiving, 79–80
- through website, 78–79
- games, trackers offering, 38
- global positioning system. See GPS (global positioning system)
- goals
- activity goals, 97–123
- counting steps, 100–104
- earning active minutes, 110–115
- earning activity badges, 122–123
- hourly reminders, 104–110
- measuring distance, 115–119
- overview, 97–98
- setting, 98–99
- tracking floors climbed, 119–121
- adjusting, 58–59
- body fat percentage, setting, 170–173
- with Fitbit app, 171–173
- through website, 173
- fitness, 185–211
- activities log, 206–211
- cardio fitness score, 188–190
- frequency and duration, 234–235
- setting, 185–188
- tracking exercise, 190–201
- tracking exercise sessions, 202–206
- setting initial, 56–58
- water intake, 242–244
- calculating, 242
- logging, 243–244
- setting up, 242–243
- tracking, 244
- weight, setting, 170–173
- with Fitbit app, 171–173
- through website, 173
- weight loss, setting, 214–215
- with Fitbit app, 214–215
- maintaining ideal weight after, 235–236
- through website, 215
- Google, finding nutrition information using, 222
- GPS (global positioning system)
- auto-recognized exercises and, 191
- connecting to on smartphones, 19
- exporting GPS-tracked activities, 290
- troubleshooting, 261–263
- with watch trackers, 30, 38, 116
- groups
- creating, 90–91
- joining, 89
- posting messages to, 91–93
- responding to posts from, 91
- viewing posts from, 89
- Guidance screen (Fitbit app), 51
- Habit app, 288
- habits
- avoiding over-sitting, 232–233
- breaking bad, 13–14
- drinking water, 240–244
- encouraging good, 14–15
- exercising regularly, 233–235
- healthy, 231–245
- maintaining ideal weight, 235–236
- nudges and, 14
- reducing stress, 245
- setting up sleep schedules, 236–240
- sitting less, 232–233
- time to form, 14
- handedness, setting on Fitbit app, 59–60
- Happy hill badge, defined, 122
- headphones, 299
- Heart Health group, joining, 89
- heart rate metric
- accuracy of, 154–155
- factors affecting, 154
- improving, 154–155
- arm-swinging and, 22
- current, 151–152
- data, 35
- general discussion of, 22–23
- light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and, 22–23
- overview, 149–151
- PurePulse LEDs and, 22–23
- resting, 152–153
- sleep stages determined by, 127
- turning off tracking, 155
- zones, heart rate, 156–162
- cardio zone, 158–159
- determining maximum heart rate, 156–157
- fat burn zone, 157–158
- out of zone, 157
- overview, 157
- peak zone, 159–160
- setting up custom, 160–162
- heart rate monitors
- calculating cardio fitness score with, 189
- choosing tracker with, 37
- Inspire HR with, 34
- positioning tracker with, 59
- tracking sleep stages, 128
- heart rate reserve, defined, 157
- heart rate variability (HRV), 128
- heart rate zones
- cardio zone, 158–159
- custom, setting up, 160–162
- with Fitbit app, 161–162
- through website, 162
- determining maximum heart rate, 156–157
- fat burn zone, 157–158
- out of zone, 157
- overview, 157
- peak zone, 159–160
- Helicopter badge, defined, 122
- hikes, tracking, 204–206
- Hourly Activity screen (Fitbit app), overview, 109
- hourly reminders, 104–110
- checking hourly steps, 105–106
- monitoring today’s hourly activity, 107–108
- setting up, 106–107
- viewing history, 108
- viewing stationary time, 108–110
- HRV (heart rate variability), 128
- impedance, calculating body fat percentage with, 165
- implanted medical devices, body-fat measuring scales and, 165
- installing apps, 66
- interface, 60–61
- interval workouts
- overview, 199–200
- setting up, 199–201
- with Fitbit app, 200–201
- through website, 201
- iPads
- installing Fitbit app on, 43
- removing Fitbit devices from accounts on, 49
- iPhones
- installing Fitbit app on, 43
- removing Fitbit devices from accounts on, 49
- JavaScript object notation (JSON) files, 290
- kilograms, 164
- kilometers, 54–55
- lap cues, 195–196
- lean mass, 166
- Lean mode (Aria 2 Scale), 169
- LEDs (light-emitting diodes)
- heart rate and, 22–23
- PPGs with, 150
- LFconnect app, 288
- light sleep stage, 127
- light-emitting diodes. See LEDs (light-emitting diodes)
- locking Fitbit devices, 275–276
- London badge, 122
- Lose It! app, 288
- lurkers, in groups, 91
- Mac computers
- removing Fitbit devices from accounts on, 49
- uploading playlists to watches from, 297–298
- using Fitbit Connect on, 43–44
- main activity goals, 99
- MapMyRun app, 288
- Marathon badge, 122
- martial arts
- detecting heart rate during, 23
- trackers for, 38
- maximal aerobic capacity. See VO2 max
- maximal oxygen uptake. See VO2 max
- maximum heart rate, determining, 156–157
- measurement units, adjusting, 54–55
- messaging
- with Fitbit app, 80
- replying, 81
- through website, 80–81
- viewing, 81
- MET (metabolic equivalent of task)
- improving cardio fitness score with higher, 190
- overview, 110–112
- metabolic rate, defined, 111
- metrics
- adjusting measurement units, 54–55
- on Dashboard, 51
- fitness tracking, 17–25
- active minutes, 21–22
- calories burned, 23–24
- distance covered, 19–20
- floors climbed, 20–21
- heart rate, 22–23
- sleep time, 25
- steps taken, 17–18
- miles, setting measurement units to, 54–55
- MINDBODY app, 288
- moderate intensity activity
- activities included as, 112
- defined, 111
- motivation, 10–11
- move periods, 200
- music
- pairing bluetooth headphones or speakers, 299
- trackers accessing, 38
- uploading to watches, 296–298
- from Mac, 297–298
- from Windows 10 PC, 296–297
- MyFitnessPal, 286–287
- MyNetDiary app, 288
- near-field communication (NFC) chips, 275
- notifications
- customizing, 63–64
- disabling, 64
- firmware update available, 251
- low battery power, 257
- troubleshooting, 255–256
- turning off for sleeping, 132–133
- Nudge Health Tracking app, 288
- Olympian sandals badge, 122
- 100-pound weight loss badge, 122
- online resources
- cheat sheet for this book, 3
- checking Fitbit login credentials, 269
- connecting Strava to Fitbit, 283–284
- Dick’s Sporting Goods app, 288
- Endomondo app, 288
- Fitabase app, 288
- Fitbit wireless sync dongle, 48
- Fitline app, 288
- FitTap app, 288
- Fitwatchr app, 288
- Habit app, 288
- installing Fitbit Connect, 44
- LFconnect app, 288
- list of badges, 122
- Lose It! app, 288
- MapMyRun app, 288
- MINDBODY app, 288
- MyNetDiary app, 288
- Nudge Health Tracking app, 288
- Peloton app, 288
- removing Fitbit devices from accounts online, 49
- RunKeeper app, 288
- Running for Weight Loss app, 288
- sleep data journal article, 142
- SparkPeople app, 288
- Stridekick app, 288
- Tactio Health app, 288
- Thermos Hydration Bottle with Smart Lid app, 288
- Trainerize app, 288
- TrainingPeaks app, 288
- Trendweight app, 289
- VirZOOM app, 289
- Walgreens Balance Rewards app, 289
- Walkadoo app, 289
- Waterlogged app, 289
- Weight Watchers, 285–286
- Wokamon app, 289
- optical heart rate monitors, 151
- out of zone, 157
- outdoor cycling, exercise auto-recognition for, 191
- oxygen, measuring during exercise, 189
- pace, 38
- pacemakers, body-fat measuring scales and, 165
- pairing devices to app, 48
- passwords, account
- changing, 266–268
- with Fitbit app, 266
- through website, 267
- peak zone, 159–160
- pedometers, 17
- Peloton app, 288
- phone calls, customizing notifications, 63–64
- photoplethysmography (PPG), 150
- “Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans” (HHS), 233–234
- playlists, uploading to watches, 296–298
- from Mac, 297–298
- from Windows 10 PC, 296–297
- podcasts
- pairing bluetooth headphones or speakers, 299
- trackers accessing, 38
- uploading to watches, 296–298
- from Mac, 297–298
- from Windows 10 PC, 296–297
- Pole to Pole badge, 122
- pounds, weighing in, 164
- PPG (photoplethysmography), 150
- price of trackers, 37
- privacy
- account password, 266–268
- changing, 266–267
- creating strong, 268
- blocking Fitbit users, 274–275
- with Fitbit app, 274–275
- through website, 275
- checking logged in devices, 268–271
- with Fitbit app, 269–270
- through website, 270–271
- customizing settings, 271–272
- with Fitbit app, 271–272
- through website, 272
- deleting Fitbit account, 279–280
- deleting Fitbit data, 277–279
- with Fitbit app, 277–278
- through website, 278–279
- locating lost Fitbit devices, 276–277
- locking Fitbit devices, 275–276
- removing Fitbit users, 274–275
- with Fitbit app, 274–275
- through website, 275
- scammers, 273
- sharing categories, 271
- profiles, customizing, 53–54
- progress display
- with Flex 2, 34
- LEDs for, 30
- pulse oximeters, 150–151
- PurePulse LEDs, heart rate and, 22–23
- quantitative assessment, 8
- Quick View feature, 258
- rapid eye movement (REM) sleep stage, 127
- Redwood Forest badge, 122
- Relax app, 245
- REM (rapid eye movement) sleep stage, 127
- reminders
- bedtime, 240
- hourly
- avoiding over-sitting with, 232
- checking hourly steps, 105–106
- monitoring today’s hourly activity, 107–108
- overview, 104–105
- setting up, 106–107
- viewing history, 108
- viewing stationary time, 108–110
- removing Fitbit users
- with Fitbit app, 274–275
- through website, 275
- rest periods, 200
- restarting device, 250–251
- resting heart rate metric
- calculating cardio fitness score with, 189
- overview, 152–153
- restless sleep state, 126
- RunKeeper app, 288
- running
- exercise auto-recognition for, 191
- tracking, 204–206
- Running for Weight Loss app, 288
- Running group, joining, 89
- Satellite badge, defined, 122
- scales, weighing
- Aria 2 Scale, 166–170
- configuring user settings, 169–170
- inviting Fitbit friends to use, 170
- setting up, 166–168
- setting weight unit, 168–169
- weighing with, 174–176
- scammers, 273
- scanning food, 224–226
- Screen Wake feature, controlling, 60
- screens, automatically waking, 60
- security
- account password, 266–268
- changing, 266–267
- creating strong, 268
- blocking Fitbit users, 274–275
- with Fitbit app, 274–275
- through website, 275
- checking logged in devices, 268–271
- with Fitbit app, 269–270
- through website, 270–271
- customizing settings, 271–272
- with Fitbit app, 271–272
- through website, 272
- deleting Fitbit account, 279–280
- deleting Fitbit data, 277–279
- with Fitbit app, 277–278
- through website, 278–279
- erasing Fitbit data, 279
- locating lost Fitbit devices, 276–277
- locking Fitbit devices, 275–276
- removing Fitbit users, 274–275
- with Fitbit app, 274–275
- through website, 275
- self-trackers, 8
- seniors, recommendations for
- minutes of activity per week, 113
- sleep time, 130
- showerproof, 32
- silent alarms
- deactivating, 148
- deleting, 148
- dismissing, 147–148
- overview, 145–146
- setting, 146–147
- snoozing, 147–148
- sitting
- avoiding over-sitting, 232–233
- hourly reminders and, 104
- Skydiver badge, 122
- Skyscraper badge, 122
- sleep cycles, 127
- sleep efficiency score, 129
- sleep graphs, 127
- sleep insights, 130
- sleep patterns
- calculating, 126–129
- sleep efficiency, 129
- sleep quality, 128–129
- sleep stages, 127–128
- sleep states, 126–127
- time asleep, 128
- overview, 125–126
- setting options, 129–133
- sleep sensitivity, 132
- time asleep goal, 129–131
- turning off notifications, 132–133
- silent alarms, 145–148
- deactivating, 148
- deleting, 148
- dismissing, 147–148
- overview, 145–146
- setting on watches, 146–147
- setting on wristband trackers, 146
- snoozing, 147–148
- sleep log, 142–145
- deleting, 144–145
- editing, 144
- logging sleep, 143
- sleep schedule, 135–136
- sleep stages, 136–142
- comparing totals with 30-day average, 140–141
- comparing totals with peers, 141–142
- in Fitbit app, 137–139
- on Fitbit watch, 140
- through website, 139
- tracking time asleep, 133–135
- sleep quality
- calculating, 128–129
- defined, 126
- sleep schedule metric
- overview, 236
- reducing stress with, 245
- setting up, 236–240
- average time in bed options, 236–237
- silent alarms, 239
- sleep time metric
- healthy amount, 13
- overview, 25
- smart scales, 32
- smart watches (super watches), 30
- smartphones
- connecting to GPS on, 19
- receiving notifications on, 62–64
- customizing, 63–64
- disabling, 64
- troubleshooting, 255–256
- SmartTrack, 34
- Sneakers badge, 122
- snoozing silent alarms, 147–148
- socializing
- blocking Fitbit users, 274–275
- with Fitbit app, 274–275
- through website, 275
- challenging friends, 81–83
- accepting, 83
- inviting friends to, 82–83
- cheering friends, 77–80
- with Fitbit app, 78
- receiving, 79–80
- through website, 78–79
- family accounts, 84–88
- accepting invitation, 86
- adding family guardian, 85
- creating, 84–85
- creating child account, 86–88
- inviting others to, 86
- friend requests
- receiving, 77
- sending, 72–77
- groups, 89–93
- creating, 90–91
- joining existing groups, 89
- posting messages to, 91–93
- responding to posts from, 91
- viewing posts from, 89
- messaging friends, 80–81
- with Fitbit app, 80
- replying, 81
- through website, 80–81
- viewing, 81
- posting messages to friends, 83–84
- removing Fitbit users, 274–275
- with Fitbit app, 274–275
- through website, 275
- with Strava, 281–284
- taunting friends, 77–80
- with Fitbit app, 78
- receiving, 79–80
- through website, 78–79
- software, updating, 251
- SparkPeople app, 288
- speakers, connecting Fitbit to, 299
- stationary time
- finding patterns of, 108, 232
- preventing with hourly activity, 104
- viewing, 108–110
- steps metric
- cheating, 18
- counting, 100–104
- monitoring today’s, 100–101
- viewing history, 102–104
- hourly reminders, 104–110
- checking hourly steps, 105–106
- monitoring today’s hourly activity, 107–108
- setting up, 106–107
- viewing history, 108
- viewing stationary time, 108–110
- overview, 17–18
- step-counting algorithm, 17–18
- stone, weighing in, 164
- storage, on Ionic watch, 35
- Strava, connecting Fitbit with
- online, 283–284
- with Strava app, 282–283
- Strength Training group, 89
- stress, reducing, 245
- stride length
- Stridekick app, 288
- super watches, 30
- swimming
- exercise auto-recognition for, 191
- waterproof trackers for, 38
- syncing
- device and app, 64–65
- locating lost Fitbit devices with, 276–277
- time changes and, 259
- troubleshooting, 254–255
- Tactio Health app, 288
- taunting
- with Fitbit app, 78
- overview, 77
- receiving, 79–80
- through website, 78–79
- TCX (Training Center XML) files, 290
- tea, water intake and, 241
- teenagers, sleep time recommended for, 130
- 10-pound weight loss badge, defined, 122
- 10,000 steps, general discussion of, 102
- text messages, 63–64
- Thermos Hydration Bottle with Smart Lid app, 288
- threshold zone. See peak zone
- tiles
- customizing, 52
- defined, 51
- time asleep metric
- defined, 128
- setting goal, 129–131
- with Fitbit app, 130
- through website, 130–131
- time awake metric
- adjusting sleep sensitivity, 132
- defined, 129
- time display, troubleshooting, 259–260
- time zones
- setting, 54–55
- time display troubleshooting, 259–260
- Timer app, 245
- timers, with Charge 3 trackers, 34
- trackers, 31–37. See also specific trackers
- for children, 31
- clip-on activity, 28–29
- watch activity, 30–31
- wristband activity, 29–30
- tracking
- active minutes, 110–115
- metabolic equivalents, 110–112
- monitoring today’s, 113–114
- viewing history, 114–115
- body composition, 176–178
- with Fitbit app, 176–177
- through website, 178
- distance, 115–119
- monitoring today’s, 118
- setting stride length, 116–117
- viewing active minutes history, 119
- earning badges, 122–123
- viewing on website, 123
- viewing with Fitbit app, 122–123
- exercise, 190–201
- configuring auto-recognition for, 191–193
- cues, 195–197
- exercise shortcuts, 193–195
- on Fitbit devices, 202–204
- floors climbed, 119–121
- hikes, 204–206
- interval workouts, 199–201
- mode settings, 197–199
- runs, 204–206
- walks, 204–206
- food plans, 227–230
- daily calorie deficit, 228–229
- with food databases, 215–216
- overall weight loss, 229–230
- heart rate, 149–162
- accuracy of, 154–155
- current, 151–152
- overview, 149–151
- resting, 152–153
- turning off tracking, 155
- zones, 156–162
- metrics
- calories burned, 23–24
- distance covered, 19–20
- floors climbed, 20–21
- heart rate, 22–23
- sleep time, 25
- steps taken, 17–18
- overview, 7
- reasons for, 8–15
- areas for improving, 12–13
- breaking bad habits, 13–14
- challenging others, 12
- challenging self, 11
- data insights, 10
- encouraging good habits, 14–15
- monitoring progress, 9–10
- motivation, 10–11
- performing experiments, 13
- self-examination, 15
- reminders for, 104–110
- checking hourly steps, 105–106
- monitoring today’s hourly activity, 107–108
- setting up hourly reminders to move, 106–107
- viewing history, 108
- viewing stationary time, 108–110
- self-tracking, 8
- setting activity goals, 98–99
- sleep patterns, 125–148
- calculating, 126–129
- overview, 125–126
- reviewing sleep stages, 136–142
- setting options, 129–133
- silent alarms, 145–148
- sleep log, 142–145
- sleep schedule, 135–136
- time asleep, 133–135
- steps, 100–104
- monitoring today’s, 100–101
- viewing history, 102–104
- Trainerize app, 288
- Training Center XML (TCX) files, 290
- TrainingPeaks app, 288
- Trendweight app, 289
- troubleshooting
- battery power, 256–259
- charging issues, 258–259
- checking current, 256–257
- short, 257–258
- configuration, 252–253
- device submerged in water, 263
- factory reset, 251–252
- GPS signal, 261–263
- notifications, 255–256
- restarting device, 250–251
- syncing, 254–255
- time display, 259–260
- updating software, 251, 253
- wireless networking, 260–261
- uninstalling apps, 67
- updating software
- overview, 251
- troubleshooting, 253
- Urban boots badge, 122
- USB cables
- charging with, 42
- restarting devices with, 250–251
- username
- adding to account, 70–71
- sending friend requests to, 76–77
- setting as display name, 71
- vibrations
- for hourly reminders, 104
- silent alarms as, 146
- vigorous intensity activity
- activities included as, 112
- defined, 111
- VirZOOM app, 289
- VO2 max
- defined, 189
- general discussion of, 159
- interval workouts and, 199
- raising, 190
- voice cues
- configuring, 196–197
- overview, 196
- wake-up times, consistent, 236
- Walgreens Balance Rewards app, 289
- Walkadoo app, 289
- walking
- exercise auto-recognition for, 191
- tracking, 204–206
- Walking group, 89
- watch activity trackers
- listening to audio on, 295–299
- connecting to Wi-Fi, 295–296
- controlling, 298–299
- uploading playlists to, 296–298
- overview, 30–31
- silent alarms on, 146–147
- water
- calculating goal, 242
- drinking as healthy habit, 240–242
- intake, 243–244
- logging, 243–244
- tracking, 244
- setting up goal, 242–243
- with Fitbit app, 242
- through website, 243
- Waterlogged app, 289
- waterproof devices, 32, 34, 263
- water-resistant devices, 32
- Weather app, 294–295
- Weekend Warrior challenge, 81
- weighing scales, defined, 32
- weigh-ins
- with Aria 2 Scale
- accuracy with, 174
- configuring user settings, 169–170
- inviting Fitbit friends to use, 170
- reassigning weigh-ins to other users, 175–176
- setting up, 166–168
- setting weight unit, 168–169
- deleting, 181–182
- with Fitbit app, 181–182
- through website, 182
- editing manual, 180–181
- with Fitbit app, 180–181
- through website, 181
- logging, 179–180
- with Fitbit app, 179
- through website, 180
- weight
- as body composition measurement, 164
- calculating cardio fitness score with, 189
- ideal, maintaining, 235–236
- setting goals for, 170–173
- Weight goal met badge, 122
- Weight log
- deleting weigh-ins, 181–182
- with Fitbit app, 181–182
- through website, 182
- editing manual weigh-ins, 180–181
- with Fitbit app, 180–181
- through website, 181
- logging weigh-ins, 179–180
- with Fitbit app, 179
- through website, 180
- weight loss
- calories and, 13
- drinking water and, 240
- food plans, 217–220
- with Fitbit app, 218–219
- through website, 219–220
- tracking, 227–230
- logging food, 220–227
- accessing food log, 221
- deleting log, 227
- editing log, 226
- with Fitbit app, 221–223
- scanning food, 224–226
- through website, 223–224
- overview, 213–214
- setting goal, 214–215
- with Fitbit app, 214–215
- through website, 215
- specifying food database, 215–217
- with Fitbit app, 216–217
- through website, 217
- weight sessions
- detecting heart rate during, 23
- trackers for, 38
- Weight Watchers, connecting Fitbit and
- online, 285–286
- with Weight Watchers app, 284–285
- Window 10 Cortana, connecting Fitbit and, 293–294
- Windows PCs
- installing Fitbit app on, 43
- uploading playlists to watches from, 296–297
- using Fitbit Connect on, 43–44
- wireless networking, troubleshooting, 260–261
- Wokamon app, 289
- workouts. See also exercising
- aerobic, 191
- interval
- overview, 199–200
- setting up, 199–201
- trackers for non-cardio, 38
- Workweek Hustle challenge, 81
- wrist placement, setting, 59–60
- wristband activity trackers
- overview, 29–30
- silent alarms on, 146
- wristbands
- child-size, 31
- placement for accurate heart rate reading, 154–155