Abrams, Creighton, 201n.14
Achille Lauro, 161
Air Force, 46
co-signer of Joint Chiefs letter to Alan Simpson, 160
excellent New GI Bill “Test” sign-up rate, 114
not a recruiting problem like the Army, 86–87
recruiting best men and women for Air Force duty, 142
recruiting interest through educational incentive, 47
unwilling to pay for New GI Bill through their budget, 143
Air Force Sergeants Association, 49, 79
All-Volunteer Force, Nixon announcement, 44
alternative to conscription, 122, 137
contributor to world leadership, 180
“cornerstone,” 161
educational incentives for, 69
Gates Commission, 65
link with a GI Bill program, 126
Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB) as contributor to success of, 163
Moskos testimony on, 51
“new day,” 157
recruiting for, 138
representative of society, 66
Westmoreland on transition to, 44
All-Volunteer Military, 42
Allen, Lew, Jr., 47
Allen, Thomas, B., 193n.4
Amendment 3179, 71, 72, 95, 97
Amendment 3180, 72
American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, 172
American Association of Community and Junior Colleges, 121, 136
American Association of State Colleges and Universities, 49, 125, 166
American Battle Monuments Commission, 197n.45
American Council on Education, 20, 45
American Federation of Teachers, 27
American Legion (The), 20, 49, 196n.42
American Soldier, as 2003 Time Person of the Year, 164
AmeriCorps, 118
AMVETS, 215n.5
Armed Forces Qualification Test, 155
Armstrong, Bill, 51
advocate for proposed Peacetime Veterans Educational Assistance Act, 62
amendment to 1984 Glenn amendment (Citizen-Soldier GI Bill), 63
“between a rock and a hard place,” 78
comment on Tower amendment, 72
decline in 18-year-old population, 79
“greater than the threat of a mighty Army,” 80
hearings on Armstrong proposal, 69
informal team of senators, 203n.84
introduction of S. 691, 55
member of Budget Committee, 92
Montgomery description of Armstrong amendment, 70
Montgomery leadership, 217n.8
need for floor amendment, 94
new amendment, 95
non-contributory GI bill not a precedent, 87
not “cut and pasted,” 93
opposition to Glenn amendment, 72, 74
opposition to tabling motion, 96
plaudits from Senator Nunn, 106
prevailing with other senators on second vote, 76
second amendment to the Glenn amendment, 77
Senate passage of S. 12, 143–144
Senate passage, difficulty of, 144, 153
support and opposition, 88
support and opposition to the Armstrong amendment, 83
tabling of Armstrong amendment, 90
terminating GI Bill in 1976, 78, 89
vote for Tower amendment, 73
yield to Glenn during floor debate, 86
Armstrong amendment, 77, 80, 84, 91
Army, 46
co-signer of letter to Senator Simpson, 160
distinguished service of Allan Ostar in, 125
education as reason for enlisting, 115
failure to meet recruiting objective, 67
Maude, Lt. General Timothy testimony, 163
most significant recruiting problem, 86
occupational specialties subject to civilian licensure, 174
recruiting benefits of education incentive, 121, 128
recruiting needs, 47
recruits in lowest mental category, 155
sign-up rate for New GI Bill “test,” 112
supplemental benefits to education incentive, 147
“Total Army” and Selected Reserve, 85
willingness to pay for New GI Bill, 143
Air Defense Artillery Center, 115
Army/Air Force Qualification Tests, 78
Army National Guard, 58
Army Research Institute, 67
Army Reserve, 58
Association of Small Business Development Centers, 175
Association of the U.S.Army, 173
Aspin, Les, 54
Au Coin, Les, 52
Bailey, Bob, 190
Baker, Howard, 64, 91, 92, 93, 98, 148
Ball, Will, 148
Barrow, Bob, 48
Base Closure and Realignment Commission (BRAC), 2005, 162
Baucus, Max, 80
“Be All You Can Be,” 50
Bennett, Michael, 18
first predominantly middle-class nation, 21
investment value of World War II GI Bill, 32
postwar motivation of fear, 26, 29
quoting Clark Kerr, 195n.23
timing of congress creating World War II GI Bill, 196n.42
unintended consequences of writing laws, 23–24
veterans as asset to higher education, 197n.55
when mills of war stop grinding, 32
Beschloss, Michael, 196n.38
Blood, hair and eye balls metaphor, 141, 153
Bognovitz, Cathy, 209n.61
Bonoir, David, 59
Boozman, John, 223n.6
Borchardt, Selma, 21, 27, 196n.31
Boschwitz, Rudy, 55, 69, 80, 83, 89
Brokaw, Tom, 118
Brown, Corrine, 215n.17
Brown, Henry, Jr., 165, 180, 194n.12, 222n.32
Brown, Jesse, 159–160, 219n.13
Budahn, P.J., 116
third vote, 94
fourth vote, 95
fifth vote, 96
sixth vote, 97
Budget Committee, 160
Budget Reconciliation, 160
Buehlmann, Beth, 180
Bureau of Labor Statistics, 115
Bush, George H.W., 40
chairing Senate debate on FY 1985 DoD Authorization Act as Vice President, 94–96
hand-typed congratulatory note to Mr. Montgomery, 149, 153
humor and friendship with Montgomery, 192n.6
letter from Montgomery on Bush leadership, 218n.28
Montgomery GI Bill as practical and cost effective, 156
Montgomery service with, 13
recommending Montgomery GI Bill signing ceremony, as Vice President, 148–149
Bush, George W., 40
federal job training programs, 186
presenting 2005 Presidential Medals of Freedom, 188
Principi, Anthony, as Secretary of Veterans Affairs and chairman of BRAC, 162
proposing “transferablity” provision, 167
signing Iraq Supplemental Appropriations Act, 167
signing Veterans Education and Benefits Expansion Act of 2001 into law, 154, 164
skills gap, 185
Byron, Beverly, 133
Calloway, Bo, 50
Cambridge, England, U.S. Cemetery, 23
Campbell, Anne, 188
Capitol Police, 118
Carlson, Dudley, 124
Carter, Jimmy, 31
Catholic University, 28
Cheney, Richard, 150
Chiles, Lawton, 92
Christiansen, Gail, 216n.27
Chronicle of Higher Education, 114
Ciccolella, Charles, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187
Citizen-Soldier GI Bill, 62
Cohen, et. al, opposition to, 81
components of, 66
debate on amendments, 62–99
Glenn, John, as American icon, 135
introduced as Glenn Senate floor amendment, 65
subject to annual appropriation, 90
Cleland, Max 167
Clinton, Bill, 40
earning and learning relationship, 225n.61
signing AmeriCorps into law, 118
World War II GI Bill 50th anniversary, 159, 160, 168
Cochran, Jill, 46
appreciation from Alan Cranston, 148–149, 209n.63
Chairman’s briefing paper on recruiting incentives, 121
committee memorandum to chief counsel, 215n.3
committee team member, 131
informal discussions with service branches, 47, 49
quoting Charles Moskos, 129
summary of SASC subcommittee hearing, 131
Cocklin, Robert, 173
Cohen, Bill, 12
absence of hearings, 97
acknowledged by Montgomery, 104
acknowledging NCOA and NASAA, 51
advocate for proposed Peacetime Veterans’ Educational Assistance Act, 62
“altar of budget committee sanctity,” 93
Cohen Group, The, 15
difficulty of S. 12 passage, 145, 153
efforts with Alan Cranston, 69–70
floor debate with John Tower, 85
floor statement on S.12, 144
history of student financial aid, 179
Kennedy, Edward support, 88
legislative “razzle dazzle,” 93, 98
Montgomery’s rural roots, 17
Montgomery’s leadership, 192n.1
Nunn, Sam acknowledgment, 106
opposition to Glenn amendment, 66, 72
quoted as Secretary of Defense, 161
recruits as high school graduates, 44
role in impeachment of Richard Nixon, 14
ships or personnel, 82
Simpson, Alan, opposition, 68
Simpson, Alan and Nunn, Sam opposition to, 86–87
“some accommodating amnesia”, 67, 74
summarizing Sonny Montgomery public-service career, 13–14
supporting Armstrong amendment, 76, 80, 81
testifying on S. 2020, 42
ultimately voting for Glenn amendment, 73
U. S. congressman, Senator, Secretary of Defense, 14
Vietnam-era GI Bill as recruiting tool, 202n.50, 202n.51
working with Bill Armstrong, 55
working with Sonny Montgomery, 118
31-year career in public leadership, 14–15
1979 permanent GI Bill legislation, 14
Coleman, Thomas, 134
Colton, Eric, 219n.5
Commission of National Education Associations, 27
Community Colleges, 184
Conant, James, 27, 32, 195n.23
Congressional Budget Act of 1974, 160
Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974, 93
Congressional Budget Office, 59
cost estimate on Armstrong amendment, 68, 82, 83
estimates on P.L. 107–103, 164
one, five, and ten-year cost estimates, 158
Singer, Neil testimony for, 132
Congressional Commission on Servicemembers and Veterans Transition Assistance, 162
Congressional Record, 63, 64, 65, 70, 77, 91
Cox, Chapman B., 136, 140, 146, 147, 213n.22
Cranston, Alan, 42
annual budget resolution impact, 92
floor statement on S. 12 89–0 passage, 142
hearings regarding Glenn amendment, 69
“initiative breeds opportunity,” 170
introduction of S. 8 and S. 1747, 55
introduction of S. 12, 120, 122, 129
introduction of S. 417, 52
introduction of S. 3263, 51
legislative advocate with Armstrong, et. al., 62, 66, 68, 72, 80, 84, 86, 87, 88, 144
Montgomery not treated properly in conference, 107, 111
Montgomery tribute to, 201n.27
opposition to Glenn amendment, 75
S. 12 passage news release, 137
S. 12 reported bill, 127, 179, 180, 189
skepticism regarding to H.R. 5167 conference report, 105
tribute to Ms. Jill Cochran, 149
working with NASAA/OJT, 118
write laws for tomorrow, 189
15-page amendment by Glenn, 70
Crawford, Robert C., 181
Crowe, Adell, 114
D’Amato, Al, 55
Daily Digest, 63
Daniels, Dan, 102
Daniels, Sid, 165
Darman, Richard, 158
Daschle, Tom, 145
DeCamara, Robert C., 113
Defense, Secretary of, 78
Deficits, 68
Delgado, Hector, 29
Dellums, Ronald, 104, 111, 207n.7, 208n.33
Democratic Whip, 123
Department of Defense (DoD), 49
annual spending authorization, 59
attrition in service branch ranks, 53
budget responsibility, 85
funding of basic benefit, 79
funding mechanism for New GI Bill, 125, 131
FY 1985 Authorization Act for, 64
review of enrolled bill, 148
varied New GI Bill policy positions, 54
words “New GI Bill,” 113
Department of Defense Authorization Act, 62–111
Department of Veterans Affairs, 159, 172
DesLauriers, Faith, 171
Dickson, Paul, 193n.4
Disabled American Veterans, 108, 195n.27, 215n.5
Domenici, Pete, 92, 93, 98, 204n.88
Domestic economy, 183
Douglas, Drew, 214n.41
Dowdy, Wayne, 133
Durenberger, David, 80
Dykstra, Jim, 206n.11
“Economic rent,” 135, 139, 152
Economic Report of the President, 2006, 184, 224n.34, 224n.41, 225n.62
Economic Report of the President, 2007, 183, 224n.37, 224n.38, 224n.46
Economic Report of the President, 2008, 183, 224n.36
Edgar, Bob, 52
about, 215n.5
drawing power of GI Bill, 53, 55
floor statement on H. R. 5167, 58
Fuller, Richard, subcommittee staff director, 131
hearings on H. R. 1400, 57, 204n.2
Montgomery tribute to, 203n.63
Eighth Army Air Corps Museum, 19
Elected officials as stewards of the public trust, 183
Ellis, Elmer, 28
Elmendorf, Ed, 166
Elton, Bob, 50, 115, 124, 217n.43
Elvin, Patricia, 219n.5
Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States, 173
Evans, Daniel, 80
Evans, Hugh, 209n.48
Evans, Lane, 80
committee amendment to name New GI Bill after Montgomery, 128
floor statement on passage of H. R. 1085, 133
information from Timothy Maude testimony, 215n.17
making enhancements to Montgomery GI Bill, 164
original cosponsor of Public Law 106–50, 222n.47
original cosponsor of Veterans Education and Benefits Expansion Act of 2001, 216n.22
original cosponsor of Veterans Earn and Learn Act, 222n.32
Fiscal Year 1985 DoD Authorization Act, 71
cited as Public Law 98–525, 107
conference committee, 103–105
Glenn Citizen-Soldier GI Bill amendment, 65
Glenn reference to “economic rent,” 152
House debate, 101
Senate debate, 101
Fiscal Year 2002 Budget Resolution, 154
Flander, Murray, 137
Fleet Reserve Association, 79, 102
Fleming, Mack, 38
afterword, 190
committee team head, 131
conference agreement recollection, 104–105
Cranston acknowledgment, 209n.63
Darman legislative cost inquiry, 158–159
Dellums exhorting victory, 104
informal discussions with service branches, 46–47, 49
Montgomery tribute to, 207n.2
quoted by Michael Malbin, 39
seeking conferees from Speaker, 102, 208n.21
For Service to Your Country, 167
Ford, Wendell, 80
Forsyth, George, 50
Franklin, Dan, 216n.27
Fredland, J. Eric, 219n.20
Fuller, Richard, 46, 47, 52, 131, 215n.5
Gaddis, Evan, 182
General Accounting Office, 53, 115
General Motors, 181
George Washington University, 27
Gergen, David, 225n.68
GI Bill, 179
contributor to economic competitiveness, 180
powerful image of, 113
without a GI, 121
Gibbs, Nancy, 163
Gibson, John S., 21–22
Gilroy, Curtis, 219n.20
Glasgow, Charles, 213n.10
Gleazer, Edmund, Jr., 197n.46
Glenn, John, 62
about, 216n.34
amendment subject to annual appropriation, 90
cost-effectiveness of amendment, 83
Cranston questions of amendment workability, 69
efforts to table amendment, 76
exchange with Armstrong, 95
first vote on amendment, 71–73
military as spectrum of society, 72, 74
military personnel turnover, 146
Montgomery appreciation for, 152
premise for his amendment, 67, 74
recruitment as Army problem, 86
subcommittee chairman, 131–132, 142–143
summary of Glenn amendments and single motion, 65, 66
$200 billion a year deficits, 68
$775 million per year in Armstrong New GI Bill costs, 83, 89
Gordon, Robert, 211n.34
Graham, Bob, 164
Graves, Mike, 216n.27
Gray, Bill, 134
Great Depression, The, 78
Greenberg, Milton, 19
about, 193n.5
drafting of World War II GI Bill, 193n.9
observations that comport with, 197n.52
opposition to World War II GI Bill, 21
redefinition of university student, 30
Roosevelt admonition, 194n.10
veterans as leaders at NASA, 23
veterans employed in science and technology, 25
Gunderson, Steve, 186
H. R. 752, 108
H. R. 1085, 120
enrolled bill and VA comment on, 148
making New GI Bill permanent, 136
McCain reference to, 144
new purpose clauses in, 171
resolving differences between S. 12 and, 147
Veterans’Affairs and Armed Services Committees’ markups, 128
174 cosponsors, 123
H. R. 1400, 42
Armstrong amendment conceptually similar to, 76
compromise in House-Senate negotiations, 100
concerns of groups in shaping, 49
cost offsets for, 54
education provisions in H. R. 5167 derived from, 58
historical information on, 45–46
House approves May 31, 1984, 56
introduced with five cosponsors, 120
joint referral to Veterans’Affairs and Armed Services Committees, 103
merits of as expressed in House Armed Services Committee, 54
Nichols’ view, 54
original cosponsors, 52
provisions of included in the enactment of the Post 9–11 GI Bill, 154, 167
reintroduced as H. R. 1085, 123
reintroduction of, February 20, 1983, 54
transferability of benefit, 53
20 hearings to achieve 1984 enactment, 57
H. R. 5167, 56, 57, 58, 101, 103, 105
Hammerschmidt, John, Paul, 52, 133, 188, 216n.20
Hamre, John, 209n.61
Harader, William, 200n.19, 212n.7
Hart, Gary, 55, 69, 80, 117, 162
Hartke, Vance, 213n.7
Hartnett, Thomas, 52
Harvard University, 27–28
Hawkins, Paula, 55
Hayward, T.S., 47
Hayworth, J.D., 162, 165, 215n.17
Healy, Ray, 223n.24
Heath, Karen, 105
Hoehn, Bill, 209n.61
Hollings, Fritz, 55
bill to revive the draft, 117
co-sponsor and supporter of Armstrong amendment, 80
demonstration of will power, 83, 89
early supporter of Senator Armstrong, 66, 68, 76, 144
early supporter of Senator Cranston, 69
floor statement in support of Armstrong amendment, 83, 86, 89
Kennedy, Edward, acknowledgment, 88
“Hollow Army,” 144
Holt, Marjorie, 52
Homestead Act of 1862, 22
House floor statements on title VII of H. R. 5167, 58–60
House-Senate Budget Resolution, FY 2002, 164–165
House-Senate conferees, 101
House Veterans’Affairs Committee, 22
absence of support for Administration approach, 125
Congressional delegation report, 126
full committee markup of H. R. 1085 as amended, 128
House Armed Services Committee consultation with, 105
H. R. 1400 report language, 107–108
Montgomery as lead House negotiator, 103
nine additional conferees added by Speaker, 102
reference to committee congressional delegation, 132
Representative Joe Kennedy, member, 138
service cited in Presidential Medal of Freedom award, 188
staff in disagreement on conference agreement, 100
Stump, Bob, on September 11, 2001, 118
Stump succeeding Montgomery, 118
Tracey, Patricia, Vice Admiral, testimony before, 161
2 a.m. meeting with legislative counsels, 104
How a Bill Becomes Law, 36, 125
How Our Laws Are Made, 36
Howard, Ron, 223n.15
Huddleston, Walter, 80
Hugo, Victor, 80
Humphrey, Gordon, 79
Hunter, Duncan, 52
Huntley, Barbara, 155
Inouye, Daniel, 80
Iraq Supplemental Appropriations Act, 167
Isele, Commander, 216n.27
Island, Kimberly, 166
Iwo Jima, 118
Japan, 127
Johnson, Charles, W., 38, 200n.14
Johnson, Dick, 218n.12
Johnson, Lyndon, 31
John Deere & Company, 181
Johnston, Bennett, 80
Johnston, Ron, 216n.27
Joint Chiefs of Staff, 48, 160
Jones, David C., 48
Kane, James, 213n.22
Kaptur, Marcy, 136
Karasik, George, 216n.27
Kennedy, Edward, 55
acknowledged by McCain, 144
early supporter of Armstrong’s bills, 80
early supporter of Cranston’s bills, 69
exchange of letters with Montgomery, 141
floor statement in support of Armstrong amendment, 88
floor statement in support of S. 12, 145
Nunn delay of SASC vote, 147
part of “unholy troika,” 137
recipient of Senate Veterans’Affairs Committee staff “lobbying,” 136
reference to nephew, Representative Joe Kennedy, 141, 153
S. 12 as helping disadvantaged young people, 138
Kennedy, Joe, 138, 141, 153, 217n.52
Kennedy, Robert, 138
Kenya, U. S. Embassy in, 161
Kerry, John, 179
Khobar Towers, 161
“Kickers,” 47, 58, 80, 85, 143
Kime, Steve, 165
Klein, Robert E., 180–181
Klemm Analysis Group, 182
Korean Conflict, 30
Korol, Jude, 216n.27
Kreischer, Otto, 117
Kuwait, 157
Lackland Air Force Base, 114
Lautenberg, Frank, 80
Legislative committees, 35
budget resolution, 36
compromise agreement, 38
conference report, 38
cost estimates, 36
enrolled bill, 39
floor consideration, 37
“followership,” 40
“four corners,” 39
joint explanatory statement, 38
majority and minority, 35
mark-ups, 35
messy process, 39
reporting, 37
“stakeholders,” 37
suspension of rules, 38
terms and phrases, 35
voting, 38
“widgets,” 37
Lisicki, George, 167
Little, Roger, 219n.20
Los Angeles Business Journal, 182
Lux Research, 187
M&Ms®, 102
MacNeill-Lehrer News Hour, 215n.17
Malbin, Michael, 39
Manhattan Project, 27
Manpower costs, 83
Marine Corps, 46
at Iwo Jima, 118
Brown, Jesse service in, 160
co-signer of Joint Chiefs letter to Alan Simpson, 160
disinterest in enlistment absent education benefits, 78
equality of education benefits for all service branches, 87
Evans, Lane service in, 165
improved sign-up rate for New GI Bill, 114
Montgomery visit with during Persian GulfWar, 157
recruiting problem not as pronounced as Army, 85, 143
Mariner, The, 155
Markey, Edward, 28
Marsh, John, 114
about, 218n.28
furnishing MREs, 208n.28
longest serving service branch secretary, 150
MGIB advocate, 140
Marshall Plan, 26
Marvin, Cloyd, 21, 27, 196n.31
Matsunaga, Spark
about, 213n.15
advocate with Armstrong, et. al., 62, 66, 68, 69, 70, 72, 76, 80, 81, 86 87, 88, 144
original cosponsor with Representative Bill Steiger, 80, 89
sexy at meal time and hungry at bedtime, 123, 129
subcommittee chairman in Finance Committee, 145
supporter of S. 675, 55
Maude, Timothy, 163, 215n.17, 220n.33
Maulding, Jessica, 31
Mayflower Hotel, 19
Maze, Rick, 136
lobbying effort on S. 12, 146, 153
May 8, 1987, Senate vote on S. 12, 146
military services’ varied views on recruiting value, 211n.22
Montgomery GI Bill as recruiting tool, 155
McCain, John, 131, 136, 137, 138
McCarthy, Jennifer, 142
McFarland, Ernest, 21
McGovern, Jim, 209n.61
McGrevey, Michael, 166
McKinney, Mack, 218n.12
McManus, Paige, 212n.40
McMichael, Guy, III, 199n.27
Meals-Ready-To-Eat (MRE), 103
Meese, Michael, 150
Mensel, Frank, 121
Mettler, Suzanne, 30
courses offered during entire year, 197n.55
estimates of veterans who would use GI Bill, 198n.1
men born in the 1920s, 199n.22
reciprocal obligations bind citizens and government, 213n.12
veteran-students pursuing practical fields, 197n.52
veterans’ propensity toward civic leadership, 217n.4
Meyer, Edward C.“Shy,” 44
about, 200n.8
comments on Cranston 1981 bill, 46
incomplete tours of active duty, 50
letter to Senator Cohen, 85
recognized manpower expert, 81
Michaud, Michael, 165, 222n.32
Middle Income Students Assistance Act of 1978, 51
Military Officers Association of America, 165
Military Recruiting,
high school graduates, 136
interests, 46
needs, 46
Miller, James, 116, 147, 148, 218n.28
Miller, Russell, 209n.61
Mississippi State University, 31, 166, 188
Missouri, University of, 28
Michener, James, 22
Montgomery GI Bill, 10–11
accelerated payments, 165
accessing postsecondary education and training, 171–175
effect as recruiting and educational incentive, 154
effect on affording postsecondary education, 170
effect on workforce development, 178
benefits students, 162, 164, 165
cases of deployment, 165
Congressional Commission on Servicemembers and Veterans Transition Assistance conclusions, 162
Darman, Richard, requests during 1992 floor debate, 158–159
enhancements to, 164–165
entrepreneurship courses, 165
first three years of implementation, 155–156
floor statements on H. R. 1085, 133–134
gain on investment, 183
institutional reward for service, 163
March 11, 1987 markup on H. R. 1085, 128
May 8, 1987 Senate floor vote, 146
nineteen hearings, 22
occupational licensing, 165
on-the-job training and apprenticeship, 165
origins of, 44
percent who use, 178
provisions in Post 9–11 GI Bill that were original provisions in H. R. 1400, 167
statutory purpose clauses, 171
third anniversary, 156
users of, 15
1995 plan to raise fee on, 160–161
1 millionth servicemember to sign up, 150
Montgomery Institute, 188
Montgomery, Sonny, 4
acknowledging Senator “Jay” Rockefeller, 219n.19
all-volunteer force champions, 50
AmeriCorps benefits, 118
bronze star medal for valor, 13
budget reconciliation, 160
Christmases in Vietnam, 14
Cohen description of, 13–14
combat, 13
communicating with OMB, 125
committees as “little legislatures,” 35, 36, 41
Congressional delegation visits, 126
“dare to be the skunk at the picnic,” 41
description of Kim Wincup and Mack Fleming, 101
description of S. 12 hearings, 124
developing a productive workforce, 179, 185, 186
do your legislative homework before introducing your bill, 55
effect of three-year New GI Bill, 121
elephant metaphor, 41
fork in the legislative road, 131
“Gillesp,” 149
high school graduates pursuing higher education, 163
H. R. 1085 enrolled bill signing ceremony, 147
H. R. 1085 markup, 128
H. R. 5167 as derived from H. R. 1400, 58
H. R. 5167/H. R. 1400, 20 hearings, 57
implementing 3-year “test” program, 113–114
kittens in creamery metaphor, 123, 129
legislative process, 34–40, 41
lifetime public service leadership of Bill Cohen, 17
long-tailed cat metaphor, 136, 139
MGIB purpose clauses, 171
military occupational skills in civilian economy, 182
military draft circumstances, 43
military recruiting interests, 46, 49
on-job training and apprenticeships, 174
opposition to abandoning three-year “test” program, 115–116
original cosponsors of H. R. 1400, 52
power of human spirit, 32
Presidential Medal of Freedom, 188
realities of policymaking, 126, 135–137
rich debate in Senate, 63
role of John Marsh, 150
roles of Jon Steinberg, Ed Scott, Babette Polzer, Jennifer McCarthy, Anthony Principi, and Chris Yoder, 142
service with George H. W. Bush, 13
skills and leadership of Mack Fleming, 192n.2
slow legislative process, 41
Soviets landing on eastern shore of Maryland, 117, 119
support of John McCain, Strom Thurmond and Edward Kennedy, 138
team effort in enacting provisions of H. R. 1400, 108, 192n.15
team of many, 15
Tower, John, debate with, 104
transferable military occupational skills, 182
unintended consequences of laws, 24
veterans as valued business assets, 180, 182
veterans champion, 13
veterans entering domestic economy, 187
visit to Kuwait, 157
wee hours House-Senate conference committee, 103–105
working with NASAA, 14, 17, 118
working with NCOA and NASAA, 14, 17
working with Alan Simpson, 206n.8, 219n.18
working with Alan Simpson and Spark Matsunaga, 123
12 hearings in HASC subcommittee, 57, 61
Montvale (NJ) Business Association, 222n.36
Mordente, Jack, 221n.5
Moskos, Charles, 43
all-volunteer force in peril, 51
GI Bill without a GI, 121, 129
origins of Montgomery GI Bill, 44
phrase originator, 212n.3
words “GI Bill” as positive symbolism, 210n.3
Murkowski, Frank, 120
about, 217n.5
floor statement on S. 12, as amended, 142
markup amendment to S. 12, 127
S. 12 introductory statement, 122, 129
SASC subcommittee hearing on S. 12, as amended, 131
writing laws for tomorrow, 189
Murray, Charles, 185
MX Missile, 100, 102, 105, 106
Nanotechnology, 186
NASA, 135
National Association of State Approving Agencies, 118
acknowledged by Bill Cohen, 218n.12
role in forming Partnership for Veterans’Education, 165
statutory role of, 171
survey responses from employers regarding OJT, 174
National Association of Uniformed Services, 79
National Association of Veterans Programs Administrators, 171
National Defense Panel, 161
National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 182
National Guard, 79, 118, 121, 173
National Guard and Reserves, 117, 137, 155, 165
National Guard Association of the United States, 14, 79
National Science Foundation, 187
National Veterans Business Development Corporation, 175
Naval Enlisted Reserve Association, 155
Naval Reserve Association, 79
Naval Training Center, 114
Navy, 46
composition of 600 ships, 142
cosigner of Joint Chiefs letter to Alan Simpson, 160
interest in eight years of service for full education benefits, 47
military recruiting not as much of a problem, 86, 143
Stump, Bob, as Navy corpsman at age 16, 118
supplemental education benefit for critical skills, 147
1987 congressional delegation visit to Naval Training Center, 114
Navy, Secretary of, 82
Navy Times, 155
Nebraska, University of, 24
New Executive Office Building, 148
New GI Bill 3-Year “Test” Program, 112
effort to make permanent, 122–128
enrolled bill to make permanent, 147
fared well as recruiting tool, 121
penetrating the college-oriented market, 120
Senate support for permanent program, 142–145
successful first six months, 113–115
winner for the Army, 135–136
New GI Bill, 108
financial attractiveness, 114
Glenn, John, concerns, 152
permanent, 122, 131, 141, 142, 143, 146
service branch views, 116
statutory designation as MGIB, 147–149
three-year test period, 147
versus “veterans education benefits,” 113
New GI Bill Continuation Act, 141–145, 179
New World Coming: American Security in the 21st Century, 162
Non-Commissioned Officers Association of the United States, 49, 51, 79, 102, 136, 165
Non-contributory GI Bill, 42, 68, 81
Non-high school graduates, 50
Norton, Bob, 165
Nunn, Sam, 62
about, 205n.22
concern about S.12 cost, 152
delaying committee vote, 147
delaying consideration of Glenn amendment, 71
efforts to table the Armstrong bill, 76
equitability of draft, 117
House-Senate conference, 106
opposition to Armstrong amendment, 87
ranking member of SASC, 73
Senator Tower associated with, 69
sponsor of the Glenn amendment with John Tower, 72
supporter of $1,200 pay reduction, 104
Occupational licensing and credentialing, 171, 174
Office of Management and Budget, 52, 85, 112, 116, 120, 125, 147, 148, 158, 159
Olson, Keith, 195n.23
elaboration regarding Franklin Roosevelt preoccupation, 196n.42
higher education community opposition, 195n.29, 197n.46
veterans as exceptional students, 197n.55
veterans as married students, 197n.53
O’Neill, Tip, 102
Operation Desert Storm, 157
Outside conferees, 103
Paige-Dubose, Debbie, 209n.61
Pang, Fred, 217n.6
Panetta, Leon, 134
Paralyzed Veterans of America, 108, 215n.5
Parnell, Dale, 217n.49
Patton, George, 52
Peacetime GI Bill, 45, 85, 122, 126, 127
Pellici, Bob, 213n.22
Pennsylvania College of Technology, 186
Pennsylvania Department of Education, 174
Pennsylvania State University, 125, 186
Pentagon, 148
People Soft, 181
Persian GulfWar, 157
Piedmont Community College, 185
Pingree, Al, 216n.27
Pirie, Robert B., Jr., 49
Poriotis, Wes, 181, 189, 223n.24
Post-Vietnam-Era Veterans Educational Assistance Program (VEAP), 15
abysmal failure of, 53
closed to new participants, 79
Glenn bill not an improvement over, 66
Glenn proposal as “ultra-VEAP,” 97
high refund rate and other problems, 80
H. R. 1400, as originally introduced, 108
inferior, 112
like the “Articles of Confederation,” 114
low participation, 134
service member financial contribution, 80, 81
suspension versus termination, 107
termination, 58
unattractive and unpopular, 81, 90
Powell, Pam, 209n.61
Princeton University, 28
Principi, Anthony, 24
acknowledged by Alan Cranston, 209n.63
gratitude from G.V. Montgomery, 142
history of veterans’benefits, 212n.37
home loan provisions of World War II GI Bill, 29
Montgomery possession of proxies, 208n.31
opportunities for pursuing postsecondary education, 169
purpose clauses in law, 127
servicemembers using Montgomery GI Bill, 172
servicemembers pursuing off-duty education, 221n.16
small businesses as bedrock of economy, 175
virtues of Montgomery GI Bill, 162
World War II veterans excelling in the classroom, 25
1984 House-Senate conference, 208n.39
Procedural motion, 68
Proxy, 103
Prudential Financial Services, 181
Punaro, Arnold, 209n.61
Purpose clauses, 171
Pusey, Nathan, 28
Quinn, Jack, 165, 174, 221n.50
Rankin, John, 20, 25, 194n.15, 194n.20
Reagan, Ronald, 52
Baker memorandum regarding Rose Garden signing ceremony, 148
GI Bill campaign promise, 82
proposal to shift MGIB funding from VA to DoD, 128
repealing New GI Bill “test” program, 116, 211n.22
Rose Garden remarks on signing MGIB, 149, 153
selection of John Marsh as Secretary of the Army, 150
signer of Public Law 98–525, 107, 113, 209n.65
signer of Public Law 100–48, Montgomery GI Bill, 149, 171
Republican Whip, 123
Reserve Components, 121, 131, 132, 147
Reserve Educational Assistance Program, 166
Reserve GI Bill, 165
Reserve Officers Association, 79
Reyes, Silvestre, 165, 215n.17
Rhea, Larry, 165
Rising Above the Gathering Storm, 187
Roberts, Ray, 39
Robertson, E.L., 216n.27
Rockefeller,“Jay,” 154, 164, 219n.19
Rogers, Bernard, 117
Rogers, Edith, 20
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 18, 22
Ross, Betsy, 150
Rowan, Carl, 210n.4
Rowe, Charles, 221n.8
Rules Committee, 59
Ryan, Joan, 221n.8
Ryan, Norbert, 221n.51
Ryan, Patrick, 131, 158, 159, 219n.9
Army Times account of, 146–147
bipartisan, 129
committee report on, 127
Cranston and Murkowski introductory statements, 122–123
differences with H. R. 1085, 140, 147
Montgomery contact with Thurmond and McCain, 136
opportunity cost, 153
public hearings on, 124
SASC approvals of, 130–132
Senate vote, 141–145
“unholy troika,” 137
S. 417, 52
S. 691, 55
S. 2596, 42
Saltman, Lenore, 216n.27
Schatz, Chad, 174
Schultz, Richard, 209n.63
Scott, Harold, 181
Scott, William, 216n.27
Selman, Joe, 216n.27
Senate Armed Services Committee, 67
dissent from eight of twelve members of, 98
Goldwater, Barry, chairman, 117
interest in minimizing budget impact, 69
joint referral of bill to, 84
merits of extending expiration date, 142
Parliamentarian joint referral to, 131
professional staff of, 100
report on S. 2723, 101
S. 1160, 108
ships or personnel question, 82
spirited debate in, 141
Thurmond S. 12 motion, 144
Thurmond viewpoints expressed in, 147
“unholy troika,” 137
use of “test,” 136
VEAP suspension versus termination, 107
Senate Veterans’Affairs Committee, 68
finding common ground, 129
hearing in the Committee on Glenn amendment, 69
Murkowski amendment on competition, 179
opposition to funding through DoD, 125
professional staff of, 100
public hearing approach/procedures, 126
S. 1160, 108
S. 12 introduction, 122–123
Simpson, Alan, as former chairman, 145
Simpson willingness on joint referral, 84
staff “lobbying,” 136
Thurman, Maxwell testimony in, 81
S. 12 markup, 130
2 a. m. staff work session, 104–105
Service branches, 126
Servicemembers, 165
college opportunity, 172
Shalikashvili, John, 160
Shelby, Richard, 131
Short, Dewey, 20–21
Simms, Steve, 117
Simpson, Alan, 62
attendance at enrolled bill signing in statuary hall, 147
cost per recruit of Glenn versus Armstrong proposals, 86
finding common ground, 129
floor debate with Senator Cranston on Glenn amendment, 69, 74
floor statement in support of Glenn amendment, 68, 74
gratitude from Montgomery, 201n.24
letter from Joint Chiefs of Staff, 160
Republican Whip, 123
support for tabling the Armstrong amendment, 76
coauthor of 46 percent increase in MGIB, 216n.22
primary author of the Jobs for Veterans Act, 202n.41
subcommittee on economic opportunity chairman, 65, 165
tribute to Lt. General Timothy Maude, 215n.17
Small Business Development Centers, 175
Smith, Christopher, 133, 154, 164, 169, 202n.40, 215n.17, 216n.22
Smith, Paul, 116
Snead, Kathy, 172
Sniffen, Candis, 131
Soldier Magazine, 50
Soldiers to Citizens: The G.I. Bill and the Making of the Greatest Generation, 30
Solomon, Jerry, 156
Sonny’s Lessons Learned
be willing to take half a loaf, 111
congressional oversight of executive branch implementation of law, 119
cooperation between committees, 60
“dare to be the skunk at the picnic,” 41
do legislative homework before introducing bill, 55
executive branch and “lobbying,” 138
finding common ground pays dividends, 111
law that works can always work better, 168
legislative discretion, 73
merit of the issue counts, 152
procedural versus substantive vote, 89
value of purpose clauses, 176
vote tallies as only part of the story, 98
write laws for tomorrow not just today, 189
Spanogle, Jin, 216n.27
Specter, Arlen, 80, 91, 154, 164
Speicher, Tom, 186
Spence, Floyd, 215n.17
Sponogle, Bob, 202n.40
Statuary Hall, 147
Statutory purpose clauses, 127, 128, 179, 189
Stelle, John, 19
Stephens, Bill, 174
Stockman, David, 85
Stover, Frank, 209n.63
Stump, Bob, 118, 119, 212n.41, 220n.21, 222n.47
Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity, 165
Subcommittee on Education, Training, & Employment, 52, 54, 128, 131
Subcommittee on Manpower & Personnel, 131, 135, 136, 137, 147
Subcommittee on Military Personnel & Compensation, 52, 53, 57, 133
Talbert, Kent, 216n.38
Talent, Jim, 222n.47
Tanner, Michael B., 211n.8
Tanzania, U. S. Embassy of, 161
Teague, Olin E.“Tiger,” 31, 39, 200n.19
Terrorism, 161
The GI Bill: The Law That Changed America, 19
The Second Wave: Southern Industrialization from the 1940s to the 1970s, 29
Thurman, Maxwell, 15, 50, 67, 79, 81, 83
Thurmond, Strom, 72
about, 218n.11
interest in Reserve recruiting, 138
motion for approval in SASC, 144
original sponsor of S. 12, 129
part of “unholy troika,” 137
renewed interest in S. 12, 147
revised thinking on S. 12, 136
Time Magazine, 163
Tower, John, 62
about, 205n.9
advocate for “test” program, 66, 74
agreement with Sam Nunn, 107, 111, 152
appeal for amendments, 65
Cohen admiration for, 81
delay in conference at behest of Montgomery, 104, 111
delaying vote on Glenn amendment, 71
election-year voting, 83
high cost of military personnel, 82, 88
House delaying conference agreement, 104, 111
impatience with amendment process, 95
interest in minimizing budget impact, 69
motions on FY 1985 DoD Authorization Act, 63
OMB opposition, 85
opposition to Armstrong amendment, 76, 94
politically-attractive idea, 86
scheduling conference debate, 102–103
seven hours of debate, 96
transferability of benefits, 58
transferability of education benefits, 49, 167
transferring GI Bill costs to VA, 91
worse matters than a draft, 89
Tracey, Patricia, 162–163, 169, 219n.5
Transforming Defense: National Security in the 21st Century, 161
Trible, Paul, 80
Truman, Harry, 198n.3
Tuition Assistance Program, 172
Turnage, Tom, 148
Turner, Shelly, 209n.61
Unelected Representatives: Congressional Staff and the Future of Representative Government, 38
“unholy troika,” 137
U. S. Chamber of Commerce, 180
U. S. Commission on National Security for the 21st Century, 162
U. S. Eighth Army Air Corps, 23
U. S. Military Academy, 150
USS Cole, 161
USS Missouri, 23
VA (Veterans Administration), 23
comments on enrolled bill, 148
February 4, 1987 hearing testimony of, 124
funder of GI Bill programs, 125, 131, 132, 143
GI Bill earnings increases, 142
H. R. 1400 pro rata cost estimate, 54
inadequacy of funding for certain functions, 49
June 19, 1980, hearing, 51, 70
New GI Bill budget responsibility, 85
VEAP refunds, 53
Van Hintum, T.A., 222n.26
Veteran-owned businesses, 175, 176
Veterans’ median income, 142
Veterans, 180
economic strength, 181
Nobel Prize winners, 178
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, 49, 165, 167, 215n.5
Vietnam-era draft policy, 43
Vietnam-era GI Bill, 42
termination, 45, 51, 54, 67, 72, 78
50 percent of all postsecondary education student aid, 179
Vogel, John, 196n.40, 213n.21, 214n.52
Waldman Associates, 175
Waldman, Steven, 118
Wall Street Journal, 117
Washington Post, 116
Washington Times, 167
Watson, Patty, 209n.61
Weinberger, Caspar, 54, 67, 82, 147, 210n.5
Wesley, Brown & Bartle, 181, 189
West Point, 52
Westmoreland, William, 44, 201n.12
Whelan, Russell, 20
When Dreams Came True: The GI Bill and The Making of Modern America, 20
White, Richard, 52
Whitehurst, Bill, 52
Wickham, John, 50, 67, 202n.47
Wilson, George C., 116
Wisconsin, University of, 125
Wohlwend, Steve, 181
Womack, Joe, 209n.48
Workforce challenges, 185
Workforce development, 128
World Bank, 175
World Trade Center, 161
World War I, 160
World War II GI Bill of Rights, 18
American Council on Education opposition to, 194n.19
American creed in action, 23–24
American Legion role, 19–20
civic leadership from, 30
Clark, Champ, 21
Colmery, Harry, role, 19, 193n.9
contribution to domestic workforce, 25
forming middle-class predominance, 18
Gibson, John S.,“scamper,” 22
greatest investment in our people, 160
far-reaching policy, 28
home loan program, 29
learned society/knowledge generation, 24, 30
Montgomery GI Bill as direct descendant of, 162
most successful domestic legislation, 22
NASA as beneficiary, 23
notable graduates, 28
opposition to, 21, 195n.23, 195n.29
powerful image, 19
postwar motivation of fear, 26, 29
producer of Nobel Prize winners, 23
producer of campus excellence, 24
producer of serious students, 27, 28
producer of skilled persons, 23
Rankin, John, role, 20, 194n.15
Rogers, Edith, role, 20
role of campus certifying officials, 172
Roosevelt signing of, 18
shortcomings in initial legislative drafts, 27
taxes paid on, 26
unintended consequences, 24
50th anniversary, 159
60th anniversary, 29
Wright, Jim, 207n.8
Wyoming, University of, 68, 145
Yoder, Chris, 127, 142, 214n.43, 217n.51
Zeiss, Tony, 185