# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Illustrations are in BOLD
1000 Bel Air Place (album), 243-244
1986 Tax Reform Bill signing, 2
42nd Street (Broadway show), 226, 231
Abadan, Iran, 27
Abbott, Jim, 303
Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem, 284, 291
Academy Awards, 258, 260, 261, 263, 264
Acme Bread Company (restaurant), 175
Adams, John, 223
Advocate, The, 172
Afghanistan, invasion by Soviet Union, 24, 32, 284; withdrawal by Soviet Union, 46
African National Congress, 33
African-Americans, 189; in space, 115
Agca, Mehmet Ali, 28
AIDs, vii, viii, 3, 82, 86, 95-96, 102, 112, 135, 137-139, 141-144, 189, 201, 232; discrimination cases, 142-143; protesters, 102, 137; worldwide, 139
Ailey, Alvin, 189
Akihito of Japan, Crown Prince, 45
Allen, Woody, 257
Alzamora, Charlie, 182
American Ballet Theatre, 189, 215, 224
American Buffalo (play), 230
American Conservatory Theater, San Francisco, 229
American Fool (album), 241
American Music Awards, 158
American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 146
American Stock Exchange, 72
Amis, Martin, 202
Andie MacDowell, 151
Andrews, Julie, 172
Angioplasty, 136
Apple Computer Inc., 65-66, 111, 127, 128, 130, 131, 133; Apple II, 128; Apple IIc, 133; Apple IIe, 130; Apple III, 128, 131; Lisa computer, 65, 109, 131, 133; Macintosh computer, 131, 133; MacPaint, 131; MacWrite, 131
Arafat, Yasser, 26
Arcusa, Ramon, 244
Argentina, 25
Arista Records, 250
Arlen, Harold, 217
Armstrong-Jones, Sarah, 29
Arnaz, Desi, 282
Arnes, Edward Larrabee, 200
Asia (album), 241
Astaire, Fred, 221; death, 221
Astor, Brooke, 108
Atari, 128
Atlantis II (ship), 117
Avedon, Richard, 151
Baghdad, Iraq, 27
Balanchine, George, 189, 213, 216, 221, 223-224; death, 216
Ball, Lucille, 282; death, 282
Ballard, Robert D., 118
Barbie, Klaus, guilty verdict, 39
Barr, Roseanne, 282
Barre-Sinoussi, Françoise, 112, 139
Baryshnikov, Mikhail, 189, 215, 224
Baseball Hall of Fame, 304
Baseball, 285, 295, 296, 299, 300, 303, 304
Basquiat, Jean Michel, 193, 195, 196, 198; death, 200; exhibit in Paris, 195
Batman (movie), 269
Baulieu, Etienne-Emile, 145
Bausch, Pina, 217; dance troupe, 217-218
Beastie Boys, 249
Beatles, 241
Beatty, Warren, 258
Beauty and the Beat (song), 237
Beck, Jeff, 73
Beckett, Samuel, 212; death, 212
Beene, Geoffrey, 158, 159, 167
Begin, Menachem, 31
Beijing, China, protests crushed, 48
Beirut, Lebanon, refugee massacre, 31
Belafonte, Harry, 246
Beloved, 209
Belushi, John, 257, 273, 274; death, 273-274
Benefactors (Broadway show), 230
Bent, 225
Berbick, Trevor, 298
Berger, Charles, 178
Bergman, Ingrid, death, 260
Berlin Wall fall, vii, viii, 23, 26, 39, 51, 52, 53, 54
Berliner, Hans, 125
Berman, lazar, 223
Bernard, Robert, 146
Berners-Lee, Tim, 110
Bernstein, Charles, 175
Betrayal, 225
Beverly Hills Cop (movie), 187
Biggs, Tyrell, 299
Billboard, 247
Bingham Jr., Barry, 67
Bingham newspaper chain, 67
Black Monday Oct 1987, 57, 71, 72
Blacker, Stanley, 159
Blackstone group, 73
Blakemore, Michael, 230
Blakey, Art, 239
Blue Velvet (movie), 188
Blues Brothers, The (movie), 257, 274
Bluford Jr., Guion S., 115
Boesky, Ivan, 56, 58, 67, 75, 78; inside trading penalty, 67; sentenced, 68
Bond markets, 75
Bonfire of the Vanities (movie), vii, 57
Bono, 251
Borg, Bjorn, 284, 285, 287-288, 295
Bork, Robert H. nomination rejected, 18
Born in the U.S.A. (album), 246
Boston College, 293
Botha, P.W., 34
Boulud, Daniel, 103
Bowie, David, 247
Brady, James S., 7
Brandenburg Gate, opens, 51, 53, 54
Brandt, Robert, 90
Brat pack, 188
Breakfast Club, The (movie), 188
Brezhnev, Leonid, 32
Bridgestone, 58
Brightman, Sarah, 234
Bristol-Myers Squibb, 58
Broadway vs. West End, London, 230-232
Broderick, Matthew, 228
Brodsky, Joseph, 189
Brooklyn Academy of Music, 213, 217, 218, 223
Brooklyn Bridge, 81; 100th anniversary, 82, 88
Broten, Neal, 284
Brown, Arvin, 229
Brown, Harold R., 127
Brown, Julie “Downtown”, 186
Bruce, Evangeline, 158
Buchanan Jr., Patrick J., 14
Burke, Daniel B., 64
Burrell, Debra, 188
Burrows, James, 276
Burton, Richard, 263; death, 263
Bush, George Herbert Walker, 7, 170; elected President, 19
Cabaret (Broadway show), 231
Cabbage Patch Kids dolls, viii, 174, 181
Cable television, vii, viii, 186, 189, 271; deregulation, 271
Caird, John, 225
Caldwell, Janet, 105
California Angels, 303
Cambodia, Vietnamese troops leaving, 47
Camcorders, 186
Cameras, disposable, 133
Campbell, Naomi, 167
Campus fashions of 1987, 162
Camuffo, Dario, 199
Cancer research, 140
Canderel sweetner, 173
Cannibal in Manhattan, A, 190
Canton, China, 42
Capital Cities Communications, 58, 63-64
Car output, U.S. vs Japan, 59
Carnegie Hall, 248; new piano, 223
Carreras, Jose, 214
Cars, The (group), 247
Carson, Johnny, 279
Carter, Jimmy, 6, 10, 24, 113, 154, 287
Carter, Ron, 239
Carter, Rosalynn, 154
Castellano, Paul, 93; slain, 103
Catheterization of heart, 136
Cats (Broadway show), 188, 227, 230, 231, 234
CBGB, 240
CD players, 235
CDs (Compact discs), viii, 186, 235-236, 254
Central Park jogger rape and beating, 104
Central Park, NY, 85; Jogger rape, 104; Slaying 1986, 96-97
CERN, 110
Chafee, John H., 119
Challenger space shuttle, 17; explosion, 17
Champion, Gower, 222; death, 226
Chapman, Mark David, 84
Chariots of Fire (movie), 258
Charles, Glen, 276
Charles, Les, 276
Charles, Prince of Wales, 29; wedding to Diana, 29
Charles, Ray, 246
Charlotte Memorial Hospital and Medical Center, 142-143
Chateau Marmont Hotel, 273
Cheever, John, 203; death, 203
Chef schools, 171
Cher, 154
Chermann, Jean-Claude, 112, 139
Chernobyl nuclear accident, 35
Chess, 296; computers vs humans, 125
Chez Panisse (restaurant), 152, 175, 176
Chia, Sandro, 192
Chicago (Broadway show), 222
Chicago Bears, 292
Chicago Cubs, 299
Children, teaching to think, 179-180
China, 26, 42; Crushing protesters, 48; Stock market in, 68-69
Chintz flowered designs, 173
Chlorofluorocarbons, 119
Christman, Kenneth, 146
Christopher Street (magazine), 172
Chronic fatigue syndrome, 144
Chuck D, 249
Churchill, Caryl, 189
Cincinnati Reds, 284, 295, 296, 304
Citizen Kane (movie), 264
CIVIL wars (opera), 220
Clayton, Adam, 251
Clemente, Francesco, 192
Clerical staff job changes, 128, 132
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (movie), 259
Closing of the American Mind, The, 189, 208
Coca-Cola USA, 173; ads, 180; New Coke, 152, 176
Cocaine trafficking, 10
Colefax & Fowler designs, 173
Collins, Phil, 247
Colombo family, 94
Comaneci, Nadia, 291
Comdex, 131
Commodore computers, 128
Compaq Computer Corporation, 65
Computer software, 125
Computers and the work day, 128, 132
Computers, personal, 127-128, 130-131, 132-133, 134
Concern for Dying, 141
Condom distribution, NY, 102
Confederacy of Dunces, A, 203
Connors, Jimmy, 285
Copeland, Stewart, 240
Coppola, Francis Ford, 204, 205
Corcoran Gallery of Art, 187, 201; drops Mapplethorpe show, 201
Cosby Show (TV show), viii, 189, 277
Cote Basque, La, 171
Courier-Journal, 67
Crack cocaine, 82, 95; houses, 95
Cray XMP 48 computer, 125
Creegan, John, 95
Crippen, Robert L., 114
Cronkite, Walter, viii, 189, 270
Cucchi, Enzo, 192
Cultural Literacy, 190
Cultural literacy, 208
Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know, 208
Culture war, 187
Curren, Kevin, 294
Dakota (apartment building), 83, 84-85
Dalai Lama, 25
Dallas (TV show), 189, 271, 272
Danson, Ted, 276
David Letterman Show, The (TV show), 273
Day for Night (movie), 263
Days and Nights of Molly Dodd (TV show), 281
De Niro, Robert, 256
De Palma, Brian, 256
Def Leppard (group), 241
Def-Jam, 249
DeLillo, Don, 204
Della Femina, Jerry, 172
Demme, Jonathan, 188
Den of Thieves, 58
Deng, Xiaoping, 26
Denim, acid-washed, 164; stone-washed, 162
Denver Broncos, 100
Desilu Productions, 282
Devine, Loretta, 188
Diana, Princess of Wales, 29, 149, 151, 155, 157, 158; style, 158; wedding to Prince Charles, 29, 155
Dickens, Charles, 225
Die Hard (movie), 268
Dinkins, David, 82, 106; campaign for Mayor of NY, 106
Dinkins, Joyce, 82
DNA, model, 147; rapid sequencing, 120
DNA testing 142; for crimes, 118
Do the Right Thing (movie), 268, 269
Do They Know It’s Christmas? (song), 246
Dole, Bob, 2
Donahue, Phil, 280
Dreamgirls (Broadway show), 188, 189, 227
Dressed to Kill (movie), 256
Drexel Burnham Lambert, 57, 67, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 164
Drexler, Michael D., 184
Drought in U.S. 1988, 121
Duran Duran, 195
Duran, Roberto, 289
Duvall, Robert, 210
Dynasty (TV show), viii, 151, 189, 272; premiere, 272
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (movie), 259, 260, 261
East Germany, 26; opens frontier to the West, 50-51
East Village, 195-197; art galleries, 195-196
Eastern Airlines, 57
Eastman Kodak Company, 133
Ebenezer Baptist Church, 16
Eco-Cycle, 177
Ednie, James, 75
Edward MacDowell Medal, 204
Egorov, Youri, 220
Einstein On the Beach (opera), 213
Electron neutrino, 123
Electronics Industry Association, 254
Elfman, Danny, 269
Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain, 29, 155
Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, 155
Ellis, Perry, 159
El-Sadat, Anwar, 30; assassination, 30
E-mail, 111
Emanuel, David & Elizabeth, 155
Empire Strikes Back, The (movie), 187, 259, 264
Enquire, 110
Entrekin, Morgan, 207
Epstein-Barr virus, chronic, 144
Epton, Bernard E., 11
Equal sweetener, 173
Equitable Tower, NY, 200
Eruzione, Mike, 287
Essell, Gerhard A., 20
Ethiopian Orthodox Church in the Western Hemisphere, 236
European Laboratory for Particle Physics, Geneva, 123
Evangelista, Linda, 167
Evans, Dave (the Edge), 251
Evert Lloyd, Chris, 292
Every Breath You Take (song), 240
Every Man for Himself (movie), 256
Evil That Men Do, The (movie), 261
Evita (Broadway musical), 225, 227, 230, 231
Exxon Valdez oil spill, Alaska, 122
Falkland Islands invasion by Great Britain, 25
Famine relief, 246
Fashion models, 167
Fashion styles of youth in 1980s, 165-166
Fashion, Japanese, 156
Fashion, life & style, 149-184
Fassbinder, Rainer Werner, 257
Fazioli F 308 concert grand piano, 223
Ferraro, Geraldine, viii; chosen as Vice President candidate, 12
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (movie), 266,
Fetal tests for genetic flaws, 142
Fields, Patricia, 166
Fierstein, Harvey, 228
Fitness boom, 150
Flag burning, 20
Flashdance (movie), 241
Floppy disks, 125
Fonda, Henry, 258
Foods, lite, 169
Football Association, Great Britain, 303
Forbes, Malcolm, 108; 70th birthday party, 183, 184
Forgione, Larry, 152
Fosse, Bob, death, 222
Fourth Street Grill (restaurant), 175
Franklin, Aretha, 250
Frayn, Michael, 230
Freeway of Love (song), 250
French Open, 292
Freston, Tom, 275
Friedman, Stanley M., corruption conviction, 99
Frozen meals, 175
Frugal Gourmet, The, 181
Fuji U.S.A., 133
Galante, Carmine, 93
Galileo spacecraft, 124
Gambino crime family, 103
Gandhi (movie), 261
Gandhi, Indira, viii; assassination, 33; funeral procession, 33
Gandhi, Rajiv, 36
Garbage barge Mobro seeking dump site, 101, 102
Gardner, Dale, 116
Garfunkel, Art, concert in Central Park, 85
Gasoline lead content cut, 116
Gay Men’s Health Crisis, 138, 142, 144
Gaye, Alberta, 243
Gaye, Marvin, death, 243
Gays, vii, 86, 135, 141-142; marketing to, 172; registered partnerships in Denmark, 50; theater about, 228. See also AIDs.
Gay-themed movies, 172
Geffen, David, 84
Genentech Inc., 121
General Foods, 169
Gene-splicing, 140
Genetics, 147; fingerprint, 118; testing, 142, 147
Genome Corporation, 120
Genome Project, 120
Genovese family, 94
Ghostbusters (movie), 264
Giamatti, A. Bartlett, 304
Girl Is Mine, The (song), 242
Giuliani, Rudolph, 58, 68, 94, 106
Glengary Glen Ross (play), 230
Glover, Danny, 210
Goddard, Jean-Luc, 256
Goetz, Bernhard, 82, 92, 93, 105
Goldenson, Leonard H., 64
Goodman Theater, Chicago, 230
Goodman, Benny “King of Swing”, 248; death, 248
Gorbachev, Mikhail, vii, 25, 26, 37, 39, 41; White House visit, 41
Gore, Tipper, 187
Goring, Hermann, 40
Grace of Monaco, Princess, death, 30-31
Graf, Steffi, 285
Grapes of Wrath, The (play), 233, 234
Gravano, Salvatore (Sammy the Bull), 103
Hands Across America, 15
Greatest Love of All, The (song), 249
Greenspan, Alan, confirmed as Fed Chief, 70
Grenada Island invasion by U.S., 25
Gruntzig, Andreas, 136
Guangdong Province, China, 42
Guthrie Theater, Minneapolis, 229
Haig, Alexander M., 7
Hair, big, 154
Hall, Michael, 267
Halley, Edmund, 117
Halloween (movie), 187
Hampton, Lionel, 248
Hancock, Herbie, 239
Hands Across America”, 15
Happy face, 182
Hart, Gary, 19; drops out of 1988 Presidential race, 19
Harvard University, 120; Medical School, 121, 147
Hawkins, Yusuf, 105; funeral, 105
Heckler, Margaret, 95
Helms, Jesse, 201
Helmsley, Harry B., 107
Helmsley, Leona, jailed for tax fraud, 107
Helsinki Olympics, 284
Hemlock Society, 141
Henderson, Donald A., 143
Hepatitis B vaccine, 140
Hepburn, Audrey, 151
Hepburn, Katharine, 258
Hermes ties, 165
Hernandez, Keith, 99
Hetrick, Emery S., 142
Hilfiger, Tommy, 159
Hill Street Blues (TV show), 189, 274
Hillary, Edmund, 36
Hillsborough Stadium deaths, 302, 303
Hinault, Bernard, 286, 294, 298
Hinckley Jr., John W., 7
Hirohito of Japan, Emperor, death, 45
Hirsch Jr., E.D., 208
Hitech computer, 125
Hitler diaries disputed, 32
Hitler, Adolf, 40
Hoffman, Dustin, 268
Holliday, Jennifer, 227
Homelessness, 15; in New York, 82, 91, 92
Honda, 59
Hope, Bob, 282
Houghton, Michael, 140
Houston, Cissy, 250
Houston, Whitney, 249, 250; Carnegie hall debut, 249
How to Prosper During the Coming Bad Years, 56
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying (Broadway musical), 222
Howard Beach, NY slaying, 100, 105
Hugo, Victor, 231
Hungary, 26, 46; allows East German emigration, 49
Hwang, David Henry, 232
Hyatt, Robert, 125
Hyde, Jack, 159
Hynde, Chrissie, 236
I Love Lucy (TV show), 282
I Love Rock ‘n Roll (song), 237, 238
I.B.M., 64-65, 127, 128, 131, 133; IBM PC Model 5150, 127; PCjr, 130
Icahn, Carl, 57
Iman, 167
Ingersoll, Andrew, 123
International Data Corporation, 132
International With Monument gallery, 195
Iran hostage crisis, 24
Iran-Contra scandal, 14-15, 20, 25
Iranian oil field bombings, 27
Iran-Iraq War ceasefire, 43
Iraq, 27, 43; gassing of Kurds, 43
Islip, L.I., 102
Jackson Five, 241
Jackson, Jesse, 106
Jackson, Michael, 185, 188, 241, 242, 246, 247; Pepsi ads, 180, 242; Thriller, viii, 188, 241, 242
Jagger, Mick, 247
Jamaica, Order of Merit, 236
James, Harry, 248
Jams (restaurant), 175
Japan car output, 59
Jarrett, Keith, 220
Jarvik, Robert K., 112, 136; artificial heart, 112, 136
Jay leno’s Family Comedy Hour (TV show), 279
Jazz Messengers, 239
Jeffreys, Alec J., 118
Jell-O, 169
Jenrette, John W., 5
Jerusalem, Israel, named capital, 28
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 117
Jobs, Steven P., 65, 66, 111, 131
Joel, Billy, 246
Johannesburg, South Africa, 50
John F. Kennedy Stadium, Philadelphia, 247
John Paul II, Pope, 25, 28; shot, 28
Johnson & Wales, RI, 171
Johnson, Ben, 300
Johnson, Diane, 204
Johnson, Philip, 191, 193, 200
Jones, Hank, 252
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (Broadway show), 227
Joshua Tree, The (album), 251, 252
Journal of the American Medical Association, 140
Joy Luck Club, 211
Judd, Donald, 196
Junk bonds, 56, 57, 58, 63, 77-78
“Just Say No” campaign, 8
JVC Jazz Festival 1987, 252
Kaposi’s Sarcoma, 135
Karolyi, Bela, 291
Karpov, Anatoly, 296
Kasparov, Gary, 296
Kass, Edward H., 135
Katz, Michael, 158
Kelly, Grace. See Grace of Monaco.
Kemp, Jack, 2
Kempner, Nan, 80
Kennedy Space Center, 116
Khamenei, Hojatolislam Ali, 43, 49
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah, 43, 49, 209; death, 49
King III, Martin Luther, 16
King, Coretta Scott, 16
King, Jr., Martin Luther, 3, 16; holiday established, 16
Kingsley, Ben, 261
Kinnock, Neil, 38
Kirov ballet, 215
Kissinger, Henry A., 183
Kizim, Leonid D., 119
Klarsfeld, Serge, 39
Klerk, F.W. de, 50
Kmart, 152; contract with Martha Stewart, 179
Knack, The (group), 238
Koch, Ed, 80, 86, 92, 95, 98, 100; reelected, 86, 94
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, 58
Kohn Pedersen Fox, 200
Komaroff, Anthony L., 144
Koons, Jeff, 189
Koppel, Ted, 272
Korbut, Olga, 291
Kragen, Ken, 246
Kramer vs. Kramer (movie), 258
Kramer, Larry, 138, 141, 142, 189, 232
Kremlin flight by M. Rust, 37
Kroc, Ray A., death, 62
Krupa, Gene, 248
Kully, Tom, 181
Kurds gassed by Iraq, 43
L.L. Cool J., 249
L.P.G.A. Championship, 303
Lacroix, Christian, 108, 163, 167; Fall-Winter collection 1987, 163
Ladd Jr., Alan, 268
Lady be Good (Broadway show), 217
Lady in the Dark (Broadway show), 217
Lagerfeld, Karl, 156
Lake Placid Winter Olympics 1980, 284, 287; U.S. Hockey team defeats Soviet Union, 287
Last Temptation of Christ, The (movie), 269
Lauren, Ralph, 151, 159, 165, 200
Le Cirque restaurant, NY, 102-103
Leary, Timothy, 150
Leder, Philip, 121
Lederer, Philiip, 147
Leggings, 161
Lendl, Ivan, 285
Lennon, John, viii; death, 83, 84-85
Leno, Jay, 279
Leonard, Sugar Ray, 289
Less Than Zero, 206
Lethal Weapon (movie), 187
Letterman, David, 273
Levin, Amy, 158
Levine, Dennis B., 67
Lewis, Carl, 284, 289, 290, 300
Lewis, Huey, 246
Lexicon of 1980s, viii
Libya, assets frozen in U.S., 36
Light foods, 169
Like a Virgin (album), 244
Lin, Maya Yang, 9
Lindenauer, Geoffrey G., 98
Liposuction, 146
Liver disease, 140
Liver transplants, 148
Liverpool Football, 303
Lockerbie Scotland, Pan Am Flight 103 bombing, viii, 44
Loma Prieta earthquake, 3, 21, 22
London Calling (album), 235
London literary world in 1980s, 202
London Stock Exchange, 58
London theater shows in NYC, 225, 230
Lonesome Dove, 210-211; on audio tape, 210
Long Wharf Theater, New Haven, 229
Long, Shelley, 276
Longo, Robert, 193
Lopez, Nancy, 303
Los Angeles Summer Olympics 1984, 284, 285, 291, 292; boycott by Soviet Union, 292
Louis, Joe, death, 290
Louisiana State University Press, 203
Louisville Times, 67
Lounge Lizards (group), 252
Louvre Museum glass pyramid, 201
Love Canal cleanup, 113
Lower East Side artists, NY, 195
Lucchese family, 94
Lupu, Radu, 220
Lurie, John, 252
Lynch, Gary, 58
M*A*S*H (TV show), 275; final episode, 275
M. Butterfly, 232
Maccioni, Sirio, 102
Mademoiselle (magazine), 158
Madison Square Garden, 240
Madonna, 150, 158, 188, 244, 245, 254, 255
Mafia trial, Sicily, 1987, 41
Mafia trials in NY, 93-94, 103, 104
Magnuson, Ann, 197
Mahavishnu Orchestra, 248
Making Love (movie), 172
Making of the Thriller Video, The, 241, 242
Malls, shopping, and youth fashions, 166
Mandela, Nelson, 33
Mannes, Donald R., suicide, 98
Mapplethorp, Robert, 187; show
dropped by Corcoran Gallery, 201
Marden, Brice, 196
Marion, John L., 199
Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles, 229
Marley, Bob, 237; death, 236-237
Married…With Children (TV show), 186, 279, 280
Marsalis, Branford, 252
Marsalis, Wynton, 188, 239, 252
Mash (TV show), 186
Mason, James O., 130
Masterpiece Theater (TV show), 186
Masters Golf Tournament, 286, 297
Material Girl (song), 244, 255
Matsuda, 156
McAuliffe, Christa, 17
McDaniels, Darryl “DMC”, 253
McDonalds, 62
McDowell, Roger, 99
McEnroe, John, 284, 285, 287, 288
McFadden, Mary, 158
McLaughlin, John, 248
McMahon, Jim, 292
McNair, Ronald E., 17
Me and My Girl, 231
Mehling, Alice, 141
Melvin and Howard (movie), 188, 256
Men at Work (band), 241
Menu, Le, 175
Merrick, David, 226
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures, 268
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 80, 151, 160
Miami Vice (TV show), 151, 277, 278
Michelangelo, 199
Microsoft Corporation, 64-65, 111, 128; Windows software, 131
Miles, Michael A., 76
Milken, Michael, viii, 56, 57, 77-78; indictment, 78
Miller, George, 144
Milosz, Czeslaw, 189
Mingus, Charles, 238
Minimalism in music, 220
Minnelli, Liza, 151
Mir space station, 119
Miserables, Les (Broadway show), 231, 232
Missing in Action (movie), 262
Mitchell, Joni, 238
Mitsubishi Estate Company, 106
Mitterrand, François, 201
Miyake, Issey, 156
Mizell, Jason “Jam Master Jay”, 253
Mizrahi, Isaac, 151
Models, fashion, 167
Modern Jazz Quartet, 252
Modrow, Hans, 53
Mon Oncle d’Amerique, (movie), 256
Mondale, Walter F., 12
Montana, Joe, 285, 286, 304, 305
Montreal Summer Olympics 1976, 291
Moon, Sun Myung, mass wedding at
Madison Square Garden, 87
Moore, Charles, 191
Morley, Malcolm, 192
Morris, Mark, 189, 218; Dance Group, 218
Morrison, Toni, 209
Morse, Robert M., 124
Moscow Summer Olympics 1980, 284, 288; boycott by U.S., 284, 288, 292
Moses, Edwin, 290
Mount Everest, 36
Mouse patent, 121
Movies for children, 259
Movies, 256-269; sequel popularity, 264; top 25 films, 269
Mr. Chow’s (restaurant), 195
MTV, viii, 186, 241, 245, 247, 275, 276
Mubarak, Hosni, 30
Mullen Jr., Larry, 251
Munro, J. Richard, 76
Murphy, Thomas S., 64
Murray, Bill, 264
Musee d’Art Moderne exhibit of Basquiat, 195, 200
Museum of Modern Art, 81; Picasso show, 191
Music industry, 187
Musical passion, 220
My Buddy doll, 181
Nabisco Brands, 58
Nagy, Peter, 195
Najibullah, President, 46
National Book Critics Circle Award, 204
National Endowment for the Arts, 187, 201
National Film Preservation Act, 269
National Football League, 304
National Gay Task Force, 86
National Lampoon’s Vacation (movie), 266
National Right to Life, 145
Nature Morte gallery, 195
Naum, Elizabeth, 107
Navratilova, Martina, 285, 292
NBA scoring record, 291
Nelson, Willie, 246
Neo-Classicism in architecture, 191-192
Nepal, 36
Neptune, 123
New age music, 248
New England Culinary Institute, VT, 171
New Orleans Philharmonic, 239
New Orleans Saints, 293
New York art galleries, 195
New York City Ballet, 189, 213, 216, 221, 223-224
New York Drama Critics Circle award, 230
New York Islanders, 81
New York Post, 74
New York Public Library, 80
New York State Department of Health, 144
New York State Organized Crime Task Force, 104
New York Stock Exchange, 55, 57, 61, 70, 71, 72; seat sells for 1 million, 70
New York Times best-seller list 1985, 206
New York Times Book Review, 203, 209
New York, 79-108; corruption, 98, 99; Racial divisions, 82, 92-93, 100, 105; real estate, 89; Transit strike, 80, 81
News Corporation, 74
Newton-John, Olivia, 237
Nicholas Nickleby, 225
Nichols Jr., Stuart E., 141
‘Night, Mother (play), 205
Night and Day (play), 225
Nightline (TV show), 272
Nilsson, Birgit, 214
Nintendo’s Game Boy, 152
Nixon in China (opera), 223
No Jacket Required (album), 247
Norkay, Tenzing, death, 36
Normal Heart, The, 141, 189, 232
Norman, Jessye, 214
Norman, Marsha, 205
North, Oliver L., 15, 20, guilty verdict, 20
Nostalgia marketing, 184
Nottingham football, 303
Nuclear missile treaty, 1987, 41
Nuremberg Trials, 40
O’Connor, Sandra Day, viii, 3; seated on Supreme Court, 6
O’Day, Kevin, 224
O’Hearn, Patrick, 248
O’Keefe, Georgia, 194; death, 194
Of Thee I Sing (Broadway musical), 217
Official Preppy Handbook, The, 168-169
Oil spill, Alaska, 122
Oleske, James, 138
On Golden Pond (movie), 258
Oncogene, human, 147
One Magnificent Mile, Chicago, 200
Onizuka, Ellison S., 17
Ono, Yoko, 84
Opera singers, dearth in 1980s, 214
Ordinary People (movie), 256
Orr-Cahall, Christina, 201
Osborne 01 microcomputer, 130
Osborne Computer Corporation, 130
Osborne, Adam, 130
Our Lips are Sealed (song), 237
Outsiders, The, 204
Owens, Jesse, 284
Oxford English Dictionary, The, 2nd ed., 210
Ozone layer depletion, 119
Pac-man, 129
Pahlevi, Shah Mohammed Riza, 49
Paley, William S., 282
Palme, Olaf, assassination, 35
Pan Am Flight 103 bombing, viii, 44
Pan Am, 57
Papp, Joseph, 222
Parenthood, 142
Particle accelerators, 123
Partners (movie), 172
Paul V, Pope, viii
Pavarotti, Luciano, 219
Pei, I.M., 201; glass pyramid at Louvre, 201
Peltz, Nelson, 78
People Express Airlines, 57, 59, 60
Perestroika, 25
Perez de Cuellar, Javier, 43
Performance art, 197
Perlman, Rhea, 276
Persico, Carmine, 94
Personal Best (movie), 172
Phantom of the Opera (Broadway show), 188, 234,
Phelan, John J., 61
Picasso, Pablo, exhibit at MoMA, 191
Pierce, Frederick S., 64
Planes, remote-controlled, 110
Pogorelich, Ivo, 220
Poland, 25
Ponder, Sanford, 248
Pop Art, 198
Posner, Steven N., 75
Posner, Victor, 75
Post-modernism, 200
Pound Puppies toys, 181
Powell, Colin, 21
Powers, Jack, 133
Prague Spring, 32
Prentenders, The, 236
Preston, Robert, 172
Pretenders, The (group), 236
Pretty in Pink (movie), 188
Prince William Sound, Alaska, 122
Prince, Harold, 230
Private Dancer (album), 246, 250
Private Music company, 248
Proctor & Gamble headquarters, Cincinnati, 200
Protestantism, 170
Prozac, 147
Prudhomme, Paul, 152
Public Enemy (group), 187, 249, Pudding Pops, 169
Pulitzer Prize, 203, 205, 209, 217, 230
Purple Rain (album), 245
Pyramid club, 197
Pyromania (album), 241
Qaddafi, Muammar el-, 15, 36, 37
Racism in New York, 82, 92-93, 100, 105
Radio City Music Hall, 242
Raiders of the Lost Ark (movie), 258
Ralph, Sheryl Lee, 188
Ramis, Harold, 264
Rather, Dan, 270
Ray, James Earl, 16
Reagan, Nancy, 6, 7, 8, 15, 108, 149, 150, 154, 168; anti-drug campaign, 8; dress designer loans, 156
Reagan, Ronald, vii, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 24, 30, 35, 36, 37, 39, 41, 61, 65, 66, 70, 108, 150, 154, 168, 200, 292, 293; and Congress, 14; Inaugural balls, 154; Iran Contra scandal, 14-15; wins 1980 election, 6; wins 1984 election, 13, 14; shot, 7; “tear down this wall”, 39
Reagonomics, 2
Recycling, 177
Reds (movie), 258
Regional theater in America, 229
Rehnquist, William Hubbs, 18
Rely tampons, 135
Renta, Oscar de la, 151
Resnais, Alain, 256
Resnik, Judith A., 17
Return of the Jedi, The (movie), 264
Reynolds, Jock, 201
Rhodes, Nick, 195
Rice, Donna, 19
Rice, Tim, 231
Rich, Frank, 222
Ridgeley, Andrew, 246
Right to die movement, 140-141
Ringwald, Molly, 188, 266, 267
Risk arbitrage, 67
Roberts, Jonathan, 168
Robinson, Sugar Ray, death, 302
Robotic manufacturing, 126
Roche, Kevin, 192
Rock music influencing movies, 269
Rockefeller Center, 106; bought by Japanese firm, 106; Channel Gardens, 106
Rockefeller Group, 107
Rockefeller, David, 106
Rocky (movie), 264
Rolling Stones (group), 241
Rollins, Sonny, 239
Romania, viii, revolt in, 53, 54
Roos, Fred, 205
Rose, Pete, viii, 284, 295, 296; ban from baseball, 304
Roseanne (TV show), 282
Rosow, Peter, 169
Ross Island, Antarctica, 124
Ross, Diana, 246
Ross, Steven J., 76
Rossellini, Roberto, 260
Rostenkowski, Daniel, 2
Rothberg, Barry, 181
Rothenberg, Susan, 192
Royal Shakespeare Company, Les Miserables, 232; Nicholas Nickleby, 225
RU486 abortion pill, 145, 146; protesters, 145
Rubik, Erno, 170
Rubik’s Cube, 170
Rubin, Jerry, 150
Rubin, William, 191
Rude Awakening (movie), 150
Ruff, Howard J., 56
Rushdie, Salman, 209
Rust, Matthias, 37
Saatchi, Charles, collection, 196, 197
Sakharov, Andrei, 24
Salad bars, 175
San Francisco Marina District, 21, 22
Satanic Verses, The, 209; Iranian protests against, 209
Saturday Night Fever (movie), 269
Saturday Night Live (TV show), 273-274
Schemmer, Benjamin F., 127
Schmidt, Helmut, 24,
Schnabel, Julian, 81, 189, 192, 193
Schroeder, Rick, 210
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 261, 262
Schwarzman, Stephen A., 73
Science, technology and health, 109-148
Scorsese, Martin, 187, 256, 269
Sculley, John, 66
Seale, Bobby, 150
Security funds, 58
Segal, George, 198
Sellars, Peter, 223
Seoul Summer Olympics 1988, 284, 300, 301, 305
Serkin, Peter, 220
Serrano, Andres, 187
Sex, Lies, and Videotape (movie), 188
Shand-Kydd, Frances, 155
Shanghai Stock Exchange, 68-69
Shatila refuge camp, Beirut, 31
Shawl, The, 230
Sheen, Charlie, 73
Sherman, Martin, 225
Show, Eric, 284
Sicily, Mafia trial, 41
Sieck, Robert B., 116
Sikh militants, 33
Simmons, Joseph “DJ Run”, 253
Simon & Schuster, 203, 208, 210
Simon, Paul, 196, 246; concert in Central Park, 85
Sistine Chapel restoration, 199
Sixteen Candles (movie), 266
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, 200
Slaves of New York, 207
Slice of life TV shows, 281
Sloane Ranger Diary, 157
Sloane Ranger Handbook, 157
Smallpox, eradication of, 112; last
samples quandary, 143
Smeal, Eleanor, 8
Smiley face merchandise, 182
Smith, James (Bone-crusher), 298, 299
Smith, Jeff, 181
Smith, Michael J., 17
Smith, Timothy, 171
Sneakers, high-top, 161
Snyder, Tom, 273
Soccer, British fan deaths, 302, 303
Society for the Right to Die, 141
Solovyov, Vladimir, 119
Something Wild (movie), 188
South Africa, 33, 34; eases segregation, 50
South Pole used for astronomy, 124
Soviet Union, vii, 10, 13, 24, 25, 32, 35, 41; fall of, 26, 39, 54; Olympics, 284, 292; space program, 119
Soyinka, Wole, 189
Soyuz T-15 spacecraft, 119
Space Shuttles, 114; Atlantis, 124; Challenger, 17, 111, 114, 115; Columbia, 111, 114; Discovery, 111, 116
Spago (restaurant), 175
Spanish Prisoner, The, 230
Spelling, Aaron, 273
Spencer, David J., 86
Spencer, Earl, 155
Spielberg, Steven, 258, 259, 260
Sports, 283-306; highlights of the 1980s, 305-306
Springsteen, Bruce, 246
Sprouse, Stephen, 160
St. Paul’s Cathedral, 29
St. Peter’s Square, 28
Stanford Liner Accelerator Center, CA, 123
Stanley Cup, 81
Star Wars (movie), 187, 259, 264
Star Wars defense system, vii, 10, 13, 37
Starbucks Coffee Company, 182
Stardust Memories (movies), 257
Starlight Express (Broadway show), 231, 234
Statue of Liberty restoration, 79, 82, 98
Stealth aircraft, 127
Steane, J.B., 214
Steinbeck, John, 233
Steinberg, Gayfryd, 108
Stephanie of Monaco, 30
Steppenwolf troupe, Chicago, 230, 233-234
Stern Brothers, 70
Stern, David, 291
Stern, Robert A.M., 200
Steroids in sports, 300
Stevens, John Paul, 6
Stewart, James R., 58
Stewart, Martha, 151, 179; contract with K-Mart, 179
Stewart, Timothy A., 121
Stieglitz, Alfred, 194
Stirrup pants, 162
Stock markets, 61; Black Monday crash Oct. 1987, 57, 71, 72; in China, 68-69; language of, 63; record-breaking volume, 61
Stockholm, Sweden, 35
Stoltzman, Richard, 220
Stoppard, Tom, 225
Stouffer Corporation, 175
Stratas, Teresa, 214
Summer Olympics 1980 boycott, 24
Summers, Andy, 240
Super Bowls, 285; XXI, 81, 100
Suspenders (Braces), 161
Swanson Foods, 175
Sweet Charity, 222
Sweet Georgia Brown (song), 248
Synchronicity (album), 240, 241
Tampons, 135
Tan, Amy, 211
Tangier, 183
Taylor, Elizabeth, 183, 184, 263
Teddy Ruxpin bear toy, 181
Telephone answering machines for offices, 134
Television, 270-282; slice of life show, 281; viewer demographics, 278
Terminator, The (movie), 261, 262
Terms of Endearment (movie), 264
Tex, 204
Thatcher, Margaret, 24, 38, 155, 189, 303; reelected 38
Think of One (album), 239
Third Generation, The (movie), 257
Thirtysomething (TV show), 281
This Town (song), 238
Thomas, Henry, 259
Thomas, Philip Michael, 277, 278
Thriller (album), viii, 188, 241, 242,
Tiananmen Square protests crushed, 48
Ties, mens’, 165
Times Square, 90; rebuilding, 90-91, 193
Times, The, 196
Titanic ship discovery, 117, 118
Tomorrow (TV show), 273
Tompkins Square Park, 82
Tonight Show (TV show), 279
Toole, John Kennedy, 203
Tootsie (movie), 268
Torch Song Trilogy, 228
Tosca, 219
Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS), 119
Tougher Than Leather (album), 253
Tour de France, 286, 294, 297, 298
Toxic shock syndrome, 135
Trash recycling, 177
Tristano, Lennie, 238
Tron (movie), 188
Troyens, Les (opera), 214
Truffaut, François, death, 263
Trump Organization, 89
Trump Tower, 89
Trump, Ivana, 108
Turner Broadcasting System, 64
Tutu, Desmond M., 34
TV dinners, 175
TWA, 57
Twombly, Cy, 196
Twyla Tharp dance, 224
Tylenol capsule deaths, 8
U.S. Centers for Disease Control, 86, 135, 137-138, 139, 143, 144
U.S. Defense Department, 127
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 142
U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, 10
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 113, 116
U.S. Federal Reserve Board, 70
U.S. Food & Drug Administration, 152, 173-174, 178
U.S. Justice Department, 60
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 67, 75
Ugly Decade, vii
Ukraine, 35
Unification Church, 87
Union Hotel, 176
United Nations Plaza Hotel, 192
United States, vi, viii; car output, 59
Universe matter types, 123
University of Miami, 293
Urban Development Corporation, 90
USA for Africa, 246
Utah Jazz, 291
Vaisman, Meyer, 195
Valley Girl look, 150
Valley Girls, 189
Van Gogh, Vincent, 199; Irises sold for $53.9 million, 199
Van Velden, Jan, 158
Vande Woude, George F., 140
Vatican, Sistine Chapel, 199
VCRs (Video cassette recorders), 267, 278
Venturi, Robert, 200
Victor/Victoria (movie), 172
Videos, 267
Vietnam Memorial, 9
Vietnam, troops leaving Cambodia, 47
Villers, Phillippe, 126
Vincent, Fay, 22
Viner, Michael, 211
Voice mail, 134
Volcker, Paul, 70
Von Ribbentrop, Joachim, 40
Voyager 1 spacecraft, 111-112, 113
Voyager 2 spacecraft, 123
Voyager spacecraft, viii
Vreeland, Diana, 158
Waiting for Godot, 212
Walcott, Jersey Joe, 290
Walesa, Lech, 25
Walker, Alice, 205
Walkman model TCS 300, 186
Wall Street (movie), vii, 57, 73
Wall Street fashion styles, 164-165
Wall Street, 80
Walsh, Bill, 286
War (album), 251
Warhol, Andy, 192, 193, 195, 196, 198, 228; death, 198; Factory, 198
Warner Bros. records, 244
Washington, Harold, 11; elected Mayor of Chicago, 11
Waste Alternatives, 101
Waste, disposal, 177; hazardous, 113
Waxman, Jonathan, 171, 175-176
We Are The World (song), 246, 247
Webber, Andrew Lloyd, 189, 225, 227, 230, 231, 234
Weight loss, 178
Weight Watchers, 178
Weird Science (movie), 266
Weksler, Teri, 218
Wembley Stadium, London, 247
White House, 15, 41; renovations
under Reagan, 168
Whitney Museum of American Art, 81, 196; O’Keefe show, 194
Who’s Zoomin’ Who (album), 250
William Morrow & Company, 181
William, Dan, 138
Williams, Tony, 239
Willis, Bruce, 268
Wilson, Teddy, 248
Windham Hill Records, 248
Winfrey, Oprah, 280
Winter Garden Theater, 226
Wise Blood (movie), 257
Wisnosky, Dennis E., 126
Wonder Years, The (TV show), 281
Wong, B.D., 232
Woodman, Timothy, 183
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 117, 118
Word processors, 128
Workout Book, 150
World Athletics Championships, 290
World Boxing Council, 298; and World Boxing Association title united, 298
World Boxing Council’s welterweight championship, 289
World Health Organization, 112, 139, 143
Worlds of Wonder, 181
Wrigley Field, Chicago, lighting of, 299, 300
Xerox Corporation, 127
Yankees, 81
Yesehaq, Abunda, 236
Yip, Hongcheung, 42
Yo! Bum Rush the Show (album), 249
Young, Steve, 286