

  1. 4 percent rule, 267
  2. 90 percent rule, safe harbor method vs., 86–87
  3. 100 percent join and survivor option, for pensions, 293
  4. 401(k), 120–123, 289, 395
  5. 403(b) plans, 117
  6. 529 plans, 38, 168


  1. AAFD (American Association of Franchisees & Dealers), 73
  2. AAI (Accredited Advisor in Insurance), 204
  3. AARP Employer Pledge, 19
  4. AARP Foundation (website), 26
  5. AARP Social Security For Dummies (Peterson), 44
  6. AARP's LifeReimagined (website), 58, 59
  7. abatement, 273
  8. accidental death insurance, 196
  9. Accion (website), 63
  10. accountants, estate planning and, 160–161, 350
  11. accounting
    1. about, 75
    2. establishing a system, 76–80
    3. keeping tax records, 80–83
  12. accounts receivable, 334
  13. ACCRA (American Chamber of Commerce Research Association), 477
  14. Accredited Advisor in Insurance (AAI), 204
  15. AccuQuote (website), 253
  16. ACTEC (American College of Trust and Estate Counsel) (website), 160
  17. activities, in retirement communities, 435
  18. actual expenses, 268
  19. adapt, ability to, 29
  20. adjusted future estate value, 419
  21. adjusted gross income (AGI), 320
  22. administrator, 368
  23. advisors, 202–203
  24. AFA (American Franchisee Association), 73
  25. afford, 462
  26. Affordable Care Act (2010), 220, 440
  27. age of retirement, 108
  28. ageism, 27–30
  29. AGI (adjusted gross income), 320
  30. Aging Workforce survey, 9
  31. AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants), 160, 350
  32. alcohol, heart health and, 258
  33. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, 9
  34. alternative payee, 394
  35. American Advisors Group, 452
  36. American Association of Franchisees & Dealers (AAFD), 73
  37. American Chamber of Commerce Research Association (ACCRA), 477
  38. American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (ACTEC) (website), 160
  39. American Franchisee Association (AFA), 73
  40. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), 160, 350
  41. amortization, 473
  42. ancillary probate, 367
  43. angel investors, 63
  44. annuities
    1. about, 285–286
    2. contributing during working years, 286–287
    3. deferred, 288–289, 322–323
    4. deferred income, 288–289
    5. with designated beneficiaries, 176
    6. fixed, 286
    7. fixed indexed, 286
    8. immediate, 287
    9. joint and survivor, 288
    10. lifetime, 288
    11. lifetime income, 287
    12. qualified longevity annuity contract (QLAC), 288–289
    13. from retirement account balance, 121
    14. in retirement years, 287–288
    15. variable, 286
  45. appearance, importance of your, 29
  46. appliances, upgrading, 275
  47. application fee, for reverse mortgages, 448
  48. applying
    1. for grants, 40
    2. for scholarships, 40
    3. for student financial aid, 39–40
  49. appointments. See also designating
    1. of people willing to carry out estate plans, 156–159
    2. of personal representative, 372–379
  50. appraisals, 492–493
  51. Arnold, Marilyn (business owner), 16
  52. asking price, 484, 490, 495
  53. assessing
    1. adjustments in estate value due to life changes, 360–361
    2. assets, 145–146
    3. current life insurance coverage, 250–251
    4. current situation, 412–415
    5. eligibility for Social Security benefits, 300–304
    6. estate's value, 412
    7. fair market value (FMV), 484–486
    8. intended heirs/beneficiaries, 146–149
    9. likeliness of being sued, 242–244
    10. RMDs for IRAs, 125–126
    11. value of personal property, 356–359
    12. value of real property, 354–356
    13. your need to sell housing, 457–464
  54. asset allocation, 107–108
  55. assets
    1. calculating, 145–146
    2. estate, 373–374, 376
    3. estate planning and, 132–133
    4. holding in trusts, 152
    5. liquid, 451
    6. listed in wills, 181–182
    7. managing for children, 166–167
    8. Medicaid spend-down rules and, 136–138
    9. not covered by wills, 175–177
    10. retirement, 268
    11. selling, 36
    12. subtracting debts from, 359–360
    13. using to earn money, 36
  56. assisted living, 435
  57. association fees, writing off, 42
  58. Association of Small Business Development Centers (website), 60
  59. attained age, for calculating premiums with Medigap, 234
  60. attorney, estate planning and, 351–352
  61. audit, 76, 77
  62. authorization, 227
  63. average indexed monthly earnings, 300


  1. bank accounts, jointly owning, 133–134
  2. bank loans, financing with, 62
  3. Bankrate (website), 34
  4. beneficial interest, 338, 388, 401
  5. beneficiaries
    1. choosing for retirement accounts, 123–124
    2. determining intended, 146–149
    3. listed in wills, 182–183
    4. probate and, 371–372
  6. beneficiary payee
    1. defined, 394
    2. of trusts, 400
  7. benefits
    1. about, 14
    2. of estate plans, 131–133
    3. providing for yourself, 45–47
    4. public, 44
    5. Social Security, 299, 300–304, 304–310
    6. of wills, 174–177
  8. bequests
    1. about, 145
    2. appointing people to carry out estate plans, 156–159
    3. calculating assets, 145–146
    4. determining intended heirs/beneficiaries, 146–149
    5. estate planning for second families, 149–152
    6. estate planning for your business, 152–156
    7. family circumstances and, 149
    8. finding professional help, 159–162
    9. listed in wills, 183–185
    10. prenuptial agreements, 151
    11. succession plan, 154
  9. bidding wars, 493–495
  10. binding inheritance, 184–185
  11. Bizstarters (website), 52
  12. Blue MauMau, 74
  13. Bolles, Richard N. (author)
    1. What Color Is Your Parachute? A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers, 257
  14. break-even point, 311
  15. bridge loan, 477
  16. The Bridgespan Group, 69
  17. budgets
    1. about, 263
    2. changes after retirement, 269–271
    3. charting, 33–34
    4. managing expenses, 271–279
    5. retirement, 264–267
    6. spending your nest egg, 267–268
  18. Bureau of Labor Statistics (website), 27–28
  19. burial wishes, describing in wills, 186
  20. burnout factor, with self-employment, 67
  21. business card, 20
  22. business expenses, on tax return, 80
  23. business launch
    1. about, 55
    2. developing an idea, 56–59
    3. financing your enterprise, 62–65
    4. managing expectations, 55–56
    5. writing business plans, 61–62
  24. business meals, writing off, 42
  25. business plans, writing, 61–62
  26. Business Plans Kit For Dummies (Peterson and Jaret), 62
  27. business records, replacing lost, 83
  28. business succession plan, 143
  29. business travel, writing off, 42
  30. “A Business Case for Workers Age 50+: A Look at the Value of Experience 2015,” 9
  31. businesses
    1. estate planning for, 152–156
    2. inheritance of a share of a, 155–156
  32. BusinessUSA, 62, 64
  33. buying a listing, 494–495
  34. by the entireties, 176
  35. bypass trust, 152


  1. C corporations, 80
  2. calcium, for health, 262
  3. calculating
    1. adjustments in estate value due to life changes, 360–361
    2. assets, 145–146
    3. current life insurance coverage, 250–251
    4. current situation, 412–415
    5. eligibility for Social Security benefits, 300–304
    6. estate's value, 412
    7. fair market value (FMV), 484–486
    8. intended heirs/beneficiaries, 146–149
    9. likeliness of being sued, 242–244
    10. RMDs for IRAs, 125–126
    11. value of personal property, 356–359
    12. value of real property, 354–356
    13. your need to sell housing, 457–464
  4. calligraphy artist, as a business idea, 59
  5. cancer coverage insurance, 196
  6. capital assets, selling, 323
  7. capital gains, 439
  8. capital gains exclusion rules, 439–440
  9. capitalization rate, 355
  10. car expenses, on tax return, 80–81
  11. car insurance, 194
  12. careers
    1. considerations for, 15–16
    2. navigating changes in, 25–26
  13. Carlson, Bob (author)
    1. Personal Finance After 50 For Dummies, 35
  14. cash basis, 79
  15. cash flow, 465
  16. cash-value life insurance, 253
  17. catastrophic coverage, Medicare Part D, 226
  18. CCRC (continuing care retirement community), 435
  19. Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards (website), 35
  20. Certified Financial Planners (CFPs), 348
  21. Certified Fund Specialist (CFS), 349
  22. Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC), 204
  23. Certified Investment Management Consultant (CIMC), 349
  24. Certified Life Underwriter (CLU), 204
  25. Certified Public Accountant (CPA), 350
  26. Certified Public Accountant/Personal Financial Specialist (CPA/PFS), 350
  27. CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst), 349
  28. CFPs (Certified Financial Planners), 348
  29. CFS (Certified Fund Specialist), 349
  30. Chamber of Commerce, 485
  31. changes in employment
    1. about, 31–32
    2. additional public benefits, 44
    3. filing for unemployment benefits, 32
    4. financing education and training, 36–41
    5. organizing finances, 32–36
    6. providing benefits for yourself, 45–47
    7. Social Security benefits, 43–44
    8. writing off job-hunting expenses, 41–43
  32. charitable gifts
    1. about, 424–425
    2. adding, 413
    3. exclusion amount for, 424
    4. giving, 360, 425–426
    5. with IRA, 124
    6. property, 422–423
  33. charitable remainder trust, 148
  34. charities
    1. as intended heirs/beneficiaries, 148
    2. trusts and, 405
  35. Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), 349
  36. Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU), 204
  37. charting budgets, 33–34
  38. Cheat Sheet (website), 3
  39. checking tax tables, 413–414
  40. children. See dependents
  41. chocolate, dark, heart health and, 258
  42. choosing
    1. beneficiaries for retirement accounts, 123–124
    2. custodians for IRA, 121–123
    3. guardians, 163–166
    4. insurance companies, 206
    5. pension options, 289–294
    6. personal representative, 156–158
    7. professional advisors, 201–206
    8. successors, 158–159
    9. trustee, 156–158
    10. where to buy life insurance, 253
    11. witnesses to will, 188
  43. The Chronicle of Philanthropy, 69
  44. CIC (Certified Insurance Counselor), 204
  45. CIMC (Certified Investment Management Consultant), 349
  46. climate, as a reason for moving, 432
  47. closing costs, 471–472
  48. CLU (Certified Life Underwriter), 204
  49. CMA (comparable market analysis), 486–493
  50. CNCS (Corporation for National and Community Service), 40
  51. COBRA, 46
  52. coinsurance
    1. Medicare Part B, 219
    2. Medicare Part D, 225
  53. collecting estate assets, 373–374
  54. College Savings Plans Network (website), 38
  55. Collier, Marsha (author)
    1. eBay For Dummies, 9th Edition, 36
  56. CommonGood Careers, 69
  57. communication, as an expense, 275–276
  58. community associations, 436
  59. community property, 393
  60. community rating, for calculating premiums with Medigap, 234
  61. comparable market analysis (CMA), 486–493
  62. completing
    1. Form 1040-ES: Estimated Tax for Individuals, 87–88
    2. Form 8889: Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), 94–95
  63. comps (comparables), 487, 489–490, 491
  64. consolidating debt, 34
  65. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (website), 38–39
  66. Consumer Price Index (CPI), 326
  67. contingent, 339
  68. continuing care retirement community (CCRC), 435
  69. contract wills, 152
  70. contract work, 50–54
  71. convenience, as an advantage of joint tenancy, 385
  72. coordinating umbrella policy with other insurance, 239–240
  73. copayments, Medicare Part D, 225
  74. copersonal representatives, 158
  75. Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), 40
  76. corporations
    1. about, 80
    2. Social Security benefits and, 317–318
  77. corpus, 387
  78. cost of living
    1. adjustments to, in LTD, 256
    2. as a reason for moving, 432–433
  79. costs
    1. as an advantage of joint tenancy, 384
    2. closing, 471–472
    3. of housing, 482, 483–484
    4. moving, 42, 433–436, 474
    5. of probate, 371
    6. of reverse mortgages, 437–438, 449
    7. of turnover, 10
  80. cotrustees, 158
  81. counseling, 453
  82. coverage, insurance, 193
  83. coverage gap, Medicare Part D, 226, 228
  84. Coverdell Account, 168–169
  85. CPA (Certified Public Accountant), 350
  86. CPA/PFS (Certified Public Accountant/Personal Financial Specialist), 350
  87. CPCU (Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter), 204
  88. CPI (Consumer Price Index), 326
  89. creating trusts/wills, 140–144
  90. credit cards
    1. financing with, 64
    2. reviewing offers, 34
  91. credit line account, 448
  92. credit report/score, reviewing, 34
  93. creditor claim reductions, as an advantage of joint tenancy, 384–385
  94. creditors
    1. as a disadvantage of joint tenancy, 385–386
    2. notifying of probate, 365–366
    3. processing claims of, 375
  95. credits, in closing costs, 472
  96. critical path method
    1. about, 373
    2. to estate planning, 344–346
  97. crowdfunding, financing with, 63
  98. crowdlending, financing with, 63
  99. Crummey trust, 169–170
  100. crunches, as an exercise, 260
  101. current workforce, changes in, 8
  102. “Currently For Sale” section (CMA), 488–489
  103. custodians
    1. choosing for IRAs, 121–123
    2. for minor children, 139–140
  104. customizing insurance policies, 200–201
  105. cybersecurity jobs, 18


  1. day rate, 54
  2. death, impact of, 419–420
  3. death tax, 381
  4. debts
    1. avoiding additional, 39
    2. consolidating, 34
    3. defined, 442
    4. eliminating, 35
    5. payment of by estates, 186
    6. reducing, 35
    7. subtracting from assets, 359–360
  5. deductible, insurance
    1. about, 193
    2. in LTD, 256
    3. Medicare Part B, 219
    4. Medicare Part D, 225
  6. deductible losses, 324
  7. deeds, 383, 395
  8. deferred income annuity, 288–289
  9. deferring
    1. income, 316–317
    2. taxes, 273
  10. defined benefit pension plans, 298
  11. delayed retirement credits, 304
  12. demographics, in retirement communities, 434–435
  13. dependents
    1. about, 163
    2. choosing guardians for, 163–166
    3. expenses for, 279
    4. managing assets for, 166–167
    5. providing for needs of, 167–171
    6. supporting, 264–266
  14. depreciation, 466
  15. designating. See also appointments
    1. guardians in will, 187
    2. personal representatives in will, 186–187
  16. detailed description, in business plan, 61
  17. determining
    1. adjustments in estate value due to life changes, 360–361
    2. assets, 145–146
    3. current life insurance coverage, 250–251
    4. current situation, 412–415
    5. eligibility for Social Security benefits, 300–304
    6. estate's value, 412
    7. fair market value (FMV), 484–486
    8. intended heirs/beneficiaries, 146–149
    9. likeliness of being sued, 242–244
    10. RMDs for IRAs, 125–126
    11. value of personal property, 356–359
    12. value of real property, 354–356
    13. your need to sell housing, 457–464
  18. disability insurance. See long-term disability (LTD) insurance
  19. distributing
    1. estate assets, 376
    2. estate during probate, 366–367
  20. distributions
    1. about, 281
    2. annuities, 285–289
    3. minimizing, 322
    4. pensions, 289–294
  21. divorces
    1. impact of, 419–420
    2. spousal benefits and, 307
  22. documenting expenses/income, 77
  23. domestic partnership, 149
  24. do-overs, 324–325
  25. doughnut hole, Medicare Part D, 226, 228
  26. downsizing, 36, 274, 434
  27. dread disease coverage insurance, 196
  28. Duarte, Joe (author)
    1. Trading Options For Dummies, 3rd Edition, 359
  29. due diligence, with franchising, 70, 71–73
  30. dues, writing off, 42
  31. durable power of attorney, 391
  32. duress, 484


  1. earnings history, reviewing, 301
  2. eBay For Dummies, 9th Edition (Collier), 36
  3. economic development programs, financing with, 63–64
  4. education
    1. financing, 36–41
    2. providing for child's, 167–170
    3. providing funds for, 404
  5. education IRA, 168–169
  6. Edvisors (website), 38
  7. effective interest rate, 438
  8. eHealth (website), 47
  9. Elance, 52, 58
  10. elective share, 148
  11. eligibility
    1. for Medicare Part A, 210–212
    2. as personal representative, 376–378
  12. eliminating debt, 35
  13. emergency fund, 35
  14. Employee Retirement Income Security Act (1974) (ERISA), 105, 293
  15. employer education/training opportunities, 36–37
  16. employer-based life insurance, 250–251
  17. employer-sponsored retirement accounts, 117
  18. employment, changes in
    1. about, 31–32
    2. additional public benefits, 44
    3. filing for unemployment benefits, 32
    4. financing education and training, 36–41
    5. organizing finances, 32–36
    6. providing benefits for yourself, 45–47
    7. Social Security benefits, 43–44
    8. writing off job-hunting expenses, 41–43
  19. employment agency fees, writing off, 42
  20. employment opportunities, 476–478
  21., 69
  22. energy audit, 275
  23. engaged workers, power of, 10
  24. engineering jobs, 18
  25. enrollment deadlines, for Medicare, 208–209
  26. enterprises, financing, 62–65
  27. entrepreneurs
    1. about, 65–66
    2. help for, 69
    3. nonprofit start-up to-do list, 66–68
  28. equity
    1. defined, 441, 442, 457
    2. in your home, 464–465
  29. equity investors, financing with, 63
  30. ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act) (1974), 105, 293
  31. establishing
    1. accounting systems, 76–80
    2. retirement accounts, 119
  32. estate assets
    1. collecting, 373–374
    2. distributing, 376
  33. estate plans
    1. about, 129–130, 331–332
    2. benefits of, 131–133
    3. for businesses, 152–156
    4. creating wills/trusts, 140–144
    5. critical path method for, 344–346
    6. defined, 335
    7. getting help with, 346–352
    8. individualized goals for, 342–343
    9. pitfalls of, 133–138
    10. reasons for having an, 339–342
    11. results of not having, 130–131, 138–140
    12. for second families, 149–152
    13. terminology for, 332–339
  34. estate property, managing, 374–375
  35. Estate Recovery Act, 381, 418
  36. estate taxes, 144, 153, 417–418
  37. estate-related taxes
    1. about, 411
    2. assessing current situation, 412–415
    3. planning for, 425–427
    4. predicting the future, 415–421
    5. strategies for, 421–425
    6. trade-offs, 421–425
  38. estates
    1. determining value of, 412
    2. distributing during probate, 366–367
    3. protecting, 404
  39. estimated benefits statement, 102
  40. estimated cash flow, rental property and, 466
  41. estimated quarterly income taxes, 53
  42. estimated sale price, for housing, 470–471
  43. estimated taxes
    1. about, 53, 85
    2. Form 1040-ES: Estimated Tax for Individuals, 86–88
  44. estimating
    1. investment income, 282–283
    2. proceeds of housing sales, 469–475
  45. exceptional risk factor, 243
  46. exclusion amount, for gifts, 424
  47. executing wills, 187–188
  48. executive summary, in business plan, 61
  49. executor, 368. See also personal representative
  50. exempt income, 318–319
  51. exercise, 259–260
  52. expectations, managing, 55–56
  53. expenses
    1. about, 263
    2. actual, 268
    3. documenting, 77
    4. managing, 271–279
    5. moving, 474
    6. rental property and, 465–466
    7. retirement, 264–267, 269–271
    8. spending your nest egg, 267–268
    9. on tax return, 80–81
  54. experienced workers, recognizing need for and value of, 7–11
  55. external factors, 483
  56. extra-virgin olive oil, heart health and, 259
  57. eyeballing, 492


  1. FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), 39–40
  2. FAIL acronym, 347
  3. fair market value (FMV), 484–486, 493–494
  4. faith lift, 29
  5. family, housing near, 435
  6. Family Limited Partnership (FLP), 152, 155
  7. fashion, expenses for, 277
  8. FastTrac Boomer Entrepreneur program, 60
  9. Fastweb (website), 40
  10. Federal Direct Loan, 39
  11. Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 74
  12. fee-for-service plan, 215
  13. fee-only financial planner, 35
  14. fellowships, 38
  15. fiber, 260–261
  16. filing
    1. for unemployment benefits, 32
    2. withholdings for employees, 89–90
  17. filing returns, 375–376
  18. FinAid (website), 38, 40
  19. Finance of America Reverse Mortgage, 452
  20. finances
    1. organizing your, 32–36
    2. as a reason to sell your home, 462–463
    3. separating business and personal, 76–77
  21. financial aid, applying for, 39–40
  22. financial factor status
    1. assessing current, 242
    2. assessing future, 243
  23. financial goals, for contract work, 54
  24. Financial Planning Association (website), 35, 348
  25. financial planning professionals, 348–350
  26. financial resources, tapping your, 35–36
  27. financial stability, of dependents, 170–171
  28. financing
    1. education/training, 36–41
    2. enterprises, 62–65
  29. finding
    1. insurance agents, 203–205
    2. professionals to help with estate planning, 159–162
    3. purpose, 15–21
  30. fish, heart health and, 259
  31. 529 plans, 38, 168
  32. Fiverr, 52
  33. fixed annuity, 286
  34. fixed indexed annuity, 286
  35. fixed price, for contract work, 54
  36. flexibility, workday, 13–14
  37. flood insurance, 195
  38. FLP (Family Limited Partnership), 152, 155
  39. FMV (fair market value), 484–486, 493–494
  40. food, expenses for, 276–277
  41. forced disposition, as a disadvantage of joint tenancy, 385
  42. forced heirship laws, 141, 148, 160, 175, 183
  43. Ford, Henry (businessman), 25
  44. Form 940, “Employer's Annual Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return,” 90
  45. Form 941, “Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return,” 90
  46. Form 1040-ES: Estimated Tax for Individuals
    1. about, 86
    2. completing, 87–88
    3. safe harbor method vs. 90 percent rule, 86–87
  47. Form 8889: Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)
    1. about, 93
    2. completing, 94–95
    3. how HSAs work, 93–94
  48. Form W-4 (IRS), 89
  49. formulary, 227
  50. forward mortgage, 441
  51. 4 percent rule, 267
  52. 401(k), 120–123, 289, 395
  53. 403(b) plans, 117
  54. FRA (full retirement age), 301–304
  55. Franchise Management For Dummies (Seid and Mazero), 71
  56. Franchise Registry (website), 73
  57. franchising
    1. about, 69–79
    2. due diligence, 70, 71–73
    3. guidelines for, 71
    4. loans for, 73
    5. money requirements for, 73
    6. resources for, 73–74
    7. self-assessment, 70–71
  58. (website), 73
  59. FRB (full retirement benefits), 301–302
  60. Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), 39–40
  61. Freelancer, 52
  62. freeze, of taxes, 273
  63. friends, financing with, 63
  64. fruits, heart health and, 259
  65. FTC (Federal Trade Commission), 74
  66. full retirement age (FRA), 301–304
  67. full retirement benefits (FRB), 301–302
  68. full-body makeover, 22
  69. fun, expenses for, 278
  70. funding the trust, 390
  71. (website), 63
  72. funeral wishes, describing in wills, 186
  73. FUTA (Form 940, “Employer's Annual Federal Unemployment Tax Return”), 90
  74. future interest, 338


  1. gap coverage, personal umbrella policy for, 239–240
  2. garbage bill, reducing, 275
  3. garlic, heart health and, 259
  4. Garrett Planning Network (website), 35
  5. gift tax and generation skipping transfer tax (GSTT), 418
  6. gifts
    1. about, 424–425
    2. adding, 413
    3. exclusion amount for, 424
    4. giving, 360, 425–426
    5. with IRA, 124
    6. property, 422–423
  7. Gofundme (website), 63
  8. GoHealth (website), 47
  9. government-sponsored benefits, reverse mortgages and, 451
  10. graduated tax system, 414
  11. grandchildren, expenses for, 279
  12. grant programs, financing with, 64
  13. grantor, 399
  14. grants
    1. applying for, 40
    2. defined, 38
  15. (website), 64
  16. gross misconduct, 32
  17. GSTT (gift tax and generation skipping transfer tax), 418
  18. guardians
    1. choosing, 163–166
    2. designating in will, 187
  19., 52
  20. GuideStar, 69
  21. Guru, 52


  1. health
    1. about, 258
    2. calcium, 262
    3. exercise, 259–260
    4. fiber, 260–261
    5. heart, 258–259
    6. hydration, 260
    7. stress management, 261
  2. health expectancy, 268
  3. health insurance, 46–47
  4. health maintenance organizations (HMOs), 220
  5. health savings account (HSA), 46
  6. healthcare
    1. expenses for, 278
    2. housing near, 435
    3. jobs in, 17–18
  7. (website), 46
  8. heart health, 258–259
  9. HECM (Home Equity Conversion Mortgage), 436, 444, 445, 449, 452
  10. “HECM for Purchase,” 454
  11. heirs, determining intended, 146–149
  12. help
    1. with estate planning, 346–352
    2. getting, 59–61
    3. seeking, 27
    4. for social entrepreneurs, 69
  13. HMOs (health maintenance organizations), 220
  14. hobbies, turning into profit, 58
  15. holographic will, 178
  16. home equity, as a retirement plan component, 105
  17. Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM), 436, 444, 445, 449, 452
  18. home equity line of credit
    1. defined, 35
    2. financing with, 62–63
  19. home equity loan
    1. reverse mortgages vs., 439
    2. second mortgage vs., 443–444
  20. home healthcare, under Medicare Part A coverage, 214
  21. home office, writing off, 42–43
  22. hospital stays, under Medicare Part A coverage, 213
  23. hospitality and leisure jobs, 18
  24. HourlyNerd, 52
  25. housing
    1. about, 431, 455–456
    2. calculating value of homes, 354–355
    3. determining your need for, 457–464
    4. expenses for, 81, 273–275
    5. financial feasibility of a move, 475–479
    6. health of market, 464–468
    7. job moves, 462
    8. location options, 433–436
    9. moving, 431–436
    10. pros and cons of moving, 432–433
    11. rental income, 440
    12. reverse mortgages, 436–439
    13. schools and, 459
    14. selling, 455–468, 469–475
    15. tax issues, 439–440
    16. trading, 461–462
  26. housing, value of
    1. about, 481–482
    2. bidding wars, 493–495
    3. comparable market analysis (CMA), 486–493
    4. cost, 482, 483–484
    5. determining fair market value (FMV), 484–486
    6. price, 482, 484
    7. value, 482–483
  27. “How Work Affects Your Benefits” (website), 44
  28. HSA (health savings account), 46
  29. HUD-approved counselor, 453
  30. hydration, 260


  1. IA (Investment Adviser), 349
  2. IBM's Transition to Teaching program, 37
  3. icons, explained, 23
  4. Idealist, 69
  5. identifying need for disability insurance, 255–256
  6. identity loss, with self-employment, 67
  7. IFA (International Franchise Association), 74
  8. imaginary property, 336
  9. immediate annuity, 287
  10. impound account, 472
  11. income
    1. deferring, 316–317
    2. documenting, 77
    3. exempt, 318–319
    4. rental, 274, 355, 440, 465–467
    5. requirements for retirement, 99–100
    6. special, 319
  12. income, protecting
    1. about, 247
    2. assessing need for life insurance, 248–253
    3. disability insurance, 254–258
    4. protecting your health, 258–262
  13. income beneficiaries, 388
  14. income taxes, 78–79
  15. increasing savings, 34
  16. independent living, 435
  17. Independent Sector, 69
  18. Indiegogo (website), 63
  19. Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), 119, 395
  20. individuals, as intended heirs/beneficiaries, 146–148
  21. inheritance
    1. of a share of a business, 155–156
    2. of sole proprietorships, 154–155
  22. inpatient care, 227
  23. institutional trustees, estate planning and, 161–162
  24. institutions
    1. as intended heirs/beneficiaries, 148
    2. trusts and, 405
  25. insulation, improving for home, 275
  26. insurance
    1. about, 191, 199
    2. accidental death, 196
    3. balanced, 200
    4. buying, 196–197, 199–206
    5. buying as a last resort, 196–197
    6. choosing companies for, 206
    7. choosing professional advisors, 201–206
    8. coinsurance, 219, 225
    9. contract work and, 53
    10. customizing policies, 200–201
    11. deductibles, 193, 219, 225, 256
    12. with designated beneficiaries, 176
    13. expenses for, 278–279
    14. flood, 195
    15. health, 46–47
    16. Las Vegas, 196
    17. odds, 194–195
    18. risks, 193–194, 195
    19. rush-hour liability, 196
    20. simplicity of, 191–192
    21. travel accident, 196
  27. insurance agents
    1. about, 202, 203–205
    2. estate planning and, 350–351
  28. insurance companies, 205–206
  29. (website), 47
  30. intangible personal property, 336–337, 358–359
  31. interactions, with other employees, 14
  32. interest
    1. beneficial, 338, 388, 401
    2. defined, 337
    3. future, 338
    4. legal, 338, 388, 401
    5. present, 338
    6. property, 337–339
    7. for reverse mortgages, 449
    8. vested, 339
  33. interests by the entirety, 393
  34. internal factors, 483
  35. International Franchise Association (IFA), 74
  36. Internet access
    1. bundling with television, 276
    2. writing off, 42
  37. Internet resources
    1. AARP Foundation, 26
    2. AARP's LifeReimagined, 58, 59
    3. Accion, 63
    4. AccuQuote, 253
    5. American Association of Franchisees & Dealers (AAFD), 73
    6. American Chamber of Commerce Research Association (ACCRA), 477
    7. American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (ACTEC), 160
    8. American Franchisee Association (AFA), 73
    9. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), 160
    10. Association of Small Business Development Centers, 60
    11. Bankrate, 34
    12. Bizstarters, 52
    13. Blue MauMau, 74
    14. The Bridgespan Group, 69
    15. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 27–28
    16. BusinessUSA, 62, 64
    17. Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, 35
    18. Certified Public Accountant/Personal Financial Specialist (CPA/PFS), 350
    19. Cheat Sheet, 3
    20. The Chronicle of Philanthropy, 69
    21. College Savings Plans Network, 38
    22. CommonGood Careers, 69
    23. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 38–39
    24. coverage gap, 226
    25. Edvisors, 38
    26. eHealth, 47
    27. Elance, 52, 58
    28., 69
    29. Fastweb, 40
    30. Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 74
    31. FinAid, 38, 40
    32. Financial Planning Association, 35, 348
    33. Fiverr, 52
    34. flood insurance, 195
    35. Franchise Registry, 73
    36., 73
    37. Freelancer, 52
    38., 63
    39. Garrett Planning Network, 35
    40. Gofundme, 63
    41. GoHealth, 47
    42., 64
    43., 52
    44. GuideStar, 69
    45. Guru, 52
    46., 46
    47. HourlyNerd, 52
    48. “How Work Affects Your Benefits,” 44
    49. HUD-approved counselor, 453
    50. Idealist, 69
    51. Independent Sector, 69
    52. Indiegogo, 63
    53. insurance company grades, 206
    54., 47
    55. International Franchise Association (IFA), 74
    56. IRS, 37, 78, 86, 89, 126, 169, 413, 440
    57. IRS Publication 521 “Moving Expenses,” 42
    58. IRS Publication 587, “Business Use of Your Home,” 43
    59. IRS Publication 915, “Social Security and Equivalent Railroad Retirement Benefits,” 321
    60. IRS Publication 970, “Tax Benefits for Education,” 41, 43
    61. job, 17
    62. job search tips, 23
    63. Kauffman Foundation's FastTrac Boomer Entrepreneur program, 60
    64. Kickstarter, 63
    65. Kiva Zip, 63
    66. Lawrence N. Field Center for Entrepreneurship, 60
    67. life insurance, 253
    68. LifeReimagined, 58, 59
    69. Lyft, 36
    70. Medicare, 207, 215, 228
    71. Medicare & You, 215
    72. Mint, 34
    73. National Association of Health Underwriters, 47
    74. National Association of Personal Financial Advisors, 35
    75. The National Council of Nonprofits, 69
    76. NetQuote, 47
    77. Onevest, 63
    78. PayScale, 477
    79. The Pink Fund, 68
    80. public benefits, 44
    81. Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program, 39
    82. ReliaQuote, 253
    83. retirement account restrictions, 116
    84. Rockport Institute, 58
    85. SCORE, 60
    86. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 349
    87. SelectQuote, 253
    88. Senior Entrepreneurship Works, 60
    89. Skillshare, 52
    90. Small Business Administration (SBA), 53, 60, 72, 74
    91. Small Business Investment Company program, 63
    92. Social Security, 300, 301
    93. Social Security Administration (SSA), 101, 103, 251, 314, 318
    94. Startup Nation, 60
    95. T. Rowe Price Web-based Retirement Income Calculator, 107
    96. Tax Benefits for Education Information Center, 37
    97. Term4Sale, 253
    98. TheLadders, 12
    99. Tyson, Eric (author), 260
    100. Uber, 36
    101. Unhappy Franchisee, 74
    102. U.S. Department of Education, 38
    103. U.S. Department of Labor, 78, 477
    104. VolunteerMatch, 112
    105. WorkCoachCafe, 12
    106. You Need a Budget, 34
  38. intervivos trust, 405–408
  39. intestate succession, laws of, 139
  40. inventory
    1. for insurance, 192
    2. of property during probate, 366
  41. Investing For Dummies (Tyson), 119
  42. Investment Adviser (IA), 349
  43. investments
    1. about, 281
    2. annuities, 285–289
    3. calculating value of property, 355
    4. estimating income, 282–283
    5. guiding through retirement, 282–285
    6. pensions, 289–294
    7. performance of, 268
    8. rebalancing, 283–285
    9. as a retirement plan component, 104–105
    10. withdrawal strategies for, 294–295
  44. IRAs (Individual Retirement Accounts), 45, 119, 295, 395
  45. irrevocable life insurance trust, 403
  46. irrevocable living trust, 387
  47. irrevocable trusts, 408–410
  48. IRS (website), 37, 78, 86, 89, 126, 169, 413, 440
  49. IRS Form 940, “Employer's Annual Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return,” 90
  50. IRS Form 941, “Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return,” 90
  51. IRS Form 1040-ES: Estimated Tax for Individuals
    1. about, 86
    2. completing, 87–88
    3. safe harbor method vs. 90 percent rule, 86–87
  52. IRS Form 8889: Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)
    1. about, 93
    2. completing, 94–95
    3. how HSAs work, 93–94
  53. IRS Form W-4, 89
  54. IRS Publication 504, “Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax,” 321
  55. IRS Publication 521 “Moving Expenses” (website), 42
  56. IRS Publication 587, “Business Use of Your Home” (website), 43
  57. IRS Publication 915, “Social Security and Equivalent Railroad Retirement Benefits,” 321
  58. IRS Publication 970, “Tax Benefits for Education” (website), 41, 43
  59. IRS Schedule SE: Self-Employment Tax
    1. about, 90–91
    2. completing the short, 92–93
    3. versions of, 91–92
  60. issue age, for calculating premiums with Medigap, 234


  1. Jaret, Peter E. (author)
    1. Business Plans Kit For Dummies, 62
  2. job markets, fast-growing, 16–19
  3. job moves, 462
  4. job searches
    1. broadening your, 24
    2. realities of, 12–13
    3. tips for, 23
  5. job websites, 17
  6. job-hunt expenses, writing off, 41–43
  7. joint and survivor annuity, 288
  8. joint bank accounts, 176
  9. joint tenancy, 382–387
  10. joint tenancy bank accounts, 393
  11. joint tenancy with right of survivorship (JTWROS), 133–134, 382
  12. joint will, 179–180
  13. Jones, Beverly (career coach), 20
  14. journaling, 20
  15. Joyce, Susan P. (website publisher), 12
  16. JTWROS (joint tenancy with right of survivorship), 133–134, 382


  1. Kauffman Foundation's FastTrac Boomer Entrepreneur program, 60
  2. Keogh plan, 118
  3. Kickstarter (website), 63
  4. Kiva Zip (website), 63
  5. Koenig, Gary (author)
    1. “The Long Road Back: Struggling to Find Work after Unemployment,” 21, 22, 24


  1. Las Vegas insurance, 196
  2. Lawrence N. Field Center for Entrepreneurship, 60
  3. laws of intestate succession, 139
  4. lawyers, estate planning and, 160
  5. learning
    1. ability to, 29
    2. opportunities for, 14
  6. Lecy, Jesse D. (professor), 56
  7. legal environment factor, 243
  8. legal interest, 338, 388, 401
  9. leisure and hospitality jobs, 18
  10. Letters of Administration, 365
  11. Letters of Testamentary, 365
  12. leveraging tax breaks, 41
  13. liability, insurance and, 193–194
  14. life estates, 135–136, 150–151
  15. life expectancy, 268, 313–314
  16. life insurance
    1. about, 144, 153, 170
    2. assessing current coverage, 250–251
    3. cash-value, 253
    4. choosing where to buy, 253
    5. need for, 249–250
    6. purpose of, 248
    7. types, 251–253
    8. variable, 252–253
    9. whole, 252–253
  17. LifeReimagined (website), 58, 59
  18. lifetime annuity, 288
  19. lifetime income annuity, 287
  20. Lifetime Learning Credit, 37, 41
  21. like-kind, 1031 Starker exchange, 440
  22. Limited Liability Company (LLC), 80, 355–356
  23. Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), 355–356
  24. line of credit, reverse mortgages and, 446
  25. liquid, staying, 34
  26. liquid asset, 451
  27. living costs, 476–478
  28. living trust
    1. about, 143, 387, 403
    2. advantages of, 389–391
    3. costs of, 392
    4. disadvantages of, 391–392
    5. paperwork for, 388–389
    6. roles in, 387–388
  29. LLC (Limited Liability Company), 80, 355–356
  30. LLP (Limited Liability Partnership), 355–356
  31. loan balance, 442
  32. loan origination fee, for reverse mortgages, 448
  33. loans
    1. about, 38–39
    2. bridge, 477
    3. financing with, 62
    4. for franchising, 73
    5. nonrecourse, 438, 443, 447
    6. repaying, 448
  34. local economic development agencies, financing with, 64
  35. locations, options for, 433–436
  36. long-term disability (LTD) insurance
    1. about, 254
    2. identifying needed coverage, 255–256
    3. reasons for having, 254–255
    4. shopping for, 256–258
  37. “The Long Road Back: Struggling to Find Work after Unemployment” (Koenig, Trawinski and Rix), 21, 22, 24
  38. LTD. See long-term disability (LTD) insurance
  39. lump sum
    1. retirement account balance and, 121
    2. reverse mortgages and, 446
  40. Luntz, Frank (author)
    1. What Americans Really Want…Really, 266
  41. Lyft (website), 36


  1. MacDonald, Molly (CEO), 68
  2. MAGI (modified adjusted gross income), 41, 217–218, 320–321, 323–324
  3. magnesium-rich foods, heart health and, 259
  4. mail order only, 227
  5. makeover, 22
  6. managing
    1. assets for children, 166–167
    2. estate property, 374–375
    3. expectations, 55–56
    4. expenses, 272–279
    5. taxes, 272–273
  7. marginal tax rate, 319
  8. market analysis, in business plan, 62
  9. Mazero, Joyce (author)
    1. Franchise Management For Dummies, 71
  10. means-testing, 326
  11. median sales price, 485–486
  12. Medicaid, 451
  13. Medicaid spend-down rules, assets and, 136–138
  14. medical equipment maintenance/repair, as a business idea, 59
  15. medical savings accounts (MSAs), 221
  16. medically necessary services, 215
  17. Medicare
    1. about, 207–208
    2. changing plans, 235
    3. contact information for, 222–223
    4. enrollment deadlines, 208–209
    5. Part A. See Medicare Part A
    6. Part B. See Medicare Part B
    7. Part C. See Medicare Part C
    8. Part D. See Medicare Part D
    9. prescription drug coverage, 208, 223–230
    10. problem-solving tips for, 234–236
    11. starting, 208–209
    12. supplements to, 230–234
    13. website, 207, 215, 228
  18. Medicare Advantage. See Part C (Medicare)
  19. Medicare Part A
    1. about, 210
    2. coverage under, 212–214
    3. eligibility for, 210–212
    4. enrollment deadline for, 209, 211–212
    5. signing up for, 210–212
  20. Medicare Part B
    1. about, 214–215
    2. changing between Part C (Medicare) and, 235
    3. enrollment deadline for, 209, 216
    4. paying for, 216–219
    5. signing up for, 215–216
  21. Medicare Part C
    1. about, 214, 219–220
    2. changing between Part D (Medicare) and, 235
    3. enrollment deadline for, 221–222
    4. joining/changing plans, 221–222
    5. plans under, 220–221
    6. researching plans, 222–223
  22. Medicare Part D
    1. about, 223
    2. changing between Part C (Medicare) and, 235
    3. comparing plans, 228–229
    4. enrolling in, 229–230
    5. enrollment deadline for, 209
    6. plans under, 224–229
  23. Medicare & You, 215
  24. Medicare-approved amount, 219
  25. Medigap
    1. about, 230
    2. choosing policies, 232–233
    3. enrollment deadline for, 209
    4. obtaining quotes for, 234
    5. policies, 230–231
    6. standardizing policies, 231–232
  26. memorandum of trust, 389
  27. mentors, 60–61
  28. minimal credit check, for reverse mortgages, 448
  29. minor beneficiaries, 388
  30. Mint (website), 34
  31. modified adjusted gross income (MAGI), 41, 217–218, 320–321, 323–324
  32. money
    1. running out of, 264
    2. will substitutes and, 381
  33. Money Magazine (magazine), 348
  34. monitoring changes at work, 235–236
  35. Monte Carlo simulations, 110
  36. monthly servicing fee, for reverse mortgages, 449
  37. moral obligation, 184–185
  38. moral responsibility factor, 244
  39. mortgage lender, 458
  40. mortgage payoff, 472–473
  41. mortgages
    1. forward, 441
    2. reverse. See reverse mortgages
  42. moving
    1. about, 431–432
    2. overseas, 236
    3. pros and cons of, 432–433
  43. moving costs
    1. about, 474
    2. location options, 433–436
    3. writing off, 42
  44. MSAs (medical savings accounts), 221
  45. mutual fund certificate, 337


  1. National Association of Health Underwriters (website), 47
  2. National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (website), 35
  3. National Association of Realtors, 485
  4. national base premium amount, 229
  5. The National Council of Nonprofits, 69
  6. natural gifts, cashing in on, 58–59
  7. navigating career changes, 25–26
  8. need-based pricing, 485
  9. negative balance, 359
  10. nest eggs, spending, 267–268
  11. net operating income, 355
  12. net value, 334
  13. NetQuote (website), 47
  14. networking, 23
  15. 90 percent rule, safe harbor method vs., 86–87
  16. nonfinancial matters, planning for, 110–112
  17. nonprobate property, 368
  18. nonqualified deferred compensation plan, 317
  19. nonrecourse loans, 438, 443, 447
  20. non-UPC states, 368
  21. normal retirement benefits, 301–302
  22. nuncupative will, 178
  23. nursing home, 435


  1. odds, insurance and, 194–195
  2. offering price, 484
  3. 100 percent join and survivor option, for pensions, 293
  4. Onevest (website), 63
  5. ongoing costs, for reverse mortgages, 448
  6. online presence, 29
  7. operation of law, 381
  8. operations research, 344
  9. organizing
    1. as a business idea, 59
    2. your finances, 32–36
  10. Original Medicare. See Part B (Medicare)
  11. origination fees, for reverse mortgages, 449
  12. outplacement fees, writing off, 42
  13. outside of probate, 175–176, 381
  14. outstanding balance, 472–473
  15. overimproving, 460
  16. “own occupation,” in LTD, 256
  17. Oz, Mehmet (doctor), 258


  1. paper losses, 323
  2. paperwork, contract work and, 53
  3. Part A (Medicare)
    1. about, 210
    2. coverage under, 212–214
    3. eligibility for, 210–212
    4. enrollment deadline for, 209, 211–212
    5. signing up for, 210–212
  4. Part B (Medicare)
    1. about, 214–215
    2. changing between Part C (Medicare) and, 235
    3. enrollment deadline for, 209, 216
    4. paying for, 216–219
    5. signing up for, 215–216
  5. Part C (Medicare)
    1. about, 214, 219–220
    2. changing between Part D (Medicare) and, 235
    3. enrollment deadline for, 221–222
    4. joining/changing plans, 221–222
    5. plans under, 220–221
    6. researching plans, 222–223
  6. Part D (Medicare)
    1. about, 223
    2. changing between Part C (Medicare) and, 235
    3. comparing plans, 228–229
    4. enrolling in, 229–230
    5. enrollment deadline for, 209
    6. plans under, 224–229
  7. partnerships, 80
  8. passion, pursuing your, 15–21
  9. passive trust, 401
  10. patchwork approach, 25
  11. payable on death accounts (PODs), 394–395
  12. paying
    1. personal representative, 379
    2. taxes, 375–376
  13. payroll taxes, 78–79, 326
  14. PayScale, 477
  15. PBGC (Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation), 105, 291, 293
  16. Pell grants, 38
  17. penalties
    1. for not paying estimated taxes, 88
    2. on retirement accounts, 115–116
    3. Social Security and, 314–316
  18. Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), 105, 291, 293
  19. pensions
    1. about, 289
    2. lump sum vs. monthly payments, 289–293
    3. as a retirement plan component, 103–104
  20. period certain, 287–288
  21. personal care, expenses for, 277
  22. personal comfort factor, 243
  23. Personal Finance After 50 For Dummies (Tyson and Carlson), 35
  24. personal finance course, 35
  25. Personal Finance For Dummies (Tyson), 348
  26. personal property
    1. calculating value of, 356–359
    2. defined, 336
  27. personal representative
    1. about, 142, 156–158, 186–187
    2. appointing, 372–379
    3. considerations for, 379–380
    4. defined, 368
    5. eligibility as, 376–378
    6. identifying role of, 373–376
    7. paying, 379
    8. swearing in your, 365
  28. personal risk manager, 204
  29. personal savings, financing with, 62
  30. personal umbrella policy
    1. about, 237–238
    2. advantages of, 238–240
    3. coordinating with other insurance, 240–241
    4. determining how much to buy, 242–244
  31. Peterson, Jonathan (author)
    1. AARP Social Security For Dummies, 44
  32. Peterson, Steven D. (author)
    1. Business Plans Kit For Dummies, 62
  33. Petition for Probate of Will and Appointment of Personal Representative, 365
  34. PFFS (private fee-for-service) plans, 220
  35. pharmacy restrictions, 227
  36. The Pink Fund, 68
  37. planning
    1. for property transfers, 426–427
    2. for retirement, 45–46
    3. for your care, 131–132
  38. PODs (payable on death accounts), 394–395
  39. policy, insurance, 192
  40. positivity, 29
  41. pour-over will, 178, 179
  42. PPOs (preferred provider organizations), 220
  43. predicting the future, 415–421
  44. preferred provider organizations (PPOs), 220
  45. premiums
    1. insurance, 193
    2. Medicare Part B, 217–218
    3. Medicare Part D, 224–225
  46. prenuptial agreements, 151
  47. prepaid college tuition plan, 168
  48. prepayment penalty, 473
  49. prescription drug coverage. See Part D (Medicare)
  50. present, staying, 29
  51. present interest, 338
  52. preserving Social Security benefits, 316–319
  53. price, of housing, 482, 484
  54. price-per-square-foot format, 488
  55. primary liability limits, 241
  56. principal residence, 444
  57. privacy, as an advantage of joint tenancy, 385
  58. private fee-for-service (PFFS) plans, 220
  59. probate
    1. about, 363–364
    2. advantages of, 369–370
    3. ancillary, 367
    4. appointing personal representatives, 372–379
    5. avoiding, 403
    6. being a personal representative, 379–380
    7. complications with process of, 367–368
    8. defined, 364
    9. disadvantages of, 370–372
    10. outside of, 175–176, 381
    11. process of, 364–367
    12. streamlining, 372
    13. UPC states vs. non-UPC states, 368
    14. will substitutes, 380–395
  60. probate affidavit, 372
  61. probate estate, 368, 403
  62. processing creditors' claims, 375
  63. professional advisors, choosing, 201–206
  64. professional group, 54
  65. “professional judgment” review, 39
  66. professional societies, for finding insurance agents, 204
  67. professional trust services, estate planning and, 161–162
  68. profit, turning hobbies into, 58
  69. property
    1. community, 393
    2. defined, 333
    3. estate, 374–375
    4. gifting, 422–423
    5. imaginary, 336
    6. intangible personal, 336–337, 358–359
    7. inventorying during probate, 366
    8. jointly owning, 133–134
    9. nonprobate, 368
    10. personal, 336, 356–359
    11. pricing of, 494–495
    12. real, 335–336, 354–356
    13. rental, 355, 465–467
    14. tangible personal, 356–358
    15. trust, 399
    16. types of, 335–337, 368
  70. property interest, 337–339
  71. property taxes
    1. in closing costs, 471–472
    2. defined, 273
  72. property transfers
    1. as a disadvantage of joint tenancy, 385–386
    2. planning for, 426–427
  73. property with a right of survivorship, 176
  74. prorated property taxes, in closing costs, 471–472
  75. protecting estates, 404
  76. Prudent Investor Rule, 379
  77. public, notifying of probate, 365–366
  78. public benefits, 44
  79. Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program (website), 39
  80. Publication 504, “Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax,” 321
  81. Publication 521 “Moving Expenses” (website), 42
  82. Publication 587, “Business Use of Your Home” (website), 43
  83. Publication 915, “Social Security and Equivalent Railroad Retirement Benefits,” 321
  84. Publication 970, “Tax Benefits for Education” (website), 41, 43
  85. publications. See also IRS publications
    1. AARP Social Security For Dummies (Peterson), 44
    2. Aging Workforce survey, 9
    3. Business Plans Kit For Dummies (Peterson and Jaret), 62
    4. eBay For Dummies, 9th Edition (Collier), 36
    5. Franchise Management For Dummies (Seid and Mazero), 71
    6. Investing For Dummies (Tyson), 119
    7. Medicare & You, 215
    8. Money Magazine (magazine), 348
    9. Personal Finance After 50 For Dummies (Tyson and Carlson), 35
    10. Personal Finance For Dummies (Tyson), 348
    11. Real Estate Investing For Dummies, 440
    12. Selling Your House For Dummies (Tyson), 454
    13. Smart Money (magazine), 348
    14. Starting a Business All-In-One For Dummies, 55, 257
    15. Trading Options For Dummies, 3rd Edition (Duarte), 359
    16. What Americans Really Want…Really (Luntz), 266
    17. What Color Is Your Parachute? A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers (Bolles), 257
  86. purchase price, 484
  87. purpose, finding, 15–21
  88. pursuing your passion, 15–21


  1. QLAC (qualified longevity annuity contract), 288–289
  2. QTIP (Qualified Terminable Interest Property) trust, 152
  3. qualifications
    1. for prescription drug coverage with Medicare Part D, 223–230
    2. for reverse mortgages, 437, 444–445
  4. qualified longevity annuity contract (QLAC), 288–289
  5. Qualified Terminable Interest Property (QTIP) trust, 152
  6. quantitative methods, 344
  7. quantity limits, 227


  1. real estate, jointly owning, 133–134
  2. real estate agent commissions, 471
  3. Real Estate Investing For Dummies, 440
  4. real estate partnerships, calculating value of, 355–356
  5. real property
    1. about, 335–336
    2. calculating value of, 354–356
  6. realistic forecast, in business plan, 62
  7. rebalancing investments, 283–285
  8. “Recent Sales” section (CMA), 487–488
  9. record-keeping system, setting up, 81–82
  10. reducing
    1. debt, 35
    2. estate value, 360
    3. taxes, 79–80, 321–324
    4. taxes on Social Security benefits, 321–324
  11. reduction option, for taxes, 273
  12. refund, of closing costs, 472
  13. Registered Investment Adviser (RIA), 349
  14. reimbursements, Medicare, 216
  15. relatives, financing with, 63
  16. ReliaQuote (website), 253
  17. remainderman, 388
  18. Remember icon, 3
  19. rental income, 274, 440, 465
  20. rental property
    1. about, 465–467
    2. calculating value of, 355
  21. rent-subsidized senior housing, 275
  22. repairs, in closing costs, 471
  23. repaying loans, 448
  24. replacement ratio, 326
  25. replacing lost business records, 83
  26. Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)
    1. about, 125
    2. calculating for IRAs, 125–126
    3. calculating for other retirement plans, 126
  27. residual benefits, in LTD, 256
  28. residuary clause, 139, 185, 376
  29. resources, Internet
    1. AARP Foundation, 26
    2. AARP's LifeReimagined, 58, 59
    3. Accion, 63
    4. AccuQuote, 253
    5. American Association of Franchisees & Dealers (AAFD), 73
    6. American Chamber of Commerce Research Association (ACCRA), 477
    7. American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (ACTEC), 160
    8. American Franchisee Association (AFA), 73
    9. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), 160
    10. Association of Small Business Development Centers, 60
    11. Bankrate, 34
    12. Bizstarters, 52
    13. Blue MauMau, 74
    14. The Bridgespan Group, 69
    15. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 27–28
    16. BusinessUSA, 62, 64
    17. Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, 35
    18. Certified Public Accountant/Personal Financial Specialist (CPA/PFS), 350
    19. Cheat Sheet, 3
    20. The Chronicle of Philanthropy, 69
    21. College Savings Plans Network, 38
    22. CommonGood Careers, 69
    23. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 38–39
    24. coverage gap, 226
    25. Edvisors, 38
    26. eHealth, 47
    27. Elance, 52, 58
    28., 69
    29. Fastweb, 40
    30. Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 74
    31. FinAid, 38, 40
    32. Financial Planning Association, 35, 348
    33. Fiverr, 52
    34. flood insurance, 195
    35. Franchise Registry, 73
    36., 73
    37. Freelancer, 52
    38., 63
    39. Garrett Planning Network, 35
    40. Gofundme, 63
    41. GoHealth, 47
    42., 64
    43., 52
    44. GuideStar, 69
    45. Guru, 52
    46., 46
    47. HourlyNerd, 52
    48. “How Work Affects Your Benefits,” 44
    49. HUD-approved counselor, 453
    50. Idealist, 69
    51. Independent Sector, 69
    52. Indiegogo, 63
    53. insurance company grades, 206
    54., 47
    55. International Franchise Association (IFA), 74
    56. IRS, 37, 78, 86, 89, 126, 169, 413, 440
    57. IRS Publication 521, “Moving Expenses,” 42
    58. IRS Publication 587, “Business Use of Your Home,” 43
    59. IRS Publication 915, “Social Security and Equivalent Railroad Retirement Benefits,” 321
    60. IRS Publication 970, “Tax Benefits for Education,” 41, 43
    61. job, 17
    62. job search tips, 23
    63. Kauffman Foundation's FastTrac Boomer Entrepreneur program, 60
    64. Kickstarter, 63
    65. Kiva Zip, 63
    66. Lawrence N. Field Center for Entrepreneurship, 60
    67. life insurance, 253
    68. LifeReimagined, 58, 59
    69. Lyft, 36
    70. Medicare, 207, 215, 228
    71. Medicare & You, 215
    72. Mint, 34
    73. National Association of Health Underwriters, 47
    74. National Association of Personal Financial Advisors, 35
    75. The National Council of Nonprofits, 69
    76. NetQuote, 47
    77. Onevest, 63
    78. PayScale, 477
    79. The Pink Fund, 68
    80. public benefits, 44
    81. Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program, 39
    82. ReliaQuote, 253
    83. retirement account restrictions, 116
    84. Rockport Institute, 58
    85. SCORE, 60
    86. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 349
    87. SelectQuote, 253
    88. Senior Entrepreneurship Works, 60
    89. Skillshare, 52
    90. Small Business Administration (SBA), 53, 60, 72, 74
    91. Small Business Investment Company program, 63
    92. Social Security, 300, 301
    93. Social Security Administration (SSA), 101, 103, 251, 314, 318
    94. Startup Nation, 60
    95. T. Rowe Price Web-based Retirement Income Calculator, 107
    96. Tax Benefits for Education Information Center, 37
    97. Term4Sale, 253
    98. TheLadders, 12
    99. Tyson, Eric (author), 260
    100. Uber, 36
    101. Unhappy Franchisee, 74
    102. U.S. Department of Education, 38
    103. U.S. Department of Labor, 78, 477
    104. VolunteerMatch, 112
    105. WorkCoachCafe, 12
    106. You Need a Budget, 34
  30. restrictions, on retirement accounts, 115–116
  31. résumé preparation/postage, writing off, 42
  32. retirement. See also distributions; investments
    1. age of, 108
    2. benefits for spouses, 304, 305
    3. budgets after, 264–271
    4. guiding investments through, 282–285
    5. Monte Carlo simulations, 110
    6. planning for, 45–46
    7. as a reason to sell your home, 463
  33. retirement accounts
    1. about, 113, 395
    2. characteristics of, 114–117
    3. choosing beneficiaries for, 123–124
    4. with designated beneficiaries, 176
    5. rolling over balances, 120–123
    6. taking Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs), 125–126
    7. types of, 117–119
  34. retirement communities, 434–435
  35. retirement plan
    1. about, 97–98
    2. components of, 101–105
    3. for couples, 106
    4. crunching numbers, 107–110
    5. deciding when to retire, 98–99
    6. nonfinancial matters, 110–112
    7. requirements for retirement, 99–101
  36. retirement savings, financing with, 64
  37. returns, filing, 375–376
  38. reverse mortgage insurance premium, 449
  39. reverse mortgages
    1. about, 436–439, 441
    2. amount owed, 447
    3. amounts of, 445–446
    4. basics of, 441–451
    5. common objections, 442–444
    6. costs of, 449
    7. decision-making on, 453–454
    8. defined, 105
    9. government-sponsored benefits and, 451
    10. out-of-pocket cost for, 448–449
    11. paying back, 446–447
    12. qualifications for, 444–445
    13. regular home mortgage vs., 442
    14. repaying, 448
    15. shopping for, 451–453
    16. total annual rate, 450
  40. reviewing earnings history, 301
  41. revocable living trust, 387
  42. revocable trusts, 408–410
  43. RIA (Registered Investment Adviser), 349
  44. right of survivorship, 382
  45. rising debt, falling equity loans, 442
  46. risk manager, 204
  47. risk tolerance, 268
  48. risks
    1. defined, 191
    2. downplaying, 29
    3. exceptional risk factor, 243
    4. insurance and, 193–194, 195
  49. Rix, Saea (author)
    1. “The Long Road Back: Struggling to Find Work after Unemployment,” 21, 22, 24
  50. RMDs (Required Minimum Distributions)
    1. about, 125
    2. calculating for IRAs, 125–126
    3. calculating for other retirement plans, 126
  51. ROBS (rollovers as business start-ups), 64
  52. Rockport Institute (website), 58
  53. Roizen, Michael (doctor), 258
  54. rolling over retirement balances, 120–123
  55. rollovers as business start-ups (ROBS), 64
  56. Roth IRAs, 295
  57. rush-hour liability insurance, 196


  1. S corporations, 80
  2. safe harbor method, 90 percent rule vs., 86–87
  3. savings, increasing, 34
  4. savings bonds, 394
  5. savings plan, 168
  6. SBA (Small Business Administration), 53, 60, 72, 74
  7. Schedule SE: Self-Employment Tax
    1. about, 90–91
    2. completing the short, 92–93
    3. versions of, 91–92
  8. scheduling contract work, 51–52
  9. scholarships
    1. applying for, 40
    2. defined, 38
  10. schools, housing and, 459
  11. SCORE, 60
  12. seamstress, as a business idea, 59
  13. SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) (website), 349
  14. second families, estate planning for, 149–152
  15. second home, calculating value of, 355
  16. second mortgage, home equity loan vs., 443–444
  17. Section 2503(c) trust, 169
  18. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) (website), 349
  19. Seid, Michael (author)
    1. Franchise Management For Dummies, 71
  20. selecting
    1. beneficiaries for retirement accounts, 123–124
    2. custodians for IRA, 121–123
    3. guardians, 163–166
    4. insurance companies, 206
    5. pension options, 289–294
    6. personal representative, 156–158
    7. professional advisors, 201–206
    8. successors, 158–159
    9. trustee, 156–158
    10. where to buy life insurance, 253
    11. witnesses to will, 188
  21. SelectQuote (website), 253
  22. self-employed retirement savings plans, 117–118
  23. self-employment
    1. about, 49–50
    2. contract work, 50–54
    3. franchising, 69–74
    4. launching your business, 55–65
    5. social entrepreneurs, 65–69
    6. taxes. See estimated taxes; taxes
  24. self-insured retention (SIR), 240–241
  25. self-proving will, 179, 180
  26. selling
    1. assets, 36
    2. capital assets, 323
    3. housing, 455–468
  27. Selling Your House For Dummies (Tyson), 454
  28. Senior Entrepreneurship Works, 60
  29. senior fitness trainer, as a business idea, 59
  30. SEP-IRA (Simplified Employee Pension Plan, Individual Retirement Account), 45, 118
  31. Serve America Act, 40
  32. settlor, 388, 399
  33. setup
    1. record-keeping system, 81–82
    2. trusts, 426
  34. shared housing, 274
  35. side fund, 312
  36. signing wills, 187, 188
  37. Silver Scholarship Grant Program, 40
  38. Simple IRA, 45
  39. Simplified Employee Pension Plan, Individual Retirement Account (SEP-IRA), 45, 118
  40. single-life option, for pensions, 294
  41. SIR (self-insured retention), 240–241
  42. Skees, Bill (business owner), 16
  43. skill building, writing off, 43
  44. skilled labor jobs, 19
  45. skilled nursing facilities, under Medicare Part A coverage, 213
  46. Skillshare, 52
  47. Small Business Administration (SBA), 53, 60, 72, 74
  48. Small Business Investment Company program, 63
  49. small estate affidavit, 372
  50. Smart Money (magazine), 348
  51. SNPs (special needs plans), 221
  52. social entrepreneurs
    1. about, 65–66
    2. help for, 69
    3. nonprofit start-up to-do list, 66–68
  53. Social Security
    1. about, 297–299
    2. benefits of, 43–44, 101–103, 108, 272–273, 299
    3. do-overs, 324–325
    4. eligibility for, 300–304
    5. future of, 325–327
    6. income taxes on benefits, 319–324
    7. preserving benefits, 316–319
    8. receiving benefits, 310–314
    9. reducing benefits, 314–316
    10. spouses' and survivor benefits, 304–310
    11. survivor's benefits, 251
    12. website, 300, 301
  54. Social Security Administration (SSA), 101–103, 251, 314, 318
  55. Social Security benefits
    1. about, 43–44
    2. in retirement assumptions, 108
    3. as a retirement plan component, 101–103
    4. taxes on, 272–273
  56. software development jobs, 18
  57. sole proprietorships
    1. defined, 80
    2. inheritance of, 154–155
  58. Solo 401(k), 45
  59. special income, 319
  60. special needs plans (SNPs), 221
  61. special needs trust, 147, 170
  62. speed, as an advantage of joint tenancy, 385
  63. spending
    1. after retirement, 269–271
    2. nest eggs, 267–268
  64. spendthrift trust, 147
  65. spouses
    1. benefits to, 304–310
    2. leaving estates to, 424
  66. SSA (Social Security Administration), 101–103, 251, 314, 318
  67. SSI (Supplemental Security Income), 451
  68. Stafford loan, 37
  69. Standby HECM, 437
  70. standing exercises, 260
  71. Starting a Business All-In-One For Dummies, 55, 257
  72. starting Medicare, 208–209
  73. Startup Nation, 60
  74. state economic development agencies, financing with, 64
  75. state income tax, 82–83
  76. statutory will, 177
  77. step therapy, 227
  78. step-type moves, 260
  79. stock certificate, 337
  80. stock options, 359
  81. strategies
    1. for estate planning, 421–425
    2. for success, 21–27
  82. stress management, 261
  83. subscriptions
    1. expenses for, 279
    2. writing off, 42
  84. subtracting debts from assets, 359–360
  85. success stories/strategies, 16, 21–27
  86. succession plan, 153, 154
  87. successor trustee, 388, 401
  88. successors, choosing, 158–159
  89. summary probate, 372
  90. Supplemental Security Income (SSI), 451
  91. supporting others, 264–266
  92. surtax, 217
  93. survivor benefits, 304–310


  1. T. Rowe Price Web-based Retirement Income Calculator, 107–108
  2. tailor, as a business idea, 59
  3. tangible personal property, 356–358
  4. tangible personal property memorandum, 185, 336
  5. tax basis, 423
  6. Tax Benefits for Education Information Center (website), 37
  7. tax breaks, leveraging, 41
  8. tax credits, 275
  9. tax tables, checking, 413–414
  10. taxable bonds, 323
  11. taxes
    1. benefits of retirement accounts, 114–115
    2. deductions for moving costs, 475
    3. as a disadvantage of joint tenancy, 385–386
    4. estate, 144, 153, 417–418
    5. estate plans and, 138
    6. estate-related, 411–427
    7. estimated quarterly income taxes. See estimated taxes
    8. Form 8889: Health savings Accounts (HSAs), 93–95
    9. housing and, 439–440
    10. income, 78–79
    11. keeping records, 80–83
    12. managing, 272–273
    13. paying, 375–376
    14. payroll, 78–79, 326
    15. probate and, 370
    16. property, 273, 471–472
    17. rebalancing investments, 283–284
    18. reducing, 79–80
    19. Schedule SE: Self-Employment Tax, 90–93
    20. Social Security benefits, 313, 319–324
    21. state, 82–83
    22. traps for, 414–415
    23. trusts and, 403
    24. withholding, 89–90
  12. tax-exempt bonds, 323
  13. tax-exempt interest income, 320
  14. Technical Stuff icon, 3
  15. telephone costs, 276
  16. television, bundling with Internet, 276
  17. tenancy by the entirety, 393
  18. tenants in common, 384
  19. term life insurance, 252
  20. Term4Sale (website), 253
  21. terms, of reverse mortgages, 437–438
  22. testamentary trust, 387, 405–408
  23. testamentary will, 178, 179
  24. TheLadders (website), 12
  25. third-party closing costs, for reverse mortgages, 449
  26. Thrift Savings Plan, 117
  27. time
    1. commitment with self-employment, 67
    2. tracking for contract work, 54
    3. will substitutes and, 381
  28. timeshare, 355
  29. Tip icon, 3
  30. title transfer, as an advantage of joint tenancy, 384
  31. total annual rate, 450
  32. tracking time for contract work, 54
  33. trade-offs, 24, 421–425
  34. Trading Options For Dummies, 3rd Edition (Duarte), 359
  35. training
    1. financing, 36–41
    2. getting, 26–27
  36. transaction costs, rebalancing investments, 284
  37. transfer tax, in closing costs, 471
  38. transfer-on-death provision, 177
  39. transferring retirement accounts, 119
  40. translator jobs, 19
  41. transportation, expenses for, 277
  42. travel, expenses for, 278
  43. travel accident insurance, 196
  44. Trawinski, Lori (author)
    1. “The Long Road Back: Struggling to Find Work after Unemployment,” 21, 22, 24
  45. trust, living
    1. about, 143, 387, 403
    2. advantages of, 389–391
    3. costs of, 392
    4. disadvantages of, 391–392
    5. paperwork for, 388–389
    6. roles in, 387–388
  46. trust agreement, 400
  47. trust principal, 387, 390
  48. trust property, 399
  49. trustee, 156–158, 388, 400
  50. trustor, 399
  51. trusts
    1. about, 397–398
    2. beneficiaries of, 402–405
    3. categorizing, 405–500
    4. checklist for, 400–402
    5. components of, 398–399
    6. creating, 140–144
    7. defined, 124
    8. holding assets in, 152
    9. setting up, 426
    10. terminology, 399–400
  52. turnover, 9–10
  53. two-thirds joint and survivor option, for pensions, 294
  54. Tyson, Eric (author)
    1. Investing For Dummies, 119
    2. Personal Finance After 50 For Dummies, 35
    3. Personal Finance For Dummies, 348
    4. Selling Your House For Dummies, 454
    5. website, 260


  1. Uber (website), 36
  2. unemployment benefits, filing for, 32
  3. Unhappy Franchisee, 74
  4. Uniform Probate Codes (UPC), 368
  5. Uniform Transfers to Minors Act (UTMA) trust, 169
  6. unmarried couples, 387
  7. UPC (Uniform Probate Codes), 368
  8. upside down, as a homeowner, 464
  9. U.S. Department of Education (website), 38
  10. U.S. Department of Labor, 78, 477
  11. utilities, as an expense, 275–276
  12. UTMA (Uniform Transfers to Minors Act) trust, 169


  1. value
    1. calculating for personal property, 356–359
    2. calculating for real property, 354–356
    3. of estate, 412
    4. of housing, 482–483
  2. Van Slyke, David M. (professor), 56
  3. variable annuity, 286
  4. variable life insurance, 252–253
  5. vegetables, heart health and, 259
  6. venture capitalists, 63
  7. vested interest, 339
  8. video, for insurance inventory, 192
  9. voice-over actor/artist, 58
  10. volunteering, 23, 112
  11. VolunteerMatch (website), 112


  1. waiting period, in LTD, 256
  2. Warning icon, 3
  3. water bill, reducing, 276
  4. websites
    1. AARP Foundation, 26
    2. AARP's LifeReimagined, 58, 59
    3. Accion, 63
    4. AccuQuote, 253
    5. American Association of Franchisees & Dealers (AAFD), 73
    6. American Chamber of Commerce Research Association (ACCRA), 477
    7. American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (ACTEC), 160
    8. American Franchisee Association (AFA), 73
    9. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), 160
    10. Association of Small Business Development Centers, 60
    11. Bankrate, 34
    12. Bizstarters, 52
    13. Blue MauMau, 74
    14. The Bridgespan Group, 69
    15. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 27–28
    16. BusinessUSA, 62, 64
    17. Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, 35
    18. Certified Public Accountant/Personal Financial Specialist (CPA/PFS), 350
    19. Cheat Sheet, 3
    20. The Chronicle of Philanthropy, 69
    21. College Savings Plans Network, 38
    22. CommonGood Careers, 69
    23. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 38–39
    24. coverage gap, 226
    25. Edvisors, 38
    26. eHealth, 47
    27. Elance, 52, 58
    28., 69
    29. Fastweb, 40
    30. Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 74
    31. FinAid, 38, 40
    32. Financial Planning Association, 35, 348
    33. Fiverr, 52
    34. flood insurance, 195
    35. Franchise Registry, 73
    36., 73
    37. Freelancer, 52
    38., 63
    39. Garrett Planning Network, 35
    40. Gofundme, 63
    41. GoHealth, 47
    42., 64
    43., 52
    44. GuideStar, 69
    45. Guru, 52
    46., 46
    47. HourlyNerd, 52
    48. “How Work Affects Your Benefits,” 44
    49. HUD-approved counselor, 453
    50. Idealist, 69
    51. Independent Sector, 69
    52. Indiegogo, 63
    53. insurance company grades, 206
    54., 47
    55. International Franchise Association (IFA), 74
    56. IRS, 37, 78, 86, 89, 126, 169, 413, 440
    57. IRS Publication 521, “Moving Expenses,” 42
    58. IRS Publication 587, “Business Use of Your Home,” 43
    59. IRS Publication 915, “Social Security and Equivalent Railroad Retirement Benefits,” 321
    60. IRS Publication 970, “Tax Benefits for Education,” 41, 43
    61. job, 17
    62. job search tips, 23
    63. Kauffman Foundation's FastTrac Boomer Entrepreneur program, 60
    64. Kickstarter, 63
    65. Kiva Zip, 63
    66. Lawrence N. Field Center for Entrepreneurship, 60
    67. life insurance, 253
    68. LifeReimagined, 58, 59
    69. Lyft, 36
    70. Medicare, 207, 215, 228
    71. Medicare & You, 215
    72. Mint, 34
    73. National Association of Health Underwriters, 47
    74. National Association of Personal Financial Advisors, 35
    75. The National Council of Nonprofits, 69
    76. NetQuote, 47
    77. Onevest, 63
    78. PayScale, 477
    79. The Pink Fund, 68
    80. public benefits, 44
    81. Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program, 39
    82. ReliaQuote, 253
    83. retirement account retrictions, 116
    84. Rockport Institute, 58
    85. SCORE, 60
    86. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 349
    87. SelectQuote, 253
    88. Senior Entrepreneurship Works, 60
    89. Skillshare, 52
    90. Small Business Administration (SBA), 53, 60, 72, 74
    91. Small Business Investment Company program, 63
    92. Social Security, 300, 301
    93. Social Security Administration (SSA), 101, 103, 251, 314, 318
    94. Startup Nation, 60
    95. T. Rowe Price Web-based Retirement Income Calculator, 107
    96. Tax Benefits for Education Information Center, 37
    97. Term4Sale, 253
    98. TheLadders, 12
    99. Tyson, Eric (author), 260
    100. Uber, 36
    101. Unhappy Franchisee, 74
    102. U.S. Department of Education, 38
    103. U.S. Department of Labor, 78, 477
    104. VolunteerMatch, 112
    105. WorkCoachCafe, 12
    106. You Need a Budget, 34
  5. weight lifting, for health, 260
  6. What Americans Really Want…Really (Luntz), 266
  7. What Color Is Your Parachute? A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers (Bolles), 257
  8. whole life insurance, 252–253
  9. will substitutes
    1. about, 380–381
    2. defined, 368
    3. types of, 382–395
  10. Williams, Jeff (CEO), 52
  11. wills
    1. about, 173
    2. benefits of, 174–177
    3. creating, 140–144
    4. elements of, 181–187
    5. executing, 187–188
    6. types of, 177–180
  12. withdrawals, from investment accounts, 294–295
  13. withholding
    1. about, 89
    2. defined, 86
    3. filing for employees, 89–90
    4. Form W-4, 89
  14. witnesses, choosing for will, 188
  15. word of mouth, for finding insurance agents, 203
  16. work
    1. deciding what you want out of, 13–14
    2. meaningful, 14
  17. WorkCoachCafe (website), 12
  18. workforce
    1. benefits of staying in the, 11–12
    2. current, 8
  19. work-life balance, 14
  20. worth
    1. about, 353
    2. calculating adjustments due to life changes, 360–361
    3. calculating value of personal property, 356–359
    4. calculating value of real property, 354–356
    5. giving gifts, 360
    6. housing, 470
    7. knowing your, 54
    8. reducing value with gifts, 360
    9. subtracting debts from assets, 359–360
  21. writing business plans, 61–62
  22. writing off job-hunt expenses, 41–43


  1. You Need a Budget (website), 34