Tasks, recursive functions for, 792–805
Templates, 927–958, 959–1034
algorithm abstraction, 928–940
class syntax, 941–943
containers, 975–992
data abstractions, 941–950
function definition, 939–940
generic algorithms, 993–1006
iterators, 961–975
Standard Template Library (STL), 959–1034
type definitions, 944
Terminal, computer output device, 3
Testing programs, 27–31, 214–217, 281–287, 409
boundary values, 281
compiling and running programs, 27–29
debugging and, 29–31
drivers, 282–284
error messages, 30–31
functions, 214–217, 281
input, 281
logic errors, 30–31
procedural abstraction and, 214–217, 281
program testing, 214–217, 281
run-time errors, 30
function, 409
stubs, 284–286
syntax errors, 30
warning messages, 30
Text files, editing, 357–359
pointer, 1049–1051
Threads, 1013–1019
Throw list, 913–915
statement, 900–902, 911–913
Throwing exceptions, 896, 911–913, 916–918
Top-down design, 182–183, 400–411
and tolower
functions, 360–362
Tracing recursive calls, 796–799
Tracing variables, 162–163, 288
Trees, data structures as, 763–764
Trigonometric functions, 1045
Trivial exceptions, 911
values, 66, 116. See also Boolean expressions
Truth tables, 112–114
blocks, 918
mechanism, 900, 903–905
Two-dimensional arrays, 429, 533–534
Type casting, 190–192
Type name, variables, 44–45
function, 520–522, 532