(Illustrations are indicated by page numbers in italics; charts and tables by page numbers in bold.)


Abies balxamea. See Balsam fir

Acer genus. See maples


ell, 163–67

lean-to, 165–70

Addition, providing for, 164

Adz, 69

Aesthetics of mixing wood species, 49

Air-to-air heat exchanger, 31

Air quality, 31

Alcove, 25–26

Anchorbeams, 14

Anchoring straps, 138, 140

Ankerbalken, 14

Ash, white, 52

Aspen, big tooth, 50

Aspen, quaking, 52


attic level framing, 146, 146

rafters, 147

raising plates, 147

roof structure, 147–49

second floor plate, 144–46

sill girders, 139–41, 139–44

tools needed for, 142


access to, 26

framing chimney opening, 125

joist, 124–25

Auger bit, 80–81, 80

Ax, 79, 79

American, 64

handle, 64

squaring with, 62


Backing off, 83

Balloon frame, 15

Balsam fir, 50

Barns, 171–72

old frames and, 2


full, 137

piers, 35

regional vernacular, 138

Basswood, American, 49

Bats, 156

Bay, 16, 23, 33

Beech, American, 47


girding, 36, 38–39

summer, 38, 44

tie, 41, 44–45, 117–20, 118–20

Bearing area, 183

Bedrooms, lighting needs of, 26

Bending of beams, 176–77, 176-77

Bent, 13, 23, 33

assembling of, 141–42, 142

raising, 143

Best edge

scarf joints and, 121

squaring off of, 84

Betula allegheniensis. See Birch, yellow

Betula lenta. See Birch, black

Betula papyrifera. See Birch, white

Bevel, double, on broad ax blades, 65

Billet, 132, 132


black, 50

white, 53

yellow, 53

Bit brace, 80, 80

Blisters, avoiding, 64

Board footage of project house, 70


holes, 86

machine, 80–1, 80, 87

pockets in hardwood, 106–9, 107–9

Bow orientation, 56

Bracing, 33, 38

calculate length of, 103–5, 103–5

establishing reference line, 104

exposure of, 38

how they work, 37

installing of, 145

interchangeability of, 105

joint layout, 103–5

placement of, 38

Broad ax, 64–65

goosewing, 64

styles, 64

what to avoid, 65

work height, 63

Bubble diagram, sample, 23

Building materials, 31–32


Cat slide roof, 166

Carya genus. See Hickories

Carpenter ants, 32

Center bay width, 23

Central heating, 24, 27

Ceilings, 159

CFCs, 32

Chamfer stops, 130, 130–31

Chalk line, 66, 78

Checking, worst, 55

Cherry, black, 50–51

Chimney, framing opening of, 125

Chisel, 79–81, 79, 80

angle of blade, 82, 83

choice of, 82

paring with, 95

sharpening, 82–83

Clapboards, 156

nailers, 156

scarf joints, 156, 156, 158

Chlorofluorocarbons, 32

Commander, 142, 140, 146

Concrete, wicking of, 139


on roof and walls, 31–32

on sills, 34

Crooked timbers, 11, 73, 11

Cornice, framing of, 44

Crossframe, 13, 37

Crowns, in timber, 76

Crucks, 10, 10

Cutting edge

angle, 64

bevel and burrs, 83


Dead load, computation of, 176, 176

Decay resistance. See Rot resistance

Deflection, 177–78, 177–78


bubble diagram, 23

concealed beams, 38

considerations of interior, 22–32

first-floor plan, 23–24, 24

geometry and proportion, 26–27

of healthy house, 31–32

prioritizing, 19

values for eastern white pine, 178

Dividers, 75

Dimensional lumber categories, 177


area lighting, 29, 29

room, 24–25

Dogs, iron, 64

Doors, 151–53

Dovetail joints

lap, 114–20, 114–20

layout of, 117–20, 117–20

tying joint in plate, 114–20

Drawboring, 54. See also Drawpinning

Drawing, process of, 23

Drawknife, 81, 81

Drawpinning, 54, 96, 134

Dutch barns, New World, 14, 14

Dutch framing, 9, 13–14, 13–14, 48


Edge, best, 76

End cuts, 84

Electricity, 157, 157

Ell, 164–67

Elm, American, 50

English framing, 9–13, 9–13, 12, 38

Entrances, 153

Entry room, 25

Equipment, 60, 60–64, 65


Face, 76

Facing, stone, 137

Fagus grandifolia. See Beech, American

Faun’s foot, 64, 64

Federal style, 44

Felling ax, 64

Floor plans, 23–25, 23–25

Floors, 34, 159–62

choice of wood and, 161, 161

dead load and, 176, 176

face nailed, 161

finishing, 162

frame complete, 141

insulated, 161

joist angling of joint, 179

live load and, 175, 175


mortise-and-tenon standard, 35

plumbing solutions, 160

softwood, 162

sound insulation, 162


system of, 35–38, 35–38

temporary, 140, 141–45

tongue-and-groove, 161

Foam-core panels, 31–32

Focal points, 27–28

Footing of basement posts, 138

Formaldehyde, 32

Forest, 48, 59–60

Foundation, 137–139

back filling, 139

coursed rubble, 138

dry laid, 7, 7

insulating, 139

outside dimensions of, 138

pier, 139–40

shelf, 137

Frame, anchoring, 138

Framing, 34

assembling, 139–50

attic floor, 34, 41–45, 42

cornice, 43–44

first floor, 35

openings in, 38–39

roof, 45, 45

second floor, 39

three-dimensional, 45–46

Framing square, 74–75, 78, 78

Fraxinus Americana. See Ash, white

Fungi and sapwood, 58–59

Furring strips, 158, 159


Gambrel roof, 169, 170

Geometry, 26–27

Gin pole, 149

Girding beam, 33, 39, 34, 144

calculating load of, 181–83, 181

cross section comparison, 182

tying together, 46

Goosewing broad ax, 64–65

Gott, Peter, 66

Grain, slope of, 56

Greek Revival, 44

Gunstock post, 40, 44

Gypsum plaster, 158


Hall, 17

Hall-and-parlor house, 8, 16–17, 38, 16–17, 34, 152

center bay, 23

early, 25

master plan of, 19

options for, 163

traditional geometry of, 26

Half house, 163

Hand-hewn timbers, marking of, 77–78

Handle, ax, 64, 65

Hay, used during raising, 141

Headers, 39, 167

Hearth, 27–28

Heartwood durability, 59

Heater, masonry, 25, 27–28, 28


radiant, 24, 27–28

quality, 27

Hemlock, eastern, 51

Hewing, 62–69, 62, 68

area, 63

condition of logs, 62

juggling, 67, 67

layout, 66

sawhorses, 63, 63, 66

tools for, 63–65

variations, 68–69

Hickories, 51–52

Honing, 65, 82

Hook pin, 123

House planning options

attached barn, 171

cabin, 164

cape, 164, 164, 168

with ell, 165, 167

half, 163–64

open-plan, 24, 38

two-cube, 27, 34

wrap-around porch, 170

Housing cutting, 78, 87

layout on nonreference face, 108

measuring of depth, 87

sill girder, 103


Identification marks, 135–36, 135–36

Inner timber, lining to, 77


carpenter ants and, 32, 139

closets, 26

walls, 153–55

Iron dogs, 63



conflicts in, 96

history of, 9


cutting of, 84

English tying, 40, 40

girding beam mortise, 89–91

gunstock post, 40, 44

housed mortise, 87–88

housing of, 89

jowled, 40, 44

lap dovetail, 40, 114–20, 114–20

mortised brace, 92–93

in a nonreference face, 87

peg hole in important joints, 101

pulling tight, 132, 134

resisting uplift, 44

sagging of, 180

scarfs, 121–23, 121–23

stub mortise, 84–87

tolerances of, 175

tying, 38–45, 42, 43, 114–20, 117

Joints, versions of, 84

Joists, 34

attic, 124–25, 124–25

concealed, 39

drop in, 110, 110

fitting of, 144

installing, 141, 147

mortised, 39

pockets, 106–9

spacing, 176

assembling tenoned, 39–40, 139–40

tying, 108, 108, 111–14, 111–14

Jowled post, 40, 44

Juggling, 67, 67


Kent-style ax, 64

Kneewall, 13


Lath, 158

L bead, 159

Larix laricina. See Tamarack

Layout, 73–8

of hand-hewn timbers, 77–78

on ends of logs, 66, 66

sequence, 76–77

systems, 73–74

3-4-5 principle of, 26

Lean-to, 165–70

Leveling with an adz, 69

Light, 26, 28–30

Liriodendron tulipifera. See Tulip tree

Loading requirements, 176

Lobby-entrance plan. See Hall-and-parlor house

Locust, black, 51

Log storage under water, 61

Lumber, seasoned, 60


Mallet, 80, 80

Maples, 52

Marking gauge, 75

Marks, identification, 135–36

Marriage marks, 9

Master plan, 19–22, 21, 22

Masonry heaters, 27–28, 28

Material, 3

Mechanical advantage, 149

Mice, 32, 156

Microbevel, 83

Mistakes, 136

Moisture level, 31–32

Mortise-and-tenon joints, 9

brace, 92–3, 92–93

checking of, 87

first-floor joist, 108–11

girding beam, 89–91, 89–91

housed, 87–98, 88

joists with, 108–9

rafters, 45

scarf joints with, 121–22, 121–22

sill corner stub, 84–85

sill girder with, 103

stub, 84–87

through, 89–90

Muntins, 30


Nails, splitting wood, 161

Newel post, 130

Notch, stress calculation for, 180



northern red, 52

white, 53

One-story post, 39

Openings, rough, 151–53

Orientation, 8, 21–22

Outshot See Lean-to

Overhang, 44, 170


Pantry, 24

Paring, 86

Parlor, 17

Peak ceremony, 147, 148

Peavey, 63, 63

Peg hole

boring of, 87, 122

important joints with, 101

offset on brace tenon, 105

offset on scarf joints, 122

Pegs, 132–35, 132–36, 139

assembly, 139

drying, 134

making, 133–34

Picea rubens, 52. See also Spruce, red

Pike poles, 143, 147–49

Pine, eastern white, 51

Pins. See Pegs

Pinus strobus. See Pine, eastern white

Planes, 81, 81

Plank-on-frame houses, 11–13, 11, 38

Plans, expanding on, 165–72

Plaster, 158

Plate, 39–45, 44, 145–46

false, 45

scarfed, 41

Platform framing, 15

Plumb bob, 67

Plumb, 26

Plumbing, 160, 160


attic joist with, 106

first-floor joist, 108

Populus grandidentata. See Aspen, big tooth

Populus tremuloides. See Aspen, quaking

Porch, 25, 170–71, 170

Post-and-beam framing, 9


assembly order of, 140

guiding end of, 142

exterior, 41

flared, 40

gunstock, 40, 44

jowled, 40, 44

plumbing of, 143

tapered, 40

Preassembly, 141

Pressure-treated lumber, 34–35

alternatives, 138–39

Prick post, 33

Program, 19

Project house, 3, 11, 16–17, 33

frame, 17, 34, 137

longitudinal section, 41

Proportions, 26–27

Prototypes, classic, 16

Prunus serotina. See Cherry, black

Pry bar, 63, 142–43, 142

Purlin plate, 14, 170

Pythagorean theorem, 103, 126


Quercus alba. See Oak, white

Quercus rubra. See Oak, northern red



tenon, 44

truss, 45

Rafters, 126–29

common, 126

figuring length of, 126

intermediate, 45, 126

peak joint, 126–29

plumbing of, 147

Raising the frame, 142–50

Rake section, 155

Reaction wood, 57

Reference face

planing of, 130

scarf joints, 121

Relish, 86, 96

Robinia pseudoacacia. See Locust, black

Romance, 8

Roof, 150–51

cat slide, 165, 166

gambrel, 170

hewn timbers in, 45

load, 175

pitch, 45, 126

trussed, 11

Rot resistance, 48

black cherry, 50–51

black locust, 51

oak, white, 53

options, 138–39

pegs, 139

pine, eastern white, 51

porches, 171

tamarack, 52

Rough opening, doors, 151



broad ax and, 68

calculating lumber dimensions and, 176

eye protection and, 68

foot position and, 69

pike control and, 149

Salt box, 166

Sapwood staining, 58, 59

Sassafras, 52

Sassafras algidum, 52

Saws, 79, 79

Sawhorse, 142

Sawing, 84

Sawmill, 61, 71

portable, 61

Saws, sharpening hand, 82

Sawyers, 70

Scantlings, 15

Scarf joint, 121–23

Scarfed, 34

Scoring, 66–67, 86

Scribe Rule, 73–79, 103

Second-floor framing, 38–39, 39

Second-floor plan, 25

Sill, transverse, 34

Shakes, 51, 57


broad ax, 65

felling ax, 64

stones, 82

Shear, horizontal, 178–81

load computations, 180

Sheathing, wall, 151

Shimming, 140

Shingles, 155–56

Shrinkage, 53–56, 54–55

compensating for, 54

Siding, 156–58

Sill, 33–35, 139

assembling of, 139

leveling, 140

Site, 8, 19–21

Slick, 81

Solar, passive techniques, 29–30

Spiral grain, 57

Splicing, 34

Spruce, red, 52

Square, framing, 74–75, 78, 78

Square Rule, 73–79, 103

Stairs, 31, 170

Standardization, 15

Steel quality, 64

Stickers, 72

Strength of timber frame, 46


bending, 176–77

calculating, 176–83

deflection, 177–78

sheer, 178–81

Stress-skin panels, 31–32

Structural calculations, 176–83

Stud framing, 2, 15

Support posts, 35

Stylobates, 10


Tamarack, 52

Tape measure, 75–76

Tearing, 68

Tearout, 86, 90


bare faced, 104

brace with, 103–5

chamfer of, 96

extended, 14

girding beam with, 101–2

ideal timber, 95

peg hole on, 105

post bottom stub, 100, 100

post top, 94–100, 94–99

scarf joints, 122

sill girders with, 101–3, 101–3

taper of, 95

through, 14

tying joist with, 113

Thermal mass, 13

Tie beam

with dovetail, 117–20

installation of, 146

Tilia Americana. See Basswood, American


bow, 56

boxed-heart, 53

buying, 70–71

carrier, 63, 63

carrying, 72

chamfering, 130

delivery of, 70

framed, 74. See also Square Rule

framing, 9, 15–16

finish on, 55

green, 53

handling, 71–72, 136, 40, 139

hewed, 69

ideal, 77–78

inspection, 76

odd pieces of, 69

planing, 130

shrinkage compensation for, 87

shrinkage effects on, 53–55

sizing of, 176–83

twist, 76

trailer, 72

Timber selection, 53–60

Tithe barns, 12

Tongue. see Framing square

Tools, 63, 74–75, 78–81

adz, 67

auger bit, 80, 81, 80

ax, 62, 64–65, 79, 79

bit brace, 80, 80

boring machine, 80–81, 80

chisels, 79–81, 79, 80

commander, 140, 142

dogs, iron, 64

drawknife, 81, 81

mallet, 80

planes, 81, 81

pry bar, 63, 142–43

sawhorses, 142

saws, 79, 79

sharpening of, 82–83

slick, 81

squares, 74–75, 78, 78

Tree nails. See Pegs

Trees, 47, 60–1

catalogue of, 49–53

Trigonometry, 26–27

Trimmers, 39

Trunnels. See Pegs

Truss, 45–49, 126

Trussed roof, 11

Tsuga canadesis. See Eastern hemlock

Tulip tree, 52


Ulmus Americana. See American elm


Vapor barrier, 31, 159

Vernacular architecture, 8–9, 138

View, framing of, 20–21, 21

V-notch, cutting of, 67. See also Juggling


Water table, 156


foundation section, 155

insulation, 153–55

interior finish, 158–59, 158–59

nonload-bearing, 159–60

planking, 151, 155

plumbing in, 159

section at cornice, 154

stud, 159

systems, 31

traditional fill, 11

vapor barrier, 153–54

wiring, 159


debarking, 58

layout on, 94

Wattle, 11

Wedges, 14


pockets, 106

tenon, 103

Wind, out of, 76

Windows, 30, 151–53

Wiremold, 157

Wiring, concealed, 39


choice of, 48–49, 48

drying, 161

identifying, 48

rot resistance of, 34–35

Working height, 62


Zones, living, 23–24