

Adler, Alfred, 106

Alcoholics Anonymous, 32

Asch, Solomon, 105


Baumeister, Roy, 49, 105, 106

belonging, crisis of, xiii–xv, 46–47

belonging, principles for, 31–111

boundary principle, 33–42

initiation principle, 43–47

inner rings principle, 87–111

overview of, 31–32

rituals principle, 49–65

stories principle, 75–80

symbols principle, 81–85

temple principle, 67–73

See also specific principles

belongingness hypothesis, 105

Berrigan, Daniel, 61

birthdays, 50–51, 52, 56, 60, 139–40

boundary principle, 33–42

diaconate’s role, 100

enforcement of boundaries, 37–40

gatekeepers’ role, 40–42

insider safety, 33–34

online communities and, 130

open (unrestricted) communities, 23–24, 34–36

outer vs. inner rings of participation, 24, 36–37

worksheet on, 149–50, 168–69

Boy Scouts, 109

Boyce, Mark, 107

Brown, Brené, 77–78

Buddhism, xiii, 39, 75, 81, 87–88, 115

Burning Man festival, 44

Byron Fellowship, 107–8


Ceasefire Oakland, 35

chef community, 18–19, 37

Christianity, xiii, 25, 34, 43, 75, 81, 162

communities, features of, 9–28

cult avoidance and, 119–21

groups vs. communities, 17

insider understandings, 26–27, 109–11, 149, 168

membership identity, 16–25, 148, 165–66

moral proscriptions, 25–26, 148–49, 166–67

mutual concern, 9, 97, 139

Ostrom’s work on, 134–35

shared values, 10–16

worksheet on, 147–48, 164–68

community, defined, 9, 97

community building

by acknowledging people who matter, 139–41

benefits of, listed, 3

friendship and, xvii, 97

in new vs. mature communities, 3–4

outsider perspective and, xi

Twitch’s unsure efforts at, 1–2

community management, 123–35

of online communities, 127–34

Ostrom’s work on, 134–35

success, types of, 123–27

contributing, health effects of, 106

corporate values, 14–15, 77, 78, 79

cosmology, 116

CrossFit, 10–12, 14, 32, 71–72, 132

cults, avoidance of, 115–21


Day, Dorothy, 143

diaconate, 99–103, 155, 180–81

dinner series community, 157–82

inner ring progression, requirements of, 95

inner rings, characterized, 90, 91–92

origin and evolution of, xiv–xv, 98, 157–63

worksheets for, 164–82

documentary film community, 13, 19–20, 88, 104



in diaconate, 99

growth opportunities and, 104

inner ring progression and, 90–95, 125, 154, 179–80

in online communities, 130, 133–34

tokens bestowed by, 84

endings of communities, 137–38

epistemology, 117


firefighter community, 17–18, 27


acknowledgment of, 139–40

community building and, xvii, 97

initiations into, 45–46

inner rings principle, 158

inner rings principle and, xiii, 58, 97–98

online communities and, 21, 73

rituals and, 51

3 a.m. friends, xiv, 143


gatekeepers, 35, 40–42, 99, 129

Glassman, Greg, 10

Godin, Seth, xvii

Golderer, Bill, 61

Grant, Gabriel, 107–8

growth opportunities, 103–11, 155–56, 181–82

Gutierrez, Ryan, 132


Harbaugh, William, 106

Harvard University, 9, 38–39

Hash House Harriers, 54

Hinduism, 43


identity. See membership identity

Indiana University, 107

initiation principle, 43–47

crisis of belonging, 46–47

friendship, initiation into, 45–46

online communities and, 130

purposes and types of initiations, 43–45

rituals, initiations as, 44, 53, 83, 150, 173

worksheet on, 150–51, 172–74

inner rings principle, 87–111

diaconate, 99–103, 155, 180–81

dinner series as response to, xiv–xv, 98, 157–63

growth opportunities, 103–11

Lewis’s ideas on, xii–xiii, 58, 96–97, 158

maturation of advancing members, 90–95, 125

ring structure, characterized, 87–90

worksheet on, 154–55, 179–81

insider understandings, 26–27, 109–11, 149, 168

invitations, power of, xv, 1, 46–47


Jackson, Lolita, 157–58

Jainism, xiii

Jenai, Lauren, 10

Jews and Judaism, xiii, 39, 43, 75


Karate Kid, The, films, 92–94, 110



in cults vs. healthy communities, 118–21

of diaconate, 99–103

ego-based behavior and, 5–6

growth opportunities and, 108

membership boundaries and, 23–24, 35–36, 39–40

rituals change and, 65

temples and, 71

tribal leaders, characterized, 3

worksheet for community leader, 147–49

See also community management; elders

Leary, Mark, 105

Lewis, C. S., xii–xiii, 58, 96–97, 158 See also inner rings principle

loneliness, health effects of, xvi–xvii


management of communities. See community management

Mandela, Nelson, 57

Marine Corps, 82

Maslow, Abraham, 105

McLaren, Stu, 73, 130, 131

meaningfulness, 49, 106

membership identity, 16–25, 148, 165–66

Merton, Thomas, 61

millennial generation, xvi–xvii

Minium, Mike, 11–12

moral proscriptions, 25–26, 148–49, 166–67

Mormonism, 75

mothers’ communities, 33–34, 76, 102–3

Mounk, Yascha, 39

music communities, 24, 26–27


Native American tradition, 68

New Belgium Brewing, 44, 77


Obama, Barack, 53, 96

online communities

core values of, 20–22

management of, using seven principles, 130–34

schisms in, 102–3

stories in, 76, 78, 132

strengths and weaknesses of, 128–29

temples for, 72–73, 131

Twitch’s unsure outreach, 1–2

origin stories, 76, 116, 153, 169–70

Ostrom, Elinor, 123, 134–35

P, 131

Peace Corps, 44, 82, 83

play rituals, 54, 151, 175–76

Putnam, Robert, 9


Quaker tradition, 49, 131

Qur’an, 75


religious or spiritual communities

common features of, 115–17

gays, attitudes toward, 162

initiation into, 43

inner ring organization of, 87

internal growth in, 108–9

membership boundaries in, 23–24, 34, 36, 39

monastic traditions, xiii, 34

moral proscriptions or truths in, 25, 116–17

new members, connecting with, 4, 15–16, 41–42, 104

outsider perspective and, xi–xii

Pew Research report on participation in, xv–xvi

rituals in, 49

sacred space in, 67–68

stories in, 75

symbols in, 81

rituals principle, 49–65

changes to rituals, 51, 64–65

community display rituals, 54, 151, 175

diaconate’s role, 100

foundational ritual form, 55–64

online communities and, 131

play rituals, 54, 151, 175–76

purposes and types of rituals, 49–51

rites of passage, 53, 83 (see also initiation principle)

strengthening of rituals, 51–52

worksheet on, 151–52, 174–77


sacred space. See temple principle

schisms, 102–3

Schwartz, Carolyn, 106

search and rescue community, 84, 110, 111

Shamanic tradition, 34, 43

Sikhism, 67–68, 81

silence, power of, 52

sporting events, 54, 56–59, 68, 71, 151, 175–76

stories principle, 75–80

online communities and, 132

origin stories, 76, 116, 153, 169–70

personal stories, 78–80, 153–54, 172

purposes and types of stories, 75

values stories, 77, 153, 171

vulnerable stories, 77–78, 153, 171

worksheet on, 153–54, 169–72

success, types of, 123–27

Sufism, 49

Surya Das, Lama, 87

symbols principle, 81–85

online communities and, 132–33

purposes and types of symbols, 81–83

tokens as symbols, 83–85

worksheet on, 154, 178–79


Taoism, 81

temple principle, 67–73

creating sacred spaces, 69–71

minor temples, 71–72

online communities and, 72–73, 131

purposes and types of temples, 67–68

worksheet on, 152, 177–78

Thanksgiving, 50, 51, 54, 57, 59–60, 63–65, 84–85

tokens, 83–85, 150, 152, 174, 176–77

Twitch, 1–2, 72, 78, 129, 132–34


Unitarian Universalism, 81

University of Oregon, 106

values, corporate, 14–15, 77, 78, 79

values, shared

of CrossFitters, 10–12, 14, 132

diaconate as embodying, 99–103

evolution of, 13–15, 40

explicit vs. implicit, 12, 14–16, 38

inner ring progression and, 94–95

membership boundaries and, 23–24, 38–40

membership identity and, 16–25

stories and, 76, 77, 132, 153, 171

tribes as defined by, 3

worksheet on, 148, 165

vulnerability, 77–78, 153, 171


Weight Watchers, 27, 32, 110

wisdom, ritual sharing of, 61

WishList, 73, 130


boundary, 149–50, 168–69

defining my community, 147–49, 164–68

initiation, 150–51, 172–74

inner ring, 154–55, 179–81

leading growth, 155–56, 181–82

ritual, 151–52, 174–77

story, 153–54, 169–72

symbols, 154, 178–79

temple, 152, 177–78


Yale University, xiii–xv, 46, 157–63