AAFP (American Association of Feline Practitioners), 105, 178
AAFP and ISFM Feline Environmental Needs Guidelines, 105
AAFP and ISFM Guidelines for Diagnosing and Solving House-Soiling Behavior in Cats, 178
acetylcholine, 282
activity levels
repetitive behaviors and, 222–23
adopting a cat, 27–48
age of kittens or cats and, 41–42
avoiding pitfalls, 45–46
facts about, 28–33
fearful cats, 260–66
shopping list, 47
summary, 47–48
temperament tests and, 41
affective aggression, 145
affiliative behaviors
appearance of, 97
vocalizations, 11
aggression, 143–64. See also fear-related aggression
affective vs. non-affective, 145
anxiety and, 160–61
avoiding pitfalls, 160–62
body language and, 152
common causes of, 151–52
declawing and, 162–63
enrichment needs and, 27–28
environment and, 153–55
facts about, 145
hand-reared kittens and, 149
illness and, 23, 223 (See also pain-related aggression)
males vs. females, 41
medications and products for, 160–62
pain and (See pain-related aggression)
playful, 155–56
provocation, avoiding, 152
summary, 163–64
types of, 145–49
weaning age and, 41
aging cats, 272–93. See also geriatric cats; senior cats
avoiding pitfalls, 292
facts about, 273–75
managing the environment for, 285–89
nighttime yowling, 290–92
physical activity in, 284–85
summary, 292–93
allergies, 210
definition, 3
definition, 3
alpha-casozepine, 111, 161, 284, 292
American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP), 105, 178
American College of Veterinary Behaviorists, 163, 240
American Curl cats, 36
American Pet Products Association, 28
American Shorthair cats, 35
American Veterinary Medical Association, 163, 240
American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior, 226
American Wirehair cats, 36
Amur cork tree, 188
anal glands, impacted, 172
definition, 96
pedigree, or purebred, cats and, 29
annoying (but normal) behaviors, 228–50
avoiding pitfalls, 248–49
facts about, 229–33
knocking things on the floor, 234
myths about, 233
pouncing on people, 244–46
providing alternatives to, 237
summary, 249–50
waking you up at night, 242–44
antagonistic behaviors
definition, 96
redirecting, 102
anxiety. See also fear and fearful cats; stress
aggression and, 160–61
the brain and, 197
causes of, 195–96
fear and, 193–94
health problems and, 199
overgrooming and, 15
punishment and, 248
reinforcement schedules and, 126
signs of, 176
anxiety disorders
definition, 96
stress and, 98
Anxitane, 111
appeasement and reconciliation behaviors, definition, 96
cat-to-cat introductions and, 105
changes in routine and, 60
decreased, as sickness behavior, 52
anxiety and, 199
house soiling and, 172
muscle atrophy and, 274
treating pain for, 292
attacking behavior, 93, 97, 98. See also aggression
attention-seeking behaviors
definition, 215
solicitation purrs, 25
stress and, 105
auditory enrichment, 63
definition, 170
avoidance, 12–13, 21, 95, 97, 98, 105, 159. See also hiding
baby added to household, 200–201
back pain and declawing, 162
bacterial infections, 172, 278
Balinese/Javanese cats, 36
Baugh, Stephen, 159
behavior therapy or behavior modification. See also training
annoying behaviors and, 235
in anxious or fearful cats, 160
definition, 96
multicat households and, 94
repetitive behaviors and, 219
belly exposure and rubbing, 13–14, 88–89
Bengal cats, 20, 27–28, 30, 34–35, 36, 80
benzodiazepines, 283
beta-amyloid plaques, 282
Birman cats, 214
biting. See also aggression
declawing and, 162
infection caused by, 144
as predatory behavior, 107–8
training to prevent, 117
boarding, 159
body language
aggression and, 152
cat breeds and, 21–22
interacting with fearful cats and, 263–64
misdirected play behavior and, 146
multicat households and, 97
observing and learning, 17–18
training and, 135
body postures, 8, 9, 19, 97, 197–98
Borns-Weil, Stephanie, 214
brachycephalic breeds
definition, 4
health problems in, 37
reading body language of, 21
CDS and, 282
sensitive socialization period and, 75
social preferences and, 95
breeds. See cat breeds
British Shorthair cats, 35, 38, 278
Buffington, C. A. Tony, 106, 183
definition, 3
marking by, 51
relaxation and, 17
Calhoon, Robert, 201
calicivirus, 31
conditioned reinforcers and, 137
definition, 254
for training fearful adopted cats, 264–65
Carlstead, Kathy, 89
teaching your cat to like, 296–97
casein, 188
CAT (computerized axial tomography), 282
CatBib, 242
cat breeds. See also hybrids; mixed-breed cats; pedigree, or purebred, cats
body language and, 21–22
learn more about, 38–39
cat cafés, 31–32
definition, 3
as sexual vocalization, 11
Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA), 35, 39
cat fight injuries, 43
“cat library,” 58
catnip, 62, 68, 111–12, 138–39, 160, 209
cat scratch disease, 144–45
CatStop Ultrasonic Cat Deterrent, 156
cat-to-cat introductions, 99–104. See also multicat households
after a separation or stressful situation, 109–10
catnip and, 111–12
eating near each other, 102
enrichment and, 69
introducing scents, 100
playing near each other, 102–3
sneaking a peak, 101–2
synthetic pheromones and, 207
time-sharing, 101
unsupervised interactions, 103–4
what not to do, 104
cat trees and perches, 47, 117, 130, 136, 138–39, 153, 237–38. See also vertical spaces
CDS. See cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS)
Center for Lost Pets, The, 32
CFA (Cat Fanciers’ Association), 35, 39
change, resistance to, 196
chasing other cats, 117
chattering, 11
Cheung, Wing-hoi, 25
chirping, 11
Chon, E., 149
chronic kidney disease (CKD), 277–78
CKD (chronic kidney disease), 277–78
definition, 120
example of, 123
nail trimming and, 158
negative response to carrier and, 297
repetitive behaviors and, 221
capturing and, 254
classical conditioning and, 254
plant chewing and, 248
pouncing and, 245
for teaching your cat to get into the carrier, 297
for training fearful cats, 264
climbing stairs, difficulty with, 23, 276
Cline, Martha, 286
cognitive decline, 220
cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS)
definition, 274–75
nighttime waking and yowling and, 290–92
cognitive enrichment, 54. See also enrichment
colonies. See also community cat colonies
definition, 74
colony caregivers
definition, 253
TNR programs and, 255–57
Colorpoint Shorthair cats, 36
“come closer” behaviors, 3, 8, 10, 11
communication, 1–26
aggression and, 152
avoiding pitfalls, 24
better, six steps for, 15–22
facts about, 2–8
methods, 5
pain and illness, recognizing, 21–23
predators and prey, 12–13
redundant and mixed signals, 11–12
summary, 25–26
vocalizations, 10–11
definition, 253
TNR programs and, 255–57
compulsive disorders. See also repetitive behaviors
definition, 214
managing, 220–24
medication for, 224–25
computed tomography (CT), 282
computerized axial tomography (CAT), 282
conditioned reinforcers. See also clickers and clicker training
definition, 121
conditioning. See also classical conditioning; classical counterconditioning; operant conditioning
definition, 120
fearful cats and, 116
continuous reinforcement
definition, 121
explained, 126
core areas, 58–59, 69, 90, 182, 288
Cornish Rex cats, 36
counters, jumping on, 231, 233–34, 236–37
crepuscular animals
Crowell-Davis, Sharon, 58, 181, 191
CT (computed tomography), 282
Dantas, Leticia Mattos De Souza, 154
Dards, Jane, 201
death, sudden, 279
defecation. See also middening
definition, 170
fear and, 147
outside of the litter box (See house soiling)
process of, 166–67
defensive aggression, 10, 11, 16
degenerative joint disease, 67, 140, 172, 276
dementia, 272. See also cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS)
dental and oral disease, 280, 290
DePorter, Theresa, 111
definition, 120
example of, 123
nail trimming and, 158
negative response to carrier and, 297
repetitive behaviors and, 221
diagnosis of exclusion, 213
Dirofilaria immitis, 279
diseases and disorders. See also illness; specific disease and disorder names
displacement behaviors
definition, 3
DLH (domestic longhairs), 29, 33, 34, 36
Dodman, Nicholas, 182
food-dispensing toys and, 55
habituation or sensitization to, 121–22
introducing cats to, 301–3
domestication of cats, 49, 94–95, 192–93
definition, 253
domestic longhairs (DLH), 29, 33, 34, 36
domestic shorthairs (DSH), 29, 33, 34, 36
dominance, 168–69
drinking. See water intake
DSH (domestic shorthairs), 29, 33, 34, 36
movement of, 119
Egyptian Mau cats, 36
emotions in cats, 131–32, 168. See also anxiety; fear; stress
endocrine disorders, 199, 219, 220, 243
endorphins, 215
energy, decreased. See lethargy
enrichment, 49–70. See also cat trees and perches; toys
adding a playmate, 69
aggression and need for, 27–28
for aging cats, 285
auditory, 63
avoiding pitfalls, 66–68
definition, 50–51
facts about, 50–52
FIC treatment and, 184
four areas of, 54
grooming and petting, 65–66
house soiling and, 186
hunting behaviors and, 52–53
keeping life interesting, 68–69
outdoor vs. indoor, 43–44
safe places and, 57–58 (See also safe spaces)
scent, importance of, 61–62
structure, predictability, and consistent interactions, 59–61
summary, 70
visual stimulation, 63–64
environmental needs for cats, 105–10, 153–55, 199, 222, 235
Eriksson, Matilda, 53
Exotic Shorthair cats, 4, 21, 35, 38
ticks, 64
extinction burst, 249
eyes and body language, 9, 97, 176
fabric sucking, 214, 215, 217, 219
facial expressions, 4, 21, 97, 197
fear and fearful cats, 190–211. See also anxiety; fear-related aggression; stress
anxiety and, 193–94
avoiding pitfalls, 205–10
body language and, 97
definition, 96
facts about, 191–92
four Fs, 194–95
helping after adoption, 260–66
house soiling and, 169
inherited tendency toward, 115
memories and, 118–19
of men, 115–16
reinforcement schedules and, 126
respecting, 89
in shelters, 254–55
socialization and, 199–200
stress and, 194
stress response, 118
summary, 210–11
training, 264–65
fear-related aggression, 158–60
definition, 148
in kittens, 149
medications and, 160–61
overview, 158–60
Feaver, Julie, 192
feline behavior
adoption and, 27–48
aggression, 143–64
aging cats and, 272–93
annoying, 228–50
communication and, 1–26
enrichment and, 49–70
fear and, 190–211
house soiling, 165–89
learning and, 115–42
multicat households and, 93–114
outdoor cats and, 251–71
repetitive, 212–27
social interactions, 71–92
Feline Behavior (Beaver), 154
feline distemper (panleukopenia), 31, 43
feline facial (cheek) pheromone
adoption of fearful cats and, 261
in boarding cages, 159
for house-soiling issues, 188
for stress reduction in multicat households, 111
visitors and, 204
feline hyperesthesia syndrome (FHS), 157, 161
feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), 30, 31, 32, 43
feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), 43
feline interdigital pheromone, 4, 5, 68
feline interstitial cystitis (FIC), 182–84
definition, 52
encouraging your cat to drink, 184
environment for prevention of, 59
house soiling and, 172
multimodal approach to treatment for, 183–84
feline leukemia virus (FeLV), 30, 31, 32, 43, 46
Feline Spectrum Assessment, 258
feline time budget
definition, 51
food-dispensing toys and, 54
feline viral rhinotracheitis, 31
Felis catus, 94–95, 253. See also domestic cats
Felis silvestris lybica, 94, 166, 193
Feliway Classic, 111, 159, 204, 209, 261
FeLV (feline leukemia virus), 30, 31, 32, 43, 46
female cats. See also queens
aggression and, 41
friendliness and, 40
feral cats. See also domestic cats
caregiver interactions with, 265–66
eating greens, 246
friendships between, 77
in shelters, 254–55
fever, 52
FHS (feline hyperesthesia syndrome), 157, 161
FIC. See feline interstitial cystitis (FIC)
fidgeting (fiddling) cats, 195
fight-or-flight response, 8, 16, 51, 96, 99, 147, 194
financial considerations, 31, 32, 38, 43, 45
FIP (feline infectious peritonitis), 43
fish tanks, 63
FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus), 30, 31, 32, 43
flagpole tail, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 80–81
food and feeding. See also food-dispensing toys; treats
adopting a new cat and, 47
aggression and, 154–55
classical conditioning and, 122–23
free-choice, 154
stress reduction and, 201–2
vocalizations and, 198
activity provided by, 242–43
aggression and, 154
for aging cats, 285
cat-to-cat introductions and, 102–3
encouraging use of, 66–67
for fearful adopted cats, 262
making, 241–42
for nighttime feeding, 244
free-choice feeding, 154
“Free to Good Home” postings, 32–33
choosing a kitten and, 44
males vs. females, 40
“frozen” cats, 195
communication of, 14
displacement behaviors and, 3
FVRCP vaccine, 31
gastrointestinal disease, 15, 219–20
geriatric cats. See also aging cats; senior cats
age of, 273
behavior problems in, 282
definition, 275
house soiling and, 171
glutamate, 215
“Go to Your Spot,” teaching, 136, 138–39
Greenies Pill Pockets, 299
grooming. See also allogrooming
aggressive behavior and, 151
enrichment and, 65–66
excessive on abdomen, 182
petting to mimic grooming, 88
stress and, 97
training with, 141
growling, 10, 11, 14. See also aggression
Grumpy Cat, 21
as type of learning, 121
hair pulling, 214, 215, 217–18, 219
Halloween cat posture, 8, 9, 16
hand-reared kittens, 149
Hardie, Elizabeth, 140
harnesses and leashes, 65, 241, 245, 269, 270, 301
Haspel, Carol, 201
HCM (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy), 36, 37, 278
head rubbing, 79
hearing, 119
heartbeat, rapid, 277
heart disease, 278
heartworm disease, 279
herbs, kitchen, 246
heredity, definition, 30
Herron, Meghan E., 106
hiding spots, 47, 50, 57, 58, 59. See also safe spaces
high blood pressure, 243, 272, 278
hindquarters and communication, 80–81, 82
hissing. See also aggression
as aggressive vocalization, 11
body language and, 9
communication and, 5
as “go away” message, 10
Holden, E., 4
hormonal disorders, 172
Horwitz, Debra F., 180
Houpt, Katherine, 191, 193, 214
house cats. See also domestic cats
definition, 74
feeding, 54
indoor-only, 268–69
scratching by, 68
house soiling, 165–89. See also litter and litter boxes; middening; urine marking
avoiding pitfalls, 184–87
CDS and, 281
change in routine and, 60
CKD and, 278
collecting information about, 172–74
declawing and, 162–63
definition, 170
facts about, 166–68
medication for, 188
optimal litter box for prevention of, 178–82
punishment and, 184
reasons for, 132
summary, 188–89
human companionship, 53–54, 59–61, 66, 74, 108–9, 223
human cues for communication, 18–19, 86–87
humans, miscommunication with cats, 1–2, 13–15, 16, 19
hunting, 11, 52–53, 155, 231–32, 233, 240–42. See also predatory behavior
choosing, 34–35
definition, 30
hypertension, 243, 272, 278, 290
hyperthyroidism, 276–77
high blood pressure and, 278
house soiling and, 172
weight loss and, 280
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), 36, 37, 278
hypothyroidism, congenital, 223
illness. See also diseases and disorders; pain-related aggression; parasites
anxiety and, 199
carriers and, 57
environment and medical health, 50
kitten kindergarten and, 84
overgrooming and, 15
in pet store cats, 33
purring and, 24–25
recognizing, 21–23
sickness behaviors and, 52
stress-related, 223
vocalization, excessive, and, 243
Indoor Hunting Feeder, 56
risks for, 269–70
Indoor Pet Initiative, 217
inflammatory bowel disease, 219
insulin, 279–80
intermittent reinforcement
definition, 121
explained, 126
unintentional, 128
internal parasites, 46, 64, 84, 172, 279
International Cat Association, The (TICA), 39
International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM), 105, 178
Internet, 33
irritable aggression, definition, 148
ISFM (International Society of Feline Medicine), 105, 178
Japanese Bobtail cats, 21
jumping, difficulty with, 23, 67, 223, 272, 276
jumping on counters, 231, 233–34, 236–37
kidney disease, 172, 272, 277–78
kidney failure, 247
kitten kindergarten, 84–85, 200
kitten mills
definition, 29
pet stores and, 33
behavior of, 39–41
hand-reared, 149
playful aggression and, 155–56
senior cats and, 289
socialization of, 75–76, 82–83, 84–85 (See also sensitive socialization period)
knocking things on the floor, 234
Kong Kickeroo, 61
Landsberg, Gary, 15, 111, 217–18, 284
LaPerm cats, 36
learning. See also training
avoiding pitfalls, 139–41
the brain and, 131–32
classical conditioning, 122–23
classical counterconditioning, 123
compulsive behaviors and, 214
definition, 118
desensitization, 123
facts about, 118–21
fear-associated, 115–16
importance of, 116–17
operant conditioning, 124–25
punishment and, 127–31
reinforcement schedules, 125–26
stress response and, 118–19
summary, 141–42
leashes and harnesses, 65
Levine, Emily, 99
Levy, Julie, 256
Ley, Jacqui, 191
licking, 15, 214, 220. See also grooming
limited-admission shelter, definition, 29
litter and litter boxes. See also preferences, litter and litter box
challenges for senior cats, 287–88
elimination outside of (See house soiling)
guidelines, 182
problems with, 174–76
stress and, 176–77
lost pet postings, 32
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 282
magnolia (Magnolia officinalis), 188
Maine Coon cats, 35, 36, 38, 278
male cats. See also toms
aggression and, 41
compulsive disorders and, 214
friendliness and, 40
Manx cats, 21
MAO-B inhibitors, 283
marking. See also scent marking; urine marking
by bunting, 51
as communication skill, 168
definition, 51–52
social spacing and, 4
maternal appeasing pheromone, 4, 111, 205, 207
McComb, Karen, 25
McCune, Sandra, 192
medications and supplements
for CDS, 283
for compulsive disorders, 224–25
for diabetes, 279–80
for heartworm prevention, 279
for high blood pressure, 278
for house soiling, 188
for hyperthyroidism, 277
for nausea, 209–10
Mehrkam, Lindsay, 108
memories, fear-associated, 118
Merola, Isabella, 18–19
adoption and, 46
definition, 29
feeders controlled by, 201
stray cats and, 32
definition, 170
description, 168
Miklosi, Adam, 18
mint, 62
miscommunication between humans and cats, 1–2, 13–15, 16, 19, 149–50
definition, 149
description, 146
punishment and, 150–51
social play and, 90
Missing Pet Network, 32
choosing, 33–34
definition, 29
disease predispositions and, 36
from pet stores, 33
mixed signals, 11–12
Moffat, Kelly, 282
motion sickness, 209–10
conflicting, 19
definition, 229
food-dispensing toys and, 66
overcoming discomfort and, 23
mouth and body language, 9, 97
movies for cats, 63
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), 282
Muggenthaler, Elizabeth von, 25
multicat households. See also cat-to-cat introductions
avoiding pitfalls, 104–5
body language and, 97–98
declawing and, 163
facts about, 94–96
FIC and, 183
medications for stress, 110–11
senior cats and, 289
summary, 113–14
Munchkin cats, 36
music, 63
nail trimming, 151, 157–58, 163
negative punishment, 124, 125, 131, 133
negative reinforcement, 124, 125, 131
neurological disease, 219, 220
neurotransmitters, 176, 196, 215, 224, 282, 284
neutering. See spaying or neutering
nighttime waking, 220, 244, 272, 281, 283, 290. See also sleep-wake cycle
nighttime yowling, 220, 243, 290–92
nocturnal activities
as common behavior, 232–33
definition, 229
non-affective aggression, 145
Norwegian Forest cats, 36
nose touching, 77, 79, 80, 83, 137, 138, 263–64
nutraceuticals and nutritional supplements, 161–62, 188, 283–84
diabetes and, 279
environment and, 49–50
food-dispensing toys and, 154
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), 216
Ocicats, 36
off-label use, definition, 275
olfactory (scent) communication, 4, 5, 78–79, 81
onychectomy, 162–63
open-admission shelter, definition, 29
definition, 120
four consequences in, 124–25
Oriental Shorthair cats, 36
osteoarthritis. See degenerative joint disease
outdoor cats, 251–71. See also feral cats; indoor-outdoor cats; semi-feral cats; stray cats
avoiding pitfalls, 266–68
evaluated for socialization, 258–59
facts about, 252–54
helping fearful cats who have been adopted, 260–66
indoor-outdoor debate, 268–70
summary, 270–71
TNR programs, 255–57
outdoor cat tunnels and playpens, 245
outdoors, access to, 64–65, 109, 241, 245, 268–70
Overall, Karen, 224
overgrooming, 15, 41, 215, 217, 219, 220
overweight cats, 53, 67, 140, 201, 279
Owen, Richard, 24
oxytocin, 88
Pachel, Christopher, 286
pain-related aggression. See also under illness
definition, 148
description, 147
medications for, 161
recognizing, 151
Pandora syndrome. See feline interstitial cystitis (FIC)
panleukopenia (feline distemper), 31, 43
pet store cats and, 33
protection against, 64
paresthesia, 219
parsley, 62
Pavlovian conditioning, 120, 254
Pavlov’s Cat Scratch Feeder, 239–40
behavioral characteristics of, 20–21
choosing, 34–39
definition, 29
from pet stores, 33
pelvic or tail fractures, 172
periodontal (gum) disease, 280
Persian cats, 4, 20, 21, 35, 36, 37, 38
personality types. See also temperament
communication and, 24
factors contributing to, 191–92
Peterbald cats, 36
Petfinder, 32
pet stores, 33
body language and, 21
different types of, 88–89
as tactile enrichment, 65–66
petting-induced aggression
definition, 148
description, 147
Phellodendron amurense, 188
allorubbing and, 7
bunting and, 3
synthetic products, 188, 205, 208, 297 (See also Feliscratch; Feliway Classic; Feliway MultiCat)
physical enrichment, 54. See also enrichment
as defensive strategy, 13
definition, 3
Halloween cat posture and, 8
PKD (polycystic kidney disease), 36, 37
PK (pyruvate kinase) deficiency, 36
play. See also toys
aggressive, 155–56 (See also misdirected play behavior)
in aging cats, 284–85
cat-to-cat introductions and, 102–3
daily sessions, 244
decreased interest in, 223
preferences, 107–8
social play, 90
stalking and pouncing, 230–32
stress reduction and, 202
play-related aggression. See misdirected play behavior
polycystic kidney disease (PKD), 36, 37
PositiveCattitudes, 245
positive punishment, 124, 125, 127–31
capturing and, 254
fearful cats and, 264
PRA (progressive retinal atrophy), 36
predators, cats as, 12, 52–53, 119, 231–32, 233, 240–42
predatory behavior. See also hunting
definition, 148
misdirected play behavior as, 149
satisfying instinct indoors, 241–42
preferences, litter and litter box. See also aversions
definition, 170
in kittens, 45
optimal litter box and, 178–82
wild ancestors and, 166
prey animals, cats as, 12–13, 22, 43, 89, 145
prey items, bringing to owner, 231–32, 233
progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), 36
Pryor, Patricia, 170
fear-related aggression and, 150–51
operant conditioning and, 124–25
for repetitive behaviors, avoiding, 226
three conditions needed for it to work, 150
purebred cats. See pedigree, or purebred, cats
Purina’s “Cat Breeds” web page, 39
pyruvate kinase (PK) deficiency, 36
belly rubbing and, 88
colonies and, 74
definition, 75
fostering kittens by, 75
rectal strictures, 172
redirected aggression, 156
definition, 148
description, 147
example of, 143–44
overview, 156
recognizing, 151
redirection, 221
redundant messages, 11
reinforcement. See also positive reinforcement
definition, 121
operant conditioning and, 124–25
positive punishment and, 130
reinforcement schedules, 125–26
reinforcers, 125. See also conditioned reinforcers
Reisner, Ilana, 191
repetitive behaviors, 212–27. See also compulsive disorders
avoiding pitfalls, 225–26
avoiding the trigger, 220–21
classical counterconditioning and, 221
definition, 215
desensitization and, 221
facts about, 215–16
getting help for, 218–19
key points for dealing with, 225
preventing, 218
redirection, 221–22
response substitution, 221
summary, 226–27
rescue groups, 28–29, 31, 33, 37, 38
building, 203–5
definition, 195
respiratory distress, 275, 279
response substitution, 221
resting spots for senior cats, 286–87, 291
retreat or avoidance behaviors, 97. See also avoidance
rewards. See reinforcement; reinforcers
routines, 23, 60, 108, 200–203, 244, 263–64
rubbing, 77, 78–79, 83, 141. See also allorubbing
safe spaces, 57–58, 89, 100, 107, 153–54, 183–84. See also vertical spaces
nail trimming and, 157–58
Saito, Atsuko, 18
SAMe, 284
Savannah cats, 36
rubbing and, 78–79
scent marking. See also bunting; middening; scratching; urine marking
stress or fear and, 105
Schwartz, Stefanie, 185
scratching and clawing humans, 27, 118, 143–45, 162–63. See also aggression
scratching objects
declawing and, 162–63
as normal behavior, 230
providing options for (See under scratching posts and pads)
visual communication and, 5
making your own, 238
for a new cat, 47
scent marking and, 62
scruffing, 16
Segurson, Sheila, 263
seizure, definition, 215
self-defense and aggression, 3, 10, 148, 151
semi-feral cats. See also domestic cats
definition, 74
Senilife, 284
senior cats. See also aging cats; geriatric cats
age of, 273
behavior problems in, 282
definition, 275
house soiling and, 171
social changes and, 288–89
training and, 140
water bowls and fountains for, 285–86
sensitive socialization period
aggression and, 149
breeders and, 37
definition, 30
interactions with other cats and, 288–89
kittens of feral cats and, 259–60
temperament testing and, 41
definition, 120
as type of learning, 121–22
sensory decline
definition, 275
sensory enrichment, 54. See also enrichment
sensory processing, 119
separation anxiety, 74, 174, 185
sex and behavioral differences, 40–41
shaping, 136–37
adopting from, 28–31
pop-up adoption centers and cats from, 33
statistics on animals in, 28
TNR programs and, 257
types, 29
Shinozuka, Kazutaka, 18
Shreve, Kristyn Vitale, 53, 108
shrieking, 11
Siamese cats, 20, 36, 214, 243
Siberian cats, 36
sickness behaviors. See also diseases and disorders; illness
cat-to-cat introductions and, 105
changes in routine and, 60
definition, 52
silverine, 160
Singapura cats, 36
sleeping and resting, 201
sleep-wake cycle. See also nighttime waking
definition, 275
social enrichment, 54, 66. See also enrichment
social interactions, 71–92
arthritis and, 276
avoiding pitfalls, 90–91
facts about, 73–75
with fearful adopted cats, 263–65
fear of, 71–72
house soiling and, 186
with humans, decreased interest in, 223
during kittenhood, 75–76, 82–83, 84–85 (See also sensitive socialization period)
with other cats, warming up to, 72–73
social play, issues with, 90
summary, 91–92
training with cues, 86–87
socialization. See also sensitive socialization period
acceptance of newcomers and, 83
cat cafés and, 32
evaluation for, 258–59
fear and, 199–200
social spacing
definition, 4
olfactory communication and, 6
Somali cats, 36
preventing nighttime vocalizations by, 243
species-specific behavior
basic needs and, 229
definition, 229
spraying. See urine marking
spraying cats with water, 150–51, 233–34
Sticky Paws, 239
avoidance and, 96
conditioned reinforcer, 121
definition, 120
habituation and, 121
sensitization and, 122
stress and, 96
stray cats. See also domestic cats
adoption of, 32
definition, 253
infectious diseases and, 43
keeping out of yard or garden, 156
stress. See also anxiety; fear and fearful cats
anxiety and, 194
body language and, 97–98
body posture incongruence and, 19
compulsive behaviors and, 214
environment and, 49–50
overgrooming and, 15
shelter cats and, 255
sickness behaviors and, 52
veterinarian visits and, 159–60
stress response, 118
Sung, Wailani, 181
sympathetic nervous system. See also fight-or-flight response
definition, 51
thyroid hormones and, 277
tactile communication, 4, 5, 7
tail. See also bottle-brush tail; flagpole tail
fractures of, 172
wagging, 14
targeting, 224
definition, 30
testing, 41
territorial aggression, 145
The International Cat Association (TICA), 39
threatening behaviors, 97
thyroid imbalance, 161. See also hyperthyroidism; hypothyroidism, congenital
TICA (The International Cat Association), 39
ticks, 64
TNR programs. See trap-neuter-return (TNR)
definition, 75
Tonkinese cats, 36
touching and tactile communication, 5
toys. See also food-dispensing toys
for aging cats, 284–85
with catnip, 62
enrichment and, 61
for fearful adopted cats, 262–63
homemade, 69
for kittens, 149
for a new cat, 47
playful aggression and, 155–56
pouncing behaviors and, 244–45
training. See also capturing; clickers and clicker training; learning; punishment; reinforcement
to come when called, 269
communication and, 19–20
dos and don’ts of, 131
to “Go to Your Spot,” 136
how to begin, 133–35
luring and shaping behaviors, 135–39
routine sessions, 235–36
social behaviors and, 86–87
tool kit, 134
to “Touch,” 137
to use litter box, 169
trap-neuter-return (TNR) programs
definition, 254
overview of, 255–57
semi-feral cats and, 74
trapping, 43
for administering medications, 299–300
nail trimming and, 158
petting-intolerant cats and, 157
visitors and, 204
as “come closer” vocalization, 11
definition, 3–4
turtles in terrariums, 63
Udell, Monique, 108
ultrasonic devices, 242
University of California, Davis, 36
University of Pennsylvania, 36
upper respiratory infections, 43, 46
urinary tract infections or problems, 171, 172, 175, 278. See also feline interstitial cystitis (FIC)
CKD and problems with, 278
definition, 170
fear and, 147
outside of the litter box (See house soiling)
cleaning items soiled with, 185
cleaning after, 185
medication for, 188
second cat introductions and, 43
treatment plans for, 170
U.S. Pet (Dog and Cat) Population Fact Sheet, 33
first trip to veterinarian and, 46
kitten kindergarten and, 84
stray cats and, 32
vertical room dividers, 58
vertical spaces. See also cat trees and perches
for aging cats, 286–87
difficulty reaching, 67
FIC treatment and, 183–84
near kitchen counter, 138–39
providing, 237
by windows, 65
veterinary visits
for aging cats, 274
for house soiling, 171–72
tips for making less stressful, 207–8
video games and apps for cats, 63–64
vision, 119
visual communication, 4, 5, 6, 8–9, 119, 230, 239
visual stimulation, 63–64
while urinating, 278
vomeronasal organ, 5
anxiety and, 176
heartworm disease and, 279
hyperthyroidism and, 277
sympathetic nervous system activation and, 51
Waisglass, Stephen, 217–18
waking you up at night, 242–44
walking, difficulty with, 23
waste odors, 5
water bowls and fountains for senior cats, 285–86
weakness, in hind limbs, 279
weaning age, 41
weight change and health issues, 23, 274, 277, 278, 280
whey, 188
wildlife perceived as threat, 110, 176, 177, 186–87
working cat programs, 257
Wright, Charlie, 159
Your Ideal Cat (Hart and Hart), 39
yowling, 5, 10, 11, 16. See also aggression; nighttime yowling
Zulch, Helen, 66