Albin Counter-Gambit 116
Allgaier Gambit 101
Benko Gambit 117
Benoni 117
Bird’s Opening 117
in piece traps 134
in the middle game 70
in the opening 68
value of 34
Bishop’s Opening 117
blindfold chess 212
Budapest Defence 117
Caro-Kann Defence 92, 116, 117
Catalan Opening 117
Centre Counter Defence 92, 120–121, 202–205
Centre Game 117
Chaturanga 7
choice of colour 20
clock, chess 208
close games 90
Colle System 117
congress, chess 210
correspondence chess 212
descriptive notation 27, 213–214
doubled rooks 70
Dragon variation 111
en prise 60
end game 51, 67, 71–74, 159–185
king and minor piece v king and pawns 168–169
king and pawn v king 163
king and pawn v king and pawn 163–165
king and two bishops v king 40
king and two pawns v king and one 165–167
king and two pawns v king and two pawns 167
king and two rooks v king 40
king, bishop and knight v king 40
king, minor piece, pawn v king and minor piece 167–168
queen and pawn 169
rook and pawn 169
rook v pawn(s) 171
English Chess Federation 210
Evans Gambit 118
exchanges, piece 124
fianchettoed 50
FIDE 214
file 27
open file 70
force 47
Four Pawns’ Attack 110
French Defence 92, 113, 115, 116, 118
Grünfeld Defence 118
half-open games 90
in the end game 71
in the middle game 69
in the opening 68
King’s Gambit 91, 99, 100, 106, 115, 119, 187
King’s Indian Attack 119
King’s Indian Defence 109, 119
king’s side attack 136–140, 196–199
in piece traps 134
in the end game 74
in the opening 69
major pieces 53
mate 14
middle game 51, 67, 69–71, 123–158
minor pieces 53
Modern Defence 119
Nimzo-Indian Defence 119
Nimzo-Larsen Attack 119
descriptive notation 27, 213–214
long notation 28
open file 70
open games 90
passed pawn 125
in the end game 74
in the middle game 71
in the opening 69
passed pawn 125
poisoned pawn 188
promotion of 18
united pawns 126
perpetual check 26
Petroff’s Defence 120
Philidor’s Defence 120
Philidor’s Legacy 78
major 53
minor 53
piece exchanges 124
pin 34
Pirc 120
poisoned pawn 188
problems, chess 212
promotion check 170
promotion, pawn 18
promotion square 43
promotion, stopping 170
puzzles, chess 212
forks 135
in piece traps 135
in the end game 72
in the opening 68
movement of 15
value of 34
Queen’s Gambit Accepted 120
Queen’s Gambit Declined 120
Queen’s Indian Defence 120
rank 27
Réti Opening 120
doubled rooks 70
in the end game 72
in the middle game 70
in the opening 68
movement of 15
value of 34
Scandinavian Defence 92, 120–121, 202–205
Scotch 121
Shatranj 7
Sicilian Defence 92, 111, 116, 121
simultaneous chess 211
skewer 36
space 47
squares, weak 133
tempo 47
Trompowsky Opening 121
tuition, private 231
Two Knights’ Defence 121
united pawns 126
Vienna Gambit 121
winning the exchange 47
zugzwang 186