Albin Counter-Gambit 116

Alekhine’s Defence 92, 116

algebraic notation 2728, 48

Allgaier Gambit 101


backward pawn 125126

Benko Gambit 117

Benoni 117

Bird’s Opening 117


in piece traps 134

in the end game 7273

in the middle game 70

in the opening 68

movement of 1516

value of 34

Bishop’s Opening 117

blindfold chess 212

Budapest Defence 117


Caro-Kann Defence 92, 116, 117

castling 2122, 29

Catalan Opening 117

centre breakthrough 145149

Centre Counter Defence 92, 120121, 202205

Centre Game 117

Chaturanga 7

check 1314, 29

discovered check 3536

double check 3435

checkmate 14, 2224, 29

children 217233

choice of colour 20

clock, chess 208

close games 90

close positions 133134

clubs 209210, 226227

Colle System 117

computers, chess 210, 232

congress, chess 210

correspondence chess 212


Danish Gambit 117118

descriptive notation 27, 213214

discovered check 3536

double check 3435

doubled pawns 54, 125

doubled rooks 70

Dragon variation 111

draw 26, 222

Dutch Defence 116, 118


en passant 18, 29

en prise 60

end game 51, 67, 7174, 159185

endings 3642

bishop and pawns 175177

king and minor piece v king and pawns 168169

king and pawn 4042

king and pawn v king 163

king and pawn v king and pawn 163165

king and queen v king 3738

king and rook v king 3839

king and two bishops v king 40

king and two pawns v king and one 165167

king and two pawns v king and two pawns 167

king and two rooks v king 40

king, bishop and knight v king 40

king, minor piece, pawn v king and minor piece 167168

pawn 172175

queen and pawn 169

rook and pawn 169

rook and pawn v rook 170171

rook and pawns 177181

rook v pawn(s) 171

English Chess Federation 210

English Opening 116, 118

etiquette 209, 230231

Evans Gambit 118

exchanges, piece 124


Fairy chess 212213

fianchettoed 50

FIDE 214

fifty move rule 26, 229

file 27

open file 70

Fool’s Mate 58, 75

force 47

fork 36, 135

Forsyth notation 27, 213

Four Knights’ Game 97, 118

Four Pawns’ Attack 110

French Defence 92, 113, 115, 116, 118


gambits 9192

Giuoco Piano 92, 94, 118, 190

gradings, player 215216

Grünfeld Defence 118


half-open games 90


Immortal Game 187189

initial position 2021

Internet chess 8, 232

isolated pawn 54, 125


j’adoube rule 207, 228



in the end game 71

in the middle game 69

in the opening 68

movement of 1315

King’s Gambit 91, 99, 100, 106, 115, 119, 187

King’s Indian Attack 119

King’s Indian Defence 109, 119

king’s side attack 136140, 196199


in piece traps 134

in the end game 74

in the middle game 7071

in the opening 69

movement of 1617


major pieces 53

mate 14

standard mates 7580

middle game 51, 67, 6971, 123158

minor pieces 53

Modern Defence 119


Nimzo-Indian Defence 119

Nimzo-Larsen Attack 119

notation 2730, 48, 213214

algebraic notation 2728, 48

descriptive notation 27, 213214

Forsyth notation 27, 213

long notation 28

short notation 28, 48

standard notation 2728


open file 70

open games 90

open positions 133134

opening 51, 67, 6869, 89121


passed pawn 125


backward pawn 125126

capture by pawn 17, 18

doubled pawns 54, 125

formations 126127

in attack 129130

in defence 130132

in the end game 74

in the middle game 71

in the opening 69

isolated pawn 54, 125

movement of 1719

passed pawn 125

poisoned pawn 188

promotion of 18

structures 124, 127129

united pawns 126

perpetual check 26

Petroff’s Defence 120

Philidor’s Defence 120

Philidor’s Legacy 78


major 53

minor 53

piece exchanges 124

piece traps 134135

pinned 24, 34

pin 34

pinned pieces 24, 34

Pirc 120

poisoned pawn 188

position 47, 48

problems, chess 212

promotion check 170

promotion, pawn 18

promotion square 43

promotion, stopping 170

puzzles, chess 212



forks 135

in piece traps 135

in the end game 72

in the middle game 6970

in the opening 68

movement of 15

value of 34

Queen’s Gambit 91, 106

Queen’s Gambit Accepted 120

Queen’s Gambit Declined 120

Queen’s Indian Defence 120

queen’s side attack 149153


rank 27

ratings, player 215216

resignation 2627

Réti Opening 120


doubled rooks 70

in piece traps 134135

in the end game 72

in the middle game 70

in the opening 68

movement of 15

on the seventh rank 70, 135

value of 34

Ruy Lopez 102, 120


sacrifice 55, 64

Scandinavian Defence 92, 120121, 202205

Scholar’s Mate 58, 222

Scotch 121

Shatranj 7

Sicilian Defence 92, 111, 116, 121

simultaneous chess 211

skewer 36

Slav Defence 107, 121

space 47

squares, weak 133

stalemate 2425, 222

standard notation 2728

switch attack 140145

symbols 2829, 214


tempo 47

tournament chess 227231

Trompowsky Opening 121

tuition, private 231

Two Knights’ Defence 121


united pawns 126


value of pieces 3334

Vienna Gambit 121


winning the exchange 47


zugzwang 186