Domain 1.0 Setting Project Requirements |
1.1 Identify the purpose, audience, and audience needs for a web authoring project. |
Ch 2 Introducing the Magazine Cover Project, 120
Ch 2 Starting a Magazine Cover Design, 121
Ch 8 Working with Outsiders, 8-1 |
3.1 Introducing the Magazine Cover Project
3.2 Setting Up the Cover Design
8.3 Finding the Target Audience
8.4 The Golden Rule for Client Work |
1.2 Communicate with colleagues and clients about design plans. |
Ch 8 Project Management, 8-14 |
8.9 Project Management Intro
8.10 Project Management—Understand the Problem
8.11 Project Management—Think It Through
8.12 Project Management—Get It in Writing
8.13 Project Management—Avoiding Creep
8.14 Project Management—Make It So
8.15 The Advantages of Working at a Firm
8.16 Wrapping Up Project Planning |
1.3 Determine the type of copyright, permissions, and licensing required to use specific content. |
Ch 8 Copyrights and Wrongs, 8-8 |
8.6 Digital Tools for Tracking Copyright
8.7 Fair Use and Copyright
8.8 Licensing: Strict and Free |
1.4 Demonstrate an understanding of key terminology related to publications. |
Ch 2 Adding Guides and Changing Preferences, 62
Ch 2 Understanding Graphics Formats, 76 |
2.4 Adding Guides to a Document and Changing Preferences
2.7 Assigning Objects to Layers |
1.5 Demonstrate knowledge of basic design principles and best practices employed in the design industry. |
Ch 7 Leveling Up with Design, 7-1 |
7.1 Design School: Introduction
7.2 Design School: Creativity Is a Skill
7.3 Design School: The Visual Hierarchy
7.4 Design School: The Elements of Art
7.5 Design School: The Element of Space
7.6 Design School: The Element of Line
7.7 Design School: The Element of Shape
7.8 Design School: The Element of Form
7.9 Design School: The Elements of Pattern and Texture
7.10 Design School: The Element of Value
7.11 Design School: The Element of Color
7.12 Design School: The Element of Type
7.13 Design School: The Principles of Design
7.14 Design School: The Principle of Emphasis
7.15 Design School: The Principle of Contrast
7.16 Design School: The Principle of Unity
7.17 Design School: The Principle of Variety
7.18 Design School: The Principle of Balance
7.19 Design School: The Principle of Proportion or Scale
7.20 Design School: The Principles of Repetition and Pattern
7.21 Design School: The Principles of Movement and Rhythm
7.22 Design School: Wrapping Up Design School |
Domain 2.0 Project Setup and Interface |
2.1 Create a document with the appropriate settings for web, print, and mobile. |
Ch 2 Planning a New Document, 50
Ch 3 Starting a Magazine Cover Design, 121
Ch 4 Setting Up the New Document Dialog, 166
Ch 4 Setting Up Master Pages, 167
Ch 5 Setting Up the Recipe Book, 203
Ch 6 Types of Digital Media, 240
Ch 6 Setting Up for Digital Media, 241 |
2.1 Introducing the Poster Project
2.2 Creating and Saving a New Document
3.2 Setting Up the Cover Design
4.2 Setting Up Master Pages
5.1 Introducing the Recipe Book Project
5.2 Setting Up the Project File
6.2 Setting Up the EPUB Document
6.1 Introducing the Interactive Digital Media Project |
2.2 Navigate, organize, and customize the application workspace. |
Ch 1 Starting InDesign, 4
Ch 1 Using the Start Workspace, 4
Ch 1 Getting to Know the InDesign Workspace, 6
Ch 1 Getting to Know the Tools Panel, 15
Ch 1 Using Workspaces, 32
Ch 1 Working Faster with Keyboard Shortcuts, 43 |
1.4 The InDesign Workspace
1.5 The Tools Panel
1.2 Launching the Application
1.3 Understanding the Start Workspace
1.7 Creating a Custom Workspace
1.10 Learning Keyboard Shortcuts |
2.3 Use nonprinting design tools in the interface to aid in design or workflow. |
Ch 1 Getting Around in a Document, 4
Ch 1 Getting Around on a Page, 34
Ch 2 Adding Guides and Changing Preferences, 62
Ch 2 Changing the Unit of Measure, 64
Ch 2 Adding Objects to a Document, 65 |
1.9 Choosing Options for Displaying a Document
1.8 Using Zoom to View a Document
2.4 Adding Guides to a Document and Changing Preferences
2.5 Adding Objects to a Document |
2.4 Import assets into a project. |
Ch 1 Getting Around on a Page, 34
Ch 3 Placing the Featured Image on the Cover, 124
Ch 5 Adding Text from Other Applications, 221
Ch 5 Importing Text and Tables, 222
Ch 6 Working with Libraries, 242 |
1.8 Using Zoom to View a Document
3.3 Placing an Image as the Background
5.7 Adding Master Pages, Images, and Object Styles (part 2)
6.3 Creating a Logo |
2.5 Manage colors, swatches, and gradients. |
Ch 2 Understanding Graphics Formats, 76
Ch 3 Placing the Featured Image on the Cover, 124
Ch 3 Adding Teaser Text, 128
Ch 4 Using Spot Colors in Print Designs, 174
Ch 5 Styling Text with Gradient Swatches, 205 |
2.7 Assigning Objects to Layers
3.4 Adding a Teaser
4.3 Adding Elements to Master Page A
5.4 Adding Title Text and Effects |
2.6 Manage paragraph, character, and object styles. |
Ch 3 Adding a Coverline, 147 |
3.8 Adding Teaser Text |
Domain 3.0 Organizing Documents |
3.1 Use layers to manage design elements. |
Ch 1 Using the Start Workspace, 4
Ch 2 Using Layers to Organize Document Elements, 57
Ch 2 Assigning Objects to Layers, 73
Ch 2 Understanding Graphics Formats, 76 |
1.3 Understanding the Start Workspace
2.3 Using Layers to Organize Design Elements
2.7 Assigning Objects to Layers |
3.2 Manage and modify pages. |
Ch 1 Using the Start Workspace, 4
Ch 4 Putting Master Pages to Work, 171
Ch 4 Using Different Page Sizes in a Single Document, 191
Ch 4 Numbering and Sections, 198 |
1.3 Understanding the Start Workspace
4.3 Adding Elements to Master Page A
4.15 Adding a Foldout Subscription Form
4.20 Adding Transitions & Exporting as Animated PDF |
Domain 4.0 Creating and Modifying Document Elements |
4.1 Use core tools and features to lay out visual elements. |
Ch 1 Getting to Know the Tools Panel, 15
Ch 2 Adding Objects to a Document, 65
Ch 3 Adding to the Title Masthead, 138
Ch 3 Finishing the Title Masthead, 146
Ch 3 Adding a Starburst, 158
Ch 4 Creating and Editing Master Pages, 168
Ch 4 Adding Master Pages, 170
Ch 4 Working with Text Frames and Columns, 175
Ch 4 Placing a Graphic Without a Placeholder, 189
1.5 The Tools Panel
2.5 Adding Objects to a Document
3.6 Adding to the Title Masthead
3.7 Finishing the Title Masthead
3.11 Adding a Starburst
4.3 Adding Elements to Master Page A
4.5 Adding Text Frames
4.13 Adding a Large Image with Caption |
4.2 Add and manipulate text using appropriate typographic settings. |
Ch 2 Adding Text, 95
Ch 2 Moving and Sizing Text, 103
Ch 3 Adding Teaser Text, 128
Ch 3 Creating the Title Masthead, 132
Ch 3 Finishing the Title Masthead, 146
Ch 3 Adding the Main Coverline, 153
Ch 3 Applying an Inset to a Text Frame, 156
Ch 4 Working with Text Frames and Columns, 175
Ch 4 Creating a Drop Cap, 176
Ch 4 Adjusting Space Between Paragraphs, 177
Ch 4 Setting Indents, 178
Ch 4 Setting Tabs, 179
Ch 4 Adjusting Hyphenation, 180
Ch 4 Wrapping Text Around Objects, 181
Ch 4 Creating Bulleted and Numbered Lists, 183
Ch 4 Threading Stories Through Text Frames, 185
Ch 4 Adding a Pull Quote, 190
Ch 5 Aligning Text Vertically in a Frame, 206
Ch 5 Creating a Table of Contents, 234 |
2.13 Defining Swatches and Coloring Text
2.14 Moving and Sizing Text
3.4 Adding a Teaser
3.5 Creating the Title Masthead
3.7 Finishing the Title Masthead
3.9 Adding the Main Coverline
3.10 Working with Text Frame Options
4.5 Adding Text Frames
4.7 Applying Text Wrap
4.6 Adding Body Copy to a Document
4.8 Formatting Text
4.9 Designing a Sidebar with Lists and an Image
4.10 Threading Text from One Page to the Next
4.11 Adding Page Jumps to a Story
4.14 Adding a Pull Quote
5.5 Finishing the Front Cover
5.13 Creating a Table of Contents |
4.3 Make, manage, and edit selections. |
Ch 2 Creating a Shape with the Pathfinder Tools, 82 |
2.9 Introducing the Pathfinder Tools |
4.4 Transform digital graphics and media within a publication. |
Ch 2 Understanding Graphics Formats, 76
Ch 2 Moving, Scaling, and Locking Objects, 85
Ch 3 Adding to the Title Masthead, 138
Ch 4 Wrapping Text Around Objects, 181
Ch 4 Converting Text into a Graphic, 188
Ch 4 Adding a Pull Quote, 190
Ch 5 Styling Corners, 207
Ch 5 Designing Page 5 On Your Own, 232 |
2.7 Assigning Objects to Layers
2.11 Moving, Scaling, and Locking Objects
3.6 Adding to the Title Masthead
4.7 Applying Text Wrap
4.12 Replacing Spot Colors with Process Colors
4.14 Adding a Pull Quote
5.6 Adding Master Pages, Images, and Object Styles
5.12 Designing Page 5 on Your Own |
4.5 Use basic reconstructing and editing techniques to manipulate document content. |
Ch 2 Creating a Color Swatch, 67
Ch 2 Creating a Shape with the Pathfinder Tools, 82
Ch 4 Working with Text Frames and Columns, 175
Ch 6 Checking Spelling, 253
Ch 6 Finding and Changing Content, 254 |
2.5 Adding Objects to a Document
2.9 Introducing the Pathfinder Tools
2.10 Using the Pathfinder Tools to Create a Globe
4.6 Adding Body Copy to a Document
6.7 Adding Interactivity to the Buttons |
4.6 Modify the appearance of design elements by using effects and styles. |
Ch 3 Creating the Title Masthead, 132
Ch 3 Adding a Coverline, 147
Ch 3 Adding the Main Coverline, 153
Ch 4 Adding Buttons, 196
Ch 5 Formatting Faster with Styles, 208 |
3.5 Creating the Title Masthead
3.8 Adding Teaser Text
3.9 Adding the Main Coverline
4.19 Continue Making the Form Interactive & Animating Buttons
5.7 Adding Master Pages, Images, and Object Styles (part 2)
5.8 Using Character and Paragraph Styles to Refine the Layout
5.9 Applying Character and Paragraph Styles |
4.7 Add interactive or dynamic content or media to a project. |
Ch 4 Creating an Interactive Form, 193
Ch 4 Adding Page Transitions, 199
Ch 4 Creating an Interactive PDF, 200
Ch 6 Working with Animations and Timing, 246
Ch 6 Embedding Media Files, 255
Ch 6 Creating a Slide Show, 258
Ch 6 Inserting HTML, 264 |
4.15 Adding a Foldout Subscription Form
4.20 Adding Transitions & Exporting as Animated PDF
6.6 Animating the Buttons
6.9 Creating Controller Buttons for the Video
6.10 Adding a Slide Show
6.11 Adding a Map |
4.8 Create and edit tables. |
Ch 5 Using Tables, 225 |
5.10 Adding and Styling a Table
5.11 Guided Page Layout |
Domain 5.0 Publishing Documents |
5.1 Prepare documents for publishing to web, print, and other digital devices. |
Ch 3 Preflighting the Document, 162
Ch 6 Exporting the Project, 266 |
3.12 Preflighting the Document
6.12 Animating an Object on a Path and Exporting the EPUB |
5.2 Export or save documents to various file formats. |
Ch 2 Packaging Your Finished Project for Output, 109
Ch 4 Creating an Interactive PDF, 200
Ch 6 Exporting the Project, 266 |
2.15 Packaging Your Finished Project for Output
4.20 Adding Transitions & Exporting as Animated PDF
6.12 Animating an Object on a Path and Exporting the EPUB |