

actions, constraining, 45

Adobe Stock, 52

Adobe Typekit fonts, using, 101

Advanced workspace, 32

AEM (Adobe Experience Manager), 241

AI (Adobe Illustrator) native files, 7778

Align Right, Paragraph panel, 153

All Caps button, 106

alpha channel, 182

Alt key. See keyboard shortcuts

A-Master page, creating, 168170

anchor points

clicking, 139

explained, 141

animated zoom, 3738

animation timing, controlling, 250251


applying presets, 247248

hyperlink buttons, 249250

previewing interactivity, 248249

properties, 252253

Application bar, 7

application frame, adjusting, 1415

attributes, toggling between, 218

audio files, adding to pages, 257


Basic Feather effect, applying, 144

black fill, applying to oval, 83

bleeds, 11, 54, 56

blending modes, 155

Book workspace, 33

bulleted lists, creating, 183185

buttons. See also control buttons

identifying, 31

laying out precisely, 246


capitalizing letters, 132

CC (Creative Cloud) libraries, 242245

CC Files, 6

cell styles, 211212, 229

cells, navigating, 226


and copying, 45

text vertically, 206

Character panel, 78, 146

character styles, 210211

cityscape graphics, adding, 8591. See also event poster; graphics

Clipboard, 230232

clipping path, 182

closing panels, 31

Cmd key. See keyboard shortcuts

CMYK color, 67, 70, 9597

color matching systems, adding spot colors from, 174175

color swatches. See also swatches

creating and applying, 6769

deleting, 204

setting up, 9597

Color Theme tool, 16

color theory, 70

Color Type setting, 128

Color/Gradient/None icon, 16


adding to masthead text, 135136

applying, 16

applying to shapes, 6672

applying to text, 100102

changing for text, 26

sampling, 96

column settings, 52

column widths, adjusting for tables, 227228


and margins, 53

and text frames, 175176

COMIX magazine cover, 120

Command key. See keyboard shortcuts

comparing documents, 55

Container and Text icons, 16

Content Collector tool, 16

Content Conveyor, using, 230232

Content Grabber, 7879

control buttons, adding, 258, 263264. See also buttons

Control panel, 68, 126

Copy keyboard shortcut, 43

corner options, applying, 207

cover design

adding date line, 136138

completion, 119

copying image into frame, 142143

hiding, 143

project description, 120121

starting, 121124

cover image, adding, 124127. See also magazine cover design

coverline, adding, 147152, 156158, 160161

Create New button, 5

Creative Cloud Files online storage, 6

Ctrl key. See keyboard shortcuts

Cut keyboard shortcut, 43


date line, adding to magazine cover, 136138

decimal places, 155

Default Fill and Stroke, 16

default preferences, reverting to, 64


guides, 63

master pages, 173

styles, 215

unused color swatches, 204

Deselect All, 91

designing pages, 232233

digital media

setting up for, 241242

types, 240241

Digital Publishing workspace, 33

Direct Selection tool, 16

direction lines, 141. See also lines

direction points, 141

Display Performance settings, 4042

docking panels, 27

Document window

identifying, 7

tabs, 1314

documents. See also event poster; New Document dialog; pages

comparing, 55

creating, 5155

navigating, 4043

preflighting, 162163

Preset Details options, 52, 54

preview settings, 52

saving, 124

setting up, 51

DOCX and DOC formats, 221222, 224225


graphics, 190

magnification rectangles, 38


placeholder frame, 92

rectangles, 8384, 130132

shapes, 45, 141

drop caps, creating, 176177

drop shadow, applying, 155



adding and applying, 7882

using to enhance readability, 154155

Ellipse tool, using, 82

Enter key, 46

EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) files, 77


explained, 240

exporting to, 266267

Esc key, 46

Essentials workspace, 32

event poster, creating, 5155. See also cityscape graphics; documents

Excel text format, 221, 224

exporting projects, 266269

Eyedropper tool

clearing contents, 127

selecting, 96

using, 127


facing pages, 52

feathering, 144

files. See also Recent files

missing, 162

opening, 5

packaging, 109116

saving, 44

Files in Creative Cloud storage, 5

Files recently opened, 5

Fill and Stroke icons, 16, 24

fill color, changing, 23

Fill Frame Proportionally option, 126. See also frames

fills, setting to None, 130

finding and changing content, 254255

Fit Content to Frame command, 80

Fit Page In Window, 35

floating panels, closing, 31

foldout, adding to pages, 192193


applying and changing, 25

missing, 162

Typekit, 101

footers and headers, 167

forms, creating, 193197

frame attributes, setting, 2224

frame edges, unhiding, 21

frame types

choosing, 21

recognizing, 2021

frames. See also Fill Frame Proportionally option

creating, 20

editing text in, 25

fitting graphics into, 147

resizing, 19

resizing objects to, 7880

Free Transform tool, 16

Freeform Frame, drawing with Pen tool, 138140


Gap tool, 16, 232233

Gradient Feather tool, 16

Gradient Swatch tool, 16

gradient swatches, using to style text, 205206

gradients, applying to objects, 6972

graphics. See also cityscape graphics; images; superhero figures

adding, 7375, 8594

adding to pages, 245

converting text to, 188189

creating grids of, 233

dragging magnification rectangles, 190

fitting into frames, 147

formats, 7678

placeholder frame, 86

placing without placeholders, 189190

repositioning, 62, 88, 93

resizing, 87, 94, 190

graphics acceleration, 37

grid of graphics, creating, 233

grouping panels, 27

guides. See also Smart Guides

deleting, 63

positioning, 62


Hand tool, 16, 3940

hanging indent, 184

headers and footers, 167

height and width, changing, 22

Help, consulting, 17

hidden frame edges, showing, 21


items in Control panel, 126

panels, 3031

HKS color matching system, 174175

horizontal alignment, applying to text, 206

horizontal guides, adding, 65, 82, 97100

HTML, inserting, 264266

hyperlink buttons, creating, 249250

hyphenation, adjusting, 180181


icons, identifying, 31

images. See also graphics

pasting into frames, 142143

placing, 233

placing in slide shows, 259

imported graphics, adding, 7375

importing text and tables, 222

in port and out port, 185

inch values, 155

indents, setting, 178179

InDesign, starting, 4

Insert Pages dialog, opening, 172

insets, applying to text frames, 156158

intents, using with documents, 50

interactive forms, creating, 193197

interactive PDFs. See also PDF (Portable Document Format)

creating, 200201

using, 240

workspace, 33

ISO (International Standards Organization), 114


JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) files, 77

jump lines, creating, 187

Justify All Lines, 99


kerning, adjusting for masthead, 133134

keyboard shortcuts

cell navigation, 226

Copy, 43

creating files, 5

Cut, 43

Deselect All, 91

document tabs, 13

Enter, 46

Esc, 46

files, 5

Fit Spread in Window, 36

master items to page objects, 173

modes, 12

modifier keys, 4546

New Layer dialog, 123

None settings, 130

opening files, 5

Paste, 43

releasing master page items, 245246

resizing frames and content, 19

saving files, 44

selecting objects, 60

selecting pages, 172

showing and hiding panels, 30

single-key, 44

Startup Alert dialog, 64

Tab, 46

toggling between attributes, 218

toggling modes, 12

using, 5

working faster with, 4346

zoom levels, 36

Zoom tool, 35



assigning objects to, 7382

building, 5961

changing stack order, 61

explained, 57

looking at, 5759

magazine cover design, 123

renaming, 59

Layers panel, 31

layouts. See magazine layout

leading value, setting, 100

Learn panel, 5

left indent, setting, 178179

libraries, working with, 242245

library items, renaming, 244

Line tool, 16, 103104

linear gradients, 69

lines. See also direction lines

adding under titles, 134135

dragging duplicates, 106

reducing space between, 100

link icon, 5455

linked files, missing, 162

list formatting options, 184

List view, 5

Live Corner mode, working in, 207208


magazine cover design. See also cover image; masthead

adding date line, 136138

completion, 119

copying image into frame, 142143

hiding, 143

project description, 120121

starting, 121124

magazine layout

common size, 166

document setup, 166167

finished, 164

master pages, 167171

magnification, changing, 3437

magnification rectangles, dragging, 38

margins and columns, 53

master items

editing on document pages, 173

explained, 167

overriding, 173

releasing, 245246

master pages. See also pages

adding, 170171

adding pages based on, 172

applying, 171172

column guides, 169

creating and editing, 168170

deleting, 173

duplicating, 171

magazine layout, 167171

ruler guides, 169

using, 42

masthead. See also magazine cover design

adding, 132133

adding color to text, 135136

adjusting kerning, 133134

explained, 120

Freeform Frame, 138140

grouping text below, 145

improving legibility, 146

repositioning, 135

stacking behind drawn frame, 144

stacking text below, 145

media files, embedding, 255258

Media panel, using, 256257

metric kerning, 134


Excel text format, 221, 224

Word text format, 221

Mobile intent, 50

modes, switching between, 12

modifier keys, 4546

motion paths, 246, 251252

moving. See also navigating

objects, 22

text, 103108

MSOs (multistate objects), using in slide shows, 259, 261262

Multiply blending mode, 155


navigating. See also moving

documents, 4043

multipage documents, 4243

pages, 3439

nested styles, 218220

New Document dialog. See also documents

expanding, 54

preparing for magazine cover design, 121123

New Layer dialog, opening, 123

Normal screen, 1011

Note tool, 16

numbered lists, creating, 183185

numbering and sections, 198199

numerical consistency, 55


object libraries, 243

object styles

impact on formatting, 217218

using, 210211


adding to documents, 6566

assigning to layers, 7382

converting master items to, 173

correcting stacking order, 8990, 103

editing within states, 262

moving, 22

resizing, 19

resizing and adding effects, 7880

rotating, 1819, 161

selecting, 1718

selecting when blocked, 60

setting up formatting, 104

snapping, 62

stacking order, 123

Open button, 5

optical kerning, 134

Option key. See keyboard shortcuts

out port and in port, 185

Outer Glow effect, applying to text, 138

overset text, resolving, 187188


packaging files, 109116

page numbers, 52

page sizes, varying, 191193

Page tool, 16

page transitions, adding, 199200

pages. See also documents; master pages

designing, 232233

navigating, 3439

preventing from shuffling, 191192

selecting ranges, 172

Pages panel, customizing, 169

panel menu, 31


adjusting height, 29

closing, 31

combining and rearranging groups, 2930

expanding and collapsing, 2829

features, 2627

hiding, 30

locating, 7, 29

specializations, 24

undocking, 3031

panning, 3940

PANTONE color guides, 174175

Paragraph panel, Align Right, 153

paragraph spacing, 100

paragraph styles, 209210


adjusting space between, 177178

attributes, 206

Paste keyboard shortcut, 43

pasteboard, 10

pasting text, discarding formatting, 173

Pathfinder tools, using to create shapes, 8285

paths and path segments, 141142

PDF (Portable Document Format), 77, 112116, 200201. See also interactive PDFs

PDF/X standard, 114

Pen tool, 16

drawing Freeform Frame, 138140

Pencil tool, 16

performance settings, displaying, 4042

Photoshop path, 182

pixel-based images, 7677

placeholder frame, drawing, 92

play button, adding for video, 258

Polygon tool, using to create starburst, 159

<polygon> object, 143

poster project, creating, 5155. See also cityscape graphics; documents

preferences, reverting to defaults, 64

preflighting documents, 162163

Presentation mode, 1112

Preset Details options, 52, 54

presets and templates, 52

Preview mode, 1011, 88

preview settings, 52

previewing spreads, 166

primary text frames, 223

Print intent, 50

Printing and Proofing workspace, 33

Printing Instructions dialog, 110

process colors, 70

projects, exporting, 266269

PSD (Adobe Photoshop) native files, 76

publishing online, 241, 268269

pull quotes, adding, 190191


radial gradients, 69

readability, enhancing with effects, 154155

Recent files, accessing, 6. See also files

recipe book, setting up, 203205

Rectangle Frame tool, 16, 20, 7375

Rectangle tool, 16


adding to documents, 6566

drawing, 8384, 130132

repositioning, 22

renaming, swatches, 130


application frames, 14

graphics, 87, 190

objects, 19, 7880

RGB color, 70

right indent, setting, 178179

rotating objects, 1819, 161

row heights, adjusting for tables, 227228

RTF (Rich Text Format), 221222, 224225

ruler guides, using, 6263, 82


saving files, 44, 124

Scale dialog, using to resize graphics, 87

Scissors tool, 16

Screen Mode icons, 16

screen modes, 1012

scrubby zoom, 3738

Search Adobe Stock, 5

searching content, 254255

sections and numbering, 198199

Selection tools, 1619


creating with Pathfinder tools, 8285

drawing, 45, 141

subtracting, 8485

Shift key. See keyboard shortcuts

shortcuts. See keyboard shortcuts

shuffling pages, 191192

slide shows

adding control buttons, 263264

aligning images, 260

changing stack order, 262

creating, 258

MSOs (multistate objects), 259, 261262

placing and fitting images, 259260

Slug mode, 11

slug settings, 54


adding, 5556

explained, 56

Smart Guides, using, 83, 246. See also guides

snapping objects, 62


adjusting between paragraphs, 177178

adjusting in text frames, 102

closing up, 108

removing, 105

space between lines, reducing, 100

special characters, inserting, 178

specialized panels, 24

spelling, checking, 253254

spot colors

adding from color matching systems, 174175

explained, 70


explained, 35

previewing, 166

stacking order

changing, 61

changing in slide shows, 262

correcting, 8990, 103

magazine cover design, 123


adding coverline in front of, 160161

creating, 159

Start workspace, using, 46, 32

starting InDesign, 4

Startup Alert dialog, opening, 64

stroke settings, adjusting, 2324

Stroke tools, 16

strokes, setting to None, 130


applying, 214

basing on other styles, 215216

considering, 209

creating, 213214

deleting, 215

grouping, 217

overriding, 216217

types, 209212

updating, 214215

using with other styles, 216

superhero figures, adding, 9194, 146147. See also graphics

Swap Fill and Stroke, 16

swatches. See also color swatches

basing on image colors, 127

lightening, 129

renaming, 130

tinting, 128

Swatches panel, opening, 6768


between modes, 12

workspaces, 910, 3233, 124


Tab key, 46

table styles, 211212


column widths, 227228

creating, 226227

editing and formatting, 228229

facts about, 225226

hidden overset text in cells, 228

importing, 222

inserting and viewing, 226

row heights, 227228

tabs, setting, 179180

teaser text, adding, 128132. See also text


and presets, 52

starting from, 5

text. See also teaser text

adding, 95102

adding and deselecting, 2425

adding color in masthead, 135136

aligning vertically in frames, 206

capitalizing, 132

changing colors, 26

converting to graphics, 188189

editing in frames, 25

entering faster, 223

formatting, 97100

importing, 222

moving and sizing, 103108

oversetting, 162

pasting and discarding formatting, 173

styling with gradient swatches, 205206

wrapping around objects, 181182

text attributes, setting, 2526

text formats, 221

text frames

adding, 97100, 106107

applying insets, 156158

cleaning up space in, 102

and columns, 175176

creating, 104

threading, 185186

using, 2426

Text icon, 16

text styles, nesting, 218220

Text tool, using, 56

threading text frames, 185186

Thumbnail view, 5

TIFF (Tagged Image File Format), 77

tiling options, 13

tint swatch

adding, 156

creating, 175

using, 128

title masthead. See masthead

titles, underlining, 134135

TOC (table of contents), creating, 234237

tool groups, 16

Tool Hints panel, 17

tool tips, 16, 31

tools, changing to last-used selection, 19

Tools panel

changing layout, 9

Frame tools, 2021

locating, 7

options, 1516

Screen Mode button, 12

Selection tools, 1719

text attributes, 2526

Text icon, 56

Type tool, 2425

TOYO color matching system, 174175

Transform panel, 24

transparency, 78, 81

TRUMATCH color matching system, 174175

TXT (Text Only/Plain Text) format, 221

type specifications, setting up, 98

Type tool, 16, 2425

Typekit fonts, using, 101

Typography workspace, 33


unit of measure, changing, 64, 155

uppercase letters, 132


values, numerical consistency, 55

vector graphics, 7778

vertical alignment, applying to text, 206

video, adding, 256258

View menu, magnification commands, 36


Web intent, 50

width and height, changing, 22

windows, creating for documents, 14

Word text format, 221222, 224225

Work panel, 5


customizing, 3334

switching, 910, 3233, 124

wrapping text, 181182


XLSX and XLS formats, 221


Zoom tool

animated feature, 3738

scrubby feature, 3738

using, 16, 3437