1. psychological disorder, p. 666
  2. medical model, p. 667
  3. epigenetics, p. 668
  4. DSM-5, p. 669
  5. attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), p. 670
  6. anxiety disorders, p. 677
  7. social anxiety disorder, p. 677
  8. generalized anxiety disorder, p. 677
  9. panic disorder, p. 678
  10. agoraphobia, p. 678
  11. phobia, p. 679
  12. obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), p. 679
  13. posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), p. 680
  14. major depressive disorder, p. 687
  15. bipolar disorder, p. 687
  16. mania, p. 687
  17. rumination, p. 693
  18. schizophrenia, p. 699
  19. psychotic disorders, p. 699
  20. hallucination, p. 699
  21. delusion, p. 699
  22. chronic schizophrenia, p. 700
  23. acute schizophrenia, p. 701
  24. somatic symptom disorder, p. 707
  25. conversion disorder, p. 707
  26. illness anxiety disorder, p. 707
  27. dissociative disorders, p. 708
  28. dissociative identity disorder (DID), p. 708
  29. personality disorders, p. 710
  30. antisocial personality disorder, p. 710
  31. anorexia nervosa, p. 712
  32. bulimia nervosa, p. 713
  33. binge-eating disorder, p. 713


Multiple-Choice Questions

  1. When psychological symptoms interfere with daily life they are considered
    1. catatonic.
    2. flat.
    3. dysfunctional.
    4. positive.
    5. negative.
  2. The risk of bipolar disorder dramatically increases if you
    1. have suffered a debilitating injury.
    2. have an adoptive parent who has the disorder.
    3. have a biological parent with the disorder.
    4. have a life-threatening illness.
    5. have above-average intelligence.
  3. Jessica and Harper are identical twins. Jessica has been diagnosed with a psychological disorder. Harper is most at risk for developing the same disorder if Jessica is diagnosed with
    1. agoraphobia.
    2. antisocial personality disorder.
    3. bipolar disorder.
    4. bulimia nervosa.
    5. schizophrenia.
  4. In the United States, suicide rates are highest
    1. during the middle of the winter.
    2. among those with depression who are beginning to recover.
    3. among women ages 45–55.
    4. among married people.
    5. among Hispanic men.
  5. People with obsessive-compulsive disorder may report feeling less anxious after they clean, which causes them to want to clean again the next time they feel anxious. This demonstrates the principle of
    1. stimulus generalization.
    2. stimulus discrimination.
    3. punishment.
    4. spontaneous recovery.
    5. reinforcement.
  6. A split from reality that shows itself in disorganized speech, disturbed perceptions, and/or diminished or inappropriate emotional expression is associated with which psychological disorder?
    1. Schizophrenia
    2. Phobias
    3. Depressive disorders
    4. Bipolar disorder
    5. Anxiety disorders
  7. The nearly 1-in-100 odds of any person being diagnosed with schizophrenia become about 1 in 10 among those
    1. who also suffer from an anxiety disorder.
    2. whose parent has the disorder.
    3. who have been diagnosed with a depressive disorder.
    4. who live with someone diagnosed with schizophrenia.
    5. whose fraternal twin has schizophrenia.
  8. Which of the following can be characterized as a compulsion?
    1. Worry about exposure to germs or toxins
    2. Fear that something terrible is about to happen
    3. Concern with making sure things are in symmetrical order
    4. Anxiety when objects are not lined up in an exact pattern
    5. Checking repeatedly to see if doors are locked
  9. Amanda has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Her main symptom is hearing voices that are not there, which is known as a
    1. word salad.
    2. delusion.
    3. paranoid thought.
    4. rumination.
    5. hallucination.
  10. Convinced that she is fat, Lu diets excessively and spends at least one hour a day in the gym before school. Lu has gotten very thin, and her parents are concerned that she may be developing
    1. illness anxiety disorder.
    2. binge-eating disorder.
    3. bulimia nervosa.
    4. anorexia nervosa.
    5. DID.
  11. What is the most common reason people seek mental health services?
    1. Depression
    2. Bipolar disorder
    3. Posttraumatic stress disorder
    4. Dissociative identity disorder
    5. Illness anxiety disorder
  12. Brain scans of people with schizophrenia show
    1. abnormally high brain activity in the frontal lobes.
    2. an increase in the brain waves that reflect synchronized neural firing.
    3. abnormal activity in multiple brain areas.
    4. decreased activity in the amygdala.
    5. a lack of dopamine receptors.
  13. Bert feels no regret after violating others’ rights and is quite clever at manipulating those around him. Bert would most likely be diagnosed with
    1. antisocial personality disorder.
    2. avoidant personality disorder.
    3. schizotypal personality disorder.
    4. histrionic personality disorder.
    5. narcissistic personality disorder.
  14. What term refers to thoughts about who or what we blame for our successes and failures?
    1. Stability
    2. Emotional memory
    3. The social-cognitive perspective
    4. Explanatory style
    5. Dissociative reasoning
  15. Psychologists have found _____ in every known culture.
    1. bulimia nervosa
    2. anorexia nervosa
    3. susto
    4. schizophrenia
    5. taijin-kyofusho
  16. Kayla’s uncle fought in an overseas war zone. After returning home, he finds it difficult to sleep and has a feeling of near constant anxiety. A psychiatrist would most likely offer him treatment for
    1. posttraumatic stress disorder.
    2. illness anxiety disorder.
    3. panic disorder.
    4. conversion disorder.
    5. bipolar disorder.
  17. Modern psychologists contend that all behavior, whether it is called normal or disordered, arises from the interaction of
    1. genetics and physiology.
    2. children and parents.
    3. experience and wisdom.
    4. inborn tendencies and drives.
    5. nature and nurture.
  18. Which of the following are symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder?
    1. Unexplainable and continual tension
    2. Sudden episodes of intense dread
    3. Irrational and intense fear of a specific object or situation
    4. Repetitive thoughts or actions
    5. Nightmares for weeks after a traumatic event
  19. Worried that she may hit her father, Maeve finds that her hand has suddenly gone numb. Her most likely diagnosis would be
    1. a phobia.
    2. generalized anxiety disorder.
    3. a conversion disorder.
    4. chronic schizophrenia.
    5. illness anxiety disorder.
  20. An MRI shows that a patient has enlarged ventricles in the brain. A likely diagnosis would be
    1. schizophrenia.
    2. bipolar disorder.
    3. DID.
    1. I only
    2. II only
    3. III only
    4. I & II only
    5. I & III only

Free-Response Questions

  1. Describe what the terms obsession and compulsion refer to in the context of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Then, do the following:
    • Provide an example of a common obsession experienced by individuals with OCD.
    • Provide an example of a common compulsion experienced by individuals with OCD.
    • Briefly explain how the learning perspective explains compulsions.
    • Briefly explain how the biological perspective explains compulsions.

(6 points)

  1. Researchers have been very interested in the way that various neurotransmitters affect psychological disorders. For each of the following neurotransmitters, describe one disorder that could be affected, and indicate whether the disorder is due to an abundance or scarcity of the neurotransmitter.
    • Norepinephrine
    • Serotonin
    • Dopamine

(3 points)