Kailey, M., 8
Kansas, 196
Katastrophe (Rocco Kayiatos), 549
Kathoey (Ladyboys), 14
Katz, 551
Kaufmann, J., 511
Kayiatos, R. (Katastrophe), 549
Keig, Z., 485
Kelly, E., 399
Keshet, 68
Kevin R., 413
Keyhole (periareolar) procedure, 277, 277f, 616
King, I., 547
Kinky sexual practices, 386–388
Klaus, V., 549
Klinefelter’s syndrome, 92
Kling, R., 578
Klipp, J., 549
“Know Your Rights” bulletins, 172
Korea, 551
Koyama, E., 569
Krafft-Ebing, R. von, 505
Labiaplasty, 616
Labyrinth, 515
Ladin, J., 68f
Lady Jaye, 543
Lang, S., 503
Lankton, G., 560
Larynx (voice box), 127
Laser hair removal, 134–136, 616
Laura’s Playground, 7
Lawrence v. Texas, 82
Learning Trans, 83
Lea T, 547
LeBeija, 546
Le Chevalier d’Eon, 563
Lee, 410
Lee, E. S., 40
The Left Hand of Darkness (LeGuin), 509
Legal issues
administrative segregation, 208
Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), 477
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 54, 180–181
bank accounts, 166
custody disputes, trans children, 204
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), 49–50, 196
discrimination (see discrimination)
domestic partnerships, civil unions, 352–353
Education Amendments of 1972, Title IX, 434
employment (see employment)
Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), 161, 163, 513, 531, 570
Fair Housing Act, 194
harassment, 174
health care (see health care)
identification documents (see identification documents)
intimate partner violence, 203–4
military service, 191–192, 484, 485
Nursing Home Reform Act, 205
Older Americans Act, 492
parental rights termination, 203
parenting, child custody, 198–203, 398, 401–2
prison (lockup, incarceration, jail), 141, 142, 165, 181, 207–9, 575, 580–581
Prison Rape Elimination Act, 207
resources, 176, 178, 181, 209–210, 398
schools, 434
spousal benefits, legal protections, 197–198, 493
violent systems, dismantling, 187–188
Leger, T., 566
Legler, C., 547
LeGuin, U., 509
Le Moyne de Morgues, J., 502
Leroy, O., 560
Lesbian, 616
Let’s Fuck, Then Talk About My Problems, 549
Letterman, 560
Leutinizing hormone (LH), 443
Levin, R., 85
Lewis, Y. V., 522
LGBT Humanist, 69
LGBTI Refugee Advocacy, 51
intimate partner violence, 345–347, 346f
mental health support (see mental health, support)
people of color (POC) (see people of color (POC))
religion, spirituality (see religion, spirituality)
resources, 21, 24, 34, 40, 46, 48, 50–52, 69, 146, 164, 293, 313, 347, 486, 487, 582, 587
scholarships, 471
LGBTQ youth programs, 460–461, 488
Liben, L., 95
Library of Congress, 188
Lifshitz, S., 544
Liposuction, 277
Little Big Man, 543
The Little Boy (Kelly/Webster), 399
Lockup, 141, 142, 165, 181, 207–9, 575, 580–581
Lora, A. R., 541
Lorber, J., 575
Lorde, A., 58
Loren, J., 120
Loving v. Virginia, 196
Luxuria, V., 65
Lynn’s Place, 7
MacGregor, C., 421
MacLeod, R., 566
Macy, M., 161
Madgett, C., 541
Magazines, zines, 552–553, 560, 566
Mahlsdorf, C. von, 554
Maine, 181, 188, 193–194, 195, 205, 207
Major, M., 207
Makeup, 131
Maldonado, L., 557
Male impersonators, 504
Male pattern baldness, 131
Male-to-female (M2F, MTF), 5, 616
A Man Changes His Sex (Jacobson), 506
Manga, 563
Man into Woman: An Authentic Record of a Change of Sex (Jacobson), 506
Manning, C., 575
March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Rights, 571–572
Marenco, S., 540
divorce, dissolution of, 197, 401–2
elders, 492
legal issues generally, 195
legal recognition of, 179, 180, 198, 574
spousal benefits, legal protections, 197–198, 493
transitioning, 197
Martell, P., 537
Martinez, J., 400
Maryland, 195
Masculine of center (MOC), 11, 130, 616
Masculinize, 616
Mason, J., 540
Massachusetts, 175, 188, 190, 194, 195, 315
Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition, 210
Mastectomy, 616
Masters, W., 360
Mateik, T., 541
Maxwell, F., 22
Mayyim Hayyim, 68
McKinnon, R., 167
Media coverage, 401–2, 524–525
Medical transition, 616. see also hormone therapy; surgery; transitioning
Medicare, 183–184, 219, 480, 485
Medroxyprogesterone (Depo-Provera), 235, 253, 257
Melasma, 256
autism spectrum disorders, 324–325
bipolar disorder, 322
borderline personality disorder, 324
client-centered, 301
clinics, 300
communities, building, 293
community service, 292
costs, 294
creative outlets, 292
dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), 324
face-to-face support groups, 108
gender specialists/gender therapists, 297–298, 615
general mental health professionals, 296–297
group counseling, 303
groups, organizations, 143–146
history, 521
informed consent, 244, 323, 615–616
internalized transphobia, 311–312
minority stress theory, 309–310, 616
personality disorders, 324
providers, resources, 298, 314, 322, 323
provider selection, 291–292, 296, 425–426
psychotherapy, 294
religion, spirituality, 292
resources, 144–146, 293–295, 298, 300–302, 308, 309, 313, 423
schizophrenia, psychosis, 322–323
self-injurious behavior, 314
substance use disorders, 317–320 (see also substance use)
therapist training programs, 293
tragic trans narrative, 292
victimization, violence, 310–311
Mental health recommendations, 274, 299
Methamphetamine, 224
Metoidioplasty, 274, 280–281, 616
Meyer/Reter study, 520
Michelini, S., 544
Michigan, 222
Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival, 1991, 523, 525
Midnight, D., 262
Milan, T., 547
Military service, 191–192, 484, 485
Minax, M., 550
Minnesota, 181, 188, 193–194, 195, 205, 300
Minority stress theory, 309–310, 616
Minoxidil (Rogaine), 131
Mirena IUD, 235
Misc, 616
Misgendering, 17
Miss Maud, 504
Mitch D., 399
Mixter, 616
Mock, J., 587
Mockingbird, 549
Monamorous, 616
Money, J., 91
Montague, E., 544
Moore, L. J., 575
Moore-Hunley, N., 117
Morgan, 559
Morgan, C., 509
Morgan, R., 518
Morrison, A., 270
Mossiano, L., 400
Mostovoy, L., 553
Mottet, L., 194
Movement Advancement Project, 161, 188
Men who have sex with men (MSM), 617
MTV, 557
Mukasa, V., 18f
Mullerian inhibiting factor (MIF), 88
Murder in Passing, 545f
Muska, S., 540
Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity, 67–68
Muslims for Progressive Values, 67
Mwaluko, N. H., 452–453, 555–556
My Gender Workbook (Bornstein), 448
My Lady Story, 548
My Mommy Is a Boy (Martinez), 400
My New Daddy and My New Mommy (Mossiano), 400
Myra Breckenridge, 543
Nakago, H., 563
Naloxone (Narcan), 225
bodies, labeling, 84–85, 266, 355–356
children, 432
classification of transgenders, 217–218
considerations, 124
resources, 74
selection process, 124
youth, 455
Nangeroni, N., 526
Nanjo Masami, 538
Narcan (naloxone), 225
hermaphroditic, 511
queer, 511
sex-gender misalignment, 511
tragic trans, 292
transition, 48
Against a Trans Narrative, 537
Natal sex, 617
National Center for Lesbian Rights, 462
National Center for Transgender Equality, 52, 153, 210, 398
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 147, 470
National Domestic Violence Hotline, 204, 225, 347
National Eldercare Locator, 484
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, 210, 530
National Gender Lobby Day, 527, 528
National Immigrant Justice Center, 49
National Lesbian Conference, 1991, 523
National organizations
history, 512–515, 518–519, 521, 525–528
resources, 512–515, 518–519, 521, 525–528
National Resource Center on LGBT Aging, 487
National Transgender Discrimination Survey, 47, 160, 174, 193–194
Native American
Two-Spirit, 13, 501–3, 611, 620
The Nearest Exit May Be Behind You (Bergman), 564
Needle exchange programs, 225
Nehirim, 68
Nehru, S., 392
Networking (employment), 155–157
Nevada, 188
New Hampshire, 195
New Jersey, 181, 188, 193–194, 195, 205
New Mexico, 181, 188, 193–194, 195
New Zealand, 169
Nexplanon (etonogestrel implant), 253
Nicotine replacement therapy, 224
A Night in the Woods, 537
Nipple grafting, 276–277, 276f
Nkoana, T. C., 74
No Dumb Questions (Regan), 400
No Going Back, 142
Nong Thoom, 544
Nonlegal parents, 201
Non-operative, 617
Norris, D., 525
Novice Theory, 549
Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, A., 502
Núñez de Balboa, V., 502
Nursing Home Reform Act, 205
Nursing systems (breastfeeding), 398–399
Obamacare, 181, 184–185, 219–220, 485, 492
Obesity. see disability, Deaf culture
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), 316
O’Donnabhainv. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 492
Ohle, J. M., 194
OK, Lamar, 118
Olafsdóttir, G., 540
Older Americans Act, 492
Olive-or-Oliver, 560
Olivia Records, 518
Omnisexual, 617
One New Man, 555
Onna Kabuki, 554
Ontario Rainbow Alliance of the Deaf, 58
OPEN, 544
Ophelian, A., 308
Opposite sex, 617
Orange Is the New Black, 26, 556
Orchiectomy, 222, 237, 263, 279, 361, 617
Oregon, 181, 182, 188, 193–194, 205, 218–220
Organization for Refuge, Asylum & Migration (ORAM), 51
Orlando, 537
Osteoporosis, 222, 241, 263, 443, 481
OuranHigh School Host Club, 563
Our Bodies, Ourselves, 223, 522, 591–593
Our Trans Bodies Ourselves (OTBO) Collective, 522
Out, 617. see also coming out
OUT for Work, 158
P. P. P. (Perilous Parallel Position), 556–557
Packers, 378
Pajeic, A., 547
Pakistan, 14
Palliative care, 495
Palombi, C., 550
Paloumpis, I., 557
Pancreatitis, 263
Panic disorder, 316
Pansexual, 617
Papanikolaou, G., 227
Papí Coxxx (Rivera, I.), 357–358, 537, 561, 565
Parenting, child custody. see also children
artificial insemination, 396
assisted reproduction (surrogacy), 201–2, 397
challenges, 390
custody disputes, trans children, 204
fertility options, 237–239, 393–395
gender, teaching, 403
legal issues, 198–203, 398, 401–2
legal issues generally, 198–199, 398, 401–2
names, child’s usage of, 402–3
nonlegal parents, 201
nursing systems (breastfeeding), 398–399
options generally, 390
parental rights termination, 203
partner’s child, 391
pregnancy, 235–237, 254, 373, 395–398
recognition as legal parent, 199–201
resources, 398, 399, 402–4, 411, 423, 428
second-parent adoption, 200
siblings, supporting, 424
styles, approaches to, 422–423
surrogacy (assisted reproduction), 201–2, 397
trans man giving birth, 202
in vitro fertilization, 396
Parents, Families, Friends, and Allies of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), 112, 451, 530
Paris Is Burning, 545
Park, P., 587
Parker, C., 559
Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome (PAIS), 91, 93
Partner benefits, 197–198, 493
The Passion of New Eve (Morgan), 509
PASSOP (People Against Suffering Oppression and Poverty), 51
Passover symbolism, 69
defined, 617
penal codes historically, 14
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), 181, 184–185, 219–220, 485, 492
Pautz, N. T., 97
Pediatric endocrinologists, 441–442
“Peeing in Peace” guide, 151
Pelvic exams, 227
Pelvic inflammatory disease, 226
Pennsylvania, 201, 222, 300, 580–581
People Against Suffering Oppression and Poverty (PASSOP), 51
People of color (POC)
acne, 256
homicides, violence, 29
hormone therapy, 256
melasma, 256
pseudofolliculitis barbae (razor bumps), 256
resources, 11, 26f, 27f, 30, 31, 34, 456, 528
Periareolar (keyhole) procedure, 277, 277f, 616
Perry, G., 560
Personality disorders, 324
Petras, K., 552
PFLAG (Parents, Families, Friends, and Allies of Lesbians and Gays), 112, 451, 530
Phalloplasty, 274, 281–282, 364, 617
Philly Trans Health Conference, 574
Phobia, 316
Phoenix, P., 552
Physical theater and dance, 556–563
Physical transition, 617. see also hormone therapy; surgery; transitioning
Piaget, J., 94
Pine, S., 517
Pink and White Productions, 366
Planet DeafQueer, 60
Plastic toys, 376
Playas, 11
Political asylum, 44, 48–49, 582
Politics. see activism
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), 98–99
The Portrait Project, 552
Post exposure prophylaxis (PEP), 172
Post-operative, 618
Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 49, 316–317
activism, 578–579 (see also activism)
health care access, 225
Power, B., 528
Power and control wheel, 346, 346f
Power of attorney, 493
Prada, K., 547
Prayer Shawl for Dina, 560–561
Preferred (gender) pronouns (PGPs), 16, 618. see also pronouns
Pregnancy, 235–237, 254, 373, 395–398
Premarin (conjugated equine estrogens), 262
Pre-operative, 618
Preventive health care, 481–482
Pride at Work, 164
Primary care providers (PCPs), 220–221
Primoteston (testosterone enanthate), 248
Prison, 141, 142, 165, 181, 207–9, 575, 580–581
Prison Rape Elimination Act, 207
Privacy. see also disclosure
bathrooms (see bathrooms)
challenges, 138
in homeless shelters, 195
mental health, support, 305, 466
passing, 136
allies, 10
race and ethnicity, 24
Prodigy, K., 547
Program for Survivors of Torture (PSOT), 51
Project SCUM, 223
children, 432
preferred (gender) pronouns (PGPs), 16, 618
resources, 125
youth, 455
Propecia (finasteride), 131, 236–237, 252–253, 614
Prostate cancer, 230–231, 263, 481
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA), 230–231
Prosthetic cocks, 378
Pseudofolliculitis barbae (razor bumps), 256
Psychiatrist, 618
Psychic TV, 543
Psychologist, 618
PsychopathiaSexualis (Krafft-Ebing), 505
Psychosis, schizophrenia, 322–323
Psychotherapy, 294
Puberty, puberty blockers, 98–99, 242, 251–252, 442–443, 466–467, 618
Public accommodations, discrimination in, 181, 192–195, 205
Publishing/writing, 552–553, 560, 564–566
Puenzo, L., 92
Pula, J., 294
Pumping, 281, 374–375, 374f, 618
Punk culture, 340
Pureka, C., 549
Q&A, 471
Queens Liberation Front, 518
A Queer and Pleasant Danger (Bornstein), 72
Queer Asian Compass: A Descriptive Directory of LGBTQ Asian American, South Asian, and Pacific Islander Organizations, 24
QueerDisability, 54
Queer Immigration, 40
Queer Jihad, 67
Queer MC: Kings Du Berry, 561
Queer Muslim Working Group, 68
Queer narrative, 511
Queer Nation, 528
Queers for Economic Justice, 577, 582
Queer Theory, Gender Theory: An Instant Primer (Wilchins), 83
Queer Undocumented Immigrant Project (QUIP), 46
Queer Zine Archive Project, 566
Race and ethnicity, 24–26. see also people of color (POC)
Rachlin, K., 299
Radish, J., 448
Radix, A., 256
Rainbow Refugee Association, 51
Rankin, S., 529
Ranma½, 563
Rashad, N., 541
Ravine, J. A., 557
Raynor, L. A., 86
Razor bumps (pseudofolliculitis barbae), 256
Ready, Willing, and Able program, 165
Real-life experience (RLE), 618
Reconstructive chest surgery, 618. see also top surgery
References (employment), 156–157
Refugee. see immigration
Regan, M., 400
Reimer, D., 91
Relationships. see family; intimate relationships
Religion, spirituality
coming out, 349
holy heroes, 78
identity, 63
mental health, support, 292
resources, 63, 65, 67–70, 74, 76, 79
sacred texts, 78
self-revelation process, 66–67
spiritual but not religious, 72–73
transformative theology, 76–79
Renarde, G., 370
Reparative (conversion) therapy, 95–96, 466, 612, 618
Reproduction. see under parenting, child custody
acceptance of identity, 325–326
mental health, support, 325–326
Resources. see also Website resources; Website resources
adoption, 393
binding, 133
bullying, 460
children, 116–119, 399, 400, 411, 414–416, 423, 428, 442
clothing, 130
coming out, 105, 106, 111, 112, 119, 451
conferences, 147
disability, Deaf culture, 54, 56–58, 60
discrimination, 194
domestic violence, 204, 225, 347, 581
drag queens/kings, 15
elders, 206, 476, 481, 484, 486–490
employment, 156, 158, 160, 164, 165, 172, 188, 577
gender identity, 3, 411, 414–416
groups, organizations, 143–146
health care, 183, 220, 221, 243, 246, 254, 577
home health aides/nurses, 486
identification documents, 176, 178
immigration, 40, 42–43, 46–48, 50–52, 562, 582
intimate relationships, 352
laser hair removal, 136
legal issues, 176, 178, 181, 209–210, 398
LGBT, 21, 24, 34, 40, 46, 48, 50–52, 69, 146, 164, 293, 313, 347, 486, 487, 582, 587
mental health, support, 144–146, 293–295, 298, 300–302, 308, 309, 313, 423
mental health providers, 298, 314, 322, 323
names, naming, 74
national organizations, 512–515, 518–519, 521, 525–528
packing, 132
parenting, child custody, 398, 399, 402–4, 411, 423, 428
people of color (POC), 11, 26f, 27f, 30, 31, 34, 456, 528
pornography, 366
power and control wheel, 346, 346f
pronouns, 125
race and ethnicity, 24
religion, spirituality, 63, 65, 67–70, 74, 76, 79
scholarships, 471
sex and gender, 83–85, 87, 90, 95, 97
sex work, 172
smoking cessation, 224
suicide, 315
torture victims, 51
transgender generally, 7
transitioning, 142
trans men, 6
travel, 153
veterans, 485
Websites (see Website resources)
youth, 145, 209, 399, 400, 414–415, 446, 448, 451, 456, 460–462, 465, 488
Restrooms. see bathrooms
Retirement communities, 490–491
Reynolds, R. J., 223
Rhapsody in T, 551
Rhode Island, 181, 188, 193–194, 195
Richards, R., 521
Richmond, M., 567
Rimming (analingus), 382
Rivera, I. (Papí Coxxx), 357–358, 537, 561, 565
Rivera Duarte, A. I., 5
Rizzler, S., 561
Roberts, A., 317
Roberts, J., 65, 72, 178, 392, 579
Rocket and Katz, 551
Rogaine (minoxidil), 131
Role playing
Romeos, 544
Romyand Michele: In the Beginning, 555
Roscoe, W., 502
Roskam, J., 537
Ross, A. L., 550
Rothblatt, M., 523
Safe OUTside the System, 34
Safe2pee, 150
Safer sex, 233–234, 371–373, 464–465
Safra Project, 67
SAGE Story, 476
SAGEWorks, 488
Saline implants, 278
Sallan, R. K., 222
The Samaritans, 315
Same-gender loving (SGL), 11, 618
Samoa, 14
Sanchez, D., 34
San Francisco, 220
Santana, H., 556
Sarkisova, X., 292
Sarria, J., 514
Savage, D., 313
Scalp hair replacement, 131
Scarpella, K., 111
Schacht, S., 514
Scheirl, H., 541
Schizophrenia, psychosis, 322–323
Schmekel: 100% Trans Jews, 537, 550–551
Schofield, S. T., 537, 555, 565
Scholarships, 471
activism, 473
anti-discrimination laws, protections, 205
bullying, teasing, 204–5, 437, 440–441, 459–460
extracurricular activities, 439–440
guideline implementation, 434–435
inclusive environment creation, 433–434
legal issues, 434
mental health, support, 460–461
officials, working with, 434
parent education, 436
staff training, 435
state, Federal laws, 434
switching, 441
Science fiction and fantasy, 509
Scott, T., 33
Scott, , B. J. L., 287
Scout, 224
Screaming Queens: The Riots at Compton’s Cafeteria, 515
Sculpture, 562
Secondary sex characteristics, 98, 618
Second-parent adoption, 200
Second Serve (Richards), 521
Second Son: Transitioning Toward My Destiny, Love, and Life (Sallan), 222
The Secret History of Love, 556
The Secret of “The Thing,” 545
Secure Communities Initiative, 50
Seino, S., 563
Self: A Study in Ethics and Endocrinology (Dillon), 506
Self-injurious behavior, 314
Seniors. see elders
Sennet, J., 565
Seromas, 286
Sex and gender
biased-interaction theory, 99
bodies, labeling, 84–85, 266, 355–356
brain organization theory, 89–90, 612
cognitive developmental theory, 93–94
conversion (reparative) therapy, 95–96, 466, 612, 618
cultural bias, 85
gender labeling, 93
gender schema theory, 94–95, 615
gender stability, 93
gender stereotypes, 82–83, 615
identical twins, 87
identity-defense model, 99–100
intersexuality (see intersexuality)
performance, 83
resources, 83–85, 87, 90, 95, 97
secondary sex characteristics, 98, 618
social construction of gender, 83–84
social learning theory, 95–96, 95f
Sex change, 618
Sex Changes: The Politics of Transgenderism (Califia), 531
Sex-gender misalignment narrative, 511
Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality (Fausto-Sterling), 97
Sexing the Transman, 537
Sex reassignment surgery (SRS), 8, 265, 619. see also surgery
bodies, labeling, 84–85, 266, 355–356
dysphoria, dissociation management, 356–358
gender identity vs., 88, 414–415
gender roles, 140
preferences, changing, 364–365
self-image, self-esteem, 355
surgery, effects on, 288, 351–352, 364
transitioning, effects on, 360–365
Sexual orientation. see also gender identity
conversion (reparative) therapy, 95–96, 466, 612, 618
Sexual practices
analingus (rimming), 382
asexuality, 343–344, 366–368, 611
barebacking, 226
condoms (barriers), 233–234, 372–373, 372f
dilators, 613
fluid bonding, 373
lubricants (Lube), 234, 253, 373–374
packers, 378
pornography, 366
prosthetic cocks, 378
pumping, 281, 374–375, 374f, 618
sounding, 386
touch, massage, 380
during transition, 252
Sex work
clients, screening, 172
exotic dancing (stripping), 171
law enforcement interactions, 172–173
resources, 172
safety, 172
substance abuse, 173
survival sex, 465
Sha’ar Zahav, 68
Shelley, K., 142
Shelton, J., 193
SheZow, 563
Shipley, E., 564
Shortandqueer, K., 560
Short-form performance, 558–559
Shut-Up!, 556
Siblings, supporting, 424
Significant others, friends, family, and allies (SOFFAs), 111, 352, 619
Sildenafil (Viagra), 261
The Silicone Diaries, 561
Silicone implants, 278
Silicone injections, 269–271, 483, 619
Silicone toys, 375
Silveira, L., 549
Simmons, H., 561
Sinha, R., 106
“Sins Invalid: An Unashamed Claim to Beauty in the Face of Invisibility,” 57
Skloot, J., 557
Sleeping Hermaphroditus, 537
Smith, J., 58
Smith, T., 77
Smith College, 471
Smoking, 223–224, 319, 480–481
Social anxiety, 316
Social construction of gender, 83–84, 618
cognitive developmental theory, 93–94
gender norms, effects on, 340
gender schema theory, 94–95, 615
in identity, 4
issues in coming out, 110
social learning theory, 95–96, 95f
Social learning theory, 95–96, 95f
Social model of disability, 55, 324
Social Security, 180
Social transition. see also transitioning
appearance, changing, 126–127, 131–132
breast enhancement (nonsurgical), 133
communities, building, 143–146
defined, 618
facial, body hair removal, 134–136
identification documents, 151–152
makeup, 131
names (see names, naming)
passions/interests, 143
prison (lockup, incarceration, jail), 141, 142, 165, 181, 207–9, 575, 580–581
pronouns (see pronouns)
self-care, self-efficacy, 143
stand-to-pee (STP) devices, 132
tucking, 132–133, 133f, 237, 620
SOFFAs (significant others, friends, family, and allies), 111, 352, 619
Solomon, D., 10
Some Like It Hot, 543
SonyBMG, 551
Sors, E., 59
Sounding, 386
South Asian Lesbian and Gay Association, 67
Southern Comfort, 540–541, 577
Southern Comfort conference, 527
Southerners on New Ground (SONG), 145
Southern Poverty Law Center, 210
Spade, D., 187–188, 574, 576–577
Spain, 552
Speedwagon, A., 558
Spiritual but not religious, 72–73
Spirituality. see religion, spirituality
Spironolactone, 131, 236, 257–258, 361, 619
Spoon, R., 549
Sports and athletics
inclusion policies, 147
performance-enhancing drugs, 147
social transition, 146
surfing, 148
Spousal benefits, legal protections, 197–198, 493
SRY gene, 88
Stafford, A., 559
Stages: The Transgender Theatre Festival, 561
Staley, S., 541
Standards of care
defined, 619
informed consent, 244, 323, 615–616
mental health, support, 300–301
(World Professional Association for Transgender Health ) Standards of Care, 177, 186, 220, 244, 274, 522
Stand-to-pee (STP) devices, 132
Stanton, S., 161
STAR( Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries) House, 34, 518
Starjack, 67
State ID, driver’s license, 178
Step Up/Step Back, 584
Stereotypes. see discrimination
Stevens, J., 549
Stigmatization. see also discrimination; privacy
intersexuality, 92
mental illness, 307
in pathologization, 56–57, 309, 577
Still Black: A Portrait of Black Trans Men(Ziegler), 541
Stink, B. H., 550
STIs, 172, 225–229, 253, 372, 481
Stockholm Consensus, 147
Stone Butch Blues (Feinberg), 529, 555, 565
Stonewall Riots, 34, 472, 515–517, 569
Storytelling, 578
Straight, 619
Strashko, S., 547
Streetwise and Safe, 456
Strikeback, S., 550
Stripping (exotic dancing), 171
Stryker, S., 8, 83, 84, 509, 526
Stubbies Classic, 148
Stuck in the Middle With You: A Memoir of Parenting in Three Genders (Boylan), 119
Stud Magazine, 11
Studs, 11
Suanyos, Y. “Nok,” 554
Substance abuse, 173, 318, 320
Substance use
alcohol, drugs, 224–225, 317–320
club drugs, 318
in the elderly, 318
programs, 225
tobacco (smoking), 223–224, 319, 480–481
Support groups, 108, 293. see also mental health, support
Surgery. see also specific surgeries by name
acupuncture, 287
bottom (see bottom surgery)
elders, 483
factors affecting generally, 265–266
fundraising, 275
gatekeepers, gatekeeping, 274, 614
gender changes (legal), 177–178
genital reconstruction (see bottom surgery)
head and neck (see head and neck surgery)
history, 216–218, 505–7, 509–512, 520
initial consultation, 273
insurance, 275
living space arrangement, 285
mental health recommendations, 274, 299
motivations, 265
payment plans, 274
preexisting conditions, 274
race/class privilege, 267
recovery time, 285
relationships impacts, 267, 348–352
reproductive capacity impacts, 267–268
safety, 268
scalp hair replacement, 131
sexuality, effects on, 288, 351–352, 364
silicone injections, 269–271, 483, 619
support team, 285
terminology, 265
top (see top surgery)
Surrogacy (assisted reproduction), 201–2, 397
Survival sex, 465
Survivor Project, 581
Susan’s Place, 7
Swedish pronouns, 16
Switch N Play, 561
Sylvia Rivera Law Project, 50, 176, 210, 246
Tadalafil (Cialis), 261
Taiwan, 508
Takahashi, R., 563
Talackova, J., 547
Talk About It campaign, 315
Tanner Stages, 467
T-Ball, 560
T Cooper, 564
Tears of a Clown, 549
Tennessee, 179
Terminology, reclaiming, 12
Terry, J., 560
Testicular feminization syndrome, 91
Testis determining factor (TDF) gene, 88
Testosterone. see also hormone therapy
as birth control, 235
clitoris/phallus effects, 252–253
college athletics policies, 470
defined, 619
fertility effects, 237
male pattern baldness, 131
monitoring, 249
risks, side effects, 244, 254–256
sexual, reproductive changes, 252–254, 361–364
sports and athletics, 147
Testosterone blockers (antiandrogens), 131, 257–258, 360–361, 443, 611, 619
Testosterone enanthate (Primoteston), 248
Texas, Lawrence v., 82
TG Forum, 7
TGI Justice Project, 579
T-girl, 619
TGNC, 619
TGNC (trans and gender nonconforming), 5
“The Empire Strikes Back: A Posttranssexual Manifesto,” 84
biased-interaction, 99
brain organization, 89–90, 612
cognitive developmental, 93–94
Therapist training programs, 293
“The Transfeminist Manifesto,” 569
This is Not Coney Island, 549
This Is Who I Am, 549
Throbbing Gristle, 543
Thyroid cartilage reduction, 284, 619
Ticketed travel, 153
Tikkun, K., 561
Title VII, Civil Rights Act of 1964, 161, 188
TJobBank, 160
Tobacco (smoking), 223–224, 319, 480–481
Tolu, D., 555
Tommy, 47
TONI (Transgender On-Campus Non-Discrimination Information) Project, 275, 469
Tootsie, 543
Topside Press, 566
Top surgery
breast augmentation, 277–278, 612
double incision (double mastectomy), nipple grafting, 276–277, 276f
liposuction, 277
mastectomy, 616
periareolar (keyhole) procedure, 277, 277f, 616
Toye, T., 548
Tragic trans narrative, 292
Tranny chasers, 337–338, 611, 619
TrannyRoadshow, 560
TransActive, 423
Trans allyship. see allies
Transamorous, 620
Trans Art, 561
Trans Bodies, Trans Selves, xi, 3, 12, 13, 59, 129, 130, 144, 325, 337, 417, 446, 46, 463, 464, 466, 469, 477, 480, 487, 522, 565, 584, 592, 593
Transborder Immigrant Tool, 42–43, 562
Trans boys/girls/dykes, 11, 409, 619
TransBucket, 272
Trans continuum, 10
Transcouplesmtfftm, 339
Trans-exclusionary radical feminists (TERFs), 568
Transfaith, 63
TransFaith Online, 79
Transfeminine hormone therapy. see estrogen
TRANSForm, 26
Transforming Family, 423
Transform Me, 556
Transfriendly, 620
Transgender, 3, 5, 8, 409, 573, 620
Transgender, Gender Variant & Intersex Justice Project (TGI Justice), 207
Transgender Day of Remembrance, 29, 581–582
Trans-Gendered: Theology, Ministry, and Communities of Faith (Tanis), 77, 79
Transgender Emergence (Lev), 105
Transgender Faith and Action Network, 65
The Transgender Guide, 7
Transgender Healthcare Directives (VHA), 485, 492
Transgender Housing Network, 144
Transgender Justice in Prison Group, 145
Transgender Law and Policy Institute, 210
Transgender Law Center, 50, 52, 151, 176, 210, 220, 460
Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund (TLDEF), 210
Transgender Officers Protect & Serve (TOPS), 526
Transgender Studies Quarterly (TSQ), 83
The Transgender Studies Reader, 84
TransgenerosLatinas NY, 50
Trans girls (t-girls), 6
Trans/giving, 561
Transguys, 132
Trans guys/boys, 6
Trans identity. see identity
binding (see binding)
in children (see under children)
coming out, 113 (see also coming out)
dating (see dating)
defined, 620
healthcare access in prison, jail, 208–9
hormone therapy (see hormone therapy)
insurance (private), 182–183, 219
insurance (public assistance), 218, 219
intimate relationships, 267, 348–352
marriage, 197
mental health, support (see mental health, support)
as public process, 139
relationships, supporting, 301–3
resources, 142
sexuality, effects on, 360–365
Transitioning Our Shelters: A Guide to Making Homeless Shelters Safe for Transgender People, 194
Transition narratives, 48
TransladyFanzine, 553
TransLine, 254
Trans man giving birth, 202
Trans man/woman, 620
Transmasculine, 11
Transmasculine hormone therapy. see testosterone
Trans men, 5
TransMuslims, 67
Transobriety, 320
TransParentcy, 402
Trans People of Color Coalition (TPOCC), 26f
Trans Policy Clearinghouse, 468
Transportation Security Administration (TSA), 152, 153
Trans PULSE study, 312
Transsexual (TS), 8
The Transsexual Empire: The Making of the She-Male (Raymond), 519–520
The Transsexual Phenomenon (Benjamin), 507, 510
Transsexual Road Map, 7
TransTexts, 68
TransTorah, 68
Transvestia: The Journal of the American Society for Equity in Dress, 512–514
Transvestite, 15, 505, 620. see also cross-dressing, cross-dressers
Transvestites (Hirschfeld), 505
Trans women, 5
Trans Youth and Family Allies, 423
Trasobares Haro, M., 552
The Trevor Project, 315
Trichomonas (trich), 226
Triglycerides, 263
Trikone, 67
Trouble, C., 366
Trouble Films, 366
Tsang, W., 563
TSVets, 485
Tubal ligation, 236
Tucking, 132–133, 133f, 237, 620
T-Wood, 366
Two-Spirit, 13, 501–3, 611, 620. see also Native American
Two-Spirit Resource Directory, 24
Uekrongtham, E., 544
UndocuQueer: Stories From the Intersection of the Undocumented and Queer Movements, 47
UnhungHeroes, 544
United States v. Windsor, 196
University of Michigan Comprehensive Gender Services Program, 222
University of Minnesota Program in Human Sexuality, 217, 222
Untitled 2, 562
Urethral hookup, 281
US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), 46, 49
Us Helping Us, 301
Uterine (endometrial) cancer, 230, 255, 481
Vaginoplasty, 230–231, 263, 274, 279–280, 280f, 286, 361, 364, 385
Vaid, U., 570
Van Ashley, A., 513
Varenicline (Chantix), 224
Venus Flytrap, 551
Vermont, 181, 182, 188, 193–194, 195, 205, 218, 219
Veterans Health Administration (VHA), 192, 219, 485
Viagra (sildenafil), 261
Video. see film and video
Violent systems, dismantling, 187–188
Virago, S., 549
Virginia, Loving v., 196
Visual, performance art, 559–563
Vocal tract, 127
Vogue Evolution, 557
Voicets, 127
Volcano, D. L. G., 15, 538, 541, 551
Walworth, J., 525
Want, 56
Washington, 181, 188, 193–194, 195, 205
WBT scene, 547
Website resources. see also resources
bathrooms, 150
children, 423
clothing, 130
dating, 339
disability, Deaf culture, 60
employment, 160
fundraising, 275
genderqueer, 14
groups, organizations, 143–146
housing, homelessness, 462
immigration, 40
international communities, 14
intimate relationships, 352
mental health, support, 295, 423
packing, 132
parenting, child custody, 402, 423
people of color (POC), 30, 31, 34, 528
pornography, 366
pronouns, 125
religion, spirituality, 63, 67–69, 76, 79
sex and gender, 83
substance abuse, 320
suicide, 315
surgery, 275
transgender generally, 7
trans men, 6
veterans, 485
youth, 446
zines, 566
Wegener, E. (Elbe, L.), 216, 399, 506, 511
We Happy Trans, 14
Welch, J., 541
Welfare Warriors, 246
Whitman-Walker, 301
Whittle, S., 84
Whore of Babylon: An Apocalyptic Pin Up Calendar (2013), 561
Who Wants to Work for Diddy?, 26
Wicca/paganism, 70–72. see also religion, spirituality
Wildness, 563
Wild Side, 544
Williams, R., 580
Willingness, acceptance, 420–421
Wills, advance directives, 206, 493, 494
Windina, W. (Peter Drouyn), 148
Windsor, United States v., 196
W Juliet, 563
Wolfson-Seeley, C., 395
Women’s Tennis Association, 521
Women Who Become Men: Albanian Sworn Virgins (Young), 85
Wong, C., 471
Wood, R., 559
Woolf, V., 537
Wordz, 36
World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) Standards of Care, 177, 186, 220, 244, 274, 522
Wright, D., 554
Writing/publishing, 552–553, 560, 564–566
Wyeth, G., 549
Wyss, S. E., 107
XXBoys, 551
XXY, 92
Yan, K., 565
Yaro Kabuki, 554
Yes! Coalition, 63
Yogyakarta Principles, 189
You and My Secret, 563
You Don’t Know Dick: Courageous Hearts of Transsexual Men, 540
Young, A., 85
Young, E., 541
Young, R., 234
Youth. see also schools
abusive relationships, 465
action plan, coming out, 110–111, 453
buddy system, 456
bullying, teasing, 204–5, 437, 440–441, 459–460
college (see college)
communities, building, 457–459
consent (sexual), 465
conversion (reparative) therapy, 95–96, 466, 612, 618
cross sex hormones, 443, 467–468
juvenile facilities, group homes, 209, 462
LGBTQ youth programs, 460–461, 488
mental health, support, 460–461, 465–466
names, naming, 455
parents and guardians, coming out to, 450–454
passing, 456
pronouns, 455
providers, coming out to, 467
puberty, puberty blockers, 466–467
resources, 145, 209, 399, 400, 414–415, 446, 448, 451, 456, 460–462, 465, 488
safe person, coming out to, 449–450
survival sex, 465
youth shelters, 164, 195, 461–462
Yuzna, J., 544
Zimman, L., 127
Zyban (buproprion), 224