Chapter 1 How the Perrin Technique works
The sympathetic nervous system
Chapter 3 The role of the sympathetic nervous system in disease
How the sympathetic nervous system responds
Organisation of the autonomic nervous system
Control of blood flow by the sympathetic nervous system
Pain, numbness and muscle spasm in CFS/ME
Stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system
Chapter 4 The causes of CFS/ME
Cellular (cell-mediated) immunity
Chapter 5 How CFS/ME is treated
Elimination and avoidance diets
Vitamin and mineral supplements
Intramuscular injections of magnesium sulphate
Chapter 7 The significance of toxins in CFS/ME
Air pollutants (indoor and outdoor)
Food contaminants and additives
Chemicals used in hobbies and crafts
Chemicals used in household activities
Environmental accidents and wars
Vaccinations and Gulf War Syndrome
Chapter 8 The stages leading to CFS/ME
Varicose lymphatics and Perrin’s Point
Postural/structural dysfunction of thoracic spine
Changes in cranio-sacral rhythm
History and principles of osteopathy
Toxins in the brain don’t cause pain
Chapter 11 Recovery and prevention