α-acids, in hops resins, 54–55


action in mashing, 40–41

as liquefaction enzyme, 46

α/β ratios in hops, 56–57

Abuse in trade, 142

Acetic acid bacteria, 122–123

Acid-forming enzymes in malting and mashing, 38


of brewing water, 4–5, 8–9

by direct mash versus salt additions, 13

Acid rest, 46

Acrospire, growth of, 37, 37

Additives covering staling effects, 127

Africa, use of malted sorghum, 45

α-glucans (amylopectins), 18–20, 40–41

Aldehydes, staling of, 135

Ales, dimethyl sulfide levels of, 33

Alkaline water

boiling of, 10–11

treatment residual, 12

treatment with lime, 10–11, 11

Amadori rearrangement, during kilning, 43–44

American Society of Brewing Chemists (ASBC)

°ASBC malt color units, 41–42, 42

measurement method of beer stability, 143, 143, 144

study of extract and ethanol levels, 93

Amines, effects on beer flavor, 36

Amino acids

assimilation rate in fermentation, 24, 25, 25

classification of, 24–25, 25

free amino nitrogen (FAN) content in wort, 26

percentage absorbed by yeast in fermentation, 100–101

as proteins building blocks, 23–29

as source of nitrogen in brewing, 23–29

Amylopectins. See α-glucans

Amylose sugars, 17–18

Anabolic reactions, definition of, 94

Anti-fungal spraying source of sulfury flavors, 64–65

Antioxidants, natural source in iso-α-acids, 136–137

Arabinose, 21

Aromatic rings, role in brewing, 30–32

Astringent compounds

extraction during sparging, 51–52

materials in husks, 45–46


apparent/real, 48

behavior of yeasts, 81–82, 83

Auto-oxidation mechanism in beer staling, 130–131

Avogadro’s number, 158

β-acids in hops, 54–57


in fermentation, 119–120, 120, 121, 121, 122, 122, 123, 123, 124, 124, 125, 125

heterofermentative, 121

homofermative, 122

infection as source of dimethyl sulfide, 34–35

Baeyer condensation, 136

Balling, Carl Joseph, study of extract and ethanol levels, 92

β-amylase, action during malting, 40–41


β-glucans level, 21, 22

germinating, 37

moisture uptake in kernels, 1

raw, 37

B-complex vitamins, sources during fermentation, 35–36

β-D-glucose, 16


freshness and role of phenolic compounds, 31–32

phenolic compounds in oxidation, 31–32

smoothness of, 51

sour types, 45, 122

stability of foam, 48–49, 144, 146, 171–173

staling by lipid-active enzymes, 43

staling defects, 127–128, 128, 129–139

“white” type, 50–51

Beer, staling of. See Staling of beer

Beer haze, 31–32

chilled or temporary haze, 141

clarification of, xvii

types of, 141–143, 143, 144

Beer-spoiling bacteria, xiii

Belgian lambic beers, 79

Belgian “white” beers, 50–51

Berliner White Beers, 122


breakdown of, 46

group of carbohydrates, 20–22

Bicarbonate (HCO3-)

importance in wort production, 5

residual alkalinity (RA) equivalent amount, 12

Biological acidification, 49–50

Biological hazes in beer, 141–143, 143, 144

Biotin growth factors for yeast during fermentation, 35

Birth-scar theory of yeast multiplication, 87–89

Bitterness unit (BU), 67

“Black currant” tone in staling of beer, 128

Blanching process, 139

Bohemia, Saaz region hops, 55

Boiling of alkaline brewing water, 10–11

“Bottom cropping” of yeasts, 81

Boyle’s law, 160, 160

Brauwelt study, 70–71

Brettanomyces lambicus, 79


amino acids used, 25

“nonadditive brewing,” 127

secondary effects of, xv–xvii

as series of enzyme-induced transformations, 1–2

Brewing liquor, 1, 2–15

Brewing water, 1

acidification of, 8–9, 10, 11, 11, 12

alkalinity of London and Munich waters, 13

pH value of, 9

residual alkalinity (RA), 12

treatment of alkaline water, 10–11, 11

treatment with sulfuric acid (H2SO4), 10, 11

Brewing yeasts. See Yeasts

Britain, dimethyl sulfide levels in ales, 33, 34

Browning reaction, 36

BU. See bitterness unit

Budweiser, apple-like tone, 83

By-products, as yeast signatures, 83–84


ionic concentration of, 6

removal during water treatment, 11–12

Calcium carbonate (CaCO3), 4, 8

Calcium chloride (CaCl2), 3

Calcium ions

influence of beer fermentation, 5

inhibition of yeast growth, 36

thermal protection for mash enzymes, 5

Calcium sulfate (CaSO4), 3

Candida, impact of Crabtree effect, 94


compared with proteins, 23

defined, 15–16

modification during malting, 39, 39, 40–41

opening to enzyme activity, 47–48

reducing or nonreducing, 22

types of, 15–22

Carbonates (CO32-)

importance in wort production, 5

synergism with dark malts, 14

Carbonation of beer, 162, 162, 163–164, 165, 166

Carbonic acid and pH of wort, 6, 7

Carbon splitting in fermentation EMP pathway (glycolysis), 103

Cardboard tone and staleness in beer, 129, 136

Caryophyllene in hops, 58, 59

Catabolic reactions, definition of, 94

Catty aroma in staling of beer, 128

“Cat urine” as dimethyl sulfide descriptor, 34

Charles’ law, 160, 160

“Cheesy” tones, source of, 57

Chill or temporary hazes, 137, 141

Clarity of wort, 30

CO2 gas as sulfur scrubbing agent, 34, 125


isomerization of, 54–55

percentage as quality indicator, 56

transformations during wort boiling, 67–69, 69, 70, 70, 71

“Cold break” in wort boiling, 78

“Cold break” in wort chilling, 29

Cold-side aeration (CSA), xiv, 129–130

Coliform bacteria source of dimethyl sulfide levels, 34–35


levels/temperatures for classic malt types, 43

of malt, 41–42, 42, 43, 43, 44

Contamination of mash, 50

Coors pineapple-like tone, 83

Copper, yeast requirements for, 36

Crabtree effect of respiration inhibition in fermentation, 93–94

Cross-flow cartridge filtration, 149–150

CSA. See Cold-side aeration

Curing phase, for malt color, 42–43, 43

Currant aroma in staling of beer, 128

Cytolytic modification, measurements of, 38–39

Czech Pilseners, mineral content of, 15

Dalton’s law of partial pressures, 162

Dark beers

high sulfate levels, 14

synergism with carbonates, 14

Dextrins, 18–20, 22

Diacetyl production during fermentation, 113–114, 114, 115–116, 116, 117, 117, 118–119

Diastatic power (DP) of malt enzyme system, 42

Dimethyl sulfide (DMS), 32–35

in fermentation, 123, 123, 124, 124, 125, 125

formation during malting, 44–45

levels in finished beers, 33–34

precursor conversion, 45

production/reduction in wort boiling, 71–75

“scrubbing out,” 34, 125

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)

as dimethyl sulfide precursor, 34–35

in fermentation, 125, 125

Dispensing draft beer, 169–173

Dissociation of ions, 3, 4

Distillation in “ice beer” process, 150–151, 151

DMS. See dimethyl sulfide

DMSO. See dimethyl sulfoxide

Dortmunder Actien-Export, mineral content of, 14–15

Dortmund water treatment techniques, 14–15

Draft beer, dispensing of, 169–173

Drying phase for malt color, 42–43, 43

Ehrlich mechanism of fusel alcohol production, 107, 107

“Elegant” flavor, humulene source of, 58

Embden-Meyerhof-Parras (EMP) pathway, xii

Endosperm exposure during milling, 45–46

Entner-Doudoroff (ED) pathway in fermentation, 124, 124, 125


crucial to malting and mashing, 38–39

deactivation during curing, 42

role in brewing, 28–29

Essential oils in hops

components of, 57–59, 60, 61, 62, 63–65

hydrocarbon components, 57–59

Esters, flavor sources in fermentation, 111–112, 112, 113

European Brewery Convention beer-haze units (EBC), 143, 143

European Brewing Congress ⁄EBC malt color units, 41–42, 42

FAN. See free amino nitrogen (FAN)

Farnesene in hops, 58, 59

Fatty acids

role in brewing, 29–30

role in staling of beer, 132–135

saturated types from yeast metabolism, 109, 110, 111


anaerobic or Pasteur effect, 93

bacterial pathogens, 119–120

acetic acid bacteria, 122–123

lactic acid group, 120, 121, 121, 122, 122

sulfur-producing bacteria, 123, 123, 124, 124, 125, 125

Crabtree effect of respiration inhibition, 93–94

EMP pathway (glycolysis)

carbon splitting, 103

formation of pyruvic acid, 91, 105

Gay-Lussac formula, 91

phosphorylation of glucose, 101–103

redox reactions of, 104

importance of, xii–xiv

initial period

acetyl coenzyme A, 91

amino acid intake by yeast cells, 99–101

formation of pyruvic acid, 91

glycogen content of pitching yeasts, 97, 98

internal energy yeast cell reserves, 97

maltose inhibition, 90

“shock excretion” of yeast cell walls, 90, 100

sterol synthesis for yeast cells, 89, 95–97, 98

Strickland reaction, 99–100

sugar intake by yeast cells, 98, 98, 99

uptake of oxygen, 95–96

wort trub stimulation of yeast metabolism, 96–97

yeast growth, 90–91

minor pathways

diacetyl production, 113–114, 114, 115–116, 116, 117, 117, 118–119

ester production, 111–112, 112, 113

fusel alcohol production, 106–107, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111

ketone production, 113, 113, 114, 118

phenol production, 107–108

removal of sulfur-containing compounds, 74, 75

stages of, 89–95

EMP pathway (glycolysis), 101–106

initial period, 95–98, 98, 99–101

true fermentation, 105–106

yeasts, 79–83, 83, 84–89

Filtration of beers, 153–155, 155

Fining agents, types and uses of, 144–145, 145, 146, 146, 147, 147, 148, 148, 149

First-wort-hopped beer (FWH), 68–69, 69, 70, 70, 71


bacterial causes of, 119–120, 120, 121, 121, 122, 122, 123, 123, 124, 124, 125, 125

changes with heavy thermal loading, 76–78

disorders due to cold-side aeration, 132

effects of nucleic acids and amines, 36

ester sources during fermentation, 111–112, 112, 113

formation during kilning, 43–44

and herbstoffe, 31

hop sources of, 58, 59, 63–65

nonenzymatic browning (NEB) sources, 76–78

sources of sulfury tones, 32–35, 64–65

See also Staling of beer

Flocculating behavior of yeasts, 80–81

Foam, stability of, 48–49, 144, 146, 171–173

Food-grade acids for acidification of brewing water, 10, 11

Formazin turbidity units (FTUs), 142–143, 143, 144

Free amino nitrogen (FAN)

as amino acid content of wort, 26

malt level of, 39

Freezing point of beer, 150, 150, 151, 151, 152

Friability in malt-quality index, 39

Fructose as minor wort sugar, 20

FTUs (formazin turbidity units). See formazin turbidity units (FTUs)

Furanones for wort boiling flavor source, 77–78

Furfural formation during kilning, 43–44

FWH. See First-wort-hopped beer

Gases in brewing

applications of law of partial pressures, 161–162, 162, 163–164, 165, 166

carbonation of beer, 162, 162, 163–164, 165, 166

ideal gases, 157–160, 160, 161

mole, defined, 158

Gay-Lussac’s law, 160, 160, 161

other name for EMP pathway (glycolysis), 91

Gelatinization, in mashing, 47–48

Gerianol floral aroma, 59


degrees of water hardness, 12–13

dimethyl sulfide levels in pale lagers, 34

exclusion of synthetic chemical additives, 50

mashing of diat Pils, 48

“white” beer, 50–51

Germination of kernels, 37, 37, 38

Gibberellic acid release during the malting, 38

Glucose, 16–17

Glycolysis, xii

Glycoprotein formation during mashing, 48–49


for brewing, 45

carbohydrate constituents of, 15–36

drying (kilning) of, xvi

milling of, 45–46

as protein source in brewing, 23–29

Hansensula and impact of Crabtree effect, 94

Hard resins in hops, 54

Hazes in beer, 136–137, 141–143, 143, 144

H/C ratio. See Hops, H/C ratio

Headspace for packaged beer, 166–169

Heavy thermal loading as source of off-flavors, 76–78

Henry’s law for gases in brewing, 160, 164, 165, 166–169


and beer flavor, 31

defined, xv

extraction during sparging, 51–52

Hexose compounds. See glucose

Hochkurz Maischverfahren mashing schemes, 47

Hops, xvii

α-acids in soft resins, 54–55

Amarillo floral aromas, 59

“aroma” distinction, 68

β-acids in soft resins, 56–57

“bitter” distinction, 68

bitterness source in beer, 54–55

botanical classification of, 53–54

Brewers Gold, 55

Cascade, 55, 57, 59, 60

Centennial, 55, 59

characteristics related to growth location, 55

Chinook, 56

Clusters, 55

cohumulones levels in specific types, 55

Columbus, 55, 59

Czech types, 60

Eroica, 55, 56

essential oils of, 57–59, 60, 61, 62, 63–69, 69, 70, 70, 71

as flavor sources, 58, 59, 63–65

fresh-leaf sources, 59, 60, 61, 62

Galena, 55

Gerianol floral aromas, 59

German types, 60

Hallertau, 55, 59

H/C ratio (humlene to caryophyllene), 58

Hersbrucker, 57

high levels and alkaline water, 14

Horizon, 55, 56

humulone, 54–55

isomerization of hop resins, 65–67

noble flavors, 58

nonenzymatic browning (NEB), 75–78

oxidation/polymerization of resins and oils, 67–69, 69, 70, 70, 71

perception of flavor, 67

poor storage stability, 57

production/reduction of dimethyl sulfide (DMS), 71–75

pungent flavors, 58

ratio of α-acids to β-acids, 56–57

resins, 54–57

Saaz, 55, 59

sulfury flavors, 64–65

taste comparisons, 68–69, 69, 70, 70, 71

Tettnanger, 55, 59

transformations during wort boiling, 65–69, 69, 70, 70, 71

U.K. types, 61

U.S. types, 62

Hormones, release during malting, 38

“Hot break” in wort boiling, 78

Hot-side aeration (HSA), xv

in mashing and wort chilling, 129–130

HSA. See Hot-side aeration (HSA)


to caryophyllene (H/C) ratio, 58–59, 60, 61, 62

grassy oxidation products, 64

Humulones, 54–55, 57

Humulus lupulus, 53–54

Hydrocarbon components of hops essential oils, 57–59

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S)

in fermentation, 123, 123, 124, 124, 125, 125

levels and lagers, 35

Ice stabilization, 149–150, 150, 151, 151, 152

Infections, bacterial, xiii–xiv

Inositol growth factors for yeast during fermentation, 35

Iodine and color of sugar groups, 19

Irish moss fining agents, 147–148, 148

Iron, yeast requirements for, 36


of cohumulones, 54–55

of hop resins, 65–67

Kentucky Common Beer, 122

Kettle boil, role of amino acids, 23–24

Kettle utilization rates (KUR), 69


forming flavor compounds, 43–44

grain drying, xvi

Kinetic molecular theory assumptions, 157–158

Kolbach index, 39

KUR. See kettle utilization rates

Labatt group industrial ice stabilization process, 150, 150, 151, 151, 152

Lactic acid (HC3H5O3)

for acidification of brewing water, 10, 11

sources of, 50

Lactobacillus amylolyticus, 50

Lactobacillus bacteria in fermentation, 121, 121, 122

Lactobacillus delbruckii, 50, 122

Lagers, 33–35

Laminaribiose, 21

Late-hopped beer, 68–69, 69, 70, 70, 71

Lautering, definition of, 45

Lauter tun, description of, 46

“Light-struck phenomenon”

source of sulfury flavors, 64

in staling of beer, 64, 133

Linalool in hops basic flavors, 59

Linoleic acid, 29–30

°Linter (°L) units, 42

Lipid-active enzymes in beer staling, 43

Lipids, role in brewing, 29–30

Liquor:grist ratio, 49


brewing water composition, 13

dark beers, 14

°Lovibond malt color units, 42


role in fermentation, 5

yeast requirements for, 36

Maillard products, xvi

and dark malts, 14

formation during wort boiling, 44

formed during kilning, 43–44

roasted malt concentrations, 44

Maillard reactions, 2, 36

role of amino acids in malt drying/kettle boil, 23–24

in wort boiling, 75–78

Malt, xvi

for brewing, 45

carbohydrate constituents, 15–36

color of, 41–42, 42, 43, 43, 44

diastatic power (DP), 42

drying (kilning) of, xvi

Maillard products, 14

milling of, 45–46

as protein source in brewing, 23–29

pyrazines/pyrroles in dark malts, 44

storage over time, 41

temperatures for color control, 42–43, 43

Malt drying, role of amino acids, 23–24


approximate color correspondences, 42

breakdown of proteins, 28–29

carbohydrate modification of, 39, 39, 40–41

color and temperature data, 43

cytolysis, 37, 38–39

definition of, 36

enzyme development of, 36, 38

formation of sulfur compounds, 44–45

hormone release, 38

Maillard products, 37, 44

and mashing, 45–47, 47, 48, 48, 49–50, 50, 51–52

modification of proteins and starches, 37

moisture level of, 41

starch contents of, 39

steeping, 37, 37

termination of process in kilning, 41

Maltose as disaccharide, 17

Maltotriose as trisaccharide, 17


acidification versus salt additions, 12–13

pH of, 8, 49–50, 50, 51

preparation of main mash, 50

preparation of sour mash, 50

separation from the grain, 51–52

Mash Filter 2001, 46


key parameters for systems, 46–47, 47

lactobacilli acidification of, 122

pH establishment of, 46

process of, 45–47, 47, 48, 48, 49–50, 50, 51–52

rests, ranges of, 46–47, 47

thickness, description of, 49

Megasphaeria gram-negative bacteria in fermentation, 123–124

Melanoidin-induced oxidation in staling of beer, 134–135

Melanoidins, 36

formation during kilning, 43–44

as wort reductones, 76

Melanoids, xvi

Mercaptan sulfur compounds, 35

Metabolic pathways. See Fermentation, EMP and minor pathways


level in malt, 41

uptake in barley kernels, 1

Molarity of gas in solution, defined, 163

Mole, definition of, 6

Monosaccharide, glucose classification, 17

Morphology of yeasts, 80


brewing water composition, 13

dark beers, 14

nonenzymatic browning of malts, 44

NEB. See Nonenzymatic browning (NEB)

Nitrogen compounds, 23–29

“Nonadditive brewing,” 127, 149–150, 150, 151, 151, 152

Noncultured yeast, xiii

Nonenzymatic browning (NEB), 43–44

in wort boiling, 75–78

Nonflocculating strain of yeast, 80–81

Nonreducing carbohydrates, 22

North America dimethyl sulfide levels in ales, 33, 34

Nucleic acids, effects on beer flavor, 36

Nutritional value of beer, 35–36

Obesumbacterium proteus bacteria in fermentation, 123, 123

Oleic acid, 29–30

O’Rourke, T.O., prediction of beer-haze stability, 144

Overdegradation of proteins, 39

Oxidation, deleterious effects of, xiv, 127–128, 128, 129–139

Oxidation hazes in beer, 136, 141, 142–143, 143, 144

Oxidation/polymerization of hop resins and oils, 67–69, 69, 70, 70, 71

Oxidation without molecular oxygen, 131

Oxygen-bearing components of hops essential oils, 59, 63–64

Oxygen for germinating kernel, 37, 38

Pale beers

alkalinity of brewing water, 9

pH value of, 8, 9

Pale lagers, dimethyl sulfide levels and, 33–34

Pantothenate growth factor for yeast during fermentation, 35

Papery or leathery tones in staling of beer, 128

Pasteur, Louis, 79, 114

Pasteur effect, 119

Pectinatus gram-negative bacteria in fermentation, 123–124

Pediococcus bacteria in fermentation, 121, 121, 122, 122

Pentosans group of carbohydrates, 20–22

Peptides, 26–27

Permanent hazes, 141–143, 143, 144


acidification of brewing water, 10, 11, 11, 12

decrease in kettle boil, 5

defined, 4

direct mash acidification versus salt additions, 12–13

of mash, 49–50, 50, 51

of media, 7

of pale beers, 8

of wort, 51

Phenols/phenolic compounds, 1

extraction during sparging, 51–52

extraction of, 32

other sources of, 32

role in brewing, 30–32

staling of, 135–136

Phosphoric acid (H3PO4) for acidification of brewing water, 10, 11

Phosphorylation of glucose in fermentation EMP pathway (glycolysis), 101–103

Polarity, defined, 2


fining agents, 144–145, 145, 146, 146

role in brewing, 31–32

Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP) polyphenol fining agent, 145–146, 146, 147

Powdery yeast flocculation, 80–81

Protein fining agents, 146–147, 147, 148, 148


breakdown during malting, 28–29

building blocks of, 23–29

compared with carbohydrates, 23

degradation during malting and mashing, 23–29

precipitation of, 28

ratio of soluble in total protein, 39

Proteins-degrading enzymes in malting and mashing, 38, 39

Proteolytic activity during mashing, 46–47

“Pungent” flavor, myrcene source of, 58

Pyrazines in roasted malts, 44

Pyrroles, as wort boiling flavor source, 77

Pyrroles in roasted malts, 44

Pyruvic acid formation in fermentation, 91, 105

RA. See Residual alkalinity

Real attenuation, 48

Redox reactions, definition of, 94

Reducing carbohydrates, 22

Reducing sugars, 22

Reductones, 76

Residual alkalinity (RA), 12

Resins in hops, 54–57

α-acids, 54–55

β-acids, 56–57

hard resins, 54

soft resins, 54–57

Rests temperature ranges in mashing, 46–47, 47, 48

Ribes aroma in staling of beer, 128

Rodenbach’s Grand Cru flavors in staling of beer, 128

Rotten-egg flavor in beers, 35

“Rousing” of yeasts, 81


β-glucans level, 21

for brewing, 45

Saccharomyces carlsbergenis yeasts, 79

Saccharomyces cerevisiae vars uvarum, 79

Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeasts, 79, 80, 85

Saccharomyces cervesiae vars ellipsoidens, 80

Saccharomyces diastaticus, impact of Crabtree effect, 94

Saccharomyces pastorianus, 80

Sedimenting yeast flocculation, 80–81

Shapes of yeasts, 80

Sherry-or vinegar-like tones in staling of beer, 128

Silica gel fining agents, 146–147, 147, 148, 148

Skunky characteristics of beer, 133

S-methyl methionine (SMM)

as dimethyl sulfide precursor, 33

half-life of, 73

levels in finished beers, 33

SMM. See S-methyl methionine

Smoothness of beer, 51

Sodium chloride (NaCl), in water treatment, 4

Soft resins in hops, 54–57

Sorghum for brewing, 45

Sour mash, storage of, 50

Sparging process, 32, 51–52

Specific gravity as carbohydrate content of wort, 26

Stability of newly bottled beer, 143–144

Staling of beer

decline in hop aroma and hop bitterness, 128, 128

and lipid-active enzymes, 43

and phenols, 135–136

stages of, 127–128, 128, 129–130

“sun struck” or “light struck” effects, 64, 133

trans-2-nonenal (T-2-N) compounds, 137–139

vinegar process, 128, 132

See also Flavor

Standard Reference Method ⁄SRM for malt color units, 41–42


conversion in the mash, 20

degrading enzymes, 38

hazes in beer, 141–142

index for degradation, 41

total extract, 41

Storage of untreated beer stressed at 37⁄C., 144–145, 145, 146, 146

S/T ratio (soluble protein to total protein), 39

Strecker degradation of Amadori complex, 43–44

Strickland reaction, the, 99–100

Sugars, 20, 22, 48

Sulfate levels, 14

Sulfur compounds, 1

formation during malting, 44–45

in hops essential oils, 64–65

role in brewing, 32–35

Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) treatment of brewing water, 10, 11

Sulfur-producing bacteria in fermentation, 123, 123, 124, 124, 125, 125

Sulfury flavor sources, 32–35, 64–65

“Sun-struck” effect in beer staling, 64, 133

Superattenuating yeasts, 84–85

Tank headspace, calculation of, 164, 165, 166

Tannin phenolic compounds, role in brewing, 31–32

Tasting panel comparison results, 68–69, 69, 70, 70, 71


and color levels for classic malt types, 43

for extraction of undesirable compounds, 52

freezing point of beer, 150, 150, 151, 151, 152

ranges in mashing, 46–47, 47

role in sugar yield, 48, 48

yeast-preferred ranges, 82–83

Terpenes in hops essential oils, 57–59, 60, 61, 62

Thermal loading, definition of, 44

Thickness of mash, 49

Thiols sulfur compounds, 35

T-2-N potential, 137–139

Toffee or caramel flavors in staling of beer, 128

Trace elements, roles in brewing, 36

Trans-2-nonenal (T-2-N), xiv–xv, 137–139

Trisaccharides, 22

UFA. See unsaturated fatty acids (UFA)

Unsaturated fatty acids (UFA), xv, 15, 29–30

Valine, 23

Viennese style beers, 15

Viscosity and standardized worts, 39

Vitamin sources during fermentation, 35–36

“Warm day analysis” of newly bottled beer, 143, 143, 144


polarity of, xvii, 2

solvency of, 2

Water-borne ions, 4, 14


β-glucans level, 21

for brewing, 45

Windisch-Kolbach (⁄W-K) units, 42–43

Wine yeasts, 85–86


See Windisch-Kolbach units, 42–43


amino acids assimilated by yeast in fermentation, 100–101

attenuation in yeast flocculation, 80–81

carbohydrate content of, 26

chilling of, 28

clarity of, 30

“cold break,” 78

coliform bacteria spoilers, 123, 123, 124, 124, 125, 125

composition of, xiii

evaporation rates and flavors, 77–78

free amino nitrogen (FAN) amino acid content of, 26

importance of carbonate/bicarbonate, 5, 7

nitrogen levels of, 28–29

oxygenation of, xii

production/reduction of dimethyl sulfide (DMS), 71–75

protein coagulation “hot break,” 78

proteins, content of, 23

pyrroles as flavor source, 77

Wort, boiling of

hops, resins and essential oils, 53–59

isomerization of hop compounds, 65–67

oxidation/polymerization of hop resins and oils, 67–69, 69, 70, 70, 71

oxygen-bearing components, 59, 63–64

selected hops data, 60, 61, 62

sulfur-containing compounds, 64–65

W-308 yeast strain, 84

Xylose, 21

Yeast-active fining agents, 148, 149


behavioral characteristics of, 80–83, 83, 84

birth-scar theory of multiplication, 86–89

“bottom cropping” of, 81

care and feeding of brewing strains, xii, 86–89

classification of, 79–80

contaminated types, 84–86

ester signature flavors, 111–112, 112, 113

individual strains, xiii

metabolism and phenolic compounds, 32

number of yeast cells, xii

oxygen demands, 81–82

physiological condition of, xii, xiii

pitching considerations, 81–83, 83

preferred temperature ranges, 82–83

reusing of, 86–89

“rousing” of, 81

sensitivity to alcohol, 81

strains affected by the Crabtree effect, 94

sugar-fermenting abilities, 81–83, 83

super attenuating types, 84–85

wine yeasts, 85–86

Zinc, yeast requirements for, 36

Zymomonas bacteria in fermentation, 124