A | B | C | D | E
F | G | H | I | J
K | L | M | N | O
P | Q | R | S | T
U | V | W | X | Y
Abbott, Henry Livermore, 333–37
Abbott, Josiah Gardner, 333
Abolitionism, 20–21, 37, 63, 65, 93, 98, 117, 190, 216, 221–22, 283–84, 360, 407, 427, 459, 480, 501, 627–28, 637, 682–83
Acheson, John, 575
Adams, Brooks, 418
Adams, Charles Francis, 9–10, 417, 502–4
Adams, Charles Francis, Jr., 9, 416
Adams, John, 88
Adams, Lois Bryan, 693–700
Adams, Samuel, 88
Adams, Warren, 394
Adie, Mr., 413
Agassiz, Louis, 601
Agnew, Cornelius R., 25
Agriculture Department, U.S., 649, 693
Alabama, 101, 122, 169, 279–80, 354, 363, 551, 582–83, 656, 687, 690–91
Alabama 4th Regiment, 280
Alabama 5th Regiment, 172–77, 308–11, 380–81
Alabama 12th Regiment, 173, 177
Alabama 15th Regiment, 332
Alabama 16th Regiment, 686
Alabama 23rd Regiment, 186
Alabama 24th Regiment, 541–42
Alabama 26th Regiment, 309
Alabama 36th Regiment, 544
Alabama 47th Regiment, 332
Alexander, Peter W., 447
Alexander the Great, 219
Alexandria, Va., 29, 98, 654, 674
Alford, Joe, 529
Allbranch, Mr., 478
Allegheny Mountains, 569
Allegiance oaths, 169–70, 222–24, 246–47
Allen, A. K., 474–75
Allen, Lieutenant, 529
Allen, Robert T. P., 241
Allen, William J., 77
Altamaha River, 233–34
American Anti-Slavery Society, 627–29, 633
American Freedmen’s Inquiry Commission, 213–15, 240
Amnesty, 650–58
Anderson, Alvin, 525
Anderson, Patton, 677
Anderson, Richard, 179–80
André, John, 48
Andrew, John A., 20–22, 34, 427, 444–45
Antietam, battle of, 11, 29–30, 34, 195, 278, 281, 290, 345, 498, 726
Arago (Union naval vessel), 408
Arcadia plantation, 96
Arizona Territory, 641
Arkansas, 45, 354, 650, 656, 662, 668; reconstruction in, 512–14, 519; unionist refugees from, 101–3
Arkansas 1st Regiment, 677, 686
Arkansas 2nd Regiment, 686
Arkansas 5th Regiment, 686
Arkansas 6th Regiment, 686
Arkansas 7th Regiment, 686
Arkansas 8th Regiment, 686
Arkansas Post, 49, 52–53, 56, 353, 521, 529
Armistead, Lewis A., 303
Armistice proposals, 39, 41, 57, 138
Army, C.S., 127, 134, 169, 427, 490–91, 496, 515, 551, 553, 655; battle of Brandy Station, 249–53; battle of Chancellorsville, 172–83, 189–212, 219–21; battle of Charleston Harbor, 390–96, 402–10; battle of Chattanooga, 569–600; battle of Chickamauga, 521–47; battle of Gettysburg, 292–340, 375–76, 378–79, 397–400, 416–17, 420–24; battle of Milliken’s Bend, 240–42; battle of Olustee, 723–27; battle of Port Gibson, 184–88; black soldiers in (proposal), 677–86; conscription, 54, 65, 101–3, 126, 286, 391, 438, 559, 667; defense of Savannah, 93–97; defense of Vicksburg, 108, 122–23, 238–39, 265–68, 273–75, 325, 348–59, 377; deserters, 708–22; in Maryland, 278–79, 281–83, 338, 3 40, 380–81; Mine Run campaign, 601–26; in Mississippi, 372–74; morale of, 462; in Pennsylvania, 279–81, 283–84, 286; Quantrill’s raiders, 465–88; siege of Charleston, 505–7; strategy, 243–45; in Tennessee, 148–50, 521, 526; in Texas, 461–64; in Virginia, 1–3, 32–33, 161, 166–68, 278, 555–59
Army, U.S., 25, 123, 134, 155–56, 169, 260, 496, 500, 560, 643–45, 708; appointment of Burnside, 3; appointment of Hooker, 18–19; appointment of Meade, 285; battle of Brandy Station, 249–53; battle of Chancellorsville, 172–83, 189–212, 219–21; battle of Charleston Harbor, 390–96, 402–10, 425, 429–30; battle of Chattanooga, 569–600; battle of Chickamauga, 521–47; battle of Fredericksburg, 1, 3, 11–12, 17; battle of Gettysburg, 292–345, 375–76, 378–79, 397–400, 416–17, 420–24, 562; battle of Milliken’s Bend, 240–42; battle of Olustee, 723–27; battle of Port Gibson, 184–88; black soldiers in, 20–24, 34–35, 99, 105–6, 117–21, 153–54, 171, 216–18, 232–37, 240–42, 271–72, 284, 390, 395, 402–10, 425–34, 441–46, 457–60, 468, 488–89, 497–98, 501, 548, 632, 635, 643, 649–50, 679, 723–26, 728; congressional investigation of, 132, 194; conscription, 54, 57, 60–61, 63–68, 75–78, 82, 85, 347, 382–89, 391, 518, 520; and draft riots, 382, 384, 387–89, 414; effect of newspapers on, 47–56; employment of contrabands, 105–7, 109, 111–13, 213, 568; Grant’s command of, 733–36; hospitalized soldiers, 253, 435–40; in Kansas, 465–69, 492; in Kentucky, 222–24; in Maryland, 421; Mine Run campaign, 601–26; in Mississippi, 372–74; in Missouri, 492–94; morale of, 91; officers in, 13–19, 51–52; in Pennsylvania, 286–91; raid on Richmond, 728–32; and reconstruction, 519; recruits from Confederate army, 101–3; reviewed by Lincoln, 129–32; siege of Charleston, 505–7; siege of Vicksburg, 47, 50–51, 108–15, 151–52, 238–40, 264–77, 325, 348–59, 377; in Tennessee, 148–50, 521, 547; in Texas, 461; in Virginia, 1, 3–8, 11–17, 25–26, 28–31, 91, 161–66, 229–31, 235, 270, 278, 286, 289, 452–56, 555–57, 726
Arnold, Benedict, 711
Arrington, Jim, 176
Articles of Confederation, 140–41
Ashford, Frederick A., 686
Ashmore, John D., 665
Aspinwall, William H., 25
Associated Press, 566
Athens, 719
Athens, Ala., 279
Atlanta, Ga., 124, 355, 387, 539
Atlantic City, N.J., 443
Augusta, Ga., 305
Austerlitz, battle of, 593
Babylon, 719
Baird, Absalom, 575, 579–81, 583, 588–90
Baker, G. W., 475–76
Baldwin, William E., 185
Ball’s Bluff, battle of, 312, 333
Baltimore, Md., 32, 285, 287, 306, 327, 342–43, 353, 362, 364, 562, 566
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 281, 285
Banks, Alexander, 470
Banks, Nathaniel P., 105, 169, 171, 352, 354, 363–64, 366, 377, 432, 488
Bannes, Charley, 239
Barksdale, Randolph, 305
Barksdale, William, 298, 339, 362
Barnard, William, 606
Barney, Hiram, 387
Barquet, Joseph, 445
Barré, Isaac, 72
Bartlett, Joseph J., 606
Batchelor’s Creek, battle of, 721
Bates County, Mo., 492–94
Baton Rouge, La., 169
Baucum, George F., 686
Baxter, DeWitt C., 335
Baxter Springs, Kans., 492
Bayless, L. R., 526
Beard, Oliver T., 22
Beard (Confederate soldier), 527
Beaufort, N.C., 568
Beaufort, S.C., 232, 407, 410, 716
Beauregard, Pierre G. T., 48, 54, 94–95, 126, 327, 339, 393
Bedell, Charley, 529
Bedell, John, 529
Beecher, Henry Ward, 682
Behan, Mr., 563
Belgium, 638
Bell, G. W., 473
Belmont, Mo., 735
Bence (Confederate soldier), 527
Benton, William P., 44
Bergen, Mr., 484–85
Bermuda, 395
Berry, Hiram G., 17
Bertinatti, Giuseppe, 562
Bethel, battle of, 553
Bible, 224, 361, 431, 709–11, 715
Biddle, Charles J., 87
Big Black River, 266, 273–7, 352, 356, 365, 377, 512, 529
Big Black River Bridge, battle of, 238, 347
Biggs, George, 387
Bill (Grant’s black orderly), 579
Billings, Charles W., 332
Billings, Liberty, 217
Birney, David B., 314
Bissell, Josiah W., 109
Blair, Francis Preston, 325, 443
Blair, Frank Preston, Jr., 111, 325–26
Blair, Montgomery, 325, 562–63
Blanchard, Albert G., 126
Blockade, 128, 264, 325, 390, 503, 637, 644, 649, 701–2
Blunt, George W., 384
Bolton, Miss., 352
Bonds, William J., 541
Boonesboro, Md., 278
Border states, 20
Boston, Mass., 20–21, 88, 232, 389, 395, 427, 503
Boston Tea Party, 88
Boswell, James K., 180–81
Bowditch, Nathaniel, 603
Bowling Green, Ky., 685
Boyce, W. W., 665
Bradfield, Jim, 529
Brady, James T., 412
Brady, Susanna, 412–13
Bragg, Braxton, 292, 325, 363, 387, 396, 398, 516, 521–22, 524, 526–27, 529, 531, 534–35, 538, 540, 544, 546, 553, 569, 575, 577, 588–95, 598, 661–62, 677, 732
Bramhall, Walter M., 131
Brandy Station, Va., 249–53, 614, 616, 620–22
Brannan, John M., 572
Brashear, La., 363
Brattleboro, Vt., 612
Breckinridge, John C., 258, 523, 526, 531, 533
Breese, Kidder R, 115
Bright, John, 36
Briscoe, Thomas, 311
Bristoe Station, battle of, 555, 559
Britain, 67, 69–70, 72, 80, 137, 139–40, 255, 262, 292, 462, 519, 608, 637–38, 662, 670–71, 688; and emancipation, 9, 36–38; emancipation of slaves in West Indies, 445, 682; news of Union victories, 416–19; proposed mediation of American conflict, 36; ships for Confederate navy, 417, 502–4, 508
Brokenburn plantation, 155
Brooklyn, N.Y., 435–36
Brooks, William M., 122–23
Brookville Republican, 723
Brough, John, 549
Browder, George Richard, 222–25
Brown, John, 216, 232, 427, 636, 675, 683
Brown, Joseph, 309–10
Brown, Lewis Kirk, 435–40
Brown, Neal, 539
Brown, Samuel Howell, 181
Brown, William Wells, 117
Browne, William M., 671
Buchanan, Franklin, 258
Buckingham, William A., 90
Buell, Don C., 579
Buffalo, N.Y., 425
Bull Run, 549
Bull Run, battle of (First Bull Run), 48, 54, 290
Bull Run, battle of (Second Bull Run), 3, 11, 28, 270, 290, 529, 705, 726
Bulloch, James D., 502
Burke, Edmund, 72
Burnside, Ambrose, 31, 149, 194, 223, 226–28, 254; appointed commander of Army of the Potomac, 3; after battle of Fredericksburg, 3–6, 8, 11–14, 17; at Chattanooga, 569, 574, 584–85, 589–90; resignation of, 18
Burritt, Loren, 725
Burt, Dr., 539
Burt, George, 478
Burton, James, 310
Butler, Benjamin F., 169, 568, 659, 732
Butler, Pierce M., 235–36
Butterfield, Daniel, 14, 17, 28
Byzantium, 136
Cabinet (Davis administration), 728, 732
Cabinet (Lincoln administration), 133, 254, 564
Cadwalader, George, 603
Cadwallader, Sylvanus, 577
Cairo, Ill., 53, 116, 355, 488
Caledonia, Pa., 284
Calhoun, John C., 142
California, 209
Caloson, Preston, 347
Camp Chase, 80
Campbell, John A., 125
Canada, 562
Canandaigua, U.S.S., 701–2
Cannon, William J., 1
Cape Colony, 508–11
Cape Town, Cape Colony, 509–10
Carey (Confederate soldier), 174
Carlisle, Pa., 379
Carpenter, Charles C., 24
Carpenter, Louis, 476–77
Carr, Joseph B., 606
Carr, Eugene A., 184–85
Carter, Jacob, 405
Carter, John W., 339
Casey, Silas, 548–49
Cashtown, Pa., 281, 292, 295, 306, 308, 338
Cass County, Mo., 492–94
Cedar Mountain, battle of, 34, 195
Centreville, Va., 555
Chamberlain, Captain, 541, 544
Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence, 328–32
Chamberlayne, John Hampden, 166–68
Chamberlayne, Martha Burwell, 166
Chambersburg, Pa., 279, 281, 283, 308, 338
Champion Hill, battle of, 238, 275
Chancellorsville, Va., 166, 172–83, 189–212, 219–21, 229, 243, 278, 281, 286, 308, 312, 333, 452, 616, 707, 726
Chandler, Reverend, 612
Chandler (Confederate soldier), 1
Chantilly, Va., 3
Charles (freed slave), 156, 160
Charles I, 70
Charleston, S.C., 83, 95–96, 126, 131–32, 170, 270, 327, 387, 423, 439, 446, 516, 552–53, 736; battle of Charleston Harbor, 390–96, 402–10, 425, 429–30, 432–33, 441, 443; siege of, 505–7, 701, 703
Chattanooga, Tenn., 149, 355, 387, 516, 521, 523, 526, 528, 531, 534–35, 541, 543, 546, 569–600, 677, 687, 699–700, 736
Cheatham, Benjamin F., 524, 546
Chesapeake incident, 658–59
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, 281
Chesnut, Mary, 664–73
Chetlain, Augustus L., 501
Chicago Times, 577
Chicago Tribune, 39
Chickahominy River, 181–82, 192, 529
Chickamauga, battle of, 521–47, 552–53, 575, 590, 594, 598–99, 666, 677
Chickasaw Bayou, battle of, 47, 108, 111
Child, Ellen Hancock, 341
Child, Lydia Maria, 98
Chile, 638
China, 641
Chittenden, L. E., 698
Choctaw (gunboat), 241
Christian Commission, 693, 697–700
Christianity, 97, 99, 142, 194, 219–20, 222, 224–25, 413, 538, 648, 662, 685, 717–18, 720, 736
Cincinnati, Ohio, 226–27, 239, 658
Cincinnati Commercial, 47, 51, 53
Cincinnati Gazette, 127
Cisco, John J., 387
Clarke, John J., 295
Clarkson, William, 394
Clayton, Amos and Grace, 264, 348
Clayton, George Washington, 264
Clayton, John Quincy Adams, 264
Clayton, William Henry Harrison, 101–4, 264–69, 348–51
Cleburne, Patrick, 521, 525, 532, 541, 677–86
Clinton, Henry, 48
Clinton, Miss., 169, 171, 352, 355
Cobb, Robert, 532
Cobden, Richard, 36–38
Coburn, Carrie, 426
Cochran, Dr., 541
Cogswell, William, 203
Coleman, Cruse, 310
Collamore, George W., 466, 475–76
Collett, James H., 686
Colombia, 639
Colorado Territory, 641
Colquitt, John W., 686
Colston, Raleigh T., 674–75
Colyer, Arthur St. Clair, 536
Comanches, 209
Compensated emancipation, 496–97
Confederacy, 10, 27, 37, 501, 554
Confederate (newspaper), 546
Congregationalists, 465
Congress, C.S., 126, 427, 490, 535, 658, 660, 729–30
Congress, U.S., 13, 39, 56, 71–72, 141, 262, 633, 636, 691, 733, 736; and black soldiers, 20, 23–24, 284, 444, 458; and conscription, 57, 60–61, 63–68, 75–78, 82, 85; investigation of army, 132, 194; Lincoln’s message to, 637–53; and proclamation of amnesty and reconstruction, 654–57
Conkling, James C., 495
Conkling, Roscoe, 59
Connecticut, 22, 77, 81, 90–92
Connecticut 4th Regiment, 443–44
Connecticut 6th Regiment, 403
Connecticut 7th Regiment, 724
Connecticut 10th Regiment, 404
Connecticut 14th Regiment, 90
Connolly, James A., 148–50, 590–600
Conscription, 54, 57, 60–61, 63–68, 75–78, 82, 85, 101–3, 126, 286, 347, 438, 518, 520, 559, 667; and draft riots, 292, 382–89, 391, 411–15
Conscription Act, 57, 60–61, 63–65, 75–77, 82, 85, 144, 382, 391
Constitution, U.S., 26, 54, 58, 62, 69–70, 72–89, 141, 143, 491, 497, 547, 629, 689–90; and amnesty and reconstruction, 650–51, 654–55; and conscription, 60–61, 64–65, 67, 71, 75–77; in wartime, 254–63
Contraband of war, 98–100, 105–7, 109, 111–13, 213–15, 560–61, 568
Cook, Joseph J., 462
Cooke, Augustus P., 371
Cooper, James E., 236
Cooper, James Fenimore, 598
Cooper, Lieutenant, 541
Cooper, Samuel, 327
Copperheads, 26, 41, 90, 103, 137, 227–28, 280, 344–46, 385, 431, 437, 439, 518, 550
Copperheads under the Heel of an Illinois Farmer, 39
Cordley, Richard, 465–88
Corinth, Miss., 48, 108, 535, 736
Corning, Erastus, 254
Cosby, George B., 515
Cotton, 23, 36, 52, 127, 139, 151, 155, 360, 463
Cowin, John, 176
Cox, Samuel S., 59
Coxon, J. H., 509
Cram, Thomas, 384
Craven, Alfred W., 387
Creamer, Charles, 405
Crocker, Lemuel L., 314, 318–19
Crosby, Franklin B., 200
Crosby, John K., 701
Crow, James M., 1
Cruft, Charles, 592
Crutchfield, Stapleton, 181, 191
Culpeper, Va., 32, 173, 243, 249, 423, 549, 555, 619
Cumberland River, 547
Cumming, Kate, 535–45
Currency, 62
Curtin, Andrew G., 549–50, 562–63
Custer, George Armstrong, 602, 604
Cutler, William Parker, 23–24
Dahlgren, John A., 701–2
Dahlgren, Ulric, 327, 728, 731–32
Daly, Charles P., 411
Daly, Maria Lydig, 411–13
Dana, Charles A., 377, 500, 574, 584
Dapplemyer, Dan, 529
David (torpedo boat), 703–4
Davids, Richard W., 317–18
Davis, Jefferson, 26, 122–23, 125, 153–54, 165, 192, 243, 292, 327, 352, 360, 366, 384, 388, 391, 423, 427, 429, 432–34, 447, 450–51, 490, 518, 630, 663–64, 671, 677, 679–81, 728–32; message to Confederate Congress (December 1863), 658, 660–63; speech at Missionary Ridge, 546–47; speech at Wilmington, 551–54
Davis, Jefferson C., 599
Davis, Varina Howell, 668, 671
Dayton, Ohio, 226
Deakins, George S., 686
Dearing (Confederate soldier), 537, 539–40
Deas, Zach C., 544
DeBray, Xavier B., 461
Declaration of Independence, 683
Deer Creek, 123
DeForest, Andrew, 405
Delany, Martin, 117
Democratic Party, 20, 23, 26, 39, 43, 57, 60–61, 73, 81, 88, 90–92, 226, 228, 254, 261, 388, 401, 411, 413, 518, 564, 629–31, 634
Denmark, 638
Dent, Frederick T., 570
De Peyster, John Watts, Jr., 130
Des Moines, Iowa, 146–47, 186, 346
Des Moines River, 147
DeSaussure, William D., 339
Deserters, 102–3, 266, 268, 529, 708–22
Detroit Advertiser and Tribune, 693
Devine, Dr., 539
Dickey, Alexander G., 725
Dickie, Jesse C., 461
Dirt-Eaters, 26
District of Columbia. See Washington, D.C.
Dix, Dorothea, 342
Dix, Ralph C., 470–71
Dixon, George E., 703–4
Dodge, Theodore A., 3–8
Donaldson, Francis Adams, 312–24
Donaldsonville, La., 368–71
Douglas, Stephen A., 262
Douglass, Charles, 117
Douglass, Frederick, 20, 117–21, 232, 405, 427–34, 444, 457–60, 627–36
Douglass, Lewis, 117, 405–6, 445
Douglass’ Monthly, 117, 427, 431
Draft riots, 292, 382–89, 391, 411–15, 431, 441–42
Duke, Basil, 192
Dumas, Alexandre, 598
Dunbar (Union steamer), 574, 583
Dunleith (store-boat), 108
Dykes, Mr., 413
Eason, James E., 704
Eaton, Thomas, 239
Eckert, Thomas T., 375
Edict of Nantes, 170
Edisto River, 402–3
Edmondston, Catherine, 189–94, 362–67, 661–63
Edmondston, Patrick, 194, 364–65, 367, 663
Education, 100
Edward III, 69–70
Edwards, John Newman, 562
Ehles, August, 478
Eldridge, James, 478
Elgin (Confederate soldier), 527
Elkton, Md., 435
Ellery, Captain, 730
Ellis, Frank, 481
Ellis, Mrs., 539
Ellis, Rudolph, 253
Elwood plantation, 181
Emancipation, 120, 377, 445, 628; compensated, 496–97; European reaction to, 9, 36–38; federal inquiry concerning, 213–15, 240; and reconstruction, 637, 651–53, 655; southern proposal for, 677–86
Emancipation Proclamation, 9, 20, 36–37, 39, 120, 426, 443, 459, 489, 497–98, 649–50, 652–53, 655
Eminence, Mo., 44–45
England, 416–18. See also Britain
Espionage, 47–51, 75, 102, 223, 246, 256
Essex, U.S.S., 369–70
Evans, Mrs., 537–38
Everett, Edward, 564, 566, 698
Ewell, Richard S., 221, 281, 292–94, 296, 300, 304, 306–8, 326, 338, 363, 522, 558, 603–4
Ewing, Charles, 274–75
Ewing, Hugh, 274
Ewing, Thomas, Jr., 514
Ewing, Thomas, Sr., 47
Fair Oaks, battle of, 312, 333
Fairfax County, Va., 716
Fairfax, John W., 298
Falling Waters, Va. (later W.Va.), 375, 380–81
Falmouth, Va., 3–6, 11, 13, 15, 90, 201, 337
Farnum, J. Egbert, 606–7
Fassitte, John, 314
Faulkner, Charles J., 281–82
Fauquier County, Va., 454
Fayetteville, Ark., 102
Federalist Party, 72–73
Ferguson, Thomas, 396
Ferguson, Walter C., 104
Festus, Porcius, 78
Field, Dudley, Jr., 386
Fiser, John C., 339
Fisk, Wilbur, 161–65, 452–56, 611–21
Fiske, Samuel W. (Dunn Browne), 90–92, 205–12, 288–91
Fitch, Edward, 477–78
Fitzgerald, Gerald, 203
Fletcher, Francis H., 445
Flewellyn, Edward A., 544
Florence, Ala., 279
Florida, 2, 122, 216, 293, 298, 441, 601, 631, 656; battle of Olustee, 723–27
Florida, C.S.S., 502
Foard, Andrew J., 544
Foote, Henry S., 670
Forest Queen (steamboat), 264
Forney, John W., 563–64
Forrest, Nathan B., 149, 189, 193, 515, 528
Forsyth, Mo., 268
Fort Donelson, battle of, 49, 55, 529, 733, 735–36
Fort Lafayette, 74, 79, 81, 87, 223, 226
Fort Leavenworth, 466
Fort McAllister, 93–97
Fort (Fortress) Monroe, 213, 364, 659
Fort Sumter, 134, 360, 390, 392–94, 505–6, 552, 635
Fort Wagner, 390, 392–93, 395, 402–10, 425, 429–30, 433, 441, 505, 635, 724
Forten, Charlotte, 407–10
Foster, Charles W., 548
Fowler, Thomas J., 2
Fox, Charles James, 72
France, 37, 67, 110–11, 139, 170, 414, 462, 488, 519, 562, 637, 682, 685, 687
Francis, William A., 445
Franklin, Tenn., 677
Franklin, William B., 7, 14, 16, 130, 336
Frazier, William West, Jr., 251
Frederick, Md., 281, 285, 289, 421
Fredericksburg, Va., 1, 3, 8, 11–12, 17, 28–29, 32, 161, 166, 172–74, 178, 182, 189–92, 197, 201, 222–23, 225, 229, 243, 270, 281, 285, 312, 328, 333, 335, 435, 619, 705, 720–21, 726
Free persons of color, 120, 413, 427, 429
Fremantle, Arthur James Lyon, 292–307
Frémont, John C., 16, 37, 165, 387, 579
French, Benjamin B., 360–61, 698
French, Samuel Bassett, 181–82, 205, 366
French, William H., 205, 366, 601–4, 606–8, 622
Fribley, Charles W., 724–25
Froissart, Jean, 414
Fugitive Slave Law, 120
Fugitive slaves, 425, 442, 561, 631
Funk, Isaac, 39–43
Fussell, Edwin, 633
Gaines’s Mill, battle of, 29, 279, 675, 726
Galena, Ill., 501
Galena Advertiser, 240
Galveston, Texas, 461–64
Gambier, Sergeant, 445
Gansevoort, Henry, 414
Garnet, Henry Highland, 117
Garrison, William Lloyd, 98, 232, 627
Garrott, Isham W., 123
Gates, Levi, 472
Geary, John W., 197
General Orders No. 7, 6
General Orders No. 8, 226
General Orders No. 11, 492
General Orders No. 100, 134
General Orders No. 108, 522
Georgia, 101, 122, 153, 169, 216, 232, 298, 349, 354, 489, 551, 599–600, 656, 732; battle of Chickamauga, 521–47; burning of Darien, 233–35, 237; defense of Savannah, 93–97
Georgia, C.S.S., 502
Georgia 23rd Regiment, 180
Georgia 29th Regiment, 94
Georgia Aid Society, 543
Georgia Relief Committees, 539
German Americans, 130
Gettysburg, Pa., 280–81, 283, 288, 292–345, 362–67, 375–76, 378–79, 382, 386, 391, 397–400, 416–17, 420–24, 436, 447, 452, 496, 498, 529, 548, 550, 562–67, 626, 633, 726
Gettysburg National Cemetery, 562, 564, 566
Gibbon, John, 335–36
Gibbs, Oliver Wolcott, 25, 384
Gifford, Martin V., 332
Gilbert, Thomas, 223
Gillmore, Quincy A., 390, 392, 443
Glasgow, Samuel L., 187
Glendale, Va., 1
Godfrey, James, 315–17
Gonzales, Ambrosio J., 393
Gooding, James Henry, 402–4
Gordonsville, Va., 190, 193, 619
Goree, Thomas J., 301
Govan, Daniel C., 686
Grace, James W., 404
Grafton, James I., 203
Grand Gulf, Miss., 353–54, 377
Granger, Gordon, 583–85
Grant, Jesse Root, 151
Grant, Ulysses S., 149, 184, 187, 372, 396, 400, 488–89, 495, 500–1, 518–19, 666, 699–700; at Chattanooga, 569–93, 597–99; promotion to lieutenant general, 733–36; at Vicksburg, 24, 47, 50, 105–10, 113–15, 151–52, 238, 266, 273, 325, 348, 352–54, 363–64, 366–67, 377, 397, 416
Greece, ancient, 141, 685, 719
Green, Reverend, 536–37
Green (Union soldier), 347
Green Mountain Freeman, 161, 452, 611
Greene, George S., 185
Gregg, David M., 602–3, 606, 609
Grenada, Miss., 354
Grey, Sergeant, 445
Greyville, Ga., 599
Griffin, Thomas, 339
Griffith, Harry, 185–86
Grimes County, Texas, 461–62
Griswold, Jerome F., 475–76
Grow, Galusha A., 548
Guerrant, Edward O., 219–21
Guerrillas, 44, 53, 370, 465, 493–94
Guinea Station, Va., 181–82, 220
Gunboats, 24, 53, 93, 96, 126, 151, 233–34, 236, 240–41, 264–65, 358–59, 363, 368, 370–71, 397, 508, 514
Habeas corpus, writ of, 39, 62, 85–87, 226, 256–58, 261–62, 730
Hadley, Lieutenant, 466–67
Hafner, Charles, 176
Hagerstown, Md., 278–79, 281–84, 306, 340, 364, 367, 379, 381, 399
Hagner, Peter, 52
Haiti, 685
Hale, Matthew, 69
Halifax County, N.C., 189
Hall, Dominick A., 262
Hall, Josephus M., 310
Hall, Norman J., 333–35
Halleck, Henry W., 12–13, 32, 48, 55–56, 105–7, 194, 285, 342, 354, 378, 420, 488, 500, 512, 622, 626, 736
Hallowell, Edward N., 410
Hallowell, Morris L., 21–22
Hallowell, Norwood Penrose, 21–22
Hamilton, Alexander, 75, 81, 83–84
Hamilton, Emma, 670
Hamlett (Confederate soldier), 527
Hancock, Cornelia, 341–45, 560–61
Hancock, John, 88
Hancock, Winfield S., 335, 341, 343
Hanover, Pa., 312
Hanover, Va., 29
Hapgood, Lyman S., 437–38, 440
Hardcastle, Aaron B., 686
Hardee, William J., 677
Hardison, Mr. and Mrs., 155–58
Harpers Ferry, Va. (later W.Va.), 216, 292, 675
Harper’s Weekly, 226
Harrisburg, Texas, 461
Harrison County, Texas, 529
Harrisonburg, La., 489
Hartford, Conn., 90–91, 116, 389
Hartford, U.S.S., 111
Hartford Times, 90
Hartson, Bill, 104
Haseltine, James Henry, 249, 253
Hausman, Christopher J., 177
Hawkins, Colonel, 219
Hawks, Wells J., 221
Haydon, Charles B., 270–72, 372–74
Hays, Alexander, 335
Hays, Colonel, 538
Hays, Harry T., 311
Hazeltine, Edward C., 702
Hazlett, Charles, 328
Heartsill, William W., 521–30
Hebrew Military Aid Society, 543
Heichold, Alexander P., 723
Heidlersburg, Pa., 308
Henry Charles, 481
Henry IV, 69–70
Henshaw, Jesse G., 490
Herendeen, George B., 328
Hernando, Miss., 55
Herring, Charles R., 318
Heth, Henry, 296, 299, 301, 321, 423, 559
Heustis, James F., 535–36
Higginson, Francis J., 701–2
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 216–18
Hill, Ambrose Powell, 167, 179–80, 182–83, 189, 220–21, 278–79, 281, 294, 297–99, 306, 326, 338, 363, 380–81, 546, 555
Hill, Daniel Harvey, 126, 167, 367, 523–24, 546
Hillyer, William S., 572
Hilton, Henry, 412
Hilton Head, S.C., 402
Hindman, Mrs., 474
Hindman, Thomas C., 102, 540, 582, 677
Hitchcock, Ethan A., 643
Hobson, Edwin L., 175–77
Hobson, John, 558
Hobson, Mayhew, 558
Hoke, Robert F., 708
Holden, William H., 490–91
Holder, William D., 339
Hollander, James, 262
Holmes, Emma, 390–96
Holmes, Theophilus H., 662
Homestead Act, 647
Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, 25
Hood, John B., 280, 296, 298, 304, 306, 331–32, 339, 664
Hooker, Joseph, 6, 12–17, 32, 129–32, 161, 165–66, 220, 285–86, 327, 337, 345, 349, 353; appointed commander of Army of the Potomac, 18–19; at Chancellorsville, 172, 180–81, 189–90, 192–96, 198–203, 205, 209, 212; at Chattanooga, 570, 574–75, 577–78, 583–84, 589, 592–93, 599
Hope, John S., 533
Hoppin, William J., 387
Horner, Robert, 342–43
Hospitals, 109, 239, 253, 309–10, 341–45, 353, 357–58, 374, 408–10, 435–40, 535–45, 560–61, 674
Hotchkiss, Jedediah, 178–83
Housatonic, U.S.S., 701–4
House of Representatives, U.S., 23, 39, 57, 141, 262, 458, 637, 733
Hovey, Alvin P., 184–85
Howard, Oliver O., 197, 574–75, 584, 592
Howe, Albion P., 130
Howe, H. E., 22
Howe, Samuel Gridley, 213
Hudson, Peter T., 570–73, 575, 577
Huger, Frank, 559
Humphreys, Andrew A., 16–17, 607
Hunley, Horace L., 703
Hunley (Confederate submarine), 701–4
Hunt family, 540–44
Hunter, David, 16, 132, 153–54, 216, 218, 571–76, 578–80
Hurlbut, Stephen A., 108, 246–47
Husten, Dr., 535
Hutchinson, Edward, 176–77
Hynson, Ringold, 529
Hyslop, Willie, 7–8
Idaho Territory, 641
Illinois, 39–43, 61, 114, 348, 495, 586
Illinois 94th Regiment, 268
Illinois 123rd Regiment, 148, 590–600
Index (newspaper), 419
Indiana, 39, 61, 91, 115, 396, 573
Indiana 8th Regiment, 185
Indiana 18th Regiment, 185
Indiana 67th Regiment, 238–39, 357–59
Indianapolis, Ind., 569
Inquisition, 62
Interior Department, U.S., 646–48
Iowa 19th Regiment, 101–4, 264–69, 348, 351
Iowa 21st Regiment, 185
Iowa 22nd Regiment, 44, 146, 184–88, 346
Iowa 23rd Regiment, 185–86, 188, 240–41
Ireland, 688
Irion, James P., 2
Irish Americans, 180, 250–51, 383–86, 389, 394, 412, 608, 631–32
Isola, Ulissa, 562
Israelites, ancient, 361, 718–19
Iverson, Alfred, 311
Ives, Joseph M., 671
Jackman, John S., 531–34
Jackson, Andrew, 261–62, 325, 670–71
Jackson, Miss., 108, 223, 238, 352–55, 366–67, 372, 396, 529
Jackson, Rachel, 670
Jackson, Samuel B., 177
Jackson, Thomas (Stonewall), 172–74, 178–82, 189–92, 194, 208, 219–22, 282, 286, 293, 558, 665–66, 674–75, 716, 720
Jackson, William H., 515
Jackson County, Mo., 465, 492–94
Jacobs, Harriet, 98–100, 232; Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, 98
Jamaica, 685
James Island, 390, 402–4, 432, 505–7
Janes, Captain, 581
Japan, 640–41
Jardine, Edward, 387
Jay, John, 384
Jayhawkers, 465
Jefferson, Thomas, 154
Jenney, William L., 110–13
Jerusalem, 719
Jesus, 710–11
Joe (former slave), 30–31
John Adams (U.S. naval vessel), 403
Johnson, Alexander H., 445
Johnson, Bradley, 320
Johnson, Edward, 293, 304, 306, 310, 666
Johnson, Felix, 529
Johnson, Hannah, 425–26
Johnson, Philip, 59
Johnson, Robert, 668
Johnson, Samuel, 418
Johnston, Albert Sidney, 450, 662, 666
Johnston, Joseph E., 48, 54, 238, 258, 266, 273–75, 277, 292, 325, 327, 352, 355, 359, 363–66, 372, 387, 396–97, 599, 665, 677
Jones, Charles C., Jr., 93–97, 505–7
Jones, Charles C., Sr., 93–97
Jones, E. P., 309
Jones, John B., 124–26, 728–32
Judas Iscariot, 709–11
Kansas, 20, 232, 492–93; Quantrill’s raid on Lawrence, 465–88
Kansas 2nd Colored Regiment, 468
Kansas 13th Regiment, 101
Kansas 14th Regiment, 469
Kansas City, Mo., 466–67, 480, 492
Keitt, Laurence M., 665
Kelly, John H., 686
Kelly, William, 337
Kemble, Fanny, 236
Kendall, Warren L., 332
Kent, Daniel, 269
Kentucky, 47, 219, 222–24, 270, 537–38, 589, 662
Kentucky 5th Regiment, 531
Kentucky 9th Regiment, 531–34
Keokuk (U.S. warship), 132
Kernochan, Joseph, 25
Kerr, Fanny, 559
Kershaw, Joseph B., 339
Keyes, Erasmus D., 367
Keysburg, Ky., 224
Keyser, Sylvester, 373
Kinston, N.C., 708
Kirkwood, Samuel J., 114
Kittoe, Edward D., 570–71, 580
Knox, Thomas W., 47
Knoxville, Tenn., 569, 584–85, 590, 661
Laborers, 24, 105, 109, 111, 213, 441, 514, 631
Lacey, J. Horace, 181
Lacy, Beverly Tucker, 179–81
Lagow, Clark B., 570–71, 573, 575, 577, 579, 581
Laird, John and Henry H. (shipbuilders), 502, 508
Lamon, Ward Hill, 562
Lane, W. P., 521
Latrobe, Osmun, 301
Lavender, Paul, 309–10
Law, Evander, 331
Lawley, Francis, 295, 297–98, 305, 307
Lawrence, Kans., 465–88, 492–93
Lawrence (Confederate soldier), 522, 527
Lawton, Alexander R., 668
Lee, Agnes, 32
Lee, Blair, 326–27
Lee, Sergeant, 445
Lee, Custis, 729
Lee, Elizabeth Blair, 325–27
Lee, Harry, 279
Lee, Mary, 32
Lee, Robert E., 3, 32–33, 161, 166, 258, 278–79, 281, 285, 289, 349, 360–61, 380, 391, 397, 400, 496, 508, 516, 531, 555–59, 601, 613, 619, 622, 625, 665–66, 731–32; at Chancellorsville, 172–73, 178–80, 182–83, 189–90, 192–93; at Fredericksburg, 3; at Gettysburg, 292, 294–300, 302–4, 306, 326–27, 333, 342–43, 362, 364–67, 375–76, 378–79, 386, 416–17, 420–21, 423–24; memoranda for President Davis, 243–45; offer to resign, 447–51
Lee, Samuel Phillips, 325
Lee, Stephen D., 515
Lee, William Henry Fitzhugh, 32, 732
Lennig, Thompson, 252–53
Leonard, James, 412
Lepanto, battle of, 685
Lewis, Dangerfield, 672
Lewis, Elijah, 725
Lewis, Howell, 529
Lexington, Mo., 465
Lexington, Va., 221
Libby Prison, 190, 205, 208, 659, 728, 730–31
Liberator, 98
Liberty County, Ga., 96
Lieber, Francis, 134–45
Lincoln, Abraham, 13, 17, 39, 54, 56–57, 62–63, 71–72, 81, 133, 153, 165, 194, 221, 223, 226–27, 271, 276, 283, 285, 325, 327, 354, 360, 367, 384, 391, 411, 425, 495, 499, 512, 568, 580, 601, 622, 624, 633–35, 666–67, 679, 694–99, 716, 728, 735–36; address at Gettysburg, 566–67; appointment of Burnside, 3; appointment of Hooker, 18–19; appointment of Meade, 285; and battle of Gettysburg, 375–76, 378–79, 420–21; and black soldiers, 20, 23–24, 427–34, 457–59, 488, 497–98; on Constitution in wartime, 254–63; and Emancipation Proclamation, 9, 20, 36, 120, 426, 443, 459, 497–98, 649–50, 652–53, 655; message to Congress (December 1863), 637–53, 658; proclamation of amnesty and reconstruction, 650–58; reviews army, 129–32; and siege of Vicksburg, 377; trip to Gettysburg, 562–65
Lincoln, Mary Todd, 131, 531, 667, 696–97
Lincoln, Robert Todd, 376, 698
Linscott, Arad N., 332
Linwood plantation, 169
Lipscombe, Lieutenant, 529
Little Rock, Ark., 354
Littlefield, Milton S., 443–44
Logan, John A., 592
Logan County, Ky., 222
Loguen, Amelia, 405
London, England, 36, 292, 416–18
Long Branch, N.J., 443
Longfellow, Charles A., 603
Longley, Otis, 480–81
Longstreet, James, 208, 281, 292–93, 295–302, 304–6, 312, 326, 338–39, 363, 380–81, 522–23, 527–28, 531, 546, 555, 558, 569, 585, 590, 661
Louiallier, Louis, 262
Louis XIV, 170
Louisiana, 20, 108, 111, 126, 169, 184, 193, 276–77, 354, 363–64, 425, 489, 561, 656; battle of Donaldsonville, 368–71; battle of Milliken’s Bend, 240–42; reconstruction in, 512–14, 519
Louisiana 5th Regiment, 311
Louisiana 9th (Colored) Regiment, 240–42
Louisiana 11th (Colored) Regiment, 240–41
Louisiana 13th (Colored) Regiment, 240
Lowe, Joseph, 475
Lowrey, Mark P., 686
Loyal National League, 134
Luckett, Philip N., 461–62
Ludlow, Benjamin C., 603
Lyman, Theodore, 601–10
Lynchburg, Va., 732
Macbeth, William, 394
Mack, Alonzo W., 41
Macy, George N., 334–35
Madison Parish, La., 155
Magnolia, Miss., 363
Magnolia (steamboat), 109, 113
Magruder, John B., 258, 363, 365, 462
Mahone, William, 666
Maine 9th Regiment, 404
Maine 20th Regiment, 319, 328–32
Mallory, Stephen, 662
Maltby, Jasper A., 501
Malvern Hill, battle of, 28–29, 726
Manigault, Arthur M., 541
Marietta, Ga., 546
Marion, Pa., 279
Markoe, John, 12–13
Marshall, Humphrey, 219
Marshall, Texas, 529
Martin, James G., 363–64
Martin, Joseph W., 131
Martin, Oliver P., 115
Martinez, Lieutenant, 562
Martinsburg, Va. (later W.Va.), 281, 367
Mary II, 688
Maryland, 126, 278–79, 281–83, 289, 292, 325, 338, 340, 364, 367, 375–77, 380–81, 399, 421, 633, 650
Mason, Almeda, 223
Mason, Herbert, 334
Mason, James M., 665
Massachusetts, 20–23, 36, 77, 126, 395, 404, 429, 444–45, 666
Massachusetts 1st Regiment, 9, 416, 603
Massachusetts 2nd Regiment, 21, 34, 195
Massachusetts 8th Regiment, 724
Massachusetts 18th Regiment, 315, 318
Massachusetts 20th Regiment, 21, 333–37
Massachusetts 22nd Regiment, 315, 318
Massachusetts 40th Regiment, 724
Massachusetts 51st Regiment, 216
Massachusetts 54th Colored Regiment, 20–22, 34–35, 99, 117–18, 232–37, 402–10, 425, 427, 430, 441, 443–45, 723–24
May, Henry, 77
May, Dwight, 271
Mayflower (Union naval vessel), 403
McBlair, John G., 603
McCain (Confederate soldier), 522, 527
McClellan, George B., 194, 220, 325, 336, 345, 376, 662; attitudes toward, 8, 18, 56; dismissal of, 3
McClernand, John A., 50, 184, 187, 238, 352, 354
McCunn, John H., 389
McDougall, William, 562
McGuire, Hunter H., 179
McGuire, John, 674
McGuire, Judith W., 674–76, 705–7
McKaye, James, 213
McKelvy, Benjamin F., 2
McLaws, Lafayette, 179, 191, 280–84, 296, 302, 306–7, 312, 331–32, 338–40
McMurray, Joe, 280
McPherson, James B., 108, 110, 264, 353, 518, 733–36
McVeagh, Wayne, 562–65
McVicar, Duncan, 196
Meade, George G., 11–17, 199, 439, 496, 549, 555, 557, 666, 731, 735; appointed commander of Army of the Potomac, 285; at Gettysburg, 292, 306, 312, 318, 321, 325–27, 336–37, 345, 362–64, 366, 375–76, 378–79, 386, 391, 420–22; Mine Run campaign, 601, 604–5, 607, 613, 617, 619–20, 622–26
Meade, Margaret, 11, 13, 15, 622
Meagher, Thomas F., 608
Meigs, Montgomery C., 574, 576, 582–90
Melville, Herman: Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War, 414; “The House-top,” 414–15
Memminger, Christopher G., 662
Memphis, Tenn., 51, 55, 108, 111–12, 151, 239, 246, 268, 359, 735
Mercier, Henri, 562
Meredith, John A., 125
Meredith, William M., 13
Meridian, Miss., 687
Merrimack, U.S.S., 865
Merryman, John, 85
Methodists, 222, 224, 486, 708
Michigan 1st Regiment, 315, 318
Michigan 2nd Regiment, 270–72, 372–74
Michigan 16th Regiment, 319
Michigan Soldiers’ Relief Association, 693
Middletown, Pa., 308
Militia, 65, 82–84, 129, 285, 383, 385
Miller, Matthew M., 240–42
Milliken’s Bend, battle of, 240–42, 429, 432–33, 443, 635
Mills, Henry, 529
Mills, Roger Q., 525
Milnes, Richard Monckton, 417
Milton, Tenn., 148–50
Mine Run campaign, 601–26, 674, 721
Miner, Mr., 484
Minnesota, 345
Minnesota 1st Regiment, 345
Mississippi, 169, 292, 339, 372–74, 393, 423, 457, 521, 537, 551, 656; battle of Port Gibson, 184–88; reconstruction in, 512–14, 519; siege of Vicksburg, 24–25, 47, 50–51, 54–55, 108–15, 122–23, 151–52, 238–40, 264–77, 325, 348–60, 362–67, 377
Mississippi 1st Colored Regiment, 240
Mississippi 13th Regiment, 339
Mississippi 17th Regiment, 339
Mississippi 18th Regiment, 339
Mississippi 32nd Regiment, 686
Mississippi 45th Regiment, 686
Mississippi River, 24, 26, 47, 50–51, 55, 105, 108–9, 111, 122–23, 130, 151–52, 155, 184, 240–41, 264, 352–55, 359, 368–71, 377, 397, 458, 462, 488, 498, 512–13, 522, 569, 592, 648, 650, 662, 736
Missouri, 44–45, 47, 184, 232, 325, 354, 465, 476, 562, 650, 662; evacuation of western counties, 492–94; unionist refugees in, 101–3
Mitchell, Robert W., 607
Mobile, Ala., 124, 170, 292, 355, 488, 516, 535, 538, 541–44, 703–4
Monocacy River, 285
Monongahela (U.S. warship), 369, 371
Montesquieu, baron de (Charles-Louis de Secondat), 70–71
Montgomery, Ala., 630
Montgomery, James, 232–35, 237
Montpelier, Vt., 161
Mooney, Merritt E., 267
Moore, John S., 271
Morel, Pierre, 262
Morgan, Henry, 169–70
Morgan, John Hunt, 149, 189, 193, 224, 396, 462, 515, 732
Morgan, Sarah, 169–71
Mormons, 671
Morocco, 641
Morris, Robert, Jr., 249–50
Morris, Mrs. Harry, 413
Morris Island, 390, 392–93, 402, 404–5, 407, 441, 443, 505, 507
Morse, Charles F., 195–204
Mount Vernon, Ohio, 226
Murdock, Mrs., 32
Murfreesboro, Tenn., 148, 429, 432, 498, 521–22
Murphy, Mr., 478
Murray, Adjutant, 544
Murray, John E., 686
Murray, Neill, 45
Mushat, John Patrick, 309
Muslims, 685
Muzzey, Charles O., 702
Myers, Abraham C., 729
Napoléon I (Napoléon Bonaparte), 16, 19, 139, 219–20, 687
Napoléon III (Louis Napoléon), 305, 519, 637, 660, 666
Nashville, Tenn., 733
Navy, C.S., 655; action by C.S.S. Alabama, 508–11; ships built in Britain, 417, 502–4, 508; sinking of U.S.S. Housatonic, 701–4
Navy, U.S., 53, 93, 126, 130, 132, 644–46; battle of Charleston Harbor, 390–96, 403–4; black sailors in, 359; on Mississippi River, 368–71; pursuit of C.S.S. Alabama, 508–11; siege of Charleston, 506; siege of Vicksburg, 109, 111, 113, 115, 122, 151, 264–65, 358–59; sinking of U.S.S. Housatonic, 701–4
Navy Department, C.S., 662
Navy Department, U.S., 643–46
Neblett, Elizabeth Scott, 461
Neblett, William H., 461–64
Negroes, 224, 716; in Confederate army (proposal), 677–86; as contraband of war, 98–100, 105–7, 109, 111–13, 213–15, 560–61, 568; in Lawrence massacre, 468, 480–81; and New York City draft riots, 383, 385, 389, 391, 411, 413, 431, 441–42; as refugees, 98–100, 105–7, 213–15, 560–61; suffrage for, 632–33, 637; in Union army, 20–24, 34–35, 99, 105–6, 117–21, 153–54, 171, 216–18, 232–37, 240–42, 271–72, 284, 390, 395, 402–10, 425–34, 441–46, 457–60, 468, 488–89, 497–98, 501, 548, 632, 635, 643, 649–50, 679, 723–26, 728; in Union navy, 359
Nelson, Horatio, 670
Neutrality, 503
Nevada Territory, 641
New Bedford, Mass., 402
New Bedford Mercury, 402
New Carthage, La., 152
New Era (gunboat), 53
New Hampshire 7th Regiment, 724
New Jersey 26th Regiment, 163–64
New London, U.S.S., 368–71
New Madrid, Mo., 108
New Mexico Territory, 641
New Orleans, La., 105, 130, 169–71, 256, 261, 275–76, 292, 363–64, 366, 368, 370–71, 561, 600, 659, 662
New Providence, Miss., 108
New York, 22, 39, 60–61, 77, 117, 129, 345, 411, 476, 518, 613–14, 630, 634
New York 6th Regiment, 131
New York 7th Regiment, 389
New York 20th Regiment, 130
New York 47th Regiment, 724
New York 48th Regiment, 22, 404, 724
New York 99th Regiment, 215
New York 100th Regiment, 404
New York 101st Regiment, 3
New York 115th Regiment, 723–24
New York 119th Regiment, 3–8
New York Central Railroad, 254
New York City, 1, 25, 60, 117, 130, 134–35, 326, 395, 441, 503, 630; draft riots in, 292, 382–89, 391, 411–15, 431, 441–42
New York Evangelist, 99
New York Express, 631
New York Herald, 47, 111, 385, 389, 391, 626, 631
New York Tribune, 218, 383, 391
Newport, R.I., 443
Nicaragua, 639
Nice, Eliza Ann, 312
Nicolay, John G., 562–63
Nineveh, 719
Norfolk, Va., 215, 400, 662, 716
North Carolina, 101, 126, 213, 215, 309, 325, 362, 394, 490–91, 551–54, 656, 708, 712, 716–17
North Carolina 1st Colored Regiment, 724
North Carolina 2nd Union Volunteers, 708–9, 712–13
North Carolina 54th Regiment, 708, 721
North Carolina Standard, 490
Norton, Edwin, 28
Norton, Oliver W., 28–31, 229–31, 548–50, 723–27
Nullification, 137
Nurses, 341–45, 435–40, 535–545, 560–61
Nutting, George, 309–10
O’Brien, Henry J., 411
O’Brien, William J., 542
Ogeechee River, 93–93
Ohio, 1, 23, 47, 57, 60–61, 223, 226–27, 254, 353, 549–50
Ohio 63rd Regiment, 404
Okolona, Miss., 535
Oldham, Anthony, 481
Olin, Abraham B., 57
Olmsted, Frederick Law, 108–16
Olustee, battle of, 723–27
O’Neill, Henry, 322
O’Neill, James, 218
Opdyke, George, 384–85
Orange, Va., 447, 555, 557, 601
Orange and Alexandria Railroad, 555
Ord, Edward O. C., 352
Orme, William W., 349
Ousterhaus, Peter J., 184–87
Owen, Robert Dale, 213
Ozark Mountains, 44–45
Paddock, George, 480
Page, Colonel, 241
Paine, Sumner, 334
Paint Rock (Union steamer), 584
Palmer, Daniel W., 478–79
Palmerston, Viscount (Henry John Temple), 36, 502
Paris, France, 37, 110–11, 441, 604, 646
Paris, John, 708–22
Parke, John G., 352
Parker, Cortlandt, 625–26
Parker, Ely S., 577
Parker, Theodore, 702
Parliament (British), 69–70, 72, 688
Parton, James, 659
Patent Office (Washington), 693, 697–700
Patrick, Marsena R., 201
Patriotism, 53, 60, 97, 119–20, 134–36, 144, 194, 207, 219, 227, 241, 254, 283, 287, 303, 333, 434, 446, 491, 538, 546, 632, 681, 712, 716, 718, 721–22, 736
Patten, Henry Lyman, 334
Patterson, Edmund DeWitt, 1–2, 278–80
Paul Jones (gunboat), 233–34
Pawnee (Union naval vessel), 403, 506–7
Paxton, Elisha F., 193
Pea Ridge, Ark., 44
Peace Democrats, 57, 401, 630, 634
Peace meetings, 490–91
Pearson, Richmond M., 730
Peer, John, 446
Peirce, Catharine, 44, 146–47, 184, 346–47
Peirce, Taylor, 44–46, 146, 184–88, 346
Pemberton, John C., 122–23, 266, 348, 357, 365–67, 398, 662
Pendleton, Alexander S., 180
Pendleton, William N., 305
Peninsula campaign, 1, 28, 30, 111, 129, 131, 270
Pennsylvania, 23, 61, 130, 243, 268, 278–81, 283–84, 286–91, 445, 496, 549–50, 562–63, 565, 578, 630, 663, 723; battle of Gettysburg, 292–345, 362–67, 375–76, 378–79, 397–400, 416–17, 420–24
Pennsylvania 2nd Regiment, 251
Pennsylvania 5th Regiment, 252, 332
Pennsylvania 6th Regiment, 249–53
Pennsylvania 10th Regiment, 319
Pennsylvania 12th Regiment, 332
Pennsylvania 29th Regiment, 196
Pennsylvania 79th Regiment, 574
Pennsylvania 83rd Regiment, 28–31, 229, 319, 330–32
Pennsylvania 118th Regiment, 312–24
Perine, James, 478
Perkins, George Hamilton, 368–71
Perkins, Susan G., 368
Perkins, William E., 203
Persepolis, 719
Person, Richard J., 686
Peru, 638
Peterkin, George, 555
Peters, Dr., 389
Petersburg, Va., 124
Petigru, James L., 142
Pettigrew, James Johnston, 299, 301–2, 365, 391
Philadelphia, Pa., 1, 21–22, 98, 117, 122, 327, 335, 353, 407, 441, 457, 627, 629, 633, 723
Pickens, Samuel, 172–77, 308–11, 380–81
Pickett, George E., 296, 299, 301, 303–4, 306, 333, 398–99, 708
Pickett, Joseph Desha, 538
Pierpont, Francis H., 654
Pierrepont, Edwards, 413
Pitt, William (Earl of Chatham), 72
Pittsfield, Mass., 414
Polk, Leonidas, 546
Pomeroy, George, 8
Pomeroy, Samuel C., 457
Pope, John, 362
Port Gibson, Miss., 184–88, 238, 353, 377
Port Hudson, Miss., 55, 123, 131, 169, 352, 354, 360, 363–66, 387, 397, 400, 432–33, 443, 508, 635
Port Royal, Va., 32
Porter, David D., 53, 109, 113, 115
Porter, Fitz-John, 130
Portland, Me., 503
Portsmouth, Va., 716
Poss, Elizabeth Norton, 229, 548, 723
Post Office Department, U.S., 646
Potomac River, 132, 219, 278, 285, 289–90, 292, 307, 361, 367, 375, 379–81, 391, 399–400, 424, 500, 508, 529, 592
Powe, James, 395
Powers (Union soldier), 203
Prairie Grove, Ark., 102
Preston, John S., Jr., 559, 665
Preston, John S., Sr., 558, 667
Price, Sterling, 662
Princess Royal (gunboat), 370
Prisoners of war, 172, 182–83, 190, 193, 199, 205, 207–8, 268, 293–98, 306, 310, 320–21, 332, 348–50, 352–53, 364, 367, 390, 394–95, 427–34, 459, 524–25, 589, 604, 643, 659–60, 708, 728, 730–31
Public land, 646–48
Pugh, Nide and Rachel, 101
Purvis, Robert, 629
Putnam, Haldimand S., 395, 586
Putman, Holden, 586
Putnam, Israel, 395
Quantrill, William C., 465–68, 470, 479, 482, 492–93
Quinby, Isaac F., 187
Rabelais, François, 27
Radical Republicans, 23, 36, 127, 133, 457, 637
Railroads, 5–6, 32, 45, 182, 189–90, 192, 281, 283, 327, 352, 512, 528, 530, 555, 599, 647, 649, 687
Rainbow Banks, N.C., 363–64
Raleigh, N.C., 490
Ramsey, David, 394
Ramsey, William, 394–96
Randolph County, N.C., 490–91
Rapidan River, 166, 190, 195–96, 529, 555–56, 601–2, 612–13, 615, 621–22, 714, 728
Rappahannock Railroad, 220
Rappahannock River, 1, 3–5, 11, 28, 32–33, 161, 166, 189–92, 201–2, 209, 219, 229, 249, 285, 398, 435, 439, 452, 454, 529, 555–56, 714
Rawlins, John A., 501, 570–72, 585
Ray, Dr., 541
Ray, J. C., 310
Read, Abner, 371
Readville, Mass., 117, 232, 444
Reason, Charles, 405
Reconstruction, 26, 490–91, 512–20, 637, 650–57
Red River, 514
Refugees, 98–103, 105–7, 155, 169, 213–15, 560–61
Reid, Whitelaw, 127–28
Republican Party, 20, 23, 36, 39, 43, 47, 72, 90, 127, 133, 254, 325, 457, 497, 500, 629, 637
Revere, Paul Joseph, 333
Revolutionary War, 48, 63, 72, 88, 140, 255, 711, 715, 717, 720
Reynaud, Aimé Felix, 562
Reynolds, Charles, 485
Reynolds, John, 16, 132, 294, 362
Reynolds, Joseph J., 572, 592, 600
Reynolds, Mary, 485
Rhett, Robert Barnwell, 423
Rhett, Robert Barnwell, Jr., 423
Rhode Island, 233
Rice, James C., 330–31
Richard II, 69
Richards, George, 155–57
Richmond, Va., 24–26, 33, 60, 64–65, 122–23, 130, 132, 166, 180–82, 190, 192, 195, 212–14, 219, 221, 285–86, 292, 306, 352, 360, 367, 397, 399, 401, 423, 432–33, 447, 450, 529, 558, 660, 664, 674, 705–6, 736; food riot in, 124–26; Libby Prison, 190, 205, 208, 659, 728, 730–31; Union army raid on, 728–32
Richmond Examiner, 662, 669, 671
Richmond and Fredericksburg Railroad, 32
Riggs, Kate, 483
Riggs, Samuel, 483
Ringgold, Ga., 599
Roberts, Henry, 529
Robertson, Reverend, 237
Robinson, Charles L., 474
Robinson, James C., 59
Rodenbaugh, Theophilus, 251
Rodes, Robert E., 172, 177, 182, 308–9
Rogers, Seth, 216–17
Rolla, Mo., 44
Roman, James D., 283
Rome, ancient, 78
Rose, John, 312
Rosecrans, William S., 25, 193, 353–54, 398, 400, 508, 521, 523, 525–28, 530–31, 546, 549, 555, 569, 582
Ross, Orlando H., 571, 573–75, 577, 581
Rothrock, Abraham, 480
Russell, William Howard, 417
Russellville, Ky., 223–24
Ryan, William H., 394
St. Louis, Mo., 55, 116, 239, 269, 368, 492
St. Simons Island, 232–37
Salem, Mo., 269
Salisbury, N.C., 124
Sanders, Lee, 529
Sanderson, James M., 132
Santo Domingo, 685
Sargeant, George H., 478
Saunders, Bettie, 555
Savage, Joseph, 468
Savannah, Ga., 93, 96–97, 146, 170
Savannah Republican, 447
Sawers, Emanuel, 239
Sawyer, Roswell M., 687
Scales, Alfred M., 362
Scheibert, Justus, 296–97
Schofield, John M., 492–94
Scotland, 418. See also Britain
Scott, Walter, 598
Secession, 44, 137, 222, 229–31, 413, 437–39, 490, 516, 637
Seddon, James A., 125–26, 364, 729, 731–32
Sedgwick, John, 16, 189, 191–92, 201, 203, 336, 421, 601, 607
Sedition, 226–28, 246, 256, 258–60
Senate, U.S., 13, 17, 23–24, 36, 38, 57, 141, 458, 500, 637–38, 648, 733
Seven Days’ Battles, 3, 11, 161, 281, 333
Seward, William H., 79, 445, 562–63, 634, 657
Seymour, Thomas H., 90–92
Seymour, Truman B., 723–25
Shackelford, James M., 222
Shannon, Peter C., 563–64
Sharpsburg, Md., 278
Shaw, Annie Haggerty, 34–35, 232, 234
Shaw, Robert Gould, 21, 34–35, 99, 195, 200, 232–37, 395, 402, 404, 407–10, 443
Shaw, Sarah, 34–35
Sheffield, William P., 86
Shenandoah Valley, 219, 221, 243, 278, 292, 397
Shepherdstown, Va. (later W.Va.), 312, 328
Sheridan, Philip H., 583, 592–93, 595–96
Sherman, Ellen Ewing, 47, 273, 352
Sherman, William T., 47–56, 238, 246–48, 372, 492, 512–20, 733–36; at Chattanooga, 569, 572, 574–77, 580–81, 583, 585–86, 588, 590, 592, 595; rules of war, 687–92; at Vicksburg, 108–11, 115, 151, 273–77, 325, 352–56
Shiloh, battle of, 47, 241, 522, 531, 677, 733, 736
Shreveport, La., 514
Shut, Jacob, 239
Sickles, Daniel E., 14, 17, 131, 193, 197–99, 297, 312, 362, 626
Sigel, Franz, 16
Silver Spring, Md., 325–26
Silver Wave (gunboat), 265
Simon’s Town, Cape Colony, 509–10
Simpkins, John C., 394
Sinkler, William, 394
Slave revolts, 685
Slavery, 99, 119–20, 139, 141–44, 513–14; abolition of, 37, 63, 65, 360, 459–60, 496–97, 500–1, 627–29; European attitudes toward, 37; Cleburne’s proposal to end, 677–86
Slaves, 127, 224, 271–72, 390, 392–93; armed, 155–59; as contraband of war, 98–100, 105–7, 109, 111–13, 213–15, 560–61, 568; former, capture of, 425–34; fugitive, 425, 442, 561, 631; as refugees, 98–100, 105–7, 213–15, 560–61
Slocomb, Culbert H., 532
Slocum, Henry W., 16, 195–203, 421
Smith, Andrew J., 187
Smith, Charles, 372
Smith, John, 529
Smith, John E., 574
Smith, William F., 16, 18, 378–79, 572, 584–85, 622
Smith, William P., 183
Smith, William Wrenshall, 569–81
Smith (Confederate soldier), 527
Snediker (Confederate soldier), 528
Snyder, Levi, 239
Snyder, Peter, 686
Sommerville, George W., 104
Sorrell, Gilbert Moxley, 295, 299, 301
South Carolina, 122, 142, 153, 216, 445, 551, 656, 665, 670, 723, 732; battle of Charleston Harbor, 390–96, 402–10, 425, 429–30, 432–33, 441, 443; siege of Charleston, 505–7, 701, 703
South Carolina 1st Volunteer Colored Regiment, 20, 216–18
South Carolina 2nd Volunteer Colored Regiment, 232–35, 237
South Carolina 15th Regiment, 339
Speer, John, 485
Springfield Republican, 90, 205, 288
Stafford, Va., 34, 195, 202, 286
Stahel, Julius H., 4–5
Stannard, George J., 613
Stanton, Edwin L., 562–63
Stanton, Edwin M., 17, 20, 71, 106, 194, 213, 342, 377, 457–59, 569, 582, 622, 643, 728
Stark, Louis, 396
Starkweather, John C., 569–71
Stearns, George L., 427, 430–31, 457–58
Steele, Frederick, 111
Steiner, Lewis H., 285
Stephens, Alexander H., 501, 658–59, 665
Stephens, George E., 441–46
Stephenson, James, 608
Stevens, John Austin, Jr., 384
Stevensburg, Va., 620
Stewart, Alexander P., 677
Stockdale, William, 218
Stockton, Thomas H., 564
Stokes, William, 309–10
Stoldt, Gustave, 4
Stone, John, 267
Stone, Kate, 155–60
Stone, William S., 394
Stoneman, George, 16–17, 111, 131, 182, 189, 193, 215
Stones River, battle of, 148, 521, 531, 677
Stonestreet, Benjamin, 481
Stono River, 506
Stout, Samuel H., 539
Strong, George C., 404
Strong, Charles, 382, 387, 389
Strong, George Templeton, 25–27, 382–89, 658–60
Strong, James D., 217
Stuart, J. E. B., 178–80, 182, 189–90, 249, 298, 327, 515, 558
Submarines, 701–4
Suffrage, 632–33, 637, 640, 716
Sumner, Charles, 36–39
Sumter, C.S.S., 508
Sunderland, Byron, 698
Supreme Court, N.C., 730
Supreme Court, U.S., 85, 655, 691
Susquehanna River, 362
Swails, Stephen A., 445
Swayne, John T., 246
Switzerland (U.S. ram ship), 264
Sykes, George, 421, 601–3, 605–6
Tadmor, 719
Talcott, Thomas, 33
Taliaferro, William B., 94
Tallahatchie River, 123
Talley, Captain, 524
Taneystown, Md., 286
“Taps,” 28
Taylor, Richard (brother of Walter H. Taylor), 397
Taylor, Richard (Confederate general), 111, 193, 363, 365, 397
Taylor, Walter H., 397–401, 555–59
Telegraph, proposed transatlantic, 640
Tennessee, 49, 55, 101, 108, 222, 292, 352, 363, 423, 489, 521, 526, 539, 547, 650, 656, 661–62, 687; battle of Chattanooga, 569–600; battle of Milton, 148–50
Tennessee 8th Regiment, 686
Tennessee 26th Regiment, 529
Tennessee 35th Regiment, 686
Tennessee River, 48, 521, 529, 569, 583, 589, 595
Terry, Alfred H., 403
Texas, 103, 155, 292, 298, 304, 429, 461–64, 488–89, 492, 521, 524, 529, 656
Texas 4th Regiment, 332
Texas 5th Regiment, 332
Texas 17th Regiment, 240–41
Texas 20th Regiment, 461–64
Thebes, 719
Thomas, George H., 531, 569, 572, 576, 578–80, 583, 585, 592
Thomas, Lorenzo, 105, 458, 488–89, 501
Thompson, George, 203
Thornton, J. W., 479
Thorp, S. M., 475–76
Tomb, James H., 703–4
Towner, Lieutenant, 571, 575, 581, 585, 588
Tracy, Edward G., 185
Tracy, William G., 203–4
Trask, Josiah C., 475–76
Treasury, U.S., 642–43
Treasury Department, C.S., 662
Treasury Department, U.S., 151, 643
Treichel, William, 249
Trent affair, 418
Trimble, Isaac R., 167
Troy, N.Y., 389
Tucker, John R., 703–4
Tullahoma, Tenn., 148–49, 363, 521, 529
Tupelo, Miss., 685
Turchin, John B., 599
Tuscumbia (gunboat), 264
U.S. 8th Colored Regiment, 723–26
U.S. Military Academy (West Point), 122, 281
U.S. Naval Academy (Annapolis), 646
U.S. Sanitary Commission, 25, 108–9, 269, 285, 341, 343, 382, 548, 566, 658
Union Mills, Md., 312
Uniontown, Md., 288
Ussery, Benjamin, 537
Vallandigham, Clement L., 57–89, 223, 226–28, 254, 259–63, 550
Van Dorn, Earl, 155, 189, 193, 222
Van Zandt, Khleber M., 526
Vance, Zebulon B., 490–91, 730
Vanderbilt, U.S.S., 508–11
Vanderson, A. H. M., 527
Vegesack, Ernst von, 130
Venable, Charles S., 559
Vermont 2nd Regiment, 161–65, 452–56, 611–21
Vermont 3rd Regiment, 455
Vermont 4th Regiment, 455
Vermont 5th Regiment, 164–65, 455
Vermont 6th Regiment, 455
Vermont 10th Regiment, 615–16
Vernon County, Mo., 492
Verree, John P., 59
Vicksburg, Miss., 24–25, 47–48, 50–51, 54–55, 94, 105, 108–15, 122–23, 131, 147, 151–52, 155, 184, 188, 193, 224–25, 238–40, 246, 264–77, 325, 346, 348–60, 362–67, 377, 387, 397–98, 400, 416, 423, 429, 462, 488–89, 500, 508, 595, 662, 666, 687, 728, 733, 736
Vincent, Strong, 229, 328–31, 548
Virginia, 98, 101, 122–23, 141, 293, 305, 307, 337, 360, 398–99, 516, 521, 636, 654, 661, 665, 670, 735; battle of Brandy Station, 249–53; battle of Chancellorsville, 172–83, 189–212, 219–21; Confederate army in, 1–3, 32–33, 555–59; Mine Run campaign, 601–26; raid on Richmond, 728–32; Union army in, 1, 3–8, 11–17, 25–26, 28–31, 91, 129–32, 229–31, 235, 270, 278, 286, 289, 452–56, 555–57, 726
Virginia 2nd Regiment, 674
Virginia 12th Regiment, 173, 183
Virginia 22nd Regiment, 320
Virginia Central Railroad, 182
Wagner, George E., 725
Wainwright, Charles S., 129–33
Wakarusa, Kans., 473
Walker, John G., 241
Walsh, John, 702
Walter, Harvey W., 538
Walton, James B., 292, 295–96, 299, 301
War, rules of, 687–92
War Department, C.S., 124, 153
War Department, U.S., 17, 129, 133, 328, 429, 441, 457, 518, 548, 643, 677
War of 1812, 261–62
War of the Rebellion, 328
Ward, George, 252
Warfield, Elisha, 686
Warren, Gouverneur K., 328, 601, 603–4, 606–8, 622
Warrenton, Va., 32, 420, 438–39, 452, 454–55
Washburne, Elihu B., 24, 345, 500, 733
Washington, D.C., 11, 13–18, 25, 32, 74, 78, 105, 116, 127, 130, 132, 162, 228, 282, 285, 287, 298, 304, 306, 326–27, 353, 360, 367, 375–78, 413, 428, 454, 457–58, 495, 548, 562, 571, 625–26, 653, 657, 716, 733, 735–36; army hospitals in, 253, 435–40; black refugees in, 98–100, 560–61; contraband hospitals in, 560–61; life in, 693–700
Washington, George (president), 48, 88, 140–41, 672, 697, 711, 720, 733, 735
Washington, George (Union soldier), 405
Washington, Littleton Quinton, 672
Washington, Penn., 569
Washington Star, 625
Washington Territory, 638
Watson (Confederate soldier), 527
Watts, Isaac, 718
Webb, Alexander S., 335
Webb, John, 529
Webb (Confederate soldier), 2
Webster (former slave), 158, 160
Weed, Stephen H., 328
Weekly Anglo-African, 441
Welles, Gideon, 645–46
West Virginia, 375, 380–81, 654
Whelan, Henry C., 249–53
Whelan, Mary, 249
Whig Party, 72–73
White, Joseph W., 65
White, William, 394–95
White House (Washington), 693–97
White River, 104
Whitfield, John W., 515
Whiting, Charles, 405
Whitman, George, 435
Whitman, Walt, 435–40
Wicks, Oscar, 28–30
Wigfall, Louis T., 669, 672–73
Wilcox, Cadmus M., 303
Wilder, Charles B., 213–15
Wilder, John T., 590
Wilderness, The, 166, 172, 178, 601, 611
Wilderness Run, 182
Wilkes, Franklin C., 524–25
Willard’s Hotel (Washington), 694
William III, 688
Williams, Alpheus S., 197–99, 204, 285–87
Williams, Irene, 285
Williams, John, 702
Williams, Jonathan W., 175
Williams, Mary, 285
Williamsburg, Va., 214
Williamsport, Md., 281, 285, 375, 380–81, 386, 421, 625, 721
Williamston, N.C., 363
Wills, David, 562
Wilmington, N.C., 551–52
Wilmington Journal, 551
Wilson, Eli, 403
Wilson, Henry, 23, 345, 500, 630, 633
Wilson, James, 533
Winchester, Va., 278, 307, 397
Winona (gunboat), 368–69
Winters, William, 238–39, 357–59
Wisconsin 3rd Regiment, 195
Wisconsin 11th Regiment, 185
Wisconsin 20th Regiment, 268
Wise, Charlotte Everett, 562
Wittemeyer, Annie, 269
Wofford, William T., 339
Wood, Thomas J., 584–85, 592–93, 596
Woodruff, Mr., 17
Woodson, Lieutenant, 529
Woodward, Orpheus S., 332
Wool, John Ellis, 384
Worth, Jonathan, 490–91
Wright, David M., 559
Wright, J. L., 310
Wright, Mrs., 668–69
Xerxes, 221
Yazoo River, 24, 49–50, 55, 108–10, 270, 377, 529
Yellville, Ark., 102
Yonkers, N.Y., 389
York, Pa., 289
Young, Henry, 391
Young, John (northerner), 564
Young, John (southerner), 192
Young, Pierce M. B., 667
Youngblood, J., 177