ABO blood typing, 34 table 2.7
ACGH (array-comparative genomic hybridization), 233, 234
Acupuncture, 86–87
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 251
Adoption, 205–208
Advanced Cell Technology, 288
Advice, unsolicited, 36–37
Advil, 132
AFP, 242
Age of father, 4
Age of mother, 4, 18, 30, 31 figure 2.1, 56 table 4.1, 61, 123, 162 figure 9.1, 234 table 13.2
AIDS, 84 table 5.4
Aleve, 132
American Board of Genetic Counseling, 230
American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), 44, 46, 217, 227, 247–248
American Urological Association, 46
AMH (anti-Müllerian hormone), 29, 30
Anaprox, 132
Androgen excess, 29
Anemia, 74
Angioembolization, 46
Antagonist long protocol, 139 table 8.2
Anterior cingulate gyrus, 89
Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH), 29
Antibiotics, 83
Antidepressants, 83
Antioxidants, 75
Antisperm antibodies, 26, 48 table 3.3
Apologetics, 281
Archive of Internal Medicine, 92
Arimidex, 116
Aromatherapy, 87
Array-comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH), 233, 234
ART (assisted reproductive technology)
controversies about, 247–248, 250–252
defined, 136
types of, 136–137
See also Children, telling about ART
Asherman’s syndrome, 62
Aspirin, baby (low-dose), 138, 143 table 8.4
Assisted reproductive technology. See ART
Astresia, 10
ATP (adenosine triphosphate), 251
Attorney, need for, 173–174
Autoimmune disorders, 60
Azoospermia, 49
Bacterial vaginosis, 84 table 5.4
Bariatric surgery, 81
Basal body temperature (BBT), 101–103
Beta-carotene, 75
ßeta thalassemia/Cooley’s anemia, 239, 240 table 13.4
Bicornate uterus, 64 table 4.3
Bioengineered babies, 250–252
Biofeedback, 87
Birth canal (vagina), 6 figure 1.1, 6
Birth control, reversing, 99 table 6.2
Birth control pills, 59, 99 table 6.2, 128 table 7.1, 138, 222
Birth defects, 49, 81, 138, 143 table 8.5, 229, 230, 234, 235 table 13.3, 239, 240–241 table 13.4, 242
Blastocysts, 10, 145, 146, 151, 220, 222, 223, 233, 270, 272, 282
Blastomere, 231, 231 figure 13.1
Blood hormones, 47
BMI (body mass index), 80–81
Bone marrow malfunction, 230
Bravelle, 129 table 7.3
Breathing techniques, 88
Brown, Louise, 249
Bush, George W., 271
Bush administration, 251
California, stem cell research in, 271
Cancer, 48 table 3.3, 69, 120, 126–127, 224, 274 table 16.2
Capitation, 9
Carbohydrates, complex, 76
CASA (computer assisted semen analysis), 50 table 3.4
CBAVD (congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens), 49
CBC, 34 table 2.7
CCCT (clomiphene citrate challenge), 31, 31 table 2.5, 32, 32 table 2.6
CCS (comprehensive chromosomal screening), 233
Centers for Disease Control, 19, 286
Centrotide, 128 table 7.2
Cervical caps, 99 table 6.2
cervicitis, 84 table 5.4
conization of, 62
D&C (dilation and curettage), 62
injuries or infections to, 62
LEEP (loop electrosurgical excision procedure), 62
problems of, 61–62
reproduction and, 6 figure 1.1, 6
sperm and, 8
stenosis of, 62
surgical procedures and, 62
Cesarian delivery, 81
CGH (comparative genomic hybridization), 233
Chemicals, fertility and, 82–83
Chicken pox vaccine, 132
Child-free living, 210–212
Children, activities to do with, 211
Children, telling about ART
appropriate age for, 259–260
arguments against disclosure, 260, 264
arguments for disclosure, 256–257, 262–264
family disapproval, 258
how to tell, 260–262
parental attitude toward ART, 257, 263
questions to ask, 265
role of God, 262
Chlamydia, 35, 84 table 5.4
Chocolate, fertility and, 83
Chorionic villus sampling (CVS), 234, 242, 243
Chromosomal translocation, 237
abnormalities, 11, 61, 229, 236
copies of, 234
in egg and sperm, 10
function of, 228
sex, 234
testing, 233 table 13.1, 235 table 13.3
Chronic diseases, 56 table 4.1
Cilia, 8
Clomid (clomiphene citrate), 31, 32, 69, 109, 117–118, 222
Clomiphene citrate, 58, 109, 116, 117
Clomiphene citrate challenge (CCCT), 31, 31 table 2.5, 32, 32 table 2.6
Cloning (somatic cell nuclear transfer)
Dolly, the sheep, 283
embryos, 285
identical twins, 284
laws about, 283–285, 284 figure 16.4
types of, 272 table 16.1
CoenzymeQ10, 79 table 5.2
Cohen, Jacques, 250
Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), 233
Comprehensive chromosomal screening (CCS), 233
Computer assisted semen analysis (CASA), 50 table 3.4
chances of, 112 figure 6.5
factors for success of, 12
Condoms, 99 table 6.2
Congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens (CBAVD), 49
Congenital neutrophil defect syndrome, 230
Consanguinity (inbreeding), 230
Constipation, 138
Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation, 118, 119–120
Cooley’s anemia, 239, 240 table 13.4
Copperman, Alan B., 219
Corpus luteum, 28
embryos, freezing, 220
fresh vs. frozen embryos per transfer, 163 figure 9.2
frozen embryo transfer, 222–223
frozen morula hatching, 216 figures 12.1, 12.2, 12.3; 217 figures 12.4, 12.5
frozen natural egg, 8 figure 1.2
one-cleavage embryo, 221 figure 12.6
questions to ask, 224–225
reasons for, 220–221
slow-freeze process, 220
Cryosurgery, 62
CVS (chorionic villus sampling), 234, 242, 243
Cycle day-three FSH levels, 29, 30
Cystic fibrosis, 229, 239, 240 table 13.4
Cystic fibrosis mutations, 49
Cytoplasmic transfer, 250
D&C (dilation and curettage), 62
Depo-Provera, 99 table 6.2
Depression, 94
DES (diethylstilbestrol), 13
Designer babies, 247–248, 250–253
Diabetes, gestational, 81
Diabetes, type 2, 81
Diaphragms, 99 table 6.2
fertility-boosting foods, 74
foods to avoid, 73–74
healthy foods, 74–77
insulin levels and, 58–59
paleo, 59
portion size, 73
Diethylstilbestrol (DES), 13
Diindolylmethane (DIM), 75
Dilation and curettage (D&C), 62
DIM (diindolylmethane), 75
Diminished Ovarian Reserve, 61
Dirt bikes, 13
DNA, mitochondrial (mtDNA), 251
communication with, 18
desirable characteristics of, 14
family practitioners, 16 table 1.2
infertility specialists, 16 table 1.2
obstetricians/gynecologists, 16 table 1.2
oncologists, 275
questions to ask, 39–40
reproductive endocrinologists (RE), 14, 16 table 1.2
urologists, 15, 16, 16 table 1.2
Docusate sodium, 138
Dolly, the sheep, 283
Dopamine, 89
Dopamine agonists, 116
Down syndrome, 229, 234 table 13.2, 235 table 13.3, 242, 243
Doxycycline, 142 table 8.3
off-label, 126–127
recreational, 43 table 3.2, 56 table 4.1, 83
See also Fertility drugs
Duchenne muscular dystrophy, 241 table 13.4
Eating disorders, 56 table 4.1, 57
Edwards, Robert, 249
Edwards syndrome, 235 table 13.3
manufactured, 276–278, 277 figure 16.3
quality of, 57
size, 10
from stem cells, 278–279
supply of, 11
See also Cryopreservation
Eggs, donation of
arguments against, 184
chance of pregnancy and, 60
cost of, 164–165, 184 table 9.2
donor vs. nondonor live birth rates, 162 figure 9.1
indications for, 161–162
online, 248
selection of donor, 165–167
success of, 163
fertilization and, 8
retrograde, 48 table 3.3
Ejaculatory duct, blockage of, 47, 48 table 3.3
Embryologists, 146–147, 150, 164, 228, 233
development of, 9
donation of, 167–168
effect of genetic testing on, 232
one-cleavage, 9 figure 1.4
sex of baby, predicting, 234
See also Cryopreservation
Endometrial cavity, 7
acupuncture and, 89
aromatherapy and, 87
symptoms, 67
treatment, 67–68
tubal blockage and, 63
Endometriosis Association, 68
Endometrium, 7 table 1.1
Environmental/occupational hazards, 43 table 3.2, 44, 56 table 4.1, 75
Ephedra, 89
Epididymis, 48 table 3.3, 51 figure 3.1, 52
Essential fatty acids, 79 table 5.2
Essential oils, 87
Estrace, 143 table 8.4
Estradiol. See Estrogen
Estrogen (estradiol) or E2, 7, 29, 30, 31 table 2.5, 49, 61, 75, 116, 117, 139, 222
Estrogen surge, 106
Eugenics, 250
European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, 217
European Union, 271
Exercise, 13, 56 table 4.1, 57, 72, 73, 77–78
Fallopian tubes
blockage or dysfunction of, 63, 89, 90
reproduction and, 6 figure 1.1, 6–9
tubal ligation, 99 table 6.2
Falsafi, Sassan, 91
Family practitioners, 16, 16 table 1.2
FDA (Food and Drug Administration), 34, 89, 108, 126, 128, 268, 286, 287
Femara, 116
Fertil Blend, 53
FertilAid, 53
FertilCount, 108
Fertile Hope, 220
Fertile window, 100
activities to avoid, 13
body mass index and, 81
boosting, 12
cycle, 101 figure 6.1
diet and, 12
forecasting, 101–108
forecasting charts, 102 figure 6.2, 290–291
monitors, 105–108
myths, 35–36
stress and, 85
See also Fertility drugs; Fertility treatment, ending; Fertility workup; Infertility
Fertility centers, regulation of, 287
Fertility drugs
canceling cycle, 120
multiple births, 122–123, 123 figure 7.1
ovulation induction, 58, 116–122, 127–129, 127 figure 7.2
poor response to, 123
risks of, 120–122
Fertility treatment, ending
difficulty of, 202–204
plan for, 204–205
questions to ask, 212–213
treatment alternatives, 205–212
Fertility workup
components of, 27 table 2.3
female evaluation, 27–32
male evaluation, 24–27
optimizing, 112
reason for, 23
Financing, 37–38
FISH (fluorescent in situ hybridization), 232–233
Fitness, 12
Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), 232–233
Folate, 72
Folic acid, 33, 35, 74, 79 table 5.2, 80 table 5.3, 138, 143 table 8.5
Follicle-stimulating hormone. See FSH
absence of, 61
defined, 7
development of, 7, 123, 140, 140 figure 8.2, 222
dominant, 7
OHSS and, 121
PCOS and, 59
size of, 110
superovulation and, 119
Follicular menstrual phase, 100, 101 figure 6.1
Follicular ultrasound, 140 figure 8.2
Follistim, 119, 129 table 7.3, 131
Foster parenting, 208–210
Fox, Michael J., 271
Fragile X syndrome, 241 table 13.4
Free radicals, 75
Freud, Sigmund, 89
Fruits, 75
FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone)
age and, 30
CCCT test, 32, 32 table 2.6
FSH/LH ratio, inverted, 29
injections of, 222
testing, 29, 30, 31, 31 table 2.5, 32 table 2.6, 49, 116
Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), 136
Ganirelix, 128 table 7.2
Gattica (film), 250
GenderSelectPGD, 234
abnormalities, 48 table 3.3, 277
blood tests, 47
counseling, 230–232
deletions, 60
mutations, 60
profile (karyotype), 49
Genetic screening
accuracy of, 243
aneuploidy screening, 233
array-comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH), 233, 234, 242
chorionic villus sampling (CVS), 234, 242, 243
comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), 233
comprehensive chromosomal screening (CCS), 233
human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), 104, 141, 222, 242
male issues, 49
nuchal translucency screening (nuchal fold test), 234, 242, 243
polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 233, 234
questions to ask, 244
single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis, 233
triple marker screens, 234, 242
unconjugated estriol, 242
Genetics, reproductive, 228–229
Genital warts (HPV), 84 table 5.4
Genomic imprinting, 282–283
GIFT (gamete intrafallopian transfer), 136, 136 table 8.1
Glucophage (metformin), 58
Glucose level, 58
Glucose tolerance test, 29
GnRH agonist, 222
Goji berries, 75
Gonadotropins, 58, 117, 119, 140
Gonal-f, 119, 129 table 7.3, 131
Gonorrhea, 34 table 2.7, 35, 84 table 5.4
Grains, whole, 75–76
Granulosa cells, 30
Guided imagery/visualization, 88
Harris, Ron, 247–248
Harris, William, 92
Harvard, study of elite athletes, 78
HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), 104, 110, 117, 119–120, 129, 141, 222, 242
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, 28
Heat, male fertility and, 43 table 3.2
Hemophilia, 241 table 13.4
Hepatitis A, 34 table 2.7, 84 table 5.4
Hepatitis B (HBV), 34 table 2.7, 35, 84 table 5.4
Hepatitis C, 34 table 2.7, 35, 84 table 5.4
Herbal medicine, 88–89
Herpes (HSV), 84 table 5.4
HIV, 34 table 2.7, 35
Holistic treatments, 85–93
Hormone replacement cycle embryo transfer, 222
Hormone replacement therapy, 60
evaluation of, 29, 33, 47, 49, 57, 104
imbalances of, 48 table 3.3, 61
Horseback riding, 13
Hot tubs (jacuzzis), 83
HPV (human papilloma virus), 35
HSG (hysterosalpingogram), 28, 33, 63, 64
HSV (herpes), 84 table 5.4
HTLV (human T lymphocyte virus), 35, 84 table 5.4
Human chorionic gonadotropin. See HCG
Human papilloma virus (HPV), 35
Human Reproduction, study on exercise, 78
Human T lymphocyte virus (HTLV), 35, 84 table 5.4
Human zona pellucida binding test, 50 table 3.4
Huntington’s disease, 237, 240 table 13.4
Hutterites, 4
Hydrosalpinx, 63
Hyperandrogenism, 57
Hyperinsulinemia, 57
Hyperprolactinemia, 57
Hypnosis, 89
Hypoosmotic swelling test, 50 table 3.4
Hypothalamus, 6, 7 table 1.1
Hysterectomy, 66, 68, 99 table 6.2
Hysterosalpingogram (HSG), 28, 33, 63, 64
ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection), 50, 148, 148 figure 8.7
In vitro fertilization. See IVF
Inbreeding (consanguinity), 230
causes, 4, 13, 56 table 4.1
emotional issues, 189–190
insurance coverage, 38–39, 243, 286–289
percentage of, 1
risk factors, 2–5
signs of, 4–5
specialists, 16 table 1.2
stressors, 189
supplements, 79 table 5.2
twelve-week program, 72
when to consult specialist, 17
See also Fertility
Infertility, male
age and, 4
azoospermia, 49
causes, 42, 42 table 3.1, 43 table 3.2, 48 table 3.3
congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens (CBAVD), 49
cystic fibrosis mutations, 49
environmental/occupational hazards, 44, 75
supplements for, 53
thoughts about, 42
varicoceles, 44–47
Y chromosome microdeletion, 49
See also Sperm
Inhibin B, 32
Injections, administering, 130–131
Institute for Reproductive Medicine and Science of St. Barnabas, 251
Insulin level, 58
Insulin resistance, 29, 57, 58, 81
Insurance coverage, 38–39, 243, 286–289
Intercourse, frequency of, 13, 72, 100
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), 50, 148, 148 figure 8.7
Intrauterine devices (IUDs), 99 table 6.2
Intrauterine insemination (IUI), 47, 69, 109–111, 111 figure 6.4, 120
Iron, 143 table 8.5
IUDs (intrauterine devices), 99 table 6.2
IUI (intrauterine insemination), 47, 69, 109–111, 111 figure 6.4, 120
IVF (in vitro fertilization)
advantages of, 136–137
assisted hatching, 149, 149 figures 8.8 and 8.9
bed rest, 153–155
egg retrieval, 141–146, 142 table 8.3, 145–146, 145 figure 8.5
evaluation of embryos, 150–152, 151 figure 8.10
failure of cycle, 156–157
fertilization, 146–147, 147 figure 8.6
follicles, development of, 140, 140 figure 8.2
implantation, 143 table 8.4
intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), 148
male fertility and, 50
mock transfer, 140–141
obesity and, 81
phases and medication, 142–143 tables 8.3, 8.4, 8.5
pregnancy, 143 table 8.5
protocols, 137–139, 139 table 8.2
questions to ask, 157–158
salpingectomy and, 63
sample IVF calendar, 137 figure 8.1
Jacobson, Edmund, 92
Jennifer and Adam’s “family photo,” 151 figure 8.10
Karyotype, 49
Klinefelter syndrome, 224, 234, 235 table 13.3
Kruger semen analysis, 25–26, 26 table 2.2
L-arginine, 79 table 5.2
L-carnitine, 53, 79, 79 table 5.2
Laparoscopic surgery, 46
Laparoscopy, 68
LEEP (loop electrosurgical excision procedure), 62
LH (luteinizing hormone), 7, 29, 49, 104, 223
LH surge, 7, 117, 119, 141, 223
London Daily Mail, on Louise Brown, 249
Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP), 62
Lubricants, 82
Lunelle, 99 table 6.2
Lupron, 66, 126, 128 table 7.2, 222
Luteal menstrual phase, 100, 101 figure 6.1
Luteal phase deficiency, 32
Luteinizing hormone (LH), 7, 29, 49, 104, 223
Luveris, 129 table 7.3
Lycopene, 79 table 5.2
Marfan syndrome, 241 table 13.4
Maternal-fetal specialist, 124, 125
Medical history, typical, 27–28
Medical practice, choosing, 19–21, 20 table 1.3
Meditation, 90–91
Medrol, 141, 142 table 8.3
Menstrual cycles
ovulation and, 100
phases of, 101 figure 6.1
regular, 28
reproduction and, 6
yoga and, 93
Mental health professional, 172–173
MESA (microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration), 50, 51–52
Mesmer, Franz Anton, 89
Metformin (Glucophage), 58
Micro-flare protocol, 139 table 8.2
Micronutrients, 75
Microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration (MESA), 50, 51–52
Mid-America Heart Institute, study on prayer by, 92
age and, 11
coping with, 190–191
Diminished Ovarian Reserve and, 61
jacuzzis (hot tubs) and, 13
obesity and, 81
PCOS and, 59
Mitochondria, 251
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), 251, 278
Mitosis, 229
Molluscum, 84 table 5.4
Monterey Bay Aquarium, 76
Morula, 9 figure 1.3, 216 figure 12.1, 216 figure 12.2, 216 figure 12.3, 217 figure 12.4, 217 figure 12.5
Motrin, 132
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), 117
Mucous, cervical, 5, 9, 61–62, 72, 100, 101, 103–104
Müllerian Agenesis, 64 table 4.3
Multifetal pregnancy reduction, 124–125
Multiple births, 58, 109, 117, 120, 122–125, 123 figure 7.1
Multipotent cells, 270
Myomectomy, 65
Myotonic dystrophy, 237, 240 table 13.4
National Cancer Institute, 126
National Embryo Donation Center, 168
Natural cycle embryo transfer, 223
Natural cycle protocol, 139 table 8.2
Naturopathy, 91
Neural tube defects, 242
Nicotine, 83
NIH (National Institutes of Health), 89
Nongonococcal urethritis (NGU), 84 table 5.4
Norplant, 99 table 6.2
Novarel, 129 table 7.4
Nuchal translucency screening (nuchal fold test), 234, 242, 243
O magazine, on fertility drugs, 126
Obesity, 29, 43 table 3.2, 57, 81
Obstetricians/gynecologists, 16, 16 table 1.2
Obstetrics & Gynecology, study on exercise, 78
OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome), 58, 120–122
Oktay, Kutluk, 275
Omega-3 fatty acids, 76
Oncologists, 275
Oocyte, 30
Oophorectomy, 68
OPK (ovulation predictor kit), 72, 100, 104–105, 117
Organ donations, 269
Orgasms, during childbirth, 156
Ornathine, 79 table 5.2
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), 58, 120–122
fertility issues of, 57–61
ovarian reserve, 11, 29–30, 31 table 2.5
removal (oophorectomy), 68
reproduction and, 6 figure 1.1, 7, 7 table 1.1
tissue grafts, 276
tissue transplants, 274–276
vaporizing, 59
Ovidrel, 129 table 7.4
confirmation of, 28–29, 29 table 2.4
fertility forecasting charts, 102–103, 102 figure 6.2, 290–291
fertility monitors, 105–108
identifying, 100
importance of, 5
induction, 116–118, 127 figure 7.2
medications, 128 table 7.2, 129 table 7.3, 129 table 7.4
medications to avoid, 132
natural, 115–116
ovulatory menstrual phase, 100, 101 figure 6.1
predictor kits (OPKs), 72, 100, 101, 104–105, 117
questions to ask, 132
stimulation of, 58
superovulation, 119–122
symptoms of, 100
Oysters, 74
Pain medications, prescription, 83
Paleo diet, 59
Parthenogenesis, 281
Partner, involvement of, 131, 140, 150, 154, 195–196, 205
Patau’s syndrome, 235 table 13.3
PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome)
cause, 57
controlling, 59
risk of OHSS, 122
symptoms, 57
PCR (polymerase chain reaction), 233, 234
PCT (post-coital test), 62
Pelvic inflammatory disease, 84 table 5.4
Penis, 51 figure 3.1
Percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration (PESA), 47, 49, 50–51
Pergonal, 129 table 7.3
Peritoneum, fertility issues of, 66–68
Perlman, Joanna, 126
Peroxidase staining, 50 table 3.4
Personal health inventory, 94–95
PESA (percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration), 47, 49, 50–51
PGD (preimplantation genetic diagnosis)
autosomal dominant disorders, 237–239, 238 figure 13.2
autosomal recessive disorders, 238 figure 13.3, 239 figure 13.4
cystic fibrosis and, 49
disease identification by, 240–241 table 13.4
effect of on embryo, 232
GenderSelectPGD, 234
and sex of embryos, 234
PGS (preimplantation genetic screening)
advantages of, 236
candidates for, 236–237
chromosomes and, 232
disease identification by, 235 table 13.3
effect of on embryo, 232
Pituitary gland, 7, 7 table 1.1, 57, 117
Placenta, 9
Pluripotent cells, 270, 270 figure 16.1
POF (premature ovarian failure), 60
Polycystic kidney disease, 237
Polycystic ovarian syndrome. See PCOS
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Association, 59
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 233, 234
Polyp-like nodules (molluscum), 84 table 5.4
Post-coital test (PCT), 62
Postel, Thierry, 156
Pouch of Douglas, 7
Prayer, 91–92
Preeclampsia, 81
signs of, 155–156
tips to increase probability of, 1–2, 35
Pregnyl, 129 table 7.4
Premature ovarian failure (POF), 60
Privacy protection, 28
Probes, 232
Profasi, 129 table 7.4
Progesterone, 28, 29 table 2.4, 32, 62, 125, 143 table 8.4
Progestin, 117
Progressive muscle relaxation, 92
Prolactinomas, 117
Prostaglandins, 110
Prostate, 51 figure 3.1
Protein/iron, 74
Provera, 117
Proxeed, 53
Pubic lice (crabs), 84 table 5.4
Puregon, 129 table 7.3
Radiation therapy, 120
Radiologic embolization, 46–47
Reeve, Christopher, 271
Reflexology, 93
Relationship stress relievers, 195–197
Relationship stressors
blaming, 191
finances, 192–193
holidays, 194–195
miscarriages, 190–191
questions to ask, 198
signs of burnout, 193–194
Remaking Eden (Silver), 250
Reproductive cloning, 272, 272 table 16.1
Reproductive counselor, 201
Reproductive endocrinologists (RE)
description of, 15, 16 table 1.2
questions to ask, 69
role of in egg donation or surrogacy, 172
when to consult, 17
Reproductive genetics, 228–229
Reproductive glands and organs, 7 table 1.1
Reproductive medicine, future of
cloning (somatic cell nuclear transfer), 272–273, 273 figure 16.2
eggs from stem cells, 278–279
embryo cloning, 276
experimental embryology, 288
manufactured eggs, 276–278, 277 figure 16.3
ovarian tissue transplant, 274–276
sperm from stem cells, 280–281
wombs, transplanted or artificial, 279–280
See also Stem cell therapy
Reproductive system, female, 6 figure 1.1, 7
Reproductive system, male, 51 table 3.1
Reprogenetics, 250
Repronex, 129 table 7.3
Resistant ovarian syndrome, 60–61
Retin-A, 132
Retinoids, 132
RH factor, 34 table 2.7
Rokitansky syndrome, 64 table 4.3
Rubella, 34 table 2.7
Rubella shot, 132
Saliva fertility monitors, 106–108, 107 figure 6.3
Salpingectomy, 63
Savior siblings, 252
Scabies, 84 table 5.4
Scientific technologies, historical challenges of, 248–249
SCNT (somatic cell nuclear transfer). See Cloning
Scrotal sac, 51 figure 3.1
Scrotal ultrasonography, 47
SCSA (sperm chromatin structure assay), 50 table 3.4
Security, 223–224
Selenium, 79 table 5.2
Semen analysis, 24–27, 25 table 2.1, 26 table 2.2, 47, 73
Semen culture, 50 table 3.4
Semen fructose, 50 table 3.4
Seminal vesicle, 51 figure 3.1
Septate uterus, 64 table 4.3
Septorhinoplasty, 91
Sex chromosomes, 234
Sex of baby, predicting, 234
Sexual position, optimum, 103
Sexual problems, male infertility and, 48 table 3.3
Sexual relations, frequency of, 13, 72, 100
Sexually transmitted diseases. See STDs
Short (flare) protocol, 139 table 8.2
Sickle cell anemia, 239, 241 table 13.4
Sickle cell disease, 229
Silver, Lee, 250
Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis, 233
Skin, hair, and mood, fluctuations in, 120
Sleep, 91
Snowflakes, 168
SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism analysis), 233
Society for Reproductive Medicine, 286
Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). See Cloning
collecting, 50–53
count, 72, 81, 84, 111 figure 6.4, 224
extraction, 47
in-home tests, 108–109
normal, 9
problems with, 42, 42 table 3.1
sample, 144–145, 144 figure 8.4
size, 10
from stem cells, 280–281
washing, 110–111
Sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA), 50 table 3.4
Sperm penetration assay, 50 table 3.4
Spermatic cord, 44
Spermatozoon (sperm cells), 10
SpermCheck, 108
Spina bifida, 143 table 8.5
Spironolactone, 59
STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), 35, 48 table 3.3, 56 table 4.1, 62, 84 table 5.4
Stein-Leventhal syndrome. See PCOS
Stem cell therapy
candidates for, 269
defined, 268
government intervention, 268–269, 271
organ donations and, 269
stem cells, types of, 270
Steroids, 43 table 3.2, 48 table 3.3, 56 table 4.1
Stimulated cycle embryo transfer, 222–223
fertility and, 56 table 4.1
handling, 191–192
libido and, 43 table 3.2
physical reaction to, 188
Superovulation, 119–122
Supplements, 78, 79 table 5.2
Abraham and Sarah, 170
agency, choice of, 176
arguments against, 184
benefits of, 169–170
cost, 184 table 9.2
gestational, 171, 171 figure 9.4
insurance, 178–179
legal issues, 174–175
medical indication for, 168–169
motivation of surrogates, 176
myths about, 180
perspectives on, 180–181
professional guidance, need for, 171–173
screening, 175
selection of surrogate, 177–180
traditional options, 170, 170 figure 9.3
Syphilis, 34 table 2.7, 84 table 5.4
Taxes, deductions from, 39
Tay-Sachs disease, 229, 239, 240 table 13.4
Terminally differentiated cells, 270
TESA (testicular sperm aspiration), 50, 52
TESE (testicular sperm extraction), 50, 52
Testicles, undescended, 48 table 3.3
Testis, 51 figure 3.1
Testis microdissection, 52–53
Testosterone, 7 table 1.1, 29, 49, 75, 81
ABO blood typing, 34 table 2.7
AMH (anti-Müllerian) levels, 29
antisperm antibody test, 26
blood hormone, 47
CBC, 34 table 2.7
chorionic villus sampling (CVS), 234, 242, 243
chromosomes, 228, 232, 233 table 13.1, 235 table 13.3, 242
clomiphene citrate challenge (CCCT), 31, 31 table 2.5, 32, 32 table 2.6
computer assisted semen analysis (CASA), 50 table 3.4
estrogesn/estradiol (E2) levels, 29, 30, 49, 57, 116
fetal, 242
FHS levels, 29, 30, 31, 31 table 2.5, 32 table 2.6, 49, 116
genetic blood, 47
glucose level, 58
glucose-to-insulin ratio, 58 table 4.2
glucose tolerance, 29
gonorrhea, 34 table 2.7
hepatitis A, B, and C, 34 table 2.7
HIV, 34 table 2.7
hormonal evaluation, 29, 49, 58, 81
HSG (hysterosalpingogram), 28, 33, 63, 64
human zona pellucida binding test, 50 table 3.4
hypoosmotic swelling test, 50 table 3.4
insulin resistance, 29, 57, 58, 81
ovarian reserve, 29–30, 31 table 2.5
ovulation, confirmation of, 28–29
peroxidase staining, 50 table 3.4
post-coital (PCT), 62
preexisting conditions and diseases, 34 table 2.7
progesterone, 29 table 2.4
RH factor, 34 table 2.7
rubella, 34 table 2.7
scrotal ultrasonography, 47
SCSA (sperm chromatin structure assay), 50 table 3.4
semen analysis, 24–27, 25 table 2.1, 26 table 2.2, 47, 73
semen culture, 50 table 3.4
semen fructose, 50 table 3.4
sperm count, 50 table 3.4
sperm penetration assay, 50 table 3.4
syphilis, 34 table 2.7
thyroid function, 116
thyroid hormone levels, 49
thyroid-stimulating hormone levels, 29, 57
trans-rectal ultrasonography, 47
ultrasound, 28, 29, 47, 58, 61, 117, 119, 139, 223, 242
vital staining, 50 table 3.4
See also Genetic screening
Tetracycline, 142 table 8.3
Therapeutic cloning, 272, 272 table 16.1, 284, 286
Thermometer, BBT, 102
Third party reproduction
cost, 184 table 9.2
embryo donation, 167–168
laws about, 181–183, 182 figure 9.5, 183 table 9.1
questions to ask, 185
sperm donation, 160
See also Egg donation; Surrogacy
Thyroid function, 116
Thyroid hormone levels, 49
Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), 29
Tietze, Christopher, 4
Tobacco, 12, 33, 43 table 3.2, 56 table 4.1, 82, 83–84
Totipotent cells, 270
Touirat, Quarda, 275
Toxins, environmental/occupational, 43 table 3.2, 44, 56 table 4.1, 75
Trans-rectal ultrasonography, 47
Transfer of embryos, 152–153
Treatment options, 97 table 6.1, 112 figure 6.5, 114
Trichomonas, 84 table 5.4
Triple marker screen, 234, 242
Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), 234, 242
TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), 29
Tubal ligation, 99 table 6.2
Turner syndrome, 234, 235 table 13.3
Twelve-week fertility program, 72
Twins, identical, 284
Ultrasounds, 28, 29, 47, 58, 61, 117, 119, 139, 223, 242
Unconjugated estriol, 242
Underwear, 13
Urologists, 16, 16 table 1.2, 41, 46, 47, 53–54
Uterine artery embolization (UAE), 66
Uterine fibroid embolization (UFE), 66
Uterus didelphys, 64 table 4.3
Uterus (womb)
abnormalities of, 64, 64 table 4.3
fertility issues of, 64–66
reproduction and, 6 figure 1.1, 7, 8 table 1.1
scar formation in, 62
transplanted or artificial, 279–280
Vagina (birth canal), 6 figure 1.1, 7
Vaginal agenesis, 64
Vaporizing ovarian tissue, 59
Varicoceles, 44–47
Vas deferens, 44, 48 table 3.3, 49, 50, 51 figure 3.1, 52
Vegetables, 74–75
Vital staining, 50 table 3.4
Vitamin A, 79 table 5.2
Vitamin A derivatives, 132
Vitamin E, 79 table 5.2
Vitamins, 72, 74, 78, 143 table 8.5
in foods, 77 table 5.1
importance of, 76
Womb. See Uterus
World Health Organization (WHO), semen analysis standards, 25 table 2.1, 26, 26 table 2.2
Wurn, Belinda and Larry, 89–90
Y chromosome microdeletion, 49
Yeast infection, 84 table 5.4
Yoga, 93
ZIFT (zygote intrafallopian transfer), 136, 136 table 8.1
Zinc, 53, 74, 79 table 5.2
Zona pellucida, 50 table 3.4, 147, 148, 149
Zygote. See Embryos
Zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT), 136