
Page numbers in bold indicate illustrations.

Aaron’s beard, 338–39

abelia, glossy, 98, 169, 171, 314–15

Abelia × grandiflora, 98, 169, 171, 314–15

Abies spp., 19, 128, 134, 164, 314–15

Acer spp. See maple

Acer campestre, 171, 178

Acer capillipes, 21

Acer griseum, 20, 314–15

Acer palmatum, 19, 21, 186, 314–15

Acer rubrum, 61–63, 62, 63, 314–15

Acer saccharinum, 25, 26

Acer saccharum, 18

Actinidia spp., 196, 203, 204, 314–15

Aesculus glabra, 314–15

Aesculus hippocastanum, 192

Aesculus parviflora, 97

Aesculus pavia, 19

akebia, five-leaf, 203, 316–17

Akebia quinata, 203, 316–17

alder, 18, 316–17

almond, 217, 222, 295, 354–55

Alnus spp., 18, 316–17

Alnus glutinosa, 316–17

Amelanchier spp., 106, 316–17

Amur cork tree, 19, 350–51

andromeda, 128, 352–53

angelica, Japanese, 104, 316–17


bare-root, 226

columnar shaped, 18

delayed bearing, 240

dwarf, 226, 226

espalier, 185

five-in-one, 232–33

how to shape, 221–22, 231, 231

‘Liberty’, 22

pruning tips, 215, 252

semi-dwarf, 228–29, 228

suckers on, 241, 241

thinning fruit, 236, 237

time to prune, 220–21

topiary, 178

See also crab apple


espalier, 185

how to shape, 222, 234–35

pruning tips, 215, 257–58, 354–55

thinning fruit, 237

time to prune, 217, 220

aralia, variegated five-leaf, 168

Aralia elata, 104, 316–17

arborists, 90

arbors, 270

arborvitae, 134

American, 18

hedges, 128, 147–48, 165, 171

pruning tips, 23, 362–63

screens & windbreaks, 147–48, 148

as specimen trees, 144–45

Arbutus menziesii, 21, 316–17

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, 212, 316–17

Aristolochia durior, 316–17

Aronia spp., 107

Aronia arbutifolia, 97


Fraxinus spp., 332–33

mountain, 18, 358–59

Aucuba japonica, 128, 316–17

avocado, 264

azalea, 97, 128, 151, 356–57

Balled-and-burlapped trees, 78

bamboo, heavenly, 107, 128, 348–49


common (European), 166, 167

hedges, 161

Japanese, 166

pruning tips, 318–19

William Penn, 166–67, 168

wintergreen, 168

bare-root shrubs, 74–75, 75, 110, 110

bare-root trees, 79, 79


colorful, 21, 108

damage to, 12

included, 55, 56

basal pruning. See limbing up basswood, 19, 362–63

bayberry, 106, 107, 164, 348–49

bay laurel, 128

espalier, 186

pruning tips, 154, 344–45

root pruning, 70

topiary, 178

bearberry, 212, 316–17

beautyberry, purple, 97, 318–19

beauty bush, 97, 342–43


European, 18, 19, 20, 165, 178, 330–31

hedges, 165

natural form of, 18, 19, 20

pruning tips, 330–31

sap from, 29

topiary, 178

Berberis spp., 161, 318–19

Berberis julianae, 168

Berberis thunbergii, 166

Berberis vulgaris, 166, 167

Berberis × gladwynensis, 166–67, 168

berry-producing shrubs, 10, 106, 107

See also bush fruits

Betula spp., 318–19

Betula lenta, 19

Betula nigra, 19, 21

Betula papyrifera, 21

Bignonia capreolata, 203, 318–19

birch, 318–19

paper, 21

river, 19, 21

sweet, 19

bittersweet, 204

American, 203, 322–23

ground covers, 212

oriental, 167

blackberry, 286, 289, 289, 291, 292

blackhaw, 167

black knot, 263

blood trumpet, 328–29 367


cutting off, 102, 102

on new vs. old wood, 96, 97, 98–99, 98, 99

bluebeard, 97, 322–23

blueberry, 11, 279–82, 362–63

highbush, 280, 280

lowbush, 212, 282

bonsai, 70

boxwood, 127, 128

hedges, 161, 164, 165

littleleaf, 171

pruning tips, 318–19

topiary, 178

boysenberry, 286, 292

brambles, 196, 267, 286–94, 287, 288, 289, 291

branch collar, 12, 29, 63, 63, 67


angle of connection, 25

buds on, 50–51, 51, 52–53, 53, 54–55, 55

crossing and rubbing, 11, 11, 83, 83

heading back, 49, 52–56, 53, 54, 55, 58, 61–63, 62, 63

pruning tips, 12, 52–56, 53, 54, 55, 56

scaffold, 80, 81, 81

splitting off, 89

See also thinning

bridal wreath, 31

broom, 97, 328–29


bottlebrush, 97

Ohio, 314–15

red, 19

buddleia (Buddleia spp.), 169

Buddleia alternifolia, 318–19

Buddleia davidii, 97, 318–19


disbudding, 22

dormant, 51, 51, 140, 140

growth of, 50–51, 51

terminal, 50–51, 51, 140, 140

where to cut and, 52–53, 53, 54–55, 55

burning bush, 330–31

bush clover, 97, 344–45

bush fruits, 11, 11, 267, 279–82

butterfly bush, 97, 318–19

butternut, 295, 306–10, 307

butternut canker, 308

buttonbush, 104, 322–23

Buxus spp., 127, 128, 161, 164, 165, 178, 318–19

Buxus microphylla, 171

Callicarpa spp., 97, 318–19

Calluna vulgaris, 212, 320–21

Calocedrus decurrens, 128, 320–21

camellia (Camellia spp.), 128, 151, 179, 186, 320–21

Campsis radicans, 203, 211, 212, 320–21

candling, 137–38, 138, 312

cane borer, 294

Caragana arborescens, 106

Carica papaya, 264

Carpinus spp., 29, 191, 320–21

Carpinus betulus, 18, 19, 165, 178, 191

Carya spp., 295, 303–5, 304, 320–21

Carya glabra, 303

Carya illinoinensis, 295, 297, 302–5

Carya laciniosa, 303

Carya tomentosa, 303

Caryopteris × clandonensis, 97, 322–23

Castanea dentata, 299

Castanea mollissima, 299–300

catalpa (Catalpa spp.)

coppicing, 189

golden, 189

Indian bean tree, 190, 322–23

pollarding, 192

Southern, 322–23

umbrella, 19

Catalpa bignonioides, 189, 190, 322–23

cat’s-claw creeper, 346–47

cavities, tree, 89–90

cedar, 19, 128

blue Atlas, 186

California incense-cedar, 128, 320–21

Japanese, 128, 326–27

pruning tips, 134, 322–23

Cedrus spp., 19, 128, 134, 322–23

Cedrus atlantica, 186

Celastrus orbiculatus, 167

Celastrus scandens, 203, 322–23

Celtis occidentalis, 20, 136, 322–23

central leader, 221, 224, 229, 229, 252–53

Cephalanthus occidentalis, 104, 322–23

Cephalotaxus spp., 128, 133

Cephalotaxus harringtonii, 322–23

Cercidiphyllum japonicum, 19, 20, 322–23

Cercis spp., 191, 324–25

Chaenomeles spp., 168, 186, 324–25

chain saws, 43–44, 44

Chamaecyparis spp., 128, 134, 324–25

chaste tree, 104, 364–65


coppicing, 191

espalier, 185

flowering, 20, 95, 354–56

Hally Jolivette, 104

how to shape, 221–22

life span, 88

pruning tips, 252–53, 253, 354–55

purple-leaf sand, 354–55

suckers on, 241

thinning, 215

time to prune, 217

weeping, 20

cherry laurel, 128, 171, 354–55

chestnut, 295, 299–300

American, 299

Chinese, 299–300

China fir, 128, 328–29

Chionanthus spp., 324–25

chocolate vine, 316–17

chokeberry, 97, 107

cinquefoil, shrubby, 10, 354–55

citrus (Citrus spp.), 185, 253–54

cleanup, 11, 312

clematis (Clematis spp.), 202, 203, 208–10, 209

on houses, 204

pruning tips, 10, 324–25

sweet autumn, 198

Clematis alpina, 209

Clematis montana, 209

clethra (Clethra spp.), 108, 324–25

Clethra alnifolia, 97, 98–99, 98, 99, 171, 324–25

climate differences, 13

clippers, 35, 35, 143

columnar trees, 16, 18

conifers, 30, 31, 130–48

See also evergreens

container-grown trees, 80

coppicing, 189–91, 190, 312

coralberry, 360–61

cordons, 186–88, 187

Cornelian cherry dogwood, 19

Cornus spp., 16, 19, 108, 190, 191, 326–27

Cornus alba, 108, 190

Cornus kousa, 19

Cornus mas, 19

Cornus sanguinea, 108

Cornus sericea, 108

Corylus spp., 19, 295, 301–2

Corylus avelana, 301

Cotinus spp., 326–27

Cotinus coggygria, 190, 191

cotoneaster (Cotoneaster spp.)

berry-producing, 10, 106–7

espalier, 186

ground cover, 203, 211, 212

hedges, 169, 171, 178

pruning tips, 326–27

Cotoneaster lucidus, 171, 178

crab apple

espalier, 181–82, 181, 185

hedges, 169

how to shape, 222

pruning tips, 17, 22, 94, 94, 346–47

Sargent, 19, 106

topiary, 178

cranberry, 279

crape myrtle, 97, 342–43

Crataegus spp., 107, 168, 186, 326–27

cross vine, 203, 318–19

crotch, narrow, 13, 56, 238–39, 238, 239

crown galls, 85, 85

Cryptomeria japonica, 128, 326–27

Cunninghamia lanceolata, 128, 328–29

Cupressus macrocarpa, 128, 328–29

currants, 279, 282–83, 283

Cydonia oblonga, 222, 263, 263


bald, 18, 130, 133, 360–61

false, 128, 134, 324–25

Monterey, 128, 328–29

Cytisus spp., 97, 328–29

Daphne (Daphne spp.), 328–29

deadheading, 99, 152, 312

deciduous shade trees. See shade trees

deciduous shrubs. See flowering shrubs

deer, 143, 191

deutzia (Deutzia spp.), 97, 328–29

dewberry, 196, 286, 292

Diervilla sessilifolia, 96, 97, 328–29

disbudding, 22

diseases, 88, 88, 251, 292

Distictis buccinatoria, 328–29


bloodtwig, 108

coppicing, 190, 191

Cornelian cherry, 19

golden/yellow twig, 108

Kousa, 19

pruning tips, 17, 326–27

red osier, 108

redtwig, 108, 190

tartarian, 108

time to prune, 31

dormancy, 28, 30, 97, 107

dormant buds, 51, 51, 140, 140

dutchman’s-pipe, 316–17

dwarf varieties, 24, 131, 136, 146

Elderberry, 279, 285–86, 286, 358–59

Eleutherococcus sieboldianus, 168


American, 20

lacebark (Chinese), 21, 362–63

empress tree, 350–51

Erica carnea, 212, 330–31

espalier, 179–86, 180, 181, 183, 184, 312

Euonymus alatus, 330–31

Euonymus fortunei, 200, 202, 203, 330–31

evergreens, 15, 125–54

broadleaf, 30, 128, 148–54, 161

dwarf, 131, 136, 146

hedges, 59–60, 60, 128, 139–44, 164

landscaping with, 126, 127

narrow-leaf (needled), 128, 129– 48, 135

pinching back, 132, 143

as shade trees, 78

shearing, 128, 132, 136, 139–44, 140, 161

as specimen trees, 144–46, 145

time to prune, 30, 31, 141

topiary, 178

witches’-brooms on, 136

Fagus sylvatica, 18, 19, 20, 165, 178, 330–31

Fallopia baldschuanica, 167, 203, 204, 330–31

Fatsia japonica, 330–31

Ficus carica, 185, 222, 255, 255

fig, 185, 222, 255, 255

filbert, 19, 295, 301–2


China, 128, 328–29

Douglas, 134

hedges, 128, 164

natural form of, 19

pruning tips, 314–15

specimen trees, 144

fire blight, 260, 263

firethorn, 179

berry-producing, 106, 107

espalier, 186

hedges, 168, 169

pruning tips, 356–57

flowering, improving, 22

flowering shrubs, 91, 96–108

blooms on old vs. new wood, 97, 98–99, 98, 99

cutting off blooms, 102, 102

espalier, 186

hedges, 169–71, 169

time to prune, 96, 97, 107

flowering trees, 30, 91, 92–95, 93, 94

forsythia (Forsythia spp.)

espalier, 186

hedges, 161–62, 169, 171

pruning tips, 96, 97, 332–33

Forsythia × intermedia, 332–33

fothergilla (Fothergilla spp.), 97, 332–33

Franklinia alatamaha, 332–33

Franklin tree, 332–33

Fraxinus spp., 332–33

fringe tree, 324–25

fruit, thinning, 235–38, 236, 237

fruiting, improving, 22

fruit trees, 13, 213–66

basic guidelines for, 11, 11

in containers, 218, 232

cordons, 186–88, 187

dwarf varieties, 221–22, 232

espalier, 179–86, 180, 181, 183, 184, 218

galls on, 85, 85

grafted, 213, 266

how to shape, 221–35, 224, 225

neglected, 214, 246–50, 247, 249, 250

as ornamentals, 216

planting, 227, 227

problems on, 238–51, 238, 239

semi-dwarf, 221–22, 222

spur-type, 230, 230

standard, 222

suckers on, 241–42, 241

time to prune, 30, 217–21, 257

tropical, 264–65

water sprouts on, 218, 235, 242, 242

Gardenia, 332–33

Gardenia jasminoides, 332–33

Garrya elliptica, 106, 332–33

germander, wall, 362–63

giant sequoias, 88

ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), 19, 186, 334–35

Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis, 19, 178, 334–35

glossy abelia, 98, 169, 171, 314–15

gold-dust plant, 128, 316–17

golden-chain tree, 342–43

golden rain tree, 342–43


Ribes spp., 11, 279, 282–84, 283

Siberian (Actinidia spp.), 314–15

grafted trees, 92–93, 93, 213, 266

grapefruit, 253

grapes, 202, 203, 267–78, 269

espalier, 183

Kniffen system, 271, 272–75, 272, 273, 274

neglected, 276–78, 276, 277, 278

pruning tips, 196–97, 364–65

ground covers, woody, 195, 211–12

growth, plant, 50–51, 51


black, 18, 348–49

sweet, 344–45

Hackberry, 20, 136, 322–23

Halesia carolina, 334–35

Hamamelis spp., 97

Hamamelis × intermedia, 334–35

hawthorn, 107, 168, 186, 326–27

hazelnut, 19, 295, 301–2

heading back, 49, 312

evergreens, 137

flowering trees, 93

large limbs, 61–63, 62, 63

shrubs, 58

where to cut, 52–56, 53, 54, 55

heath, 212, 330–31

heather, scotch, 212, 318–19

Hedera spp., 203, 204, 212, 334–35

Hedera helix, 167, 176, 202, 204, 212

Hedera hibernica, 212

hedges, 155–72

archway in, 162–63, 163

barrier, 168

evergreen, 31, 59–60, 60, 128, 139–44, 164

flowering, 161–62, 169–71, 169

formal, 158–59, 158, 159, 165

low-maintenance, 171

overgrown, 164

roses, 118, 118, 161, 170

shapes for, 160, 160

shearing, 31, 59–61, 60, 157–64

types of, 165–72

uses for, 156, 156

vines as, 196

hedge shears, 45, 47, 48, 59, 142, 164–65, 165


Carolina, 145

Eastern, 20, 145

hedges, 23, 128, 147–48, 164

Japanese, 19

mountain, 145

pruning tips, 134, 362–63

shearing, 139

specimen trees, 144–45, 145

hemp tree. See chaste tree

Heptacodium miconioides, 334–35

herbs, woody, 154

Hibiscus syriacus, 97, 106, 171, 336–37

hickory, 295, 303–5, 304, 320–21

holly, 128

American, 18, 126, 152, 167

blue, 338–39

English, 18

espalier, 186

false, 168, 348–49

hedges, 161–62, 164, 165, 171

Japanese, 18, 161, 338–39

Oregon grape, 346–47

pruning tips, 152, 338–39, 348–49

topiary, 178, 186

holly osmanthus, 168, 348–49

holly tea olive, 168, 348–49

honey locust, thornless, 19, 178, 334–35

honeysuckle, 10, 202, 204

bush, 96, 97, 328–29

coral (trumpet), 203, 212, 346–47

hedges, 169

Japanese, 167

pruning tips, 328–29, 346–47


coppicing, 191

European, 18, 19, 165, 178, 191

pruning tips, 320–21

sap from, 29

topiary, 165, 178

horse chestnut, 192

horticultural names, 16

hydrangea (Hydrangea spp.), 10

bigleaf, 31, 103, 336–37

climbing, 24, 104, 202, 203, 212, 336–37

coppicing, 190

espalier, 186

oakleaf, 31, 104, 338–39

peegee, 103, 336–37

pruning tips, 336–37, 338–39

smooth, 103, 336–37

time to prune, 31

tree shaped, 104–6, 105

Hydrangea anomala, 24, 202, 336–37

Hydrangea arborescens, 103, 336–37

Hydrangea macrophylla, 31, 103, 336–37

Hydrangea paniculata, 103, 336–37

Hydrangea petiolaris, 104, 203, 212, 336–37

Hydrangea quercifolia, 31, 104, 338–39

Hypericum spp., 170

Hypericum calycinum, 338–39

Ice damage, 80

Ilex spp., See holly

Ilex aquifolium, 18

Ilex crenata, 18, 161, 338–39

Ilex glabra, 171

Ilex opaca, 18, 126, 152, 167

Ilex verticillata, 106, 107, 338–39

Ilex × meserveae, 338–39

incense-cedar, California, 128, 320–21

Indian bean tree, 190, 322–23

inkberry, 171

invasive plants, 166–67, 167

Itea virginica, 97


Boston, 202, 203, 204, 350–51

English, 167, 176, 202, 204, 212

ground covers, 212

on houses, 204

pruning tips, 334–35, 350–51

Japanese fatsia, 330–31

Japanese pittosporum, 165, 352–53

Japanese plum yew, 322–23

Japanese podocarpus, 178, 354–55

Japanese tree lilac, 92

Japanese zelkova, 20, 178, 364–65


hardy (poet’s), 340–41

pruning tips, 340–41, 362–63

star (confederate), 203, 204, 362–63

winter, 108, 186, 340–41

Jasminum nudiflorum, 108, 186, 340–41

Jasminum officinale, 340–41

Juglans spp., 29, 295, 297, 306–10, 307, 309

Juglans cinerea, 295, 306–10, 307

Juglans nigra, 295, 306–7, 307

Juglans regia, 307–8


berries, 130

columnar, 18

creeping, 26, 147

ground covers, 212

hedges, 128

pruning tips, 134, 340–41

rejuvenating, 132–33

topiary, 178

Juniperus spp.. See juniper

Juniperus scopulorum, 18

Kadsura, 203, 340–41

Kadsura japonica, 203, 340–41

Kalmia latifolia, 151, 340–41

katsura, 19, 20, 322–23

kerria, Japanese, 98, 108, 342–43

Kerria japonica, 98, 108, 342–43

kiwi, 196, 203, 204, 314–15

Kniffen system, 271, 272–75, 272, 273, 274

knives, 46, 143

Koelreuteria paniculata, 342–43

Kolkwitzia amabilis, 97, 342–43

kolomikta vine, 314–15

Kousa dogwood, 19

kumquat, 254

Laburnum × watereri, 342–43

lacebark elm, 21

Lagerstroemia indica, 97, 342–43

larch, 19, 20, 130, 342–43

Larix spp., 19, 130, 342–43

Larix decidua, 20

lateral buds, 50–51, 51

lateral pruning. See heading back

Laurus nobilis, 70, 128, 154, 178, 186, 344–45

Lavandula spp., 154

Lavandula angustifolia, 344–45

lavender, 154, 344–45

leaders, 80, 81, 83, 83, 135

central, 221, 224, 229, 229, 252–53

fruit trees, 221–22, 224–25, 224, 225

modified central, 222, 224

lemon, 253, 254, 254

Lespedeza thunbergii, 97, 344–45

Ligustrum spp., 161, 164, 166, 344–45

Ligustrum sinense, 167

Ligustrum vulgare, 167, 167

lilac, 10, 99–101, 99

common, 186

heading back, 96

hedges, 164, 169

pruning tips, 99–100, 360–61

renewing old, 100–101, 101

root pruning, 72

time to prune, 31

limbing up, 49, 64–68, 65, 66, 84, 312

lime, 253

linden, 178, 191, 192, 362–63

Liquidambar styraciflua, 344–45

Liriodendron tulipifera, 26, 63–64, 344–45

live oak, 19


black, 191

honey, 19, 178, 334–35

Lonicera spp., 10, 169, 202, 204

Lonicera japonica, 167

Lonicera sempervirens, 203, 212, 346–47

loppers, 36, 36

Lorette method, 219

loropetalum, 178, 346–47

Loropetalum chinense, 128, 178, 346–47

Macfadyena unguis-cati, 346–47

machete, 46

Maclura pomifera, 168

madrone, 21, 316–17

magnolia (Magnolia spp.)

espalier, 186

pruning tips, 346–47

saucer, 19

Southern, 126, 127, 128

sweetbay, 19

Magnolia grandiflora, 126, 127, 128

magnolia vine, 200–201, 200, 201, 203, 358–59

Magnolia virginiana, 19

Magnolia × soulangiana, 19

mahonia (Mahonia spp.), 128, 346–47

Mahonia aquifolium, 346–47

Malus spp.. See apple; crab apple

Malus sargentii, 19, 106

Mangifera indica, 264

mango, 264


hedge, 171, 178

Japanese, 19, 21, 186, 314–15

paperbark, 20, 314–15

pruning low branches off, 61–63, 62, 63

pruning tips, 314–15

red, 61–63, 62, 63, 314–15

sap from, 29

silver, 25, 26

snakebark, 21

sugar, 18

witches’-brooms on, 136

Metasequoia glyptostroboides, 130

miniature varieties, 131, 136

mockernut, 303

mock orange

Japanese, 165, 352–53

sweet, 97, 170, 350–51

modified central leader, 222, 224

morning glory, 202

mountain ash, 18, 92, 358–59

mountain laurel, 151, 340–41

Myrica pensylvanica, 106, 107, 164, 348–49

Names, horticultural, 16

Nandina domestica, 107, 128, 348–49

nectarine, 222, 237, 255–57, 256

Nerium oleander, 106, 170, 348–49

new wood, 96, 98–99, 98, 99

ninebark, 161, 164, 352–53

nut trees, 295–310

as shade trees, 295, 296–99, 297

time to prune, 296

Nyssa sylvatica, 18, 348–49


English, 18

galls on, 84–85, 85

live, 19

pruning tips, 356–57

shade from, 17

white, 19

witches’-brooms on, 136

old man’s beard, 324–25

old wood, 96, 98–99, 98, 99

Olea europaea, 178, 264

oleander, 106, 170, 348–49

olive, 178, 264

open center, 256, 256

oranges, 253

Oregon grape holly, 346–47

osage orange, 168

Osmanthus spp., 128

Osmanthus heterophyllus, 168, 348–49

Oxydendrum arboreum, 348–49

Paeonia suffruticosa, 348–49

papaya, 264

paper birch, 21

Parthenocissus spp., 350–51

Parthenocissus quinquefolia, 202, 203, 212

Parthenocissus tricuspidata, 202, 203, 204, 350–51

Passiflora spp., 350–51

Passiflora caerulea, 197–98, 203

passionflower, 197–98, 203, 350–51

Paulownia tomentosa, 350–51


espalier, 185

how to shape, 222

planting, 222

pruning tips, 215, 255–57, 256, 354–55

thinning fruit, 237

time to prune, 217, 257


Asian, 232

Bradford, 89

delayed bearing by, 240

dwarf, 228, 232

espalier, 185

how to shape, 221–22, 229–30, 229

ornamental, 356–57

pruning tips, 258–59, 259

thinning fruit on, 237

pecan, 295, 297, 302–5

Persea spp., 264

persimmon, 221–22

Phellodendron amurense, 19, 350–51

Philadelphia coronarius, 97, 170, 350–51

photinia, Fraser, 350–51

Photinia × fraseri, 350–51

Physocarpus opulifolius, 161, 164, 352–53

Picea spp.. See spruce

Picea abies, 20

Picea glauca, 178

Picea pungens, 127, 144, 145–46, 168

Pieris spp., 128, 352–53

pignut, 303

pinching back, 49, 57–58, 57, 312

evergreens, 132, 143

pines, 137–38, 138

roses, 116, 116

pine, 126

controlling the size of, 137–38, 138,

hedges, 128

Japanese red, 138

limbing up, 66, 66

pruning tips, 352–53

Scotch, 58–59

as specimen trees, 144

Swiss stone, 18

white, 18, 20, 138

yew, 354–55

Pinus spp.. See pine

Pinus bungeana, 21

Pinus cembra, 18

Pinus strobus, 18, 20, 138

Pinus thunbergiana, 138

Pittosporum tobira, 165, 352–53

plane tree, London, 19, 21, 192, 352–53

plant growth, 50–51, 51

Platanus × acerifolia, 19, 21, 192

Platanus × hispanica, 352–53


American, 260, 262

coppicing, 191

Damson, 233–34, 234

espalier, 185

European, 260, 262

how to shape, 221–22, 231

Japanese, 260, 261

pruning tips, 215, 260–63, 261, 354–55

suckers on, 241

thinning fruit on, 237

time to prune, 217

Podocarpus spp., 128, 165

Podocarpus chinensis, 178, 354–55

pole pruners, 37, 37

pole saws, 43, 43

pollarding, 191–94, 192, 193, 194, 312

pomegranate, 107, 264, 356–57

poplar, 18, 88, 191, 354–55

Populus spp., 88, 191

Populus nigra, 18, 354–55

possumhaw, 106

Potentilla fruticosa, 10, 354–55

potentilla hedges, 164

princess tree, 350–51

privet, 161, 164, 166, 344–45

Chinese, 167

European, 167, 167

pruners, 35, 35


for appearances, 14–15

artistic, 172–94

basic guidelines for, 11, 11

benefits of, 9

to enhance natural form, 16–21

for healthy plants, 10–13

for safety, 26

techniques for, 49–76, 312–13

time of year for, 27–31

pruning tools. See tools

Prunus spp., 88, 104, 354–55

See also apricot; cherry; peach; plum

Prunus americana, 260, 262

Prunus armeniaca. See apricot

Prunus avium, 252–53

Prunus cerasus, 252–53

Prunus domestica, 260, 262

Prunus dulcis, 217, 222, 295, 298–99

Prunus insititia, 260

Prunus ‘Kwanzan’, 20

Prunus laurocerasus, 128, 171, 354–55

Prunus persica. See peach

Prunus salicina, 260, 261

Prunus subhirtella, 20

Prunus × cistena, 354–55

Pseudotsuga menziesii, 134

Punica granatum, 107, 264, 356–57

pyracantha, 164

Pyracantha coccinea, 106, 107, 168, 169, 186, 356–57

pyramidal trees, 16, 18–19, 145, 145, 221

Pyrus spp.. See pear

Pyrus calleryana, 356–57

Pyrus communis, 258–59

Quercus spp., 84–85, 85, 136, 356–57

Quercus alba, 19

Quercus robur, 18

Quercus virginiana, 19


flowering, 168, 186, 324–25

fruiting, 222, 263, 263


flowering, 358–59

fruiting, 286–94, 287, 288, 289, 291

redbud, 191, 324–25

redtip, 350–51

redwood, 130, 133

renewal, 100–101, 101, 312

renovating, 190, 312

rhododendron (Rhododendron spp.), 127, 128

deadheading, 152

pruning tips, 150–51, 150, 356–57

root pruning, 73–74, 73, 74

time to prune, 97

Ribes spp., 11, 279, 282–83, 282–84, 283

root-ball, 70–72

root pruning, 49, 68–76, 312

conifers, 147

container plants, 70, 70

for planting, 73–75, 73, 74, 75

for transplanting, 68–69, 70–72, 71, 72

Rosa spp. See roses

Rosa eglanteria, 119, 120

Rosa moschata, 119

Rosa rugosa, 107, 112, 119, 120, 168

Rosa setigera, 203

Rosa wichuraiana, 203, 212

rose hips, 119

rosemary, 154, 178, 179, 358–59

rose of Sharon, 97, 106, 171, 336–37

roses, 10, 109–24

bare-root, 110, 110

cabbage, 120

climbing, 120–23, 121, 122

English, 119–20

floribunda, 111, 116, 117, 124

grandiflora, 116, 117, 124

hedges of, 118, 118, 161, 170

hybrid tea, 111, 113–17, 115, 116, 124, 204

memorial, 203, 212

moss, 120

musk, 119

polyantha, 111

prairie, 203

pruning tips, 111, 111, 358–59

rambling, 120–22, 121, 122, 202, 203

rugosa, 107, 112, 119, 120, 168

shrub, 119

species and old, 120

sweetbriar, 119, 120

time to prune, 107, 113

tree (standards), 124, 124

on a trellis, 122–23, 122, 123

Rosmarinus officinalis, 154, 178, 179, 358–59

rounded trees, 16, 19

Rubus spp., 196, 267, 286–94, 287, 288, 289, 291

Rubus odoratus, 358–59

Safety, 39–40, 44, 47, 90

Saint John’s wort, 170, 338–39

Salix alba, 108, 190, 191

Salix babylonica, 20

Salix × sepulcralis, 20, 21, 358–59

Sambucus spp., 279, 285–86, 286, 358–59

sand cherry, purple-leaf, 354–55

sanitation, 251

sap, 29

sapphire berry, 360–61

saws, 42–44, 42, 43, 44

schisandra, 358–59

Schisandra chinesis, 200–201, 200, 201, 358–59

Schisandra propinqua, 200–201, 200, 201, 203

screens & windbreaks, 147–48, 148, 196

Sequoia spp., 133

Sequoiadendron giganteum, 88

serviceberry, 106, 316–17

seven-son flower, 334–35

shadbush, 316–17

shade, 17

shade trees, 76–90

maintenance of, 83–85, 83

natural form of, 16–21

nut trees as, 295, 296–99, 297

planting, 78–80, 79

pruning older trees, 86–90

root pruning, 71–72, 71, 72

structure of, 80–82, 81, 82, 87

shaping, 16–20, 64, 81–82, 313

shearing, 49

evergreens, 128, 132, 136, 139– 44, 140, 161

hedges, 59–61, 60, 157–64

principles of, 141

time of year to do, 31

tips for, 161

tools for, 45–48, 45, 164–65, 165

shellbark, 303

shrubby cinquefoil, 10, 354–55


bare-root, 74–75, 75, 110, 110

berry-producing, 10, 106, 107

controlling the size of, 23–24

galls on, 85, 85

heading back, 58

natural form of, 16–17

pruning for appearances, 14–15

pruning for health and vigor, 10–13

time to prune, 27–31, 96, 97

tree shaped, 104–6, 105

See also bush fruits; flowering shrubs

shrub-to-tree, 104–6, 105, 313

Siberian pea shrub, 106

silk-tassel, 106, 332–33

silverbell, Carolina, 334–35

silver lace vine, 167, 203, 204, 330–31

skimmia, 128

Skimmia japonica, 128

smoke bush, 190, 191, 326–27

smoketree, American, 326–27

snips, 35, 35

snow, 232

snowberry, 360–61

Sorbus spp., 92, 358–59

Sorbus aucuparia, 18

sourwood, 348–49

specimen trees, 144–46, 145

spirea (Spirea spp.)

hedges, 164

pruning tips, 360–61

renaissance, 171

time to prune, 31

Spirea × vanhouttei, 171

spreading trees, 16, 19, 54–55, 55

spring-flowering plants, 31


blue, 127, 144, 145–46, 168

dwarf Alberta, 178

hedges, 128, 171

Norway, 20

planting, 132

pruning tips, 134, 352–53

screens & windbreaks, 147–48, 164

specimen trees, 144–45

spur blight, 293

standards, 179, 312

stewartia (Stewartia spp.), 21

suckers, 11, 11, 12, 313

from brambles, 292

on fruit trees, 218

on grafted trees, 92–93, 93

on shade trees, 83, 83

summersweet, 97, 98–99, 98, 99, 171, 324–25

sunlight, 17

sunscald, 243–45

sweet bay. See bay laurel

sweet-leaf, 360–61

sweet olive, 128

Symphoricarpos spp., 360–61

Symplocos paniculata, 360–61

Syringa spp. See lilac

Syringa reticulata, 92

Syringa vulgaris, 186

Tamarack, 130

taproots, 69

Taxodium spp., 18, 130, 133, 360–61

Taxodium distichum, 18

Taxus spp. See yew

Taxus cuspidata, 19, 171

terminal buds, 50–51, 51, 140, 140

Teucrium chamaedrys, 362–63

thinning, 49, 52, 93, 313

evergreens, 135, 137

fruit, 235–38, 236

fruit trees, 215

tulip trees, 63–64

Thuja spp. See arborvitae

Thuja occidentalis, 18

Tilia spp., 192, 362–63

Tilia americana, 19, 362–63

Tilia cordata, 178

tools, 33–48, 35, 36, 37, 45

disinfecting, 251

maintenance, 37–39

safety, 39–40, 44, 47

sharpening, 38–39, 38, 39

storage, 41, 41

topiary, 172, 174–78, 176, 313

topiary frames, 176–77, 177

topping trees, 49, 58–59

Trachelospermum jasminoides, 203, 204, 362–63

training, 313

transplanting, 68–69, 70–72, 71, 72

tree paint, 63

tree peony, 348–49


balled-and-burlapped, 78

bare-root, 79, 79

brittle-wooded, 25, 26, 63–64

cavities in, 89–90

container-grown, 80

controlling the size of, 23–24

crotch of, 23, 56, 56

flowering, 91, 92–95, 93, 94

grafted, 92–93, 93, 213, 266

how much to prune, 28, 87

life span of, 25

natural form of, 16–21

pollarding, 191–94, 192, 193, 194

pruning for appearances, 14–15

pruning for health and vigor, 10–13

pruning techniques, 49–68

root pruning, 71–72, 71, 72, 75–76

time to prune, 27–31, 55

topiary, 178

topping, 49, 58–59

See also fruit trees; shade trees

trellis, 122–23, 122, 123

tropical fruit, 264–65

trumpet creeper/vine, 203, 211, 212, 320–21

Tsuga spp., 23, 128, 134, 139, 144, 147–48, 362–63

Tsuga canadensis, 20, 145

Tsuga caroliniana, 145

Tsuga diversifolia, 19

Tsuga heterophylla, 145

Tsuga mertensiana, 145

tulip tree, 26, 63–64, 344–45

Ulmus americana, 20

Ulmus parvifolia, 21, 362–63

Vaccinium spp., 11, 279–82, 362–63

Vaccinium angustifolium, 212, 282

Vaccinium corymbosum, 280, 280

vase-shaped trees, 20

viburnum (Viburnum spp.), 10, 96

blackhaw, 104, 167

espalier, 186

hedges, 170

Korean spice, 171

nannyberry, 104

pruning tips, 106–7, 364–65

root pruning, 72

siebold, 106

time to prune, 97, 98

tree shaped, 104, 106

Viburnum carlesii, 171

Viburnum lantana, 106

Viburnum lentago, 104

Viburnum nudum, 106

Viburnum prunifolium, 104, 167

Viburnum sieboldii, 106


clinging, 202, 203

edible fruit on, 196–97

on houses, 200–201, 200, 201, 204, 205–7, 205, 206–7

invasive, 167

overgrown, 199–200, 199

time to prune, 30

twining, 202, 203, 204

woody, 195–211, 199, 200, 201, 205, 206–7

Virginia creeper, 202, 203, 212, 350–51

Virginia sweetspire, 97

Vitex agnus-castus, 104, 364–65

Vitis spp. See grapes

Wall germander, 362–63

walnut, 29, 295, 306–10, 307, 309

black, 295, 306–7, 307

English, 307, 309–10, 309

Persian, 307–8

shade trees, 297

water sprouts, 11, 12–13, 93

on fruit trees, 218, 235, 242

wayfaring tree, 106

weeping trees, 16, 20

weigela (Weigela spp.), 97, 364–65

whitewashing, 244–45


coppicing, 191

coral bark, 108, 190, 191

golden weeping, 20, 21, 358–59

limbs lost from, 25

red-stem, 190

sap from, 29

strong structure for, 25

weeping, 20, 21, 358–59

witches’-brooms on, 136

windbreaks, 147–48, 148, 196

wind damage, 80

winterberry, 106, 107, 338–39

wintercreeper, 200, 202, 203, 330–31

winterkill, 245–46

wisteria (Wisteria spp.), 203

Chinese, 204

on houses, 205–7, 205, 206–7

Japanese, 204, 205

Kentucky, 205

pruning tips, 364–65

Wisteria macrostachya, 205

witches’-brooms, 136

witch hazel, 97

Chinese, 128

hybrid, 334–35

witherod, smooth, 106

woodbine, 350–51

woody herbs, 154

Yellowwood, 29

yew, 126

coppicing, 191

espalier, 186

hedges, 128, 165

Japanese, 128, 165, 178, 354–55

Japanese plum, 322–23

plum, 128, 133

pruning tips, 134, 360–61

rejuvenating, 133

shearing, 140, 164

topiary, 178

upright, 19, 171

youngberry, 286, 292

Zelkova, Japanese, 20, 178, 364–65

Zelkova serrulata, 20, 178, 364–65