Working for the hydrographic office, Navy Department, Washington
Doctor Knud Rasmussen and the author
Flapjacks and maple syrup for supper
Going home to see his missus. Walrus. Rough-legged hawks, young birds. Ringed seal
Eskimo remains. Excavated by Junius B. Bird of the Bartlett East Greenland Expedition
Two of the Morrissey’s mascots
A whitecoat. Young blue foxes. Young glaucous gulls
Norwegian hunter’s lodge on Shannon Island
Danish hunter of Northeast Greenland and his German police dogs
Elizabeth Angel, Captain Bartlett’s niece, feeds one of the muskox calves at Brigus, Newfoundland
Harry Whitney feeding the muskox calves
Repairs to the steering gear after a brush with the ice in Northeast Greenland – 1930
Loch Fine. Northeast Greenland
Morrissey taking water from a heavy pan of ice
It was touch and go for awhile with this one
One of the Angmagssalik hunters
Eskimo children of Pingitkalik had a visit from Santa Claus
The young musician. Eskimo boy. Angmagssalik
Stand by to receive our friends the Eskimos
Inughito, the author, and Ootah recall North Pole days with Peary, in the cabin of the Morrissey
Father Neptune comes on board crossing the Arctic Circle
Eskimo woman chewing seal skin. When soft
enough, this will be used for the soles of her
All hands easing berg along edge of ice
The dedication of the Peary monument
After dedication services. The Peary monument
Eskimo of village Pingitkalik. Melville Peninsula
Meat cache of rocks piled up to protect the meat from
Falls of Barrow River. Melville Peninsula
Captain Bartlett and his mother in the garden of his home, “Hawthorne,” Brigus, Newfoundland