6.1The most influential articles, book chapters, and conference papers on coopetition
6.2Synopsis of the four key phases in coopetition research
7.1Trust-building mechanisms: Conceptual framework
7.2Trust-building mechanisms’ roles in coopetition formation
8.1Main findings of selected literature
8.2Cooperation depending on location and type of partner
10.1Brief summary of different organizational culture models
10.2Data-gathering in aviation and the video game industry
13.1Research on tension management
13.2Current and future research on coopetitive tensions
14.1Management of different types of information
15.1Examples of relevant studies for the field of knowledge management in coopetition
18.1Coopetition capability: Different dimensions, what they consist of and result in
19.1Summary of concepts for managing coopetition at multiple levels
20.1Reconcilable assets and irreconcilable asymmetries in a start-up: Incumbent coopetition
21.1Summary of the existing literature on coopetitive portfolios
22.1A comparative analysis of governance mechanisms in the case of coopetitive groups
24.1Examples of patent pools and their characteristics
24.2Meta-organizations’ objectives in different cases of patent pools
24.3Coopetitive dimensions of market and non-market strategies in patent pools
25.1Meta-table on coopetition visuals
26.1Systematic review approach
26.2Overview of findings on the linkages between coopetition and innovation
29.1Coopetition and market performance: Overview of the research field
30.1A typology of value appropriation
30.2Descriptions of the six capitals
30.3The coopetition value matrix
31.1Comparison of coopetition-based business models
33.1Insights and future research perspectives on coopetitive marketing
34.1Coopetitive tensions and principles
34.2Cooperative and competitive activities
34.3Synthesis of management control mechanism and tools
34.4Integrative management accounting framework for banking network coopetitive tensions management
35.1Horizontal and vertical coopetition compared