Abdullah, Emir/King 18, 111, 114
Abrail, Admiral Jean-Marie 51, 391 n.36
Academy Awards (US film) 1
Acheson, Dean 151
Adenauer, Konrad 186, 302, 430 n.108
Admiralty (British) 20
Africa Bureau 73
African National Congress (ANC) 211, 214
Afrique Occidentale Française (AOF), see French West Africa
Alessandri, General Marcel 145–6
Alexander, Earl 279
Alger Républicain (newspaper) 305
Algeria: administration 196, 287–8, 297, 300, 304, 311–12, 327
atomic tests 263
Communism 295
development and social policy 288, 294–5, 326–8
legal basis for discrimination 297, 304, 335–6
security forces in xii, 287, 290–4, 298–300, 304–7, 316–19, 320–4, 326
Sétif uprising (1945) 1, 196, 199, 285, 287, 300–1
settler politics 89–90, 160, 287–8, 294–5, 320–1, 323–4
women 322, 462 n.134; see also Algerian War of Independence
Armée de Libération Nationale
Front de Libération Nationale
wars of decolonization
Algerian Communist Party 295
Algerian War of Independence xi–xii, 8, 74–5, 160, 269, 362
‘Barricades week’ (1960) 326, 328
boycotts 311
centres of war violence 287, 290, 294, 301–5, 309, 311, 313, 317–18, 325–6
Charonne demonstration (1962) 335
as civil war 290–1, 328–9, 333
as crisis of French values 292–3
economic costs 327
extended military powers in 177, 298–300
euphemism and, 301–2, 308–9, 314
forms of violence 289–92, 299–304, 311–12, 316–18, 321, 329
French military commitment in 187, 287, 299, 316–18
frontier barriers 317–18, 325–6, 331
Indochina hangover 177
intellectuals and, 293, 304, 332–3
internationalization of 306–9, 321, 351
media coverage of 305, 309, 321, 359–60, 466 n.73
mobilization of populations 8
negotiations 169, 171, 175, 181–3, 325–6, 328, 331–2, 426 n.29
17 October 1961 demonstration 333–4
‘peace of the brave’ (1958) 325
resettlement camps 313
provisional government 299
Sakiet Sidi-Youssef bombing (1958) 321
and settlers 176–7, 287–8, 294, 320–1, 323
and ‘special powers’ (1956) 298–9
and Suez Crisis 166, 168–9, 174–7, 180, 185–8
and torture xi–xii, 291–2, 303, 309–10, 317, 461 n.132
unveiling of women 322–3, 461 n.132, 462 n.134
see also Armée de Libération Nationale; Constantine massacre; decolonization; Evian talks; France; Front de Libération Nationale; Palestro massacre; wars of decolonization
torture centres 313
Allen, Charles 367
ALN, see Armée de Libération Nationale (ALN)
American League for a Free Palestine 112
American Revolution (1770s) 3
Amery, Julian 167, 175, 179, 184, 281, 424 n.18
Amirouche Aït Hamouda 293
Amis du Manifeste et de la Liberté (AML) 59
Ammar, Ali (Ali La Pointe) 312
Anderson, David (historian) 7, 163
Anglo-Egyptian treaty 168
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company 167
see also Ireland
anthropology 27
anti-colonialism: and national movements 16–17, 242, 267
and women’s movements 379 n.29
Anti-Fascist People’s Freedom League (AFPFL) 107–8
anti-Semitism in Palestine 114, 116
AOF, see French West Africa
Apithy, Sourou Migan 256
Arab Higher Committee (Palestine) 37, 110, 113–14
Arab Legion 172
d’Arboussier, Gabriel 257
d’Argenlieu, Admiral Georges Thierry 125–6, 414 n.139
Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders (in Palestine) 114
Armée Coloniale, see French Colonial Army
Armée de Libération Nationale (ALN) 175, 290–2, 300–1, 303–4, 313, 317–18, 321, 325–6, 329, 331, 454 n.3
Armitage, Sir Robert 214–15, 270
arms supplies, (Algerian) 180, 182, 306
(British) 128, 161–2, 278–81, 340, 452 n.76
(Egyptian) 173, 182, 426 n.42, 429 n.85
Army (British): in Cyprus 269–75
in Malaya 130
in Northern Ireland 365
possible use in Rhodesia 338–9
see also counter-insurgency; counter-terror; counter-terrorism; population control; wars of decolonization
Army (French), Algerian War and, 177–9, 185–7, 287, 290–2, 298–305, 313–14, 316–18, 320, 323, 325–9, 331–2, 360–1
alienation from civilian government 84, 159–60, 163, 177–9, 316–17, 320, 323, 328, 332, 362
brutalization 292, 300–4, 312–14
Indochina War and, 121–2, 142–60
Madagascar uprising and, 192, 194, 200–2, 206–7
protests and indiscipline 178, 304–5, 317, 320–1, 323, 328, 332
psychological warfare 303, 307, 317, 320–2, 328–9, 463 n.13
Section administrative urbaine (SAU) 321–2
Special Administrative Section (SAS) 306, 317
see also French Colonial Army; harkis; soldiers, North African; soldiers, West African
Arslan, Shakib 16
‘assimilation’, in French Empire 22, 236, 239, 259–60, 312
‘associationism’ (concept) 24–5
Athanassiou, Yiannakis 274
attentisme 320
Attlee, Prime Minister Clement 75, 97, 128, 281
post-war government of 75–7, 91–3, 101–2, 107–10, 112, 117–19, 136, 161–3, 402 n.47
Audin, Maurice
Audisio, Gabriel 294
Aung San, General U 107–9, 409 n.53
Aussaresses, Paul xii
auxiliaries (indigenous): role in colonial administration 28
in colonial security forces 8
Averoff, Evangelos 274
Awolowo, Obefami 247
Al-Azhar University (Cairo) 307
Badie, Bernard 368
Baghdad Pact (1955) 107, 431 n.120
bagne (penal colony) 386 n.123, 436 n.84
Bakary, Djibo 257
Balance of payments (British) 276–7
Balewa, Tafawa 250
Balfour, Arthur J. 17
Bamako Congress (1946) 244
‘banal imperialism’ 6
Banda, Dr Hastings 212–14, 275
Bank of England 184
Bank of France 181
Bank of Indochina 149
and Indochina War 129–30, 149–50, 154, 156
Barclays Overseas Development Corporation 278
‘bargain of collaboration’ 28
Baring, Sir Evelyn 218
Barker, Lieutenant-General Sir Evelyn 114
‘Barricades week’ (1960) 326, 328
Barthes, René 255
Barthes, Roland 314
Bastien-Thiry, Jean-Marie 362
Batang Kali (Malaya) 136, 354, 360
battle of Algiers (1957) xi, 178–9, 186, 309, 311–14
Battle of Algiers (1966 film) 178
‘battle of Cable Street’ 131
‘battle of Ismailia’ 168
BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) 246, 277–8
Arabic broadcasts 93
and Second World War 45, 53, 62
and Suez Crisis 168
Beamon, Vivien xiii
de Beauvoir, Simone 293, 310, 411 n.79
Béchard, Paul 257
Bechuanaland Protectorate 72–3
Begin, Menachem 114
Benaouda, Amar Mostefa 285
Ben Bella, Ahmed 182–3, 454 n.3
Bendjelloul, Ahmed ben Salah Bach-Mohaden 91
Bengal, famine 65, 78, 396 n.116
Ben M’Hidi, Larbi 312, 454 n.3
Ben Tobbal, Lakhdar 285, 301, 325
Benn, Anthony Wedgwood (Tony) 268, 364
Bennouna, Sidi Mahdi 93
Benson, Sir Arthur 212, 214–15
myth 217
see also Rif War
Berque, Jacques 150, 160, 163, 164, 297
Berriau, Colonel Henri 62–63, 148
Beuve-Méry, Hubert 314
Bevin, Ernest 69, 75, 128, 136
and ‘Eurafrican bloc’ 92
and Middle East strategy 107
Palestine policy and unpopularity in USA 112–13
‘Bevingrads’ 114
Biafra War 363
Biaggi, Jean-Baptiste 176
Bidault, Georges 80, 196, 324, drinking 414 n.135
bidonvilles 295
Bigeard, Marcel 349
Billoux, François 197
black Americans, see African Americans
Blida 6
‘blood tax’ 13
in government 126
Blum-Viollette project (1936–7)
de Boisanger, Claude 126
Bongo, Omar 343
Bose, Subhas Chandra 387 n.145
Boudiaf, Mohamed 181–3, 454 n.3
Bouhamidi, Mahmoud 312
Boupacha, Djamila 309–10, 461 n.132
Bourdet, Claude 292
Bourdieu, Pierre 294
Bourdillon, Sir Bernard 82
Bourgès-Maunoury, Maurice 169, 174, 181–3
Boussouf, Abdelhafid 325
Bow Group 283
Boyce, Robert (historian) 15
Bradley, Mark Philip (historian) 4
Brassilach, Robert 35
Brazzaville conference (1944) 95
Breil, Lieutenant-Colonel 318
Breton, André 304
Bretton Woods agreement (1944) 276–7
Briggs, General Sir Harold 138–9
Britain, see Great Britain
British Army, see Army (British)
British Empire, see Empire (British)
British Guiana 208
British Nationality Act (1948) 356
Brook, Norman 273
Brooke, Chief of Imperial General Staff, Sir Alan 53
Brooke-Popham, Air Chief Marshal Sir Robert 41–2
Burma 9, 78, 160, 162, 409 n.53
Saya San rebellion (1930–1) 35
see also Anti-Fascist People’s Freedom League
business and decolonization 277–81
Cabinet Africa Committee (British) 216, 281
Cambodia 61–2, 154–5, 160, 162
Cameroon 250
Canada 19
and Second World War 53–4, 392 n.44, n.45
Cannes Film Festival 1
Capitant, René 87
see also political prisoners; prisoners of war
Carothers, J.C. 232
Carpentier, General Georges 146
Casablanca conference (1943) 58–9
Castellani, Jules 193
Castle, Barbara 73, 215, 268, 283–4, 339, 364
de Castries, general Christian 421 n.127
Catholic Church: in French West Africa 259
Catholics: Vietnamese 144
Catroux, General Georges 176, 298
Central African Federation (CAF) 207–17, 235, 329
defence and policing 210, 214, 280, 338–9
founded 208
government of 210, 213–14, 235
possible British military deployments 338–9
South African immigration to 210–11
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 369
Césaire, Aimé 23
Ceylon, in First World War 12
independence 110
Chaban-Delmas, Jacques 320
Challe Plan (1959) 326
Chamber of Deputies, see Parliament (French)
Chambers of Commerce: (Algerian) 300
(French) 89
Chamberlain, Neville 19
Chapelle, Bonnier de la (family) 164–5
Charonne demonstration (1962) 335
Charton, Colonel Pierre 146
Chataigneau, Yves
Chiefs of Staff (British) 107, 112, 130, 167, 271, 273, 281–2
chieftaincy politics (Gold Coast) 250, 254–5
Chin Peng 134
China (Nationalist), Chinese in Hanoi xxx, 55, 66
occupation of North Vietnam 121–3
China (Communist) 145
and Hong Kong lease 364
involvement in Indochina War 145–7, 156–7, 162
see also People’s Liberation Army
Chinese Military Advisory Group (CMAG) 145
post-war government of 73, 208, 211–12, 233–4
views on Indochina War 153, 158
City of London 241
citizenship: Algerians and, 89–90, 330
in French Empire 22–3, 89–90, 447 n.87
Claudius-Petit, Eugène 334
Clausewitz, Carl von 2
Clemenceau, Georges 19
Clementi, Sir Cecil 40
Clerides, Glafkos 267
clitoridectomy 172
Cochin-China (South Vietnam colony) 9, 26
separatism of 126
Code de l’indigénat 80, 85, 88, 108n29, 113, 127
Cohen, Andrew 208
Cold War 75–7, 90, 93–4, 147–8, 156, 368–9
in France 197
and internationalization of decolonization 221, 306–7, 350–2, 363–4, 368–9
collective violence, see violence
Colombo Plan 136
colonial administrators 91–2, 213, 223, 231–2, 236, 247, 287–8, 367
Colonial Development and Welfare Act (1945) 92
Colonial Information Service (British) 228
Colonial Office (British) 9, 330, 365, 366
attempted bombing of 115–16, 412 n.93
and post-war modernization 250–1
and Kenya 219
and Second World War 56, 62, 65
and ‘trusteeship’ 18
colonial service (British) 29, 213, 247
colonial service (French) 25, 27–8, 236
colonialism, global scale of 3–4
Commin, Pierre 169
Committee of Public Safety (Algeria) 323
Comintern 219
Commonwealth (British) 21, 73, 94, 277–8, 280
and Rhodesian problem 341
Commonwealth Air Training Scheme 53, 393 n.60
Commonwealth Relations Office (CRO) 211–12, 280
Communism, in Africa 172–3, 194–5, 217, 219, 254, 295
western fear of 19–20, 212, 217, 254
see also Algerian Communist Party; Comintern; French Communist Party; Indochinese Communist Party; Madagascan Communist Party; Malayan Communist Party
Communist Party of France, see Parti Communiste Français (PCF)
Communist Study Groups 244
‘Communist terrorists’ (CTs) 137
COMININDO (Inter-Ministerial Committee on Indochina) 125–6, 141
Compagnie Française d’Afrique Occidentale (CFAO) 239
Compagnie Républicaine de Sécurité (CRS) 333–4
Confédération Générale du Travail (CGT) 209, 255–6
Confédération Générale du Travail Unitaire (CGTU) 96–97, 216, 264
Confédération Générale des Travailleurs Tunisiens (CGTT) 92, 103, 268, 270, 339 n.150
Congo Crisis (1960) 217
conscription, colonial opposition to 12–13
French opposition to 299, 304–5
Conservative Party: Bow Group 283
and decolonization 275
and Central African Federation 208–19, 339
and Mau Mau 221
Constantinados, Costas 274
Constantine (department), Algeria 288, 300–1, 318
Constantine massacres (1955) 290, 301–6
Constituent Assembly (French) 85
consumerism, and importance to decolonization 6, 84
Convention People’s Party (CPP) 252–6
and ‘positive action’
campaign 254
repression of 254
conversion to Christianity 205, 212, 214
‘convertability problem’ 276
Cooper, Frederick (historian) 282–3
de Coppet, Marcel 192, 195, 197, 202–3
Coste-Floret, Paul 196
Côte d’Ivoire 236–9, 244–5, 257–8
Council for the Defence of Seretse Khama 73
counter-insurgency 7–8, 31–8, 114–16, 131–41, 161–3, 200–3, 207, 218–19, 221–35, 269–75, 287, 289, 299, 303–4
see also counter-terror; ‘hearts and minds’
counter-terror 39, 135–6, 207, 218–19, 228–9, 289, 300–4, 334–5, 369
counter-terrorism (in Northern Ireland) 365
Cranborne, Viscount, see Salisbury, Lord
Creech-Jones, Arthur 75, 112, 400 n.14
Crerar, General Harry 53
Cripps, Sir Stafford 64–5, 75, 109
Crossman, Richard 112, 270, 364, 427 n.50
Cuba 363
Cunningham, Sir Alan 114
curfews: (Algeria) 300
(Cyprus) 272
Curzon, Lord 19
British actions criticized 267–8
communal divides 267, 269, 271–3, 451 n.47
and European Convention on Human Rights 267
French Army and, 186
independence 272
intelligence failings 273
international diplomacy and, 272–4
school strikes and protests 268, 451 n.36
see also Empire (British); Greece; United Nations
dock strike 256
Daladier, Édouard 46
Dalat conference (1946) 125
Damascus, shellings of (1925) 31 (1945) 96
Darlan, Admiral François 51, 57–8, 392 n.36
assassination of 164
Darwin, John (historian) 19, 70, 77, 235
death squads (French) 334
Debré, Michel 327
decolonization, contributory factors to 6, 87–95, 107–10, 183, 217, 275–9, 313–15, 327–8, 349–53, 357, 366
and cultural change 6, 342–3, 349–53, 357
definition 4, 94–5, 282–3, 349–50
Franco-British contrasts 9–10, 87–95, 127–30, 187–9, 260–2, 275, 345–7, 353–5, 367–8
as ‘tide of history’ 331, 449 n.4
Decoux, Admiral Jean 51, 57, 60–1, 119, 259–60, 391 n.36
Delafosse, Maurice 27
Delamere, Lord 41
Delcassé, Théophile 25
Delhi 105
demobilization, after First World War 16
Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV) 119–20, 122–4, 142, 144–5, 155, 159, 162
Denktash, Rauf 272
depression (inter-war financial crisis) 15, 17
Development: (colonial) 92
post-colonial 369
see also Algeria
Devlin, Lord Justice Sir Patrick 216–17
‘Devonshire Declaration’ (1923) 41
Diallo, Yacine 256
diarchy (India) 5
Diem, Ngô Dình 159
Dien Bien Phu, battle (1954) 156–60, 421 n.127
anniversary celebrated 362
Dieppe Raid (1942) 53
Dill, General Sir John 37
Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire (DST) 180
disease 42
see also epidemics; famine; venereal diseases
disappeared people: in Algerian War 196–7, 289, 313
in Madagascar uprising 207
see also Australia; Canada; Commonwealth; New Zealand; South Africa Dong Khe 145–6
Dorman-Smith, Sir Reginald 108
Douzon, Henri 199
Dreyfus case: and colonial parallels 200, 292, 348
Dulles, Allen 183
Dulles, John Foster 183–4, 189
Dunkirk: retreat from
Duy Tân Hôi (Vietnam Reformation Society) 33
East African groundnut scheme 92
‘east of Suez’ withdrawal 364–5, 473 n.57
École coloniale 27
economics of British decolonization 276–8
Ede, James Chuter 131
Eden, Anthony, and Cyprus issue 270
rebuffs historians’
and Suez Crisis 165, 167–8, 173–4, 183–4, 186
effendiyya 16
Egypt: administration 16
and Algerian War 169, 174–7, 182, 302, 306–7, 309
arms supplies 173, 180, 363, 426 n.42, 429 n.85
coup of 1952, 168
Muslim Brotherhood 307
protectorate and ‘independence’ 39–40
revolution of 1919, 11
and Suez Crisis 164–8, 173, 180, 183–5
Egypt committee (of British Cabinet) 167
Eisenhower, President Dwight D.: and Indochina 156, 158
Elkins, Caroline (historian) 225, 230
Elliott, Walter 179
Ely, General Paul 186
Empire (British): African orientation of 265
British politicians’
depictions of 365
colonial budgets and spending 278
and economic factors 62–3, 65–6, 91–2, 241, 267, 273, 275–82, 330, 266
initial phase of colonial withdrawals 93
and Middle East strategy 107, 165–8, 188, 271, 278, 280–2
partitions of territory 95–107, 109–19, 274, 355
and post-war reforms 75–6, 85, 90–5, 132, 250–1
racial discrimination in 247, 339, 355, 366
role of settlers in 21, 208–19, 282, 329, 338–9, 343, 354
and Second World War 50–5, 62–6, 68–71, 251
style of government in 39–42, 75–6, 90–1, 131–41, 161–3, 208–10, 213–15, 219–21, 241, 245–7, 250–1, 265–6, 270, 355
withdrawal from ‘east of Suez’ 364–5, 473 n.57
see also imperial defence (British); Burma; Central African Federation; Commonwealth; Cyprus; Dominions; Egypt; Gold Coast; India; Kenya; Malaya; Nigeria; Northern Rhodesia; Nyasaland; Rhodesia; states of emergency; Suez Crisis
Empire (French), after First World War 11–17, 20–5
and colonial ‘civil war’ 50, 56–8, 68–71, 79
faces Second World War 44–5, 56–62
and post-war reforms 74–5, 79–90, 192, 240, 259, 328
referenda (1958) 266
role of settlers in 21–2, 176–7, 354
style of government 22–9, 85–6, 190–2, 236–7, 259–60
urban features of 21
see also Algerian War of Independence; France; French Union; imperial defence (French); Indochina War; Madagascar; Suez Crisis
‘empire nation state’ (concept) 22
Enahoro, Anthony 249
enfranchisement, see voting and voting rights
Enosis (union of Cyprus and Greece) 269–70
Enugu colliery (Nigeria) 247
epidemics, and regional associations 15–16
Esteva, Admiral Jean-Pierre 51, 392 n.36
Ethnarchy Bureau (Cyprus) 269
ethnic violence, see inter-ethnic violence
Ethniki Organosis Kyrion Agoniston (EOKA) 270–4, 311
ethnography and ethnographers 27, 293–4, 304
ethno-politics 14
European Convention on Human Rights 267
European Defence Community (EDC) 158
European Economic Community (EEC) 84, 357
and British admission 277
and development 369
execution and executions 34, 178, 219, 229, 267, 274, 290, 292, 309, 344, 354, 360, 386 n.123, n.124
see also torture; violence
Exodus 1947 (ship) 117
expulsion, see deportation
ex-servicemen (colonial) 253–5
Fabian Colonial Bureau 18
Fakui, General Zhang 121
famine: Algeria 1945
Bengal 1943–44: 65, 78, 396 n.116
Vietnam 1944–45: 61–2, 74, 119, 399 n.11
Black Skin, White Masks 293
Farouk, King 40
Fathi Al Dib, Mohamed 429 n.85
Faure, Edgar 151, 290, 455 n.24
fear, inculcation of, see terrorism
HMS Fearless 344
Fédération des élus indigènes 118
Feisal, King 18
Feraoun, Mouloud
fidayate (urban couriers) 291, 309–10
Fifth Republic 266, 327–8, 331
and ‘force de frappe’ 263, 330
and May crisis (1958) 265–6, 320–4
and May ’68: 293
Le Figaro (newspaper) 314, 348
fight or flight: Definition xv, 3, 349
Finance Ministry, see Ministry of Finance
Allied war aims 16
and demobilization 16
War Cabinet (British) 17
FLN, see Front de Libération Nationale
Fonds d’Investissement pour le Développement Economique et Social (FIDES) 240, 244
Fontainebleau negotiations (1946) 123
‘force de frappe’ (French atomic capability) 263
forced labour 55, 86, 190–2, 240
Foreign Legion and Suez intervention 186
Foreign Ministry (French, Quai d’Orsay) 54, 58, 88–89, 185
Foreign Office (British) 69, 92, 107, 112, 128, 136, 173, 271, 330, 353
and decolonization archive 360
see also Information Research Department
Fourth Republic (French) 75, 79–90, 95, 125–6, 128–9, 144–51, 158–61, 163, 194–7, 243, 304–5, 320, 323–4, 352–3, 402 n.48, 402 n.52
franc CFA (currency) 239–40, 357
France, and Algerian War 285, 287–94, 304–5, 313–4, 329–37, 354, 358, 360–1, 367–8, 466 n.73
alliance with Soviet Union 81
arrival of settler ‘exodus’ (1962) 346
attitudes to empire in 1945, 67–8, 75, 147, 177, 258, 346, 360–2
and Catholic Church 5, 25, 147
Charonne demonstration (1962) 335
civil-military relations 159–60, 163, 304–5, 320–1, 324, 326
and ‘Coca-Colonization’ 75, 83
and colonial ‘civil war’ 50
defiance of international criticism over Algeria 308–9, 314
and Dien Bien Phu 157
domestic divisions 9–10, 128–9, 146–7, 150, 176–9, 196–7, 304–5, 324, 333–5, 352–3
economic growth 84
and Indochina War 125–6, 144–51, 156–61, 163, 353
intellectuals 293–4, 304, 332–3
memorials to Algerian War 361–2
17 October 1961 demonstration 333–4, 466 n.75
oil supplies 21
post-war party politics of 79–90, 125–6, 128–9, 144–51, 159, 169, 171, 175–7, 180, 183, 195–7, 257–9, 290, 293, 303–5, 323–4, 352–3, 402 n.48
post-war reconstruction of 75, 84, 195–6, 240
public opinion 147, 153, 157, 177–8, 290, 292–3, 304–5, 314, 323–4, 332, 335, 352–3, 466 n.73
racial discrimination in 357–8, 377 n.6, 466 n.73
and sanctions-busting 343
and ‘special powers’
and Suez Crisis 164–6, 169, 171, 174–9, 181–5, 187–8
and supporters of the FLN 292
wartime occupation refracted through Algerian War 292–3, 313, 427 n.51
see also Empire (French); French Union
France Observateur (magazine) 292, 305
Franco-Vietnam War, see Indochina War
Francs Tireurs et Partisans 80
freedom of movement, restriction of, see curfews
Free French movement, British support for 47, 57–8, 394 n.79
French-Algerian war, see Algerian War of Independence
French-British relations 92–3, 116, 265, 330, 343, 353–4, 402 n.47
see also Suez Crisis
French Colonial Army 12–13, 50
French Committee of National Liberation (FCNL) 59, 394 n.79
French Communist Party (Parti Communiste Français, PCF), and Algerian War 177, 305
attitude to colonialism 67, 147–8, 177, 203, 258
in government 81–2, 196–7, 293
and Indochina War 144, 147–8, 196–7
and RDA 244, 257 1939 ban and resistance 49
French Community (1958–60) 264–6, 357
French Empire, see Empire (French)
French Equatorial Africa 82
French-German relations 93
French Guinea 237–9, 244, 256, 263–6
French National Front (FNF) 328
French North Africa, see Algeria
French Union 85–9, 95, 243–4, 403 n.73
French West Africa, abolition of forced labour in 240
administrative structure of 237–9, 242–3
citizenship in 22–4, 89, 239, 243, 256
civil society 259
and ‘claims-making culture’ 242–3, 256, 260–1, 266
federal possibilities for 243, 260, 266
post-war planning in 240
post-war regional disparities 239
railways 255
religious institutions 259
strains of opposition 23–4, 88, 90, 240, 244, 255–9
‘territorialization’ 260
Front de Libération Nationale (FLN) xi, 160, 175
arms supplies 182
compliance with 8, 301, 311, 326, 328–9
emergence and first attacks 285–7
French intelligence of 285
internal divisions 183, 311–12, 454 n.3
leadership hi-jacked 181–2, 306
negotiations with France 299, 325, 328–9
prisoners 292
provisional government 299, 308, 325, 331–2
strategy of internationalizing the war 303, 306–9, 325, 331, 351
violence of 178–9, 289–91, 300–4, 310–14, 329, 333
see also Armée de Libération Nationale; battle of Algiers
Front National (France) 357
Front nationale malgache 205
Gaitskell, Hugh 179, 216–17, 268
de Galard, Geneviève 157
Gallieni, General Joseph 190
Gamelin, General Maurice: and Damascus bombardment (1925) 31–2
Ganapathy, S.A., 136
Gandhi, Mahatma 55, 64–5, 100–1
Gaskiya Corporation 247
de Gaulle, Charles 47, 79–80, 148, 350–1
and Algerian War 320–1, 323–32, 335–7, 345–6
confronts rebellious officers 331–2
and May crisis (1958) 320, 323–4
negotiations with FLN 325, 328–9, 331–2, 334–7
and French public opinion 324, 328, 332, 335
returns to power in 1958, 320–4
ostracizes French Guinea 264–5
and Suez Crisis silence 175
and Vietnam 363
see also Algerian War of Independence; Free French movement; Gaullists; Rassemblement du Peuple Français (RPF)
Gaullists 47, 79–83, 90, 148, 159–60, 196, 305, 320–1
see also De Gaulle; Rassemblement du Peuple Français (RPF)
gendarmerie (French) 328, 333–4
‘Generals’ coup’ (1961) 332
Geneva conference (1954) 156–9
after First World War 11
see also French-German relations; Nazism; Nazi-Soviet Pact
Ghana, see Gold Coast
Giap, Vo Nguyen 61, 120, 126, 155
Giraud, General Henri 58
global ‘South’ (concept) 4, 363
globalization 356
Glubb, General John ‘Pasha’ 172–3
Go, Julian (sociologist) xiii
Godard, Colonel Yves 321
God’s Empire 25
Gold Coast (Ghana), Accra riots (1948) 253–4, 352
agricultural crisis 252–3, 261–2
chieftaincy politics of 250, 254–5
high-profile murder case in 251–2
independence 275
memory of decolonization 359
nationalism in 241, 250–6, 261–2
gold standard 15
Gordon College (Khartoum) 29, 172
Gouin, Félix 80
Gouvernement Provisoire de la République Algérienne (GPRA), see Provisional Government of the Algerian Republic
Gracey, General Douglas 121
Great Britain, anti-colonial sentiment 267–9, 339
economics and decolonization 9, 15, 62–3, 65–6, 76–7, 181, 183–4, 275–81
preparations for colonial self-government 5, 275–6
public exasperation with Palestine 111, 116
and Mau Mau 225
opposition to apartheid 263–4, 267–9
racial discrimination in 55–6, 377 n.6, 471 n.30
and return migration 346–7, 355–6
and Second World War 50–4, 62–6, 68–71
social attitudes 281–2, 284, 341–2, 354–7, 366–7
and Suez Crisis 164–9, 181, 183–4, 186–8, 354
see also Empire (British)
Greece: and Cyprus issue 267, 269–70, 272–4, 352
Grivas, Colonel George 270–2, 274
Guadeloupe 9
The Guardian (newspaper) 342–3
Guèye, Lamine 85
Guinea, French, see French Guinea
Gurney, Sir Henry, assassination of 131
habitations bon marché (HBM)
Hack, Karl (historian) 139
Hadj, Messali, see Messali Hadj
Hailey, Lord 65
Haiphong 97
Hale, Leslie 251
El-Halia (Algeria) 301
Halimi, Gisèle 310
Han, General Lu 121
Hankey, Maurice 17
Hanoi 120
Harding, Field-Marsal Sir Jon 270–2
Hardy, Georges 27
Hausa-Fulani 248
‘hearts and minds’ (strategic concept); 7, 231
see also counter-insurgency; counter-terror; population control
Heath, Edward 341
Herriot, Edouard 89
Hoang Van Hoan 145
Ho Chi Minh (Nguyen Ai Quoc) 16, 23, 33, 119–20
and Chinese occupation of northern Vietnam 122
and Communist China 145
Hogg, Quentin 251
Hola camp killings (Kenya) 215, 366
Holland, see Netherlands
Holocaust, and Palestine 111, 113
Home, Lord 217
Hong Kong: maintenance of 364
surrender (1941) 53
Hope, Bob 112
Horne, John (historian) 8
Hors-la-loi (Outside the law [2010 film]) 1
Houphouët-Boigny, Félix 240, 244, 256–8, 261
Huggins, Sir Godfrey 211
L’Humanité (newspaper) 34, 197
human rights groups 147, 308, 351
hunger, see depression
al-Hussaini, Mohammad Haj Amin; 111, 113–14
Hussein, King 173
Ighilahriz, Louisette xi–xii, 360
immigrants (colonial) in France 295–6, 333–4, 357–8
living conditions 295–6, 358, 466 n.73
surveillance of 296
imperial defence (British) 20, 45–6, 271
imperialism, as civilizing process 5
Franco-British contrasts 236
and liberalism 5
normative standards of 7
republican 5
imperial history, trends in 4
‘imperial market fair’ (French) 44
imperial ‘world system’ (concept) 19
India 5
famine in Bengal 65, 78, 396 n.116 1946 elections 102
nationalism 11
partition and violence 96–105, 107, 109, 355, 407 n.16
and Second World War 54–5, 64–5, 387 n.145, 393 n.52
sterling assets of 76–7, 109, 277
Indian National Congress 37, 55, 64–5, 101–2, 104, 107, 387 n.145
Indigènes (Days of Glory [2006 film]) 1
indirect rule 236
Chinese involvement 145–7, 156–7
Dalat conference (1946) 125
Geneva conference (1954) 156–9
intelligence gathering 151, 158
March accords (1946) 122
media portrayal in France 157