
Cover    1

Title Page    3

Copyright Page    4

Endorsements    5

Acknowledgments    11

START HERE: Unanswered Questions    13

1. The Loud Voices    21

“Of course you should do it.”

2. The Quiet Voices    37

“Shhhhh! Don’t talk about it!”

3. Opening the Doorways of Communication    51

Creating a comfortable climate for continual conversations

4. The Most Enjoyable Sex    65

Answering the biggest question young people ask: “Why wait?”

5. How Far?    83

Answering the biggest question young Christians ask: “How far can I go?”

6. Your Daughter    93

More than just a sex object

7. Your Son    111

More than just a sex drive

8. Fleeing    123

Knowing when to run

9. The Lure of Porn    135

From Game of Thrones to hard-core addictions

10. Providing Answers About Masturbation    157

The answers to questions they’re too embarrassed to ask

11. Surviving a Blotted Past    171

Finding healing even if it feels too late

12. Tough Questions    183

Answering difficult questions about sex and intimacy

What Now?    209

Notes    211

About the Author    217

Books by Jonathan McKee    218

Back Ad    219

Back Cover    220