
Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations.


aflatoxins, 18

albatrosses, 273–74, 288, 320, 351, 352

albino birds, 338–39

anhingas, 345–46, 351

antbirds, 194

ants and formic acid, 23, 244, 322

Apapane, 137

attracting birds, 6

city balconies, 9

orioles, 8

Audubon, John James, 23, 128

Auk, Great, 355

avian flu, 110


bacon fat, 7

balloons, danger to wildlife, 125–26

barometric pressure, affect on birds, 325–26

beaks. See bills bee-eating birds, 22–23


feeding, 156–59

feigning injury, 163–64

Florida Scrub-Jay, 164–66

imprinting, 150–55

intelligence, 160–61

learned vs. instinctive, 170–73

memory, 147–49

moonwalk, 162

playful, 168–69

plunge diving, 166–68


adaptations, 156

brightly colored mouths on babies, 288–89

deformities, 114–15

handling and prepping food, 289–90

types of bills, 287

binoculars, 45–53

care and cleaning, 52–53

comfort and ease of use, 51

diagram of parts, 51

diopter adjustment, 47, 52

expense, 45

how to use, 46–48

magnification and brightness, 49–50

types of prisms, 49

what to do with old ones, 53

biodiversity, 134–35

bird brain size and structure, 146–47

bird’s nest soup, 290–92

bird-watching, 64–79

appropriate clothing, 67–68

how to spot birds in nature, 64–65

life list, 69

pishing, 65

rare sightings, 68, 70

solo vs. with other birders, 66–67

birdbaths, 7

cleaning and removing algae, 39

heated, 40

birdhouse. See nest boxes

birding ethics, 77–79

birds in trouble, 104–15

communicable diseases, 108–12

injured birds, 106–9, 114

lost homing pigeons, 105–6

sick birds, 41–42, 108, 110–12, 114

trapped indoors, 104–5

when to shut down the feeder, 5, 41–42, 108, 112

birds that imitate human speech, 161

birds-of-paradise, 249

birdseed. See also sunflower seeds, thistle feed

cost of, 2, 5

millet, milo, and mixes, 11

Nyger (or niger) seeds, 11, 13

bittern, American, 298

blackbirds, 2, 11, 266

Red-winged, 62, 67, 126, 194, 242, 244, 266

bluebirds, 25, 34, 62, 134

Eastern, 62, 126–27, 236

feeding them mealworms, 19

nesting behavior, 249, 261–62

Western, 62

Bobolinks, 17, 117, 221

Bobwhites, 117

boobies, Blue-footed, 237

botulism, 42

bowerbirds, 249

Bramblings, 225

breeding grounds, 3

buckthorn trees, 135–36

Budgerigars, 288, 338


Indigo, 193, 215, 222

Painted, 63



in bird’s nest soup, 291

in birds’ diets, 5, 16–17, 115

in house paint, 17, 85–86

needs for egg production, 275

canaries, 146

in the coal mine, 122–23

cardinals, 2, 12, 81, 181, 188, 242

fighting their own reflection, 87–89

incubating eggs, 267–68

molting, 341–42

Northern, 155, 185–86, 266

career options for bird lovers, 75

cats as predators, 99, 101

chickadees, 2, 5, 146, 181, 284

Black-capped, 2–3, 28, 201, 253

Boreal, 207–8

deformed bills, 114–15

feeding behavior, 25–26, 28

leading other birds to food, 10, 64, 214

mating behavior, 264–65

nesting behavior, 261–62, 274

resistance to cold weather, 305–6, 308

chickens, dark vs. white meat, 284–86

Choughs, Alpine, 283

climate change, affect on birds, 126–31

cloacae, 234

Cockatiel, 275

cocks-of-the-rock, 249

color patterns in birds, 62

Condors, California, 117, 128, 294, 352

coots, 61

cormorants, 61, 245–46, 298

Double-crested, 128

counting migrating flocks, 71–72, 74

courtship rituals, 234–40

amazing displays, 238–39


brood parasite behavior, 151–55

Brown-headed, 140, 151

cranes, 242, 263, 351

imprinting on humans, 150–51, 213

migration, 212–13

Sandhill, 117, 128, 266, 301, 340–41

Whooping, 62, 140–41, 150–51, 213, 234–35, 246

crossbills, 176

crows, 12, 158, 201, 242, 265

American, 22, 76, 109, 148–49

intelligence, 88, 160–61

memory, 148–49

New Caledonian, 160

playful behavior, 168–69

cuckoos, European, 155

curlews, Eskimo, 138


Darwin, Charles, 36, 353

DDT, affect on birds, 122–23, 139

dead birds, disposing of, 110–111

digestion, 292–93

bird poop particulars, 297–98

intestine length and function, 296

Dipper, American, 256–57

distraction display, 163–64

dodo, 138

doves, 11

Eurasian Collared, 133–34

Mourning, 34, 40, 204, 270, 327

ducks, 16, 61, 128, 168, 242, 250, 261, 300, 325, 337

Black-headed, 155

dark meat muscle fibers, 284–85

egg-laying, 274

mating behavior, 264–65

Wood, 253, 262, 267


eagles, 20, 242, 244, 263, 294

eagles, Bald, 117, 122, 158, 217, 287, 299

endangered status, 139

nesting behavior, 21–22, 251, 257, 274

eggs, 273–76

blue, 240

formation, 234–35

incubation, 265–68, 274, 276

indeterminate layers, 274

number of eggs laid, 273–75

egrets, 339

electronic gadgets for bird-watching, 57–58

endangered species, 139–42

EPA registration of pesticides, 124–25

ethics, birding, 77–79

Euphonia, Thick-billed, 192

eutrophication, 130–31

extinct species, 138

eyesight, 310–15

eyeball anatomy, 310–311, 311

seeing color, 311–13


falcons, Peregrine, 36, 117, 119, 122, 218, 313

endangered status, 139

fastest flight, 357

nesting behavior, 252, 263

wing shape, 351

feathers, 330–47. See also wings

attracting a mate, 334

colors, 337–41

contour, 331

drying out, 345–46

evolution of, 330

FBI database, 336

flight, designed for, 332

identifying, 335–37

making sounds with, 204–5

number of feathers on a bird, 331

parasite prevention, 344

preening, 343–44

protection, designed for, 332

size, 331

special functions, 334

tail, 347

types of, 333

wet, 342

white, 338–39


bacteria and diseases, 41–42

cleaning, 38–39

deterring rats and mice, 42–43

hanging, 34, 38

hummingbird, 8, 10, 29–32

on poles, 37, 43

platform, 34

seed catchers, 43

when to shut down the feeder, 5, 41–42, 108, 112

where to locate, 6, 8

window, 5, 8

feeding birds. See also sunflower seeds and suet

affect on migration, 3–4

bacon fat, 14

birdseed mixes, 11, 13

bread, 16

cost of, 2, 5

during nesting season, 4, 12, 16, 18

eggshells, 16–18, 85

fruit and jelly, 8, 10, 12

peanuts or peanut butter, 15, 18–19

seasonal feeding, 3–4, 6

uncooked rice, 17


circulation in cold feet, 307

types of, 299–301, 300

fertilizers, affect on birds, 124–25

field guide, 45, 60–61

how to use, 61–63, 70

field notebook, 59

finches, 218, 242, 289, 324

House, 112, 176, 226, 340

Purple, 176

Firefinch, Red-billed, 192

flickers, 23, 335, 337

Gilded, 335

Northern, 274, 335

flight, 349–62

altitude, 356, 359

fastest flyers, 357

longest flight, 356–57, 358

silent, 352

skeletons, lightweight, 353

sleeping in flight, 355–56

slowest flyers, 357–58

wing shapes, 350–52

flightless birds, 354–55

flycatchers, 194, 202, 226

Ash-throated, 262

European Pied, 153

Fork-tailed, 225

Great Crested, 262

food choices in nature, 156–59

fulmars, 319


gannets, 280–81

geese, 61, 81, 242, 250, 263, 266, 298, 325

Bar-headed, 356

Canada, 96–97, 131, 230

dark meat muscle fibers, 284–85

migration, 210, 212

Snow, 62, 128

taking over lawns, 96–97

V-formation flight, 361

gizzard, 280, 292–95

gnatcatchers, 7

Blue-gray, 152

Godwit, Bar-tailed, 358

goldeneyes, Common, 204

goldfinches, 10–12, 176, 195, 210

American, 242–43

diet and nesting habits, 24

feeding behavior, 25

molting, 242–43

Nyjer seed vs. thistle feed, 13

grackles, 34–36, 342

Common, 247

Great-tailed, 35

grassland birds, 117

grebes, 229

Western, 146, 238

grosbeaks, 287

Black-headed, 186, 201

Evening, 27, 176

Pine, 176–78

Rose-breasted, 12, 186, 201, 225, 240, 242, 265–66

grouse, 238–39, 250, 274, 294, 317

Ruffed, 199–200, 204, 317

Sharp-tailed, 238, 249

Sooty, 208

gulls, 62, 168, 179, 298

Great Black-backed, 62

Ring-billed, 179



Aubudon, 60

extinction of native birds, 117, 138

introduction of invasive species, 137

hawks, 71, 103, 220, 265, 273, 289, 314, 324, 351

Broad-winged, 71–73, 193

Cooper’s, 103, 173, 219, 247, 276

digestion, 295–96

Harris’s, 95

migrating, 71–73, 214, 218–19

Red-shouldered, 193

Red-tailed, 16, 48, 193, 218, 234, 347

riding thermal air currents, 359–61

Sharp-shinned, 71–72

Swainson’s, 73, 218

hearing, 316–19

sonar or echolocation, 318–19

herons, 273, 287

Black-crowned Night, 298

deterring from goldfish ponds, 98

fishing and nesting habits, 20–21, 156–57, 245–46

Great Blue, 20, 89, 128–29, 245, 266, 290, 301

Green, 160, 298

honeyguides, 155

House Finch Eye Disease, 112

hummingbirds, 7, 67, 103–5, 121, 284, 298, 329, 338

aerial displays, 196–97

Anna’s, 204

Bee, 331

bill adaptation, 156, 287

Calliope, 238–39

feeders, 8, 10, 29–32

flight, 351

memory of humans, 147

migration, 31–33, 212, 219, 223

nesting behavior, 219, 266

Ruby-throated, 32, 103–4, 216, 223, 242, 248–49, 264, 274, 331, 358

Rufous, 33

territorial behavior, 32, 216–17, 219, 248–49



White, 62

Iiwis, 137

imprinting, 150–51

Indigobird, Village, 192

insecticides, 45

insectivores, 10

integrated pest management system, 125

intelligent behaviors in birds, 160–61

introduced and invasive species, 133–37


jays, 5, 11, 160, 168–69, 242, 265, 287, 300

Blue, 17, 75, 85–86, 157, 322–23, 341–42, 348

blue feathers, 337–38

Florida Scrub, 164–66, 208, 263, 265

Gray, 86, 244, 292, 324

molting, 341–42

pecking at house paint, 17, 85–86

vocalizations, 193

Western Scrub, 86, 161

juncos, 347

Dark-eyed, 67, 202, 208, 225


kestrels, American, 71, 262, 313

Killdeer, 252, 273

feigning injury, 163–64

kingbirds, 22, 202

Eastern, 208, 231, 337

kingfishers, 23

kinglets, 64, 274

kites, Snail, 236

kiwis, 320, 329


Lammergeier, 296

lead poisoning from bullets, 12930,293–94

lifespan of various birds, 302–4

loons, 61, 130, 229, 265, 351, 355

Common, 254–56, 262, 274

fishing habits, 20–21

migration, 212

processing swallowed saltwater, 286, 288

lyrebirds, 192


magnetic fields, 212–13, 220–21, 326–27

magpies, 88, 115, 161

malaria, 122–23, 130, 137

Mallards, 131, 234, 325, 338, 356

manakins, 205, 238, 249

Club-winged, 205

mating behavior, 162–63, 239

moonwalk, 162, 239

Orange-and White-collared, 239

Red-capped, 162–63, 239

martins, Purple, 131, 134–35, 227

nesting behavior, 258–60, 262

mating behavior

courtship displays, 238–39

extra pair copulations, 235, 265

leks, 238–39, 249

male and female differences, 240–42

mating for life, 263–265

sexual dimorphism, 242

mayfly nymphs, 130–31


Eastern, 132

mealworms, 10, 28

how to prepare and feed to birds, 19–20

where to purchase, 19

mergansers, Common, 158

Merlins, 103

migration, 206–32

austral migrants, 231

behavior and sightings, 64

counting flocks, 71–72, 74

dangers of, 228–29

distances traveled, 208–9, 358

Emlen cage, 211

food resources, 207–9, 218–19

hawks, 71–73, 214, 218–19

high-rise fatalities, 222, 228–29

hormonal changes, 214

insect populations, 224–25

instincts, 3, 209–213

isotherm, 210

magnetic fields, 212–13, 220–21, 326–27

nocturnal, 220–22

radar tracking, 226–27, 359

songbirds in Gulf of Mexico, 72–73, 131

star navigation, 213, 220, 222

storms, 225

trade winds and tailwinds, 212

winter behavior, 30–32

year-round residents, 224

Zugunruhe, 209–11

Migratory Bird Treaty Act, 111, 271

mimics, 190–93

mobbing owls and other predators, 198

mockingbirds, 92–94, 186, 203

Northern, 185, 190, 236, 243

song repertoire, 190–91

molting, 215, 242–43, 341–42, 347

mosquitoes, 130, 137

controlling pond populations, 9

malaria and DDT, 122–23

mynahs, 161, 192


native plants

for attracting birds, 7

replacing lawn, 121

nectar-producing plants, 9


migrants, 25, 210, 231

year-round residents, 26

nest boxes, 7

birdhouse guidelines, 261–62

parasites, 113

platforms and shelves, 7, 92

predator dangers, 100

reasons why birds may die in, 113

nesting behavior, general. See also eggs caring for abandoned baby birds, 271

collecting animal fur, 251

collecting feathers, 258

helpful foods, 4–5, 12, 16, 18

incubation of eggs, 265–68

materials and locations, 252–57

mud nests, 248, 255–56

returning a baby bird to its nest, 271

reusing the same nest, 250

sleeping in nests, 250–51

startle response, 270

types of nests, 257

when babies leave the nest, 272–73

Nestwatch, 113–14, 268

Next Generation Radar (NEXRAD), 227

nighthawks, 252

Common, 131–132, 185

eating on the wing, 159

singing in flight, 196–97

nutcrackers, Clark’s, 86

nuthatches, 115

Brown-headed, 160

Pygmy, 160, 306


oak trees, planting, 120–21

Oilbird, 319

orioles, 67, 219, 226, 252

attracting to feeders, 8

Baltimore, 103, 203, 242, 255

Ospreys, 117, 122, 139, 262, 299

fishing behavior, 21–22, 157

Ostriches, 296, 329, 354

Ovenbirds, 196, 243

owls, 128, 220, 265, 299, 300, 314, 337

Barn, feathers, 333

Barred, 201, 262

decoys, 83, 89

ear tufts, 316

Elf, 117

Great Gray, 157–58, 178

Great Horned, 310, 317, 321

mobbed by other birds, 198

Northern Saw-whet, 178, 290

regurgitating pellets, 295

Screech, 168, 262

silent flight, 352

Snowy, 131, 266


parakeets, 288

Carolina, 138

parasitic birds, 151–55

parrots, 194, 323

African Gray, 161

peafowl, 333

Indian, 334

peanut butter, 18–19


harmful fungi, 18

in suet, 15

sold as bird feed, 18

pelicans, 61, 125, 237, 300, 345, 351, 356, 361

American White, 62, 117, 166

Brown, diving behavior, 166–68

penguins, 273–74, 351, 354–55

Emperor, 245–46

pesticides, affect on birds, 122–24

petrels, 288, 319–20

Wilson’s Storm, 320

phalaropes, 61, 265

Red-necked, 356

pheasants, 294, 333 phoebes, 92, 202

Black, 28

Eastern, 202, 262

photographing birds, 57, 68

pigeons, 2, 5, 11, 16, 269, 323

discouraging, 38, 42

good things about, 36

homing, 105–6, 221, 320, 326–27

Passenger, 138

Rock, 105

pishing, 65


feeder, 34

for nesting, 7

playback of bird sounds, 58

playful behavior in birds, 168–69

plovers, 118–120

Pacific Golden, 209

Piping, 118–119

Snowy, 118–119

plunge diving, 166–68

power lines and guy wires, 94–95

prairie-chickens, 249, 258, 264

Greater and Lesser, 238

preening, 343–44

Project FeederWatch, 27

protein in birds’ diets, 5, 12, 14

ptarmigans, 339

puffins, 355

Atlantic, 141–42

fishing and nesting, 20–21


Quetzal, Resplendent, 334


radar tracking, 226–27, 359

Next Generation Radar (NEXRAD), 227

rails, 229

raptors, 72, 122, 139, 266

ravens, 115, 168–69, 202, 242

Common, 168

recording bird sounds, 58

Red Knot, 132

redpolls, 11, 13, 176, 306

respiratory system, 281–83

breathing rates, 284

getting oxygen at high altitudes, 283

lung capacity and function, 281–82

ricebirds, 17

robins, American, 25, 89, 126, 132, 135, 264

albino, 338–39

attaching window reflections, 87–88

danger from pesticides, 122–25

diet sources, 121

eyesight, 315

gender differences, 241

instinctive behavior, 170–73

migration, 208, 210, 218, 232

nesting behavior, 240–41, 248, 250, 262, 304

vocalization, 184–85, 189, 202–3, 241

roosting, 250–51


sage-grouse, 117

Greater, 132, 134, 238

salmonella, 15, 17, 42, 110

saltwater, drinking, 286, 288

sandpipers, 324, 356

sapsuckers, Yellow-bellied, 10, 200, 248–49

seagulls. See gulls sense of smell, 319–22

sexual dimorphism, 242

shearwaters, 288, 319

Sooty, 209

shorebirds, 61, 156, 265, 337

shrikes, 194

Loggerhead, 244

Northern, 296

sick birds, 41–42, 108, 110–12, 114

sighting records, 63

siskins, 11–13, 176

skeletons, lightweight, 353

Skinner, B. F., 36

snipes, 324

Wilson’s, 205

social-weavers, African, 251

sonar or echolocation, 318–19

songbirds, 273–74, 317, 320, 324, 351

mating rituals, 34, 236

migration, 72–73, 131, 214, 220, 225

territorial needs, 243

thick flock formation, 362

sparrows, 11, 289

Barn, 248, 255–56

Chipping, 185–186, 189, 202, 251

House, 34, 113, 134–35, 258–61, 339

Savannah, 184

Song, 126, 188, 194–95, 243

Song Sparrows and cowbirds, 151–54

Swamp, 202

Vesper, 193

White-throated, 25, 184, 18687, 221, 225,331

spoonbill, 287

spotting scope, 54–57

zoom eyepiece, 55–56

squirrels, 2, 5

keeping them out of birdfeeders, 37, 89

star navigation, 213, 220, 222

starlings, 192, 261

European, 34, 40, 134, 362

storks, 176, 345

Wood, 325


containing peanuts, 15

contamination, 15

during migration, 10

pros and cons, 14–15

spring feeding, 4

sugar water feeders

for orioles, 8

solution for hummingbirds, 30

sunflower seeds, 5, 12

black oil sunflower seeds, 11

budgeting cost, 5

striped sunflower seeds, 11, 34, 102

swallows, 226, 265, 273

Barn, 248, 255–56, 265

Cliff, 128, 245–46

Tree, 112–13, 126, 254, 258, 262

Violet-green, 262

swans, 61, 130, 242, 263, 339, 353

Tundra, 331

swiflets, 290–91

Asian, 290

Black-nest, 290–91

Edible-nest, 290–91

swifts, 334

Black, 292

Chimney, 185

North American, 291

White-throated, 357


tanagers, 4, 219

feeding them mealworms, 19

Scarlet, 120, 225, 242, 244, 338

Summer, 22–23

taste, ability to, 323

terns, 168

Arctic, 208–9

territorial behavior, 230–31, 243–49

hummingbirds, 32, 216–17, 219

non-territorial birds, 245–46

territory size for different birds, 243–44

thermal air currents, 359–61

thistle feed, 13

thrashers, Brown, 185

thrushes, 214, 223

eggs, 240

Hermit, 203

Lawrence’s, 192

Wood, 181–82, 203, 286


Oak, 262

Tufted, 251, 262

touch receptors in tongues, 324–25

tubenoses, 288, 319


Australian Brush, 260

dark vs. white meat, 284–86

respiratory system, 281–82

Wild, 286


V-formation flight, 361

vireos, 64, 214, 226

vision. See eyesight vocalizations, 181–205

countersinging, 188

drumming, 199–200

duetting, 194

females who sing, 186–87

identifying bird sounds, 184–85, 201

making sounds with feathers, 204–5

mimics, 190–93

physiology that affects sound, 183, 286

singing in flight, 196–97

why birds sing, 188–90

vultures, 294, 319, 321–22, 345–46, 351, 353

Black, 322

King, 321–22

Turkey, 174–76, 321–22

Yellow-headed, 321


warblers, 4, 64, 73, 219

attracting, 10, 19

Bachman’s, 4, 64, 73

Black-throated Blue, 229

Blackburnian, 318

Blackpoll, 212, 223, 356, 358

Cape May, 10, 318

Chestnut-sided, 193

Common Yellowthroat, 193

Garden, 221–22

Kirtland’s, 140

Marsh, 192

migrating, 214, 225

Pine, 10, 202, 223

Prothonotary, 134, 262

Worm-eating, 202

Yellow, 152–53

Yellow-rumped, 10, 156

wasps, 30, 43

water supply, 7

backyard ponds, 9

waxwings, 89, 242

Cedar, 135–36, 176, 296, 318, 320, 337

weather conditions, affect on birds

droughts and floods, 129–30

harsh winters and cold temperatures, 3, 305–6, 308, 332

hurricanes, 228

rising temperatures, 130–31

storms, 128–29, 225, 228

West Nile Virus, 39, 109–110

Wheatears, 225

Whip-poor-wills, 132, 325

widowbirds, 155

wildlife rehabilitator, 107–9, 153, 229, 271

window collisions, 6, 8, 94, 106–7

high-rise, 228–29

preventing, 90–91

window feeders, 5, 8

wings, 350–56. See also feathers

shapes, 350–52, 351

wintering grounds, 3


American, 196–97, 204, 287, 315, 324, 332, 357–58

Eurasian, 357

woodpeckers, 34, 128, 194, 250–51, 287, 324

Acorn, 82, 86

Downy, 253–54

drumming on trees or objects, 200

feathers, 334–35

hammering on a house, 81–84

Ivory-billed, 67, 138

nesting behavior, 252, 265, 273

Pileated, 200, 252–53, 272

Red-headed, 134

wrens, 134, 226

Bewick’s, 188, 193, 333

Carolina, 101, 201

duetting, 194

House, 193, 202, 254, 262, 264, 274

Marsh, 188, 202–3

nesting behavior, 244–45, 249, 261–62

Sedge, 203

tropical, 238–39, 263

Winter, 182–83, 318


Yellowthroat, Common, 193


Zugunruhe, 209–11