


Introduction: The Devil is a Gentleman


1.Family Romances

2.The Lost Land

3.Telling Tales

4.The Bad Man in Embryo

5.Jam Today

6.Good Germans

7.The Curtain

8.Officers and Men

9.The Rich Wot Gets the Pleasure

10.Enter a Satyr

11.The Incredible Journey

12.Last Hope of the General Staff

13.The Only Girl

14.Eric’s Crimson Nights

15.Scheherezade in Streatham

16.Dangerous Liaisons

17.… in a Cloud of Blue Smoke

18.Mr Meyer Investigates

19.Marriage – and a Horror

20.Saved in the Nick of Time

21.The Seer

22.Falling in Love Again

23.First Blood

24.Luncheon with the Beast

25.Top Chaps in the Field

26.The Devil in his Decade

27.The Right Kind of Dope

28.Like Spitting on an Altar

29.The Mystery of the Black Box

30.Death of a Fifth Columnist

31.Strange Conflictv

32.In the Stratosphere

33.Grove Place

34.Rogering Roger

35.The Message in a Bottle

36.An International Spider

37.Into the Cave of Bats

38.Eastern Assignment

39.Clubland Heroes

40.To the Devil – A Daughter

41.Sir Gifford Comes Back From the Dead

42.The Best Revenge

43.Nice Work

44.The Satanist

45.The Reich Revisited, and the Death of the Duke

46.Lucifer Rising

47.The Devil Redux

48.Rivers of Blood

49.The Music of Time

50.The Hound of Heaven



List of Illustrations

A Note to the Second Edition




Wheatley’s bookplate, showing Wheatley with Eric Gordon Tombe as a satyr.