#MeToo movement[MeToo movement], 136
116th Congress, 205
1787 Connecticut Compromise, 44
1789 Constitutional Convention, 41
1962 Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 80
1968 Democratic Convention, 189
1974 Federal Election Campaign Act, 206
1974 Freedom of Information Act, 211
2010 census, 181–182
2010 Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, 80
2010 United States Census report, 75
2011 Debt Limit Agreement, 78
2012 national party platform, 156
2013 Fiscal Limit Battle, 78
2016 Presidential Election, 45–46
2020 census, 182
2022 midterms, 182
2024 election, 182
501(c)4 groups, 195
527 independent groups, 206
527 super PACs, 195
AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Act), 58
AARP (American Association of Retired Persons), 137, 159
Abramoff, Jack, 193
ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), 137
Administrative Procedure Act of 1946, 97
adversarial reporting, 211–212
affirmative action decisions, 131–132
Affordable Care Act 2010, 156, 167
African Americans
affirmative action decisions, 131–132
civil rights and, 130–132, 133, 133–134
segregation, 113
Voting Rights Act of 1965, 134
women voters, 151
Age Discrimination in Employment Act, 137
age-based job discrimination, 137
Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA), 58
Albright, Madeline, 89
all-volunteer military, 101
Allen, George, 211
alphabet agencies, 101
amendment process, 39–40
American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), 137, 159
American Bankers Association (BANKPAC), 194
American Bar Association, 90
American democracy, 29–72
competitive policy-making interests, 30
constitutionalism, 29
executive orders, 48–50
Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists, 34–42
goals and public policy, 42
judicial branch, 50–55
liberty and order, 30–69
national policy making and federalism, 62
presidential succession, 48
representative democracy, 31–34
role of government, 42–43
separation of powers and checks and balances, 44–48
state governments, 55–62
American Exceptionalism (Lipset), 159
American Independent Party of 1968, 185
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, 62
American Tradition Partnership v Bullock (2012), 207
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 137
amicus curiae (friend of the court) briefs, 94
Amish students, rights of, 322
Anderson, John, 185
anti-sodomy law, 136
appeals, 150
appellate jurisdiction, 51
armed militia, 121
arms-for-hostages negotiations, 101
Article I
constitutional authority, 75
legislative powers of Congress, 44, 90
presidential powers, 84
Section 9, 124
Section 8, 159
Section 2, 178
Article II
chief executive, 47
constitutional powers, 84
power of president, 89
Article III, 50
Article IV, 55
Article VI, 55
Articles of Confederation, 37, 56, 318
Asian immigrant groups, 48
assault weapons ban, 196
assembly, freedom of, 121
Assisted Suicide Law, 126
attorneys, right to, 321
bail, 126
Baird, Zoë, 88
Baker v Carr (1962), 44, 178, 320
Bakke case, 131
Balanced Budget Agreement, 40, 164
balancing the ticket, 201
bank reforms, 162
banking regulations, 162
BANKPAC (American Bankers Association), 194
bankruptcies, 102
Barron v Baltimore (1833), 116
battleground states, 202
Beard, Charles, 38
Bentsen, Lloyd, 201
Bernstein, Carl, 211
Biden, Joseph, 201
bilingual education programs, 49
Bill of Rights
debated, 40
elastic clause of, 126
nature of, 116
negative statements of, 113–114
rights of citizens, 318–319
Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013, 62
Bipartisan Campaign Reform Finance Act, 322
bipartisan commission, 167
bipartisan debt commission, 165
birth-control devices, 129
black armband protest, 321
Black Political Action Committees (BlackPAC), 194
black women. See African Americans
Board of Education of Independent School District No. 92 of Pottawatomie v Earls (2008), 129
Bork, Robert, 90
Borked, 91
Bowers in Lawrence v Texas, 136
Bowers v Hardwick, 136
Bowling Alone (Putman), 152
Boy Scout leaders, homosexual, 136
Bradley, Bill, 165
branches of government, 73–112
Cabinet, 87–89
Congress, 75–77
executive-level departments, 99–103
new technology and presidency, 91–99, 95
policy-making process of Congress, 77–83
presidency, 84–87
presidential conflict with Congress, 89–90
presidential conflict with Senate, 90–91
White House staff, 89
Braun, Carol Moseley, 135
Brown v Board of Education (1954)
affect on civil rights, 113
case, 321
equal protection for African Americans, 130
historical turning point, 51, 130
stare decisis, 94
states challenge of, 95
Brown v Board of Education, II (1955), 132
Brown, Jerry, 166
Brutus No. 1, 317
Buckley v Valeo (1976), 120, 207
approval, 162–163
proposal, 163
reforms, 165
built-in review process, 97
Bull Moose party, 185
Bureau of Indian Affairs, 138
constitutional review of, 95–99
federal workers in, 97
policy making and, 96–97
Bush v Gore, 202
Bush, George H. W.
and Social Security, 167
bail out, 162
cabinet nominee, 88
First Gulf War advisor, 88
journalism investigation, 211
nomination for Supreme Court, 91
quota bill, 131
reduce deficit promise, 164
Bush, George W.
and US deficit, 164
devolution, 60
guest worker program, 49
Lilly Ledbetter Act, 134
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, 41
nomination for Supreme Court, 91
popular votes, 197
pre-convention strategy, 200
reelection campaign, 153
wiretapping program, 99
C-SPAN cable network, 205
California Board of Regents v Bakke, 131
California Civil Rights Initiative, 131
campaigns, 202
media coverage of, 209
PAC contributions to, 194
strategies, 202–204
Internet use by, 209
third-party, 184
capitalism, 150
Carter, Jimmy
legislative skills and shared relationship with Congress, 84
pardons from, 85
caucuses, 199
CBO (Congressional Budget Office), 163
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 80, 100
Certiorari, 93
CETA (Comprehensive Employment Training Administration), 158
chairperson, of national committee, 190
Chaplinsky v New Hampshire (1942), 119
checks and balances, 44–48, 319
balance of power through, 52–55
branches limited by, 150
Chemical Weapons Treaty, 101
chief diplomat, 84
chief executive, 47
chief legislator, 84
Chief Magistrate and His Power, The (Taft), 87
chief of state, 84
children, political views established by, 181
Chisholm, Shirley, 135
Choose or Lose campaign, 151
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 80, 100
circle theory, 54
Citizens United v Federal Election Commission (2010), 322
Civil Rights Act of 1964, 131
access to public accommodations, 127, 133
anti-gender-discrimination provision, 135
Martin Luther King and, 133–134
voting opportunities and, 180
civil rights and civil liberties 113–146
African Americans’ fight for, 130–132
Bill of Rights and, 116
Eighth Amendment, 126
federal government restrictions on, 150
for immigrants, 48
freedom of assembly, 121
freedom of speech, 118–120
Ninth Amendment, 126–128
religious freedom, 117–118
right to keep and bear arms, 121–122
right to privacy, 123–126
selective incorporation, 116
social movements and civil rights, 134–138
Civil Rights Legislation, 133
class theory, 31–32
class-based society, 152–153
Clean Air Act of 1970, 59
appointment of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 135
appointment of secretary of state, 89
as party leader, 86
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), 55
deficit-reduction programs, 165
divided government, 82
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Pursue policy, 136
Federal Reserve’s monetary policy, 161
government shutdown during administration, 42
journalism investigation, 211
legislative skills, 84
national budget, 62
national health security plan, 166
nomination for Supreme Court, 91
pardons from, 85
welfare reform, 59
Clinton, Hillary, 89
email investigation, 202
fundraising, 198
journalism investigation, 212
media use by, 210
popular votes, 197
pre-convention strategy, 200
run for president, 153
tracking polls for, 155
use of superdelegates, 201
women voters, 151
women’s rights, 135
young voters, 151
closed primary, 199
coalitions, 78
Cohen, Cathy J., 153
committee chairs, 79
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, 80
Common Cause, 205
Common Core curriculum, 41
comparable worth, 133
competitive federalism, 58–59
compliance monitoring, 102
Comprehensive Employment Training Administration (CETA), 158
Article I, 90
checking on president, 102–103
constitutional review of, 75–77
Democratic takeover of, 82
elastic clause, 52
legislative power, 97
legislative responsibilities, 77
policy-making process of, 77–83
presidential conflict with over national security, 89–90
Republican takeover of, 82
structure of, impact on public policy, 79
two houses of, 44
Congressional Budget, 103
Congressional Budget Office (CBO), 163
congressional campaign committees, 190
Congressional Hispanic Caucus, 49
Congressional Research Service, 85
Connecticut Compromise, 38
conservative ideology, 156, 156–157, 157
constituent service, 81
Constitution, 318
goals of, 42
unwritten constitution, 51–52
Constitutional Convention, 37–38, 40
constitutional review
of bureaucracies, 95–99
of Congress, 75–77
of presidency, 84–87
Constitutionalism, 29
Articles of Confederation, 318
competing policy-making interests, 318
Declaration of Independence, 317
Federalist No. 70, 319
Federalist No. 78, 319
Judiciary, 320
structure of Legislative Branch, 320
Consumer Price Index (CPI), 160
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), 102
continuing resolution, 163
contraceptives, 129
convention bounce, 200
conventions, 200
corporate taxes, 165
Council for a Strong National Defense, 194
Council of Economic Advisors, 88, 99
CPI (Consumer Price Index), 160
CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission), 102
Craig v Boren, 135
creative federalism, 58–59
Crime Bill (1994), 122
critical mass criteria, 132
cruel and unusual punishment, 126
Cruz, Ted, 95
culture of corruption, 194
customs, 165
Dale, Jim, 136
de Tocqueville, Alexis, 149
Dean, Howard, 198
Declaration of Independence, 317
Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions, 134
defense budget, 164
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), 55
DeJonge v Oregon (1937), 121
delegate model, 81
Democracy in America (Tocqueville), 149
Democracy Remixed (Cohen), 153
democracy. See American democracy
economic philosophies of, 157–158
party platform, 186–189
perspective, 42
takeover of Congress, 82
voters, 150
demographic representation, 81
deregulation, 162
Development of the Partisan Congress, The (Sinclair), 83
DeWitt, John, 317
disabled Americans, 137–138
discharge petitions, 79
discount rates, 161
age-based jobs, 137
in hotels and restaurants, 133
over gender, 134
District of Columbia v Heller, 122
divided government, 185
fallout from, 83
history of, 82–83
relations between Congress and president, 81
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, 60
DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act), 55
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Pursue policy, 136–137
Dothard v Rawlinson, 135
double jeopardy, 124
downsizing government, 60
Dred Scott case, 127
drug testing, 129
dual primaries, 199
due-process clause, 127, 127–128, 322
Dulles, John Foster, 88
earmarks, 205
Economic Interpretation of the Constitution, An (Beard), 38
economic issues, 38–39
economic philosophies, 157–158
Education Act of, 1972, 134, 135
Education of All Handicapped Children Act, 137
Eighth Amendment, 126
of incumbents, 204–206
opinion polls affect, 154–156
political socialization and, 153–154
reelection, 204
Eleventh Amendment, 138
Emergency Highway Energy Conservation Act of 1974, 59
Engel v Vitale (1962), 321
Enlightenment thinkers, 31
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
director of, 88
executive scrutiny of, 98
job of, 101
Obama-era regulations and, 162
pollution control, 98
Equal Opportunity Act of 1972, 1982, 58, 158
Equal Pay Act of 1963, 135
equal rights
African Americans, 113
for women, 40
homosexuals, 40
Equal Rights Amendment, 39, 135
equal-time provisions, 211
of gender, 134
of opportunity, 149
Escobedo v Illinois (1964), 125
establishment clause, 117, 118
ethnic background, voting and, 151
Every Student Succeeds Act, 41
excise taxes, 165
executive agencies, 175
executive appointments, 102
executive branch, 175
Executive Branch Civilians, 96
executive office of president, 99–102
executive orders, 48–50
executive powers, 47
executive privilege, 86
executive-level departments, 89, 99–103
Fairness Doctrine, 211
Family Medical Leave Act of 1993, 166
family values, political opinions and, 181
FDA (Food and Drug Administration), 98, 101
Federal Budget, 162–165
budget approval, 162–163
budget reforms, 165
deficit spending, 164–165
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 101
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), 58
Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA), 206
Federal Election Commission (FEC), 102, 206
Federal Election Commission (FEC) v Wisconsin Right to Life (2007), 207
federal election laws, 206–212
contribution limits, 206
for media, 208–209, 209–210, 210–211, 212
investigative and adversarial reporting, 211–212
Supreme Court decisions, 207–208
federal government
budgetary power, 159–160
limited power of, 150
local governments relationship with, 56–57
money borrowing, 164
restrictions on civil liberties, 150
Social Welfare programs reliance on, 158
federal grants, 59
federal personnel, 96
Federal Reserve Board, 160
Federal Reserve System, 160
Federal Reserve, monetary policy of, 160–161
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 98, 101
federalism, 319
evolution of, 57
national policy making and, 62
relaionship between federal and state governments, 55
tenth and fourth amendments and, 60–62
Federalist No. 10, 317
Federalist No. 51, 319
Federalist No. 70, 319
Federalist No. 84, 116
Federalist No. 9 [Federalist No. 09], 57
Federalist Papers, 34–35, 38, 52
Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists, 34–42
amendment process, 39–40
bicameral Congress, 38
Bill of Rights debate, 40
Constitutional Convention and development of United States System of Government, 37–38
current debate over role of government, 40–42
economic issues, 38–39
Electoral College, 39
slavery issue, 38
Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Act of 2000, 206
Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan), 135
feminism, 134–135
Ferraro, Geraldine, 135
Fifteenth Amendment, 134, 178, 180
Fifth Amendment, 124–126
fines, excessive, 126
firearms, 121–122
First Amendment
establishment clause, 117
free exercise clause, 322
freedom of assembly, 121
freedom of speech, 118
legitimacy to formation of special-interest groups, 192
First Party era (1828–1860), 184
fiscal policy, 161–162
Fisher, Abigail, 132
flag burning, 40
flat tax, 166
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 98, 101
formal indictment, 124
formal powers, 86
formula grants, 59
Fourteenth Amendment, 130
due-process clause, 322
equal protection clause, 320, 321
Incorporation Doctrine through Due Process Clause, 127–128
Fourteenth Amendment and federalism, 60–62
Fourth Amendment, 123–124, 129
Franklin, Benjamin, 37
free enterprise, 150
free franking privileges, 205
free riders, 191
freedom of assembly, 121
Freedom of Information Act, 211
freedom of speech, 118–120
Friedan, Betty, 135
front-loading, 199
front-runner status, 198
Frontiero v Richardson (1973), 135
full faith and credit, 55
Furman v Georgia (1972), 126
Gates, Robert, 88
gender discrimination, 134
gender equality, 134
gender gap, 151
general campaign, 202
General Services Administration (GSA), 102
gerrymandering, 44, 75–77, 178, 320
get-out-the-vote efforts, 202, 203
GI Bill of Rights, 137
Gibbons v Ogden (1824), 116
Gideon v Wainright (1963), 321
Gingrich Revolution, 163
Gingrich, Newt, 212
Ginsburg, Douglas, 91
Gitlow v New York (1925), 119, 128
Gladwell, Malcolm, 210
goals and public policy, 42
Gonzales v Oregon (2006), 126
good faith doctrine, 123
help from superdelegates, 189
popular votes, 197
run for presidency, 153
government, role of, 40–42, 42–43
Gramm, Phil, 78
Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, 78
grants, 59
grass-roots politics, 189
Grasso, Ella, 135
Gratz v Bollinger, 132
gray panthers, 137
Great Compromise, 38
Great Society programs, 158–159, 166
Greenspan, Alan, 160
Gregg v Georgia (1976), 126
Grievances, 317
Griswold v Connecticut (1965), 129
Grodzins, Morton, 58
Gross Domestic Product (GDP), 160
group affiliation, 176
group identification, 176
group theory, 191
Grutter v Bollinger, 132
GSA (General Services Administration), 102
guest worker program, 49
Gun-Free School Zones Act, 320
Haldeman, H. R., 89
Hamdi v Rumsfeld (2004), 126
Hamilton, Alexander
Federalist Paper No. 10, 34–35
Federalist Paper No. 70, 319
Federalist Paper No. 78, 95, 319
fight for new constitution, 37
handgun registration, 122
Harrison, Benjamin, 197
Hart, Gary, 211
Hayes, Rutherford B., 197
Health Care Reform Task Force, 89
Heart of Atlanta Motel v United States, 133
Henry, Patrick, 317
Hill, Anita, 91
Hispanic immigrants, 48
Hollings, Ernest, 78
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 118, 321
anti-sodomy law, 136
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Pursue policy, 136
equal rights for, 40
same-sex marriage, 52
Hoover, Herbert
economic theories, 184
laissez-faire philosophy, 161
Hopkins, Frances, 88
House committee chairs, 80
House Intelligence Committee, 103
House Judiciary Committee, 44, 103
House of Representatives, 44, 75, 77
House Rules Committee, 79
House Ways and Means Committee, 79
Humphrey, Hubert, 185
ICC (Interstate Commerce Commission), 101
Immigration and Naturalization Service, 99
Immigration Policy Center (2013), 183
impeachment, 44
of Bill Clinton, 53
of Richard Nixon, 44
public opinion and, 212
Impoundment Control Act of 1974, 103
income distribution, 152
Incorporation Doctrine, 127, 127–128, 128
incumbency, 176, 204, 204–206, 204–206
independent executive agencies, 175
independent regulatory agencies, 101
independent-expenditure-only political committees, 207
individualism, 148
informal powers, 86
inside the beltway coverage of presidential politics, 212
Interest groups, 190–206
501(c)4 Groups, 195
527 Super PACs, 195
as linkage to public policy, 190
campaign strategy, 202–204
caucuses, 199
election of incumbents, 204–206
general campaign, 202
group theory, 191
invisible primary, 198
linkage institutions, 175
linkage to public policy, 190
McGovern-Fraser Commission, 201
money game, 205
party nominating convention, 200
political action committees (PACs), 194–195, 195
popular vs. electoral votes, 196–198
pre-convention strategy, 200
primaries, 199
reelection and incumbency, 204
selecting vice president, 201
Social Welfare Organizations, 195
special-interest groups, 191, 192, 192–193, 192–193, 195–196
success or failure of, 195–196
super PACs, 195
and investigative journalism, 211
for fund-raising, 209
Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), 101
investigative reporting, 211, 211–212, 211–212
invisible primary, 198
Iran-Contra affair, 101, 211, 212
iron-triangle network, 98, 196
Is Congress the “Broken Branch?” (Mayhew), 83
Isenberg, Sasha, 203
Issue Salience and Party Choice (RePass), 182
issued networks, 196
It Takes a Village to Raise a Child (Clinton), 89
Jackson, Andrew
disobeying decision of Supreme Court, 95
Kitchen Cabinet, 87
popular votes, 197
Jacksonian Democrats, 200
Jay, John, 34–35
Jefferson, Thomas, 31
Jehovah’s Witnesses, 117
job discrimination, 131
jobs program prototypes, 160
Johnson, Lyndon
as Kennedy’s running mate, 201
Constitution and Civil Rights Act 1964, 131
Great Society programs, 158–159
egislative skills and shared relationship with Congress, 84
Jones, Paula, 53
judicial activism, 94
judicial branch, 175
Article III, 50–55
balance of power through checks and balances, 52–55
federalism, 55
powers, 51
unwritten constitution, 51–52
judicial philosophy, 94
judicial powers, 51
judicial restraint, 94
Judiciary Act of 1789, 320
Kaine, Tim, 201
Kennedy, Robert, 88
Kennedy, Ted, 204
Keynes, John Maynard, 161
Keynesian economics, 161
King v Burwell, 167
King, Martin Luther Jr., 133, 319
Kissinger, Henry, 89
Kitchen Cabinet, 87
Kushner, Jarred, 88
laissez-faire philosophy, 161
layer-cake federalism, 58
Ledbetter v Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, 133
Ledbetter, Lilly, 133
Lee v Weisman (1992), 118
Lee, Richard Henry, 35
legislative branch, 90, 96, 175, 320
Lemon v Kurtzman (1971), 118
Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, and the Transgender (LGBTQ) community, 136
Letter from Birmingham Jail (King), 133, 319
Letter from the Federal Farmer to the Republican, 116
Letters from the Federal Farmer, 36
Lewinsky, Monica, 54
libertarian ideology, 156, 156–157
Liberty and Order, 30–69
Bill of Rights, 318
Engel v Vitale (1962), 321
Federalist No. 10, 317
Gideon v Wainright (1963), 321
McDonald v Chicago (2010), 322
New York Times Company v United States (1971), 321
Roe v Wade (1973), 322
Schenck v United States (1919), 321
Tinker v Des Moines (1969), 321
Wisconsin v Yoder (1972), 322
Lieberman, Joseph, 201
Lilly Ledbetter Act, 134
limited government, 31–34
Lincoln, Abraham, 150
linkage groups, 191
linkage institutions, 175
Lipset, Seymour Martin, 159
local governments, 56–57
Logic of Collective Action, The (1965) (Olson), 192
logrolling, 78
lower-court justices, 90
Madison, James
Federalist No. 10, 317
Federalist No. 10, 34–35
Federalist No. 47, 52
Federalist No. 51, 319
Federalist No. 84, 116
fight for new constitution, 37
majoritarian model, 32
Making Globalization Work (Stiglitz), 152
Mapp v Ohio (1961), 123
marble-cake federalism, 58
Marbury v Madison (1803), 50, 52, 116, 320
Marbury, William, 320
Marshall, John, 116
Marshall, John, 320
Mayflower Compact, The, 34–35
Mayhew, David R., 83
McCulloch v Maryland (1819), 56, 57, 116, 159, 319
McCutcheon v FEC (2014), 207
McDonald v Chicago (2010), 122, 322
McGovern Commission, 189
McGovern-Fraser Commission, 189, 201
Means, Russell, 138
attempts to control, 209
bias, 210–211
coverage of campaigns, 209–210
impact on campaigns, 190
media frenzy, 212
monitoring, 209
old vs. new, 208–209
president’s relationship with, 212
role of, 147
Medicare Prescription Drug Act, 60
medium scrutiny standard, 135
Mettler, Suzanne, 149
homosexuals in, 136
personnel, decrease in, 96
minor parties, 185
Miranda v Arizona (1966), 125
Mobil Oil Corporation, 194
Mondale, Walter, 189
monetary policy, of Federal Reserve, 160–161
Morse v Fredrick (2007), 120
Motor Voter Act of 1993, 60, 180
national chairperson, 190
National Commission on Social Security Reform, 167
national committee, 190
national constitutional convention, 39
National Counterterrorism Center, 40
National Federation of Independent Business v Sebelius (2012), 61
National Firearms Act of 1934, 122
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 98
National Intelligence, 88
National Labor Relations Board, 98
national policy, 62
National Popular Vote bill, 198
National Rifle Association (NRA), 121, 194, 195
National Science Foundation (NSF), 102
National Security Council, 89, 99
National Transportation Safety Board, 98
National Women’s Political Caucus, 135
Native Americans, 138
NCLB (No Child Left Behind) act, 41
necessary and proper clause, 46
Negro Is Your Brother, The (King), 319
New York Times Company v United States (1971), 321
New York v Quarles (1984), 125
Nineteenth Amendment, 134, 178, 180
Ninth Amendment, 126–127, 126–128, 127–128
Nix v Williams (1984), 123
Nixon, Richard
all-volunteer military, 101
and Congressional Budget, 103
as party leader, 86
chief of staff, 89
executive privilege of, 86
impeachment of, 44
Kissinger as advisor of, 89
new federalism, 58
pardoned, 85
vice president of, 48
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) act, 41
nominating convention, 200
nominating process, 189
non-preferential primary, 199
NRA (National Rifle Association), 121, 194, 195
NSF (National Science Foundation), 102
Nuclear Option, 80
nuclear test ban treaties, 101
O’Connor, Sandra Day, 91, 131, 135
Obama, Barack
administration gridlock, 42
Affordable Care Act of 2010, 167
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, 62
cabinet appointments, 88
campaign theme, 153
devolution and, 60
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Pursue policy and, 136
fundraising, 198
immigration and, 49
immigration and, 99
Internet use by, 209
legislative skills, 84
nominations for Supreme Court, 91
pre-convention strategy, 200
reelection, 153
regulatory reform for banks and Wall Street, 162
US deficit and, 165
vetting procedures established by, 88
voters for, 151
wiretapping program, 99
Obama, Michelle, 89
Obergefell v Hodges (2015), 55, 137, 157
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 102
Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 87, 97, 98, 99, 163
Office of National Drug Control Policy, 99
Old-Age Survivor’s Disability Insurance and Medicare, 158
Olson, Mancur, 192
OMB (Office of Management and Budget), 87, 97, 98, 99, 163
one-man, one-vote principle, 178
Open Housing Act, 130
open party convention, 200
open primaries, 199
Open Secrets website, 205
Opening the Third Century of American Federalism (Elizar), 61
Operation Rescue, 121
opinion polls, 154–156
OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), 102
PACs (political action committees), 194–195, 195
Palin, Sarah, 201
Palko v Connecticut (1937), 128
pardons, 85
Parel, Rob, 183
parties, 183–189
party dealignment, 186
party eras, 184
party identification, 150
determining voter turnout and voter preference, 179
voting patterns influenced by, 181
party leaders, 86
party nominating convention, 200
party realignment, 184–185
party-line voting, 181
Patriot Act, 40
Pelosi, Nancy, 135
Pence, Mike, 201
Pennsylvania Packet and Letters from the Federal Farmer, 35
Pentagon Papers, 322
period of divided government. See divided government
Personal Retirement Accounts, 167
plain view characteristic, 123
Planned Parenthood v Casey (1992), 157
Pledge of Allegiance, 181
Plessy v Ferguson (1896), 113, 127, 130, 132
Plessy, Homer, 127
pluralism, 31
pocket veto, 85
policy voting, 150
bureaucracies and, 96–97
by Congress, 77–83
by president, 86
policy-making institutions, 62
policy-making interests, 30, 318, 319
political action committees (PACs), 194–195, 195
political ads, 206
political ideologies, 181
political participation
constitutional and legal basis of suffrage, 178–183
federal election laws, 206–212
interest groups, 190–206
nature of, 175–220
political parties, 183–189
political parties, 183–189
how organized, 189–190
national committee, 190
party dealignment, 186
party eras, 184
party realignment, 184–185
period of divided government, 185
third parties, 185–186
two-party system, 184
political socialization, 150
class-based society impact on, 152–153
election’s effect on, 153–154
voting patterns influenced by, 181
political theories, 32
politico model, 81
popular votes, 196–198
Populist parties, 185
pork barrel legislation, 78, 85, 205
poverty line, 153
Powell, Colin, 88
pre-convention strategy, 200
buget proposal from, 163
conflict with Congress, 89–90
conflict with Senate, 90–91
congressional oversight of, 102–103
constitutional review of, 84–87
election of, 39
enhancement beyond constitutional powers, 319
executive office of, 99–102
qualifications for, 47
succession of, 48
terms of, 52
presidential appointments, 52, 85
presidential candidates, 197
Presidential Debate Commission, 202
presidential debates, 202
primaries, 199
Printz, Sheriff/Coroner, Ravalli County, Montana v United States (1997), 61
privacy, right to, 123–124, 123–126, 124–126
privitization, 167
procedural due process, 124–126, 126
progressive taxes, 166
project grants, 59
proportional primary representation, 199
proportional taxes, 166
prospective voting, 180
public funding, of presidential campaigns, 208
public opinion, 154–156
public policy, 175
interest groups as linkage to, 190
opinion polls and, 154–156
Preamble’s goals and, 42
structure of Congress and, 79
public trials, 124
public-opinion polls, 155
pur curiam decision, 94
Putnam, Robert D., 152
Quayle, Dan, 201
Quincy, John, 197
Rational Choice Voting, 180
Reagan Democrats, 185
Reagan, Ronald
during surgery, 48
new federalism, 58
bully pulpit, 91
Federal Reserve’s monetary policy, 161
media use by, 209
nominations for Supreme Court, 90
tax cuts, 164
tax-code hanges, 165
reapportionment, 75–77
recession, 162
reelection, 204
regressive tax, 166
regulation, 162
religious background of candidates, 151
religious freedom, 117, 117–118
RePass, David, 182
representative democracy
civil participation in, 319, 321, 322
evolution of, 31–34
balanced budget, 163
economic philosophies of, 157–158
party platform, 186–189
takeover of Congress, 82
reserve requirements, 161
Reserved Power clause, 178
Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC), 102
retirement, 167
retrospective voting, 180
reverse discrimination, 131
Rice, Condoleezza, 89
Richardson, Bill, 49
Right to Life party, 185
right. See equal rights
rights. See Bill of Rights
rights. See Bill of Rights; See civil rights and civil liberties
rights. See civil rights and civil liberties
rights. See civil rights and civil liberties; See Bill of Rights
Riley v California (2014), 124
Roberts, John G., 91
Roe v Wade (1973), 94, 129, 157, 322
Roemer v Evans, 136
Roosevelt, Franklin, 52, 58, 85, 91, 95, 99, 137, 150, 184
Roosevelt, Theodore, 91
RTC (Resolution Trust Corporation), 102
Rudman, Warren, 78
rule of four, 93
Rules Committee, 79
Russian interference in 2016 election, 45–46, 103
Ryan, Paul, 201
SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks), 101
same-sex marriages, 52, 55, 137
Sanders, Bernie, 198
Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting, 196
savings and loan (S&L) problems, 162
Schenck v United States (1919), 321
searches and seizures, 129
Second period (1860–1932), 184
Second Treatise of Civil Government (Locke), 34
Secretary of State, 88
Secretary of War, 87
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 101, 160
selective incorporation, 116
Selective Service Act, 101
Senate filibuster, 80
Senate Judiciary Committee, 79, 90
Seneca Falls Convention, 134
senior citizens, 137
September 11, 2001 attacks, 40
Seventh Amendment, 124–126, 178, 180
Shaw v Reno (1993), 320
Sinclair, Barbara, 83
slaughterhouse cases, 127
slavery, 38
Smith, Margaret Chase, 135
social media, 92
social movements, 134–138
Americans with disabilities, 137–138
Don’t ask, don’t tell, don’t pursue policy, 136–137
feminism, 134–135
LGBTQ community, 136
minority group, 137
Native Americans, 138
same-sex marriages, 137
senior citizens, 137
women’s rights, 135–136
Social Security, 160
cost-of-living attached to, 158
explanation of, 166
saving system of, 167–168
senior citizens and, 137
social welfare programs/organizations, 158, 166, 195
Socialist party, 185
soft money, donations using, 206
speakers, 79
special-interest groups, 190
characteristics of, 191
legitimacy of, 192
membership, 191
mode of operation of, 192–193
political ads, 206
success or failure of, 195–196
speech, freedom of, 118–120
speedy trials, 124
Spirit of Natural Laws, The (Montesquieu), 34, 52
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 134
stare decisis, 94
START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty), 101
devolution, 60
dual federalism, 58
federalism relaionship between, 55
fiscal federalism, 58–59
grants, 59
layer-cake federalism, 58
limited power of, 150
local governments relationship with federal government, 56–57
marble-cake federalism, 58
Tenth and Fourteenth Amendments and federalism, 60–62
State, District, & Local Party Committee, 206
Statement of Separation, The, 317
Stepping Up (Parel), 183
Stevenson, Adlai, 200
Stiglitz, Joseph, 152
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT), 101
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), 101
Submerged State, The (Mettler), 149
2010 census, 181–182
2020 census, 182
constitutional and legal basis of, 178–183
legislation that advanced voting rights, 180
models of voting behavior, 180–181
party identification, 179
right to vote, 179–180
voting declines, 179
voting patterns, 181
why people vote, 181
sunshine laws, 211
super PACs (Independent Expenditure Committees), 195, 207
Super Tuesday, 199
supremacy clause, 55
Supreme Court, 50
decisions of, 207–208
establishment of, 51
justices, 90
limitations of power, 95
nominees for, 90–91
power of, 93–95
Swann v Charlotte Mecklenberg County Schools, 130
swing states, 202
symbolic representation, 81
Taft, William Howard, 87
Tammany machine, 189
technology, presidents use of, 92–93
campaign debates on, 203
press conferences on, 212
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), 102
term-limits amendment, 40
Texas v Johnson (1988), 120
Texas v Johnson (1989), 40
Third era (1932–1968), 184
third political parties, 185–186
third-party candidates, 184
Thorton v Arkansas, 46
three strikes and you’re out feature, 126
Three-Fifths Compromise, 38
Tinker v Des Moines (1969), 42, 321
Title VI, 49
Trail of Tears, 95
Travelgate, 212
treasury bonds, 164
trial balloons, 209
trials, 124
trickle-down, supply-side economic policies, 157
Truman, Harry, 85
Trump, Donald
Affordable Care Act of 2010 and, 167
border wall, 163
cabinet of, 88
deregulation program, 162
devolution and, 60
election, 153
Every Student Succeeds Act, 41
fundraising, 198
immigration policy, 50
immigration policy, 99
journalism investigation, 212
media use by, 92
Mueller Report Investigation and, 45–46
nominations for Supreme Court, 91
pardons of, 85
Russia investigation, 103
tracking polls for, 155
US deficit and, 165
Trump, Ivanka, 88
Trump, Melania, 89
trustee model, 81
TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority), 102
Tweed, William “Boss”, 189
Twelfth Amendment, 197
Twenty-fifth Amendment[Twenty-05], 48
Twenty-fourth Amendment[Twenty-04], 130, 178, 180
Twenty-sixth Amendment[Twenty-06], 151, 178, 180
Twenty-third Amendment[Twenty-03], 180
two-house structure of Congress, 79
two-party system, 184
U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 101
U.S. Information Agency, 101
U.S. population, 182
UAW v Johnson Controls, 135
undefined rights, 126–127
unemployment rate, 165
United States v Leon (1984), 123
United States v Lopez (1995), 320
United States v Miller (1939), 122
United We Stand, 185
universal health care, 166
University of Michigan Law School, 131, 132
University of Texas, 132
unwritten constitution, 51–52
USA Patriot Act, 40
VA (Veterans Administration), 98
Veterans Administration (VA), 98
vice president, 48
power of, 79
selecting, 201
Victory Lab, The (Isenberg), 203
Vietnam War
Pentagon Papers, 322
protests, 321
vocal campaigns, 185
Vote Cope, 194
Voter News Service, 155
voting, 116
behavior, models of, 180–181
declines in, 179
IDs for, 176
motives for, 181
patterns in, 181
registeration for, 179
suffrage, 179–180
suppression, 176
trends in, 147
turnout, 182
Voting Rights Act of 1965, 44, 76, 134, 178, 180, 320
Voting Rights Acts of 1957, 178
Voting Rights Acts of 1960, 178
Watergate scandal, 85, 211, 212
Weber v Kaiser Aluminum (1979), 131
welfare reform, 59
West Virginia Board of Education v Barnette (1943), 119
White House staff, 89
Whitewater investigation, 89
Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted (Gladwell), 210
Windsor v United States, 55
winner-takes-all primary, 199
Wisconsin v Yoder (1972), 322
Wolf v Colorado (1938), 123
African-American Secretary of State, 89
appointment to Supreme Court, 135
Donald Trump voters, 151
first lady, 89
for vice president, 201
gender equality, 134
Hillary Clinton voters, 151
voters, 151
Woodward, Bob, 211
Woodward-Bernstein investigative reporting, 212
World Trade Center bombers, 124
writ of certiorari, 93
writ of liberty, 124
Yates, Robert, 317
Yellen, Janet, 135
youth vote, 151
Zelman v Simmons-Harris (2002), 118
Zenger, John Peter, 118